Every Drop

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#29 of Kinktober 2016

Tala works in a milking plant. Her job? Being milked of course. Very, VERY pleasantly milked indeed. <3

This story contains solo sexual acts involving a herm, and is day #29's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink is Milking, and comes to you thanks to IdejTauren! :3

Every Drop

Tala had never before experienced comfort like this. The apartment in which she was staying felt like a five star hotel resort. The food excelled beyond even those standards, and the staff were not only beholden to her every whim, they seemed as thrilled to be doing their jobs as Tala herself was each day.

There was only one downside. That she was only able to do her job for six hours a day. For, if they had let her, Tala would never have ceased in her efforts to provide for her employers. Each night, no matter how fun the day, she welcomed sleep eagerly knowing that with the morning would come the approach of another day's employment. And by the time nine o'clock approached and the tauren was wandering across the farmyard to the milking shed, she wasn't just thrilled by the idea of work commencing once more. She was excited. Very visibly, physically excited.

Shuddering in anticipation, Tala stroked her thick cock as she entered the shed. In front and behind her other women were similarly eager as they too arrived, some giggling and chatting to one another between husky moans as they rubbed swollen clits between their fingers, a couple even clutching toys tight against or even within their bodies. They soon parted ways of course, each heading for their own designated booth, but it didn't keep them all from hearing one another. The gasps. The snorts. The moans. The first shrieks and bellows of pleasure.

Tala smiled as she approached her own booth, a beaming sandy furred kangaroo standing just outside it, awaiting her arrival.

"Morning, Ms Grovehorn. How are we today?"

The tauren giggled, brushing the fingertips of one hand across the male marsupial's tent crotch on her way past him and into her booth. She felt his already stiffened member twitch with delight, and murmured back over her shoulder as she slipped into position within the padded metal frame of the mechanical apparatus that made her job so very, very pleasant.

"Feeling productive, Xander. L-let's get started quickly today, okay?"

With a warm nod, the kangaroo assisted Tala in her preparations. From the larger machinery resting around the frame that comfortably closed around and held the tauren upright, Xander pulled forth a number of transparent hoses and tubes, at the ends of which varied forms of suction cups stood. With a gentle hum the machine to which these tubes were connected sprang into life, and a soft cry escaped Tala as before a single one of the devices could make contact with her body she felt a rush of liquids from between her legs. Juices from her pussy dripped from her thighs and rained down from between her spread legs, and as the tauren herm gasped at the intensity of that sudden, purely arousal born burst of ejaculation she could hear those fluids drumming down against the metal trough beneath her, there to ensure that not a drop of her arousal went to waste.

One by one the tubes were connected up to her body, a gentle vacuum sealing them around the two nipples of her breasts, then the four teats attached to her swollen udder. She gave a grunt as each of them were fixed into place, shivering as already she saw the first trickles of her milk running down the tubes and into the machine. That sound of pleasure was nothing however combined to that which escaped her when Xander slipped a longer, more sturdy suction tube into place around her swollen cock. She bellowed in desire, and clutched tightly at the padded metal frame in which she stood, shaking with now desperate and unbearable anticipation.

"T-turn it on... oh... ohh fuck, Xander... put me to work..."

Her hips bucked. Her balls ached for release. Her breasts and udders throbbed, so full and swollen after a whole night spent not being drained. She needed to be let loose. To be milked. To have her body relieved of those products for which people all over the globe would pay top tier prices. And of course, to be infused with her daily dose of that which would ensure she was able to keep producing at the required levels for years and years to come.

A strangled shriek escaped the bovine herm when she felt Xander doing the last part of his job, guiding a mechanical arm into place between her legs, and bringing the piston-mounted rubber cock that rested at its end to bear against her nether regions. She watched through already half-lidded eyes as the male padded over to the machine and lowered one hand to its control panel, tapping a few keys to set the duration of her shift, her ID number to ensure Tala's produce was correctly identified, and several other tediously dull pieces of information that did not result in Tala being lifted to heaven and beyond. It was only when his fingers came to rest upon the large red button at the very base of the panel that another grunting cry escaped her lips, and her eyes bulged as the male smirked at her, and paused for a second or so.

"X-Xander, don't tease me... please. Let me do my job... l-let me..."

He hit the button, and the tauren's pleading whimpers turned to a guttural, instantaneous scream of ecstasy.

The milking machine attached to and set up all around Tala began to work its magic. The pressure around her teats and nipples tightened, and with the rhythmic pumping hiss of compressed air the tubes upon her breasts and udder began to suckle and draw streams of warm, fresh milk from within her body. At the same time, and with the same mechanical hunger, the tube wrapped around her cock began to milk Tala too, and the rubber erection between her legs began to thrust itself deep into her pussy with the deliciously firm and unrelenting force only pneumatics could provide.

"Yes... yes!"

Bellowing in pleasure, Tala felt hot liquid gushing into her pussy, spraying like male seed deep inside of her from a tube within the centre of that mechanical member. Her body reacted immediately. Her inner muscles clamped down, milking the cock just as she was being milked by the rest of the machine, and as her pussy's sensitive flesh squeezed and rippled around that urgently pumping cock the rest of her powerful frame shook from horns to hooves.

Milk flooded from the tauren, but soon it was joined by yet more of Tala's potent and creamy white liquids. The aching of her balls grew more and more intense as her cock was suckled and squeezed by the tube around it, until Tala felt her legs giving way beneath her, falling forward and leaning against the frame surrounding her for support as she gave a frantic shriek, followed by several far longer and deeper cries. She began to cum. Hot ribbons of her seed poured out through the rubber hose attached to the milker wrapped around her cock, and as her balls emptied themselves for the first of many times that day, the tauren herm was left able to think of nothing but her sheer delight at this job, and her pride in what was sure to come of her service to this industry.

In her mind's eye as she bucked and trembled and felt her body being drained of every intimate fluid she could provide, Tala imagined some of the people who would in turn benefit from her pleasurable offerings. Men and women at high end resorts eating soup seasoned with her cum before retiring to their rooms for long and hedonistic nights of pleasure together. People at adult only beaches eating ice-cream made from the milk from her very own breasts. Even her feminine ejaculations wouldn't go to waste. Every drop, every squirt would be taken and processed by countless laboratory processes, condensed down into parts of an aphrodisiac so potent that it could reduce anyone who got so much as a whiff of it to a desperately moaning, cumming mess in seconds. Or alternatively, if watered down... into a chemical that was fed into bovids just like herself, in state of the art milking facilities, to ensure that each and every day they were able to produce six hours worth of not just cum, but milk too.

Tala and her colleagues knew that every day they worked, they were granting themselves more days like this to come. More days of work that constituted nothing but pure pleasure. Shamelessly over-abundant bliss, hour after hour of constant orgasm, constant release. It was no wonder, really, that they wished they could have worked longer hours. Overtime, paid or not. For when you knew that the more you came, the more you would be able to cum in the days and weeks that followed... it was hard not to crave more.

"M-mhh... more..."

The tauren gurgled as she came again, soaking the trough between her legs as ejaculate gushed out around the rubber shaft thrusting deep into her. Her hips bucked, cock straining urgently as it freely gave its seed up to the milking machine's endlessly hungry mechanical maw once again. Drool trickled from one corner of her open, panting snout as she was milked and squeezed and pleasured to rapturous orgasm after orgasm, but still she begged, still she bellowed for more. Every second that passed was another that brought her closer to the hell of her job ending for the day. Another moment closer to being freed from this machinery, and kept from it until the following day.

"Don't stop. D-drain me... drink it, take it all..."

Although... that wasn't to say when the day's shift ended, the tauren would be without pleasure.

Close by, doing his own job and ensuring that nothing went wrong with the machinery driving Tala wild, Xander shivered and blushed as he watched the gorgeous herm climax over and over again. His cock strained within his uniform's trousers, and he glanced at the digital readout upon the machine. Tala might have been counting down the minutes to the end of her shift with horror, but for Xander he counted them down with desperate anticipation of his very own. After all... it was when her shift concluded, and the machines stopped their milking of her every receptive organ and orifice, that she would emerge. It was then that she would turn her eyes upon him, and beg him, demand that he take over the job of milking her for just a little longer.

And it was then, with the powerful tauren riding his cock, with her own erection rubbing against his belly and spraying his face with cum, with her bouncing breasts and udder oozing milk over his soft fur, that she would milk him. She would drain him of every drop he had to offer, before heading off in search of other members of staff to continue when he was spent.

Both Tala and Xander counted the seconds each and every day, and both longed that their jobs could last far, far longer than they did. Sure, deep down, hungry as they may have been for more, they knew how lucky they were to have a career like this. But that didn't stop them wanting more. That didn't stop them from wishing and longing for even more of the very same, and milking these jobs they were so glad to have for every last drop of potential they could offer.

By Jeeves

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