Niss and the Dragon

Story by LadyVelvet on SoFurry

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Well this was a fine situation that Niss had gotten herself into she thought as she dangled limply in the dragon's claws by her foot. Looking at him has he looked back at her, the warrior smiled weakly.

"Draw?" she asked him and the great lizard narrowed his eyes at her as puffs of smoke still wafted from his nostrils.

"Harr'dly." He snorted back, the words twisted as he spoke in an elf tongue with a long snout not meant to make the sounds. Niss had come to the mountains looking for a dragon to slay and she had found one.

"Look, I didn't realize you where an ancient, I thought you were a young easy target." The elf explained, she was getting a little dizzy from the blood rushing to her head.

"How soo'thing to know, a younger drr'agon might have actually been killed by you thoo'ugh." As the beast spoke he rested his head on his other claws and looked around their battle field. The knight was no brush off, some impressive skills for one so small had been shown during their fight.

"But no one died today and I think we should keep it that way." Was the reply spoken pleasantly and the dragon gave a long hiss, the equivalent of a chuckle as he glanced at the two legger with mirth. Most defeated foes would be begging for their life or swearing others would avenge him, this one was rather interesting than the usual fodder.

"So little male, you think that I should rr'elease you to rr'eturn with more foes for me or go find a younger drr'agon to murr'der?" the dragon questioned, it had been a while since he had some remotely civilized talk and he had held off killing the knight when it revealed it's cheeky tongue to him.

"Well...........when you put it like that I'd probably shove a stick up my ass, roast me over the fire and have some BBQ." Niss replied honestly and the dragon starting hissing again, he looked kind of amused with her which was good, maybe reincarnation could be held off a bit longer?

"Also I'm female." Came the after thought that immediately made the dragon turn a keen eye on her.

"Oh?" he inquired and she blinked back at him, nodding her head.

"A female elf?" the dragon pressed and Niss gave a weak chuckle as she experienced a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Yeah......but I'd die." Was her reply as she looked back at the much larger dragon, there was no way they could have sex. Female elves where breeders, gifted with the ability to have any species young and they were sought after just for that.

"But you could sell me? I am young and healthy, not to mention hearty, barely have to feed me." Niss added, sounding like a merchant at the market as she figured being sold meant she would have a chance to escape.

The dragon made no reply but showed his teeth in what could have been a smirk as he stood up and threw her in the air. Yelping she went high before going back down, the male snatching her out of the air with his tail.

"Can we not discuss this? I have a feeling you're not planning on selling me." She called up to the dragon as they disappeared from the bright sunlight into a dark cool cave.

"Smarr't girl." Was his mild reply, the dragon was moving swiftly and in matter of minutes Niss was hopeless lost. The reptile had been moving in every which way and was shifting her, holding her high, then low, and then to one side, shaking her up quiet well and throwing off her sense of direction.

"I'm quiet lost in case you're wondering." The elf told him as she lay limp with his tail wrapped around her middle firmly. There where spikes on his tail but he held her in such a way that they were not pressing against her. The knight had the distinct impression from their fight that if she tried to stab him with her knife he'd merely slam her into a wall a few times to make her drop the knife.

"That's good, less trouble if you ever rr'un away." Was his reply as he moved into darker caves, they were going down she suspected as the light became weaker and her eyes dilated to see in the darkness.

"That sounds very looming in prospects." Niss finally sighed and in turn she heard him hissing again.


"So do you have a name? We should be on a name basis if you're gonna' rape and brutally kill me." The elf said after a while, she hated long silences before anything important happened. Resting her hands on his scales she could feel the hardness of them, pressing them down they not give under her at all. Running her fingers along the tough skin she noted the scratchy texture, peering closer in the weak light she realized they were covered in tiny little lumps that probably helped enforce their armour like status.

"You may call me Dianthus'caryophyllus, and you're not going to die, maybe be a little sore but not torn beyond rr'epair or dead."

"That's comforting coming from you. I'll call you Dian if it's all the same to you, you can call me Niss or little breeder if you please."

"Would it make you feel better to know if you had not rr'evealed your genderr' I would have eventually eaten you, Niss?"

"Not really." The tone was so bland that Dianthus hissed again, deeply pleased with the banter that the elf Niss was giving him. Far too often creature feared him and not too many where willing to be pert, more so in her position.

Stepping into his main lair he made his way to the center of his favourite horde and set down the elf, turning to settle down and examine her. Easily he curved his body so his tail reached around in a long circle to rest near his forearm, essentially trapping her in a rough circle of his body.

"Are you really gonna rape me?" she asked as she looked up at the looming beast, Niss had barely made it up to his stomach, she could have stood under him.

"Rr'ape is such a rr'ude word, but yes I intended to mate you until you barr'e me young." Dianthus clarified for her and watched her sigh and fall back unto her butt, sitting on the soft dirt and leaning back to rest her weigh on her hands.

"Why not find a nice lady dragon?"

"None in this area are available or interested, leaving my territory to find a mate means I would lose it, and I have no interest in rebuilding my home from scratch."

"Why not wait for one to come along? Kids are a pain." The elf pointed out and the dragon gave her a look of distinct amusement.

"Perhaps by your kinds standard but we hold young dear, they are rare among us. I have longed for a little one for a while now, it is very kind of the immortals to send me a elf for mating."

"You understand that ‘mating' will kill me, you can't possible be small enough to fit."

"Not at this size but that can be changed." Dianthus shifted and with a soft glow of his eyes his form seemed to shiver. Blinking, Niss stared at him long and hard, after a moment she realized he was actually a bit smaller now.

"Well, that's kinda comforting. But still you'd have to be way smaller." Watching the dragon hiss the elf did really feel a little better that he could change his size and she was not going to be torn in two quite literally.

"I shall choose a size that yourr' form can take but you will not forr'get a dragon is taking you."

"Kinky." Niss shot back with a dire voice as she looked around the large chamber. There where faint glow stones embedded in the stone walls so the soft light let her see a bit more than her night eyes could. It was a fairly normal cavern, nothing unusual aside from books, lots and lots of books everywhere.

"So Dian, where's all the gold and riches?" she asked as she peered up at him, he seemed rather interested in chatting with her so if the elf could put off her impending rape she was going to talk his ear off.

"Not many olderr' dragons keep such horr'des, I have a few trr'inkets but gold is farr' too harr'd to sleep on once yourr' an old dragon." He answered her as he stretched, the loose dirt shifting around his form easily. It was very comfortable once Niss thought about it, running her fingers through the sandy dirt.

"Makes sense, second question how would you ever read in this low light?" Looking up at the dragon she watched him make the hissing sounds again and raised his head, with ease he parted his jaw and lit the place up with a roar of flame. Scuttling back Niss watched as he blew on one of the glowing rocks and immediately it blazed brighter like an oil lamp. The light came much stronger and it lit the room far better now. With his nostrils smoking the dragon looked down at her and seemed amused. Niss realized she had pressed her back into his tail and thought to move away. But then in a rash afterthought she leaned back, resting her elbows on his scales as she looked back at him.

"Any more questions to avoid yourr' imprr'egnation? Or shall I begin to peel yourr' arr'mourr' off you?" he asked her and she looked up at him a gleam in her eyes. If he had not been a dragon Niss would have rather liked him, he talked the way she liked her bed mates to talk, dominant but not an ass about it.

"I won't make it easy for you." The statement came with a calm and strong voice, force behind her as the elf meant it. All her life she had avoided becoming a breeder, all manners of creatures had tried to force or bribe her to lay back and become a baby maker. Niss was a knight, a warrior with a purpose and for the most part she hid her gender, pretending to be male to avoid this situation. Thinking a huge dragon had no intention of breeding a tiny elf she had opened her mouth and now was paying for it.

"I'd be disappointed if you did." The dragon finally said after a pause and Niss jumped up, making a fast break for it.

His tail lashed out and before she was even a foot away he had her tripped, rushing to meet the dirt. Before she could touch the ground through he moved and plucked her from mid air. Settling in the soft soil he went to work easily, ignoring her squirming about as he carefully peeled her armour off her, taking care to mind her delicate skin.

Niss struggled for all she was worth, kicking and biting the scales that she could reach viciously. But he held her securely always; keeping a set of claws firmly holding her torso at all times while his other claws gently pulled her armour until the leather straps gave way. Her shin guards and waist pieces went quickly, he twisted and turned her to get one arm band and then the other off her, her shoulder set coming easily as he chuckled, seemed amused with the challenge of removing it without losing her.

"Your far too good at this!" she final growled in frustration as she kicked at his long fore claw with all her weight, not even budging the scales.

"Not rr'ealy, just patient." He shot back as he chuckled again, tugging her chest plate gently. In a moment of foresight, Niss undid the straps and when it came free she was able to slip free from his hold. Dian quickly grabbed at her but she avoided the first swing, trying to get her balance and dash off as she hit the sand. But once more his whip of a tail lashed out and she was in mid air, upside down and swearing. He was very gradually getting smaller still, but Niss figured he was still far too big for her and she did her best to kick and punch when the claws came for her again.

The dragon let her tire herself out for a long while, shaking her or tugging at her delicate clothing she had on under her armour shell. The elf was panting after an hour or so of it, her body aching from being tugged, gently, but still jerked about. More so their earlier battle had been long and Niss was feeling the pains of it now. For the most part he simply poked and prodded her, and the knight knew he was wearing her down before trying anything more. He was still much bigger then her too, making the elf struggle to find the energy to fight.

His claws where smaller now and they caught in her belt, with a quick yank the leather ripped and her pants followed, tearing at the seams. Bunches around her legs remained but her entire crotch was gone and most of lower shirt too. Gasping in horror she wiggled and fought the grip with fever again.

"You'rr resistance is comm'endable." The beast told her smoothly, even as he pinned her in the cool sand. His claws holding her spread legs wide as he lowered his snout the sniff at her crotch. The small female was well cleaned and the dragon appreciated that, a foul smelling mate was never very delectable.

The first long lick of his tongue made the elf hiss and arch away, the rough texture pulled at her soft skin and the heat of his breath washed over her thighs, causing goose bumps along her body.

Niss was determined to be disgusted as the dragon licked along her body, his tongue starting along the curve of her backside and dragging all the way up and along until it brushed the underside of her breast. The male was still a good size bigger then her, at least three times her weight and very thickly built, so when the warrior kicked him the gut with all her strength he merely grunted and caught her flailing leg, pulling it back to the earth and pinning her by the thighs in a spread open position. The male bared his teeth down at the small female and she swallowed hard as he lowered his head and licked the curve of her thigh slowly, watching her.

"You'rr scent is st'rrong." He told her conversationally as he lay in the cool dirt and gave her another long swipe of his tongue. It felt so strange, covered in tiny taste buds that pulled at her soft flesh each time he dragged it with enough bite to make her jerk. But then his hot spit followed and it soothed her skin, which warmed each time he gave her another lick but then quickly cooling on her skin, making her sensitive.

"Never got a chance for a bath." She gritted back as she reached with her hand and grabbed at his snout, the skin was incredibly tough like armour and Niss knew he was not binding her hands because she could not really hurt him with her fists alone.

"I rr'ferr'ed to yourr' excitement, it smells sweet." He replied easily as he twisted his head to lick at her from a different angle. This time the thick tongue stabbed at her slit, trying to wiggle into her body as she arched her back and scrambled to get away from it. All her yanking did not even shift the beast and she dropped to the ground with a hiss as she glared at him. The beast paid her little mind as he kept licking and pushing his tongue at her, purposely stimulating her body as she did her best to remain unaffected.

Niss stared at the male with a sinking sense of hopelessness as the male so easily overpowered her, but all beings had a weakness and she desperately tried to think of his. The weakness of a typical dragon was his underbelly and his eyes. Without a sword his underside was safe but his eyes...

The dragon glanced at her and after a moment of the two staring at one another he lifted his head, a trail of spit from his jaw still hanging to her thigh.

"Yourr' strong Niss, I admirr'e that. But if you go and trr"y something trr'uely foolish it will anger" me." As he spoke his reptile eyes narrowed and the elf knew he had immediately known what she was thinking.

"I do not have to excite you little Niss, norr" do I have to change my shape or lowerr" my body heat so you do not burr"n." With each of his words there was a horrid thread hanging and the female felt her spine shiver with solid fear.

"Think well beforr"e you angerr" me." The male finished with a pointed look before tugging her legs open a bit wider.

Before the elf could react to his threat the dragon's tongue snaked out and slithered into her with ease, the male had not been truly trying before. The female could only gasp out as the texture of his tongue rubbed along her lips and her sensitive inner walls, the bite of it stretching her making her whimper as it invaded her body. Roughly the dragon pushed the long length into her, the width of the tongue increasing the further it entered her as she tried to pull away, her hands pushing on his snout as she withered in the dirt and tried to suck in air.

Dianthus pulled his tongue free from her small hole and sat back suddenly, dragging the startled elf with him. Sitting on his back hunches he lifted the female up by her thighs, holding her upside down in the air. The dragon parted her thighs again and snaked his tongue deep again, going further faster as she gave a true cry and twisted in his hold. The humiliation made her face burn as she fought to be free, Niss felt disgust in her rising furiously, and her eyes burned in shame. To be raped, the one thing she had sworn would never happen, she always said she'd die first, so why could she not muster the strength to really anger the dragon?

Easily he wiggled his appendage and slid it back and forth, saliva running along it and as he pulled the thicker part of his tongue out quickly spit seeped down into her body. Over and over he worked her, the bumpy scratchy surface of his tongue making her jerk and hiss each time he moved it inside her. The tongue came free with a wet sound as he shifted and before the elf could lift her head to see what he was doing she felt a hot gob of spit along her thigh, quickly running down to the junction of her thighs and seeping into her stretched body.

Niss cried out hard when the tongue suddenly slammed into her again, sinking fast and hard as her body was forced open to accept it and a sickening slurping sound came as his spit was pushed deep into her. The dragon let go of her thighs and the elf cushioned her head as she plummeted to the dirt. The male caught her at the last second and saved her from the blow as he lowered to the dirt. Niss laid flat in the cool earth on her stomach as she shivered and felt violated even as she knew the worst was to come yet.

Niss felt his hot breath on her back as the dragon loomed above her, the dirt shifted beside her and the warrior could not help but turn her head to watch the dragon as his claws scooped dirt and threw it back. The elf stared for a moment and turned her head when she heard him repeat the action on the other side. For a long while she was utterly confused until his back legs began to dig as well, clearing the earth on either side of her and now behind her the elf realized what he was doing. The male was raising her up by lowering the ground around her, he was prepping her to be taken. Niss looked in front of her and considered crawling away but what was the point? He would catch her and he would breed her, one way or another and then she would be an object, a baby maker.

Niss bit her lip and rubbed her eyes as she tried to swallow the sob in her throat. But the sound fought its way out and with the first she could not stop the second from coming as she gave into her terror, sobbing and crying into her hand.

The digging around her stopped and the elf stiffened, expecting the male to grab her at any moment. The heat of his breath made her muscles clench as his snout touched her shoulder lightly.

"Arr"e your crr"ying?" the questioned was surprising and the warrior felt humiliation flood her as she shook her head in negative without looking up from the dirt. The dragon shifted and she felt his snout move to gently sniff at her neck and hair. The heat of his breath washed over her and the elf had to admit the warmth soothed her chilled body.

"You arr'e." He insisted and she felt him nudge her shoulder, trying to make her roll over. Niss shrugged him off and tried to get her emotions under control. The dragon nudged her again harder and Niss made an angry sound as she jerked away from his scales.

The female gave a gasp when the claws of the dragon grasped her hip and flipped her curtly. Blinking in surprise she looked up at the dragon as he looked down at her.

"Yourr' crr'ying. It is a sign of distress." He stated and then waited for her to reply, the confused female starting back at him.

"Rape victims cry." Niss finally replied and the dragon shifted and gave her a long look.

"I think we can agree this is not a rr'ape wherr'e the female should be c'rrying. No pain orr' harm, merr'ely impregnation." As he spoke he moved over the elf and the female knew what was coming. Closing her thighs she tilted her head away and closed her eyes.

"I don't like being used." She finally admitted, wincing as she felt his scales on the inside of his thighs touch her knee briefly.

"You cannot be surr'prised, you came into my home and attacked me, yourr' life is mine by rr'ight, I can easily kill you." Was his even reply as he moved above the tiny elf, his form was still much larger and for a moment he considered a smaller shape. But then the warrior female was strong and he knew she would not be torn up.

"Come now Niss, don't be so trr'oublesome." The male shifted and lowered his back hunches so his great chest gently touched the delicate frame of her torso. The elf squirmed under him and raised a trembling hand to rest against his scales but did not fight him. With his back leg he reached and easily took one of her legs, pulling it down and open from her other. Letting it go he growled when she dragged it back to her other knee. Raising his head the dragon gave roar and felt the tiny body under him jerk with fright. Stepping back he lifted his foreleg and let it drop heavily onto the female's stomach, making her suck in air hard as he gripped her harshly.

"I lose patience with you, obey or I will make you rr'egret it dearr'ly." The male snarled, puffs of flame licking from his mouth when he spoke as his eyes narrowed and glared down at the scared warrior. All during their fight he had not displayed such anger and the female trembled under him, nodding her head once in a jerk.

Again the male moved over her and this time she held her eyes tight and let her legs spread for him, laying in the dirt on her back as he stood above her.

"Lead me into you, Niss." Dainthus commanded of her, his voice still firm but no longer filled with anger. The female under him still shook as he spoke and shook her head in negative, not daring to look at him.

"Niss." Her name was spoken simply but his foreleg shirted and she felt his claw touch her shoulder once, the end was dull but with force it suddenly bit painfully into her arm.

"I do not enjoy this, obey me and we will not have to see you harr'med." The dragon told her in a suddenly soothing tone as he eased a bit of his weight against her and removed his claw, the male was not hurting her but she felt his heat radiating into her where his scales touched her skin. The heat made her unwilling muscles relax and the elf realized she was very cold.

"Take me in you'rr hand and guide me into you or I shall thrr'ust and brr'uise yourr thighs each time I miss." As he spoke he lifted off her a touch and the female sucked in a shaky whimper as her left hand began to crawl downward along the scales. Humiliated, she blindly felt until her fingers gently bumped something sticky and hot. Swallowing she peered along their forms and saw the tip of his engorged erection. It hung from a slit and was shaped with bumps and concaves all along the length. Her fingers encircled the tip and she felt the thickness of it with renewed fear.

"You're still too big...I can't take this in me." She protested as she felt the tip spurt hot liquid along her palm.

"Hush female." The dragon murmured out and the elf blinked looking up but unable to see his facial features. Looking down at the throbbing cock she bit her lip and gently grasped the tip, squeezing it lightly. The dragon immediately shifted and more sticky goo spurted from the tip as the male gave a light shove of his hunches. Clearly he was very sensitive she realized as she wiggled down a bit and encircled the bumpy length, it shifted down a touch before curving up, rows of ridges on the top and thick lumps on the bottom, truly it was bizarre to peer at.

Niss stopped examining the male organ and went back to her original intent as she began to stroke the male, her hand just barely reached around the width, her fingers just touching her thumb as she moved her hand up and down, the pre semen he shot before lubricating the way. The dragon grumbled in his throat and his hips moved as she felt a hot spurt hit her thigh. The elf carefully jerked the male off, wanting him distracted as she tried to think of a way out of this frantically.

Another hot spurt of his pre seed made her jump as it hit her thigh and ran down her leg, pooling along the curve of her slit before running down along her ass cheeks. Niss winced as it was hot but more so her already abused slit was sore and sensitive. But her scent very subtly changed and the lustful dragon noticed right away. He pulled away from her hand and the elf looked up as the male shifted.

"Why everr' you did that it was not wise, my hungerr' overr'ides my patience." He told her simply and moved over her, sliding low and forcing her to lay flat on her back as his scales ran along her spread thighs, stomach, and breasts. Her cheek rubbed along the scales and she dropped her head to avoid them. The female stiffened when she felt the tip of his cock touch her thigh. The dragon hissed out and moved further up, squatting low to find her entrance. Niss winced when the tip jabbed at her thigh lightly and then shifted only to do it again. The jabs where not hard but the beast was still much bigger then her and they hurt. Dropping her head she shivered a touch but then reached passed her thigh to grasp the end. The male went stiff as she fumbled to lead him into her, with his body pressing her to the dirt she had her arm under her leg and she tried blindly to lead him, jumping when he poked her thigh again. Grunting the female finally lined him up with her entrance and in a moment of forethought she squeezed the tip, making it spurt to hopefully lubricate her better. The heat made her wince but she dealt with the discomfort as the male pushed the tip into her body finally.

Niss expected him to go easy so she was surprised when he shoved forward hard, his upper weight pinning her in place as he jammed himself into her. The tight opening of her body tried to keep him out for a brief moment before giving way and letting the thick cock slide in. Pain made her hiss as the male invaded her body, not giving her a second to rest as he kept pushing onward to fill her. Her legs tried to close but his sides kept them from doing so as she squirmed and fought.

Relentlessly the dragon penetrated her, pushing himself into the tiny body as the clenching muscles fought him uselessly. Pushing more of his weight on her he gave a shove and the thick erection forced on as the female kicked and cried out. Lowering his back legs the male made sure that the female was taking the majority of him into her.

"Stop! It hurts." She wailed finally, unable to stay quiet but the male moved a bit more until he was satisfied, resting himself on her as his fore arms reached to hold her shoulders before he lifted off her a bit.

Niss could feel her body burning from being stretched so, the spit of the dragon made her slick but it still hurt like hell to have something so massive in her. Impaled on the male she did not try to fight him off when he sat back a bit, not wanting to hurt herself as she laid in the dirt and tried to handle the cock in her. The elf's thighs twitched when the erection in her spurted and she sucked a hard breath, feeling the heat of his semen. It had felt hot on her skin but inside her it felt much more, but the burn faded, signalling it was not really hurting her delicate insides just really freaking hot.

Sucking in air the female merely tried to adjust herself forcing her body to relax around the intruder as she tried to ease the pain. The dragon had conquered her and now he waited for a moment, and she was not going to waste it. Resting a hand over her burning lower stomach she muttered in the ancient language. The dragon immediately tilted his head to watch her closely but did not stop as she cast a spell.

Very gingerly the pain let up and the burning receded until all she could feel was the cock stretching her.

"Wise." The male commented as he shifted, pulling back and then shoving forward a bit. Niss gritted her teeth but the pain was far from as intense as before, more of a light bite then an agonizing stab.

The dragon hovered above her motionless with his member buried deep inside the delicate being under him. The channel of the elf was well lubricated from his spit and he could smell her own desires rising weakly. Pulling his lips back the reptile smirked as he shifted his weight and easily pushed down a bit on the female making her suck in a deep breath. Patiently the male stayed still above her, the fact she was beginning to warm up to him soothed his anger and he stayed still above her as she become accustomed to his thick erection deep in her insides. The dragon flexed his leg muscles and the elf felt the cock in her throb, her body answering with its own. Niss felt her face flush as she bit her lip, without the pain there was only the heat and texture of the male inside her, and damn if it did not feel good.

"Ahh." The elf took a quick breath as she shifted ever so slightly and winced as the dragon flexed again and she felt her body beginning to throb in reply. The dragon dragged it out, shifting and flexing but never really thrusting into the female as he simply enjoyed her growing scent and the feeling of narrow passageway wrapped around his cock. The elf seemed to understand what he was doing and she bit her lip stubbornly, swallowing soft moans and sharp breaths as she fought the pleasure. But her disgust was gone now and the taboo sensations where stacking up against her. Niss had never been a strict rule follower, she liked to be a bit of a hell raiser and there was something distinctly exciting about having sex with a dragon. What the knight needed to remember was he was her captor and rapist, not a lover. Her sore body did not seem to care about the distinction though, all her tired form wanted was rest but in lieu of that pleasure was acceptable. There was a hot need inside her rising, a hunger for something soothing and enjoyable after a brutal fight and emotional breakdown. The erection inside her felt so good, pushing her boundaries with its sheer size and the forbidden nature of the union. Niss squeezed her eyes shut and felt her hips jerk, lifting to grind against the scales of the dragon as she whimpered and moaned when he replied by pressing his weight down against her more firmly, making her sink into the soft dirt.

Niss sucked in a deep breaths as she rolled her hips and squeezed her thighs, holding the member inside her tighter as the dragon rumbles out in answer. Dainthus hissed out and pulled back slowly, letting the thick member slide back and hearing the elf under him whimper. The texture of the dragon's erection dragged along her stretched walls and she could feel ever curve and dip as he let her body push him nearly out. When the head was nearly popping free from her the male moved forward and sank the throbbing cock back into her. Without the pain of it Niss could only feel her body being forced wide for the beast as she sucked in air and made soft sounds as she felt herself being filled up pleasurably.

The knight was repulsed by her own weakness but her body was aroused and she needed to accept this as a pleasurable act rather then something far darker. The female could not face her own rape and so with a sob she gave in, her body's tension draining as she arched her back and placed her feet in the dirt, lifting herself to take as much of the dragon as she could as she whimpered in sweet relief. Dainthus was pleased when the knight finally broke under him, giving in to her desires and accepting him. Easily he shifted and moved back, feeling the hot wet channel of the female grip at him as he pulled out. Stepping back the dragon looked down at his lovely captive, taking in her desperation and shame as much as her arousal. Niss looked away from him, her head off to one side with her eyes closed even with her scent so strong.

"Therr'e is no need for shame little Niss, we shall both enjoy this union." The male told her softly as he nuzzled the curve of her delicate cheek with his snout. The elf made no reply but lifted a trembling hand to rest on his snout. Taking the action as a positive sign he moved back from the female. Niss made no fight as the dragon's hind legs pressed against her knees, laying on her back she felt him push her legs up and felt her calves and thighs rub along his scales, the strange texture making her shiver as her body throbbed in eager anticipation. The male let her legs slide gently as he moved up until her back side was upturned in a jack knife position, his front legs hooking her ankles in the crook of his elbow, holding her like that.

"Niss." He called gently as the elf cracked open an eye to peer up at the male.

"You must lead me into you." He explained to her and the female looked down immediately, seeing the thick erection glistening with her own excitement as it hung. The position was awkward and she could see he was not able to lead himself in once again.

"Don't make me." She implored him as she looked up with wide eyes but the dragon looked back with his own soothing expression.

"Come now Niss, I don't want to rr'ape you, yourr' rr'eady to mate, lead me into you, let this be of yourr' own will." He explained and the elf bit her lip and looked away, the knight in her demanded she fight him until the bitter end but she was so tired and sore. Closing her eyes tight she took a deep breath and looked down, reaching with a shaky hand she gently encircled the tip, earning her a rumble form Dainthus as she led the dripping tip to her up turned thighs. The dark skin glistened with moisture from her and the spit of the male as she rubbed the head of the cock until she felt him press against her opening. Moving her hand higher she tugged on the length and the dragon shifted forward, sliding into her gently.

Niss winced and whimpered as she felt her body give way and open for the long thick male. Her finger skimmed along the member, felt the curves and dips as he slid into her and her walls could also feel the male's unique shaft as she felt herself being forced wide. Without the pain it felt incredible, like she was being filled in a way she had never been before, it made her pant as she watched the massive male sink into her until his scales rubbed along her backside.

Falling back she lay in the dirt and felt her feet quiver as she lifted her ass into the sensation of the male. Nothing had ever been as good, so taboo and exciting, this dirty act.

With her submission the dragon felt no hesitation to begin riding the small female. There was no fight this time, no struggles only acceptance as she cried out and arched to meet him. The knight grinded herself upwards to him as he pushed down on her, enjoying the act of sex which he had not had in far too long.

The cavern filled with her moans and gasps as he rumbled and shoved down at her, feeling no urge to go too tenderly with her. Each time he pulled back she arched upwards trying to keep him in and then she hissed out when he slammed back down, his weight jerking her upwards. The dragon shifted, letting one of her legs go free so he could place his forearm by her shoulder and keep her from sliding off him. The female immediately wrapped her arm around his forearm and her leg tried to the same, settling in the curve of his back leg as he managed to keep the awkward position and still pound at the elf.

Niss gave a deep throated sound as she arched her back as the dragon gave a particular hard shove at her, making her body quiver with delight, each motion forced her wide and the texture of his cock was utter heaven on her insides, the pleasant pressure and feeling of him was undoing her. The male shifted back again in a easy motion and then rammed forward, burying the entire length in her as she cried out, her body eagerly devouring the length as she gasped and sighed. He slid back slowly and then jerked forward hard again, shoving all he could into the tight little hole, feeling the pressure of her body squeezing him as her grinded into her and felt her return the action. Dianthus kept doing it to the elf, over and over, enjoying the sensation of her little body, he was surprised how good she felt for such a delicate being.

The male slowly grew into more vicious movement, no long moving slow but with rhythm, sliding back only a bit rather than the full length and then shoving back in quickly. The female made no protest; rather she made soft sounds in her throat that encouraged the dragon as her rode her little body. As he moved her form jerked and shivered as she dug her hand into the dirt and held onto the male's forearm tightly, her entire body bouncing back and forth by the males movements. Distantly she could hear the beast give soft grunts as he moved, and she felt her own whimpers answer him. Their act of sex was primal and more animistic than anything she had had before.

Over and over he fucked her with merciless thrusts, never letting up as she was jerked back and forth, her body sweating as she clung to his forearm while she whimpered and spread her legs wider for the male to keep ramming himself into her. Her backside rolled and lifted matching his rhythm as the dragon drove his cock into her eager body, feeling the tiny hole stretch wide each time he slammed deep. Niss muttered incoherent things as she gave in to the sensations utterly and led her body be taken and used by her captor. Her breast bounced back and forth just as the rest of her did, sliding along the dirt. The sweet building of pleasure was coming to a high and she gasped out, lifting herself more urgently as she felt her climax coming.

Back and forth the beast rocked his hunches in a furious pace as the female took him and was thoroughly enjoying their union. Dianthus did not deny it was much better than he expected and the male felt pride that his captive was taking such obvious pleasure. The elf was clear lost in her lusts by her blissful face and withering body as her cries and motions grew frantic he dug his claws into the dirt and did his best to ride her harder. The dragon snarled as he fucked furiously, plunging deeply into the elf. Rapidly his hunches moved, shoving in and out of Niss as he let his weight slam her more firmly driving her upwards harshly as she cried out and arched her body. The tight little female's insides gripped him tightly and the male felt her start to convulse as she climaxed.

With her lips parted in a silent scream the warrior tried to suck in a breath as her muscles tensed and her body arched, frozen like that as the throbbing over took her. The texture of the male and the sensations of the taboo sex over taking her as she climaxed and felt the utter pleasure wash over her hard as she felt her body strain and jerk against the rough movements of her lover. With a sudden deep breath she fell limp, her form suddenly lifeless as she panted for air and felt the male ride her still, making her whimper.

Pleased she had felt the highest pleasure she could Dianthus turned to his own enjoyment, shifting to pull back and then free from her sweet throbbing body. The elf slumped to the earth as he moved off her and when he gently tugged her shoulder she gave no fight, turning until she rested on her stomach. Quickly the dragon dug around the female some more, finding the dirt deep enough before her squatted down and moved over her. The swollen head poked her thigh once and the dazed elf spread her thighs reaching back weakly to take the tip and lead it to her channel. Easily he slid into her and felt her delicious warmth surround him one more as he hissed, her sweaty back rubbed along his chest and the moisture made the friction easy as he slid back and forth a bit before squatting lower and pushing himself into the female again. Niss gave a whimper and tensed up as she was invaded but quickly relaxed as Dianthus pushed himself fully into her, embedding the thick erection into her. The cock twitched and throbbed inside her and she bit her lip as the sensations where felt in her over sensitive body.

The dragon started with easy thrust but immediately built up on them with growing ferocity as he grunted and pumped himself into his little elf. With each shove her face pushed into her dirt along with the rest of her body. The animalistic nature of the union and the obscenity of it only made her groan as she weakly lifted her back side so the male could move better. Plunging into her he gave a growl as the sensation of her soft backside rocking against his scales and giving a soft slap each time he sank home.

With a deeper grunt mixed in a snarl the male humped at her heavily, the hard cock stabbing into her squirming body as he felt the pulsing begin to rise. Wildly he rode on, feeling her begin to move more eagerly with him as he buried himself to the hilt, stretching her wide forcefully as she panted under him. Frantically they moved in the bestial union, both feeling the lust as the elf was helpless to the ferocious motions and roughness of the dragon, his scales siding along her back as she panted and moaned, lifting herself to her knees so he could drive deeper and crying out when he did. Dianthus could feel her body clenching and pulling at his length again and he relentlessly slammed on as he felt the spiralling urges begin to overtake his groin.

Roaring in dominance the dragon felt the dam give was and the elf under him screamed out with the first stream of hot liquid as it splashed deeply inside her. The dragon pushed her into the dirt pinning her in place as he shoved and jerked uncontrollably and pumped seed into her. Niss squirmed and whimpered as the throbbing in her body over took her with each sudden hard shot of sperm. Grinding against her soft backside the male growled in pleasure as her body was forced to take the hot load. Niss could literally feel him shooting in her, she could feel the heat of the sperm and jumped each time with the near painful sensation. The thick cock in her was throbbing and with each ripple along her insides she felt the splash as she rested her face in the dirt and whimpered. Her body clenched around him, squeezing the male tightly as her body came again, making her jerk and shiver as she felt her channel milking the male for all he could give her. The dragon above her came down slowly coming into himself as he felt his little elf's body pulsing around him. Truly she was meant for a dragon, it had been clearly very pleasurable for her he mused.

Niss sighed as she felt the male shift and the shooting inside her slow down a bit. Relaxing she felt her muscle tense as a discomfort came from her abdomen, frowning she reached under her and put a hand to it, feeling it strangely hard. When pain began to bite she hissed out and the male above her noticed it immediately.

"Niss?" he asked and she clenched her teeth and fisted her hand in the dirt.

".......Hurts." she grunted back and the male moved back, sliding the length still buried in her out slowly. Dianthus pulled free from her to inspect her for injury but when he did her sore hole spurted and dripped furiously with milky seed. The tension drained from her as she rolled to her side and slumped into the dirt, the pressure receding as an unreal amount of semen pulsed from her body.

The dragon noted it, realizing he gave her more than enough seed and could burst her insides literally if he did not pull free from her after a time. The tip of his erection was still spurting weakly though and he moved over the elf again.

Niss felt a drop of hot liquid touch her cheek and she blinked up as she realized the male was standing over her, his cock still dripping. Turning her face she laid on her side and did nothing as the male spurted his hot semen on her skin. Each slap of the hot liquid made her body tense but she was too drained to do anything as he marked her like an animal until the member ran dry and slid back up into his under belly.

Dainthus turned to inspect her, scenting the used female and pleased with her, the male looked forward to another union but he could wait as his little elf was barely conscious. Settling beside her in the dirt he laid down so she was cradled in between his forearms and as he rested his head down his neck covered her, hiding the used female from sight but not pressing down on her as she gave in to his warm scales and dozed off, her body aching and welcoming the unconscious state finally.

Niss waddled down the cave, her swollen belly making the movement hard as she grumbled with each step. Her back was killing her but she dealt with it as best as she could, the mouth of the cave was getting closer as she moved slowly, in no hurry to arrive. When the sunlight touched her bare arm though there was no denying it felt good. Sighing she left the cool damp underground and stepped into the sand cove under the sunlight. Finding a smooth rock she rested her backside on it and sank down slowly until she sat in the warm sand and leaned her back against the stone. With a content sigh she rested her head back and closed her eyes, drinking in the warmth and the sounds of the sea.

"You're gonna' burst soon." A worried voice commented and the elf smiled as she peered a eye open.

"I was just as big when you where in here." She told her son as he frowned at her belly with genuine worry.

"Ask your father." Niss added as the mentioned male came up along the cove, a smaller female dragon prancing at his feet.

"Will the baby look like me or Sarra?" The boy asked, looking at his humanoid form and then to his little sister's draconic one.

"No clue." His mother replied evenly as she pulled him close and curled her son into her arm.

"Either way I'll be happy." The elf told her child and meant it as she watched her captor turned mate play in the shallow water with their daughter.

"Are you really going to lay an egg?" The ever curious boy asked doubtfully and his mother laughed outright as she nodded her head in positive.