Nights with my wolf and days with Ray

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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#15 of I'm Real (scales & wings)

well here it is chapter 14 Dachii shows his feelings for his wolf and learns a thing or two about Ray and how he feels as they travel along in the city

warning this chapter contains m/m so if your not into that kind of stuff you don't have to read it


Chapter 14

Nights with my wolf and days with Ray

I looked around in the darkness to find the wolf but he didn't seem to be around

"Anyone there?" I asked with no response

Then I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind me

"Master" the wolf snuggled me

"There you are" I turned around and hold of him and pulled him close to my face

He licked my nose and I giggled

I sat down and set the wolf on my lap

"I love you master"

I squeezed him "I love you to my pet" I whispered into his ear and rubbed his belly

He snuggled into my chest so that his head was lying on my neck

"Master... I feel like I don't deserve you"

"Don't say that... we were meant for each other... nothing can change that" I said to him

"I know you're right master... but ... I still have my doubts"

I hugged him tightly "then let me help you remove those doubts"

I stood us both up; I turned him around as I pressed our muzzles together, my tongue entering his maw licking over every tooth and detail

His tongue twitched and joined mine, tangling with each other tasting the passion between us

My appendage grew and hardened, my arousal was growing uncontrollably and I could feel his growing to

"Master" the wolf said separating from the kiss "please take me now"

I caressed his body lightly holding onto his firm rump

I licked my claw and started pushing digits into his wanting tailhole, he moaned as I pushed them in and out

I lifted his body close to my head while still pushing my claw into him, I looked into his eyes they were lust filled and wanting

I turned my attention to his red throbbing meat which had made its way out of its sheath

I licked along the length and took in all of the pre from the tip, I felt him murr in pleasure

I took his full length into my mouth and suckled on it

My muzzled pressed against his groin as I fit his furry testes in my maw, lapping at them inside my mouth

I made my tongue breech his sheath, licking down the rest of his length and his growing knot

My nostrils inhaled his musk, I could feel his own breathing increase in pace

"Master... I'm almost there" he said panting

I continued my motions I licked all along his meat searching for sensitive spots and hearing him pant louder made me suckle more

I heard him moan loudly turning into a howl as his load exploded in my mouth

I drank all of it down, it tasted like it was slightly salty but sweet, much like the fruit I used to eat

I licked his length and testes once more to remove any cum that was still there

"Master ... that was amazing" he said panting "but please I want you to take me" he made a begging face as I looked up at him

I smiled "I wanted to make you feel good" I nuzzled his stomach

"I always feel good when you're with me master" he said hugging my head

I lifted myself pulling him into a kiss again, forcing my tongue inside his muzzle making him taste his own cum

I could feel myself being drawn to him more

My arousal was now uncontainable I was going to take him, just like he wanted

I removed my digits from his now stretched tailhole, he moaned as they slowly slipped out of him knowing what was coming next

I lowered his body down to my pre leaking appendage, my tip just grazing his pucker

He pulled his body close to my chest before slowly lowering onto my length

I felt his body flinch as my tip penetrated him

He pulled away from our kiss and smiled as he grabbed onto my body and pushed himself down my length

I couldn't help but moan, his warm insides felt so good and he was pushing further

He forced himself almost all of the way down, only the look of pleasure on his face, he wanted more and so did I

I grabbed onto him and started lifting him up and down, the amazing feeling, the heat, the passion, I knew this was all a dream but it felt so real

"Master please, don't go easy on me" he moaned to me

When I heard that I knew what to do, he wanted more of me, then I'll give it to him

I leaned forward putting him on the floor pinning down his arms and putting his legs around my waist

I thrusted deep into him and he yipped from the sudden force

I then continued with my forceful thrusts, him lustfully moaning and barking, it made me push faster

I could feel his heavy breathing as my body lunged into his, I was getting close I could feel it

I lowered my head as to be at eye level with my love

I stared deeply into his eyes; I pulled back my length out of him and then kissed him passionately before pushing back into him one more time

As our tongues danced I released my load inside him

I could feel his insides filling with my seed leaking out and spilling past my loins

I pulled away from the kiss

"Did I remove your doubts?" I asked nuzzling his neck

"Master" he said breathing heavily, he then grabbed onto my head as I pulled out of him slowly, cum leaking out of his stretched hole

He leaned on me and began to sob

"I hate myself for still doubting you... I really don't deserve you and your love"

I pulled us both up as I held him

"Please don't say that... if anything I don't deserve you... you're the one who waited for me, you love me, and you always care about me... I couldn't ask for more, I love you and I don't want you to feel the way you do" I squeezed his body "I'll make everything better just tell me what I have to do"

He looked at me still seeming sad

"Just do nothing... you've given me everything and more, the only thing I want from you now ... is you"

"So there's only one thing I can do" I said softly

"don't even think that way... as much as I want you here with me forever... don't give up your life, I need to wait for you... it's the only way my heart can be soothed..." the wolf said, he then rubbed his paw against my face

"I love you, and I'll say it more, I'd scream it out to the world but I can't... so just keep on living and I'll see you every night... in your dreams" he then vanished and I knew I would soon wake up

As my eyes opened I was still protectively covered by my wings

But then I felt something below, I looked down and I saw Ray with his mouth over my appendage

He looked up at me in surprise and jumped off of me

I was surprised that Ray was doing that

"Oh god, what was I thinking?" Ray said in a bout of confusion and panic "I'm sorry..." he fell to his knees and started to cry

I could tell he was very startled by what he did maybe I did something wrong

"Ray" I tried to put my claw on his shoulder but he pushed it away "just tell me what's wrong"

He continued to look at the ground "I shouldn't have done that... you just looked so needy... and you were right there..." he said in his sobbing panic

He was clearly stressed I had to help him

"Ray please calm down, I'm not mad at you" I said trying to grab hold of him

"y-your not?" he said snuffling, he let me grab onto his shoulder

"I'm not, I just want to know why" I lifted his head so I could look at him

"I ... I don't know... I guess I just wanted to repay you for letting me stay with you... even after what my grandfather did to you..."

I still didn't understand why, he didn't owe me anything, I needed him to find Tye

"You don't have to repay me for anything, you needed a place to stay and I need your help to find my friend" I said pulling him closer "just know right now we need each other"

I pulled back my wings letting in dawn's early glow

"How about we head out now, it's morning" I said

I saw a small amount of cum on his cheek and licked it off

He giggle from feeling my tongue on his face, I pulled him close and gave him a quick hug

"Let's make this journey fast and simple, I'm not sure what will happen when we get there"

He nodded and said "alright... we need to find what part of the lake your friend's island is on... lets start with that part" he pointed to a place in the distance before heading for the top of the bridge

I grabbed him and flew us to the top of the bridge

"I can make this go much faster, just show me how to get there" I said

He looked around a bit then pointed again "let's head that way"

I grabbed him and started to fly stealth fully and low to the ground until we reached a place where you could see the water

"Stop here" Ray said

I glided to a stop on the ground and I let go of him

He walked up to a large sign board and began to examine it

"What's that?" I asked

"It's a lake map, it'll show what islands are plotted here" he explained

After a few moments he spoke again

"There's only one island on this part of the lake but it's a hydro electric plant..." he scratched his head "I'm not entirely sure how that works on a lake, but I don't think this is the place you're looking for"

"Well then I guess we head to the next part of the lake, which way?" I asked

He pointed in another direction

"We can follow the edge of the lake to the next section"

I picked him up and glided along the waters edge until we reached the next lake map, I landed and let him read the map

"There are four islands on this part, 2 residences and the other 2 I'm not sure" he looked at me "maybe your friend is on one of these islands"

"Maybe... but what if he's not here?" I asked

"I can just wait by the map here for you" Ray suggested

"That might work but if he is here then you'll be stuck here alone"

"I have nowhere to go... so its fine if you leave me here" he sat by the edge of the board

It occurred to me that I couldn't just leave him here, I know what it's like to feel alone and I think it would be better if I brought him with me

I grabbed him and flew towards the islands

He screamed as I flew us swiftly across the water, I held him tighter hoping to stop his panic

"What are you doing?" he asked

"You didn't think I would leave you by yourself did you?"

I flew us to the first small island there was a house on it but it wasn't Tye's

We continued on to the next one, when we landed I let go of Ray and looked around

All I could see was flat ground but when I looked closer the ground was covered in ash and debris with many scorch marks on the ground

"What happened here?" I asked

I knew this wasn't the island Tye was on since it didn't seem big enough

I turned around to see Ray; he was looking at something by the edge and looked really sad

"Ray... this isn't the island I'm looking for... lets head to the next one" I said walking up behind him

"...yea... just give me a second"

He seemed distracted, was something bothering him?

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"I used to love this place..." he said quietly

"You used to come here?"

"I used to live here... but now it's all in the past" he looked down again "its just not fair... why'd they have to rescue me ... and putting me through all of this" I saw a few tears fall from his eyes before he walked away from that spot he was standing at

I looked at the spot and I saw two small bouquets of flowers shriveled on the ground

I guess something must have happened here, and it's really upsetting Ray, now I know why he didn't want to go with me... I should get him out of here

"Ray... I'm sorry... but I think its best if we left this place"

He nodded before I gave him a hug to comfort him

I continued to hold onto him as I flew into the air and headed for the next island, when we flew over I didn't bother landing all there was, was a small shack, and I highly doubt Tye is living in a shack

I flew to the forth island it seemed big enough maybe this was the right place

We landed and I let go of Ray who had since stopped crying but he still looked a little sad

We walked around to check the place but we didn't find anything, just a lot of plants everywhere

"Dachii... do you think you could tell me more about your friend?" Ray asked seemingly for no reason

"Well... his name is Tye and he designed me, when I used to live with him at his house we were best friends" I explained

"He, designed you?" Ray asked sounding confused

"Yea I wasn't always like this, I used to be digital"

"I see..." he still seemed confused but he dropped the subject

"Well there's nothing here, where is the next part of the lake?" I asked

"We have to go through the city to the other side"

I grabbed onto him and flew us back to the edge of the city

"I think it would be safer and easier to walk from here, we can use the alley ways since it's the most crowded time of day now and people might see you if you in the air" Ray said

I complied and he continued to show me how to get to another part of the lake

We walk through the countless alleys just dodging a few close encounters, it took a while and it was evening before I saw the water again being dyed orange from the sun setting in the horizon

"Let's wait until tomorrow to continue, I'm getting tired and it's getting dark" I said

"That sounds like a good idea, is it alright ... if I stay with you again?" he asked nervously

I sat and opened my wings

"Sure thing, come here" I patted the ground next to me

Ray sat next to me and I put my arm around him so I could pull him to my chest before covering us in my wings

He snuggled up against my scales, and I rested my head on his

"Wait" he stood up shaking from my grip "I can't do this" he tried to pull away my wings

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked

"I can't be alone with you again... I might do something and cause a problem" he said still trying to get away

"Why do you think you'll cause a problem?" I asked

He paused for a moment and took a breath

"It's because... I can't control myself when I'm around you...I don't know what's wrong with me... I really want you... but it shouldn't be that way"

I was a little shocked that he told me this... but I kind of understood what he was going through

I remember when I was in the simulator I felt that I really wanted Tye and I couldn't control myself

"Nothing is wrong with you... I get how you feel" I said turning him around

"You do?" he asked

"Yea... but that's for a different reason..."

"Do you think... we could ever be... together?" he asked nervously

I didn't want to disappoint him but sadly I had to

"I don't think so... I have someone waiting for me"

"Oh..." he looked sad "then I should go..." he continued his escape attempt

I thought for a moment

"You should stay... and who knows, maybe I'll help you get it out of your system"

He stopped "would you really?" he questioned, sounding almost eager

"It could happen" I said pulling him to my chest again "just get some sleep and we'll talk about this later"

He hugged me and snuggled my chest again

"Thank you..." he said quietly as I felt his pulse and breathing slow down

I closed my eyes and began to sleep as well

"Master you're back" the familiar sound of my wolf called to me

"Yes I am" I chuckled as I reached out to hug him

"Master... do you love him?" he asked a little sad


"That boy that you met... I heard what you said..."

"I can't really say I do... and you know you're my one and only"

"But you told him-" I interrupted

"I know what I said but I wanted to cam him down" I said

"Are you really going to do it?" he asked

"If things get out of hand... and if it's ok with you" I told him

He whimpered

"Master... I don't want to lose you to someone else"

I was saddened, I felt like he was losing trust in me

"You could never lose me" I squeezed him "but if you really don't want me to, then I won't"

"Master... it's only my fears... but it's still your decision... if you're going to do something... at least do it to me first" he caressed my back with his paw

"You really wouldn't mind?" I asked

"As long as you promise that no matter what you do, you'll still love me"

"I promise, I'll always love you" I nuzzled his neck

"Are you mad at me master?" he asked quietly

"Why would I be mad?" I asked back

"I remember the last time you got mad at me..." he stepped away from me "I just don't want that to happen again"

There was a flash of light and I could see I was in a different place

Another memory?

I saw ‘my' arm and it was holding someone in the air, when I focused I could see who it was

It was my wolf; I was holding him by the neck against a wall

Why did I do this?

What could he have done?

"You've been very bad" the words slipped out of ‘my' mouth

"mas-ter... please... I'm sorry" the wolf struggled to speak

"Your sorry, how could you do this, why would you lie to me?!" I yelled angrily

The wolf tried to free his neck from my grip, and I threw him to the floor

He was bruised and clearly hurt, this was terrible, I did this to him...

"Tell me why, now!" I yelled at him again, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him to eye level

He hesitated to speak, his eyes ready to burst out tears

"I-I ... had to master..." he began to cry "I only wanted to protect you"

I blinked and everything went back to the way things were, me floating in the darkness of my dreams and my wolf laying on the floor looking sad

Why would he show me that memory?

Was he trying to prevent me from becoming the person I once was, or was he trying to show me something more

What ever it was

I'll never be full of anger towards him; all he's ever shown me was love and acceptance

So what I'll do is show him the same

End of Chapter 14

how do you think Dachii feels about his wolf and those old memories?

do you think Dachii will fulfill Ray's want for him?

will Dachii find Tye soon?

who do you think Dachii might encounter in this city?

these questions will be answered in the up coming chapters keep reading readers

and please comment i love to know what my readers think