RFL chapter 2: We Reap What We Sow

Story by Asherkun on SoFurry

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#2 of Running From Lions

Author's note: I had a lot of deciding to do with this chapter. Not wanting to make it extremely long like the first chapter I decided on cutting it after a certain point and leaving a really good cliffhannger while giving you guys some yiff AND saving the conclusion for the beginning of next chapter. Lastly, I DO NOT condone rape in the slightest. Being raped myself I know what it's like and everything that happens to a person during and afterwards. Make sure everything you do with someone is CONSENSUAL! Now then, please enjoy installment 2 =) P.S. Usain Bolt is the fastest runner of the 100 meter dash in the WORLD; just a fun fact for ya'll.

  • * * We Reap What We Sow My head was killing me. It was as if someone had a boombox next to my ear and was blaring Evanescence all day long. The pain was so unbearable that I just laid there sprawled out until I remembered with a groggy groan what had happened. Discreetly I opened my eyes into tiny slits to see if my attackers were still around. With a gasp and whimper I quickly slammed them back shut. Hoping that it was all a horrible dream I tried to remain calm and gingerly opened my eyes again; no dice. In front of me stood my new worst enemies, both of which wore the most grody and horrifying looks of lust and anger I'd ever seen. Silently I gulped and cautiously glanced at my surroundings desperately looking for a way out. I was in a small cottage it seemed. The air was thick with the smell of alcohol and musk. Whatever was coming, it wasn't going to be pleasant. Off to my left was the bedroom and next to that was the bathroom. Behind me was the front door and on my right was the kitchen/dining room. The place looked extremely neglected as there was dust covering just about everything but the glass cabinet showing off bottles and bottles of assorted alcohol and glasses of all sorts. All the furniture was frayed (at best) and I couldn't help but notice a spring poking itself up from under the interior of the sofa. Meanwhile, in front of me stood the would Usain Bolt's of Altus. Thankfully, however, that title does and will always belong to me. Every window that was visible to me had been boarded up and nailed shut leaving me with only one hope of escape; the front door. However, this would prove extremely difficult as I was tied by all four paws belly down to a metal workbench about waist high. Becoming more and more aware of my situation by the second I began to get frantic. My movements seemed more snake-like then fox the way I started to squirm about trying hopelessly to free myself. "HELP! HEEEELLLPPPP! SOMEBODY GET ME THE FUU-" My cries for savior were cut short as a piece of fabric was roughly shoveled into my muzzle. "Hey! There will be none of that or you're punishment will be worse you little cock-warmer." Jay sneered at me as I started to gag on the article in my maw. "What's the matter, you don't like Kobi's underwear?" the two started to laugh hysterically like it was the funniest joke in the world. As a matter of fact, I hated having that mindless furballs briefs in my mouth as they tasted like they'd been drug through a pool of polluted urine. The smell was almost worse than the taste; and I normally love urine which says something! "Don't choke yourself on that now, we want you awake and lively for what we've got planned." Kobi grinned down at me as the two stepped closer. With each step my heart beat faster and my brain ran rampant with imaginative thoughts of what was about to come. Each reached out a paw towards me, earning a flinch and snarl in return. "How about this, eh? We take the briefs out of your talented little muzzle and you keep it shut unless we say otherwise-sound like a deal?" Jay offered with a gleam in his eyes. Muffled through the underwear they made out the 'fuck you!' that I screamed into the fabric earning a displeased look from both. "No?" They both sighed fakely and looked at each other. "Alright then, I guess we won't get to use that maw of yours...we'll just have to double stuff you. Although I don't believe that will be a problem what with all the D.P. you took at the Bath House." My eyes grew wide in shock as it hit me. All this time their scents had seemed familiar but I'd been too disoriented to take notice until just now. These were the two that unloaded on me from the sidelines earlier. They saw my facial expressions change and bursted into an uproar. "He-hey Jay I think he just figured it out." Kobi said while bent over his knees. "Oh really...you think so?" Jay said through a snicker. "Ya see, after chasing you around and then losing you we decided to lounge around and check out the prey at the Bath House. Little did we know we'd find you there getting plowed by another lion." "Yeah, which really hurt our feelings by the way," Kobi snarled. "If you didn't like us all you had to do was say so." The two of them inched closer and began petting me while circling the workbench. I began to thrash about and whimper pathetically. Never had I felt so low and weak as I did then. It disgusted every part of me to be forced to let them do as they pleased with my body; and that's exactly what they did. It was as if I were just a blowup doll or something. As the moments seemed to tick by slower and slower Kobi and Jay were making their touches more intimate. Jay, being the big tough kitty that he was, started to run his paws down my curved hips towards my tail hole while his partner in crime slide his paws under my chest and pinched and tweaked my nipples harder then I could ever like. Somberly I lifted my head up one last time, my eyes staring at his with such great sorrow and remorse for whatever it is they targeted me for, in rather high hopes of getting out of this horrid situation. Sadly, it was to no avail. However, my eyes came across a pendant on the floor next to his paw as I lowered my head back down. Kobi noticed this and he, too, looked down. "Aha! Jay, looky here! This little runt found my tag for me," he patted me on the head and scritched between my ears rather roughly. If I hadn't had the filthy felines undies locked in my muzzle I would've laid there, my mouth agape for there, resting in his grubby paw was a security button. Bewildered and outraged I began shouting through the fabric at him. What the fuck is going on here!? Is this how they treat trespassers here? Can't they just throw me in jail or something? "Heh, I bet your wondering right about now why we're doing this to you...right?" Jay inquired. ...no shit Sherlock just spill it, I thought while nodding my head so the lion behind me knew I was curious. "Well, you see...Kobi and myself find that the law is pretty unhelpful at times." Jay started before Kobi cut him off." "Yeah, 'specially in this day and age. Never know who would do what for a doughnut or piece of ass these days." Kobi said while laying his security button atop the alcohol cabinet carefully. "Right..anyway my bud and I decided we'd dish out our own justice, but only to those who think they have the right to sneak in here and take all we in this valley have worked so hard to get. It pains us to see you less fortunate try to creep past us and act like you run the place. Offering some furs your...services in exchange for food-" "Or even just someone to talk to. Like your buddy Onyx, for example" Kobi finished Jay's sentence with a delightful sneer planting itself on his face. "Yeah, that too. So," Jay continued as he walked the length of the table as he talked, running his paws up and down my body at his desire. "we don't exactly know how long you've been doing this little charade of yours, but we do know that you've been at it for roughly two months now. Is that accurate?" I laid there in complete bewilderment. They'd been on to me right from the get-go but kept it quiet for their own enjoyment. My distaste for them grew more by the second and my body turned hot with rage. As soon as I get out of here these fuckers are D-E-A-D dead. On the outside of my brain, I slowly nodded; the anger present as summer written all over my face. "Wanna know how we found out?" without stopping long enough for me to even try and respond Jay continues. "One of your 'clients'" he held up his two first digits on each paw for quotes as a terrible joke. "came to us and gave you away almost right after you started raiding Altus. We were quite surprised that we hadn't seen or heard anything about it until that moment, but we made sure we were to find you before anybody else." "Yeah, because ya see...no one pulls the wool over our eyes." Clearly, I think as the rambling continues. If you cats are going to do anything to me then just get it over with so I can go back to my mundane life already! As I think this they both walk into the kitchen where out of my view range Kobi pulls a bottle of Everclear out onto the counter, probably from the freezer. He pours two shots, one for each of them, before they were guzzled down. Stumbling, the two made their way back over to me; their cocks standing upright a little bit now. They got behind me and I heard some rustling from under the bench as Jay moaned lightly; probably a result from playing with his foreskin. I heard the snap of a cap and a liquid being squirted out. At least they're going to use lube... I sigh into the briefs with relief. Suddenly, I feel something piece my tail hole making me shriek into the soiled undies until the pain subsided (which it barely did). "We...are going to fuck you senseless. We are going to make it so you can't sit down for months without thinking about how badly you fucked up by sneaking into our town. You are no longer welcome here vermin." Jay whispered into my ear as he clambered on top of me, his 10" barbed cock in me to the hilt. As he rammed into me I couldn't help but cry and plead for my life through the fabric. In the background of the grunting, weeping, and sounds of Jay's balls smacking against my ass I could hear Kobi pawing himself eagerly waiting to join in. The pain in my lower backside was truly unbearable, in fact I don't know how I stayed awake through it all. Although, when I felt Kobi thrust his equally large penis all the way in me I almost passed out. Before that though, Jay enjoyed himself for a good ten minutes, pulling out until just his head was in and then plowing himself all the way back in. I'm fairly certain the two got off even more on the fact that I was unable to fight back or stand my ground. These types usually do. Unable to look at the evil shack of a building around me while being raped I pushed my muzzle down into the workbench, regretting it almost instantly. The smell of dried blood, sweat, and semen was present all over the table making me realize something that was more horrible then what was being done to me that very moment. I'm...I'm not the first... I cried out as this thought processed. It was at this time that Kobi decided to finally get a piece of me and spit into his paw. "I think he's ready for the both of us now, don't cha, Jay?" All he got in response was a hearty grunt as Jay was too preoccupied with fucking my brains out. Kobi entered me with such force I felt I was going to be ripped in two. This snapped me back to life, along with my previous revelation, and I decided to fight back. After struggling helplessly for what seemed like an hour, three things happened at once. One being me being able to finally get my arms free of their binds. Two being Jay cumming in me and neither of the two realizing what I'd just done. And third being someone knocking on the door. Just as Jay and Kobi heard the knock I decided it was now or never. I sprang my upper body up with such force that it not only knocked the two lions in me onto the floor (also causing them to slide out of my now extremely loose hole), but it also snapped the ropes binding my legs. The two looked utterly shocked as I limped towards the door and started to take the briefs out of my muzzle. As I reached my paw out for the door with an uneven cackle, I was thrown backwards into the kitchen; my head banging against the rim of the counter with a sickening crack. As the world around me began to grow dark and quiet, I could hear Jay whispering furiously to Kobi before I was dragged off somewhere and the sound of the door being opened was heard. After that, all was gone as it was lights out for me. For all I knew, I had died just as saving came within my grasp.