*PDS* *Cub* Reese and Friends Trick or Treat - 2016

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#6 of Reese And Her Family

Story description for https://www.sofurry.com/view/776187

More slice of life than erotic, but they can't all be porn. Story contains fake gore, hyper vagina and hyper breast toddlers, and a vaginally prolapsed 9 year old with a long clitoris.

I wanted to write something halloween-ish for once and remembered Reese's great 2014 costume, so I wrote a story about it. It was meant to be a short one page story, it ended up about 5-6 pages.

Margaret and Morris try to and do come up with a great costume idea for Reese. They send it to friends and others come up with costumes before almost everybody goes trick or treating.

The un-named girl at the end is Chelsea Chamberlain of Inkbunny

who I randomly decided to give a cameo to.

Lias and Undine are two badgers barely younger than Reese, about a month or two, who have not been in any posted story yet.

Lyah is Suce's hyper breasted otter who happens to be cousin to Reese

Tosh is 3 years older than usual in this story.

Reese and Friends Trick or Treat by tannim October 13, 2016

"Thought of what you want to go as for Halloween, Reese? Watch the steps, there's gum there."

"Uh uh." Reese had to be pulled to the side away from the spit out gum as she just kept walking.

She wasn't paying too much attention to the floor with the large glass walls showing the pretty fish and mollusks. Things swam, floated, or were colorful without moving at all wherever she looked. The Aquarium was very distracting for a three year old otter.

Margaret steered her around more sticky litter on the floor, glad it was a slow day. "Honestly, you'd think they could clean this place more."

Next to her Morris shrugged. "That costs money. It's not that bad, not counting the gum. Most cubs don't have to worry about it. Gum can always be scraped off the bottom of a shoe."

"Yes, but it's harder to scrape off fabric than it is off of rubber. If I recall, you spent an hour trying to get the last pair of her pants cleaned. That mound of hers just collects stuff like that. Still, I suppose you're right. I've heard that they aren't making a lot of money with the aquarium of late. At least we have the whole hallway to ourselves so nobody is staring now."

Her husband pointed to one of the tank walls. "Not entirely true. That octopus is certainly staring. Let's go take a look, Reese." Reese went willingly to the tank with the octopus. It was a little smaller than Reese's mound with reddish skin over most of the body. Eight tentacle-like arms and it hugged a large rock on the floor of its tank. Both of its big eyes were facing them unblinkingly.

Margaret smiled at it. "I've always liked Octopus. They look so silly with all those tentacles."

"Actually, those are arms, Miss. Real tentacles are much different. Octo..." the helpful staff member backed away at the annoyed look the mother otter gave him. "k... Sorry, just passing through and thought I'd try to do my job." As the uniformed hawk left his word made Margaret cross her arms in satisfaction. "Ingrates."

Morris didn't even try to hide the smirk as the hawk . "I know you don't like to be corrected by random strangers, but you could have been nice, dear. It's their job to educate us. That's the whole point of coming to an aquarium."

"The hall was empty, we saw something, and he jumped on the chance. He should have introduced himself and said what the animal was before going on about whatever else was in there." Margaret joined Reese against the glass. "The TENTACLES are still silly."

Reese looked up. "What're Tentacles?"

"Those things on that octopus are tentacles. See? The ones with the white round things all over them. They wrap those around prey and pull them in to eat them."

Her husband crouched behind Reese and wrapped his arms around her quickly. "OCTOPUS ATTACK!"

"EEEEK! Daddy!" The toddler squealed and squirmed until she realized what was grabbing her. She squirmed more when he tickled her the instant she calmed down. "Wee Hee hee, Daddy, stop!"

In the tank, the octopus watched Reese intently. It swayed back and forth, seemingly mimicking the little girl's attempts to get away from the tickling. All eight of its arms rippled from root to tip in time to her own arm movements while she swatted her dad's hands away futilely.

Margaret looked up in time to see it and laughed. "Reese, look, the octopus is wiggling just like you are."

Even being tickled, Reese looked when she was told to. Morris kindly eased up so she could actually concentrate on what was happening, though he didn't stop entirely. His hands changed from vigorous tickling to gentle rubbing up and down his daughter's sides from the back. Reese leaned back against him, squirming a little when it got too much, but otherwise happy.

The octopus swayed for several seconds longer before it stopped. Reese laughed and clapped to try to get it going again, but it just stared at her instead. She tapped on the glass and pressed up against it. After a few more seconds, the octopus let go of its rock and scooted along the floor toward her.

When it got to the edge it spread it's arms wide and tried to wrap them around Reese's mound, only to swim back in confusion after bumping into the flat the glass. It tried again and its skin darkened color in agitation at bouncing off again. The otters were disappointed when it swam away and hid in a hollow pipe shortly after.

Margaret pat her daughter's head. "Well, that was fun. I think it likes you, Reese."

The octopus was the highlight of the trip. Other fish were there, but the toddler didn't get any response out of them and soon wanted to go home. They bought a souvenir mug showing an octopus upside down clinging onto the mug's top and a cute squishy rubber squeeze toy for Reese before leaving.

Morris held the girl in his lap on the drive, bouncing her as best he could with both knees. "Did you have a good time, Reese?"

She nodded and squeezed the toy to make it's head swell or its arms swell. "Yeah, it was fun."

"Good, Now we can try to think of a good costume for you for Halloween." Margaret didn't look over while driving. "Would you like to be a princess?"

Reese looked to her dad, who shook his head no. "Uh uh."

"Cowboy? You would look cute with a big hat and a vest."

"I don't like hats."

Morris nodded. "I don't like them either."

"You're not helping, Morris. How about a ghost? Quick, easy, and cheap."

"Dun like ghosts!"

Margaret kept throwing out suggestions on the way back home, getting wilder or sillier as she went and kept thinking about it while she drew with Reese. The girl was trying to draw her octopus toy. Hopefully she was finally off her last obsession, a children's singing group called the Squiggles. Neither Margaret nor Morris could handle hearing them much longer.

The mother otter smiled. "How about going as an octopus, Reese?"


Morris leaned around the corner out of the kitchen. "Did she really say something other than No?"

"Maybe is as good as yes to me!" Margaret stood up and grunted as she lifted her daughter with her. "So, you'll be going as an octopus this year!"

Her husband went back to cooking. "That'll be cute!"

Hours after Reese was in bed while both parents were trying to come up with the costume Morris shook his head. "I don't think we can make the head very round. All the arms are going to add a a lot of weight, too." He pushed aside the cardboard box. "I don't want a square octopus."

"You're right. That would look pretty bad."

"Maybe we can just put an octopus on her like a pet or something. Not that people keep them as pets. The only real time I see octopus in things is in fairly adult cartoons and artwork." Morris smirked and sat back. "Not that I am LOOKING for them, necessarily. Sometime's it's hard not to find things when you're bored and waiting on the laundry."

Margaret smirked. "There's a thought. Maybe one of those is wrapped around her mound... No, wait, I know. We can make her mound INTO an actopus. Make it actually look like it's attacking her. That'd be a lot easier. We'd just need to make the arms and paint one of her pull-ups to look like one while she wears it."

"YOU want to draw attention to it? You're usually the one trying to hide it under dresses or blankets. Ok, where's the real Margaret?"

"Oh hush. Come on, I think it'll work. I'll paint, you make the tentacles."




By the time Reese was up again. The basic outfit was finished. She clapped her little hands together when they showed it to her and held as still as an excited three year old could while her dad tugged the painted underwear up her enormous vulva. The general shape of her labia formed a slight ridge along the front and back of the Octopus's head, but with a little touch up paint it was hidden enough to look round.

It didn't look exactly like one without the arms, but it did look close. They wrapped the eight arms made of tapered red rubber shelf liner tubes around her body and used some fishing string to hold them in place. One went around each thigh. Two went up around her waist, another went around her tail. A long one went up her back to drape down her forehead with the last two also going up her back to grab her upper arms. The octopus needed some painted tape to seal the joins to the pull-up but from a ten or so feet away it looked pretty good while Reese turned around in front of them to show it off.

"Oh, we have GOT to take a picture of this."

The pictures turned out well. As did the video they made of her waddling around with her plastic pumpkin candy basket. Her legs brushing against her mound made the octopus covering it look like it was actively moving down there and changing expression as it did so. The tentacles, being rubbery, bounding and moved a little, too, just not as convincingly.

Morris was amused when Margaret came home the next day. "Ha, Oveta just called. Seems she's having something done for Lyah. I think our costume made her jealous. I'm not sure exactly what Lyah is going to be, but she said it'll be good."

Margaret flopped down on the couch, yawning. "Oh, mmm... That's good. Maybe we should invite everybody to go trick or treating together. Reese will probably enjoy it more this year and I'm sure she'd enjoy going with her cousin. I'm sure Lias and Undine would like to go."

"They might need help with costumes but I'm sure they would, too. What about Tosh? He's seven, but probably wouldn't mind going out with them."

"Sure, why not?" Margaret pushed herself up. "I'm going follow our daughter's wisdom and go take a nap."

Undine and Lias were the first to arrive Halloween day. Their costumes made both otters smile. They were cheap, very cheap, but not the worst they'd seen.

Undine was a robot and mostly hidden inside a shell of cardboard boxes crudely covered in ducktape and spattered with ketchup. She had a fake laser cannon on each of her robotic arms. Only her face was really visible as she came in. The boxes around her legs were making walking difficult.

Lias had apparently let his slightly younger sister have the good stuff. He wore strips of faded old clothes wrapped around him like a badly made mummy or severely burned patient. One strip covered one of his eyes and had a red rubber band with a painted pingpong ball dangling from it. The eye painted on was blood shoot in the front and red in the back.

The fabric was also streaked with red stuff, though in his case it was red jelly instead of ketchup. Their grandparents left two extra ketchup and jelly packets in case more gore was desired. Neither were allowed to sit in the house until a plastic sheet could be put over the chairs.

Oveta made them all wait inside while she got Lyah out of the car when she arrived. Lyah was quite a site when they did see her. A somewhat disturbing sight.

The three year old otter wore a nest around her waist with her enormous breasts resting inside. Each breast had a white coating around it to make it look like an egg. Each egg had a big crack in the top with a limp rubbery beak and half made bird head hanging out. The rest of the head was just a mass of some soft semi transparent red stuff, which turned out to be gelled diaper filling with red food dye.

Lyah's face was partially hidden with a bloody looking beak over her muzzle. She had a wing strapped over each arm so she looked somewhat like a baby bird. Below the nest her legs were covered in brown pants with a few green leaf shapes to suggest they were tree branches.

Margaret made a face at the gory details. "That is very disturbing, Oveta."

The girl's mother beamed proudly. "Thank you. I wanted something that hid her chest in plain sight like your costume. Since her chest does look sort of like eggs, I went with a chick in a nest having killed and eaten the other two. I'm not sure where I got the idea but it was so vivid in my mind and worked so perfectly, don't you think? Lyah likes it, too, don't you Lyah?"

Lyah looked away from the other children when she heard her name, but she hadn't been paying attention. "Huh?"

"You like your costume, don't you?"

"Oh. I guess?" The girl scratched under her left breast. "It's itchy."

"Hang on, let me see." It took a little scrounging around but Oveta dug a bit of straw out from under the toddler's basketball sized breast. "There, that's probably better. My, look at the others. A robot, a... an, um... hospital patient?"

Lias just looked at her, the dangling eye bouncing from whatever he'd been doing before she'd drawn his attention. Undine whispered to him and he laughed. Reese poked at Undine's jelly and licked her finger. None of the cubs were in the mood to really talk about their costumes.

"Probably something like that." Morris caught Reese's hand when she reached up for another taste. "Stop eaching the blood and guts, Reese. It's rude to eat other people's mess. Now, we just have to wait for one more to arrive and you can all go trick or treating."

Oveta frowned. "We? I'M not going! I'm not even wearing a costume!"

Morris gave Reese a carrot to munch from his Bad Costume bowl. "Why not go as a judge? I'm sure your robe is in the car."

"Well, it IS. Not really scary, though."

"Scary enough for a lot of people!"

"I guess I could. It's been ages since I've went out."

A car pulled in next to Oveta's and everybody peaked out the window to see Esme and Tosh climbing out. The mother goat was dressed in red and orange and looking vaguely like a flame engulfed woman with a two pronged spear. Two LED's on her forehead gave her a glowing pair of extra eyes above her real two. Nobody could figure out what her son was other than it that it was brown and cylindrical.

Margaret whispered to her husband as they came to the door. "What IS he wearing?"

"Haven't a clue. I see some white strip down it but other wise he looks like a cardboard tube."

Both otters waved with Morris welcoming her. "Esme, hello. It's good to see you again. You're looking hot tonight."

Esme looked at all the other costumes and only gave a slight shudder at the sight of Lyah and Lias. "My... isn't everybody looking so... wet and messy tonight."

Tosh walked around Lyah looking intently at the messy eggs and body parts. "Ha, wow, that's gross!"

Lyah looked to her mom, then back, shyly. "Thank you."

Morris tapped on the boy's costume. "And you are the scariest of all I see. An empty toilet paper roll."

Turning around to show off, Tosh let everybody see the cardboard tube he'd helped make. It covered most of his body from the neck down to just above his ankles with two straps over the shoulders to hold it up. His arms stuck out the front elbows to hands. He didn't have much mobility in the arms, but he could still hold his candy bucket. A long strip of torn toilet paper squares had been joined with drops of glue to make a long stripe of just enough paper to give hope without being enough to do the job to somebody who'd just used the bathroom and needed to wipe.

Oveta shuddered at past memories of similar sights in the bathroom. "That is a very scary costume!"

Esme snorted. "It is. He actually thought of it himself after I said no to the first several choices he'd come up with. I was impressed. What are you going as, Margaret? Morris?"

Margaret shook her head. "I'm staying here to pass out candy. I'm too tired to go out and do all that walking."

Slipping out of the room, Morris was gone for only a minute before he came back in, covered by an old patched sheet with holes cut out. "I'm a ghost."

"Wow... so creative, Morris!" Oveta tugged at his costume. "It took you what, twenty seconds to cut those holes out?"

When she touched him, Morris squeezed a whoopee cushion, making her jump. The back of his costume lifted up at the same time. "I'm a FARTING ghost."

"Dear, I thought we agreed that you were NOT going to keep that part..."

"I didn't actually agree to it. I just said I'd consider leaving it off. I considered it and wisely chose to keep that part included with the costume. Come on, you have to admit the look on her face was well worth it!"

Esme and Oveta just stared at him, but the children were laughing loudly. Tosh tugged at his costume and Morris let out another loud one for them to keep them laughing. When Margaret just sighed, he quickly took the kids outside. Oveta followed to her car to get her robe and Esme grabbed a few extra bags and flashlights before following as well.

Night was just falling as they walked down the street. They were the only trick'or'treat-ers out so far, but it was five houses before they found one that was going to give any candy. Nobody from the first four answered their knocking.

An alligator in a robe opened the door to the fifth and stood looking at them. "Oh, a bit early for the invasion of robots, isn't it? Hang on." He closed the door for a minute and came back wearing bowler hat, a black suit, and a toy tommygun, which he pointed at them. "What do you dirty rats think you're doing on my territory?"

Morris whispered now and they all went off. "Trick or Treat!"

"You're holding me up for candy?!" He spread his hands as though the children were holding guns. "Alright, Coppers, you got me. Heh, very creative costumes. An octopus attack, a robot, an... um... yeah, why not. Here." The big reptile pulled a handful of candy out and gave them each two pieces while eyeing Oveta. "Don't see many judge costumes. Nice choice. A rather nice demoness and... a ghost. Well, two of you tried. Good job on the kid costumes." He handed Esme and Oveta each a piece of candy. "For your trouble. And... I guess you deserve something too."

Morris squeezed the whoopee cushion when the tossed candy hit him and made the silly noise that had all the cubs laughing again. Even the gator smirked at the sight of the back of the costume going up in time to the rude noise. It went off again when Morris picked up the candy.

"The farting ghost thanks you." As they left, Morris nudged Oveta. "See? He liked it, he was laughing!"

"I still can't believe you went as a ghost."

"Well, after helping make Reese's costume and with all the house work i didn't have a lot of time. I went with what I could do quick. Besides, it was funny."

A few more children were out on the streets as they moved from house to house. Sunlight faded quickly by their third successful candy house. The older children came out and passed them as they walked down the road.

A few skeleton costumes glowed in the dark. A teen in a giant pumpkin costume waddled past, making Morris glad he chose not to go with a pumpkin for Reese. As the climbed the steps to one house a young canine, slightly older than Tosh, was already there about to knock.

She had a cow mask on with a deep red and very fleshy looking udder over her belly as the main features of her costume, though there was also a flash drive on a necklace around her neck for some reason. The parents mostly ignored the udder, but Reese, Lyah, and the other toddlers had a much better view of the girl's udder and saw it was actually real flesh that came from between her legs.

Lias squatted next to her and looked up, giggling at the sight of the girl's bare groin with the deep red flesh coming out. Two straps around her waist held the prolapsed flesh up in an udder with her clitoris stretched out and up to form a teat. Three other nubs were stuck on to look like torn up udders.

When the girl noticed him looking, she swished her hips to make her udder sway. "I'm a zombie cow! I'm going to eat your GRAINS! MOOO!!! Ha ha!"

Only Tosh and the adults got the pun, but the toddlers liked the Moo a lot and they mooed too. When they knocked on the door, the she joined them in saying Trick or treat and got the candy with them. The girl was impressed with Lyah's gory costume a lot and liked the other's too.

Morris tapped her on the shoulder he wasn't standing behind to get her attention after the house. "You're on your own?"

"Uh, yeah."

"You're welcome to come with us if you like. It's safer in groups."

The rest of the night was fruitful, though they were chased by a group of teens barking like dogs who were dressed in black. A neighbor who had been hiding out to spray trick or treaters with a hose sprayed them good when they got close enough. Three of them were caught and held for police for harassment.

By the time they got back the toddlers were yawning and struggling with the weight of their candy. They'd been out for two hours and came home to find Margaret asleep on the couch ignoring the kids waiting at the door. Morris gave them candy and let her rest.

Everybody said their good byes and Reese went to bed. Morris manned the door for a while, then gave his wife a treat of her own when she woke up. He carried her to their room and she quickly forgave him for his costume.

*Cub* *PDS* A Problem For Tammy's Mom - 2012

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