Uncomfortably Hot

Story by Wakboth on SoFurry

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#7 of Will & Zuri

Zuri's summer job at the Palmer Library isn't the best possible one: the pay is poor, the customers annoying, she has no time to see her boyfriend, and now the air conditioning is breaking down!

Then an encounter with a certain mouse makes Zuri's blood boil, and as Summer heats up, the hot-headed, hot-blooded zebra gets herself in hot water...

Another old story that I'm posting only now. :)

Uncomfortably Hot

By Wakboth © 2010

The Palmer Library's ancient air conditioning was losing the battle against the heat wave that was baking the Starkers campus. Up in the second floor of the library, where the IT help desk was located, it was sweltering hot.

Zuri took another gulp of lukewarm water from her bottle and stretched her arms, trying to work out the kinks in her shoulders and neck. Hot, bored and horny, the zebra girl was feeling even more cranky than usual. During the summer the library was pretty quiet on most days, but today it was absolutely dead; even the librarians had vanished to meetings or into the cooler underground archives.

Usually, Zuri would have welcomed the lack of customers asking her to do something for her, but today was an exception. The zebra had been working on her poetry, but the heat had drained her creativity. "Dammit! I need inspiration... Or at least _something_to fucking do!" she said, her slightly nasal voice loud in the library's drowsy afternoon silence. In fact, she knew _exactly_what she needed: a good, long, hard fuck and a couple of heavy-duty orgasms! Conflicting schedules on her and Will's summer jobs meant that they saw each other infrequently, and the longer she went without sex, the more her temper frayed. With a practiced gesture, the zebra drew her cell phone, flipped it open and started to text Will for the twentieth time today.

> it's baking in here. they probably think I wouldn't mind because I'm a zebra. bastards. what are you doing? <

Clicking her phone shut, she turned towards the desk fan and pulled at the neckline of her sleeveless top, trying to cool her sweaty bosom. Closing her eyes, she craned her neck and leaned closer, enjoying the breeze playing over her large breasts...

"A-hem!" A small, slim, strawberry-blond mouse girl was standing before Zuri's desk, giving the zebra a disapproving look. Zuri rolled her eyes but tugged her top so that she was decent again. Well, mostly decent; she was a busty young woman, and the outlines of her nipple rings showed clearly through the black cotton of her top.

"What do you want now, Summer?" she asked sourly. The mouse was a frequent customer at the help desk, and Zuri had grown to deeply dislike the preppy little thing. Beyond the computer complaints, she aggravated the zebra on a personal level; the short, svelte mouse somehow managed to make Zuri feel too tall, too heavy and too busty.

"The WiFi's not working. Again!" Summer snapped, slamming her bag onto the floor and hefting her MacBook up. "I've reserved one of the study rooms, and I can't work there without it!"

This was a frequent issue: the library's WLAN was notoriously unreliable, and not just because of the thick interior walls. "Yeah, what a surprise," the zebra grumbled, rummaging through one of her desk drawers. "Here, take this," she continued, thrusting a LAN cable at Summer. "Hook your computer into the jack behind the desk. The login information's on the Post-It note. Now get busy with whatever you're doing, okay?"

Summer sniffed, turned smartly and walked away without so much as a thank you. "You're welcome," Zuri called after her.

> this mouse bitch complained about wlan. she's been here dozen times already! if she can't learn it's crap then wtf is she doing @ the university? she thinks it's my fault. ha! as if. when do you get off work? <

Adding a pic of the mouse she'd taken the last time Summer had been to her office, Zuri sent the message to Will. As the zebra leaned back towards the fan, she noticed the bag on the floor. "Ah, fuck it," she muttered as she reached down to pick it up "Now she's going to come back here for this..." Her phone beeped, surprising her: Will had answered much quicker than she'd expected.

> Hey I know Summer. Used 2 date her. Don't pick on her 2 much. Understand? Now stop pestering me. <

Incredulous, Zuri stared at the message. "Dated her?" she asked aloud. Will had dated that prissy, preppy little twig of a girl? What the hell had the hyena seen in her? And how the fuck had the mouse taken his cock without breaking in two? Zuri was good six inches taller and quite a lot heavier than Summer, and Will still put her through a wringer whenever they had sex. What did he care about the mouse, anyway? And why hadn't he answered her question?

Seething with sudden jealousy, Zuri opened the bag. Lecture pad, a packet of tissues, a web camera... and a glossy pink, smoothly tapering vibrator! The zebra grinned as she put one and one together; this was something Will certainly didn't know about his former squeeze!

When Summer returned a few minutes later, a bit flustered, the bag was back where it had been and Zuri was typing on her computer, looking bored. The mouse grabbed the bag and hurried back out, not noticing Zuri's knowing smirk.

> did you know your ex-gf is here to cam-whore? the little slut left her bag and I found a dildo in it. ha! so when do you get off? <

Will's reply wasn't exactly what Zuri had hoped for.

> Pics or STFU. I'm trying 2 work here. <

Zuri ground her teeth together in frustrated anger. Was Will deliberately refusing to answer her question? "Oh, so now it's pics of her that you want? Fine, I'll give you some!" She turned back to her computer, opened a shell window and started typing commands. The zebra knew the library network intimately, and it didn't take her long to hack into Summer's IP and clone her signal.

"Gotcha, bitch!" Zuri hissed when the feed from the mouse's web camera appeared on her screen, and clicked to start the recording. It was a fairly tame scene; Summer had hiked up her shirt, revealing her slim body, but she was still wearing her push-up bra. It didn't take Zuri long to figure out that the mouse was cybersexing with her absent boyfriend. With a coy smile, Summer took off her bra and leaned towards the camera, cupping her small, pert breasts in her hands.

Zuri snorted as she compared the mouse's modest bosom to her own heavy, double-D boobs. Still, she wasn't bad-looking for a petite gal, and the situation was intriguing... Smirking at the screen, Zuri pulled the hem of her T-shirt up over the shelf of her massive tits. Shifting into a more comfortable position in her chair, she started to toy with the silver rings hanging from her stiffening nipples.

Summer was taking her shorts off now, wiggling her tail end to the camera. When she turned back, she had the vibrator in her hand. As she rubbed her mound through her panties, she gave the pink toy a couple of long, suggestive licks that made Zuri wish she too had something to fill her mouth with.

"Oh, what the hell... I'll rub off a quick one," Zuri sighed and unzipped her jeans. As she started fingering her moistening cunt, she watched mouse alternate between sucking on the vibrator and using its saliva-slick tip to tease her nipples until they stood hard on her petite breasts.

The mouse took her time playing with the vibrator before she finally pulled down her panties, revealing the red-gold triangle of her pubic fur and the pink slit of her pussy to her eager audience. Instead of plunging the toy into her cunny, as Zuri had expected, she ran it back and forth over her labia, pausing to tease her clit with the vibrator for a few seconds before continuing her gentle masturbation.

Meanwhile, there was nothing gentle with the way Zuri was jilling herself, driving her index and middle finger deep into her wet cunt with almost frantic speed. The zebra stifled a groan of pleasure as she flicked her juice-covered thumb over her clitoris, and gave her nipple ring an almost savage tug. "Oh, fffuck, I need a cock," she said. "Damn you, Will!"

On the screen, Summer was using her naked mouse tail to masturbate, running the slim, flexible length between her labia. Her face was flushed and her ears burned, but her smile was proud, as if this display of her natural talent was the most erotic and daring thing she could offer.

"Hah! I'd, huh, show your pansy-ass pussy what, ahhh, fuckin' is really about!" Zuri laughed. She imagined the mouse bent over the zebra's desk, pinned helplessly down by the larger girl's weight and strength... She'd be wearing a strap-on dildo, much bigger than the slim little thing the mouse had been playing with. Zuri began to squirm, thrusting with her hips as she imagined herself ramming eight thick inches of knobby, veined silicon cock into the mouse's no doubt tight pussy, until she cried for relief...

Zuri was so taken in by her rough lesbian fantasy that she didn't even notice how Summer suddenly stiffened on the screen, her tail-tip lashing across her breasts as the mouse, biting her lip, came on camera. The zebra ground the heel of her palm into her pubes as she twisted her fingers inside herself, feeling the lovely tension of pleasure mounting, until it erupted in a sudden, wet flash of warmth.

Panting, she withdrew her trembling fingers and gave them a slow lick. From the corner of her eye, Zuri saw Summer doing much the same thing, kissing the wet tip of the vibrator. She snorted again, and wiped the remaining droplets of moisture from her hand into the smooth pelt of her belly. The orgasm she'd given herself was an only temporal relief; already, she wanted another one, and this time with the hyena's cock deep in her cunt.

> does this look familiar? she's pretty tame. I wonder what she'd do if she knew I saw her. or that you knew... bored & fucking horny. want to see me do better? <

Zuri fired the message off along with a couple of screen captures, showing the mouse with a particularly silly O-face. She didn't have to wait long for the hyena's reply.

> Good for her, fucking is fun. Now leave me alone Zuri. I'm trying 2 code! <

The zebra snorted in frustration. Why the hell Will had to be so staid?

> fuck the code. I'm so horny for you. take a break and just fuck me, OK? <

The next message took a little longer to arrive.

> Fine. I'm there in 15 mins and u better b ready. When I'm done fucking u I'm taking your phone. Got that Amanda? <

Zuri grinned. This was more like it! She didn't worry about losing her cell phone; she'd just have to earn it back from Will when the hyena cooled down.

Thirteen minutes later, Zuri heard the familiar footsteps approaching in the hallway and licked her lips; this was going to be good. Will strode straight in, opening his belt while walking. The hyena was looking pissed off, and despite the quite visible bulge his swelling cock was making in his chinos, Zuri could tell he wasn't just pretending for the sake of their game of predator and prey.

"On your knees, now," Will ordered as he came towards her. The zebra had been standing by her desk; she nodded, tapped the enter key once and started to kneel. Will growled at this hesitation, short as it was, and put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her down. "I said now!"

"Yes, Will," she started, only to get her ear twisted harshly. "Oww!"

"Shut up, Amanda," the hyena said, emphasizing his use of Zuri's real name; it was a symbol of his dominant role, even if he hadn't been using it so much lately. "Not another fucking peep from you, got that? Now get to work, I'm in a hurry!"

Zuri nodded and got to work, pulling Will's pants down and getting his cock out. The sight of the thick, brown shaft filling her hands made the zebra's loins tingle with eager anticipation. She gave the hyena's massive meat a couple of quick tugs before opening her mouth and stuffing it all into her muzzle. She always liked this part, feeling the man grow hard in her hands and mouth.

"Hrrnngh... Suck it," Will growled, his fingers tightening their grip on the sides of the zebra's head. "You've got one minute to convince me you deserve having your pussy fucked, or I'll just fuck your face and leave!"

Zuri's brown eyes widened at this threat. She looked up and met Will's slate-grey gaze. "You're wasting time," he growled. He wasn't bluffing; the hyena really meant it, Zuri realized! With a muffled moan, she set out to please him.

She sucked and licked him, her long, flat tongue curling around Will's thick shaft, then twirling around the bulging crown filling her mouth when she pulled her head back to better gasp for breath. Then she dove onto his cock, taking the massive shaft into her throat until her nostrils pressed against Will's hard abdomen. With difficulty, she slipped her tongue out to lick his scrotum.

Will moaned, and she felt him grab her stiff pink mane. "Ahh! Twenty seconds, Zuri..." Her tongue burned with the strain, and her blood roared in her ears as she swallowed, her throat rippling around his cock. "Ten, nine, eight..." Zuri cast a panicked look up, but Will's grimacing face was unreadable. "Seven, six, five..." She strained against the hyena's grip, her eyes watering with pain as she tried to bob her head on his shaft. "Four, three, two, one... zero."

He kept her face pinned to his crotch for what seemed like an eternity to Zuri. Then, just as she was starting to despair, Will let go of her hair. With a wet slurp, she pulled away from the hyena's crotch, gasping for breath as his thick, slimy dick slid out of her mouth.

"Okay, get up," Will said, looking around the office; a couple of bookshelves and an old 19" server rack filled with computer parts and ring binders separated Zuri's cubbyhole from the rest of the room. "Let's see... Yeah, get over there, by that wall," he said, pointing. Panting and a bit light-headed, the zebra stole a glance of her monitor and the count-down ticking down in its corner. Two and half minutes until Summer's IP would suddenly shut off. Give the mouse another two and half minutes to rush over here...

"Move it, Zuri; I don't have the whole day!" Will barked, making her jump. "And let's see your tits," he continued, grabbing the front of Zuri's shirt with both hands. The muscles in Will's arms tensed and the cotton tore, revealing the zebra's massive bosom.

"Hey, that was a good shirt!" Zuri yelped. It was also the only shirt she had with her!

"Yeah, it was," Will chuckled, putting the emphasis on the last word. "Better get out of your pants before I do the same thing to them!"

Zuri blanched and started tugging her jeans down as she shuffled back ahead of the hyena. He probably wouldn't try to tear her pants off... probably. Will was stronger than he looked, and in this mood he might actually do it!

"Open your legs," Will growled as he moved closer, one hand gripping his erect prick. Zuri tilted her hips, giving him a better access to her pussy, then gasped as the hyena drove half of his cock right into her tunnel. She'd been loosened and juiced up by her earlier masturbation and the anticipation had kept her juices flowing, but even so it was a shock.

As the hyena started to fuck her hard against the wall, Zuri craned her neck to see over his shoulder. She saw the door starting to open, and quickly turned her head away, hiding her grin against Will's neck. "Ah! Ah ffuck! Gimme that cock, it's so-ooooh fucking huge!" she moaned, clutching his shoulder tightly.

Will's ears perked up, but Zuri's quivering tits were holding his attention as he squeezed and pinched them, tugging her nipples almost painfully by her piercings. "Geez, you're such a size queen, Zuri," he laughed. "So you like it when I do this?" He thrust hard up into her, his cock filling the zebra's vagina to the bottom and banging lightly against her cervix.

"Unhh! Y-yess, I love it," she panted, stealing another glance. There, hiding behind the bookshelf... "Oh shit, that feels so, ahhhh! So good when you fuck me hard like that!"

Despite his annoyance, the hyena felt flattered by this. So Zuri was in a talkative mood, then? He could accommodate that... "Grrnnh! Take it, you fucking prey slut! Take my big, fat carnivore cock!"

Zuri gasped, then moaned loudly when he gripped her leg and started to lift it, tightening her cunt and giving him a better access to it. "Ah-ah-ahhh! Y-yeaaah, harder, harder! Oh God, you're the best I've ever had, you are, Will! Fffuck, I'm gonna cum!"

She wasn't faking it; Will could feel the zebra's pussy trembling around his driving shaft, squeezing tighter with every outstroke as if it was reluctant to let go of his cock. She was panting like she'd run a mile, and parts of her pink-dyed mane were starting to droop from sweat. Usually, Will would have been happy to stretch his own pleasure out, to bring Zuri to climax two or three times before finally shooting his load, but he didn't have the time for that.

"Oh, oh, aaaahhh!" The zebra threw her head back and cried out as her orgasm hit her. Will growled and gripped her tightly, fucking her clenching sex hard and fast, wanting to cum himself. Driving himself deep into her, he felt his pleasure mounting... Without a warning, he pulled out; the surprised zebra let out a yelp, flailed and slid down the wall to fall onto her bare ass on the floor.

Seizing his throbbing, wet dick, Will flicked his hand along its length. His cum exploded out of him in hot gushes of pleasure, the white spurts of hyena spunk hitting Zuri on her belly, across her heaving tits, in her panting mouth and on her burning cheeks, until with deliberate care he milked the last drops into her pink hair. "Huhhh... now you look like the goddamn slut you are, Zuri," he gasped.

The zebra just sighed, watching with a weary but satisfied smile on her muzzle as Will wiped his softening dick with the remnants of her shirt and stuffed it back into his pants. "Bother me again, and I'm going to make you watch me fuck Ellie while you're tied to a chair," he warned as he picked up her cell phone. "I'll be keeping this until I think you deserve to have it back."

He turned around to leave... and found himself face to face with a very familiar mouse, standing there with an unreadable expression on her red face. "This explains everything," Summer said in a quiet voice, sounding both hurt and angry. "All those problems I was having... Was it your idea, Will? Did you put her up to it? Because you can't stand the thought of me and Russel?"

The hyena straightened from the slouch he'd momentarily slipped into. "Get over yourself, Summer," he said. "I certainly have. My only... mistake today was telling that cum-dumpster over there that I knew you. I'll tell you straight: if you let her push your buttons, she will not stop. If you ladies want to pull each other's hair, that's your business... But I've got actually important things to do today. So..."

Summer nodded and moved aside to let the hyena past. Then she walked over to the zebra. Zuri looked up to return the mouse's withering glare and made the mistake of letting her lips curl into a satisfied grin. Summer's mouth popped open in strangled rage. Then, she slapped the zebra hard across the face. Hard enough to stop Will dead in his tracks.

It was Zuri's turn to gape.

Summer seemed to grow a foot taller. "You might be aware of this, but my connection isn't working. Again!" Summer said, staring daggers at Zuri who was holding her reddening cheek and conspicuously avoiding the mouse's gaze. "I have to apologize for letting down my boyfriend and I had better see him on the screen the second I get back to my room. So get off your striped, skanky ass and do your fucking job for once!"

"That means NOW, Amanda," Will said from the door as the mouse walked out with icy dignity. Then he was gone, too, and Zuri was left alone, wondering for a moment why in the world she felt so satisfied. Then, just faintly smiling, she got to work.

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_ **Awkward** _ _by Wakboth © 2010_ * * * Ellie looked around herself nervously, feeling increasingly out of place in the churrascaria. Not only was Sabor definitely out of her price range as a college student, the blond zebra girl was the only...

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Hot Row to Hoe, Part 2

**Hot Row to Hoe** **Part Two** _By Wakboth © 2011_ - - - - Almost an hour later, Honey was back at the garage, muddy, sweaty and grumpy. Getting out of the gorge had been harder than she'd thought, and she had slid back down a couple of times....

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Hot Row to Hoe, Part 1

**Hot Row to Hoe** **Part One** _By Wakboth © 2011_ - - - - The weeks that Sierra Hewes spent on the Moons' farm were possibly the most educational in the whole of Honey's young life. Raised by her father on the farm, with no close female...

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