
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#1 of Amnesty

Any of those out there that have read my other stories, this one takes place during the same war as Ranger's Tail, but near the beginning, long before Steve and Cathy met each other; that story takes place around 5249, this one take place in 5221.


Chapter 1 Mourning

Home of Colonel Lena on Aladgard 12:34 PM Local Time

"Come 'er," the wolf whispered to her pup sweetly, scooping him up and rocking him softly in her paws.

Her young son continued cry softly but his mother soon managed to coax him into a much calmer state.

"That better?" she asked, although she knew the three month old pup couldn't understand her.

She was startled by the sound of a knocking on her front door and she felt a warm shiver of hope go through her body.

"Maybe..." the wolf whispered, and, carefully, set her son back down and almost dashed down the stairs.

When she came to the window she looked out carefully, to not disturb the drapes. Sure enough, a military squad car was parked outside.

Feeling her heart fly the wolf ran to the door yelling, "Alex! Alex! Your home!"

The wolfess threw the door open but to her surprise a male wolf did indeed stand in the doorway, but it wasn't her mate. He was an officer too, but not her officer either.

Feeling very sorry for the wolfess the officer, a Colonel, took off his cap and set it on his hip; "I'm sorry Mrs. Lena," he began, and held out the letter.

It took a full twenty seconds for her thoughts to reach her brain and register.

Not acknowledging the officer she asked, "Where's Alex? He was supposed to be home, where is he?"

Taking another deep breath the wolf repeated, "I'm sorry Mrs. Lena, but your husband, the Colonel, was killed in action three days ago in the final moments of the siege," he said almost whisper quiet, and held out the letter.

Her paws shaking, Mrs. Lena took the letter and the officer brought a paw to his own eyes, this was a terrible instance.

"No...." the wolfess whispered as she read the letter.

It read:

From the Former Office of Wolf Strategic Command on Aladgard, General Nadine sends his deepest sympathies. Your husband, one Colonel Alexander Lena, was killed in action by Federation Forces during the final moments during the siege at the Fortress to the North. His loss only makes our defeated at the hands of the Federals all that more crushing, as we know you will be devastated by his loss. His XO reported his last words were, "Please tell Tanya to take care of our son, I always loved he, please tell her to always be happy and don't avoid a chance to enjoy life." We pray you take solace in the fact he died pro-

That was all she could read, Tanya fell to the ground with her ears pined to the sides of her head. The wolfess let out a long wail and sobbed terribly, the officer standing in the doorway not sure what to do. How could anyone really console the widow?

Six months later Fort Tagart in Willgrad, Aladgard 2:16 PM Local Time

"What the fuck are you doing..." Lieutenant Kunder whispered, shaking his head, "Wake the fuck up Sergeant Kurth!"

"Duh... wha?" the collie groaned coming out of his drunken stupor.

The Lieutenant, his short fuse already burned out, kicked the collie in his side, managing to wake him up enough that he stood on his paws, barely.

Shaking his head Kurth controlled himself for a moment and replied, "Sorry Sir, I was... on leave I think."

"Sergeant Kurth," the annoyed rabbit began, his temper flaring, "this is the fifth time I've caught you drunk on duty. You do it again and I'll have you court marshaled. I don't give a shit about paperwork now, just as long as it makes you suffer. Is that fucking clear Sergeant?"

Now very alert, Kurth stood up, smoothed out his wrinkled uniform, making sure to flatten his fur as well, and stood straight.

"Yes sir, sorry sir," the collie apologized.

The Lieutenant's eye twitched a little and thrusted a paw towards the barracks, "Get washed now and report to the Motor Pool in an hour, for some reason I'm going to let you take your real leave."

Not wanting to miss a real chance in the town, possibly go to a real bar, Kurth almost ran to the barracks and took the fastest shower he had done in the military for years.

Once he was in a cleaner uniform and slightly less drunken state, Sergeant Kurth emerged from the bunker and walked over to the motor pool. His tail hurt from the position he had fallen asleep in and he took it in his paw and rubbed it for a moment.

The fact was that Kurth was a terrible soldier. He probably, and he knew it to boot, shouldn't have been a soldier to start with. He didn't care about the Federation, he didn't care about the benefits that being a soldier offered, he didn't care that he'd seen things that guys back home couldn't even dream of. The fact was he would have been just as happy staying home and getting drunk every night.

It was a miracle that he hadn't been arrested yet for drunkenness, but Kurth tacked it to his stationing. The Siege of Aladgard, the huge Wolf fortress stationed at the planet's north pole, had been the longest campaign of the war to date, and also the most costly. Roughly seven hundred thousand wolf soldiers had been killed in action with as few, by comparison at least, one hundred thousand Federal Troopers killed. What had been the most devastating had been civilian losses. More than 1.5 million dead and millions more homeless, and of all things, they were also wolves. This was the second wolf world that had been taken, and its occupation wasn't going very well. Wolves are rarely submissive and there were strict rules involving Federal Personal interacting with the civilian population. Of course these rules were often ignored and of all things there had been a steady increase in crimes against the local population by Federal Troops. Murders, theft, assault, and a variety of other crimes were being perpetrated by the Occupation force, basically only as reparation for the heavy Federal losses in the recent campaign.

"Eh, what do I care?" Kurth thought.

He had seen many of these crimes take place, being that he wasn't part of the upstanding group of soldiers. While he hadn't seen anything serious, usually it was just extortion or theft he saw or was involved in, he didn't kid himself into thinking for a second that there weren't considerably worse crimes taking place.

The collie entered the company motor pool a few minutes later and saw the usual crowd. Most of his platoon was there and he spotted his friends standing by the transport truck.

"Hey it Pete!" one called over to the Kurth as he walked over.

"How's it doin' Sarge?" another asked, a bulldog.

Shrugging the collie replied, "Okay I guess Don, fucking Kunder caught me asleep at the OP though."

Another of Kurth's friends, a fox, huffed, "Man you have to stop getting drunk on duty, I don't care how laid back the officers have been, you get caught again and the least their going to do is bust you back to private."

"So what the fuck to I care?" Kurth reasoned, "It's not like I really get anything from being a Sergeant. Fuck it's probably better to be a private anyway, then all's I got to do is listen to what I'm told."

Kilpo chuckled, "You don't listen to them now dumbass."

"Hey fuck you Don!" Kurth said, a bit annoyed of his friends taunting, "What crawled up your asses and is playing around inside. I am a Sergeant so go-"

"All troops roll call before leave!" Lieutenant Kunder yelled out.

The platoon lined up and the ever-annoyed rabbit walked the line calling out names.

"Corporal Yuseph?"


"Private Under?"


"Private Alsays?"

"Sir!" called out another of Kurth's friends, a ferret.

"Private Trusdale?"


Kurth leaned in close to Kilpo and whispered, "Why the fuck are we doing this? If your not hear than your asleep, so-"

"Corporal Kilpo?"

"Sir!" the bulldog replied, and whispered harshly, "Shut up man, I need this leave pass alright?"

Kurth didn't answer he just turned away and waited until he heard his name.

"Private Radic?"

"Sir!" a fox next to Kurth replied, he was also a friend.

The Lieutenant made an auditable huff and said, "Sergeant Kurth?"

"Sir," Peter replied, a bit nonchalant compared to his squad mates.

Ignoring the trooper Lieutenant Kunder pocket the platoon roster and climbed into the back of the truck, followed by the rest of his platoon. Once the fifty or so troopers were boarded the truck speed out of the garage and down the beaten road.

"So what are we going to do Peter?" Keith, the fox asked.

The collie shrugged, "I don't know? Get drunk? Get into trouble?"

Kilpo, the bulldog, huffed again, something he did a lot, "Don't the two go hand in hand usually?"

"If your lucky!" Charlie, the ferret, chimed in.

"So anyway..." Keith said at a draw, "What are we going to do? We can't just get drunk for two days."

"Oh I'd beg to differ," Peter chuckled, thinking of the various binges he'd been on in the past few months.

The fox rolled his eyes, "Fine if you guys can't think of something I will."

"Shit we'll be here all day," Charlie commented and the fox gave him a hard shove in his shoulder.

"Alright, alright," Peter chimed in, wondering what to do himself, "What about getting drunk and staying in a nice place?"

Charlie tilted his head curiously, "Like where? A hotel, we ain't got that kinda money," the ferret thought for a moment, "Unless you mean we stay there," he added, gesturing to the pistol on his belt.

"Sounds like a plan," Keith replied, nodding his head slowly.

Peter nodded as well and turned to see Kilpo looking a bit... uncomfortable.

"What's wrong Don?" Keith asked the bulldog.

Kilpo shrugged, "Isn't it dangerous to go into the non-Federal areas? I mean you all heard about that Major that went to a wolf whorehouse and they found him dead a few days later?"

"Ehh, who'd want wolf pussy!" Charlie commented.

Shrugging Keith replied, "Hey don't knock it till ya try it."

"Fucking disgusting man, your lucky the cunt didn't strangle ya!" Charlie answered, laughing terribly.

Kurth ignored them as they continued arguing. It didn't really appeal to the collie in general. He used his paws to further smooth out his fur, even after a shower it wouldn't go to the way he liked it. Although short as far as collie's go, his fur was much longer than what the military usually permitted, but again their unit, the 35th Mechanized Division, had pretty much been abandoned on this planet and were baby sitting for the moment.

Peter thought back for a moment as he felt the truck bump along the road.

"Why the fuck am I here?" he asked himself mentally.

He hadn't been any different, attitude wise, even when he was young and first joined the military. Peter wasn't even sure why he had joined the military, he had forgotten the reason. It was in fact that he wanted to travel, see different worlds, but he had been turned off to the idea by his first taste of real combat. While he was serving as a tank gunner his tank took a direct enemy round and was knocked out. The driver and commander had been killed, leaving Peter the only survivor. After that he pretty much tried his best to get out of it all, using any opportunity to get drunk or fall asleep, the collie's two favorite past times.

"Hey Pete what do you think?" Keith asked, interrupting his thoughts.

Twitching his head slightly Kurth replied, "About what?"

The fox laughed a little and asked, "Oh man where you asleep?"

"No, what?" Peter replied, a bit annoyed now.

"Oh, forgetting about a hotel and taking a house instead?" Keith answered.

The collie thought for a second, scratching his muzzle roughly.

"Na," he answered, "better off not, these wolves are probably getting a bit fed up with us and I doubt their going to take this long, so take the hotel while we can get it."

The group nodded in unison, agreeing on that. Even though he wasn't the ideal soldier, or even a good leader, people and furries liked to agree with him, they trusted him, something Kurth could never figure out.

About forty minutes later the truck paused at a checkpoint, then entered the town of Willgrad. It was a very large town, many buildings and business, only a fourth of which were open to Federal soldiers to go around in.

Kurth and his friends jumped out of the truck and stood at attention as the Lieutenant went over the rules of their leave. Where they could go, where they couldn't, who they could talk to, who they couldn't; all crap in the ears of the collie and his squad.

Unbuttoning his shirt Kurth gestured to the nearby bar, "Comon lets get a drink."

"Jesus Pete, its only," Kilpo looked down at his watch, "3:15, a bit early get drunk."

The collie shrugged and walked to the bar, followed by everyone including the bulldog. As much as Kilpo wanted to be more like his friends, he couldn't. He had dreamt of being a great soldier, seeing great things but this occupation wasn't what he had in mind. Nonetheless he and his friends, except for Peter and Charlie from time to time, ever got in real trouble so Kilpo was pretty okay with following the band.

As soon as the four friends entered the bar things went silent. Aside from the fact they were dressed in military uniforms, brandishing side arms as well, they defiantly didn't represent the "normal" crowed the bar would see. First of all, everyone else in the bar was a wolf, patrons and help, and the group of friends were two dogs, a fox, and a ferret. Second, neither group trusted the other. Wolves didn't like Federals and Federals didn't like wolves and things were only worse since Peter and his friends were viewed as "the conquerors."

Kurth, not really caring about the animosity that was felt towards him, sat down at the bar and ordered whiskey. After a few moments his friends joined him, each ordering their preferred drinks. The wolves' watched them attentively for a few moments longer, then went back to their business, but were still a bit hushed. Pete and his friends didn't care, they were glad to have a drink where they didn't need to follow any military etiquette at all, and weren't at a starched and pressed base.

It wasn't long before everyone felt warmer, even the tighter Kilpo was getting a little buzzed.

Looking about Charlie noticed a waitress, a wolf obviously, who in his drunken state was more than appealing to him.

"Take a look at her," he whispered to Pete, nudging his maw in the direction of the waitress.

The collie looked in the direction and saw the waitress. Although a bit buzzed himself Peter could tell she was definitely good looking. She had the common, gray-white fur pattern but she looked... better than other female wolves he had seen. She was very small, shorter than him and very skinny all over, like she was starving. Her fur seemed to be much shorter and well kept compared to the other waitresses and she was definitely better looking. Kurth wasn't sure if she was hot, but she was definitely good looking.

The waitress looked up and caught Kurth eyeing her over and he adverted his eyes quickly, embarrassed at having been caught.

"What'd you think?" Charlie asked, grinning widely.

Kurth shrugged, he thought a lot at that moment, she was definitely good looking.

After a few more drinks the group left the bar and walked down the streets, chatting and laughing, just enjoying themselves for a little while. A few blocks later they came across what they had been looking for, a ritzy hotel that was a huge improvement over the military barracks.

"Alright what's the plan?" Keith asked, kneeling down and putting his paws on his knees.

Hunkering down like a football squad the group went over their idea.

"We wait until things quiet down, go in, and 'suggest' that we are given a complementary room," Charlie answered, grinning again.

"And if they refuse?" Kilpo asked, his jowls perky and a bit of concern in his eye, this idea wasn't sitting to well with him.

Unholstering his sidearm Charlie replied, "Then we make em' an offer then can't refuse."

Kilpo really wasn't happy now, and Kurth wasn't that much more in favor either, but the idea of real bed was just to enticing.

Keith's bushy tail made excited circles and the fox clapped his paws, stood up and led the group inside the hotel. To the luck of the squad, there was barely anyone in the lobby. One wolf, male, stood behind the main desk, a clerk to the right, and maids and bellhops coming and going but never more than five wolves in the medium sized lobbies at once.

Charlie gestured to Keith to take the right and Peter to take the left while Kilpo took the rear.

Although obviously a bit worried the wolf placed his paws on top of the desk and asked in an even tone, "May I help you sirs?"

"Ya, actually," Charlie replied, looking about, "We could use a few rooms, you have any free?"

Looking down and through his computer's registry the wolf found two rooms were open and told the ferret so.

"If your interested," the wolf went on, "their about..." he did a quick calculation in his head, "200 Federal dollars a night."

Resting his paw on his belt, but careful to not touch his sidearm Charlie said in a higher tone, "Is there anyway we can get one cheaper."

The wolf wasn't stupid, he saw the three others, he knew they were Federal soldiers, and more importantly, he knew they were all armed, it wasn't worth it to make a scene.

"Yes sir, I'm sure we can make room for you. Jane?" he gestured to one of the maids and she walked over, "Please take them to 402 and 413."

Charlie, still a bit buzzed, took notice to this new furson and was more than intrigued. Twice in one night his libido was being tested and this time he gave in.

She came close to him and was about to say something but Charlie reached out and grabbed the female wolf by her sides. She yelped and went to push him away but stopped when she felt his sidearm push into her pelt.

"Hey, why don't you stay with us for a night..." the ferret whispered deviously.

What none of the Federals knew was that Jane, the wolf Charlie was grinding against, was the manager's daughter and seeing this he produced a rather high caliber pistol and pointed it at Charlie's head.

"Let her go now!" the wolf ordered and they all heard the clicking sound of him cocking the weapon.

Keith, being a fox, was watching attentively and for a split second saw the wolf's paw twitch a bit and he lunged at Charlie.

"Down he's gona sho-"

That was all Keith managed to get out before the bullet cut him down, reeling him and landing on Charlie's back, slumping down to the floor, dead.

"Oh my God..." Kilpo whispered.

In one quick move Charlie pushed the young female wolf aside, brought his weapon up to bear and shot at the manager, missing him though.

Finally catching up to the situation, Kurth yelled out, "Everyone go! Get the fuck out of here now!"

Charlie, not needing to hear anymore, bolted and managed to reach the street before the two dogs caught up. They continued running for about seven blocks then walked briskly all wide eyed and worried.

When they finally came to a stop Kilpo whispered, "Oh shit..."

"Keith's fucked! We're fucked!" Charlie yelled out and sat down on the curb, "Fucking wolves!"

Now Kurth rarely cared for situations liked this, and normally didn't interfere with other's thought processes, he knew the ferret was wrong.

"Fuck you Charlie it's your goddamned fault!" the collie yelled, a bit worried about the ferret and he placed his paw on his sidearm.

"Sarge the wolf shot Keith!" Charlie reasoned.

Rolling his eyes Kurth answered, "You were robbing him and then it looked like you were going to rape that maid!"

"I was just..." the ferret trailed off.

"Just what?! Fuck man..." Kurth went on, and brought his paws to his muzzle, "we gota go back, we gota check Keith what if-"

"He's dead," Kilpo replied, breaking his own silence, "What are we going to do Pete, how are we supposed to explain this?"

Since Charlie had his back to Kurth and Kilpo the collie nodded to the ferret and the bulldog got the idea.

Taking the initiative Kilpo drew his sidearm and pointed it at Charlie's head, "I'm sorry private, but you're under arrest."

Having heard the pistol be raised Charlie put his paws on the back of his head, he knew that in the clutch, the bulldog wouldn't hesitate to shoot, he was more of a real soldier than anyone here.

Kurth was looking about to make sure that the coast was clear and he spotted, on the other side of the road, the waitress that Charlie and he had been eyeing back at the bar. Charlie saw her to and made a plan up in his mind.

"Don, I didn't do anything wrong, I really didn't," he reasoned.

The bulldog gritted his teeth, technically Charlie was right. Agreeing he lowered his pistol but didn't holster it.

"Sarge, what's the plan?" Kilpo asked, now very worried.

Kurth broke his stare at the passing waitress and turned back to his two friends.

"I... I don't know," the collie shook his head, "we can't go back, the lieutenant could be anywhere and I don't want to get pinned with this."

"Let's find someplace to sleep and fast, being on the streets is a bad idea," Kilpo suggested, to the surprise of the other two furries, "Any ideas?"

"Let's go with Keith's idea," Charlie suggested, standing up, "and stay with someone tonight, a house, its safer, I don't want to go back to the Federal area right away after this. We got to split up though, it's not safe like this. Don you're best soldier here so you go back to the Federal area, no sense getting you involved in this."

Peter heard an auditable sigh of relief escape the bulldog's jowls.

"Sarge," Charlie went on, "You go somewhere north," he looked down the road, "I'll go somewhere south, we meet up tomorrow and say we got drunk and separated after we left the bar."

Peter nodded, "Alright."

The three split up but Kurth lingered in the spot for a moment, watching his two friends walk away. It hit him then that Keith was really dead. He had been friends with the fox for a long time, almost since he graduated, rather barely graduated from the tanker's school.

The collie walked down the road and after a few minutes came to a residential area. To his surprise he saw the waitress walking along and started following her. Peter wasn't sure why but he was drawn to her, the way she moved, the way her tail moved in the wind, the way her ass swayed side to side. She couldn't have been much older than he was, maybe 32.

She turned into a long driveway and entered a fairly large house.

Still not sure why, Kurth walked up to the door and knocked on it, quickly slipping his pistol into his belt and out of sight, he didn't want to scare her.

The female wolf came to the door a second later, and was a bit... taken aback to what she found.

"Please ma'am," Kurth began, putting his paws up in a defensive manner, "I just need a place to stay tonight."

Terribly frightened and a bit resentful of the Federal soldier the wolf took a step back from the door, mainly because she saw the holster on his hip.

Peter saw her stair and took his sidearm in his paw, which caused the female wolf to scream.

"Please don't hurt me I-"

"No, no, no! Here," he said kindly, and doing something that broke about twenty Federal laws and wasn't quite bright, Kurth handed the wolf the pistol.

She took it, cocked it and raised it at the now surprised collie.

"All I ask is a bed for one night, I gave you my gun, I can pay you if you want, I just don't want to sleep on the street," he reasoned in a calm voice, although he was worried a bit himself.

For some reason the wolf believed him and lowered the pistol and with her paw ushered him in.

"You can sleep on the couch down here, but don't leave this room," she commanded.

Kurth nodded and walked, carefully, over to the couch. He sat down and laid his head on the pillow. She stayed in the room and watched him like a hawk, not sure why she had let the soldier in. She thought back and remembered him from the bar and also remembered him and his buddy staring at her.

Breaking in on the female wolf's thoughts a cry rang down the stares throughout the house.

The collie looked up and at the wolf, a bit surprised.

"My son," she whispered, but didn't budge, the pup continued crying upstairs.

"You can go, I won't get up from the couch," Kurth replied, knowing the mother wanted to tend to her son.

She shook her head and answered, "No, I don't trust you."

"I'll leave if you wan-"

"Please do," she whispered, holding the gun firm.

Carefully the collie stood up and walked back to the door, a bit disappointed he'd have to sleep outside, his fur was to short to really keep him warm.

Just as his paw touched the door he heard footsteps behind him and he froze, not moving.

The wolf whispered in a quiet voice, "I'm sorry Mr.?"

"Sergeant Peter Kurth," the dog replied, still not moving.

"Well Sergeant Kurth, you can stay, I just-"

"No I should leave, I know believe me," and he opened the door slowly.

The female wolf had never been one to back down or be afraid and in a quick motion she was by his side and pushed the door closed.

Looking the now surprised collie she said in almost a whisper, "No, you can stay."

For a long moment the two canines stared at each other, each one trying to figure out what the other was thinking. Their thoughts were interrupted by her son's cries.

"What do you want me to do?" Peter asked.

Still griping the pistol she nodded for him to follow which he did. The wolf led Peter up the stairs and down a small hallway to what was apparently her son's room. It wasn't a big room, but definitely big enough for an infant.

The wolf grabbed a bottle of formula and scooped up her son. She started feeding him while Kurth observed from the door.

"Where's his father Mrs..." Kurth pried, trying to ease what he preserved as an extremely tense situation.

Looking up from the infant the collie saw a definite look of pain and sadness in the wolf's eyes.

Taking a deep breath she whispered, "He's dead, he died at the Fortress in the north."

Being a bit dense Kurth didn't quiet catch on right away but about thirty seconds later he shot his paw at the back of his head and whispered, "Oh Christ..."

The wolf looked away quickly and Peter could tell she was upset.

"Ma'am I'm sorry... You know I didn't mean anything by it," he almost pleaded, feeling a distinct sense of guilt for what happened.

Although it wasn't him who did it, Kurth felt like he had taken the wolf's husband away.

Not looking up the wolf replied, "For the record my name is Tatanya Len- Petrov- Lena."

"Which one is it Tatanya," Kurth replied.

The she paused for a long moment and replied, "Petrova, Alexander Lena was my husband. You can call me Tanya by the way, Tatanya's a bit to formal usually."

"All right Tanya," Kurth answered, trying hard to smile to make thing's okay.

She nodded and shifted her attention back to her son. The pup looked about ten months old, maybe.

"And what's his name?" Kurth asked, trying to make conversation.

Not looking back up Tanya replied, "Samuel."

Peter leaned against the door panel and looked the pair over. The pup wasn't old enough to have any real distinguishing features but, for the second time tonight, the collie caught himself eyeing over the wolf. She was much better looking up close. Her fur looked soft, much softer than his own, her face was beautiful and he had never seen a tail like that before, not on any other dog or anything else. His gaze fell a bit and rested on her body, very shapely particularly since she was a mother. Her tits were rather large for a female but Kurth figured it was because her pup was still kind of young. She was slim and, even sitting; he could tell Tanya had a very shapely rear but she was even skinner than he had thought back at the bar.

She almost caught his gaze but his somewhat rushed head turn gave away what he had been doing. Tanya clutched her son a bit closer and finished feeding him quickly. Once finished she replaced Sam to his crib and, motioning for the Federal soldier to stay in front of her, walked back downstairs, stopping only to grab a blanket.

Downstairs Kurth sat back down on the couch and Tanya, cautiously, handed him the blanket.

He laid down and covered himself, but the couch was to short and half his hind legs hung off the end.

She looked at him slightly distressed and Kurth raised a paw, "It's okay, I've slept in plenty worse positions."

Tanya finally smiled softly and walked out of the room and into the kitchen. She returned with a piece of bread and a glass of water.

"I know it's not much but I don't make a lot working at that bar," she shrugged, handing him the food.

Peter took it and bit a small piece of bread, saw that she looked a bit tired, and handed her half.

"Oh no I'm fine, I ate at the bar," she reasoned, but it was a lie and Kurth caught it right away.

"Take some, you look hungry," he urged, nodding to the bread.

Tanya sighed and took the half, eating it quickly, she had been quite hungry really.

"Thanks," she whispered meekly, "How old are you?"

"Twenty-six, but I know I must look older, its cause I drink a lot," Peter grinned, feeling a bit guilty. He was a bit tactless and had no problem telling others about his... love for drinking.

He noticed a slightly concerned look on Tanya's face and she sighed quietly.

"What?" the collie asked.

She sighed again and answered, "You shouldn't do that, it's very bad."

Kurth shrugged, "I know, but-"

"No there is no but," she almost yelled, as if she was reprimanding a child, "alcohol screws up more things than it fixes."

"If you don't mind me asken' ma'am, but how old are you?" the collie asked, her scolding something very strange but actually taking a slight effect on him.

Furrowing her brow she tilted her head and asked back, "Don't you know that it's rude to ask someone their age?"

"You asked me," Kurth pointed out.

"I meant to a female," Tanya clarified.

The collie shrugged, "We're all the same in essence."

"How so?" she replied, the concept of being the same as some Federal trooper, part of the same group that took Alex from her frightened her.

"We all want and do the same things at heart," he answered.

A long silence past, Tanya expecting him to elaborate.

"Like..." she prompted.

"Oh, well we all try and do things that make us happy, we try and keep those who are close to us happy, and we usually," the collie thought of Charlie, "Don't want to see other's hurt. Females have it even greater since, like you," he gestured to her with his paw, "Have to care for offspring."

"I'm sure my husband would have loved his son," Tanya answered, not so much offended by the dog but not wanting to agree. Even though he was arguing between the sexes, in her mind it was between the wolves and the Federals.

"He never met your pup?" Kurth asked, now really feeling guilty and he wasn't even sure why.

Tanya looked away but nodded a yes.

"Mrs. Petrova-"

"Tanya, please call me Tanya," the wolf urged, still not looking back.

"Tanya, I'm not sure what to say, I'm not a very smart dog, but I guess I'm sorry for what happened. No one likes war and..." he trailed off, he wasn't sure what to say.

The wolf started crying softly, a mixture of self-pity and anger. She didn't like the Federation, why would she? They took her husband from her. She had seen, in recent day, hundreds of Federal soldiers and just seeing them didn't change her disposition on them but Peter was a good furry. A bit immature but a good furry nonetheless. How could that be? And that he felt sorry for her? How could that be!?

"I don't like this war if that makes ya feel better," Kurth went on, "I'd rather not be here anyway, I'd rather be home asleep somewheres safe, not here. I hate this fucking war," he was never embarrassed to say anything in front of anyone, "and I wish it was over so we could all go home."

Tanya heard his words but continued crying softly. Was he serious? How could he be serious? All Federal soldiers were warmongers and murders, the only reason she was letting him stay was because she fear reprisal if she didn't. How could he seriously not want war and feel bad that Alex had been killed?

"I don't hate wolves you should know," Peter added, although it was a low whisper she heard it quite well and it sent a shiver from her tail to the tips of her ears, "I don't think most Federal soldiers do either. I hope the feelings are the same for wolves but we really don't hate you, you need to know that."

"Alex always said that this war was useless," Tanya finally answered, remembering her husband's words, "He said the only reason anyone fought was because they feared losing their honor by disobeying the Alpha Wolf but fuck him! His fucking war cost me Alex so I don't give-a-shit about honor!"

She cried more, but Peter was stunned. He had been around females all his life, of many species and such, but never a wolf, and he had never heard any female speak so freely and angrily.

Tanya sobbed and collapsed into the chair she was sitting in, thinking of that first moment when she really realized he wasn't coming back.

Peter was on the other extreme, he felt angry with himself. He felt, he was sure it was his fault for this. There was no way he killed her husband but he and the flag that he was under had killed her spirit. Looking about the house he felt even angrier with himself. The collie also felt anger for what had happen this night, at the hotel. Keith was dead but it was because of his squads disregard for the rights of these wolves, these other beings that made that happen, that made another useless death.

Because she was still sobbing and Peter didn't want her to feel bad for something that was his fault the collie stood up carefully and walked to the door. His attuned ears heard her stand and almost yelp.

"Don't go, I'm sorry, I just miss my husband..." she cried.

Feeling enough anger that he wanted to do something Peter turned and almost yelled, "No, this isn't right! It's my fault your husband died, it's my fault that Keith's dead and I had no right to kill anyone!"

Tanya slowed her cries, confused by his words. Did he mean he killed Alex? No. He was talking like he was the Federation, as if he represented it all by himself.

He turned back to the door and had it opened for the second time but again she came close up behind him, this time her furry body against his.

"This is why our two groups can't get along," she whispered, almost right into his ear, "Every time something happens we just leave or kill the other, never stopping to try and see if we can live together."

Peter heard her words, but he felt them much more. The wolf had no idea why she had done that, she wasn't sure why she felt so bad now more so than ever before.

Again the collie shut the door and turned to face the wolf. She was practically leaning on him and, for some reason, reached out and whipped the tears off her furry cheeks.

The touch, as innocent as it was, scared the crap out of Tanya and she practically jumped away, and raised the pistol.

"Now you see why I wanted to leave?" Peter said quietly, feeling stupid that he had touched her.

Tanya's mind caught up with her and she dropped the pistol to the floor, fell against the wall, and sobbed. Of all things this Federal soldier had basically been the first furry to try and comfort her and he was, in her mind, nothing but a Federal soldier.

Peter didn't move. He started to get the feeling that she wasn't quite "all there" since she was going back and forth but he remembered he had touched her, and that was probably overstepping his boundaries way to far. He was only there to beg for a place to sleep, not to get into her personal business, he had been too nosy and he knew it.

Still not movie he whispered, "I'm sorry Tanya, I just felt sorry- no, I just didn't want you to cry."

The wolf paused for a second and looked up. She had been thinking how on earth this collie; this Federal soldier could be so... nice.

"Peter you can stay, please stay," she said, pleading again, "Go to sleep please, your to nice to sleep outside."

Not wanting to encourage more crying from the wolf, Kurth walked in, waited for her to stand up and take lead, and sat down and laid down on the couch. Laying down was uncomfortable but he wouldn't let on, he just wanted to rest and have her go away, he didn't want to hurt her feelings anymore.

In truth Tanya could tell the collie was uncomfortable on the small couch but since he wasn't complaining and clearly wasn't comfortable around her she walked up the stairs and into her room. The wolf caught herself about to lock her bedroom door but, although she thought it was better, she forced herself to leave it unlocked. Tanya knew the collie would stay downstairs, as uncomfortable as he was, but she wanted to prove to herself she could trust the nice Federal soldier.

She changed and got into bed and as soon as her head hit the pillow she started weeping. She cried over her memory of Alex, she cried over the thought of Sam never meeting his father, she cried for the poor life she was leading now but she mainly cried for her actions to Peter. He had been nothing but comforting and kind to her, only asking for a place to sleep and she had almost killed him three times.

The wolf clarified a thought: she was right, so far in the past year Peter had basically been the only furry to comfort her or be genuinely kind. Ever since she and Alex had come here, only because this was where he was being stationed, she hadn't been able to talk or hear from any of her friends or family. After the siege started everything stopped. It was pretty likely her family thought she was dead anyway, Wolf Command probably thought everyone on Aladgard was dead.

Now, feeling all nice and warm in her bed, alone, Tanya found herself wishing to make the collie feel better. He was lying on that uncomfortable couch, to short for anyone to sleep on it.

Always one to make quick decisions with little thought, Tanya got out of bed, dried her eyes, and walked downstairs. She found Peter half-asleep on the couch, shifting himself around.

Coming in so close that her fur rubbed against his she whispered, "Sergeant, you can come with me to a real bed."

A bit groggy he replied, "I'm fine, go to bed ma'am."

"No, please, you're my guest now follow me," she said in a commanding tone and started walking slowly towards the stairs.

Seeing that there was no reasoning with this wolf Peter got off the couch and followed her, stopping to grab his covers.

She saw this and called back, "You don't need that, my bed has plenty of blankets."

Not sure what she meant by that Kurth put the blankets down. There was no way she meant that. He wouldn't do that so it wasn't an issue in his mind.

She led him back upstairs and down the hall opposite her son's room. He followed her into a room and low and behold it was indeed hers.

The collie started shaking his head immediately and went to walk away but he heard her pull back the sheets and whisper very, very quiet, "Please don't go..."

Not liking this one bit he turned and walked over to the bed. She was already in it and made a gesture to get in as well. Kurth had the sudden feeling of wishing that he had chosen any other house on this planet but he got in.

He laid on his back and stared at the ceiling. Of all things he had ended up in bed with the waitress he had been eyeing at the bar and he wished her was anywhere else.

To only add to his newfound discomfort the wolf cried softly on the other side of the bed.

Not understanding why or really caring why Tanya whispered, "Can I lay my head on you, please?"

"Only if you'll stop crying," Peter replied, figuring it was better to sleep like that than to listen to her cry. He didn't want her feeling sad, it was really terrible, it made him feel guilty.

She nodded and laid her furry head on his chest, and, again to add to his surprise, coddled his body and laid a leg on top of his.

Tanya figured she had gone nuts, and also figured "Oh well!" She was drawn to him; he was too nice and cared too much to not be. Also, the fact was he made her feel better and she really, really needed that. She hadn't felt "good" in months, only really when she held Sam and she saw Alex's face in the small pup's so it really made her feel worse at times.

Although he tried to resist the urge, it was a natural to feel the need to comfort those in pain, but he didn't want to scare her at all. He finally gave in and wrapped a paw around her shoulders and hugged her closely, and he felt her sigh happily and sadly at the same time, as if she really wanted this but it wasn't what she had wanted. Maybe she thought he was like a replacement husband? Either way Peter was just glad she didn't seem upset anymore.

Once again the wolf surprised Peter by falling asleep almost right away. What he didn't know was that this was the first time she had fallen asleep so quickly and so easily in a very long time. He wasn't far behind and was also soon asleep, but feeling better that he had made the wolf, a wolf, happy.


**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 7: Family** **Chapter 1 Hatred** The Reynolds' Cabin On Earth 12:09AM Local Time "Cathy?" Steve asked out loud, looking around the ribbons that had been their nice cabin a few seconds ago. "I'm alright Steve, we have to...

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**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 6: Marriage** **Chapter 1 Preparation** Consular's Estate 7:24 AM Local Time "Morning Cathy..." Steve said lovingly, his vixen still half asleep under him. Smiling she replied, "Morning Steve..." He lowered...

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His Wife

**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 5: His Wife** **Chapter 1 Murder** Aboard Consular Otho's Personal Transport 11:21AM Local Time Unlike the moment when Captain Steve Reynolds was sure that the late Colonel Hushing had killed him and his wife, this time...

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