
Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#3 of Sasha's Struggles

We rejoin Sasha and Cal on day 2 of their fun. What will happen when Cal begins to introduce Sasha to BDSM? Where did he learn this?

Also, since this is a personal story, I don't have the slightest hint of guilt for saying this. I've got a Patreon now. It's where I'm gonna be fielding things for the much larger world I've started working on, The Society Chronicles. What are they? Why they're my own take on a Superhero type setting. Come on over and support me if you feel like. Even if you don't, keep an eye out for some public stuff I'll be posting that involves the characters from that setting.

Sasha roused with a soft moan. Her leg ached from where it'd been hanging off the couch for who knows how long. Rolling onto her back, she pulled her leg back up and massaged her thigh idly. Her fingers brushed over her inner thigh, then up higher to rub over her pussy. Cheeks flushed pink when she felt the juices that clung to her smooth scales. The image of Cal buried deep in her, balls jumping and knot twitching as he pumped his cum into her without a single hint of protection.

Her fingers spread her lips slowly and dipped inside to feel her inner walls. She was still hot and wet inside, and when she pulled her fingers out, a mixture of her juices and his seed coated the digits.

Laying on the couch, she found herself staring at the mess for a long moment, fingers just gently tapping together and feeling how thick and sticky it was. She brought her hand up towards her muzzle, and was about to sample the mess, when she realized that she was alone on the couch. Half sitting up, she looked around and spotted a note laying on the armrest. Dropping back to lay out, she grabbed the note with her clean hand and began to read it. It was a quick note from Cal, "Hey, thought we might want something easy to eat, so went out to get some food. Back by 5." She glanced to one of the clocks on the wall. Weird, that was more than an hour off. Didn't take that long to go and get food. Her cheeks flushed hotter as the thought of him perhaps getting some other supplies began to race through her head.

She had to distract herself before that thought went on for too long. Which there was something right in front of her that could distract her right then. Before her thoughts could roam too deep and too wild, she shoved her fingers into her mouth and wrapped her tongue around them.

She'd tasted Cal's cum earlier. It was hard not to when he'd blown his load all over her face and chest. And she'd tasted her own several times before. Pretty sure everyone sampled their own sexual mess at least once in their lifetime. Her juices never tasted too bad. Nothing she'd go out of her way to sample, but nothing bad about it. It had been a while since she'd gotten to sample her heat juices though. The flavor was stronger, heavier, almost tingling across her tongue. Pair that with the heavy, salty taste of Cal's cum and it blended into something... It was hard to describe how it tasted. It wasn't unpleasant. However, it sent shivers racing up and down her body before focusing around her privates.

Really did not expect that. She huffed softly and covered her privates with one hand as she shifted to sit up on the couch. As she moved, a little sound caught her ear. The rattle of the garage door moving. Seems like she'd just missed Cal leaving. That's probably what woke her up. So the question that she faced right now was what to do while he was off getting lunch for a weirdly long time?

Answer was, clean up. At least to start with.

She could wander upstairs and get another shower, but it'd be much easier to use the bathroom down here. When they'd done renovations to fix up the basement into a garage, home theater, and Cal's room, they'd installed a bathroom in there as well. It was pretty much a large closet, barely big enough for everything in there, but it helped serve as a buffer between the home theater and Cal's bedroom.

Keeping a hand pressed to her privates, she slid off the couch and shuffled into the bathroom. Even with Cal away on college, they kept the bathroom linen washed and changed, if only because it was much easier to use all the time when down here or after doing some work outside. Grabbing a wash cloth from the linen rack, she ran it under the water quickly before starting to clean herself up. Soft little huffs came from the dragoness as she ran the warm, soft cloth against her swollen petals. Her pussy lips were still flushed and holding their rosy tinge from her heat. If this one was like any of her other heats she had before she started to get the birth control shots then it'd last another five days at least. Which... her cheeks flushed as she wiped herself clean. She'd have to go upstairs and find the name of her birth control prescription so she could look up a few things online.

Maybe she could look on how to properly clean herself up. There had to be some way far better than just squatting a little and rubbing herself clean with a wash cloth. Especially since it was starting to work her up again.

She breathed out a soft huff and rinsed the cloth off before draping it over the shower's glass door to dry off. Breathe slow, calm down. A shiver raced up along her spine as cool air washed over her damp pussy lips. At least she wasn't dripping so that was a step up from where she was a moment ago. First thing she wanted to do was get upstairs and do a little research before anything else distracted her.

Racing up the stairs, she paused in the kitchen and looked around. "Rufus?" she called out curiously, her eye on the back door. Nails clicked on tile floor as the family dog strolled in from the laundry room, tail waving as he looked at her. Kneeling down, she kept her knees together and patted her leg, "C'mere, boy." He padded over and sniffed at her, but didn't try to move to mount her. Maybe he smelled Cal on her and recognized the scent of a superior male, or maybe he was just tired from a nap. He moved in and licked at her face, making her laugh. "I was just making sure you weren't left outside all day." She ruffled her fingers through his fur and shook his head, "Who's my goofy boy." His tail waved behind him faster as he licked at her face. "Alright, go back and finish your nap." She waved her hand towards the laundry room. Rufus had several beds scattered around the house, and would sometimes share her bed, but he knew when she didn't want her to follow him. With one more lick, he padded back to the laundry room.

Sasha waited until he was back in the laundry room before standing up. Last thing she wanted was to have him pad behind her and catch her off guard. Not when she wanted to get something done before Cal showed back up from getting lunch.

Once she was certain that Rufus had gotten settled down she stood up and hurried upstairs. Her laptop was waiting for her on her desk, just as it always was. Dropping into her chair, she breathed out a soft sigh and waited for it to power up. While it went through all that, she dug into a drawer to get her prescription. She'd kept the paperwork from when she'd started taking those shots just so she could figure out any weird interactions with other meds she took. Never hurt to be a little careful here and there.

Her eyes darted down to her lap as she pulled out the piece of paper. Well... there wasn't a little harm in some risk here and there either, was there?

Well, that's what she was going to find out. It didn't take more than a moment until she was online and looking up online. "Heat while taking... Who comes up with the names for these drugs." Narrowing her eyes at the script, she carefully typed out the string of letters that claimed to be a word. She blinked as the auto-complete popped up pretty fast with her question. Seemed to be a fairly common thing that happened. Well, common enough. Again, her eyes danced down to her lap before she filled out the question a little more. "Possible to get pregnant while in heat and on..." Resting her chin on a hand, she scrolled through page after page of various information about it all.

Fingers tapped against her cheek as she read up on everything from medical websites to blogs. It wasn't too hard to tell fact from fiction, since there were lots of buzz words being thrown around everywhere. But, according to everything she could find out, there was always the chance of pregnancy while on birth control. It was practically nonexistent but it was there. Heats coming on while on the shot did happen as well. They weren't uncommon, just one of those things that happened. It wasn't supposed to usually, but it just did.

She breathed out a sigh and tapped fingers against cheek and keyboard as she looked at the blogs. The words on the page just ran together and didn't really mean anything. It had gone off on some rambling rant about something or other. She didn't know. It'd just been one she'd opened alongside a series of other pages all at once.

Closing the tab, she breathed out a sigh and let her fingers slide over her inner thighs slowly. She let out a low huff as her thumb slid over her outer lips. A shiver raced up and down her spine as her nail gently scratched over the fine, leather-like scales on her privates. Even just touching herself like that made her mind start to race and roll. It wasn't hard at all to remember how Cal had been touching her earlier. The gentle brush of his fingers across her body. The feel of the warmth against her back. She chewed on her bottom lip as another shiver raced through her body, followed quickly by a flush of heat that brought a rosy flush across her inner thighs and cheeks.

Her eyes wandered over the laptop screen. Cal wasn't due back for a little while now maybe she should go onto a couple other websites and look up a few things there. She glanced over at her bed, where Bruno still lay on the bedside. The toy. The toy that she'd used for so long. The toy that she'd had to work and make herself relax in order to be able to fit into her when she'd first started to play around with it. Now though... it just seemed like. It certainly wasn't what she was craving right now. Yeah, it'd satisfy her but it was like when you ate microwave mac and cheese, then someone gave you scratch made baked mac. They were the same thing, in essence, but there was something far different between the two. Didn't mean that she wouldn't want the microwave stuff now and then, but the real thing was always better.

Just too bad the real thing was a while away. She sighed and closed her laptop, tapping her fingers against the lid. Sasha blinked slowly and looked at her laptop, then blinked again. Cal wouldn't have taken his laptop with him to go pick up lunch, would he? No, of course no. No reason to take it along. Which lead to the next question.

Did he record what happened last night?

She bit her bottom lip and squirmed on her seat at that thought. Would he have? Watching herself in the mirror had always been something she found beyond enjoyable. Something about the sight of her body sliding open around Bruno, or even spread by her own fingers, had gotten her blood pumping.

She got up out of her seat before she got to squirming too much. Didn't want to leave a wet spot on her seat. Those were a pain to get out.

That didn't stop her from nearly skipping as she hurried downstairs, taking the steps two at a time. Seemed like a longer run than usual to get from her room back down to the den. Her tail was swishing and swirling behind her as she hurried along.

Sure enough, Cal's laptop was sitting right where he'd left it. Wires leading from it to the projector and power. Sasha dropped to the floor and crossed her legs right there, tapping the computer. Luckily he didn't keep his laptop password locked. She's always thought that was strange. Especially with him heading off to college and all that. It was his choice though. Right now she was thankful for that as she got rid of the screen saver and scanned his desktop.

Right there, dead center of the screen, was a file labeled Sasha. She chewed on her bottom lip slowly as she looked at it, mouse hovering over the folder. Was he collecting them for later? Her tail draped over her thigh as she sat there. Or did he collect them for her? How many videos did he have to warrant her having a folder just for her? Obviously he meant for her to find it, why else would the folder be front and center?

There were three files in the folder. Close-up, Frontal, Rufus.

She pulled her fingers away and looked over the thumbnails. The first two it was obvious what they were and when they started judging from the thumbnail. The Rufus one was a little stranger, since it bore the image of a door rather than her and the dog as expected. She chewed on her lower lip as she hunched over the computer to look at the screen. The cursor circled the Rufus file slowly. Hips rolled as she squirmed slowly on the floor, wondering what the video had in store. Nails tapped against the track pad as she huffed softly.

Her eyes trailed up to the projector screen before dropping to the laptop again. Well, he had everything all wired up already. Might as well take advantage of it.

A quick tap on the keyboard and a slap of the remote brought the screen up onto the projector. She heaved herself up onto the couch and stretched out. One hand trailed down her belly as the other dropped to the computer to bring up the video. Her eyes widened slowly as the video started up.

"So," Cal whispered, the camera angled to show his face. Not at an attractive angle either. "I came home for the weekend. Do some laundry, be nice and lazy, enjoy some food that didn't have to be ordered in. And I find..." the camera snapped around with dizzying speed before settling on a plain painted door. It eased around the edge of the door before settling on her, stretched out on the bed and playing with herself. "my step-sister going to town on herself." The camera panned around to look at himself again as his nostrils flared. The sound of him inhaling almost drowning out the sound of her moaning. "If only cameras could pick up what I'm smelling right now. If only I could walk in there and..." he paused for a moment before he grinned and ran his tongue over his lips slowly. "Well, I can't walk in there, but..."

That little sneak! Sasha's tail thumped against the couch in annoyance as Cal set the camera down so it could just barely see her laying on the bed. But the sound. Her needy moans washed over the camera, filling the room. Her dad had sunk an untold amount of money into the room's sound system and it was really showing here. Those needy, frantic pants and moans filled the room, surrounding her.

Biting her lip harder, she ran both hands over her inner thighs and stroked over her folds, huffing. Feet and tail pushed against the bed as she arched up off the bed and groaned. It felt like her own moans were overshadowed by her louder-than-life pants and the quiet noises of her using Bruno in the video. Fingers scratched over her scales as she squirmed and lifted her hips upwards. Tearing her eyes off the screen, she glanced down her body and admired the expanse of pearlescent scales broken only by the expanding flushed area of her arousal. She spread her lips with her fingers before dipping two inside to roll them against her swollen clit.

The clicking of nails on wood brought her attention back to the screen. Cal's voice whispered over the speakers, "Come on, Rufus." The screen wiggled as he lifted the camera before opening the door. "Go oh," he hissed, bumping the dog with his feet. Sasha's eyes were glued to the screen as Rufus interrupted her session then she tried to get back to it. It was weird, watching something that she both vividly remembered, yet was clouded over by her arousal. Watching it while also reliving the memories.

She watched as the screen wiggled so Cal could stay hidden as she glanced towards the door before sliding off the bed. Teeth dug tighter into her lip as the angle tightened in on her backside as her tail flicked to the side for the dog. It zoomed in on her flushed lips as he dropped lower to the ground to get a good view as Rufus mounted. A low whimper came from Sasha as she watched Rufus mount her. Fingers dug into her body and began to pump quickly, matching the dog's frantic pace. She huffed and panted, hips rolling as she watched his knot growing and popping at her wet pussy as he dug deeper. Hips squirmed and wiggled as her tail thumped against the couch with growing huffs.

"Well, not exactly what I expected to see." She jumped at the voice, fingers digging deeper as she gasped. Thighs shook against her hand as her head snapped around. It took a couple seconds, longer than she cared to admit, to realize that the voice came from the video. Breathing out a sigh, she wiggled back down onto the couch and watched as Rufus' knot popped out. The dripping and stretching made her squirm.

Sadly, that was it though. The camera was set down at a useless angle. Rather than just listen to the moans, she closed the video and looked at the other two. One was obviously the full view of them on the couch, but the other one was the close up.

Didn't take her more than a second to decide which to watch. Rolling onto her side, she brought up the other video and watched it with wide eyes.

Cal had been pretty good at distracting her earlier so she hadn't gotten a good look at it. Tucking a hand between her thighs, she watched as the video started. Cal had framed the shot as best he could, but she'd probably have tried to recenter it a bit better if it was her. A low grumble came from the dragoness as she tapped the laptop, jumping through the video until she could see his cock rubbing over her rosy lips.

Slowing it back down, she let her fingers wander over her lips, mirroring the way he'd rubbed against her. A whisper of a moan slipped from her lips as his tip parted her before sliding deep. She arched, watching with wide, hungry eyes as she rolled her fingers against her body, watching that length pumping her. Her tongue rolled over her lips as she squirmed slowly and let out a deep groan as her eyes narrowed. Seeing it blown up to the theater screen brought up so many details that made her squirm even faster. The way her folds clung to his body. Sparkle of juices coating his length. His ridges popping against her insides before pressing tight as he drove in. Then that slow swelling of his knot against her insides as it began to pop visibly.

Her fingers pumped faster as she watched as he stretched her lips each time. Then deeper before staying there. She worked her fingers faster, trying to match the speed as his thrusts shortened. Her other hand came up and slapped her thigh, trying to match the beat of his balls against her body. Low whimpers and moans matched the noises coming from the video as her body hunched and tail thumped on the bed.

She couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen as his thrusts barely moved. Each time his hips would shift, that heavy knot would stretch and pull at her visibly. Nostrils flared as she wiggled her thumb against her clit and rolled her entire body faster, harder. A low whimper came from the dragoness as she watched the video of Cal pushed faster before a low growl washed over the speakers. The subwoofer amplified the growl and shook it across her as she watched the video record the exact moment her step-brother began to pump his seed right into her. She could see each time his balls jumped. Watch as his length jumped right at the base before that shot traveled right up be delivered right into her womb.

"Fucckmmmmmphhhh," she hissed as she bit her lip, body shaking as her fingers worked over her clit and pumped deep inside of her body. Her entire body tensed and rolled against her fingers as she watched that extreme close up.

"Well, nice to see you found the video." her cheeks flushed hot as she rolled her head to look up at Cal. He stood in the door with a grin plastered on his muzzle, not a stitch of clothing on, cock standing proudly erect, and a bag of food in one hand. He purred as he ran his tongue over his muzzle and looked over her, "I hope you're not all tired out."

Despite how her cheeks burned with embarrassment, she decided to try something sexy. Pulling her fingers away from her pussy, she licked over her fingers slowly with a deep purr. "I've been worried that you were going to wear out before I do."

Hips flexed, making his cock stand up tall and proud before he relaxed, "Baby, I will rock your world. After lunch." He crossed the room as she sat up, still sitting on the towel he'd laid out earlier.

"Kinda lost track of time there. I'd thought that I had enough time to clean up before you got back." She glanced towards the clock on the wall.

A low purr rumbled from the drake as he pulled over a pair of folding tables. "I'm certainly not going to complain. Love coming in to see you enjoying a little something." He dropped the food onto the trays, "Speaking of, I got you a little something."

She angled her head as the smell of the food reached her nose, "What's that? Aside from Mongolian beef I mean."

"Well," he started, digging into a bag she hadn't noticed, "since I won our little bet I figured we'd need something to commemorate the moment. And since I have a friend that does some leather work..." Cal trailed off as he pulled a finely crafted leather choker from his bag.

Eyes darted from the plain, black leather up to him. "Are you saying that you want to collar me?" She'd seen plenty of BDSM stuff online, read lots of it, and it had certainly interested her.

He rolled the choker around his fingers slowly and cleared his throat. It was strange to see Cal behaving nervously. He'd always been so confident in everything he did. It was kinda cute to see him fidget with the collar as he thought. "If you want to view it as that. I just know you like necklaces and thought this would be a nice little present." That confidence filled his eyes as he smiled at her, "Especially from your daddy dragon." The corners of his mouth turned up into a little grin, but she could see the nervousness in his eyes as he waited on her answer.

Weirdly, she didn't have to spend too long thinking about it. Leaning in, she brushed her lips over his cheek and purred her response. "I love the contrast in color." Excitement stirred through her as he leaned forward to fit it into place. It was all part of their little game, but it felt... thrilling was too gentle of a word. She was already starting to squirm again as he secured it, pressing her cheek into his neck as the male's purr shook over her. Lips brushed his neck as she uttered a purr of her own, a more musical counterpart to his sub-vocal rumbling.

Eyes narrowed as she leaned against him, savoring the feel of his fingers brush over her neck as he adjusted the fit. His cheek scales scratched over her neck, the opportunity too good to pass up not to do it. Sasha's lips parted with a soft moan as her hand dropped to his thigh. Her fingers found his cock almost instantly, brushing against the length before curling around it slowly. Her thumb eased over his tip as she began to stroke him slowly. Cal's rumble deepened a touch at her touch. His hips lifted ever so slightly against her touch before his hand came down to grip her wrist. "None of that now. Not yet anyway." He kissed her neck and pulled her hand away gently, slipping away to smile at her. "It really does suit you."

Cheeks flushing, she reached up to rub over her neck. She found the choked and traced the edge of it slowly with the tips of her fingers. "Can I..." she nodded towards the bathroom.

He smirked, "Asking permission? Can't decide if it's you being a good girl, keeping habits from school, or if you've just fallen into the role of a submissive."

"Submissive?" she asked, trying her best to add a questioning tone to the word. She'd seen plenty of videos and read up on different things here and there. Couldn't go onto the internet without running into things and she tended to be curious.

"The S in BDSM." He started to lay out the food, "Bondage and Discipline," his hand waved in a sharp cut, "slash Dominion and Submission." Cal licked over his finger to get some sauce over there. "It boils down to trust and respect more than anything else. But yeah, go on to the bathroom. You're a big girl." He smiled at her in a way that made her flush as she stood quickly and hurried to the bathroom.

While she did need to use the bathroom, she really wanted to stop and look over the choker that now adorned her neck. She blinked and ran her fingers over the fine leather, looking at herself in the mirror. The choker was a fine thing. Slim and simply crafted. The leather felt so very soft as she brushed her fingers over it. There were no names or anything, just an elegantly tooled scrollwork that wrapped around the length. Very fine and elegant. Cal was right, it looked good on her. But first she really did need to use the bathroom.

Cal breathed out a soft sigh as he heard Sasha moving around inside of the bathroom. He'd been worried about her turning down his offer for a moment. It'd surprised him when she'd taken him up on the offer almost as fast as he'd made it.

Even more surprising when she'd grabbed his cock while he was putting the collar on. He'd been the first guy, well first after Rufus but that didn't count, to slip into her. Far as he knew she'd only dated a few guys and he knew for a fact that none of them got beyond some kisses. He knew this cause a couple of them had came up to gripe at him and see what they could do to get into her pants. Well, they hadn't been too fond of his advice. Which was to go fuck themselves since that was his sister they were talking about. Well, step-sister, but they'd always been pretty close.

Really close now.

He chuckled as he started to lay out the food, breaking open the boxes to use as plates. He was just glad that Callie had finished up Sasha's present early. Callie was a friend of his that had started making leather stuff. He'd commissioned a choker for Sasha's Christmas present and apparently Callie had so much fun designing it, she'd finished it early. Of course it meant that he'd have to get Sasha another present, but that was fine by him.

He looked up as she padded back into the room and eased onto the couch. "So..." she started, "thank you for the choker. It's really pretty."

"Well it had to be to go onto your neck."

Sasha's cheeks flushed a bright pink as she picked up the chop sticks, "Brat." Despite the huffed complaint, she couldn't help but smile. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

Cal leaned over to grab the remote, planting a nip on her neck. She shuddered and huffed at the feel of his teeth on her neck. A low groan came from the dragoness before she leaned against him with a quiet purr. Swapping the output, he went back to the movie before getting his own chopsticks to eat. "Dig in," he purred softly, grabbing his food to start chowing down. "Ever heard of food play?" he asked as they started making inroads into the food.

"Food play?"

"Sexual play involving food." She shook her head, looking at him as she chewed on an egg roll. "Just wondering if anyone has ever had a wanton wonton." Cal grinned as she slapped his shoulder and gave a mock growl. He laughed and leaned away from the light swats, "Come on, that was funny."

"No that was bad."

Silence fell over the pair as they busied themselves with their late lunch, or perhaps early dinner. As he ate, Cal swapped his chopsticks to his left hand, freeing his right to reach down and stroke over her thigh. She breathed out a soft purr and rolled her legs before sliding over on the couch to press against his side. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her, petting over her leg as they shared this quiet moment together. Even if the scent of her excitement was driving him crazy. A shiver raced down his spine as precum began to trickle down his length. He huffed and ran his fingers up and down her thigh slowly as he purred, "So, you enjoy watching yourself?"

He could feel the blush flare since her cheek was against his neck. "I dunno, just kinda always enjoyed it. Started out when I first got Bruno... my toy. Just kinda seeing how it worked, and then it fed into fantasy, then... stuff." She fell silent as she nibbled on an egg roll. Cal let the quiet drag on as he worked through his food. "Then you brought out the cameras and..." she waved towards the screen, "that."

"And it got you all worked up?" She nodded against him. "So, would you want to try something a little more intense after food?"

She tilted her head and leaned back, "Intense?" Her tail moved slowly and brushed over his back before draping over his tail slowly.

"Mhmm. A little something akin to blindfolding. Nothing you'd be uncomfortable with and something that can easily and quickly be ended if you start to freak out."

A moment of silence as she digested it. "So you ask about things I like and suggest something on the opposite end of the spectrum?"

Cal breathed out a soft chuckle and kissed her neck, "Trust me, I think you'll enjoy it." He tapped her nose with the chopsticks, "I thought about it while I was getting food."

"Well, alright. Do we have to set up a safe word?"

He blinked and turned his head to look at her. "Safe word? Well now, someone has been a naughty girl hasn't she?"

If her cheeks went any hotter she would've caught fire, "Well, I heard it on shows. You know that one with the writer and the detective. So I decided to look it up." The words almost tripped over each other as she hurried to get the explanation out. Nibbling a strip of meat, she tried to avoid his gaze as he kept looking at her for a very long moment. "Okay," she admitted with a soft huff, "I looked up a few things here and there online after some videos."

"Well, if there's anything you ever want to try, just let me know."

She leaned against him and kept picking at her food, "Well, I don't really know much about that stuff to be honest. Do you?"

It was his turn to focus on the food, although his pause was far shorter than hers. "I know a few things here and there. Less looking it up online and more," he rolled his hand for a moment, "hands on."

Sasha twisted on the couch to look at him, "What do you mean by hands on? Like a girlfriend wanted to try something so you used some bed sheets or something to tie her up?"

"Something like that, yeah." Jeeze, here she'd never even been with a guy and Cal had been doing all sorts of experimentation. "Nothing too serious with anyone you know. Just a bit more hands on research. You know how I've liked getting deep in things whereas you've been the one that likes reading more."

"You're not a bottom bitch are you?"

That nearly made him spit out his drink. Cal coughed and shook his head, "You had to ask that as I was taking a drink. And no, I'm very much the one giving in those situations." He nodded at the trays, "You ready, or do you want to wait till the food settles?"

It was only then that she realized that the two of them had devoured the take out dinner, leaving on scraps of rice to mark the killing ground. "Well, I guess I'm ready..." she trailed off as her eye slid along his thigh. "We should probably get to it before you start to get blue balls there." He looked down as well and chuckled, his rod only partially wilted.

Leaning back, he ran his fingers over the shaft and teased his tip with a soft stroke. "Well, if you're that worried about me..." she glanced from him to his cock again, biting her bottom lip as her mind raced. Was he going to make her give him head as a 'desert' or something like that? She'd gotten a good taste in the shower earlier, and then again when she'd woken up after her nap, but to get it right from the source? "Go kneel over there." He nodded towards the center of the room. "Hands and knees, or elbows and knees."

She blinked, but did as he asked. She'd only just stood up when his hand came down on her ass with a smack that made her jump and nearly knock over the tray as she squeaked. With that rosy blush spreading across her body, and a nice tint coming to her rear, she added a little sway to her hips as she stepped dead center into the room and settled down. Looking over her shoulder, she wiggled her hips slowly as she settled down. Her tail swaying up and to the side just enough to show her damp lips off to him. A deep, appreciative purr came from the male. "Like this?"

Cal took a slow sip of his drink, making her wait on hands and knees for a long moment. Sasha shifted, dropping her front until she was on her elbows. "Comfy? Do you think you can stay like that for a while or do you think you need a pillow?"

"I think a pillow would help," she admitted. Cal casually tossed a couple of the throw pillows at her. Catching them, Sasha put them under her chest.

"Higher up, under your shoulders and neck." Sasha shifted them and looked back. "That better?" She nodded, wrapping her arms around the pillows and holding it against her. "Now here's where things pick up a little." He winked and strode right past her, out of the room. Sasha hugged the pillows tighter and waited, tail swaying behind herself. If she listened closely, she could hear Cal moving around in his room. Her thighs rubbed together as anticipation lead to her mind wandering and coming up with all kinds of ideas.

She didn't have to wonder on things too long though. He returned after only a couple minutes, fitting his phone into one of those VR headset things. She blinked curiously at him, "What's that for?"

"Well," he purred, "since you liked the screen so much I thought I might step it up a little." Fitting the headset on, he looked around as he navigated through the menus. She'd played around with that thing a few times, but always thought you looked silly as hell wearing one. Lifting the visor, he shuffled over to grab his computer, turning the screen away from her. Head tilted as she watched him jump from computer to headset and back a couple times before he decided he was done. "Alright. Think that's all set up." He took off the headset and took a moment to look over her body with a low purr, his tail dancing behind him. "Before we start, two questions. One, are you fine if I don't pull out? Two, do you want a safe word?"

She shivered at the question of him pulling out. Fingers kneaded the pillow as she squirmed, rubbing her thighs together slowly. "Well..." she mulled over the question for a couple seconds. "It should be safe. I mean, as safe as any other time while on the shot." A soft huff slipped out as she felt her juices trickle down her inner thigh. "I don't think I'll need a safe word." Laying her chin on the pillow, she mumbled, "I trust you."

His lips brushed against her cheek in a kiss, "Thank you. That means a lot." She returned his smile before he put the visor onto her head.

Darkness engulfed her for a moment before the screen flared to life. She blinked and looked around slowly. The headset showed an empty space, save for a single camera angle that was looking at something she couldn't identify. At least not until Cal popped up into frame, "Alright, what can you see?"

"Looks like your webcam."

"Good," he purred before disappearing. Sasha could hear him moving around the room and shifting something. "Means that it's mirroring the screen, which is exactly what I want." She tried to follow him with her head, but had to turn back once the camera didn't move. Her tongue ran over her lips as she began to pant, waiting with baited breath as her step-brother grumbled about cables, this, that, and the other. "Why in the world aren't you..." Something clattered then chimed. "Ah! There it goes." A moment later, a new camera popped up, showing her in profile. Cal fiddled with the zoom a little before shuffling the camera around. It was weirdly dizzying as the view wobbled and shifted before getting her fully in frame.

She bit her lower lip and rolled her hips, watching as the video feed mirrored it almost instantly. Cal stepped into view briefly before exiting. Oh how she wanted to follow him with her head, but she kept her gaze centered on that profile shot.

Cal didn't keep her waiting long, thankfully. He stepped back into frame and dropped to his knees, playing with something behind her. A few seconds of fiddling brought up a new angle for her. This one aimed right at her thighs. She had to suppress a surprised gasp at just how close it was. Almost laying on the floor, Cal watched the screen on her phone as he angled it up to get a better shot of her rosy-tinged lips. "Borrowed your phone, hope you don't mind." He thought for a moment before humming, "Hmm, do you think this is better, or maybe..." he trailed off as he picked up the cellphone and moved it until it was under her belly, looking up and back. "from this angle?" he asked as he leaned in. Sasha arched her back, giving him more room to slide his head under her.

"L-little to the left." He eased the screen, "My left, sorry. Little more... Can you turn on the light?" The LED flared to life, making her scales glisten. She chewed on her bottom lip and squirmed. "Ummm..." she huffed, "can you maybe slide it a little further between my legs and angle it up?"

His hand came down on her ass with a smack, making her jump and squeak. "You're being really picky, hmm? Well..." he kissed the area he'd slapped, "Anything for my sweet girl. What else is a daddy dragon for?" his tone was light and teasing as he reminded her of what she'd cried out earlier that day. The phone scooted in between her thighs and angled upwards. Cal gave her thighs a light slap, moving his hand back and forth between them, "Little wider. There we go. Better?"

The new angle had the camera looking almost straight up at her privates. She shifted with a huff, watching as the light glistened off her petals. "M-much," she panted.

Cal came into view just long enough to plant a kiss on her pussy, tongue sliding over her lips with a hungry growl. "One more and then we can play."

"O-o-okay," she managed to stammer out, panting from the feel of his tongue bathing her privates. Holy fuckamole. Just getting the cameras set up was making her squirm. What was it going to be like once he actually started in on the real stuff with her? Her eyes danced from the profile view back to the close up as she writhed in place. She dare not move to much. Didn't want to to knock over the camera. Not when it was giving her such a great view. She tried to mentally map out where the camera was, just so she didn't accidentally knock it, but was distracted as the light caught the glistening glimmer as her arousal began to drip down her thigh.

Worrying her lip, she tried to tear her eyes away from that angle long enough to figure out what Cal was doing. She could just see him on the profile before the laptop view shifted and began to wobble. The laptop came down with a flourish, giving her a view of her backside. It was a wider shot, nowhere near as close up as the cell had been, but that didn't matter. It was almost an overload though, having that many angles to watch. Her eyes were darting from one to the next, head rolling as she tried to look at each screen.

Cal watched as Sasha moved and rolled, smirking to himself. Kneeling before the computer, he made sure that his raging erection filled the camera's viewpoint. Any wilting it had suffered while eating had vanished the second his tongue touched her pussy and he tasted those sweet, needy juices. But he wasn't there to give her a cam show. All it would take was a second or two of work. Tweak the environment being broadcast to the headset. A smirk crawled over his muzzle as Sasha cried out suddenly, "What are you doing?" Glancing back, he saw her frantically look around. "I can't see them all at once, put them back where they were. Please."

"That's the idea," he purred, standing up smoothly. Cal watched her head move to swap the views as he walked around her. "You should just be able to look left or right to change the camera. But..." he trailed off as he circled her, kneeling behind the dragoness to grab and knead her backside. "But," he spread her lips with his thumbs, "it will also change every few seconds." Sliding his fingers along her swollen lips, he felt the raw, primal heat radiating from her privates. "I don't know how long until it changes." He watched as she looked one way quickly, obviously changing the view. That smirk deepened as he pressed his tip to her petals, teasing her entrance with the very tip of his cock. A quiet whimper slipped from the his pretty little pearl as he rubbed against her body. Not entering, not yet, just teasing both of them. "So you have to make the choice about how to watch."

Fingers dug into the pillow as Sasha huffed, "T-th-that's m-mean."

Using the very tips of his nails to scratch over her sides, he leaned over his step-sister very slowly. Her wings dropped and spread, driven down by his mere presence. Teeth grazed over her neck with a soft scrape before he planted a kiss there. "It's called a tease, sweetheart." And not just one for her. He glanced up at the clock.

Five minutes. Just five little minutes. That shouldn't be too hard on her and it should be easy enough for him to wait that long. Leaning back, he looked down at Sasha. She pushed her hips back, tail arching high enough that the tip nearly touched her head. Oh now that was a sight he'd never get tired of. The way she offered herself to him, begging him without a word while declaring how much she needed him. If only she knew how much he just wanted to sink in and take everything that she was offering.

But he couldn't. Not for five more minutes. He'd set that rule for himself and he was going to stick with it. Especially if he was going to show her things that you couldn't find on free porn sites. Well... most free porn sites. He made a mental note to ask her which ones she went to later. For now, he had a task laid out before him and he wasn't going to disappoint.

He tore himself away from her with a low growl, getting up and walking around her slowly. Glancing at the camera he'd set up further away, he made sure to stay in frame. A couple slow laps. Enough time to breathe and calm himself down. Not that breathing was helping too much. The entire den smelled strongly of sex, her heat, and take-out. And the pungent scent of onions and wontons was quickly losing to the scent of aroused dragoness.

Sasha squirmed, trying not to move too much. Her head kept twitching a little as she jumped between the profile and close up. As much as she wanted to watch to see what Cal was doing, she couldn't tear her eyes off her own pussy too long. Oh fuck, she wanted to just bury her fingers as deep as they could go and jill herself until she came. It was almost too much. Her fingers kneaded and pulled at the pillow. Wanting to do it, but holding off, only made her ache and drip more. Biting her bottom lip, she huffed and squirmed as she watched juices drip and trickle down her thighs. She whimpered when the view snapped to another camera, head jerking to go back. Just as her head was moving, it registered on her that it was the rear view and that Cal was kneeling behind her again.

He struck before she could change the view, making her entire body jump with a squeal as she clenched around him.

Cal's eyes lit up as she cried out under him, a pleased purr rattling up his throat. He'd struck a two-pronged assault on her. One hand came down on her rear with a hard smack, rolling to spread her open, right as two fingers drove deep into her. She jumped, tail swinging wildly as her inner walls clamped around him. Twisting his fingers, he hooked and pulled them back. Quick little strokes as he dug and searched. It only took a couple probes before he found what he was looking for.

Sasha's head dropped as she uttered a deeper, more guttural moan. Jackpot. Cal's thumb rolled against her engorged clit as his fingers rubbed against his prize. He had to tighten his hold on her rear as her hips began to jump and bounce. Fingers curled against the base of her tail and held tight. Faster, harder, his digits stroked and massaged her G-spot. Her entire body rocked, spine caught between wanting to arch and the need to drive back against him. Folds squelched around his fingers, juices almost pouring out of her now as the dragon worked his gal.

A noise, something that was neither roar nor moan, clawed its way from the deepest reaches of her body as he worked her. Her body thrashed and rolled as she fought between needing to stay still so she could watch, and the need to jerk and squirm as every nerve in her body was set off. Her stomach tensed, thighs shaking, as her orgasm washed over her. Breath shuddered from her lungs, teeth chattering as he pushed her to a climax in a matter of seconds. Hips shook and moved, but he didn't let up.

Her second orgasm hit right on the heels of the first. Fast, hard, overwhelming her senses. Every muscle in her body locked up, her moans getting squeezed from her body. She wanted to cry out, wanted to yell anything, but it was all she could do to hang on.

By the third, she was starting to go cross-eyed behind the visor. A quiet little whimper hissed between her lips as she squirmed, body shivering.

Cal backed off, fingers easing out of her body slowly. He breathed out a purr and petted her backside with a gentle caress. Gentle, soft, petting her. She was finally able to take a breath, lungs heaving as she tried to catch air. She collapsed against the pillow, only able to stay upright thanks to Cal's hand holding her steady. "There you go, breathe. Nice and slow." He ran his fingers over her body as she tried to compose herself. "Didn't expect you to fire off that fast." She could hear the hint of worry in his laugh, "You must really be worked up more than I thought you were."

She tried to talk, but her words came out as a croak. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "You try being in heat and see where it gets you. Especially when someone is pushing your buttons." Literally.

His purr washed over her as he moved in close, fingers lightly stroking her sides. "That's always been my job, hasn't it?" His fingers slid under her to cup a breast, gently playing with her nipple. Leaning over, her leg his body lightly rest against hers as his lips brushed her neck. "To push your buttons and get you worked up?" He glanced at the clock. Not yet. Not that Sasha was making it any easier on him. Despite still trembling, she was pushing against him and squirming. His cock was pressed tight between her cheeks. That burning heat pressed against him, soaking into his flesh and begging him to just get lost in it. Teeth ground as he leaned forward, distracting himself with gentle nuzzles along her neck.

"Fuck me," she huffed, hips rolling. His cock shifted as she pushed her rear up into his belly. Only a timely roll of his hips saved him from sinking into her. Oh he wanted to bury himself in her. He was painfully hard by now, his cock pressed tight against her belly. Molten hot pussy juices coated his length, spreading over the top of it as she squirmed under him. "Please, Cal, fuck me. I need it."

Eyes darted to the clock again. Almost...

Hissing, he buried his muzzle against her neck and planted a bite there, "You need it?" His hand came down on her again with a slap, making her jump and push back.

"Uh huh," was all she could manage.

"What do you need?" A slow grind. His hand cupping her breast and pulling at her teat. Her tail wrapped around his waist and twined with his as she mumbled her answer. Leaning closer, he put more of his weight on her, "What do you need?" The question was almost whispered into her ear.

She rolled her head to nuzzle him as best she could. "I need you, please Cal. I want everything you can give me."

He looked at the clock again, "Then it's all yours." That delicate purr rolled in her chest as she pushed up against him, eager and ready for whatever it is he was going to give her. Her hips rolled and pushed, trying to get far enough away to let the male slide in and claim her again. Cal stayed pressed tight to her, not giving her any leeway yet. "Stay nice and still," his purr rumbled over her as he leaned back. Sasha tried to drop her shoulders further, but they were already pressed tight to the pillow. Legs straightened and hips lifted, her tail swinging up as high as it could. Tongue rolled over his lips as he looked at those swollen folds when they were presented to him. His cock twitched, knot already partially swollen, as he leaned in.

Teeth brushed over her lip as she watched the close up shot of Cal's cock sliding up and down her pussy. Oh fuck, she was going to murder him if he teased her for much longer. Almost as soon as the thought was formed, he was pushing into her. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt and watched him sink deeper into her. Her fingers tightened on the pillow as she watched each and every inch sink into her until his swollen knot pressed against her folds.

She barely had time to register that his knot was almost full size before he pulled back. Her hips jerked and jumped, head snapping to the side to keep the camera focused on that as his ridges flared and pulled at her body. A deep moan came from her as she wrapped her tail around his waist, pushing back against him. She tried to say something, encourage him to power into her, but all she could do was utter a noise somewhere between a moan and a growl. Her insides clenched and grabbed at his cock as his body crashed against hers with each thrust.

Letting out a groan, she hunched and pushed her hips back hard against him. She was panting, exhausted after the teasing and what he'd done to her, but she couldn't stop. Wouldn't stop. Each time he bottomed out inside of her she shoved back hard. The camera jumped to the profile, giving her a perfect shot of Cal hunched over her. She moaned and rolled her eyes back as she pushed and rolled against him harder. Back to the close up, watching as her lips tried to stretch to let his knot into her passage. Deep huffs and grunts came from the dragoness, matching the male's almost feral noises.

"Oh fuck!" Cal snarled the words against her neck as he drove hard against her. Her eyes shot wide as she watched his privates jump with each burst of seed he pumped into her. Balls and knot pulsing, taint jumping, tail twitching, his body shuddering against her. She huffed softly, watching as the view jumped to the behind angle. Her tail was draped over his, flagging with his as he finished inside of her.

The pair stayed close together for a long moment, just trying to catch their breath. Sasha twisted her head as he began to pull out, jumping back to the close up view as he pulled back. She couldn't help but breathe out a soft whimper, feeling empty without his knot lodged in her. But she got to see something she hadn't before. She go to watch how her body clung to him, the way her juices and his spunk mingled on his shaft and glistened in the harsh light. Biting down on her lip, she huffed as he pulled out of her swollen folds. Her eyes were locked on their joining as he slipped out. A fat dollop of cum drooled from her pussy and dripped right onto the camera, making her jump and blink.

"You okay?"

She huffed and tried to watch the feed, but it was hard since there was a big drop of spooge right on the camera. "Yeah, just that made me jump." Sitting up slowly, she lifted the visor and blinked as her eyes readjusted to the den's darker lights.

Cal coughed, "Sorry about finishing so fast. It was just..." he trailed off as his hand rolled slowly.

"It's okay," she crooned, rubbing his cheek as she stood up, "You'd been pretty worked up since before we even aaAAAA!" She yelped as Cal swept her cleanly off her feet, cradling her in his arms. "What are you doing?"

"Well," he let the word roll with a deep purr. "We engaged in some BDSM play. Even if it was light and gentle, I'd still call it a session." His fingers stroked over her sides as he breathed out a purr, "Which means it's time for aftercare."

"Aftercare?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He nodded as he booted the door open and walked into the hall before stepping into his darkened bedroom. "It's something to help someone come down from sub-space. Just little things to make sure that the submissive comes down gently and keeps enjoying it." She looked up at him as he laid her on his bed, shifting as he pulled the covers back.

Sasha stretched out in the bed and took a quick look around. The room was about as dark as it could possibly get, the only light coming from a bedside clock and what little bit leaked in from the den. The only windows in the room were those glass blocks set high up in the wall, but he'd covered them with thick curtains ages ago. It'd always been too dark, too cave-like for her tastes, but it was his. He'd invaded her bedroom and started all this, now he'd invited her into his. A shiver raced through her body as the bed shifted, Cal little more than a shadow in the darkened room. "So what does it entail?"

A shiver raced through her as his fingers scratched over her thighs and tail slowly. "Since it wasn't too physical in nature, how did you enjoy it?" His breath washed over her thighs as he leaned in.

"Ooooh," she purred as his tongue rolled over her pussy lips. "I loved it." Quiet little huffs slipped from her as he licked over her outer lips, cleaning the cum and juices that clung to her fine scales. Reaching down, she ran her fingers over his head and huffed. "Except..." she hesitated, not from pleasure, but from how to tell him.

"Except?" came the questioning rumble as he kissed her clit.

Huffing, she arched towards him. "Having to jump between the angles was a bit too much." Thighs pressed to his neck as her muzzle shook with her moan. "I mostly stayed on the close up one."

Cal rumbled and pushed his tongue deep inside, swirling it against her inner walls, cleaning the traces of his cum that clung there. "One angle, maybe two." He purred and pressed his lips to her clit, sucking on it. She gasped and jumped against him. "Giving me all kinds of ideas."

Sasha huffed as he pulled back, "And it's okay that you finished quickly."

"I know." He moved over her slowly and let his deep, rumbling purr cover her. "Just means I get to redeem myself now." Soft little huffs came from the dragoness as he moved on top of her, thighs spreading around his frame. Arms draped over his neck as he leaned in, pressing his weight on her gently. A shiver raced through her frame as he shifted, easing his already hard cock into her again. Jaws parted with a gasp, body lifting towards him.

He took advantage of the gasp, leaning in to kiss her. Head tilted, muzzles locking together as his tongue slipped into her muzzle. She'd been kissed before. Even played with a guy's tongue when they went a little deeper. This was an entirely different experience though. Cal's tongue moved with hers, shifting just enough to move with hers. It was an elaborate dance. Muscles sliding and rolling against one another as they explored each other's body.

Her thighs pressed to his sides before sliding up and around. His body moved into each thrust, tail dipping lower. Feet slipped higher before encircling his body. The drake moved with her, letting her ankles rest against the base of his tail as he pressed deeper. His rougher chest scales pressed to her oh so soft breasts as she pulled him up against her. She wasn't the only one holding him close. His arms wrapped around her as well, drawing her as close to him as he could manage. Low moans slipped through the kiss as she lifted and pushed, matching his slower thrusts.

It was his tail that made the move to curl with hers. Onyx and pearl, the two limbs twined and twisted. The pair moved as close as they could, not daring to separate too far.

The kiss broke with a gasp, Sasha burying her head into his neck. Her hips rolled and pushed faster as she uttered a deep moan. Cal answered her with a groan of his own. Pressed as tight as they were, every last inch of his length was buried in her. The few minutes between finishing in the den and starting here had just been enough for his knot to go down. Not all the way. Just enough so it was able to slide into the dragoness. Burning hot petals wrapped around and held the bulge. Tight muscles squeezing around his entire length. Low huffs and pants came from her as she pushed against him. She whispered something, no words, just a little noise that said everything she felt.

Hips twitched against his as his tip pushed through her relaxed cervix. Cheek pushed to his neck as she uttered a quiet gasp. Teeth shattered as the noise shook free of her maw when her orgasm, the gentlest one she'd had in two days, rippled through her. Cal's hot breath huffed over her neck as he arched, balls pressed tight to her tail as he gave himself to her. Hips rolled, pushing slowly as he fired another load so very deep into her.

Cal laid on top of her for a moment as he rode out her climax. Her insides clenched and pulled over his length as she coaxed more of his sweet cream into her body.

Another kiss found its way onto her lips. Feeling him start to move, she tightened her grip and pulled her wings tight as he moved to lay on his side. Sasha squirmed closer to him, the pair situating their limbs before he pulled the cover up over their bare scales. "Good?" he purred.

"Mhmm," came the nuzzled response, her eyes closing.

His yawn washed over her, "Everything I have is yours."

She pressed her nose to his neck, "Ditto."

"Sounds good," his rumble died off into a soft snore. Sasha couldn't keep the smile off her muzzle as she leaned in, breathing in his scent as she drifted off as well. Neither knowing the depth of the promise they'd made to one another.

Or perhaps they knew exactly what they meant.

"Ah! Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck," Sasha chanted the words, head dropping with a rasp moan. The sound was drown out by the creaking of the table and the hard smack of Cal's scales against hers.

She'd been the one to wake up first that morning. It was later than she usually woke up. Guess it was a great thing about that pitch-black room. Her stomach had been complaining, so she decided to get some food and set up breakfast for her and Cal. After getting Rufus his chow, she'd set in to find some food. Right as she was getting the table set, Cal had surprised her with a shove and a slam.

"What do you think I'm doing?" he half-laughed, half-panted as he railed her harder. Nails scratched over her hips as he rolled and dug deeper against her.

"You're making me.... Fmmmmmmfppph," she shuddered, thighs quaking as she came hard. Second in almost as many minutes. Head dropped and shoulders hunched as she tried to catch her breath. "Ffuuck!" she gasped, throwing her head back and rolling her eyes.

He drove his knot deep into her and pushed deeper, barely even moving his hips. That fat knot rolled and grew against her insides. "Gonna fill you up," he growled and leaned over, biting her neck. Wings pumped against his sides as she reached back to grab his hip.

"Do it," she gasped, "fill me up!" She uttered a low roar as her body jerked against his, huffing. He hammered her with shallow thrusts, body slapping hers as his knot pulled against her inner walls. Flared ridges tickled her insides, rubbing her g-spot just right. Now good friends, her cervix welcomed his tip inside as the pair prepared for the inevitable flood.

Cal's roar forced through clenched teeth as he pushed against her. Heavy balls jumped and cock flexed as he pumped his seed deep into her.

"Sasha, we're hoooOOOh my." Sasha and Cal's head snapped up, locking eyes with their parents as the older dragons stood at the top of the stairs leading down into the basement.

Cal panted, "Hey, Mom, Bill, welcome home."

A Bargain

Sasha breathed out a soft groan as she woke up. The noise was quiet, just the softest of whispers that left her muzzle. To say that she was sore would be one hell of an understatement. It felt like she'd pulled a muscle in her stomach. Everything from...

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A Brother's Blackmail

Sasha let out a low huff as she hurried down the road. It had been a long day at work, only made longer by the fact that she was starting to ... Well... you know. Get a little 'itch' one might say. It was embarrassing to think about. Even more...

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Commission: Happy Birthday to Goo

Pen was doing his best not to drip he was so excited. The goodra's tail wiggled as he paced down the path. He had no clue what was planned, but his sweet Arthur had told him to show up at the beach and get ready for the night of his life. Oh heavens...

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