Portals CYOA CH3

Story by Dessan on SoFurry

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#3 of Portals CYOA

some self-done transformation, and you FINALLY got the stats! even if they don't seem like actual statistics! maybe you'll find a way to see the scales of things, how should I know?


Transfigure your genitals to those of of a wolf, with the features of both genders. Later insist your servant refer to you as female, despite an ambiguously outlined crotch bulge.

I think about it. I could do just about anything really, but who knows how hard it would be to do something crazy? like, sure i could give myself a ten foot horse dong but i'd probably fucking kill myself doing it. "hmmm." after a second or two i come to a decision. I undo my belt and lower my pants, then sit down on the warm stone.

I let my hands hover above my crotch and twiddle my fingers. "probably wouldn't have been a bad idea to ask how to do this." Well, a lack of knowledge, information, skill and training haven't stopped me without a fight before. Hopefully winging it won't give me cancer or anything. I just let myself go zen for a minute, trying to figure out if maybe i can feel the arcane energy, maybe?

I sit there for a few minutes, until I can sorta feel it, in my bones and muscles, a kind of warm humming that's just on the edge of what I can feel. I take a deep breath and slowly start to feel out for it with my mind, and now I can feel where everything is. It's sorta like a picture in my head, where everything is clear but outlined with fuzzy, glowing lines of blueish silver. Now I just need to figure out how to do anything with that. Maybe there are some books around here that explain the process?

I take my pants off again and sit back down. I reach for my alignment and my energy, and focus it on my crotch, making sure to keep my intent clear. First i feel the flesh just behind my balls split, not like a tearing, more like when your lips are dry and sorta stuck together and you open them again. I slowly make it go deeper, forcing my thoughts to return to the Wolf and making a vagina. Slowly, somewhere between pain and pleasure, the flesh pulling apart slowly, until I get to the hardest part, having to move organs out of the way and, with only a bit of difficulty, put a Womb there, right where it belongs now.

I take a deep breath and slowly bring one of my hands down to it and rub it against the "hollow" triangle, and the sensation sends a shudder up my spine. Probably made it a bit too sensitive, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. next I start working on my male stuff, which will be easier because I already have things to work with. I go for the balls first, thickening skin, increasing size and covering them with fur, and next comes the only part that might be painful.

I slowly start to change my penis, drawing it back, forming a thick sheath, changing its shape to a more pointed and curved one, slowly building up flesh around the base of it to bulge out later. I'm not too proud to bother adding a bit length and girth wise, but it's not gonna be enough to break someone. that's what the knot's for.My new dick stings something awful, and i'm sorta glad I managed to skip out on most of that. It feels raw, kinda like if I were too rough with it, hopefully it's just because it's new and I didn't mess anything up, although, I did forget the fur for the sheath and my balls. I quickly start to cover them with a thick layer of fur. I guess I won't have to worry about getting cold anymore.

It takes just about as long as it did to get into the zone, but I pull myself back into myself. I wince, the stinging of the skin of my penis and the sensitivity of my new pussy are much more present now. I sit for a few minutes, taking deep breaths to try and calm my pulse, two deep breaths in and one out, so on and so forth.

After I get up I pull my pants back on, they're ab it uncomfortable, but i'm sure to make sure that there's a noticeable buldge. After a few seconds to orient myself again I head after the bird.

Action: Touring the Temple

Explore the temple you find yourself in while discussing it with your servant.

So we're revered as a bringer of knowledge? Seems like a good reputation to have. Speaking of which, just what exactly is our character's knowledge encompass?

Before I can instruct my servant of these matters I'll need to find him. I head through the door he left through and immediately see 3 different halls, immaculately cleaned and maintained, excepting the odd bit of debris from the passing of time. The three paths make a T, and each one of these paths has a plethora of doors, however the one to the right only has 3 doors before rubble from the collapsed roof blocks it off.now I've got to decide which way i'll go, and how i'll proceed, and I could potentialyl change my mind about my plan to be shown around or how to be reffered to.


Sneaking: I have decent ability at sneaking, and my new, overly large and flat feet should help so long as I remember to be silent.

Sensitivity: genitalia are very sensitive because of their newness. this should fade over time, and if i'm lucky within a day or two.

Hearing: Hearing is far better than that of a Human, and able to detect the location of where a sound came from far better than a human could.

Heat-sense: I can detect heat similarly to a snake, though it will take time to get used to and to be able to use it effectively.

Heats: I will eventually go into a heat, during which it'll be really hard not to fuck everyone around me.

gangly: muscles and not much else, because all of my fat got burnt off too keep my feet from getting cut off. muscles aren't as effective due to the lack of fat, and It's hard to get used to having so much less weight, but it being evenly distributed should help.

Dulled Vision: due to both of my alignments being animals with worse eyesight than humans (wolves without color, snakes just being plain abyssmal) my eyesight is deteriorating, though I should be able to handle things like reading and being able to tell where i'm going so long as things aren't too featureless or far away or anything.

The Basics: I have knowledge on the basis of many fields, mostly because the history and science channels are far more interesting than they're given credit for.

Questionable Fertility: due to the recently made and magical nature of my genitalia, it's quite possible i'm infertile, super fertile, or just regularly infertile.

Emphatic: heavy access to media with characters far different from myself, as well as conversations and friendships with foreigners with different perspectives has given me a large amount of empathy. It just needs time to catch up sometimes.

horny devil: Canines are often known for being horny bastards, and you're no exception. you're more likely to suffer from lecherous thoughts, and are likely to get turned on by things you shouldn't. you might be ruthlessly kinkshamed.

All abilities and statistics may change over time, through your decisions, the effects of the environment, etc. be careful not to get yourself killed, and be careful of how the personality changes over time, because just like their body, their mind is malleable and will change with your decisions.

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