Country Life - Ch. 2

Story by Sylvr on SoFurry

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Country Life Ch. 2

Country Life â€" Ch. 2

Disclaimer: Ok kiddies, this story will have some naughty stuffs in it, so don't read it unless you want a one way ticket to Hell (don't worry, I already have one, I was like you when I was 16, we can hang out sometime) =] but seriously, you shouldn't read this if you're not of legal age. Onto the story before I start rambling...oh hell, I already am, anyway...

Jim pulled up her driveway and shut the truck's diesel power plant down. Climbing out, he was greeted by Liz, dressed in a pair of 70s style bellbottom jeans and a snug fitting t-shirt. Shutting the truck door, he let out a whistle.

"Morning Jim!" she said in a bright voice.

"Hey Liz, sporting the retro theme, I see" he said, looking at the blue jeans that looked nearly painted on, until flaring out towards the bottom.

"Yea, I found these in the attic just before we moved, they were my mom's, and she told me they worked well with me."

"Yea, I can see why, you look, well, you're hot anyway."

"Whatever you weirdo, lets go inside, I'm getting thirsty" she said, grabbing him by the arm, pulling him inside. "So, any plans you have for the day?" he asked, following her into the kitchen.

"Eh, I dunno, watch a couple movies maybe, then, I, to tell you the truth, I have no idea" she said, laughing a little, noticing how goofy she sounded.

"Don't matter to me as long as it's fun."

"Well, we have all day, my parents are out on the lake catching up with some old family friends."

"Cool, what time will they be back?"

"Probably not until late, late tonight."

"Nice, that leaves us all day then."

"What about your parents, though" she looked at him, puzzled.

"25th anniversary, their spending it at a fancy hotel."

"Wow, 25 years, that's pretty impressive these days."

They headed into the living room and sat down in front of the flat screen T.V. and started looking through the collection of DVDs.

"Whacha wanna watch Jim, sappy romance?" she said, giggling, knowing fully that would be a no go with him.

"Anything other than a sappy romance, if you don't mind."

"What about something that has romance, but is not sappy?"

"If you can find something, oh hey, Convoy, that's a good movie." "We can watch it, but I'm choosing the next one."

"Fine by me, you want something to drink, I thought I'd raid your fridge" Jim said as he headed into the kitchen, in search of a drink.

"Yea, a diet coke if you don't mind, oh and don't take my dad's beer."

"Sure, wait, you guys got beer?"

"You didn't hear me say that!"

"Yea I did."

Jim came back into the living room and jumped over back of the loveseat in front of the T.V., a can of Dr. Pepper and Diet Coke, one in each hand. Liz curled up next to him, snatching the can of pop he grabbed for her.

"Thanks Jim" she said, kissing him on the cheek.

He smiled in return, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. As the movie progressed, Liz crept even closer to Jim than she already was. By the end, she was sitting in his lap, her head resting on his muscled shoulder. Jim was just happy he didn't pop a boner, god that would be awkward he thought.

As the end credits of the movie finished out, Liz just looked at Jim and smiled, seductively, "You know, we could just skip the second movie, we do have the place to ourselves you know". "I like how you think. Um, here or your room?"

"My room, definitely, I dunno when my little bro's going to be home."

"Oh, yea that would be more than a little weird, him coming home to that" he said, laughing at the thought of the 10 year old wolf walking in to see his sister and Jim, who he'd never met, naked on the couch.

"Yea, that would probably scar him for life, or at least until sex ed., he is the most naive person I have ever met."

Liz slid off Jim's lap and took him by the hand, leading him up to her room, which, needless to say, was not that hard!

Liz's room was off to the right once you got up the stairs, her brother's off to the left, dead center in the upstairs hall was a bathroom they shared.

Closing and locking her door, Liz looked at Jim and asked, "Nervous?"

"How in the hell could you tell, I thought I was doing a good job hiding it."

"Simple, I can hear your heart beating faster, these ears aren't just for show!"

"Damn, I guess not, god I feel like an idiot now."

"Don't worry about it, I'm just as nervous as you, this will be my first time" she said, cracking a slight smile. "That makes two of us then."

"Wow, um, ok then, at least we're on equal footing" she said, breaking the tension with a laugh.

Jim pulled her close and kissed her, her tongue finding his and intertwining. With slightly shaky hands, she reached for the fly of his jeans, managing to drop them, along with his boxers, to the floor.

"OUCH, damnit" was the response as his belt buckle landed on his toe.

"What?" she asked, thinking she hurt him.

"Damn belt buckle landed on my big toe."

"Ouch, still think you'll be able to use that on me?" Liz asked, pointing to his 7 inch pipe.

"Hells yea" he said, undoing her jeans.

Half a second later, her jeans and panties were on the floor and Jim had her pinned to the bed.

"So, how do you wanna do this Liz?"

"Just shut up and fuck me, I've been wanting this since last night."

Jim lined his cock up with her wet entrance and slowly pushed inward, both of them gasping slightly as he opened her up for the first time. Coming across her final barrier, he stopped.

Looking straight into her eyes, he asked, "You ready for this?" "Yea, just stop if I ask you to."

He pushed forward, breaking through, Liz stiffened up, letting out a yelp of pain, causing Jim to stop and just wait, and he noticed a tear in her eye.

"You ok Liz, we can stop if you want" he said, wiping the tear away.

"That really hurt Jim, just give me a minute, please."

Feeling her relax after a moment, Jim started thrusting again. The pain Liz felt had all but disappeared, replaced by pure pleasure. Being their first time, neither lasted more than all of three minutes, Liz's orgasm coming on fast and hard, clamping Jim's cock like a vice, causing him to cum, harder than he had ever before. When he came, the adrenalin rush was ten times what he felt when he dropped the hammer in a truck pull and that's saying something.

They just looked at each other and laughed, noticing the mess they had made, a mix of both his cum and hers matting her fur and soaking into the bed.

"Um, Liz, you cannot tell anyone how bad I was!"

"You did just fine."

"Yea, whatever, just admit it, I sucked." "What are you talking about, you got me to cum, I'm happy."

"Thank god" he said, rolling off her, "What now?"

"I dunno, I don't want to really get up, let's just hang here and listen to the radio."

"Ok, it's your room and stereo, I'll let you mess with it."

Liz turned on the stereo, Feels Like the First Time, by Foreigner, had just started playing.

"Ironic Jim?"

"Yea, I didn't think you listened to rock though."

"I never said that, I listen to country most of the time, but I do like classic rock."

"Oh, ok, so that's why you didn't protest to listing to classic rock on the way home last night."

"Exactly, that and I like the Scorpions."

Both of them drifted off to sleep, for what felt like hours, but in reality was only about twenty minutes. Waking up, Liz looked at Jim, still snoozing, she smiled and thought to herself, something felt right about him, well two things, actually! Jim started stirring a few minutes after, waking up to find Liz grinning at him.

"Ready for another round big guy?" she asked, licking her lips slightly. "I've reloaded" he remarked, giving her a quick wink.

"Well then, lets not let it go to waste!"

Just as they started, Animals, by Nickleback, started playing, they grinned at each other, feeling like a couple feral animals. Liz crawled over to him and lying between his legs, reached up and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. As the discarded garment made its way to the floor, Liz made her way to his face, planting a solid kiss on his lips, once again their tongues found each other and started battling. His hands ran down her sides, finding the hem of her t-shirt. Peeling it off, he realized she wasn't wearing a bra. Effortlessly flipping them over, leaving her underneath him. He started kissing down the side of her neck, nipping her slightly. Coming upon her chest, he started nibbling on one nipple, while massaging her other ample breast, stopping after a few minutes and switching to the other. Dropping down to her already soaking pussy, he buried his face. Liz let a sharp gasp of pleasure when he found her clit with his tongue. He brought her to the brink of orgasm, and then stopped, letting her settle back down, several more times he did this, being careful to push her to the edge but not over. "Ohhh, holy shit Jim!!"

Looking up at her, he said, "You like?"

Pulling Jim up by the arms, Liz just looked at him and said with a smile, "My turn".

Nearly immediately, Jim was pinned, Liz crawled up between his legs and took the first two inches of his led pipe in her maw. Getting used to his size, she took another couple inches. She started massaging the bottom side of his cock with her tongue. Keeping the massage going, she started bobbing her head, sending Jim into a state of nirvana. Without warning, he stiffened up and unloaded, surprising the hell out of the both of them.


After swallowing what she could, the little left over dribbling down her muzzle, she looked at him and said, "Warn me next time!"

"Sorry, didn't like it?"

"Well, it's not the best thing I've ever tasted but, I suppose it could have tasted worse."

"I'm ready whenever you are."

Looking at his still erect cock, she said, "Yea, I guess you are so, TAKE ME!"

"My pleasure" he said with a grin.

Liz bent over the end of her bed and looked back at Jim with a look that, combined with the pose she held, nearly drove him insane. Slipping his hands around her waist, he lined himself up and hilted himself in her tight passage. Jim started hammering her, working into a solid rhythm that they kept up for about ten minutes, until he felt the beginnings of her orgasm come on. Picking up his pace caused Liz to finally fall over the edge of orgasm, clamping Jim's cock in a vice like grip. Hilting himself as deeply as humanly possible, he came for the third time that morning. Just as they were riding the post orgasmic bliss out, the phone in her room rang. "It's my little brother, don't make a sound, he doesn't know you're here Jim."

Liz answered, "Hello?"

Tyler, her little brother, responded back, "Hey sis, I was just calling to see if you could pick me up from the school in about 45 minutes."

"I thought you were getting a ride with Joe and his parents."

"I was, but Joe was sick today, he couldn't make the field trip."

"Oh, that's never good, I'll be there in a half hour dude."

"Thanks sis."

"No problem Ty, see ya later."

"See ya."

Hanging up the phone, Liz looked at Jim and said, "Look, I gotta go pick my brother up for the school, I'm sorry."

"No problem, hey, I have an idea, your brother has yet to meet me and I parked behind you, we can go together and pick him up, possibly stop for lunch on the way home if ya want."

"Why not, he wants to ride in your truck anyway."


"Yup, remember I took a picture of it on my phone, he thinks it's a real cool truck."

"Sweet, um, we'd better clean up a little first."

"Yea, about that, we'll both have to use the shower up here, dad will be able to tell if someone uses the one in their bedroom." "Wow, sharp eyes, you want to go first?"

"Na, you should go first, give your hair some time to dry, if it's not, that could raise a few questions, it would be normal for me to take a quick shower before leaving the house."

"Ok, be back in a few, I just need to rinse off some."

In the fashion of a sailor, Jim was back out of the shower in about three minutes and dressed in about one.

"Damn dude, that was fast."

"Yea, not too bad, good thing I keep a pit stick in the truck though."

"Why do you have deodorant in your truck?"

"Work, it's nice to have some when its 100 degrees outside and I'm cleaning grain bins out."

"Oh, yea, that would suck, I'll be back out in about 10 minutes."

With 30 minutes before Tyler needed to be picked up, Jim backed the truck onto the highway and took off through town, heading to the elementary school, which was on the same lot as the middle and high school. Pulling into the empty elementary parking lot, Jim pulled the truck up to the front entrance, on the opposite side of the pavement of where the busses would stop. Setting the brakes, he shut the engine down, climbed out and leaned up against the heavy duty front bumper and put some aviator style sunglasses on. Liz followed suit, except for the sunglasses part, she leaned up against Jim, who wrapped his arm around her waist. About 15 minutes later, two big yellow school busses formed on the horizon to the east. As they pulled into the parking lot, Jim saw several small arms reach out the window, giving them the thumbs up. "Huh, wonder what that's about?"

"Probably your truck, don't forget most of these kids are 9 or 10 years old, they love stuff like that at their age."

"Oh, come to think of it, I was the same way."

"You still are!"

"You bet I am! You see Liz, boys never grow up, our toys just get bigger."

"Toys, among other things!"

"Shhh, your brother's coming."

After checking for traffic, Tyler ran across the pavement to his sister.

"Hey sis, thanks, is this the truck you got to ride in last night?" Tyler asked, wide eyed and tail wagging, noticing the truck.

"Yep, sure is, Tyler, this is James Larson."

"Um, hi, cool truck!" Tyler said in an excited voice.

"Well thank you and guess what, you get to ride in it."

"WOW, really, I've never got to ride in a truck like this, my family owns cars."

"Well then, I guess you're in for a treat."

Liz climbed in the center seat, positioning herself so Jim could actually shift. Jim helped Tyler up into the cab, seeing as how tall the truck was, even with the step. After making sure he was belted in, Jim walked around to the driver's door and climbed in. After starting the engine, startling a few people standing nearby when the diesel clattered to life, he released the brake and rolled out onto the highway. As he shifted from second into third, he asked, "Hey, Tyler wanna see something cool?"

"Yea, what?"

"Look in your mirror."

Jim dropped the hammer, the twin turbo Cummins spun up to its 4000 RPM redline before Jim shifted to fourth, a massive plume of jet black diesel smoke poured out the pipe as the two turbochargers screamed, pulling massive amounts of air into the motor. All three of them were pinned in their seats and laughing like idiots. When Jim let off to shift into fourth, the turbochargers surged, which is a real cool noise, but would scare you if you didn't know what it was, neither Tyler nor Liz did.

"What was that?" asked Liz, startled by the noise.

"Compressor surge" was Jim's reply.

"In English gear head."

"Basically put, the turbochargers pushed so much air into the intake when I punched the throttle, when I let off, they slowed down and couldn't hold the air back, allowing it to come back out."

"Huh, weird, why do they slow down when you let off?"

"They are driven off the exhaust, I'll have to pop the hood sometime and show you guys, it will be easier to explain." "Yea, my family, like Tyler here said, we own little street cars, nothing like this machine."

"Well, I think it was cool!" was Tyler's response to the explanation of the noise.

"Hey, Tyler, want to get some lunch, I haven't eaten yet today" asked Jim as he slowed the truck down rolling into town.

"Yea, we didn't stop on the way home, it was a short drive though."

"Ok, there's a drive in diner in town, bout the best place to eat cheap here."

"Cool, I ‘member stopping at one when we moved."

"That sound good to you Liz?"

"Yea, why not, Tyler will like it, and a hot dog sounds good right now anyway" she said, leaving off the other half of what she wanted to say.

Pulling the truck up to an open bay at the drive in, Jim shut the engine down as a carhop came roller skating out to the truck. Jim instantly recognized her as Lenya, the girl Tommy left the dance with the night before.

"Hey Jimmy, hey Liz."

"Hey Lenya" was Jim's response.

"Hey Lenya, this is my little brother, Tyler" said Liz.

"Hello there Tyler. So what can I get you guys today?" "Three regular hotdogs. What do you guys want to drink?"

"I'll have a diet coke" said Liz.

"A root beer float?" asked Tyler.

"Better make that two floats Lenya that sounds pretty good" said Jim.

"Ok, I'll have that out in a minute."


"Thanks for scaring the heck out of Tommy and I last night!"

"Oh, anytime" Jim said with an evil grin.

"How'd you scare em?" asked Tyler.

"Simple, this truck has a train horn."

"Can I hear it?"

"Yea, just not here, I don't want anyone's food to end up in the lap, of the person in the car next to them" Jim said, with a laugh.

Their food was brought out to them and it was quickly devoured, Tyler hungry after his field trip, Liz and Jim hungry after their two rounds of sex. When Jim wasn't looking, Liz stole a swig off his root beer float. He only noticed when the level was about an inch lower than where it was before.

"It's good, isn't it?" he asked, Liz having no clue he knew.


"The float, I know you took a drink."

"Yea, not too bad, I'll have to get one next time." "Yea."

Paying their tab, Jim fired up and backed the truck out of the drive in and headed back to Liz's house.

"Thanks for lunch Jim and thanks for picking Tyler up, I knew he'd like to take a ride."

"Don't mention it, I had fun too."

"Your truck is awesome Jim, when I get bigger, I want one like it!"

"Thanks kiddo, I'm glad you like it."

Tyler ran up to the house and unlocking it, ran inside, excited to be home and get back to his Xbox and Halo 3.

Giving Jim a quick kiss, Liz said, "Thanks again Jim, really, you have no clue what that means to him, plus I enjoyed it myself".

"Really Liz, it's no problem. Hey, what do you bet Tyler would like to see this thing in action?"

"Oh yea, he'd REALLY love to see that."

"Ok then, how about you and your family come to the pull tomorrow night then if you're not busy. It's not too big of a pull, so it shouldn't last too long if you guys want to go."

"I'll talk to my parents in the morning, I most likely won't see them tonight."

"Cool, well, whatcha wanna do now...damn cell phone, who the hell's calling me, sorry about this." "That's ok."

"Dad, wonder what he needs. Hello, Dad?"

"Hey Jim, how's things going?"

"Good, whatcha need?"

"I just got a call from Midwest Diesel, the Oliver is in and ready to be picked up."

"Ok, you want me to pick it up then?"

"Yea, their gates are closed on Sundays and all next week because Joel is going to be out of town and we need the tractor as soon as we can get it, so we can run the auger off it."

"Ok, anything else?"

"Nope, you better get truckin' though."

"Alright, talk to ya tomorrow."

"See ya son."


Shutting the phone and tossing it on the dash, he looked at Liz and said, "Sorry, but I gotta go, even when the boss is gone, I gotta work".

"Well shoot, what time will ya be back?"

"Lets see, its 2 PM now, about 8:30 or so I'd imagine."

"Damn, I was thinking I could fix us some dinner if you'd be back sooner."

"Eh, I'd take you up on that, but, I'll probably end up eating on the way home."

"Yea, that's kind of what I figured, with that long of a drive, well shoot."

"Oh well, some other time I guess." "Yea, some other time, well, Jim, I better let you go, sounds like you have one hell of a drive tonight" she said, with a slight look of disappointment.

"Eh 3 hours one way depending on traffic, add in about a half hour picking the tractor up and then some time at a truck stop for dinner and some fuel, about six and a half to seven hours easily" he said, a little annoyed with having to make the run, wanting to spend the time curled up with Liz instead.

"Could you at least call me tonight when you get home, just so I know you made it home safe."

"I was going to anyway, well, I really better get going" he said, kissing her straight on the muzzle.

"Bye, Jim."


Liz gave him one last kiss as he restarted the truck. After watching her sexy form walk through the door, Jim took off, heading home to pick up the gooseneck trailer. Making it to Midwest, he found the key for the tractor and loaded onto the trailer, after chaining it down, he was gone. About an hour into the return trip, he pulled into a Petro truck stop and grabbed a greasy burger and 30 gallons of diesel fuel, the big dodge being fuel happy under the 14,000 lb load. Rolling back onto the interstate, he made good time for about an hour, until traffic started slowing down, eventually coming to a complete standstill. His CB radio transmitted there had been an accident, a tractor trailer rig had a steer tire go down suddenly, causing the truck to lose control and end up on its lid. Traffic was very heavy, causing multiple cars and 8 other trucks to get caught up, one was carrying gasoline and was spilled, blocking off both eastbound and both westbound lanes as the gasoline was removed before a fire started and cars were cleared. Traffic had not moved an inch in 45 minutes and was not going to for a good while. Setting the brakes on the truck, he grabbed his cell phone off the dash and placed a call, "Hello?"

"Jim, you're home already?" a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Yea, I wish, there was a multiple car pileup, and I'm stuck in a massive traffic jam."

"That sucks, how fast is traffic moving?"

"Oh, about zero miles per hour, I'm about 3 miles back and the line's getting longer as we speak."

"Oh, wow, that's no good, so what are you going to do until you're able to start moving again?"

"Sit here, be lonely, listen to the CB, wait for traffic to start rolling, not a whole hell of a lot, it's not even moving up where it happened, what are you up to?"

"Not a whole lot, Tyler and I just finished off a frozen pizza over the movie Twister, he's up in his room playing Xbox and I'm just watching some TV now."

"Sounds better than being stuck in traffic."

"Yea, although, I wouldn't exactly mind being stuck in traffic with you."

"I wouldn't mind that either, I'm missing you" he said, noticing he did in fact miss the pretty grey wolfess on the other end of the line. "Aww, that's sweet, I wish you were here, well, our earlier activities wore me out, I'm gonna hit the sack."

"Earlier activities as in the one round of me sucking and one round of mind blowing sex?"

"I told you, you did just fine, but yea, that second round wasn't none too bad, if you get my drift, stud."

"Alright, I'll call you tomorrow."

"What about when you get home?"

"I don't seeing me getting home until about 12 or so, I doubt you want me calling then."

"Na, I probably wouldn't be too happy about that, I like my sleep, well, talk to you tomorrow."

"Huh, you like sleep and I like sleeping with you."


"Damn right."

"See ya."


He chucked his phone back onto the dash, shut the truck off and waited, for five hours. Hearing over CB that traffic was starting to move again, he started the truck and a half hour later, he was rolling forward. Moving past the wreck site at little more than an idle, he saw the carnage, they were still removing mangled cars, the trucks had been cleared enough for traffic to move again. Shifting the truck through the gears, he resumed his 60 mph pace, making it home an hour later, it was just after 2 am. 5 minutes after walking inside, he was asleep, on the couch. The next day, Jim awoke around noon, when his cell phone went off right next to his ear, the song, She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy. Hearing that ring, he just smiled, it was Liz.

"Hello?" he said, in a very tired voice, still shaking the sleep out of his head.

"Jim, did you just get up or something?"

"Um yea, I got home at two this morning, I was stuck in that traffic jam for five hours."

"Dang man, that's rough, well, I talked to my parents and they actually want to go the pull, well my dad does, my mom wants to meet your parents, if their going that is."

"Oh cool, what about Tyler, does he want to go?"

"What do you think, of course he wants to!"

"Well, I'll try not to disappoint you guys tonight, oh and yea my parents are going, actually I should be able to get you guys in for free, just ride in my dad's truck, there should be room, with just him and my mom, it's a full cab truck, you can ride with me if you like."

"Alright, I'll take you up on that, how long of a drive is it?"

"About 30 minutes on the interstate." "Oh, that's not bad at all, well I'm going to go for a run, so what time should we show up?"

"Actually, we'll be driving past your place, so we can just pick you up, say about 4."

"Ok, we'll see you then."

"Ok, yea, I need to get ready for tonight and shower, I'm still in yesterday's clothes."

"Eww, why didn't you change?"

"Fell asleep on the couch, I sat down with a can of pop and boom I was out."

"That had to be an attractive sight, well, I'm going to let you go."

"See ya tonight."


Just as he closed his phone, his parents walked in.

"Hey Jimmy, whoa what happened to you?" his dad asked, surprised by his son's ragged appearance.

"Got home at two this morning, fell asleep on the couch and woke up about five minutes ago."

"What happened?"

"I was stuck in a 5 hour traffic jam on the interstate on the way home last night."

"You still up for the pull today?"

"Yea, about that, we're stopping at Liz's place on the way, her family's coming to watch, I figure Liz will ride up with me, her parents and brother can ride in your pickup." "Ok, you'll have to lead, I don't know which house is theirs."

"Wow, Jimmy, looks like you need a shower!" his mom said, as she walked in the living room.

"Yea, long story, don't ask, I gotta get ready to for tonight, shower after."

"Yuck, how can you stand to look like that?"

"Just can, I've been worse, just ask dad after spending a day cleaning out bins."

Jim got up and walked outside, after unloading the tractor and unhooking the trailer, he pulled the truck into the shop and topped off the coolant and oil and checked the fluid levels in the transmission, transfer case and axles. With everything checking out, he donned a pair of leather gloves and started loading the bed with what he needed for the pull, suitcase weights to weigh the front end down, the weight bracket, the solid steel bumper guards for the back of the truck and he put the big recovery shackle that hooked to the sled, in the receiver hitch. With everything loaded, he filled the 5 gallon tank for the water injection systems up and topped off with go-go juice. He also tossed some spare parts, driveshafts, u-joints and other assorted drive train parts in the bed, knowing fully he might need at least one, pulling was very stressful on the truck. By the time he was all ready to go, Liz had made it back from her run and had showered and prettied herself up, even though Jim insisted she didn't need to, as she was just beautiful as it was. Just before 4, the two dodge trucks rolled up, Rich, Jim's father owned a 2004 dodge 3500 with the Cummins diesel, he didn't compete in truck pulls though. Before Jim's truck had even come to a complete stop, Liz was out the door. Her little brother was just behind her, out the door like a bolt of lightning. A minute later, their parents walked out and the door was locked. Mr. and Mrs. Jonson and Tyler climbed into John's truck. Meanwhile, Liz had already climbed up into Jim's truck.

"Hey you" he said, kissing her on the nose.

"Hey, stop, that tickles!" she said in response, giggling.

Jim just smiled and keyed the CB mic, saying, "Y'all got yourselves strapped in back there?"

"Yea, we're all in."


Pulling out of the driveway, the two trucks took off for the fairgrounds.

"So, what exactly is going to happen tonight?" Liz asked.

"We're going to show up, I'll sign up for the modified street class, get the truck set up and pull, at least once. Oh and I may have to fix the truck before I can drive home."

"Wait, you pull more than once?"

"Depends, if me and at least one other truck pull over 300 feet, the sled either changes gear, making the box top out earlier, or weight is added to it." "Oh, kind of a tie breaker then."

"Very much so."

"I'm glad my parents agreed to come to this, my little brother was going off the wall about seeing you pull, he wouldn't shut his trap."

"He's in for an experience he won't soon forget and you guys get the second best seats in the house, right down along the concrete barriers, up close and personal with the action."

"So, if that's the second best seat, do I even want to know how close we'd have to be to have the best?"

"I'm sitting in the best seat, the driver and the sled operator are right in the center of it all, although the guy in the sled is really along for the ride for the most part."

As they rolled into the fairgrounds, Jim followed the sign pointing out the entrance for pulling trucks both Jim and Rich had hangtag passes, allowing them through. Pulling into the field serving as the pits, Jim shut his truck off and commenced to ready it for competition, clamping the weight bracket to the front bumper and adding several suitcase weights to the left front of the bracket and then pinning the bumper guards to the back of the truck. With the truck ready to go, he headed over to the announcers booth and signed up. Finding his ‘crew' sitting in some lawn chairs in front of the trucks, he divulged the itinerary of the rest of the day, "Alright y'all, here's what's going to happen, the stock class is first, as usual there is a pretty big turnout of trucks, after the stockers are done pulling, the modified street class, where I'm pulling, is up. I am the fifth truck up. After my class, the pro-mod truck classes are up and are the last classes of the night, like I said, small pull, but there are some very good trucks here tonight, I'm really going to have to be on top of it and have no mechanical failures to have a chance of clenching a win or even a top three".

Sitting down in the lawn chair set up for him, Jim grabbed a can of Vault and proceeded to relax until the pulling actually started. The stock class started half an hour later, it was a longer class, but relatively uneventful, as the trucks were not modified, they were under less stress than modified trucks were. With three trucks left in the stock class to pull, Jim started his truck, getting the engine warmed back up, it was about to be subjected to several hundred times the abuse the factory ever designed it for. The last truck in the class broke, the transfer case shattered, leaving a pool of ATF about halfway down the track. The mess was cleaned up and weight was added to the sled for the street mod class. Before Jim climbed into his truck, Liz gave him a hug and a quick kiss, "Good luck and Jim for the love of god, be careful, watching that first class, it seems kind of scary".

"Don't worry dear, I'll be fine" he said, saddling up and strapping on his helmet.

Jim shifted the truck into gear and rolled into the lineup, behind an older Ford, a newer Chevy pulled up behind him, he knew this would be a good tough night, both trucks were always competitive and his Dodge was no slouch on the track either, it was not uncommon for them to finish in the top three spots. The Ford made its pull, making the 300 foot full pull and then some. Jim rolled the Dodge out onto the track and backed up to the sled, the massive hook was attached to his truck as he shifted the transfer case into 4x4, low range, he selected third gear on the transmission. The green light on the sled lit and the flagger dropped the green, Jim started winding the Cummins up to 3000 RPM, the turbos spooled, building boost pressure. When the engine reached 3 grand, he let off the clutch, hard. The truck lurched forward and nosed up, the hammer was dropped, the motor spun up to 3500 RPM, the sled pulling it down a good bit. The truck roared down the track, puking black, half burnt diesel smoke all over the right side of the track and anyone standing on that side, including Liz and her family, he wondered how that would go over! A few seconds later, the truck passed the 300 foot marker and didn't stop for another 40 feet. The weight on the sled pulled the truck down to a stop, digging a hole, well 4 holes actually, until the red flag was dropped, Jim let off the throttle and clutched at the same time, the engine dropping form 3800 RPM to idle almost instantly. Jim breathed a sigh of relief, nothing had broken, yet. After backing up a foot and getting unhooked, he shifted back into two wheel drive and rolled out heading for the pits. He left the truck idling, knowing there was going to be a pull off, with him in it. Upon climbing down and removing his helmet, he had a mob of people on him. "WOW, JIM THAT WAS SOOOOOOO AWESOME DUDE" was Tyler's extremely excited response.

"That was pretty wild Jim" Liz said, giving him a solid kiss on the lips, once again leaving off part of what she wanted to say, especially with both his and her parents and her little brother there. She wanted so badly to say she was feeling more than a little wild herself!

"Well, Jim, you better get ready to pull again, there are three other trucks in the pull off so far, you've got a good shot too, you've got the guy in second beat by twenty two feet" his dad relayed back to him, by means of two way radio, his dad was on the sideline, spotting for him.

"Thanks Tyler, yes, Liz, it was a pretty wild ride, always is and ok dad, do you know how many truck are left to run before the pull off?" was his response to the barrage of people talking all at once.

"The last truck is just hooking to the sled now and, oh, well looks like his motor just dumped itself on the floor , you better get saddled back up and ready."

"Alright, wish me luck y'all." "One more for luck" Liz said as she kissed him again.

Climbing back into the truck, he once again proceeded to the lineup, this time much shorter, only 4 trucks, including his. The sled had been weighed down even more. He was second up to pull and everything proceeded as it had before, until he was about at half track. All hell broke loose, sending bits of metal flinging across the track, a couple of them smacked the underside of the truck. The truck slowed down enough to let the sled slam into the bumper guards the truck wore. Jim immediately let off the throttle and tried to stop, the sled pushing the truck several feet, the first thought going through his head was the possibility of someone being hit by a chunk of metal. After a tow tractor pulled him to the pits, he saw his ‘crew', he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw none of them had a piece of metal embedded in their skull. With the truck still cooling down, Jim climbed out and started checking for what broke.

"Damn it all!" came Jim's voice from under the truck. "What broke?" his dad asked.

"A u-joint on the front driveshaft, took the front output shaft on the t-case with it."

"Ouch, anything else destroyed?"

"One of the ears on the driveshaft is gone and it looks like a piece of something hit the bottom of the truck, there's a nice dent in the floorboard that wasn't there before, come check this out."

"Oh, damn, wonder what caused it to break loose like that."

"Hell if I know, all I know is I won't have 4 wheel for a few days while I'm waiting on a new input."

After removing the driveshaft, Jim crawled out from under the truck and shut it down. He pulled the bumper guards, weighs and weight bracket off the truck and tossed them in the bed. Walking around to his dad's rig to grab a drink, he was latched onto by Liz.

Seeing worry in her eyes, he asked, "What's wrong dear?"

"Oh, nothing, that just scared me when your truck broke, that's all" she said, kissing him.

"Why does my truck breaking scare you?"

"Jim, when I met you the other day, something just felt right, it's hard to explain, I think I'm falling for you." "I think the feeling is mutual, never have I missed someone as I did you last night."

"Aww, Jim."

"What do you say I lock the truck up and we find a place to watch what's left of the pro mod trucks."

"Just you and me?"

"Yea, where's everyone else at anyway?"

"Don't know, don't care."

Hand in hand, they headed off for the stands. Finding a set of seats they thought were semi-secluded, they sat down.

Thinking no one would notice, Liz pulled Jim in close, kissing him deeply.

After the kiss broke, Jim looked at her, puzzled, "Wow, what was that for?"

"Oh, no reason really, just wanted to."

"Want to again?" he said, flashing a cheesy grin.

They started kissing again, getting lost in the moment. Feeling his cell phone vibrating in his pocket, Jim pulled it out to find a text from John. Reading it, Jim just started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, apparently John is here."

"He saw us?"

"Yep, the stalker, I gotta text him back."

"Whacha gonna send him in return?"

"I told him to pay attention to Allison, not his friends making out in the back." "You goof."

"Would you want me any other way."

"Nope, I love you just the way you are."

"Love you too" he said, slipping an arm around her, kissing the side of the muzzle.

The last class came to a close with a pull off between two trucks, the first one winning with a pull of 359 feet, he had to stop before running out of track. Navigating traffic at the fairgrounds, Jim and Rich slowly made their way out to the interstate. They pulled up to Liz's house half an hour later, Liz giving Jim a kiss before jumping out of the truck and walking inside with her parents. Jim was running in front, his dad's truck behind him.

Seeing Liz kiss Jim, his dad couldn't resist and keyed the mic on his CB as they pulled back onto the highway, "Get a room you two".

"Um, she's not here...oh, god you have a twisted mind."

After getting home, it didn't take long for Jim to fall asleep, tired from the mental stress created by truck pulling, Liz on the other hand laid awake, thoughts of him taking her running rampant through her mind. Slipping a paw below her silk panties, she started pleasuring herself, working up to her first orgasm of the night easily. She continued, the second time taking longer, stopping when she was on the edge, allowing herself to relax. For nearly half an hour she continued in this fashion, finally working up to a mind blowing orgasm. She had to hold a pillow over her mouth to keep from waking everyone in the house. Sleep came easier for her after she finished, tired from pure physical exertion.