Devil's Delight

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#26 of Shattered Shards

Devil's Delight

By Von Krieger

Christine and Gwendolyn stared in awe at the exotic beauty gracing their doorway. The blonde felt her newly added member begin to stir again. She gritted her teeth, having just gotten it to stop aching and driving her into a lustful frenzy. The new woman was strange, her hair and skin tone unlike anything belonging to the human race, and her cock...

Oh it made Christine's mouth water alright; she had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from lunging forward and wrapping her lips around it. But it wasn't human looking in the least; it was long, thick, and blunt at the end. She looked perfect, better than Christine, better boobs, better legs, her stony hued complexion seemed flawless, the tilt of her eyes looked wonderfully exotic, along with her pointed ears.

"This is our boat, bitch! Fuck off!" With a growl Christine stomped forward, gripping the newcomer's breasts, and proceeded to shove her right down on her ass, storming out of the ship's cabin, stomping off to take a swim in the hopefully cold water.

The elven woman glared at Christine, anger and shock plain upon her face. She muttered something under her breath, the words strange and hard on the ears. Thunder seemed to rumble in the perfectly clear sky for a moment after the words were spoken, sending a chill up Gwendolyn's spine.

Gwen stood in awe for a few moments, trying to fight off the goosebumps that had just spread over her skin. Her cock seemed to ache just a little bit more than it had moments before. Her bikini seemed to be growing tighter on her breasts and balls as well, but oddly it felt rather good instead of uncomfortably constricting. She clenched her teeth and took a few steps forward, her erection swaying from side to side as she walked and her new testicles bouncing with each step. It felt wonderfully erotic just to walk.

She reached down and offered the newcomer a hand. The elven woman looked up in confusion and took Gwen's hand in her own, letting the redhead help her to her feet.

"I'm so sorry. Chrissie is always like that when she's angry and sexually frustrated. She snapped at Casey and me like that when we were a week out to sea and her vibrator ran out of batteries. Umm... not that I'm supposed to know about that." She said with a blush.

"She's going to get what she deserves." The elf mumbled. Gwen couldn't help but gawk at her, she looked so... beautiful. Her hand seemed to reach out of its own volition, finding the elf's snow white hair, and slipping through it with ease, finding it was soft as silk. Her breath was coming in soft gasps, and it was almost instinct that made her lean forward, her lips softly brushing against the newcomer's.

"Oh gods! I'm sorry! I..." Gwen protested, but instead of being angry, the elf pressed tighter against her and returned the kiss. It was dynamite; it ignited an explosion of pleasure within her very being. The mere kiss felt better than most of the sexual encounter Gwen had partaken in on their around-the-world cruise. She climaxed, somehow, without spilling a drop.

Gwen's knees buckled beneath her, and she stumbled to the railing to support herself before she fell over. Their visitor laughed and turned, "Maybe I'll visit again once your friend has had the opportunity to think on the error of her ways."

The elf turned and leaped over the other side of the boat and landed down on the beach.

"Hey! Wait!" the redhead cried, "You haven't even told me your name!"

Gwen managed to gain enough control of her pleasure-drunk body to follow, landing rather clumsily in the soft sand, tumbling forward, finding herself caught from a nasty spill onto some rocks by the arms of her visitor. Breast met breast and cock met cock, Gwen wrapped her arms around the elf, pressing against her tightly.

"Y-you feel so good, wh-why?" she murmured, resting her head on the elf's shoulder, nuzzling her neck.

The elf looked a bit confused, and she found herself embracing the human girl, stroking her hair gently. "I'm different," she said softly, "I'm made for coaxing people into having a little bit of fun; it's who and what I am. I'm Yeania, by the way."

"G-G-Gwen." The human managed to stammer as Yeania cupped her rump, making her grind against the elf. She let out a soft cry as her shaft spewed forth a goodly amount of precum, the hot fluid dripping down over her member and the elf's as well.

It was Yeania's turn to gasp, and she returned the favor, but the sheer heat of it made Gwen cry out. It was so hot as to be just shy of painful. The sensation was intense, and it seemed to make her cock throb with need. It also made her feel funny, tingly.

"I... I need you..." Gwen whispered, embarrassed, ashamed, yet unable to resist her growing lust for the exotic woman.

The elf grinned, "Show me. Show me how badly you want me, how horny you are. Put on a show for me."

"Wh-what?" the redhead murmured, seemingly lost in Yeania's embrace.

"Play with yourself for my amusement." The elf purred, her tongue tracing slowly over Gwen's earlobe, it was enough to nearly drive the girl to her knees. "Cum all over yourself, if you can." She said teasingly, planting a kiss upon Gwen's neck.

That, however, was enough to send her to her knees. She wasn't sure how it had happened, or why it worked like this. Just the merest touch from the elven beauty was enough to send Gwen into throes of ecstasy. Each touch made her crave more. She was on level with Yeania's cock, and Gwen couldn't help but lick her lips. She leaned forward, fully intent on taking the bestial length into her mouth, but a hand atop her head stopped her progress.

"Uh uh!" Yeania said with a chuckle, waving a scolding finger, "I said pleasure yourself, not me. That will come in time."

Gwen nodded, almost in a trance. Her vision seemed to blur as the elf took a few steps back, taking a seat on a large rock on the beach. Had it been there a moment before? Gwen wasn't at all sure, but she'd been too wrapped up in her new friend's beauty to notice much of anything else.

She lay back on the beach, the sand oddly soft and smooth, comfortable, rather than gritty and irritating. She wasn't sure how that could be; especially with the sand being perfectly dry. With a smile on her face she wrapped one hand around her massive member and began stroking.

Had it gotten bigger since she'd awoken? Gwen was almost sure that it had. Her fingers could barely meet around its plentiful girth, and it was long enough to rest between her breasts if she positioned herself just right. She could swear that it had just barely been past her naval a few minutes before.

She pushed her bikini top aside with her other hand, caressing and massaging a breast. She wasn't sure why, but Gwen felt like it was the proper thing to do. It rewarded her with such delicious sensation. It made her moan and buck her hips, a surge of precum spewing from her freakishly large member, splattering down to glisten upon her bare skin in the noonday sun.

Her hand dripped downwards, scooping it up, rubbing it over her tits, making them gleam with the slick substance. Perverse thoughts entered her mind, she wanted to bathe in it, bathe in precum, have her entire body be coated with it; warm, slick, and yet still thick and sticky. She wanted every pore of her body to drink it in...


The moment the hot water touched her skin, Casey felt her lust surging up to the surface again. It wasn't quite as bad as it had been earlier, when she hadn't even been thinking, just consumed with a need to cum, to wring every last drop of pleasure she could out of her flesh until the sweet release of climax. It wasn't that bad, but it was still close.

It was strange, the shower usually didn't usually get past tepid, and the stream that came from it was seldom more than a trickle. But the spray that came from the shower head was wonderfully intense, and there was enough steam to fog the door and leave the interior of the shower in a misty cloud.

Casey adored the warmth, throughout the whole trip she'd never felt it unless it was out in the sunshine or beneath the covers. Both were good in their own ways, but both failed to provide the wonderful all-over heat of the shower.

She stripped off her cum-soaked swimsuit, dropping it on the floor at her feet. She'd wash it out later. Right now all that mattered was enjoying herself. She gave her new appendage a few experimental strokes, gasping at the sensations it gave her. Where it had come from mattered not, nor how she had gotten it. The only thing that was important was how good it made her feel.

Casey had kept her back to the spray, for the most part. She waited until she could be sure that Chrissie or Gwen wouldn't be butting in to see what she was doing. With slow, purposeful motions she ran her hands up her midsection, scooping up the seed that still clung to her. She brought her cupped hands to her face, her tongue darting out, hungrily lapping up her own ejaculate.

Once more she gave no thought as to the strangeness of it, her actions were merely those that brought her the most pleasure; they were what her instincts told her to do. She didn't turn into the shower's spray until after she had coaxed every drop from her perfectly smooth skin.

She felt great, lively, energetic. She'd been feeling a bit lackluster the past few days, devoid of energy. But now she felt revitalized, she wanted to go ashore and fuck every boy she could get her hands on. Mmm...

She poured a generous amount of Chrissie's body wash into her hands, rubbing it into her hair. Casey was feeling vindictive today, and the blonde had merely stood by and gawked at her, rather than putting that juicy cock of her to good use. Casey had several perfectly available orifices to abuse, and Chrissie had totally killed off the mood for herself and Gwen before either could take advantage of them.

So Casey had unscrewed the lid of the most expensive body wash, and was pouring it into her hands, rubbing it all over herself to wash the residue of her cum away. It tingled pleasantly over her body, and Casey shut the shower off the let the foam do its work. She leaned against the wall, sliding down slowly into the pool of water and bubbles at her feet.

With her swimsuit stopping up the drain, Casey could take advantage of the rubber-lined door, essentially making an impromptu bathtub. She'd been using the technique for quite some time, to preserve the scant heat and water that was provided to properly bathe herself.

Casey lay back, rubbing the suds all over her skin. The tingle grew more intense, as did Casey's pleasure at the act. It felt good to rub her bare skin, it felt so deliciously smooth and sleek, even more so than normal. She reached up to the hanging shelf and snagged Chrissie's favorite shampoo, much like the body wash the bottle it came in was designed for style and elegance. It was made of glass, and had a nice weight to it. Round and smooth, it was perfect for what she had in mind.

A few motions with her hands in order to get it lathered up, not that the bottle needed it, Casey's pussy was soaked with lustful juices, and a few more to slip it into herself just right; aah, such bliss. So heavy and solid, her internal muscles were enough to pull it around, leaving Casey's hands free to fuck herself in other fun ways.

Had her sex ever been able to do something like this before? Bah, just another thing that didn't matter at all. It felt wondrous, so why question it? Though she was at a bit of an impasse, both of her breasts longed for attention, to have the tingly bubbles lovingly massaged into them, but Casey's cock also demanded attention.

She stroked it absently as she pondered what to do, admiring it as she did so. It was quite an impressive length; twice that of Casey's fingertip to her wrist, and it was nicely thick, but not so much so that she couldn't wrap her fingers around it. It was also oddly colored, looking at her cock; it seemed to be somewhat blue in color. But not the blue of lacking fresh blood. It was closer to the blue that was used in candies, a shocking neon blue. The tint seemed to spread the more Casey stroked it, her tanned skin turning white upon her loins where it wasn't blue. Within a few moments it had gone from normal hues to a gorgeous electric blue, the same shade as Casey's favorite lipstick.

She smiled at the change in color, it seemed to be very much a part of her new organ, and it most certainly wasn't washing off. It also seemed to be growing more sensitive, the skin tightening upon it. Oddly the extra skin seemed to be moving towards the base, creating a strange pocket for her shaft to retreat into when it wasn't erect, throbbing and needy. The skin of it was perfectly white, as was that upon her sack, and the paleness seemed to be spreading.

Good. It would make Casey look rather beautiful and stunning, if she could say so herself. Chrissie had dumped most of Casey's makeup overboard the moment they were out of sight of land. Apparently letting her friend take on the goth look she adored would not be tolerable when she was trying to seduce foreign studs.

Casey snorted; another slight that she had yet to pay her so-called 'friend' back for. She grinned and grabbed the heavy bottle of body wash. It was the same brand as the shampoo, placed in a pretty glass bottle. This one was square, and much bigger; meant to sit on something as a dispenser, what with the pump top that Casey had unscrewed and tossed aside. It had a thick neck, meant to be easily refilled from simple, cheap plastic bottles of the same stuff. The opening looked to be about the right size...

Casey let out a yowl of pleasure as she slid her cock into the bottle, the thick warmth of the body wash feeling delightful upon her aching shaft. She shifted position, squatting, holding the bottle in place with her knees, allowing her to fuck it as she liked. Casey would see grin every time her pal took a shower, knowing that every time Chrissie scrubbed herself with the pearlescent white body wash, she'd be rubbing her friend's cum all over her body. The very thought of it made her feel even hornier.

She rubbed her soap-covered hands over her breasts; they were just about covered in the stuff from getting the bottle positioned just right for fucking. So they slide easily over her snow-white skin. Even without the suds, her skin seemed almost to gleam, looking sleek and shiny by itself. She ran her thumbs around bright blue nipples, the action seeming to unlock something within her.

Casey could feel her body growing, swelling in all the right places to give her the curves she'd always been jealous of, the ones that Chrissie sported, that she couldn't get with her Asian genes and parents that didn't want to spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to spice her body up according to every whim she had.

She was being rewarded for her obedience to her instinct. She'd dreamed that the boat had been taken to a wondrous, magical place. If she followed the rules, she would be rewarded beyond her wildest desires. The island whispered to her libido and to her emotions, it told her to misbehave, to stop letting that cow Chrissie walk all over her, to strike back in sneaky, subtle ways.

Casey turned the hot water of the shower back on as she continued to stroke her growing breasts. Strike like a serpent...


A ways away from the boat, Christine had found what she was looking for, a nice secluded spot in the water surrounded by foliage. She swam out to it, the water pleasantly warm. Once she was most definitely out of sight of her friends she let the tension drain from her, doing what she'd wanted to do since she'd awoken in this strange place with a strange new addition.


She was absolutely terrified. She had no idea where she was, no idea of how to get home, she didn't even have the slightest idea where home WAS. There was a strange woman who was unlike anything Chrissie had ever seen, and on top of all that she'd woken up with a hard-on.

It was disgusting, utterly humiliating. It was a blight on her otherwise perfect body. She'd gone to great lengths and even greater expenses to make sure she was as gorgeous as she could possibly be. Having a foot and a half of man-meat between her legs totally ruined that.

Wait... a foot and a half?! Chrissie's gaze darted to her groin, where her new member stood as erect and proud as ever, absolutely massive, and far bigger than it had been the last time she looked. Its precum coated length glistened beneath the tropical sun, Chrissie's mouth watered just looking at it. Her member virtually begged for attention. She watched as the muscles tightened, sending a gout of thick precum into the air, splattering upon the tranquil waters. As she watched it seemed to be growing still, inch upon inch of length surging forth from her nethers, her shaft growing thicker and thicker until it was bigger around than her forearm.

She would never be able to hide such a monster of a cock, and having it surgically removed would most definitely leave scars, either way it would forever mar her otherwise perfect body. Even flaccid it would be impossible to hide; her balls were the size of grapefruits for fuck's sake. Likely she couldn't even wear a pair of her panties anymore.

A loud moan escaped her throat as she imagined herself in panties, cock erect and extending out, the small amount of fabric totally unable to cover her new appendage, her testicles sticking out the sides. Why did she find that horrible image sexy? Her cock throbbed at the thought, continuing to grow, continuing to change.

The flesh had grown darker, darker than even her perfect all-over tan could ever go, and the shape, the shape was... wrong. The head was flattening out, spreading widely to reach the girth of the rest of her member and just a little bit beyond. She'd seen sex toys shaped like that, right down to the strange ring-like swelling in the middle. She sniffled softly as she ran her fingertips over her bestial maleness, the light touch making her quiver with pleasure.

"If I give it attention, it'll stop growing, okay?" she whispered, almost trying to bargain with the strange forces that had put her in this situation, that were doing this to her. She didn't want to end up overwhelmed like Casey had, pleasuring herself as hard as she could, driven purely by mad lust. She made sure that none of her fluids would come anywhere near her mouth, which she kept closed. She wrapped one hand around her shaft, stroking slowly, wanting to see what it would feel like without being dominated by the sensation.

It felt so good to stroke, and to be stroked. It was warmth and smooth, the skin wonderfully soft, the way Chrissie tried to make all of her skin with lotions and moisturizers. Her touch was rewarded with spikes of sweet, delicious pleasure. They were intense and absolutely massive. There was so much pleasure, and so much flesh to experience it. Her own touch felt far better than any cock she'd ever taken inside herself. The very idea made her blush.

"That's disgusting." She whispered, "I only enjoy it because it feels good. I don't want this!"

Chrissie felt a cold shiver go through her body; the slow stretching feeling on her manhood had vanished. But now it had spread to her breasts. There was an odd tickle, deep inside them. Something gave way very slowly, a warm sensation spreading through Chrissie's tits. Blinking in confusion, she gave one a squeeze, and was rewarded not only with an intense, incredible sensation, but with something she hadn't expected at all.

Whatever power was altering her, it had just removed Chrissie's breast implants, keeping them the same size, but making them all natural. It felt so good to rub them as well... They were the one part of all her surgical alterations that Chrissie had never been happy with, they'd always look, and more importantly feel, unnatural. It was the only reason why she had never gone bigger.

A powerful spike of pleasure rocketed through Chrissie, making her buck her hips and arch her back. A particularly plentiful spout of pre burst forth from her cock, reaching a good ten or fifteen feet away. It seemed the power was rewarding Chrissie for her thoughts and for her obedience to pleasure her altered body.

"N-not too big..." she moaned.

She shifted her position, taking a growing breast in each hand, sandwiching her cock between them. It felt great, she always loved the position when she was having fun with one of her boy toys. She couldn't help but lean down and run her tongue over the large flared head of her shaft. It wasn't so bad like this, and it didn't seem like her own juices had an effect on her, like Gwen's had upon Casey.

Mmm... maybe she could go back to the boat and have a little fun with her friends? If their cocks were anything like Chrissie's, they'd long for the attention. Maybe Gwen and her could double team Casey, the little Asian was quite the screamer when there was a cock in her ass. Sandwiched between the two bigger girls, her head against Chrissie's chest, her clever little tongue, infamous for blowjobs, unfamiliarly exploring her friend's newly enlarged breasts.

Oh would that ever feel wonderful, especially as the sensation grew in sync with their size. Chrissie was well on her way to having the tits of her dreams, and they showed little sign of slowing. So big and heavy, perfectly shaped, she could feel the muscles on her back shifting as well to compensate for them, assuring that they would always be effortless to carry.

Mmm... bigger. Bigger. Bigger. Bigger. Gods, they felt so good. Chrissie couldn't help it, with a great effort she managed to wrap her lips around her drooling shaft. If having a huge cow-cock was the price Chrissie had to pay for the perfect rack, well... it wasn't the greatest thing in the world, and given the choice she would trade both attributes back in a heartbeat. But... as long as she was on this strange little island, with no one to see but her two friends and that weird looking woman who also seemed to be suffering from the same problem it would be tolerable.

Oh it felt so good, her building climax easily driving her worries and concerns away. A big thick cock, two huge, perfect boobs around it, and the incredible sexual pleasure of it all. Her fingers felts stiff from being spread so wide, so as to better caress her plentiful tit-flesh, as well as her long, thick nipples, and so many of them too...

Chrissie opened her eyes, unable to stop her furious masturbation, not even for a second. She could see, just barely, down her front. Her skin had darkened in places, becoming a deep chocolate color, while the rest retained its normal tan. There seemed to be no pattern at all to the strange dark blotches. It baffled Chrissie for a moment, until she saw her nipples. They were the same near-black shade as her cock and they stuck out nearly three inches from her chest, and there were six of them.

Three to a breast, centered around the point where her original nipples had been. Or were they one nipples with three teats? They were all in the middle of one large, round, darkened circle of flesh, and seemed to originate from the same point. That was not something Chrissie had wanted, and it was not something that she would tolerate, not even for gorgeous, perfect, beach ball boobs.

It took all the will she had to pull her cock from her mouth. But then the island breeze picked up, just enough to drive Chrissie over the edge, her pleasure-boosted body erupting into explosive, messy climax. She was horrified as a pleasured cry of "Moo!" escaped her throat, but it didn't matter, it felt so good...


Gwen lay in a panting heap, covered in her own cum. Her body ached from all the positions she had put herself into, all the things she had done, all the creative ways she had wrung from her mind to pleasure herself to put on a show for Yeania.

She'd lost track of the number of times she'd climaxed, but it never seemed to be enough. The one she desired was always just one or two away, meant to be triggered by her mistr... her voyeur's approval.

The elf had merely sat and watched, slowly stroking herself with a bemused smile on her face. "Good, very good." She purred, bringing a smile to Gwen's cum-covered face, "Now let's see what you can do with your new limitations."

"L-limitations?" Gwen stammered, not comprehending. She'd been lying in the sand for several minutes, catching her breath. It seemed like she'd bee at it for hours, the light in the sky dimming.

The elf grinned and nodded towards Gwen's side. The redhead followed her nod and saw nothing. She raised her hands to motion her confusion when she saw the change. Her eyes widened in confusion and horror; the skin of her hands had turned black. As she watched she could see her fingers flowing together, forced to bend as they grew shiny, forming into a large hoof.

"Wh-what?" she whispered, not understanding. She looked down over her body, seeking out additional changes. Her cock had continued to grow as she'd played with it, the shape changing, becoming thicker, until it was a perfect match for Yeania's own. Down beyond her equine length, however, was another change. Her legs had altered, and where her feet had been there were now only heavy, cloven hooves.

"H-how long have they been like that?" she stammered.

The elf grinned, standing, "About two and a half hours or so. Now, pleasure yourself for me. Just one more time. One more time and then I'll let you go. The three of you will have paid for your inhospitality enough by then, I think."

Gwen blushed and lowered her head, "I... I'm sorry. Ch-Chrissie..."

"Is going to be getting the brunt of the punishment. Now show me what a good little toy you can be and pleasure yourself for your new owner, hmm?"

Gwen's eyes closed and she smiled faintly, she liked being called a toy, and Yeania her owner. She'd felt a strange connection to the elf from the moment she'd laid eyes upon her. She trusted the relative stranger, once Chrissie had learned her lesson, things would be better.

Her pleasured cry echoed over the beach as she shoved an entire hoof into her long ignored snatch.

"Good girl. Now, cum for me..." Yeania said, leaning down, planting a gentle kiss on her pet's cock.

The kiss gave Gwen greater pleasure in a single moment than all her masturbation had in hours, every muscle in her body tensed and seemed to explode into blissful sparks in response to her reward for a job well done. Rather than closing, her eyes opened wide, watching Yeania walk away over a dune, watching her shadow stretch out behind her, a strange, winged shadow...


It had taken a good forty five minutes for Chrissie to wash the cum out of her hair, partially because there was so much of it, and partially because she was not at all used to having only three digits on each hand and not five.

She'd staggered back to the boat on unsteady hooves, rubbing absently at an odd itch upon her belly. To her horror she found a cum-covered Gwen sprawled out breathlessly in the sand beneath the beached boat. The redhead had been almost in a daze, calling Chrissie 'Yeania' and 'Mistress.' She'd been unable to do much more than cling to Chrissie, who had used her new bovine bulk to carry her friend into the water and clean her up.

Even as she'd come back from her trance, Gwen had not been any help. She couldn't help scrub at all with her hoof-hands. It was annoying, but Chrissie made sure she was squeaky clean before taking her back aboard the boat. If she smelled like sex all night, Chrissie was sure she'd have her cock down Gwen's throat sometime during the night.

Having tucked Gwen into bed, Chrissie had went to look for Casey, and to her horror found her floating in the shower, which had been almost entirely filled up with water. Not bothering to care about the boat's furnishings, she'd wrenched the door open, soaked everything in the bathroom with soapy water.

Casey had fallen asleep in the shower, and seemed no worse for the wear, the gills obvious upon her neck. Chrissie wasn't sure if Casey was changed more or less than herself and Gwen. Casey's coloration had been entirely altered, pure white from head to toe, save for a few cerulean designs on her arms, hips, and back. She'd murmured softly and curled around Chrissie, murmuring something about how warm the cow-girl was.

Chrissie had sighed and carried her friend to the same bed where she'd tucked Gwen into. Despite the potential for something sexual happening, Chrissie didn't want to sleep alone. IF she did, she'd have nothing to dwell on but her conflicting feelings of fear, isolation, disgust, confusion, lust, desire, satisfaction, arousal, and so many others.

Gwen yawned and pressed up against Chrissie, hugging her tightly and crossing her hooves over the bovine's waist. The cow-girl sighed softly, emotions conflicting inside of her.

She hated the alterations to be body, hated how they looked, but loved how they felt. She wanted nothing more to leave the strange island in the sky and get back to everything being the way it was before.

But if that was what she wanted then why did the ship finally feel warm and welcoming? Why then, after a few months sailing around the world, did Chrissie finally feel like she was home?

Maybe the answers would be forthcoming in the morning...