The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 12

Story by Ceberune on SoFurry

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#23 of The Grandmaster of Sarthas

It had been three weeks since the harrowing escape from the clutches of the Matriarchy. Bianca had settled in nicely, and had even helped plan a route through her lands to avoid most of the troubles caused by her absence from her patrol. The wolf watched as the rolling plains and low hills of the Usagi Mageocracy began to give way to the hot and seemingly lifeless sands and dunes of Bsani lands.

"There is a border checkpoint another three miles up ahead Ceberune." Bianca said helpfully as Nadia sat quietly, listening for orders from her master as he drove the carriage. The wolf spoke in his warm and friendly voice as he answered.

"We should make the border by night-fall. Assuming we have no trouble we should be a good hour into Bsani lands before we need to stop for rest." He said.

Bianca huffed. "Perhaps if we do not stop for lunch you slave driving wolf..." she teased. He growls back at her in annoyance, causing her to smirk at the small victory she had finally won.

"As if you do anything useful around here besides get on my nerves princess." Causing her to growl back at him in just as much annoyance.

"It seems your training was more than just simply combat wolf. You tongue has become as sharp as your mind." She pouted.

The wolf smirked from his seat. "You are just upset that I can return the favor with speed and skill instead of trying to pummel you senseless or just sitting there and taking it." He teased. The bunny harrumphed as the carriage stopped at the checkpoint.

Two Bsani stepped forward to clear the carriage for the journey through their lands. "Origin and destination sir?" the seven foot hulk of a cat asked the wolf calmly.

"The Matriarchy was my origin; I am headed to the Vulpacha estate in Kitsune lands." The wolf answered back in his cold deadpan voice. Nadia reflexively shuddered at the tone, with Bianca frowning at it herself.

"What is your name sir? And who are your passengers?" The wolf presented his chop to the border guard for him to verify his identity.

"Ceberune Onyxclaw of the Matriarchy. I am nothing more than a simple male..." the guard stopped him mid-sentence and bowed low to the wolf.

"Greetings from the Bsani Dunes Grandmaster. Though not all of our warriors hold the dragon trained in much admiration, some of us know the difficulties and time needed to be chosen by our noble cousins to the east."

The wolf sighed, returning the bow respectfully. "There is no need to show respect to one who has yet to prove himself to you..."

The guard stopped him again, this time with great respect. "Your sensei is all but revered to my family Grandmaster. One with your title helped us centuries ago and we have prospered since. There is no need to show humility to me or my fellow here as we share a high opinion of all who bare your title. Though your Usagi passenger is reported as kidnapped, I am sure I would receive no end of grief from my family for not allowing you to pass, as she is obviously here of her own choice. The Kitsune with you has no record here to speak of. You may pass, though I should warn you Grandmaster." The wolf's ear perked at this. "There is a bandit group working near here. The few we have captured have told us that they are hunting for one who is favored by the dragons. I assume that is you, though I am sure you can take care of yourself."

The wolf nodded. "Are there any patrols looking for this group?" the wolf asked curiously. The guard nodded.

"Yes Grandmaster. The patrol is led by one of our youngest and most favored battle priests. Bomani Rajkosey if I recall." The wolf smiled.

"Thank you honored Bsani. Should the patrol stop here, pass on the information of our passing to the leader. I believe he may be looking for me as well." This caused Bianca to frown further as the wolf bowed again and set off ever northward.

An hour after passing the checkpoint, the wolf stopped and began to set up camp for the night. Once done and he had begun cooking the bunny finally voiced her concern. "Ceberune...if you are planning anything ill for Bomani..." he held up his paw to stop her.

"Bianca, I hold no grudge against Bomani for the past. If anything I have much to thank him for. Though I am sure that killing Kado when I had the chance would still have been for the best, it would have been a costly victory. My support in the court of the east would have shriveled to nothing for my barbaric actions in a duel that was not to the death." He said as he cooked their meal.

The bunny frowned when she heard the name of that hated bird uttered in her presence. In fact she spat at the mention of the name, causing the wolf to chuckle. "I see you still hold a grudge for that bird however." He said.

She blushed in near uncontrolled anger as she responded, electricity crawling along her fur and the sand where she sat. "I spent a year in the Eastern courts planning his downfall...I never intended..." the wolf cut her off again.

"I know what you did Bianca. I was taught to recognize the machinations of courtly maneuvers. I am not near as skilled as dealing with them and countering the webs that you courtesans weave to catch your prey, but that does not mean I do not recognize them..." he said.

The rabbit calmed and sobbed into her paws. "You were never meant to perform in the final act of that play Ceberune....I am so sorry..." she said through her tears.

The wolf presented her with food. "Yes...yes I was. It may not have been your intention for me to duel him, but that is what happened. Though I was not happy with the way things turned out then, that was more than five years ago. I have buried my anger and my grudges. Let there be no more discord between us Bianca." He said offering his forgiveness to the bunny. For the first time since he had known her, the rabbit ignored the offered plate and hugged him instead.

"Thank you for your understanding Ceberune." She said as she hugged him. The wolf hugged back as best he could without dropping her meal. "You are welcome Bianca. Now eat your food." He said in a labored voice as she squeezed the breath out of him. She giggled and let him go, taking the offered plate and eating her fill.

Nadia sat through this spectacle quietly, confused but quietly none-the-less. She waited patiently for her orders as she listened to every word uttered by the old friends. Once it seemed over, she smiled seductively at her master as he offered her a plate.

"Your meal my lady." He said with a warm smile. "And my apologies in making you wait for it." He said, garnering a stuck out tongue from the bunny.

The fox could not help but giggle as she gracefully accepted the plate. "Thank you Ceberune. Your meal is gratefully accepted as always, though you need not apologies to this humble..." he interrupted her.

"You are no more a humble slave than Bianca is a Bsani warrior. You most certainly have pride in what you do or you would not be so eager to repeat it as often as possible." He teased, causing her to blush. He smiled "I have no complaints with your enthusiasm and energy Nadia. At least you are more restrained than the royalty..." he teased, causing her to giggle and Bianca to protest.

"We all have our vices wolf...or do I need to remind you of your love of tits?" The wolf growled at her warningly, catching Nadia off guard as it seemed to be wholly out of character. Then she realized that he was not angry with her or Bianca as he was on his feet in an instant, looking around and sniffing the wind. Nadia looked to Bianca and she seemed to also be preoccupied, both her sizable ears tracking noise the fox could not pick out from the light sounds of the gentle breeze blowing through the nearby sparse brush and over the dessert sands.

Bianca spoke first. "I count twenty...bigger than a typical city-state patrol" she said as she put aside her meal and reached for her battle robes, quickly putting them on and getting her Book of Sages in place on her hip as the wolf summoned his swords to himself.

"There are over forty of them. They march in time to mask their numbers. They surround us even now." He said as he eye flashed blue, a spell being cast by the intent and focused wolf. Bianca quickly shooed the fox into the carriage.

"Remain here for your safety Nadia..." she said in her royal commanding voice, allowing no protest from the fox who whined in fear and worry as her eyes widened watching the effects of her master's magic.

The wolf concentrated on the spell as an arrow whizzed past, a second forced him to move, and the speed of the movement must have surprised the archer, the fact that there was now two of the wolf likely had the archer thinking he had too much to drink. More arrows landed nearby as the wolf formed a third version of himself. Bianca smirked as the three wolves quickly produced three more wolves each, forming a unit of twelve copies of the wolf. They all ran off in separate directions, leaving the bunny to hold the camp alone. She smirked as three Bsani warriors charged at her, thinking her easy pickings. The bunny pulled daggers and threw them at the charging Bsani. All of her throws hit their marks, but did not slow them down as she leapt over them, landing behind them. They stopped to change direction as one of them chuckled.

"You think these little toys will stop us?" he asked with a great deal of disdain. Bianca smiled and summoned up electricity from the ground around her. The sparks and arcs crept along her arms and legs, over her ears and across her eyes as she built up a charge.

"No, but I expect that they will make for excellent conductors." She said as electricity arced from her paws and towards the metallic object they held or had punctured skin. The three of them screamed as their bodies reacted to the electricity that flowed through them as their bodies stiffened and shriveled, burning and boiling away as after mere seconds the three huge Bsani were nothing more than ash on the wind. The bunny smiled in satisfaction at her work as she heard the sounds of fighting all around her, followed by a challenging male roar that she recognized and caused her heart to lighten even more despite her already upbeat mood.

The sounds of battle died down after a few minutes and no further attackers came for her near the fire as the wolf returned into the light and warmth of the fire. He was singular again and followed by a gore covered hulking Bsani. Bianca squealed happily and charged at the new appearance as the wolf looked around a moment, them stepped over to the carriage. The Bsani smiled brightly as he spotted the pouncing Usagi and caught her with surprisingly little effort. In a deep bass and friendly tone the great cat spoke.

"Well what have we here? A kidnapped little princess?" he teased as the bunny growled at him playfully. The wolf opened the carriage door, looking to make sure that Nadia had weathered the storm.

"Nadia?" he inquired as the shivering foxling looked out from beneath the blankets and pillows. Despite her training she pounced at the wolf, hugging him for security as the wolf let out a half yip of surprise. Bianca chuckled as the cleaned up Bsani approached the two of them with some amusement. The fox shivered in terror as the nine foot tall feline approached, his every feature speaking of great strength and skill in battle as he set his great war hammer against the carriage.

The cat bowed low to the fox. "And who is this vision of Kitsune beauty before me?" he asked, expecting an answer from her, but surprised when the wolf answered.

"Bomani Rajkosey, meet Nadia Vulprosa. She will be a new traveling companion..." this description elicited a snicker from the bunny as the wolf growled at her in annoyance. Bomani chuckled and took the fox's paw, placing the gentlest of kisses on the back of it. She sat stunned that such a hulk of a male could show such gentle respect. The wolf chuckled just before Bianca spoke.

"Flirting with pleasure slaves Bomani?" she teased. The cat quirked an eyebrow.

"You bought a slave little princess?" the cat looked at her confused. The bunny sighed in exasperation.

"Not me ya silly cat, she belongs to the wolf." At this the cat looked stunned.

"Ceberune! You bought a slave after everything..." the wolf held up a paw to stop the cat, glaring at Bianca and her big mouth.

"I did no such thing. The fact that such behavior in me stuns you is honor enough. Her contract was a final gift from my mother." He said, this just further served to confuse the normally unflappable cat.

"Your Amarok from the Matriarchy mind you...bought you a female pleasure a gift?" He asked in utter confusion as he tried to sort out several steps of an equation that were not coming up with a rational answer.

The wolf sighed. "Yes, do not bother with much after that, just be happy she is with us, and not still stuck in the matriarchy. Now, we have a meal to finish, and I am sure some catching up to do as the little princess has been looking for a good hard mating for weeks without satisfaction."

The cat feigned surprise. "What?! Bianca could not coax a good sex session from the wolf? Why that is unheard of." He teased mercilessly. In response the bunny simply reached into his trousers, grabbing his balls and caressing them.

"Yes, poor little bunny needs some proper loving. As good as a wolf tongue feels, I need something a bit more substantial between my thighs tonight..." she teased back. The Bsani was already purring in arousal as she wound him up.

"And what the little princess wants, she gets. Though she should be careful what she wishes for..." he teases, sliding a paw into her robes and getting a pleasured moan from her as his paw gently fondled one of her sizable breasts. She growled hungrily at the cat and with her paw now full of erect cat member, she lead him off to her tent.

"Teasing will only prolong the session cat. I expect to be serviced long, hard, and often..." she said in her imperial tone as she slipped into the tent, soon followed by the cat.

Ceberune chuckled. "Those two have always been quite amusing." He mused as Nadia returned to her meal.

"Will Ceberune be wishing a servicing as well?" she asked hopefully as she ate.

"The deal still stands Nadia. Finish your meal and I will be happy to bring you pleasure." The fox growled her approval of his decision and ate with aplomb. Ceberune shook his head. "It is going to be a long night..." he thought to himself as the sounds of mating were heard from Bianca's tent.

The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 13

Late spring time in the Kitsune Patriarchy was always pleasant. The scent of pine trees was sharp in the air, and the dirt road that the carriage bumped over had a light coat of needles from the evergreen forest they traveled through. The...

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 11

In the northern reaches of the Kitsune Patriarchy... The young Pheonix warrior approached the small black sphere with trepidation. Though his duty was simply to observe and report on his findings here, it always unnerved him to use a device...

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 10

The evening meal was served at the new camp ground of the trio. Nadia, taking her new master's offer to heart ate her meal with aplomb, much to the amusement of Bianca as the bunny ate her meal greedily. The wolf looked at the fox with some confusion,...

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