Tricky Treat

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Well, I hit 2000 watchers yesterday and I am releasing this story early as a little thank you for everyone on So furry. It's my halloween story, just a little bit of demon fun.

"Come on!" Whispered Chris emphatically as the two youths snuck across the old graveyard. It was a traditional old Christian burial grounds. Many of the gravestones were intricately carved, some had statues, most were covered in ivy. It had been over a hundred years since the last person was buried there. Although the old site had a hundred ghost stories attached to it, which suggested there may have been a few unmarked graves.

"I'm coming," snorted the rabbit's friend. "This had better be worth it, you know I am missing the game for this." The young tiger, David, was by far the most athletic of the two. His body was already well built, at eighteen this was their last year in school together. The two were friends more through location than interests, being born and raised next door to each other. A couple of years ago, during a sleepover a game of 'you show me yours, I'll show you mine' had turned into a little bit of mutual pawing. Chris had gotten over-excited and gone down on his friend.

The rabbit had expected his far more straight acting friend to freak out. However, the tiger had taken the pragmatic view, he liked getting his cock sucked and his friend was getting damn good at sucking it. Chris had tried a few times to temp him into doing a little more. The tiger had always backed out, they were suck buddies, not fuck buddies he would argue. After all balls touching was gay, although he did love when Chris played with his balls.

"It's Halloween, you wouldn't get to enjoy the game with kids trick or treating every five seconds," snorted the rabbit as they approached the church. His golden fur briefly illuminated by the full moon peeking out from behind the clouds. "My uncle gave me a key to this place, and I got this book from the old library, we are going to raise a little hell, or a demon from hell."

"Lame," grunted the tiger rolling his eyes. He pulled a bag out from his pocket. "Gummi bear?" The tiger asked, offering the rabbit the bag.

"Oh seriously, we are sneaking into an abandoned church to raise a succubus on Halloween for some seriously kinky fun, and you bring gummi bears?" The rabbit positively squeaked with indignation, but he did take a few of the sweet candies and pop them in his mouth. Then he finished opening the door. "Ok, to the altar, look if this doesn't work, I will suck you off right here. You know that would make a hell of a kinky story someday."

"You could have just sucked me off while I watched the game," grumbled the feline. The church was still set up for a service that would never come. Rows and rows of pews with bibles still laid out ready for worshippers, covered in a layer of dust. The old priest had gone mad, hung himself or something and the church had been closed. There was a new one just down the road that the two boys were dragged to every Sunday.

Chris ignored his friend, the place was perfect. Dark, dusty and with cobwebs everywhere. He rushed down to the altar and pulled a small jar out of his backpack. The rabbit had plans, he didn't believe in demons any more than David. However, he hoped that with the right setting and build up he might be able to trick his friend into more than just a blow job. The moonlight streamed through the stained glass windows casting long shadows everywhere.

The rabbit spilled the contents of the jar slowly and carefully in a huge circle right around the altar. "Salt, pepper and ginger, this circle will protect us from the succubus. Once inside it will have to follow our every command, take any shape, do anything we tell her. Including... you know... sex."

"Lame," grumbled the tiger as the rabbit sat down in front of the circle and placed a small bowl on the ground. He pulled out the dusty tome he had found in the library. It certainly looked the part, ancient broken leather backing. The pages yellow with age and the writing inside was by hand, with very poor hand drawn illustrations. He turned to the page for succubus, and then past it, to incubus. After all, he didn't want some girl sex demon he had just said that to stop David saying it was gay.

He pulled a plastic bag containing all his carefully prepared ingredients. Then he set to work, "holy water, salt, a pawful of earth from an old grave, hair of a dog..."

"Eye of newt, toe of bat, nipples of kitten," mocked the tiger as he watched his friend mixing up the brew.

Ignoring the tiger Chris began to mumble the incantation "bestiam ex concupiscentia egredietur, audi praecepta et voluntatem meam..." the rabbit jumped as a loud crash echoed around the empty church.

"Gotcha!" David sniggered, at his foot was the large bible he had sneakily dropped. In the silent building the noise had echoed around.

"Don't be an ass, come on it's just a bit of fun, know I'll do more fun stuff for you. Assuming you can just stay quiet for a bit." Snorted Chris, unable to hide his growing ire. This was not how he saw the evening going. David held up his paws in submission, annoying the rabbit was only so amusing. Besides the threat of no oral after all this was reason enough to just let Chris have his little Harry Potter moment. "bestiam ex concupiscentia egredietur, audi praecepta et voluntatem meam, "bestiam ex concupiscentia egredietur, audi praecepta et voluntatem meam, "bestiam ex concupiscentia egredietur, audi praecepta et voluntatem meam." The words echoed around the empty building, for a moment David couldn't tell if it was just Chris speaking. His ears seemed to be picking up more voices and he glanced around nervously.

"Accipe munusculum de manibus meis: et facta est universa." As he spoke the rabbit grabbed for something in his bag, only his paw found nothing. The echoing words died away. "Damn it, I forgot the claw of bear!"

"The claw of bear? Where the fuck did you get a bear claw?" David asked his nerve starting to return.

"It's just some trimmings from Mr Portus, I stole them from his desk." The rabbit blushed as he saw the disgusted look on his friend's face, when he announced he had stolen something like that from their polar bear teacher.

"Needs bear to work huh?" the tiger asked, giving a grin a cheshire cat would be proud of. His paw slipped into his pocket, the was a rustle of plastic and then he flicked something into the bowl. "Bear of gummi." He announced dramatically as the blue gummi bear landed in the dish in front of the rabbit.

"David! You dick!" The rabbit snorted turning on his friend. "You couldn't just play along could you?"

"Did you really expect him to? He's the traditional alpha male. I've only just met him and I could tell you that," The boy's froze as the voice sprang out of nowhere, along with it's owner. Chris could see the look of pure shock on David's face and he froze, both wanting to turn and see and at the same time wanting to hold on to his ignorance for as long as he could. "Now what the hell did you use to conjure me? A ring made of table salt and pepper, bloody amatuer hour... and don't get me started on the sugary treat you used to bind me. Seriously you couldn't get hold of a bear's claw?"

"I... I was gonna use my math teachers claw clippings..."

"Ewwww! Say no more! I think I'm better off like this," the voice replied, the accent strange maybe just a little too English. it sounded fake and yet real at the same time. "At least I should be extra sweet and tasty. Now, how about a look at your face, hmm? Turn around so I can see you, there's a good lad."

Chris slowly began to turn, his eyes closing but somehow he couldn't resist doing what the voice asked. "Oh come on, you summoned me, now grow a pair, so I can suck something fun out of them." The voice mocked and then added, "not bad though, you and your friend are certainly handsome. Should be a fun night, assuming neither of you pisses yourself in fear."

"I'm not scared," David's voice betrayed him, cracking a little as he spoke.

"Oh, no, of course you're not," chuckled the voice. "Mmm big brave boy like you, ohh and such a dirty mind." Chuckled the voice, sarcasm dripping off every word. "It's ok you know, he actually brought you here to get you to do just that to him. A bit sad really, trying to convince some guy you are possessed by a sex demon, just to get him to fuck you. Then again, as much as you want to fuck him you are all 'ohhh no if I stick my cock up a guy's butt it means I'm gay.' Silly little poppet, sticking your dick up a guy's butt really means only one thing... you're going to bust a nut soon and enjoy it. Believe me, I've been a sex demon for going on a thousand years, in the end the labels don't matter, just fuck away and stop worrying."

"I am not going to take advice from a...whatever you are," snarled the tiger.

"What are you going to take from me... ohh now there's a thought. I could certainly do that if you wish." Chuckled the demon mockingly. "Although, I'm not sure you are man enough to give that to me. Hell the last time I was summoned I was already bent over being fucked hard by now. Still he was a real man, he knew how to treat a sex demon."

Slowly Chris forced his eyes to open. The demon was lounging on the altar, his legs spread wide as he smirked at the two boys who had summoned him. The rabbit gasped in shock as he realised he could see the moonlight actually reflected through the creature. It's body was clear blue, it looked like crystal and yet not quite, like some child's cheap plastic imitation jewelry. His body was trim and yet with a muscular upper torso, a bear by species. Although with some batlike wings, just stretching out behind him. His face looked like a teenager, he looked their age, eighteen no older. Yet the rabbit knew he had to be much, much older.

"Well now, nice of you to join us poppet," the demon chuckled, the light passing through him almost dancing as his body moved. "So, you two want to get this started? I mean it's been nearly five minutes and I'm a busy guy. Places to go, people to do. You have me until dawn I suppose, unless you decide to dismiss me early. Like a couple of utter cowards."

"I'm not afraid of you," David said stepping forward, a paw grabbed his arm and he looked back. Chris nodded down at the tiger's feet, mere inches from the line of salt.

"Well that's good, I mean there's no reason why you should be afraid. I'm just a demon summoned from hell, to fulfill every sexual desire you have in that nasty little head of yours." The demon replied cheerily dropping down off the altar and walking right up to the edge of the circle. Chris could see a plump sheath and heavy set of balls nestled between the beast's thighs. "Oh my you have quite a few as well, although, most of them seem to involve shoving bits of yourself inside your friend here. Which means wishes just so happen to be horses today, cause he would love to feel you under his cottentail."

"I didn't... I don't..."

"Yes, you do. Don't lie to a sex demon, we can read minds. Well, that's not fully true, I can read desires, your sexual desires." The bear licked his lips slowly. "You came up here, because you wanted a blow job, he came cause he wanted to get fucked. I'm happy to give you both that and so much more, if you have the balls to step in here with me. Don't be shy, I can't hurt you, can I poppet?" The last statement was aimed at the rabbit.

"Yes... that's right we summoned him, he has to do as we say," Chris exclaimed as he remembered the book, picking it up. "It says here that as long as the circle remains intact he will do anything we ask, if it get's broken he gets sent back to hell... what's hell like?"

"Oh you know, sex, drugs, rock and roll. It's like the sixties but with wifi," the demon replied with a chuckle.

"Hell has wifi?"

"Oh course poppet, all the best porn is on the internet. Though you know all about that don't you? Watching all those naughty, naughty videos every night." Chuckled the bear stepping right up to the edge and giving the rabbit a lascivious wink and a lick of his blue lips. "So, which one of you boys is going to have the balls to go first?"

"I'm not afraid of you," snarled the tiger.

"Great, then get your clothes off, your cock out, and I'll show you what ten thousand years as a sex demon has taught me about pleasuring others," the demon replied lowering his voice and winking.

"David... maybe we shouldn't," the rabbit mumbled.

"Oh come on, you summon me here. Made me all jelly like, you know I have to stay this way until it's my turn to be summoned again, I could be a gummi-bear-demon for the next two hundred years. The least you can do is let me do my job." The demon practically pouted as he talked, and then leaned closer. "Look, just stick your cock over the circle and I'll make you glad I did. There's nothing to worry about, I can't get out. Plus my teeth are made of jelly. All you'd have to do is step back to escape me."

Two teenagers stood there for a moment looking at each other. Chris could see the tiger thinking it through. He wondered if he should offer a blow job, or more. If he just took the tiger away he could be sure the feline would be safe. This was his idea, he knew that if anything happened to David he would never forgive himself.

"Do you really want to tell the story of how you summoned a sex demon, but didn't have the balls to go through with it?" The bear chuckled. "Can you just imagine the look on your friend's faces when you admit you were too much a pussy to let a real, honest to god... well sort of honest and not that god... expert at cock sucking, drain your balls?"

"Ok," the demon and tiger turned, as one, to see Chris standing there, his cock in paw holding it over the line of salt. The demon smiled and almost purred in pleasure, "looks like the bunny has bigger balls than you, mmm and not a bad looking cock." It took a quick step to the side and fell to its knees. "I promise you will enjoy this."

The creature's paws felt strangely soft and gentle as they reached out. Chris sighed at the sensation and then moaned when a thumb slowly rolled around his glans. A little electric thrill of pleasure running up his cock. Then he felt breath, warm and moist, it surprised him; he expected the jelly creature to be cold. Next he felt a tongue a broad moist tongue dragging slowly, almost too slowly over his shaft. His hips thrust a little on instinct.

"What's it feel like?" the tiger asked watching the scene unfold in front of him, a small tent being erected in his jeans.

When Chris opened his mouth to reply, two soft lips closed around his cocktip, a warm tongue swirling around his coronal ridge, "oh fuck! So good!" The demon's lips slid lower and then bobbed back up the tongue dancing on his hot and very hard length. The creature bobbed back and forth on the drooling shaft, his tongue dancing as the excited young man thrust his hips again. With expert judgement the suction on the cock was just enough to trigger all of the rabbit's senses, and yet not satisfy them. Forcing him the lust for more.

The muzzle continued to bob, only taking the half length into his mouth. "Fuck...nnngh take it all." The rabbit moaned as his hips thrust forward more and more, pushing his cock just a little deeper.

"Oh I'd love to get my lips to your crotch, but it's outside the circle," both the boys squealed as a second identical demon spoke. It was perched on the altar just like the first had been. "Oh, come on I'm a demon, I can have as many bodies as I need, to satisfy as many people as need it." With a wink the demon hopped off the altar and approached David, saying. "So do you want to feel what your friend in experiencing?"

The tiger's pants hit the floor before the question was finished, his thick maleness jutting out proudly as he leaned it over the white line of salt. "What do you think, bitch?" the feline asked with a hedonistic purr and a bit of a macho flex.

"Ohh I think I know a born top when I see one," chuckled the demon as he slipped to his knees before the tiger. He didn't waste any time, he knew the tiger was far more about feeling the full pleasure than a slow build up, unlike his friend. The feline's cock was a good few inches longer than the rabbit's, thicker too. With happy moans the demon bear's muzzle slurped along as much of the throbbing meat as it could. Always stopping just before the invisible barrier of the protective ring.

With cries of bliss the two boy's were lost in heaven, or hell. The demon knew how to please and how to tease, pulling back a little too far each time, not sliding far enough forward. Chris was already thrusting his hips well beyond the salt. He gasped with surprise delight as soft warm hands grasped his swinging sack. His orbs were cradled and caressed, then tugged gently. They felt full and ready, as eager as any young man to blow his load and yet for some reason release wouldn't come. The demon played his maleness like a master flautist plays the flute. His fingers and lips working in perfect harmony to play the cock in his mouth.

Every passing moment the rabbit moved further and further forward. Until, without thinking he took a step forward, inside the circle. Suddenly his cock was hilt-deep inside the demon's throat and he felt paws, many of them wandering over his body. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting to break the moment with the realisation of the risks he was taking.

He cried out as he felt paws on his buttocks, stroking and pulling on them. His pert mounds were forced apart and then he felt the delicious sensation of hot air breathing over his taint. Part of his mind tried to flash warning signs, he was inside the circle and surrounded already by at least two full bodied demons. When he felt the touch of a warm tongue to his quivering pucker all doubts fled from his mind. All he could think of was the pleasure he had so long desired to feel was filling him.

Lips soft, and subtle were pressed to his, he kissed back. The taste in his mouth deliciously sweet and sugary, while a thick tongue invaded his muzzle and hole at the same time. He cried out, his moans muffled by the expert tongue. His balls tightening and then before he knew it, his body was trembling, fingers pinched his nipples hard and the new sensation was the final straw.

Chris's squeals of delight were muffled by the demon muzzle on his lips, while the muzzle below milked his cock. The tongue inside him wriggling around as he gave his everything to the incubus. Both the boys had their eyes close and they didn't see the light glow that came to the eyes of the incubus as it devoured the sexual release of its master.

The tiger was far too lost to his own pleasure to notice his friend's release. Had he glanced over he would have seen the three blue demons around his friend. However, he kept his eyes shut, his paws reaching down to grab the demon's head. Bucking his hips wildly, fucking his thick meat into that wonderful warm muzzle. The sudden sensation of a warm tongue licking his swinging balls was welcomed with a groan and a deep lustful. "Shit...yes! Fucking take it all!"

Strong blue arms slipped around his chest, "Yeah, I love a strong alpha male, go on poppet give it to me hard as you can. Demon's don't need to breathe." The demon purred into his ear, then licked on his neck, following it up with soft nibbles on David's stripy shoulders. David didn't think, he just enjoyed the sensations thrusting harder and harder, his orgasm getting closer and closer. His body thrusting wildly, showing no care of control, he rutted the muzzle without a care or thought.

Just when he felt his balls begin to tighten suddenly the tight heat vanished from around his cock. The head in his paws simply ceased to exist. David roared with impotent rage as his balls stung from the lack of release. The demon nibbling on his neck chuckled, "aww calm down poppet, I won't let your balls go undrained." As he spoke the demon's paw cradled the tiger's aching needy balls in two paws. "Just look over there..." A blue paw pointed to the altar, where another demon was laying over the stone surface. His ass high and legs spread, tail lifted.

The tiger was too aroused to be able to understand, "huh?"

"You know you want it, I want it, just go nuts. A quick fuck and you will blow a load bigger than anything you have ever done. I know you want this, I can see your every dirty little desire," the paw slipped onto David's aching cock, a single digit slowly teasing his glans, running in painfully slow circles. "Just take this, big thick, tiger cock and give it to me. As hard as you can."

"I... it's..."

"Shhh poppet, stop worrying about it, nobody will find out, "whispered the demon. "Nobody believes in demons anymore, nobody would believe Chris. And you want it, you need it. It will feel soo good, just walk over and sink your cock balls deep. Give me everything you have boy... a real male wouldn't need convincing, he wouldn't care about what others thought. He'd just take what he wants. I thought you were a real man, an alpha male. Was I wrong, little kitten?"

"I'm not a kitten!" David snarled and then growled as the demon chuckled into his ear.

"Then prove it!" Sniggered the demon into his ear and it was all the tiger could take. He leapt forward. With a deep snarl of pure lust he grabbed the demon, his claws sinking into the soft blue ass. The demon moaned delightfully and David felt a blue paw grabbing his cock, directing it. When he felt the kiss of a warm tailstar on his meatus the tiger thrust forward powerfully. "Oh Fuck! That's it boy, show me how much of a man you really are!" The cry came from three different demons at once.

David was lost to the pleasure of that ass, so warm and tight. It fit his cock perfectly, almost sucking it in and yet pushing back just enough. He growled deeply with savage lust, showing the demon all the tenderness and respect it deserved. His hips pounded into the blue body with wild abandon, holding nothing back. Not even caring when he felt his nuts slapping heavily against the demon's. Claws dug deeper into the creature, pulling it back to meet his every savage thrust.

For his part the demon on the altar squealed, he wriggled like a bitch in heat and pushed back into each savage thrust. While across the circle three demons were surrounding Chris. The tongue in his ass had become a finger, the lips kissing his were on his neck nibbling and whispering into his ear, "mmm just look at David go... you want him to do that to you don't you? Sweet little rabbit cub, always horny for his friend." three paws were stroking the rabbit's aching shaft and another was thrusting two fingers inside him, in time to David's savage thrusts. A mouth sealed around his nipple and he felt a bolt of pain as it bit down lightly. The pain blending with the pleasure filling him to make him cry out in bliss.

"Yes....oh yes... I want him!" The rabbit admitted his mind hardly functioning as his boy was assaulted by the perfect mixture of pleasure and pain. The demon smiled, knowing he could keep the boy on the edge of his orgasm for as long as he needed, in hell he had held his victims a heartbeat for orgasm for decades.

The tiger was rapidly approaching his orgasm, warm tongues suddenly licking his balls and shaft, as he bucked, were a blissful addition. Nothing could stop him though, he was going to have this bitch, he snarled with feral desire picking up the pace. He roared as a tongue lapped over his pucker, the sudden strange sensation throwing off the moment of orgasm just a few seconds. If David had not been so deeply lost to his lust he would had panicked; Chris had grabbed his ass once while sucking him off and it had ended the session. To the tiger his ass was a very much out door only.

However, he couldn't force his body to stop. Even when he felt the tongue worming its way beyond his struggling defences he kept thrusting. The distraction only enough to prolong his breeding, he was held on the precipice. His orgasm hanging by a thread, like a sword of damocles, and only the demon would decide when that thread was cut. The tongue inside him wormed deeper and stroked against something wonderful a jolt of pleasure shoot up his spine. Followed by another and another, he couldn't help but push back into that feeling.

With the lewd display in front of him Chris felt his own desire burning inside him. He watched that thick tiger cock reaming the blue ass, the shaft could be seen inside the translucent blue body. David's body was so drenched in sweat the rabbit could see his fur sticking to the blue ass. The fingers inside him were pulled away and he felt deeply empty, "mmm you want me to show you what it feels like poppet? You want me to pound you, like he is pounding me?"

"Yes!" The rabbit's voice squealed urgently and before he even realised what he had agreed to a cock was pressing to his ass. The thrust forced him forward, just a little, as he felt his ring spreading around the invading maleness. He sighed deeply as the demon cock slid inside painlessly, the demon using just a little bit of magic to numb any pain from the rough entry. Later on the boy would feel the soreness of the rough fucking, but the demon didn't care about that.

"I do love a nice ripe cherry," the bear purred into his ear, as his hips started to fuck faster. Matching the tiger stroke for stroke. With each thrust the rabbit was nudge closer and closer to the altar. Where David was panting and gasping, desperate to orgasm and yet somehow still unable to cum. Had his brain not been drenching in hormones he might have wondered why his orgasm was so desperately close and yet never arrived.

The tongue pulled out of his ass, he sighed with relief and then yelped as two fingers thrust inside him. "Awww, little kitty can't take a little pinch without mewing for his mummy? I thought you were a big strong alpha," mocked the demon as he fucked the tiger with two digits, not holding back letting the tiger feel just enough pain to hold off his orgasm further. At the same time he hooked his fingers around, stroking the feline's prostate. He felt the ass clenching around him and the tiger pushing back more.

Chris gasped as he felt a warm mouth around his cock, milking it expertly. While inside him the demon's cock throbbed and pounded, reaming him wider. His squeals and squeaks of pleasure echoed around the church, mixing with the growls and snarls of his friend. The sounds of their lust dancing around them, echoing into every corner of the hallowed place. The warmth around the rabbit's cock disappeared for a moment, and then was replaced with something far tighter and hotter. Chris couldn't believe what he was feeling around his cock, He thrust forward wantonly, the demon's powerful thrusts forcing him deeper.

The tiger had gasped as he felt the fingers pull from his ass, he felt the demon's cock pressing against him. The words, stop or no, never crossed his mind. His body submitted willingly to the alpha above him, the heat inside wonderful as it slammed home. He felt his balls kissing another warm pair and then the demon under him vanished. He fell onto the altar, no longer the top, but the bitch. The willing and mewling bitch, pushing his hips back desperately into the thrusting of his lover. His body was alive with pleasure and the desperate need to cum.

A warm paw grabbed his cock jerking it rapidly. The demon was laughing around the two males. While the bear fucked the rabbit further into his friend. The bunny and tiger were too lost in the moment to see what was happening. Their bodies were both desperate to cum and the demon was finally ready to let them.

It was Chris who peaked first, squealing desperately as he fucked David's ass with everything he had. His cock throbbing as he emptied every drop inside his friend's formerly virginal ass. The warm sensation inside him proved too much for the tiger he lifted himself up with both paws and roared as his cum shoot out far across the room, a demon paw milking his throbbing shaft.

"Ohh, somebody's a distance shooter," the demon chuckled his paw milking the cock for every drop it could give. The two young males crying out as around them all the versions of the demon stroked themselves. As one they came, demon spunk sweet, blue, and sticky raining down over the two boy's. While the lay on each other panting, over the altar. Chris felt the warmth of something flooding his ass, he was too gone to move , he just buried his face in David's back and tried to recover.

When the two boy's finally recovered they found themselves alone. Chris gasped as he realised what, and who he had done. Standing up he moaned as his cock slipped out of the tiger's hole a small gush of bunny cream chasing it. "David...I."

"Don't... don't say anything," snarled the tiger while he stood up and started to look for his pants. The two boys dressed in silence, the both could feel the fluids stuck in their fur drying. The tiger finished dressing first and headed for the door, like an arrow from a bow.

When he reached the door a paw grabbed his arm, "David please... I didn't want this!"

Turning on him the tiger snarled," yes, you did. You have been trying to get me to fuck you for months! Admit it."

"Well.. I mean, I like you and... I thought you'd like it. However... I mean I'd never... you know... I just.." The rabbit's stumbling words trailed off, he couldn't think of what he should say. 'Sorry I fucked you, but a demon made me do it.' Somehow he knew that didn't make it better.

David sighed and looked at his friend, the rabbit was standing in just his tighty whitey underwear and t-shirt, on the steps to an abandoned church at midnight. They had just summoned and fucked a demon, it was a lot to take in. However, he couldn't stop the smile on his face at his friend chasing him in his undies. "I know... it'll be ok. Just get your pants, I recorded the game, want to watch it with me?"

Tears began to flood the rabbit's eyes as he felt a wave of relief flooding his body. The demon had clearly been trying to break their friendship, he had made him do the one thing he thought would tear them apart. Apparently the great eternal beast had underestimated the two of them, "sure... I'd like that."

"Maybe you could give me some head too," the tiger chuckled and then added with a wink. "You do it way better anyway."

"I'd love that!" Chris squeaked and blushed at the same time.

"Well go get your pants!" The tiger commanded with a chuckle. As Chris ran back up the stairs the rabbit was sure he heard David add, "maybe afterwards I can try being on top."

Chris jogged to the altar and gasped to find the demon lounging against it. "Oh bollocks, I thought you two had pissed off... or do you want a round two?"

Shaking his head Chris grabbed his pants, "I just...we are leaving."

"Thought so, well I got you what you wanted... before the sun is up he will be blowing a load inside you. He's an alpha male after all, he needs to prove that to you," the bear chuckled licking his lips. "Isn't that what you summoned me for?"

"Well... I... sort of," The rabbit replied, fastening his belt and grabbing his bag. "What do I do now?"

"Well, you go get your man you daft little bitch!" Laughed the demon and winked. "If you don't mind just leave me summoned, I get sent back to hell at first light. It'd be nice to spend a few hours without having to pleasure or punish."

"Y...yes, ok. I have to go anyway," the rabbit replied and gave the demon a little wave as he left. "I... thank you, I guess."

"You are very welcome poppet," muttered the demon as the rabbit left and then a broad grin spread across his muzzle. He leaned against the altar for a little while. "Well, God, seems I just had sex in your house. You have to love horny teens don't you. They think with their dicks. Poor little darlings have been in love for years, now they will show each other that love fully. Don't think I've gone soft though old man, that was just a thank you for what they did for me."

Hopping off the altar the demon walked to the circle of salt. A white shimmer glinted in the moonlight, a long lines of feline spunk. Crossing the circle of salt. "Table salt, utterly amatuer hour, how delightful though. Had he used rock salt, like a pro, this wouldn't have been a problem. Table salt dissolves so much easier.." The demon reached out a leg, for a moment he felt resistance and then his foot landed outside the broken circle.

The two boys were long gone when the door to the church opened. The blue demon stood atop the stairs and looked out over the dark world. Spreading his wings he laughed, "time to raise a little hell."

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by avatar?user=166120&character=0&clevel=2 Edesk

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