Dour Dolphin

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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Part of a trade with skiesofsilver. They wanted a story about a morose artist being made into a happy dolphin girl.

As the jolly late-summer sun glittered in the gentle waves, Damien wished he had come on a more overcast day. It wasn't too terribly warm, even in the black peacoat Damien was wearing. He begrudgingly dipped his brush in the bright blue acrylic paint on his palette; he wanted to paint a cloudy shore, a storm on the horizon threatening a cold gray silence, like his last relationship. A sunny beach was passé, but it would have to do. He listened to the gentle hum of the sea lapping at the white sand, being thankful it wasn't crowded today as he would no doubt have cut a rather peculiar figure. A dour young artist dressed in drab colors slaving over an easel while people enjoyed their vacations all around him wasn't an artistic statement, it was a punchline to a joke about millennials.

"Just paint what you see, Damien..." He muttered to himself. Damien's brushstrokes were apt but slow, he wasn't terribly used to landscapes of this sort. An old gothic castle, scenes from Chernobyl, those things were more his style. He had finished blocking the sand in a warm beige color when he noticed out of the corner of his eye a pink shape bob up in the soft blue water for but a moment before splashing down beneath the waves. He scanned over the horizon, watching for it again. When it didn't show again for a couple minutes, the young artist dismissed it as a fish or a lost pool toy and went back to his work. Then he heard giggling. The voice was high and soft, almost musical in its cadence. He looked up from his painting, but saw nobody. Damien hastened his work, in case his unseen audience turned out to be a heckler or some other unsavory type. He had just finished the shore when he heard the voice again, right behind him.

"Whatcha doing?" The voice was distinctly feminine yet distinct from the girls Damien knew. It was a light, playful voice with a trace of something else.

"I'm painting a landscape; I'm debating whether or not to blend the brush strokes or leave it as is to give it more of an Impressionist feel..." Damien said, not putting much effort into sounding humble about his work. "What do you...?" He turned to face his guest and was instantly struck silent by the figure that stood before him.

It was a dolphin, or rather a humanoid dolphin hybrid of sorts. Her figure was curvy, yet muscular and her face bore the thin snout typical of a bottlenose dolphin. Her shiny, slick hide was a cheery roseate pink and the bottom of her lime green bikini had been modified to accommodate her thick, finned tail.

It was all too much, especially before Damien had his coffee. "Why so glum? It's a lovely day for a swim!" The dolphin girl's snout opened into a toothy smile and Damien stepped back, mumbling out an attempt at a response.

"Well, I er...." And before Damien could actually say anything, the girl grabbed him by the collar of his coat and shoved him into the water. The initial plunge into the cool bottle-blue depths was like an electric shock to the young man. He flailed and sputtered pitifully in the knee-deep water near the shore, trying to get back to dry land, trying to demand an answer from the strange dolphin creature, and doing a very poor job of both. Eventually he managed a halfway decent paddle as he swam about in place, trying to reach the shore before any more weirdness could happen to him.

The dolphin girl was in the water right in front of him now, giggling and splashing him with water. The first splash struck Damien right in the face, the shock made his teeth hurt and then he realized he could no longer feel his coat on him. He looked around for his coat, only to see the dolphin girl in front of him again, winding up for another splash of water.

Damien raised his arms to block too late, and he was struck in the face by cold water. His jaw ached like he had been punched in the mouth, and beneath the sting was an odd sort of pulling sensation as his face pulled out into a bottlenose snout. His hair was falling off into the water around him in thick dyed black clumps. The young man felt his shirt being pulled up, up and over his head like a prawn being shelled. The dolphin girl clicked happily as she discarded the soaking wet T shirt, laying bare Damien's shifting chest. A pair of round swellings began to fill out beneath his skin, getting bigger and firmer as he raised his hands to feel of them. In just a few short moments, they were already quite hefty, roughly the size of a C cup, the same as the dolphin girl across from him.

Breasts, he had breasts now. Damien cried out, only to be splashed in the face again. A few drops of seawater went down his throat; he could feel his insides changing and his voice growing higher in pitch. His back ached terribly, and he could feel something pull out from his back in a sloping arch. The words came to Damien and cut through his panic clouded mind: dorsal fin. He was growing a fin, with a tail soon to follow. And sure enough, the artist felt a thick, fleshy growth push out from his tailbone, gaining length and heft rapidly as the tip split into a broad, powerful tailfin.

Another surge of growth and Damien heard his pants rip beneath the water; he felt the shredded denim falling away from him like a weight being lifted off of him. He felt lighter, stronger in the water like a natural swimmer. Though it pained the artist to think it, it wasn't unpleasant a feeling at all.

He put his hands in front of his considerably longer face and blinked the water out of his eyes. Pink, his now rubbery skin had turned a shiny, deep pink in stark contrast to his companion's bright rose color. Then a sharp, sudden sensation cut into his loins as his modest six inches of manhood forced itself back into his groin and inverted itself.

After an unpleasant few seconds, the sensation left him and Damien's hands migrated down to the slit that had replaced his genitalia. When one of his fingers slipped inside the moist entrance, she received a sudden flash of intense feeling. "What did you do?!" Damien cried out in her new feminine voice. "What did you do to me?!" She ran back to shore, breasts bobbing, her new body easily making its way through the mild mid-morning current only for her tormentor to pounce on her like a cat would do with a toy mouse.

She rolled over to face the other dolphin girl, because, as much as Damien did not want to admit it, she had become one as well somehow. Was this beach cursed? Her captor's eyes twinkled with a mischievous spark as she giggled, sending her shapely chest bouncing enticingly. "My name's Kiki, what's yours?"

"What did you do to me?" Damien tried to look away, only for Kiki to make a whistling sound that was quite hard for her to ignore. She clicked and Damien clicked in response, giggling to herself. "I wanted to cheer you up," Kiki said.

"Cheer me up, why on earth...?" Damien was silenced as Kiki put a finger to her snout. She smiled down at the new dolphin girl, and Damien's snout opened into the beginnings of a smile.

And then Kiki started clicking and whistling in a sort of song. It wasn't like any music Damien had heard, but she could definitely tell it was music of some kind. Her hearing was no longer of the human kind; Damien could pick up little subtleties in Kiki's whistling, clicking tune. It was kind of pleasant, kind of happy. He couldn't help but look into her eyes and her cetacean smile and relax.

"Cheer up, girl. It's a lovely day for a swim!" and Kiki was right, it was such a nice day. Damien's smile turned to a grin as the song, the clicking and whistling turned into a pleasant numbing haze that flowed over her consciousness like warm summer water. What was Damien doing? She must have forgotten, silly girl.

"Come on, Dani! Let's go swimming!" Kiki pulled her new friend up to an upright sitting position. Dani... Damien felt underdressed being naked on the beach but she didn't feel ashamed, rather it was almost liberating... happy even.

But something wasn't right. She had just changed species, changed sex and now this thing was pestering Dani...Damien to go swimming and she couldn't stop smiling for some reason. Kiki's demeanor was contagious, and it wasn't the only thing contagious about her apparently. She looked over to the water, the pretty blue water and felt a pull, a sort of magnetic attraction. Dani shook her head; Kiki continued 'singing' in that weird cetacean tongue. It was a rousing tune, catchy and compelling Dani to do... something, the dolphin girl felt like she was forgetting something. Oh right! Dani leapt to her webbed feet and ran across the sand to the lone easel still standing sans artist. She took a nearby beach blanket and draped it over the canvas so it wouldn't be ruined. "There..." Dani said, shooting a bright smile at Kiki, "That way, it won't be ruined when whoever's working on it comes back to it."

"Dani, you're like, so thoughtful" Kiki giggled, putting her arm around her new friend's waist. She pulled Dani into a hug, their snouts touched as she sought a kiss. Time seemed to stand still around them as Dani closed her eyes and returned the gesture, their tongues met and Dani's heart fluttered. The two dolphin girls clicked happily as Kiki broke away from the kiss.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Kiki guided Dani towards the water, their webbed fingers clasped together. At Kiki's urging, the darker pink dolphin girl leapt forward and landed in the mild waters with a loud, jubilant splash. She swam in a tight circle around Kiki with expert grace, like she had been swimming all her life. She bobbed up to the surface, splashing Kiki square in the face with water. Kiki laughed, Dani laughed with her. They splashed back and forth for a while, both of the dolphins giggling and clicking in their play.

When Kiki swam over to her with an almost serene expression, Dani was almost disappointed. She was having so much fun! Then she saw the look in her girlfriend's eye, it was playful in a different way, a seductive and naughty way.

"Have you ever done it underwater?" She asked, and Dani shook her head. "Oh man, you should try it! It's awesome!" The dolphin girls smiled at each other, then dove beneath the waves. Seconds later, Kiki's lime green bathing suit bobbed to the surface and floated away. Beneath the azure waters, their coupling was unlike anything Dani had ever enjoyed before. As her lover probed her slit with her deft tongue, Dani felt a wonderful weightless feeling as they floated entwined with each other as the living ocean carried on around them. Quickly they settled into a rhythm that pleased both of them, Kiki inverted herself, positioning her snout over her slit with her own moist womanhood within reach of Dani's own eager tongue. Her tail swayed back and forth, kicking up small eddies of silt as Kiki lapped at her. The warmth of their couple felt all the more intense with cool water all around them, a rush of lovely pink surrounded by placid blue.

Minutes passed like hours, then when the two had reached their climax in unison, they swam away from the sandy shore. The sea was a second home to the dolphin girls and there had to be something fun going on somewhere or with someone, and if they didn't find anything they could make their own fun out of that someone or somewhere just as easily.

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