The charity of night...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#10 of In the park

The Charity of Night

"Look'it what we got here..." The stout rough looking Bull dog growled, as he and his buddies slipped out of the darkness. Predators circling their prey as the handsome rather effeminate feline looks around startled.

"Yeah got us a real faggot here..." The German Shepard who was clearly the beta observed. "Stinks like and old cum rag!" "Bet you've sucked a dozen dicks already tonight huh puss!" The other pack members chuckled at they're leaders jokes. The little feline smelled of soap and perfume. Unlike his attackers who smelled of sweat cigarette smoke and beer. The little feline is clearly at a loss for words... unsure what he can say that will not draw more aggression.

"Them clothes must cost a bit..." The Bull Dog snarled angry at the idea of some little fag making more money than him. "Why don'tcha give us yer money fag." He growled low and dangerously as the pack closed in tighter around the cat. "Then maybe we'll let'cha go." But Tory knew that they wouldn't the cat wasn't that young and naïve. They were going to hurt him... beat him... maybe even kill him. But he wasn't a fighter... no better to just appease them as much as possible. Maybe they wouldn't hurt him to bad if he just did as they told him. Reaching into his back pocket the sleek feline pulled out his wallet. Opening it to show them what was in it he putted out what cash and cards he had. The Bull Dog took it without even looking at it and stuffed it in his pocket. "Its not enough faggot!" He snapped and Tory knew it would never be enough. This wasn't about money... it was about hate and power... making someone feel better about themselves. He was going to get hurt now... looking around he tried to find the biggest gape to run into. But the pack wasn't new at this... they knew what was going to happen next. They were licking their lip's in anticipation of the coming violence. But before the feline could make a break for it... and get pounced upon. A deep voice comes rumbling from the shadows, low, slow, but with an edge of danger.

"Ya got what ya wanted..." Although it's clear the speaker knows they have not... not really. "Now why don't ya be on your way." The big old Bear growls soft as crushed velvet as he steps to the edge of the light. The bulk and power of his frame silhouetted just enough for the canines to understand the danger of this new enemy. The Bull Dog was unimpressed, his pack was eight strong more than enough for even a big Bear.

"Fuck off." He snarled. "This aint none of your business... and if ya make it yer business you'll regret it." He gestures and his pack spread out into a semi circle around the Bear.

"Hahah..." The Bear chuckled softly as something deadly glittered in his big paw. "I've done a lot of things I've regretted in my life." The big Bruin smiled his teeth shining wetly as his feet shifted body half turning. There's a faint metallic 'Click' as the hammer is thumbed back... cylinder rotating snapping into lock up. Poised ready to kill... smiling muzzle merry and yet cold. The Bull Dog knows the barrel is aimed at him... can sense the copper and lead hollow point ready... poised to kill it was a lot like himself. The Bear was for real... he would really kill them maybe not all of them but enough to make it a fight he could win. There was death in those frosty blue gray eyes, and it was clear by his stance and steady manner the Bruin knew his stuff.

"Fuck'em... lets go get some beer with this faggots money!" The Bull Dog snarled, turning quickly so none of his followers had time to question him. Was he afraid of this faggot loving bruin... 'Damn right!' There was death in the big Bears eyes... no quarter would be asked nor given! The pack followed after their leader as he strolled purposely away... The old Bear watched them go... never lowering his revolver until they had vanished. Then he uncocked it carefully and moved over to the cowering feline.

"Are you ok?" He asked softly holstering his old Ruger revolver, as he pulled the softer fur close. The small feline cowered away from the big Bear just as he had the gay bashing canines. This guy was crazy... he carried a gun here in the city it couldn't be legal. He was no Cop that was obvious from the fact that he gave a damn about saving a Queer...

"Yea...Yes..." The sleek slender black feline stammered clearly fearful of his big rescuer. But at the sametime wanting to make it clear... "N...Nno offense..." "But you... your not really my type." The sleek slender black feline explained as the hulking Grizzly fondled him gently. The big Bear stiffened a look of disgust crawling across his big blunt muzzle. But unlike those who he have just ran off... the big gay Bear was a good guy.

"Yeah I know." The big Ursine snorted pulling his wandering paws away from the handsome feline. "I'm to fat... to old... to furry..." He grunted sourly, all to familiar with the words of rejection. He should be... he'd heard them often enough, professed in much crueler manner than the sleek little feline was using. "Anyway... you have a good night!" He growled, turning his back on the pretty feline who was suddenly looking confused but relieved at the turn of events. "Be careful the park is getting more dangerous these days..." The big Bear tossed over his shoulder, as he began waddling off across the green; eager now to just get away. To get a drink... something to wash the bitter taste of rejection out of his muzzle. It was a flavor he'd became all to acquainted with in recent years.

Time had slipped up on him... or maybe it was just changing tastes. In his own youth he'd had no trouble finding playmates... Indeed he'd lived a randy life... never once turning down a horny admirer. The big Bear took a deep breath and exhaled watching the white vapor dance in the light. And as he strolled a long began to sing in a deep clear baritone, as he shambled off alone into the darkness. "Wave on wave of life... like the great wide oceans roar." "Haunting hands of memories... like sliver strands of soul..." "The damage and the dying done... the clarity of light.... gently bells and glass's raised to the charity of night..."


The Traveling Salesman Chap 2

Traveling Salesman Chap 2 "Heh... bet I...

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