Potion Cat: Guild Inspection

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A new species, a new perspective~ Also, HOT AVIAN DICKINGS!

Just over the clouds, the morning sun shone brightly on the cottage upon the hill where the potion maker made their home. Within the store, the feline potion-maker wore her finest dress of black with see-through sleeves of a lighter material, and upon her head a steeple hat. Back and forth she went about her shop at a frantic pace, dusting and rearranging flasks upon her shelves that not a single speck of dust had touched and that were already arranged in the perfect order. Layne grumbled and huffed as she moved about. She had sent Ogglen out to deliver several potions around the village, she had gotten rid of her poisons and other various illegal pieces of merchandise and she had made sure to lock up and hide her lab underneath the cottage. No portals were open that led into the lab, no material was left unchecked within her shop and everything was spotless. Damn her cousin for subjecting her to this official inspection from the court and the anxiety that came with it. Layne didn't want to be licensed and official. Regulation would be terrible for her business and seriously throttle what she could sell, or so she thought. The more she allowed herself to think, the more she remembered that she wasn't even sure what the court would do in a case like hers. Layne's shop was small and out in the fringes where the court's protection and influence did not extend. The little village that was just a walk away had their own system, their own mages, and their own desire to stay away from the court. Nicolas had promised her he would work his magic to get someone with a good heart, but how could she really trust that after seeing just a few examples of their restrictions and seeing how her friend Olea was hounded for playing with things considered too dangerous? With a sigh, she stopped behind the front counter leaning against it just as she heard a knock. With a little jump, she made her way to the front of the shop and sighed as she opened the door. Inspection day had come and she had to be on her best behavior.

Opening the door, she put on her best smile only to be struck silly and wide-eyed by a figure radiating like the sun. For a moment she wasn't sure if she should look away, or gawk at the brilliance of the figure standing before her. The sun struck at the back of a tall avian with bright red feathers, wearing sleeveless robes of stormy gray. What she had thought were red sleeves were red wings with talon like hands at the end folded at the avian's lap, his eyes a bright and happy blue much like her own with a ruby petaled flower upon his crest like a proud pinion part of his plumage, a smile upon his beak as he suddenly chirped out at the gawking feline, "May I come in and see the owner of this shop. A one, Mister Leon?"

Layne winced and felt her claws slipping at the mention of that name, her sudden admiration of the Avu's pretty form becoming moot. Clearing her throat, she smoothed her dress and gave a little curtsy, "Leon." She said with as little venom as possible, "Doesn't exist. Layne Luness at your service, owner of this fair little shop."

For a moment the Avu official tilted his head before understanding came in a sudden rush. His left wing frilled and he placed hand and feather upon his chest as he bowed, "My apologies! I'll update your information as we go along then Miss Luness. I was not informed of this change. Please, do not think I meant any disrespect."

She was taken aback by a combination of how polite the official from the court was being, and the mention of her old name. With a small smile she waved aside the mention of that name and sighed, "In the past already. I don't have your name though, so that should make up for it nicely I think."

The Avu gave a deeper bow, hand still upon his chest as he chirped out happily, "Pelten at your service! I am here to give your shop a thorough inspection, and yourself as well. At the behest and recommendation of one Nicolas Luness; your brother?"

Layne sighed, "My dear Cousin." Of course, he would also ask for her own magic to be inspected. It also made sense why they would then send an Avu. Avians with a powerful resistance to magic thanks to those very pretty feathers. The males were quite a sight to see and apparently dangerous in close quarters, but she had never seen one up close herself, at least not in a safe environment. Layne hadn't quite expected him to be so vibrant, and above all else hadn't expected a court official to be quite so kind. His words were genuine honey and he seemed to try and add an almost music like coo to his words. Suddenly she realized that she was staring far too closely. With a bit of a fluster, she stepped aside and smiled sheepily, "Come in, come in. I'll um, get us some tea ready if you'd like."

Pelten brought his talons together and stepped inside, careful of his head upon the doorway as he answered happily, "That sounds wonderful, and might I say what a pretty place. If the report is true, then you started with only a little shack and in such a pretty area. You know, I grew up in the countryside, a place much like this. Such fond memories of fields of flowers."

Layne raised a brow as the rather chipper fellow entered her shop, his eyes exploring every little inch of her store already as he moved about to touch and look over the various flasks and what not. While he did that she went off into the back of her store to set the kettle over the fire. It gave her time to calm down a bit from the sudden shock of meeting such a striking figure, and yet again being reminded of her old name. That, and she hadn't expected to be inspected herself. She wasn't even sure of what that meant, but hopefully, it didn't mean being officially licensed and inducted into the court. She would rather keep herself far away from those affairs, but at the very least she could hear the inspector out if only for the fact that Nicolas had specifically asked for all of this to happen and she would hate to disappoint him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, the inspector at least seemed nice enough.

When the tea was ready she came out with two steaming cups upon a platter, "Tea's ready!" She said as she set down the platter upon the storefront counter.

Pelten had been looking over the contents of her potions, head tilting side to side as he looked at the various potions and took in the energy in the store, "Ah! Wonderful! I hope you don't mind. I was taking a look at your stock. You have an impressive collection here. You make them all yourself? From what I read, there are many...Erotic potions here, do you exclusively sell that?"

Layne rubbed at her chin as the avian stepped to the counter to take his cup, "Hmmm, no. I like stocking up on a lot of fun stuff really, but I have plenty of potions for healing purposes, soothing, power and some others."

A small parchment appeared in the air before the bird, his talons scrawling something upon it as he nodded, "I see...You make all these yourself, and such a wide variety, I am truthfully impressed, and you gather the materials and infuse these yourself with magic correct?"

Layne nodded, feeling a bit flustered again from the compliments, "Yes, everything myself."

Again the avian scrawled upon the parchment smiling as he did so, "Good to know! And potion making isn't your only deal yes? You have a good bit of magic, well, I'm assuming because of your species, but I'm sure you're a powerful sort to live out here by yourself."

Layne tilted her head, "That I can't say, I don't really know how to gauge myself, I mean, I think I'm tough. I can throw a fireball or do the usual stuff. Magic isn't so hard."

Pelten nodded, "Mhmmmm, good to know. If you don't mind, I'd like to see more of your shop, perhaps where you make your potions, and maybe then we can also discuss about gauging your levels of magic."

Layne stifled a sigh and nodded, "Right. best to get this out of the way."

She brought the Avu through the back of her store where she made all of her stock, the cauldron, the empty flasks, and all of her shelves stocked with dried and preserved materials of all sorts, and not a single one was of the illegal kind. She had been very careful pruning her stock, making sure that most of the herbs that would get her in trouble were gone. The avian seemed to approve of her stock, his digits brushing over her shelves and his eyes widening as he inspected her stock.

Pelten whistled as he looked through each shelf, occasionally taking a piece of dried herb or mushroom, "So much variety here! Goodness, you gather all these yourself and buy the rest I'm guessing? Gather more or buy more I wonder?"

Layne blinked, "Ah, I gather more typically. I can be a bit cheap sometimes."

Pelten chuckled, "Save yourself the expense, no problem in that. I'm thoroughly impressed, though, nothing terribly illegal here either, a few things that can be used for questionable means, but your potions seem all fairly safe if not a few sexual in nature. Nothing wrong here, so far as I see. Now, I wonder though, would you mind if I took few samples of your potions with me? I can compensate if necessary."

Layne placed her paws together as she found herself elated at not only passing her little inspection so early, but from all the praise, "Flatterer, and of course I don't have anything illegal here, nothing to gain in that. No need to compensate me though, just a few potions shouldn't be much trouble and should you desire, we can arrange a bit of a test."

A visible puffing of the avian's feathers appeared as he brought his hand up to touch at his chest, "My! That is quite forward. I don't think that would be professional, besides, we haven't even given your body...Or rather, we haven't even tested your magic."

Layne giggled. Even though the court official was kind, he wasn't likely to simply jump on her at a moment's notice. It was too bad. The Avu was a pretty sort, and with such a polite personality too! At first she hadn't been sure of what to make of him, but after his little inspection of her shop she couldn't help but feel enamored with him, or at the very least just a bit interested. His presence was also strangely comforting, perhaps it was some form of magic or just his species, but there was a sort of softness in his steps and the way his words touched her ears. If it were a spell, may she never find it broken.

Pelten felt the little feline's eyes upon him and he suddenly felt flustered, his feathers fluffing just a bit from the undo attention. Clearing his throat he fluttered to get himself back to normal and spoke, "Right! Testing your magic. It won't take but just a simple bit of contact if you'll allow that. A touch from a single digit to your head, to your body, really anywhere so long as there is contact."

Layne smiled and placed a hand upon her chest, "Perhaps a touch right here, near my heart? Or perhaps you prefer my shoulder from behind?"

Pelten gulped and gave a smile back, "I suppose, ah, your chest would do fine. Rather! Your shoulder would be easiest, most comfortable as well I'm sure."

Layne simply turned around without a word, her tail lifting, her eyes shut as she shrugged, "Go ahead and lead. After all, this is my first time."

Pelten fanned himself for a moment before reaching to grab at her shoulder very delicately. All he had to do was what he was meant to do, test her magic, and that is all. With a deep breath he shut his eyes, an image of the feline nude before him suddenly coming into his mind. Flustered and yet not deterred from his job he felt out with his aura, touching her body with the magic surrounding him so he could feel through hers, "N-now then. I need you to let this happen...Let my magic mingle with yours for a moment."

Layne chuckled, "I'll let anything happen at this point dear."

Pelten lost concentration for a moment but focused on the task at hand. He brought himself inside of her, rather inside of her aura. He could feel her power, an impressive little well of it just there, calm and cool like most creatures that use cosmic energy. She certainly was a lunar feline, a powerful one just like her cousin, perhaps just a bit stronger if she applied herself. Such a font of magic could be applied to so many things, she would be perfect among the court magi, if she would only come with him and accept a role there, but that was her choice to make not his. With a sigh he took his hand off of her and opened his eyes. Her head was turned and her eyes were staring into his with such intensity! Again he felt flustered, but rather than succumb to the warmth he simply brought his hands together and cleared his throat, leaning low to smile, "That'll be all! You're quite the powerful feline miss Layne, you could probably even come--"

Layne planted a soft peck upon the avian's beak with a giggle, "Would, you, like, a, sample?"

Pelten felt his crest rise as he brought himself to stand straight, "I...Perhaps, just a little sip, and a sample. Testing effectiveness and all."

Layne laughed as she turned to walk, "I didn't think you'd actually accept my invite."

Pelten followed along with a nervous chirp, "Wait? Was that a joke? Have I been tricked?"

Layne simply hummed to herself as she trotted back into her shop. With her silence Pelten stepped to her, his hands folded into his wings which were brought together at his front as he spoke, "I really meant no disrespect, I only thought that you were very attractive and even though I must be professional I couldn't help but think of you in that sort of way, of course I haven't even completed my job, but there are many things that I haven't done properly yet, oh, I don't really know what to say."

Layne smiled just a bit and raised a brow as she turned to him, "Pelten dear?"

Pelten continued on frantically, "I, I just, I thought you would want to after such teases, and perhaps that was even wrong in the first place to think an--," He paused with a squawk as he felt a claw against the underside of his beak.

He looked down to see the feline leaning up to touch at his chin with a single claw, her eyes half-lidded, her words coming out in a purr, "Pelten, calm yourself. You're sweet and it was sort of both a tease and a bit of me being serious. Besides, what am I gonna do about you being unprofessional? Report you? Hah! Not likely. I'm out here on the fringes for a reason dear."

Pelten calmed for a moment, but at the same time felt a bit of excitement, so she had been serious even though it had been an attempt to make him nervous. Without a doubt he would have to be wary of this one, she was clever, or perhaps he was just a bit dim, "Well, you could indeed report me. Even if you are out in the fringes, you've passed my inspection and you have enough power to come with me to the court should you desire."

Layne snorted and shook her head, "To be honest I wasn't even sure how you would act. I thought that maybe you'd try to tear down my store or put wild restrictions on me, but you're so nice, so now I'm not even sure how it would be at court, but I'd rather not. I'm a free soul y'know. When you leave I might even start selling things that you wouldn't approve of."

Pelten blinked and tilted his head, "B-but, that would invalidate the inspection."

Layne smiled, "Yes, and so would you flirting so shamelessly with me right?"

Pelten sighed, "Oh goodness, y-you'd blackmail me?"

Layne laughed again and reached to touch upon his wing lightly, "Pelten, you're far too easy to bother. You'll never last with me if you're like this. Calm down, I'm not going to blackmail you. Now, let's be honest. I want you to fuck me dear, do you want to have sex with me?"

Pelten nodded, his body shuddering for a moment, "Well, yes! I'd love that. You seem so...Very liberated and I can't lie, you're pretty, very pretty and the teases and little flirts have my feathers more than just a bit rustled."

Layne looped a thumb through the sash of the Avu's robes, "Then clothes off...Right here, right now, and I'll get you a sample."

Pelten felt fairly embarrassed as the feline trotted away to search through her shelves. Slipping out of his robes was not a problem at all, standing there nude among the store where the door was open was another question entirely. He felt so exposed at the storefront and yet compelled to comply. With his wings out he covered himself, nervous, unsure of what to do now as Layne went about her business as slowly as possible in a move that was meant to surely tease him.

The potion maker herself was simply taking her precious time, picking out the right mixture to give her guest a special experience. Something simple would probably be best, a little aphrodisiac to keep him nice and hard, and something to make the penetration special. Taking a flask of green and another of blue, she smiled and turned to see that her avian friend was standing there nude looking awkward as can be.

With a small chuckle, Layne moved to present the blue potion to the avian, "Here, take a little sip of this, set it on the counter so you can take it with you later...And please, uncover yourself." She wasn't sure why he'd be so shy after taking it this far, perhaps he was small.

Her eyes then widened as those wings unfolded from the avian's front. Layne saw that she was indeed very wrong about her assumption. His cock was long and thick, with an angular tip. He wasn't yet hard either, his cock drooping just a bit. Layne barely registered the fact that he took the potion from her paw to uncork it himself and do as asked. As he took a sip of that potion she watched his cock slowly rise to full erection, his body shuddering as the potion began to touch him.

Pelten shivered, warmth filling his entire form after he took that sip. A certain spice had touched his tongue and traveled down his throat and through his body. Setting the flask aside upon the counter he looked down to see the feline marveling at his cock. What shame he had been feeling before only seemed to compound into the warmth. He squawked then as suddenly Layne gripped onto his cock with a single paw, her nose against the tip of his cock as she brought the flask over his firm member to pour the contents over his cock. Immediately he felt a cooling sensation flow through his body, a fresh feeling that had him cooing as he shuddered and struggled to keep himself standing.

Layne purred aloud as she saw his reactions, and as she brought her mouth closer to his far too large cock. Off went her dress and underwear, her own cock hard as she leaned to kiss at the tip of his cock. She had applied plenty of lube to that overly large cock, her digits working diligently to worship that beautiful thing. Placing her lips upon the avian's long cock she brought her tongue out to drag against the soft flesh, her taste buds tingling from the sensation of the potion upon the creature's cock. Thankfully her lubricant always had a bit of an edible factor. Continuing on she brought herself from the base of his cock to the tip, dragging her tongue ever so slowly again and again to tease him and nothing else, she wanted him to take action.

Pelten shuddered and winced every time he felt her tongue brush across his cock. Every little movement and touch had his body in a swirl of sensations he had not thought possible. The potion he had drank and the lubricant upon his cock brought him to a shivering mess. The purring feline standing there fondling his cock brought him close with just her paws and with her tongue, but it wasn't enough, he needed more. Looking down at her he saw that her eyes were gazing into his. She purred and giggled as she continued her work, her pace suddenly growing slower as her paws moved around his cock. Why, why did she seem to enjoy torturing him so? Why was she going slower? Couldn't she see that he was so close, that he desired more than just little touches here and there? It felt so embarrassing to just be standing there while the little feline did as she pleased, her eyes constantly focused on every inch of his body.

Pelten shuddered and shut his eyes, his hands moving suddenly to grip onto both of the felines shoulders. With little effort, he brought her up into the air, ignoring the squeaking yelp that sounded off from her. Sitting up on the wooden floor he spread his legs and sat her up on his lap, a gasp sounding off as his cock slipped between her legs. Both of his hands then moved to grip at her ankles, splitting her apart as he brought his cock to press against rear. Shuddering he pushed the tip inside of her tight hole, groaning out as he did so, "I-I'm sorry!"

Layne shivered, her toes curling as she felt the sudden penetration of the avian cock inside of her. Rather than complain her lips parted to let out a loud groan, her toes curling as she found herself entirely in the control of the Avu holding her. For a moment he seemed to hesitate after pushing into her. The Avu seemed to shudder and pause, his voice coming out clearly to apologize. With a huff, she looked up at the Avian holding her, "What? Don't apologize, break me, put all of it in! No need to hold back just because I'm small."

Pelten looked to her with some amount of concern. Even through the heat in his body, he was frightened of hurting the small shop owner. Hearing those words did very little to bring him any comfort as he held her there by the ankles still, but his body combined with those words certainly brought him to a shiver. With shut eyes, he brought his cock further inside of that hole, his tip pushing past the entrance, already those inner walls clamping tight upon his cock as he worked his way deeper and deeper inside, his hips shaking just a bit and his feathers frilling. The feline squealed and groaned out, her body shuddering against him as she began to move her hips as best she could to get more of Pelten's cock inside of her rear, her tail coiling around the base of his cock.

Inch by inch more of that thick thing fit inside of Layne, her moans growing louder as she felt her rear stretch wide to accommodate the avian's cock. With every inch pushed inside he seemed to grow more desperate with his thrusts, his cock twitching and throbbing so violently inside of her. Layne at this point was glad that she chose an enchanted lube to not only pleasure him, but keep her rear nice and safe from any harm and give him the opportunity to go as wild as he desired. Even with that lube making it easy for the avian to push inside of her, she could feel pangs of pain as more of that cock was stuffed inside of her tight hole. Already she could feel warm pre mixing in with the lubricant, her body growing hotter with every thrust from the avian's cock into her hole, her insides tightening and her tail slowly slipping free as the last inches of that long cock were shoved into her rear. At this point it felt as if her stomach were bulging as if she were full of his cock from every corner.

Sweet as ever the shivering bird chirped aloud, "Are you all right miss Luness."

Wincing she brought up her paws and grabbed at his beak. Looking up she leaned to plant a soft kiss at the bottom of his beak and purr, "Pelten. Just keep going and close your eyes."

Pelten felt a bit odd about it, but he closed his eyes and continued to move his hips. Pumping his cock in and out of that tight hole, he began to feel more and more warmth build inside of his body, his grip tightening upon the feline as he noticed himself thrusting with very little remorse. The way she moaned and purred for more while feeling over his body with those needy paws of hers had his hips driving to her wildly, his cock gliding inside of her and jolting her body with every single push. He could feel her shivering as he held her ankles in place, forcing her to stay still as he pounded her rear. He had felt nothing but fear as he had first penetrated her, unsure of what to make of such a small creature asking for him to be so rough. Even with his own kind he wouldn't have been so brutal, and yet now he found himself thrusting without remorse or recourse, never desiring to stop as he continued to thrust against those tight inner walls. So close! Just a few more thrusts and he was sure he was going to burst. He needed release! The heat was gathering at his loins and making it difficult to think, his mind stuck in a sort of heated fog that moved his body to thrusting harder against that tight feline hole.

A few more thrusts was all it took to break the pressure. Pelten squawked and trilled as he felt all of that heat pour out into Layne. He hadn't even thought to pull out when it happened, a practical downpour of cum stuffed into the feline's rear. Layne had not been expecting such an extreme amount of warmth to flood her insides and she let out a yelp in surprise, her own cock twitching from the sensation. Layne's toes curled, her eyes shut tight and her body shivered uncontrollably as so much more cum than she had expected began to pump inside of her. Pelten was completely lost in it, his body still grinding to hers, his cock still pushing as deep as he could manage to force it while all of that warm seed flooded her as if he were trying to impregnate her. It made her feel whole to have such an amount press inside of her. Soon enough the pressure building inside of her became too much to handle and she reached her climax, cum firing off from her cock and onto her stomach, the warmth soon cooling upon her stomach even as she was stuffed with more and more of the avian's seed.

Layne purred out, stretching back against the still cumming Avu while speaking, "Did I hng...Pass inspection?"

Pelten squawked as he pressed to her, "Oh, dear, miss Luness I apologize, but I must ask you to keep quiet and just...Just let me bask in this."

Layne giggled just a bit and kept her mouth shut, her eyes closing as she leaned back to rest against the large Avian holding her there. She'd have to hold this against him some time, and remember just how much his species could cum next time.

When all was finished and both were clean and dressed, they both said their goodbyes at the store's front, Layne's paw taking the Avu's taloned hand, "Thank you for stopping by today and showing me a better side of the court Pelten. You're always welcome here."

Pelten sighed, a weary but pleased look on his face, "I certainly hope to come again, but I also hope that you'll be a bit less teasing towards my poor soul and heart. I'm able bodied and a strong fighter certainly, but flirting has never been my strong suit."

Layne chuckled, "You did fine, and I'll think about it. I like teasing pretty boy's like you." Her expression then turned a fair bit more serious, her eyes narrowed as she squeezed his hand, "And I do hope you'll forget my old name and make sure that everyone knows it in my records right?"

With a squawk the Avu winced from the sudden pressure and nodded readily, "Yes yes! No need to be so touchy and rough, I'll do you justice this I swear."

Layne giggled as she let go of his hand, "Good! And I trust that Pelten and maybe I'll come to court with you one day, just to see all the bigwigs and what not, and to embarrass my family."

Pelten cleared his throat, "Oh dear, well, I must be off. It has been a good visit if not a bit strange." With a bow the inspector turned his back on the feline, a slight warmth touching him as he remembered the fact that not an hour ago he had been filling her with his seed the way he would a female of his own kind. Interspecies relations were typically such a strange thing for him to grasp, and yet it had felt so natural with the little feline. Perhaps he'd visit her after work hours, after all he wasn't sure if he could remain professional as a guild inspector, let alone as a member of the court.

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