Gay As Fuck - Strip Club

Story by Spear on SoFurry

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#2 of Gay As Fuck

Awoo! Part two is here!

Dan groggily rolled over, pulling half the bedcovers with him and causing a stir from the jaguar girl sleeping by his side. Kimi's hand felt across his chest, grasping at the covers before yanking them back to her side of the bed.

"Hmmm, sweetie, you're restless. Just go back to sleep," she mumbled.


It wasn't all that early. Despite her complaints, the clock on his bedside table read only a few minutes past ten in the morning. His head spun, and he half-regretted the amount he had drank the previous evening. Judging from the smell coming from Kimi, however, she had indulged in more than her fair share, and would probably be out for the better part of the morning.

Moving his feet off the bed, the coyote stood up and stretched to his full height and yawned, his eyes bleary and ears drooped. "I'm going to make some coffee."

A mumble was all the response he got. Pacing his way into the kitchen, he flicked the kettle on and ran the tap in the sink so as to mask the sound of his voice. After a quick glance back towards the bedroom, he reached for his phone and dialed Abyss's number.

"Hello?" a hoarse voice answered.

Dan's ears flicked, a frown spreading across his muzzle as his lips pursed. "Uh, hi... Abyss, it's me. Just checking up on you. I... um... How's the head?"

For a moment, the line went silent. The only sound heard by the coyote being that of someone shuffling and grumbling for a few moments before finally responding. "Terrible. Who got me home?"

"Kimi drove you. My car stinks now, by the way."

"Oh? Sorry about that." A pathetic excuse for a chuckle came from the other end. "So what's up? Why'd you call so... nevermind."

Dan opened and closed his mouth a few times without uttering a word. The shuffling continued on the other end for a further moments before a loud thump reverberated down the line.

"Abyss? You okay?"

After a grunt, he answered. "Just fell out of bed. Now, tell me, did you need more little wolf?"

"Abyss, I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm, er, not really sure what's happening, but I want to see you again. I think we're both a bit spent today, but I can take tomorrow off work if you like and we can just go and do something. Whatever you want. Kimi will be home, so maybe, I dunno, let's go out somewhere?"

Dan paused yet again before continuing, fumbling with his words as he spoke. "I hope you want me."

Another groan. "Sorry, what was that?"

Dan couldn't bring himself to say it a second time. He already had Kimi, it just sounded wrong to be opening talking about wanting another fur, even if it was a guy. He knew he was probably over thinking things; they hadn't known each other for more than a few days after all. It was the fact that he could feel butterflies that gave him pause.

"Oh, nothing, nothing." he said.

The coyote turned the tap on and off a few times. "Well, would you like to meet up, say tomorrow for lunch? I know a few places. Nice and quiet, out of the way. My treat."

"Sure." Abyss' response sounded a little perkier, "What places do you have in mind?"

Dan tapped the kitchen counter a few times. "Well, there is a nice dinner I've been to with K-..."

No, that wouldn't do. Whatever it was, it had to be something just for them. There was a small, out of the way cafe he had frequented a lot after first immigrating, a place he'd go when he was having a hard time. It was a common hangout for couples, though he'd never taken Kimi there - he'd always seen it as 'his' place, and his alone.

Though for some reason, he wanted to share it. It was a perfect place for the two of them, just for two guys.

"Actually, I know this one place. Do you much like Chinese food?"

Abyss laughed at the question, though it quickly turned to coughs. "Do I like Chinese food? Of course I do, who the hell doesn't!"

"Great!" Dan nearly shouted, "So we can-"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Just call me again sometime tomorrow and tell me what time you figure out. Or text me. I need to sleep off last night."

"Sure thing." The coyote's voice was a little softer when he replied. "Sleep well."

Abyss propped himself up against his bed, tossing his cell phone aside and running both his hands up and over his ears. His head was aching, and felt as if someone had taken a hammer to it. The conversation with Dan had been unexpected. Truthfully, the wolf hadn't anticipated the call at all, but it had been nice, and he smiled in spite of himself.

For now, however, he desperately needed to do something about this headache.

Forcing himself to his feet, the wolf staggered towards the bathroom, head still cradled in his hands. Dan's voice had been soothing, though a bit of sweet talk only went so far when it felt as if your skull was splitting in two. With several more ungainly steps, Abyss staggered into the bathroom, and clutched at the worn, dirty basin to steady himself.

'Why is it that you only ever realise how drunk you are when you're alone in a bathroom?'

The spinning sensation ceased momentarily as he focused on his own bloodshot eyes in the mirror, gazing unblinkingly for a good minute before finally pulling the cabinet open. The wolf hastily grasped a bottle of aspirin, and deposited a couple pills into his hand before popping them into his mouth, drinking directly from the faucet to help swallow them. He briefly considered showering, but quickly gave up on that notion when he felt his legs give way underneath him. Either from exhaustion or the lingering effects of the alcohol, he quickly found himself of the bathroom floor, clutching at the side of the bathtub.

"Ugh, damn it."

Hauling himself upward, he pulled his form over the edge and flopped into the tub. It was comfortable. Ridiculously comfortable. It encompassed him, keptg him safe from the outside world. The wolf fell asleep with a smile on his face, imagining Dan there, next to him as he slept.

Abyss stands outside the entrance of the place. Music could be heard, and flashing colored lights lit the ground in front of them. It was a rather cold night, and the smaller figure leaned up against his... date? Should that be what he thinks of this?

"Another bar?" he chattered, wagging his tail lightly in spite of the sub-zero temperatures as he looked up to the coyote. "You should really cut back with the drinking, you know."

Dan brushed some of the snow from his jacket, reveling in the cold weather that he was so used to. Noticing that his companion was shivering a little, he pulled the smaller wolf to his side for warmth.

"Bar? Yeah, I guess you could say that, they serve beer here, but it's crazy overpriced and... hang on, don't tell me you've never been?"

Abyss tilted his head in an innocent, puppy-like fashion. His grip tightened, and he whimpered. "Don't tease me about it, I haven't been here! The other bar we met at is just at a convenient location, and the prices are okay."

Dan chuckled and released the wolf, playfully kicking up a bit of snow at him. "In that case, get your tail inside!"

The wolf barked barked at the snow, hugging himself in an attempt to stay warm. "Well, don't mind if I do!" he huffed with mock anger, strutting his hips while he headed for the door. An exceptionally bored, though rather intimidating, looking tiger barred his passage, demanding that he present both an ID and entrance fee. Dan had warned him of this, and he scrambled to produce both. The tiger eyed him and the coyote suspiciously for a moment or two before stepping aside, motioning for them to enter.

"So, what made you pick this place?" asked Abyss, exhalling contentedly as he stepped from the freezing air into the warmth of the establishment.

Dan almost sneezed as the scent of the establishment hit his nose. The owners kept it heavily perfumed, providing a more 'erotic' sensation, the coyote supposed. All well and good for most furs, but for canines like himself, it could be a little overpowering.

Of course, he wasn't here to smell the offerings, he was here to watch...

He grinned at the wolf's question. "I think you'll see soon enough!"

Leading the wolf through the entranceway, the pair were assaulted by the sight of a vixen removing her last item of clothing, an all-too-small g-string, twirling it about her finger before flicking it into the crowd. A howl of approval erupted from the audience as the vixen strutted her way across the stage, offering teasing glimpses of her nether regions. Showing only the slightest flash of pink, she swayed and gyrated her voluptuous hips; the swish of her silky, flowing tail only adding to the allure.

"I... guh?"

Dan had only been here once or twice, with Kimi no less, and he knew well enough that for a really raunchy show, you'd need to pay extra for the private rooms. Still, he could hardly complain at the display before him.

"There you are!" he said, turning to Abyss to gloat at the expression creeping across his face, "What do you think?"

Abyss wrinkled his nose a little at the smell, and wiped it. There was a bit too much of it, but there was a slight, underlying sting to his nose. Something familiar, but he chalked it up to this just being a bar. Of course people got tipsy and perhaps a little horny.

The moment he saw the female fox, however, he froze, taking in every bit of her body. Without noticing, he was licking his lips and flicking his own tail, and his sheath began to stir.

"What do I think?" he repeated the question, making sure he heard it right over the music and people talking. He covered his face, trying to feign embarrassment, but the tent in his pants suggested other emotions. "I think you took me to a really seedy place!"

He uncovered his face, stealing a few glimpses between the vixen's thighs.

"Um, so it's just a titty bar then? Well, they have some nice dancers," he noted more quietly with a slight smile, an admission of his enjoyment of it all. "They're not quite as good as you, though I suppose it's okay to enjoy this, right?"

"Ah, lay off!" Dan laughed, crossing the floor towards the bar. Of course, the prices here astronomical, but you couldn't go to a strip club without having at least something to drink. Beside, this was their special night out, and Dan didn't mind spending a little extra. Motioning to the bartender, her forked over a few notes and received two ice cold bottles in return, sliding one of them across the bartop to Abyss.

"Beer, hmm?" noted the wolf. "Not what I usually drink, but I never mind a good beer. Doesn't smell like pure piss, at least."

He took a few quick gulps, placing the bottle down and sighing. "Heh, so you used to be a real bachelor. Now you're tied down with a girlfriend."

Dan just nodded and took a sip from his beer. The wolf could see his eyes darted about the room, moving from dancer to dancer, taking them in, eating up every inch of their bare fur. Seems it really didn't matter where you got your appetite, as long as you ate at home.

"So," continued the coyote, "we're here now, finish up that beer and we'll see to it that you have a bit of fun. The girls are nice here, I'm sure we'll find one you like the look of."

Abyss raised an eyebrow. "Oh, a lap dance? Thought this place was just eye candy." A wide, wolfy grin spread over his muzzle. "I always wanted someone exotic to grind over my dick. Now... let's see what's on the menu!"

After a bit of looking around, his eyes fell on a fennec. He'd been with foxes before, but not one of those. The overly large ears were always adorable, and this one, while a little shorter than himself, had a great rack and pair of thighs.

"Mm, she's cute. You into size difference, Danny?" He almost laughed at the question. Dan was quite a bit larger than himself. If Dan wasn't into that, it'd be a mild surprise.

Dan raised an eyebrow over his drink. "Danny, is it now? And yes, I guess I am, the small ones are always the cutest."

The coyote quickly glanced around before giving Abyss a swift peck on the cheek.

"Well then... Abby." He smirked as he forced the rather unflattering nickname upon the wolf. "Finish your drink and we'll go and talk to her. The first one is on me!"

Without waiting for Abyss to finish his drink, he drained his own in a single gulp. Giving himself just enough of a buzz to enjoy what was to come, Dan quickly paced across the floor and up to the petite Fennec girl, tugging the smaller wolf behind him.

"Hey cutie!" he said, sounding just a little lame.

The girl either didn't notice, or was polite enough not to comment on it. "Hey there yourself, you looking for something, sweetie?"

"Yeah," continued Dan, tugging thrusting the smaller male forward, "my friend here likes the look of you, but was just a bit too shy to say anything, so here we are!"

Pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket, he handed it over to the fennec, enough for three songs. "This should be do it, make sure he enjoys it. I'll be..." his eyes flashed to a cheetah girl bouncing past, "... over... there."

A little off balance after the sudden shove, Abyss flattened his ears and stared at the mostly-nude fennec, unable to stop himself from glancing down at her chest repeatedly. His voice shook, and he mumbled a childish "Hi".

Why was he so shy?! Abyss wanted to smack himself. He was normally more confident than this, but Dan had put him on the spot here, and he had wanted to go at his own pace!

He cleared his throat and opened his muzzle to speak. "I'm... my name's Ab-"

The tiny fennec girl tugged on the wolf's jacket, yanking him abruptly away from Dan with a yip. Urging him to follow her over to an out-of-the-way sofa, she pulled him past other dancers and patrons to the corner of the club.

"Come on!" she said, bouncing up and down as she led him over, "it's nice and private over here, we can have a good time!"

"What kind of good time?"

Her tail and ears swished about as she skipped over Nearly naked, her full, round hips delicious accentuated her otherwise delicate frame. The shapely, hourglass figure that so many girls sought after, Maxi had it in spades. Though almost a foot shorter than the already small wolf, her soft ears shot up above even his own, adding a full 18 inches to her height. As they pair of furs slid up to the sofa, the fennec gave Abyss a playful push onto his rump, at the same time expertly straddling his lap and wrapping her arms about his neck before whispering heatedly in his ear.

"I'm Maxi, sweet stuff, what's your name?"

"I'm A-Abyss..." The wolf had stuttered, his attention now only focusing on an up-close perspective of the fox's figure. His eyes stared at her chest, and he wanted to reach up and grab them more than anything. And so he did, briefly, shyly rubbing a palm over a cloth-covered breast. What was the big deal? She had touched his ass anyways.

"So... what do you do here exactly?"

Maxi giggled a little at the touch, squirming her tiny frame back and forth in his lap.

"Oh, I just make sure cute little puppies like you are kept happy!" Her hands grabbed his own and held them to her hips. Currently dressed in a tiny thong, partly concealed beneath a short skirt that covered maybe half of her ass at most, and a needlessly transparent bikini, the wolf's fingers were able to run through her soft, silky fur, better kept than anything he had touched before.

"But, there's just one or two tiny little rules I need to go over, kay? You can touch me... here..."

She pushed his hands to rub down over her hips and onto her thighs.

"" She led him to rub at her rump, "aaaaaaaand... here."

Their hands finally settled over her breasts, noticeably still covered by fabric. They were more than a handful for the wolf, despite her small size.

"If you get a bit to frisky," she said with a cute smile, "I'll just give you a playful little nip and we'll pretend nothing happened, 'kay?"

To emphasize her point, she gave the nape of his neck the softest bite with her fangs, pricking his skin ever so slightly and sending a shiver of excitement down his spine.

"But hey, just lean back and let me do most of it!"

Without further talk, she reached around and unfastened her bikini strap with a single, clean motion, allowing her full and obviously 100% natural breasts to bounce into view mere inches from the wolf's face. As the song ended and the next track began, her hips began to gyrate and thrust against him, sliding and grinding over his crotching, pausing every few seconds to allow the heat of her own nethers to be felt by the wolf, even through three full layers of clothing.

"Hmmmmm, I don't mind if you want to let a bit of pressure out. Just make sure you keep those boxers on, 'kay?"

Unable to keep his face from splitting into a grin, Abyss inwardly wondered just how much he might be able to get away with. His eyes remained fixed to her feminine assets, and he slowly began to undo his pants. The wolf gritted his fangs, trying to hold back moaning like a madman as her ass grinded against his cock, nothing but his feeble, thin piece of clothing being in the way. His breathing increased in both pace and depth, and he was finding it more and more difficult to hold himself back.

His maw came open, tongue hanging out as he moaned wantonly. "Ohh, Maxi, you know how to make a pup happy."

After a little thrust against her, his hips continuously tried to grind back with her movements. Without thinking about it, his hands came to her ass, squeezing and kneading, feeling up her glorious, thick rump. Without a doubt, she would have felt his knot forming in his boxers, practically hotdogging him as she was, though he could hardly be blamed.

And the smell, oh heavens the smell! Along with his roaming hands, Abyss inhaled her delicious scent, every whiff of her sending another pump of blood to his now rock-hard member.

"Oh... fuck... FUCK!"

It was at that moment he really wished he had known he was coming here. He hadn't had a chance to jerk off and increase his stamina. All he could do was bite his bottom lip and hope he wouldn't cum too fast.

Maxi flashed her fangs and continued her sensual movements, riding further up the wolf's lap until her chest was pressed up against his face. Rocking from side to side, her ass pressed down hard on his length, the fabric of her own underwear providing almost no barrier.

"Hmmmmm, I can tell you're excited. Why don't you do something with what you've got in your face? I'm sure no-one will look, kay?"

After a quick glance around on her part, she whispered again, a little more seriously this time, "Come on, cutie, bouncers are too busy with some loser kicking up a fuss over there, I'll let you get away with a bit, seems your friend really wanted you to enjoy this, so enjoy it!"

Letting out a guttural moan, Maxi violently grabbed the back of the wolf's head and almost suffocated him with her breasts. At the same time, she started all but dry humping him, sliding her furred buns up and down his length, the tip occasionally being forced to peek out from the elastic band of his boxers. The music continued to pound in their ears, though not enough to hide their heavy breathing from each other. Whether this was all part of the act or not, it didn't matter, you don't complain when a smoking hot vixen is grinding herself over your wolfhood!

Though, as Maxi was soon to find out, Abyss had taken what she had said perhaps a little too literally, and had pulled his boxers down, tugging the band under his balls to keep it in place. At this point, he was simply flat-out masturbating with her body, thrusting against her pathetic excuse for clothing. All the while his face was smothered into her breasts, greedily absorbing every moment of it, inhaling her scent and giving her nipples direct, sloppy licks.

"Maxi! You're perfect! So... perfect!"

With how close he was, and the small tinge of booze in his blood, his initial shyness was obviously long gone. His claws scratched along her ass, dragging up over her back, but he was careful not to cut her. He just wanted her to feel it.

"B-bite me!" he demanded just before his lips wrapped over one of her breasts, suckling on her hungrily.

Maxi gasped at the assault on her breasts, pushing her chest harder into the wolf's maw as the tongue lashed over her rapidly hardening nipples. Her own hands roamed across the back and neck, caressing and pinching and scratching at his fur. After a particularly powerful suck, she leaned over and bit down, sinking her fangs into his shoulder, far harder than the 'playful nip' she had suggested earlier.

"Abyss," she said, removing her jaw from his neck, "you better be ready for this, I'm not sure you know what you're getting yourself into!"

She continued to rock and sway her body, her tail madly waving back and forth, entangling with his own from time to time or brushing up one of his legs. Though the second song had started, neither of them seemed to notice. After having her other breast sucked and licked by the wolf's tongue, she finally pushed back a bit, sliding down his lap a little and presenting herself frontally to him.

"Don't tell anyone about this, kay! I don't do this for just anyone, but I think you need something to remember, something to tell your friend over there and make him a little... oh, well, nevermind about that!"

For the briefest moment, Abyss's eyes wandered away from the girl in front of him, searching for the coyote, somewhere out on the floor. It didn't take long for his gaze to fall upon the other male, his body thoroughly entangled with that of a cheetah girl who was bending and stretching and angles impossible for anyone but a feline, his eyes glazed over with lust and desire as he drank her up.

"Hey!" said Maxi, noticing the distraction and turning Abyss' head back, "Eyes on me, puppy boy!"

Assured of his attention, she slid her hands down her front, settling them just above her crotch. With a sultry, wicked grin, she slid her fingers under the elastic of her panties and pulled them to the side, giving Abyss an eyeful, as well as an intoxicating whiff, of her glistening, dripping cunt. Before he could react or say anything, she plunged two fingers inside herself, rapidly pumping back and forth and coating herself with her juices.

"Hmmm, like it, little wolfy?"

Slowly, tantalizingly, she withdrew her fingers from her snatch and held them up to the wolf's nose. Delicately, she ran the cum-stained digits along Abyss' jawline, depositing her essence across his lips and under his nose.

"Puppy, I think we've got one song left, but something tells me you're not going to last that long~!"

He most certainly wasn't. Abyss squeezed her ass again and again

As she returned to masturbating herself for his viewing pleasure, the wolf grabbed himself, stroking and squeezing his knot. The scent and flavor of his pussy drove him mad, and he growled as his hand moved faster and faster. Jerking off furiously, not a single care given for any one of the bouncers who might see him, his free hand reached out to grip her chest, whining through his muzzle as he again felt her soft, sensual orbs. Just before his orgasm hit, he peered over to Dan, hoping he was watching, hoping he loved what he saw, that Abyss was all but being fucked, and all thanks to the coyote's help.

White seed splashed over her inner thighs, a strand or two landing over the fennec girls wet, soaked nether lips.

"Oh... damn!"

Maxi bucked and thrust her hips across Abyss' naked cock one last time before sliding from him, winking and covering her now cum-stained crotch with her hand in a teasing manner. "Dirty little puppy! I think next time you come here, you and I should hit the VIP room, kay?"

After another quick glance around, Maxi leaned in and gave the wolf a quick kiss on the cheek, her hand running up his leg and giving his hardness a final squeeze before bouncing off. "Oh, and I think your friend liked the show!"

Looking across, the wolf would see Dan's face, fixed squarely on the scene that had unfolded before him, the cheetah completely forgotten as she worked her body across his lap, eager to please, eager for more. Well, more money, maybe. His lips curled into a smile and he beckoned the wolf over.

Dan followed the tall, slender cheetah girl, his eyes fixated on her pert rump, accentuated by her long tail flowing back and forth. Unlike most of the other girls in the establishment, she was a little more modestly dressed, with a tank top and obscenely short boyshorts hugging her thighs. Not as outwardly tantalising as some of the other dancers, but there was still something incredibly errotic about it. Dan just had to have a closer encounter.

Much closer. Dashing in front of her, the coyote awkwardly stammered out a greeting.

"Oh, h-hi there!" he fumbled, "You're pretty cute, was wondering if I could have a few dances. I sent my friend off with one of the other girls and could use a little something myself."

As he was want to do in such situations, he played up his accent just a little, making sure the cheetah knew he was foreign, even if only from their northern neighbor.

"Think that might be okay?"

The cheetah girl didn't answer at first. Rather, she just turned to him, showing off her stomach as her whole body waved, her hips swaying back and forth as if she were already riding the coyote. After licking a finger, she rubbed it over the male's lips, and then held out a hand, rubbing her palm.

"It's not a problem..." she said quietly, and snuck a paw under the canine's waistband, gripping his package through his underwear. Now, her chest was pressed up against him, and her lips close enough for him to feel heat from her breath. " long as you can afford it, I'll dance as much as you and this little boy wants."

Dan couldn't have thrust his hand into his pocket fast enough, fishing out his wallet and producing a small wad of bills. He had only given enough to Abyss for three dances, and it wouldn't be right to have more for himself. Regaining a little composure, despite the delicate paw now grasping his length, he counted out a few of the notes and snapped them into the waistband of her shorts.

"There you go, let's go over there!"

He had been here enough times to know the good spots, although this time, he wanted a clear view of what was happening between Abyss and the fennec. The chair he had selected was close to the stage, so it wouldn't look too suspicious to see him avert his gaze from the girl who would be soon grinding into his lap; he might just be eyeing up another dancer, after all! Throwing himself down, Dan leaned back and got comfortable, motioning for the cheetah to join him.

"Well, I'm ready!"

She looked through the notes, counting them in between sensual licks of her lips. Once she was satisfied, she swayed her ass in an exaggerated manner while, pacing closer and closer to where he sat. With the 'yote in place, she waited until the next song began to play a few moments later.

Those sharp, untamed irises locked to his in a hypnotizing way, almost distracting him from the hands that undid her inadequate bra. With her chest bare, she rubbed them as her body swayed, inching closer to him every moment until, finally, she turned and slapped her tail into Dan's face.

At first, her firm, petite ass brushed against his face, and she slowly descended until her rump rested over the tent. Even though it was a lewd act, it was by no means crude: her hip worked over his crotch in a genuinely expertly way. The cheetah could indeed dance.

Dan could feel her warmth radiate past the meager clothing, and she could feel the size of the growing, warm rod under her. The canine's senses picked up her increased breathing, and noticed the feline looking over and scowling. The competitive girl then reached for Dan's waistband, undoing his pants.

"No extra charge." she said, grinning savagely. "Just shut up and act normal, if you want a bit... more."

Dan ran his fingers through her fur, sliding down to cup her rump as it teased its way across his lap. He inhaled deeply, allowing her exotic, wild scent to fill his lung, sending a flutter through his heart and a few more ounces of blood to his loins. He moved to her breasts, gentling picking them up and running his pads over her nipples.

"Oh... I... hell yes!" he said upon hearing her invitation.

Nothing much of note had happened on previous visits, beyond a bit of groping that likely crossed the line as to what would be considered appropriate, though it was hardly uncommon. This time, however, it seemed he had something a little more raunchy on his hands.

The stripper pulled the coyote's cock into the free and warm air, immediately pressing herself against it. The fabric was so small, so cheap, it might as well not have been there at all, since Dan could clearly feel the heat of her bare tailstar rub against his shaft's underside. While it happened, she leaned back, arching enough to lick at his muzzle; sloppily and ferally.

As their lips connected and tongues entwined, the cheetah went beyond raunchy. He felt his tip press directly against her hole, before slipping and sliding up and between her buns. In a series of circular hips dances, she pounded against it. There wasn't any other way to put it - she was all but fucking him. Hard enough, even, that his cock ached. It ached and she knew it; biting at Dan's tongue in a lusty, dominant display. Their kiss broke, and she gleamed down at him savagely.

His muzzle now free, Dan exhaled sharply at the sensation of the female's body pressing against him, of her ass pressing down upon his shaft. His paws continued to wander and touch and grope, taking in every inch of this exotic beauty. He had to make the most of the little time he had with her; only a few more minutes!

"I... damn... .I n-never did catch your name..." he panted out.

She spat her name into the canine's maw, "Nyxi."

His hands may well and truly have been occupied, but his eyes wandered. The sensation on his cock, the knowledge of what had happened a few nights ago, it all came rushing to him. His gaze fell upon the wolf, currently engrossed in the fennec girl grinding and riding him just as vigourous as the cheetah was the coyote.

Abyss's face flashed through his mind. The cheetah girl's curves, they were kinda similar to his, not as flowing or feminine as the fennec he had sent the wolf off with, but rather slender and hard-bodied. Dan didn't mind but. . .

His eyes lingered for a few moments more, watching as the wolf and the fennec tangled themselves together, grinding and moaning.

His heart fluttered just a little more.

Feeling the knot build up, Nyxi wiggled herself over the meaty bulb, slipping and sliding as her own sweat mixed with his pre. While riding the knot reverse cowgirl, she twisted her upper body, at least enough to grab the coyote by the scruff of his neck, and bring his attention back to her, smothering his lips against one of her perky breasts.

"What're you looking over at, honey? The fun's right... there. Drink up."

Dan obliged her for perhaps five seconds before his eyes returned to the wolf, now with his own muzzle firmly pressed to a far larger pair of breasts. The coyote could feel the pressure building in his shaft, feel his knot swelling, begging for release.

But he didn't want it here, not like this, not because of some petite little cheetah girl, as sexy as she may be. Dan may have wanted an eyeful, but intimacy - that's not what he was paying for. His hearted pounded faster and faster, the combination of the incredible sensation of the feline riding him, her scent and of course, the sight of the wolf engaged in his own activities.

It was too much.

With a shuffle, he backed himself up in the chair, sitting up a little straighter and giving Nyxi a nip on the back of her neck.

"Thanks, babe, but I'm just after a bit of eye candy tonight, think we can just keep this above board?"

Though he spoke to her, his eyes remained fixed to the wolf, not meeting Nyxi's at all.

Nyxi noticed her patron tensing up, his signs of being uncomfortable outwardly obvious. She scratched her claws over the coyote's sides, trying to keep him interested while she kept riding him. As she did, though, the cheetah could feel him quivering under her, she could sense his discomfort.

Resigning herself to a few hundred lost buck, she pulled herself off, slowly pulling her panties up, thrusting in dance-like motions into her own palm to spread her buns for the coyote's eyes while pulling the clothing. Once she was re-dressed, the song ended, and she turned and kissed him, ending it with a bite on Dan's lips.

"I hope you two got something out of that. Song's over, so I can't keep going without the bouncers noticing."


Dan strode lazily along the snow-dusted path, admiring the various lights and displays of the nearby shops as they glowed and shimmered in the cold evening air. Though well past closing, the pair of furs, hand in hand, took time to stop outside several of the displays, pointing out various items that struck their fancy. Dan was warmly rugged up in a double layered sweater and overcoat combination, but the smaller wolf beside him had to make do with a simple, thick top. He had noticed him shivering a bit in the slightly-below-freezing temperature.

"Hey, Abyss, I was thinking maybe we could go shopping at some point, you know, get you a decent jacket? I don't want to see you cold like this!"

Dan warmly squeezed the wolf's paw in his own, and pulled him a little closer, trying to share as much of his own body heat as he could. Why they had decided to walk back escaped him at this stage, perhaps the ideal of a romantic evening stroll had seemed like the right thing to do as they had exited the strip club, testosterone and libido's buzzing.


Dan glanced to the wolf, feeling a heat rise inside him that couldn't be explained by the thick layers that he wore. He really had enjoyed the evening, and had forgotten about almost everything else save for the canine at his side.

"So, what do you think, see anything you like?"

Dan knew he did.

The wolf leaned against the coyote, holding him and stuffing his hands into Dan's pockets as his fangs chattered. Dan practically didn't even need a coat with the shivering wolf wrapped over him.

"Wh-why didn't we take a car? A nice, warm car," he whined, before immediately perking up at the mention of a nice, new jacket.

"Here! Let's go here, a nice warm store!" Tugging Dan along, he forced the two of them off the sidewalk and inside. It was already much warmer, and after a minute or two, the wolf stopped shivering.

"Help me dress?" His puppy-dog eyes gazed up at the taller canine.

Ryan playfully punched Abyss in the shoulder. "You're a big enough wolfy to dress yourself!"

Walking through the store, Dan had to shed his outer layer, carrying the bundled up overcoat in his arms and he and the wolf walked down the various aisles. As expected, the selection was 90% womens clothing, with a small corner of the store reserved for menswear. Still, he wasn't fussy, and suspected that Abyss wasn't either.

"Here," he said, pulling a jacket from the rack, "It's worth spending a little bit extra to get something that will keep its warmth; cheap stuff tends to thin after a while and won't keep you warm. Anything more expensive than about 60 bucks is a waste, you'll just be paying for a brand and nothing else."

He smiled a the wolf. "Trust me, I know winter clothing!"

Abyss was about to ask why, lips curled in shape, but then the obvious dawned on him, and he smiled. "You're so stereotypical."

A few more items came from the shelf, and he handed them to Abyss. A couple of jackets, and longer coat the extended to just above the knees. It was difficult to find clothes in the smaller canine's size, though they had managed a decent selection. Surely one of them would be suitable.

Abyss looked at the jacket Dan picked up. As black as himself, he reached out and held it for a moment before sniffing it. "Well, it doesn't seem to smell funny..."

Once the garment was slipped on, he did a twirl and held his tail up. "How's it look? Feels fine. I'll take it if you like it."

It was quickly purchased, Abyss having nothing to stay there for beyond obtaining the warm piece of clothing. A few other stores were pointed out, but eventually, he interrupted. "I wouldn't mind some food, but you know... I really am just having fun walking around and sightseeing with you. How about you show me something cool, or that you like?"

"Fun, is it?" Dan tugged the wolf along, clad now in his nice new, and warm, jacket. The mood was decidedly more lighthearted and playful now, with both of them able to simply enjoy each other's company and frolic about the town.

"This isn't really my town, wolfy," he started, "I only really know the downtown area, plus where I live. Still, I think I can take you somewhere nice, a place I like to go for a little taste of home!"

The pair walked a few more blocks, passing more stores and various office buildings, before arriving at a small, out-of-the-way alley. There was a little bit of activity, with couples and lone furs walking along in the snow, though it was the sort of place you'd easily miss if you didn't already know of it.


A few dozen paces in, the couple came to a small dinner, with a few rickety chairs haphazardly thrown about the alley, and a burly looking bear standing over a series of cooktops that also served as the front counter.

"Well hey-o there friend!" he cried out, his accent so thick as to be comical, "same as always for ya?"

Dan shook his head, "Two this time!"

The bear turned away, depositing fries, gravy and unidentifiable yellowish-white chunks into two polystyrene takeaway containers and handing them over. "Pay me end of the week as always, Dan, enjoy."

Thrusting one of the food items out to the wolf, Dan spoke, his chest puffing up with a little pride. "Poutine, best I've been able to find here. Try it, you'll love it!"

Abyss looked at the dish, poking it. "What is it? Is this food?" he joked, before picking up a couple of the fries. He tried to act casual, though he was clearly famished, all buy inhaling the treat, a couple times speaking with food still in his maw, and his tail thumped against the ground.

"So, um... How did you meet Kimi anyways?" he asked in between fries. The little wolf couldn't help but moan slightly at the flavor in his mouth. For such a small person, he was going through his plate fast. It was soon empty, and he looked briefly disappointed before licking his lips clean. He drank some water and cleared his throat.

"I guess I don't know much about her, but you love her and all, right? I've barely spoken to her. Maybe we could all go out sometime."

Dan gazed up the alley, suddenly looking a little distant. "It's not a particularly interesting story. Met her in college, starting going out, just kinda went on from there. Haven't really given much thought as to where it's going, or even if I'm all that serious about it. Still, we've got a place together, so I guess I'm at least stuck for the time being."

Abyss folded his ears back at the comment. "Oh. You're not happy in it?" he asked, while a finger wiped over his plate, picking up some of the gravy, and finally licked it up.

Dan simply shrugged.

A few more moments passed before he perked up, pushing a few of his own fries into Abyss's empty container on seeing that the wolf was still quite hungry.

"Some sort of three-way date?" he replied, finally addressing the wolf's idea. "That would be nice. She's really easy going, so we could all catch a movie sometime."

The coyote's hands crept across the table and brushed across the back of the wolf's fingers. "But for now, I just think I'd like it to be the two of us, I think... I think we've kinda got something going here. I hope you feel the same."

Abyss's attention was suddenly wrenched from his meal, and he looked up to the coyote, listening to him with a surprised look. All this time, he hadn't put much thought into how his feelings had developed or what it meant. Maybe at first, it was nothing but fun, but now...

He stood up. Before Dan could think the wolf might be getting up to leave, Abyss leaned over, and kissed Dan, poutine-flavored tongues pressing against one another. When it broke, he bit the bigger canine's lip for a moment, and then looked over to see the bear staring at them.

"I... think I feel something. It's a good feeling."

Dan took the wolf's maw fully in his own this time. "Yeah, I think so too, it's just a little tricky, that's all."

He followed up his statement with a chuckle. "Hey, if nothing else, the sex is pretty good!"

Spear nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but if I drink like that every day, I won't be able to keep up this figure."

As the two furs stood up, Abyss burped, then laughed, holding his mate's hand as they walked out of the diner.

His mate...

Gay As Fuck

Dan paced back and forth, checking and re-checking that everything was in order. Though he had gone over every inch of his small but comfortable apartment some two dozen times, he couldn't help but fret over whether he had done enough. Had he put...

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Covet, Part 3 - Wrath

All Alax could do for the moment was stand there, shivering in fear. Being this close really emphasized the fact that the border collie had a good foot over the wolf. It was hard to not outright piss his pants as the dog squeezing his shoulder so...

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Covet, Part 2 - Lust

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