Elven Nobility

Story by travisbuchanan on SoFurry

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Commission for FA: Xakrai

An elven knight is captured by an elder dragon and repurposed into a slut, using some ancient magic channeled through his seed.

Ivosen groaned as he woke up. It took him a moment to remember where he was, why he was there -- but the dull throbbing in the back of his skull reminded him. He'd been a little too trusting of a beautiful young elven maiden, back in the city; she'd told him she needed the help of a brave knight to vanquish some evil in her basement...

He sighed. Of course the evil would have turned out to be her. How could he have expected such a young beauty to attack him with something as crude as a brick? Most villains he faced would have at least shouted out a warning, followed by some sort of monologue about how he was going to die.

The young elven knight rubbed the sore spot on the back of his head, grimacing slightly as the particularly tender flesh screamed in protest. At least the injury didn't seem to be too bad -- she'd knocked him out, then presumably kept him under with a spell or a draught of some kind. Considering the strangely bitter taste in his mouth, he suspected the latter.

The question was, why would anyone want to capture him? As a newly minted knight, Ivosen wasn't particularly well known yet amongst the others from the order. He'd made an impression, certainly -- elven knights were few and far between -- but that alone shouldn't have been enough to make him stand out from the crowd. The only thing really remarkable about him was a that he was the least remarkable of all the elven knights...

...wait. Was that why they'd chosen him to be the target? Because he was likely to be the easiest out of all their potential targets? Ivosen frowned, that elven pride flaring up within him. Not likely that they would so easily humiliate even the newest of warriors, though he had to admit, he didn't really have a plan for getting out of his current predicament just yet. Speaking of which, he didn't quite have a good idea of where he was.

The knight sighed as he finally paid attention to his surroundings, noticing to his embarrassment that he'd been placed in a cage like little more than an animal. To think he'd allowed himself to be put into such a situation... It was embarrassing, to say the least. Hardly worthy of a knight.

I see you're finally awake. The voice startled him, the knight jumping in place and reaching for a sword he realised wasn't there only at the last moment. Ivosen groaned instead and glared into the empty darkness beyond the cage, trying to make out what enemy might be there... but all he could make out was a pair of terrifyingly large eyes, glowing eerily in the darkness. Somehow, it failed to light anything around it.

"What in the name of the Divines are you?" Ivosen's growl was an angry one, his fists clenched as he stared out into the darkness. He tried to be brave, but he couldn't deny the worry that crept over his heart; he'd always been taught to be cautious of the unknown, and those strange glowing eyes were the very epitome of the unknown. He'd never before encountered anything of the sort, nor heard any tales of it.

That's for you to find out, isn't it? The voice seemed rather amused, if anything, and Ivosen heard the sounds of a large body shifting in the darkness. Dirt shifted and rocks were knocked loose from both the ceiling and the walls, scattering about on the ground. I hardly think I should give you all the answers right off the bat.

Great. Another enemy who wanted to toy with him. Ivosen furrowed his brow, folding his arms in front of his chest. "I'm not playing your game, whatever you are. Let me go, and I won't call the order down on you." A lie -- any villain needed to have the order called down on them, but for an elven knight, Ivosen was a surprisingly good liar.

Not, however, to creatures that spoke to the mind rather than in any physical way. Whatever the monster was, he seemed almost amused when he responded. You will call them on me the moment you leave this cave, dear knight, if I allow you to stay as you are. Fortunately for the both of us, I have no such intention.

"And what exactly do you plan on doing to me?" Ivosen's eyes narrowed. His fingers twitched, desperate to grab ahold of a sword he didn't have; he wanted some means to defend himself, and hated feeling utterly powerless in a cage like this.

The creature he spoke to seemed to smile, almost. You will find, knight, that you have to earn your answers. But I will give you a bonus, I think, and answer that question for you -- I have been alone for far too long, and I desire a companion. The voice turned smooth, seductive. It was deep and resonated with the earth, sending a vibrations straight into the elf's skeleton. You will become my mate -- my companion. I will turn you into a whore, a mere receptacle for my needs, and you will love every second of it.

The voice was smug, but Ivosen's eyes were narrowed, his fists tightening in anger. "That will not be happening," he spat, his eyes flicking about the cage in renewed determination to find a way out. "You are sick if you think I will succumb in such a way."

Perhaps I am. The creature didn't seem insulted at all by the accusation. Centuries of life, you will find, has a tendency to do that to most beings. I would argue that I am amongst the more sane of my kind.

"And what is your kind, exactly?" Ivosen asked, jumping on the opportunity. Though he couldn't see a thing, Ivosen somehow felt the creature shaking his head, smirking smugly down at him.

As I have said, little elf, you will have to earn your answers. Do not worry -- it's not difficult. Here. A small, gleaming goblet appeared, sliding its way through the bars and held in a dim glow of magic, Within it was a strange, creamy looking fluid. its odor powerful enough that Ivosen could smell it even before it arrived before him. It... wasn't an unpleasant smell, he had to admit. Your first task is simply to drink this.

"And allow myself to be poisoned by your magic?" Ivosen snorted, folding his arms in irritation as the goblet floated temptingly before him. The smell wafted into his nostrils, a powerful,strangely intoxicating scent -- but he wasn't about to fall for such a thing. What sort of enemy would use a trap so obvious? "Hardly. I am no fool, whatever it is you think I am."

It is a fool that would deny the wishes of the enemy when trapped within their domain. The voice seemed to chuckle, its voice echoing through the cavern they were in. Rest assured, little elf, there are many other ways I could have chosen to corrupt you. This is simply the least painful of them all.

Ivosen gritted his teeth, his arms unfolding so that his fists clenched by his side. "You cannot expect to control an elven knight with mere trickery such as this. I may not have the magic of my brethren, but I can resist the magic of a creature like you nonetheless." It was a bluff, and a brave one; he had no idea what he was up against, and to attempt to insult his enemy while he was in a vulnerable position...

Well, it wasn't the best of plans he'd had. Thankfully, the voice didn't seem particularly offended. It was infinitely patient, prefering the slow corruption of his victims than an immediate conversion into a slave. Where was the fun, after all, in a mate acquired so easily?

Suit yourself, then, the voice replied, and the creature's eyes gleamed through the darkness. Ivosen felt an involuntary shiver run through his body, and he grimaced a bit as the chill of magic began to wrap itself around his skin; he could feel it forcing him to move, using his body against his will. Slowly, fighting every step of the way, Ivosen found his fingers wrapping around that goblet.

"W... I can't..." Ivosen could barely even move his mouth to speak with the way the magic wrapped around him; he was panicking, inwardly, yet his body seemed perfectly composed as it reached out to grasp the goblet. He brought it to his mouth and took a deep sniff, the scent proving insidious in the way even Ivosen had to let out a soft whimper as his cock twitched within his armor.

To think a mere scent would be able to affect him on this level... Whatever magic it was that this creature used, it was powerful magic; most elves could cast off hostile effects like water off their skin. Magic just found it harder to take effect on an elf as opposed to a human, due to their naturally magical essence.

A burst of magic on the creature's part and he felt his head tilt back, the liquid slowly inching towards his throat -- and despite all his desperate attempts to push off the magic controlling his movements, he hadn't stopped, hadn't even paused. That, perhaps, was the moment he had first realised that he wouldn't be able to fight -- though it wasn't enough to make him give up hope. He gulped at the liquid greedily, his body forced to do it and his mind following soon afterwards. He hadn't expected it to taste so good; it was just the right thickness, just salty enough that it had a hint of sweat and musk...

It sank in what the liquid most likely was even as flames suddenly lit the cavern they were in, and Ivosen's breath caught in his throat. The flickering light showed him a creature far greater than he had been expecting, far more massive than he'd ever thought he would have to face alone. Fire snarled out between the teeth of the dragon that stood before him, a smirk clearly evident on the monstrous face.

"You're... a dragon," Ivosen said, stating the obvious. The dragon snorted out a laugh, a puff of fire escaping from his nostrils as he did so.

Yes. I thought I would answer your first question, since you were such a good little pet. He seemed amused, with the smile that curled around his lips; the dragon knew full well that he hadn't chosen to drink that liquid at all. And he knew exactly what it was, now, for just below the dragon was a thick, throbbing cock, dripping with arousal and precum. Light from the fire glinted off the viscous fluid as it formed a small puddle on the cavern floor, and it took a great deal of effort for Ivosen to tear his eyes off of it.

"That's... you made me drink..." Elves might have been known for their ability to give eloquent speeches, among other things -- but this situation was just driving Ivosen to speechlessness again and again. The dragon smirked down at the knight, his tail swishing proudly behind him.

My cum, yes. Ivosen noticed that the dragon's mouth didn't move when he spoke; his words were telepathic, in a sense, pounding their way into the elf's mind. He growled and gritted his teeth; that only meant he hadn't stood a chance from the very beginning, that the dragon had somehow managed to get a foothold on him before he'd even woken up. You'll be drinking far more of it soon, do not worry.

"And what do you mean by that?" Ivosen kept himself cautious, edging backwards away from the dragon until he felt the steel of the cage pressing into the back of his armor. He eyed the creature before him, his hands testing the strength of the steel. It wasn't something he'd be able to bend on his own, but perhaps with a slight boost to his strength...

His concentration, however, is abruptly broken by the dragons' reply. You'll find out soon enough, he chuckled. But my seed is enhanced in more ways than one, you will find. It does not merely mark you as my pet; it anchors itself within your soul, such that you will be unable to sustain yourself without me.

A smirk. By now, you will be able to feel your craving for me start to rise. It will be minor, at first; the slightest of urges to worship my cock until I cum, to swallow every drop of my seed. Soon, however, you will be able to think about nothing but -- and I look forward to that moment. Your soul will break, and you will belong to me.

Ivosen shuddered at the dragon's speech. It was by far the most words the dragon had said in their encounter -- and he couldn't deny that the monster's words held some truth to them. Already, he found himself thinking about the taste of the dragon's seed as it slid down his throat. He couldn't help but wonder what his precum might taste like, or what the actual flesh of his shaft would feel like against his lips.

"You will not break me." The elven knight stood tall, forcing his body still so that he could look the dragon in the eyes. "I will escape, and I will slay you for your attempt at control. This is magic of the darkest order, and no knight can let it stand."

Darkest? Hardly. The dragon laughed, the sound causing the cavern to shake as it rumbled through the earth. I am Evolier, my dear knight. I am more familiar with dark magics than you might know.

Ivosen had to freeze at the name, his eyes narrowed at the dragon before him. "Evolier was the name of the dragon of our order. He was one of the few dragons that were good, one of the few that actually cared about the rest of us mortals. He gave his life in order to save us all, and we began our order to honor his name. I will not have you sully it in your cheap attempts to intimidate me, dragon."

You think I am pretending? The dragon shook his head, pressing his snout closer to the cage; with the dragon this near, Ivosen could see the sheer heat radiating from the dragon's mouth. More importantly, however, as the scar across his snout -- the same scar that Evolier was said to have gained during one of his greatest battles against the darker forces that had reigned in eons past. Look again, little one, and see the truth.

It took Ivosen a moment to wrap his mind around it -- he didn't understand, didn't know how the dragon of legend could possibly have turned to such corruption. His eyes flickered and lowered to the dragon's aching shaft, the way it twitched and throbbed beneath him, globules of precum dripping onto the ground with every movement... and he felt his cock jump in response.

No. No, he couldn't let Evolier's magic affect him, change him. He could already feel his body responding to the liquid that he'd been forced to drink, to the dragon's cum. Already he couldn't help but think about the sheer potency of its taste, about the way it had felt, about the warmth and the taste and the texture... But he shoved his mind away, focused on the subject at hand.

"Evolier wouldn't do this." Ivosen's voice was firm, his eyes narrowed at the dragon before him. "He was a dragon of legend. Even if you share the same body, even if you were once the dragon we dedicated our order and our lives to... You are that dragon no longer. He would never have done anything like this."

On that, I suppose, you are right. The dragon seemed to concede, though there was no loss in his confidence as he did so. Rather, he smirked a bit, pulling away to show off the way his hard cock swung below him -- and though Ivosen tried to focus his gaze on the dragon's eyes, he couldn't help but be distracted by the sight. Every so often, his eyes would flicker to the dragon's cock, would imagine how it would taste and feel pressed up against his body. I have changed much from the dragon I used to be, and not all of it by my own will. But I am quite happy with the way I am now, I assure you -- just as you will be with your position underneath me.

Evolier smirked, leaning in to breathe hot smoke across Ivosen's cage, and the elven knight coughed and spluttered in disgust. The dragon seemed only amused by the elf's inability to breathe in smoke. I do look forward to seeing you as a dragon, mewling underneath me... You'll be let out of your cage soon.

"You can't... I won't." Ivosen seemed confused, a strange chill settling in over his body at the dragon's words. There was a part of him that was aroused by it, almost painfully so -- but that surely wasn't an emotion he was feeling. It was too unlike him, an emotion that better belonged on a slut rather than a noble knight... But that was exactly what Evolier had said he was going to be.

I can, and you will. Evolier's response was swift and certain, and Ivosen caught the glint of gold as another goblet was summoned. It was pressed against the tip of Evolier's shaft, and as it did so, pearly white seed forced its way out of him, seemingly at will. A single drop was enough to fill the goblet, and the dragon's magic carried it over to Ivosen's cage. A hungry, elven nose sniffed at the musk, the knight's body shuddering in a pleasure that his mind denied.

"I'm... I'm not drinking this." Ivosen was grasping at straws, now; he knew that the dragon could take control of his body at any time he chose, completely dominating him and forcing him to drink the tainted cum once more. To his surprise, however, he didn't feel that familiar sense of magic snaking around his limbs and forcing him to move. Instead, the cup tipped, and he watched in dismay as the precious fluid spilled onto the floor of the cage.

If you say so, Evolier responded, turning tail to walk deeper into the caverns. Ivosen couldn't help but stare, his eyes fixated on the rigid cock that swung between the dragon's legs, and he let out a soft moan as the smell from the cum reached his nose and his entire body shuddered in response. A flash of a thought in his mind, and for a moment he could picture himself kneeling on the ground like a bitch, licking away at the dragon's cum like it was the only thing that mattered.

But he forced the image from his mind as quickly as it came, muttering a quick oath in response. His time as a captive was driving him insane, it seemed; he needed something to focus on besides the scent in the cage and the mental image of the dragon's pride but there was nothing. Evolier hadn't given him the slightest glimpse of hope besides the promise that he would be let loose from his cage at some point.

Perhaps that was where the answer lay? He could play along with the dragon's game for the moment, force himself to follow its rules until he was let out of his cage -- and then he could run, flee back to the kingdom to get backup. If a dragon like Evolier had gone rogue, there was no telling what else might be happening amongst the mythical creatures of the land; the kingdom needed to be warned, after all...

The mind had a rather peculiar way of justifying things, when a man's desire was great enough -- and Ivosen, despite his elven nature and his more cultured upbringing, was no exception. All he needed to do was make the right excuses to his mind, and soon he was kneeling on the floor of the cage, his face tantalizingly close to that sweet, musky fluid. He couldn't help but wonder what dragon seed tasted like; already, the memory of his previous attempt had faded from his mind... and he wanted more.

He was doing this for the kingdom, after all, so it surely couldn't be too bad...

Ivosen gave the puddle a single lick -- then another, and a third, the focus of his mind slowly narrowing so that he could think of nothing but that thick, viscous liquid. The deep, faintly bitter scent of the dragon's seed, the warmth as it sat in his belly... He knew it was changing him, reaching out through his body to enchant it and slowly alter it. Already, he could feel his skin becoming just a little bit more sensitive.

But he just couldn't bring himself to care. His skin seemed to crack in places, looking just a little bit too dry -- but it was cracking in a very specific pattern, looking remarkably like scales. Elven ears pulled out even more than they already had, hardening to look more like the fins on a dragon's head than the ears of an elf.

If that were only the focus of the transformation, Ivosen could rest easy -- but alas, it was not. There was one part of his body that grew significantly faster than the rest, and the elf let out a small grunt as he felt his newly large ass press against the confines of his armor. It would have been painful if the pleasure of his transformation hadn't been overwhelming; instead, his cock throbbed within his armor, impossibly turned on by the event.

Ah. I see you've succumbed already. The dragon seemed amused as he returned, Evolier's gaze almost twinkling. I was expecting you to resist for far longer, I will admit. To think that you were such a slut from the very beginning...

"I am not!" Ivosen protested hotly -- but he couldn't deny the effect the words had on him, the way the growth of his ass almost seemed to accelerate until the metal was buckling and tearing against the strain. The more he accepted the eventual outcome of all of this, the faster he would transform, and it was so very hard to tell himself he would succeed and come out victorious...

Particularly because he wasn't entirely sure what a victory would constitute -- not anymore, at least. He told himself that Evolier needed to be defeated, that he would gather an army to bring the dragon down and uncover whatever secrets or dark magics he held, but it was so hard to think in the presence of that hot, manly musk, and it wafted so heavily from the dragon's erect shaft...

The dragon opened the cage, then. A simple slice of his claws caused the metal to crumple, tearing apart with a sound that would have hurt the elf's sensitive ears had they not already been transformed; instead, he stumbled forward out of the cage. He didn't run. Ivosen was too far lost to run immediately, though he looked torn, glancing back and forth between the dragon's cock and the exit that was so very, very close...

A pulse of magic, and he felt his ass expand again. Scales grew into those perfect, round globes, and the armor he wore for his lower half sheared into pieces. The metal could do little to withstand the pressure of a growing dragon. It was enchanted, yes, but even enchantments were limited in what they could do.

That final movement -- the expansion of his ass, the tearing of his armor -- was the moment that made Ivosen's mind up for him. He couldn't return to the kingdom like this, after all; he would be a laughingstock, sent out of the kingdom. He had to stay. It had nothing to do with his growing desire to know how it would feel to have Evolier's cock fill him, to have warm, draconic seed spill into him, or at least that's what the elf told himself.

Corruption, after all, was an insidiuous thing -- and even an elven knight wasn't exempt from the ways it would seep slowly into a mind, polluting even the purest men with thoughts of impurity. Ivosen groaned softly and took a step towards the dragon, his cock embarrassingly hard, twitching and throbbing in front of him as his pre dripped onto the ground. He saw Evolier observe him with hungry eyes, staring at the draconic ass he now sported and the changes that were quickly spreading through to the rest of his body.

Very good... The dragon whispered, his voice coaxing the elf to approach. Already, you begin to succumb. To think you were fighting only moments ago... You must find it hard to think clearly now, yes? To think of anything other than the desire slowly building in your chest?

True enough, Ivosen could barely think now. He let out a soft little moan as he reached down, wrapped a hand against his cock and gave it a quick little jerk; he'd only intended to alleviate the pressure and make himself think a little clearer, but he found that as he started, he couldn't quite get himself to stop. One stroke quickly turned into another and then a third, and soon he was freely jacking himself off in front of the dragon, moaning softly in his desire for pleasure.

Heh. Quite the slut you are... but while I enjoy the show, that is not what I need you to do. Evolier growled softly, his voice a low rumble in the cavern. The sound caught in the elf's chest and drew precum from his cock, his body seeming to pulse in rhythm with the dragon's voice. Ivosen felt his hands changing, the digits sharpening into claws, and he fell forwards on his hands and knees as his spine grew. Evolier seemed to grin at that, his voice filled with a lewd promise. Better, my pet. Show me how much you need me to own you.

Ivosen knew that he shouldn't -- that giving in would be giving in to the transformative magic that was slowly making changes to both his body and his mind. He couldn't help the way his hole seemed to throb, though, and call for something to fill it. He knew what he should do... but he knew what he wanted to do, and he ended up going to the latter.

The half-formed dragon let out a soft little whimper as he pushed his newly-formed, draconic ass out into the air, the scales on it having already formed perfectly. Evolier growled in appreciation, his tail snaking around to tease Ivosen's hole, and the former knight could only moan at the sheer sensitivity of it. Just the mere touch of Evolier's cock felt incredible; anything greater, he imagined, would send him into the throes of ecstasy.

And he couldn't wait. Before he realised what he was doing, Ivosen was rocking back against the tail, letting out soft sounds of need. Evolier chuckled at the sight. What happened to all that elven rebelliousness of yours, hm? Rather easy for you to forget about it all in your search for pleasure, is it not? The faintest hint of it and you come mewling at me, already eager to be filled... Perhaps I did not need to transform you at all, if you were already such a slut. Mm... Why don't you open up for me, hm?

Ivosen tried to resist the command, but he couldn't -- he felt his hole automatically relax as the command filtered into his mind, and he shuddered as the tail slipped easily into his entrance. There was no lube needed, not when the scales on the dragon's tail were both smooth and slick. It slid easily in, and the sensation of being stretched made him claw at the ground, a moan of pleasure escaping his throat in spite of the slight sting of pain.

He wasn't used to such size -- but he had a lot more to take in, if he was going to be ready for the dragon.

It took a full two hours. At the end of it, the poor former knight had sprawled himself out on the ground, his transformation having only barely progressed as Evolier slowly, patiently stretched his hole and prepared him. He'd been teased to his limit, brought to the very edge of orgasm with nothing but the dominant dragon's tail at least three times in the first half hour, and he quickly lost count of the number of times after that. His precum had formed in a slight puddle underneath him, and it was only when he felt something warm and hard press against his entrance that he finally roused himself.

"M... master?" He questioned. His mind had broken in the first hour; he'd been left doing nothing but begging for more, and Evolier had refused, instead slowly pushing more and more of that thick tail into his ass. He'd resisted, or at least he'd tried -- but he'd been left calling the dragon his master nonetheless, hoping against hope that it would be what allowed Evolier to finally let him cum. It hadn't been, but somehow the name seemed to stick. It felt right, like it belonged.

You are ready, I believe. Evolier's tone was stern -- and Ivosen had to groan at the surge of excitement that ran through his body, his cock twitching with renewed vigor.

"Y-yes... If that means... yes, please..."

Such an eager little dragon. Evolier chuckled softly. I will enjoy breeding you, I think. There's nothing you want more, is there?

"No," Ivosen agreed quickly, presenting his rounded, draconic ass up for his master. As his submission filtered more fully into his mind, and his need for Evolier's cum grew even greater, his body finally began accelerating once more through the final changes. The bump of a tail began to grow before shooting out of his skin, raising itself eagerly as Evolier mounted him. His shaft was hard, thick, and long, stretching him even wider than the dragon's tail had been able to.

It was everything he'd hoped it would be.

Ivosen moaned at the sheer pleasure of it, the smaller dragon pushing back against his master even as his skull deformed into that of a dragon's, fangs growing out of his teeth. Rounded pupils turned into slitted ones, his jaw stretching with a sharp crack to accommodate his newly draconic look, and scales spread along the rest of his skin at an incredible pace.

None of which Ivosen cared about. He was far too focused on the feeling of Evolier's draconic shaft finally forcing its way into him. He felt complete in a way he'd never felt before -- like he'd only been denying himself something he needed before now. Even with all the preparation he'd had, the penetration of the dragon's shaft still hurt, but he could feel his body shifting and changing to accommodate. His ass grew slightly larger, his hole looser, his tail wrapped around Evolier's body to force him deeper...

Evolier let out a growl of approval before he shoved the smaller dragon against the ground, using the additional leverage to hump deep into his new mate. He didn't have to tell the former elf to submit any longer; the initial enchantment he'd placed had long since worn its way into the knight's mind, made it impossible for him to think about anything else.

The cavern trembled in the throes of their passion, each thrust of Evolier's powerful body into the smaller dragon causing the entire cave to shake, stalactites to fall and shatter on the scales of the dragons. Ivosen's cock bounced below him with every thrust, sending splatters of his precum out against his belly and the floor; it was sheer luck that it didn't grind into the rock, really.

More importantly, every thrust seemed to cause the pleasure to grow. Ivosen let out a cry that came out more as a draconic roar, his vocal chords having changed. To any mortal man, it would have sounded like the terrifying shout of a dragon -- but Evolier knew the sound for what it was. It was a call of utter submission, a plea for more wrapped into the breath of a dragon.

And if his mate so greatly desired to be owned and taken... who was he to deny him?

Evolier grinned a savage, panting grin as he rocked his hips into Ivosen, taking the pleasure he'd been waiting for for so long. The dragon's hole squished around his cock as he forced his way in and precum dripped into the hole, but that wasn't the moment either of them were waiting for.

It was what followed only a few moments afterwards -- a shout of triumph, a roar of pleasure, and warm, draconic seed that flooded into Ivosen's hole and left him both satisfied and aching for more. The seed poured into him like a torrent that refused to stop, in a volume so great his stomach bulged slightly with the sheer weight of Evolier's cum. He'd been bred thoroughly, and he knew it; he looked up to his master with lust still heavy in his eyes, even as Evolier drew back from the warm, loosened hole.

More, he whispered, this time in the same way Evolier had spoken -- whispering into the dragon's mind. The elder dragon grinned, his cock twitching beneath him. He hadn't had a mate for centuries. Once was far, far too little for him.

You will have much more, little one, Evolier chuckled, preparing to mount the other dragon again. You can be sure of that.

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