*Cub* Reese and Lyah's Hyper Holidays: Mall Santa - 2016

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#7 of Reese And Her Family


There is no sex in this story. There is no nudity in this story. There are references to hyper sized female genitals on four year old girls and non-intimate touching of those genitals. As such I have labeled it Cub for cub porn despite the fact it isn't.

Lyah is a new character. A month or two younger than Reese with enormous breasts instead of vulva. Her mother is Oveta, who works as a judge. Oveta is also Morris's cousin, making Reese and Lyah somewhat related, but not very closely.

Reese and Lyah visit the mall to see the lovely xmas displays and, most importantly, to visit see Santa. The mall is pretty and distracting, the lines are long, but they do manage to see santa, even if it isn't the santa they were expecting. Along the way they encounter some other children and their parents who aren't sure what to make of them.

It's a mostly innocent story about some little otters enjoying the season.

Reese and Lyah's Hyper Holidays: Mall Santa By tannim December 20, 2012

Snow was fun. It was cold, but it was fun. Reese and Lyah were trying to make a snowotter. It had both their mothers laughing as the girls were trying to make it to their own likenesses.

Margaret watched her four year old daughter push a snowball as big as her mound toward the already too big pile of snowballs. "I imagine Reese will manage the vulva just fine, but I'm not sure they're going to be able to manage Lyah's breasts for that thing. Snow is quite heavy."

"Perhaps your husband can help lift it up for them." Lyah's mother sipped at her over spiked eggnog. "He's a big strong man, I'm sure he could lift something like that up nice high. He lifts Reese after all!"

"Morris is busy getting the car ready to take them to see Santa. Besides, even if they can lift them, the snow simply won't support that kind of weight in the front. I think Lyah is going to be disappointed."

"Heh, just have the snowman bent over on all fours. That way those breasts will just press against the ground."

Rather surprised, Margaret looked over to her husband's cousin. "That's actually a good idea. Possibly a little suggestive, but a good idea."

"It's a snowotter with a giant cunt and giant tits, what could POSSIBLY be suggestive about it?"

Grabbing the other otter's mug from her hand, Margaret frowned. "You don't have to be crude. You really should cut down on that eggnog. I don't want you to be slurring falling down drunk when your daughter talks with santa!"

"Yeah, yeah... Santa. Every fucking year, I have to hear about him on xmas."

"It's only been four years so far with Lyah. You should enjoy it while she's still little"

Both parents looked out to see Reese packing her big snowball into the theoretical groin region of the snowotter. Lyah was trying to push a big snowball herself, but her breasts were getting in the way too much. The little girl kept having to pause to shove them to the side or pick herself up when she got off balance and fell over. It was quite funny watching her each time.

Margaret stood up and grabbed her coat. "Perhaps we should help."

"You go I'll..." Oveta stopped talking when the other woman tossed her her coat. "Ok, fine."

With their help, the snowotter went much faster. Lyah had both mothers helping her. Reese was too busy cutting her ball in half to stuff part of it behind the snowotter like her own pussy mound extended behind her. She didn't mind working alone and she was happy to see the breasts going up.

Reese wasn't quite so happy that they were building it bent over. "No, not bent over! Standing up!"

Lyah wasn't too happy either, until her mom made a small snowman and showed them both what would happen with too big a chest. The girls weren't pleased with it even after watching it fall apart, but they were happy enough when Margaret brought Reese's toy wagon over and used it to carry the breasts instead. It was still bent over, but not nearly as far.

Both girls forgot about it when Morris joined them. "Ok, Who wants to go see Santa?"

The squeals of the laughing and charging cubs even made Oveta smile as everyone climbed into the car. It was a tight fit with two excessively endowed children equaling four to five children, but they fit. The drive to the mall was just as loud, but both cubs quieted down when they actually got there. They knew Santa was there waiting for them.

Morris took Reese's hand and led her and Lyah in with Margaret and Oveta following. "You two know what you want to ask for?"

The two girls didn't even answer. All the pretty lights and decorations around the mall had them enthralled. Window displays had lots of fake snow with toys spread out in it. Trees were everywhere in the walkway between the stores forming a sort of maze of pretty decorative magic.

Lyah ran up to a large train display chugging around a vertical display covering a large empty store wall. Lights shone around it with fake snow being blown down over. A plastic sheet kept it all inside as it traveled from one level to another through tunnels at the ends. Her heavy breasts indented the plastic alarmingly before Morris managed to pull her back a little.

The two girls drew plenty of glances from disapproving parents and curious cubs all around the mall as they meandered through the displays. Oveta wasn't sure if it was the way their over-sized parts bumped into things or just that they were there, but they certainly got a lot of attention. Nobody said anything, even if they were probably thinking it. If she were a little less tipsy, she would have remembered her daughter always drew such attention.

Oveta tapped a short dachshund woman on her shoulder when she saw the frown. "Is there a problem, ma'am?"

"Yes, that girl knocked those ornaments off the tree!"

Even through the alcohol, Oveta felt the embarrassment, the woman had pointed to a girl near Lyah. "Er, yes... I suppose she did. I'll get them."

Margaret nudged her after picking them up. "People have gotten used to them. They aren't all staring these days."

"Not all, but some, certainly!"

"Try to relax. Look how much fun they're having."

Reese was watching a snowraccoon dancing with utter fascination. The ferret boy ahead of her controlling it was too as it moved to his whims based on which picture he touched on a board. Lyah was looking at a series of ice skating bird toys some distance away from it and clapping each time they jumped. Neither looked at all concerned with the other cubs poking them at times or bumping into them.

Morris guided them around each one while their mothers kept back and out of the way with cameras ready for a good moment. Margaret took pictures of both equally. Oveta focused on Lyah for the few pictures she took. They both took a picture of their daughters in a pile on the floor when Reese tripped on a Rat's tail and took her dad, Lyah, and three others with her.

"Oh I do love a good accident." Oveta laughed, then noticed people giving her a funny look. "When nobody gets hurt, I mean. A good harmless accident. Oh don't even act like you don't watch those funny video shows!"

"Come along, that's enough of that."

They joined their girls at when the pretty xmas displays gave way to six lines of children and their parents waiting to see santa, or at least, santas. All but one of the lines were long, so they hurried to the short one. A crocodile and his rather young very thick coat wearing son gave them a smile and hello.

Oveta leaned to look around them. "I think we're in the wrong line. There's only scales here."

Morris rubbed between Reese's ears. "One line is as good as another."

A tegu lizard got into line behind them, with her three sons around her staring wide eyed at the bulges in Reese's pants and Lyah's shirt. The woman ignored their questions about what those bulges were. She kept her eyes anywhere but on the otters' faces in front of her.

Reese turned to face them when one of them tapped her mound from the back. He was a taller than she was, but she had no idea how old he was. His two brothers were standing behind him, each a little shorter.

Since Reese didn't look angry at the touch he just smiled. "Uh, what are you gonna ask santa for?"

The crocodile boy in front of them turned around at the question, too. "I want a nice warm coat. Winter's too cold."

Reese scuffed her foot. "I dunno."

Margaret smirked next to her. "Well, you have to think of something, dear. I thought you wanted that kitchen set so you could learn to cook like your dad."

"Oh yeah! I want a kitchen so I can help daddy cook!"

One of the other tegu boys leaned down and pressed his hand right to her mound. "Oh... it's so warm!"

Despite not looking, his mother immediately chided him. "Nathaniel, get your hand off of there this instant."

Another hand touched her mound, from the back instead. "Oh, it IS warm. So soft, too. What is it? It feels like my heated cuddly toy octopus."

The crocodile's father put a hand on his boy's back but didn't force him to let go. "Sorry about that, Utis is just curious."

Reese reached back to push his hand off when he dug his claws in too much. "Ow, no claws!"

Utis quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry."

Other parents and their children were watching, but Morris just crouched down next to Reese. "That's part of her body, just like your tails. It is soft and hot, but it's a private part that is best not to touch without being invited. Since you didn't know, it's ok. Just remember in the future, ok?"

All four boys chorused OK, though none of them looked completely satisfied with the answer. Oveta sipped at a flask and sighed. It all seemed so silly.

After another sip, and noticing they were still looking at it, the otter sighed. "It's her cunt. She's got a giant pussy down there. You reptiles have slits, it's like that, only puffier, ok?"

The boys all opened their muzzles wide in an OH. Margaret shook her head, Morris tried not to laugh, Reese watched them all, and the parents around them shifted uncomfortably. Lyah giggled and put a hand on Reese just like the boys had.

"Hehe, it IS really soft and warm." The four year old pat her own over-sized anatomy and grinned. "Just like my boobies."

"Lyah, please, don't say boobies. It's a horrible word. Just say breasts, it sounds better."

"Ok, mommy."

Utis looked up to his father as he was pulled back in line. The big croc had a sort of dazed look to his face. It was the same look Margaret had gotten used to of a parent coming to terms with the blatantly sex related flesh Reese couldn't hide. Oddly, she never saw that look with the boys who were too big to hide THEIR genitals.

The line had moved several feet ahead by the time everyone calmed down and santa came into view around the corner when they all walked to the new end. Utis and the others kept stealing peaks at the otters, but they didn't touch anymore, even if they clearly wanted to. A few taps from their parents got them to look at the neat flashing lights and decorations around the walls instead, but even then they stole a few more now and then.

Lyah was the first little otter to actually see santa. She pointed right at him and tugged on her mom's hand telling her to look over there. Oveta forced a smile and agreed that it was indeed santa.

Reese looked too and seemed awed, for a moment. She looked confused a moment later. He didn't look like he looked last year.

"Daddy, why is santa's face and tail all scaly?"

After thinking quietly for a few seconds, Morris tried the best response he could think of. "Santa is magic, Reese. He's any species he wants to be and every species when he needs to be. Sometimes he may even be a girl like you instead of a boy."

Utis turned again. "Really? Santa can be a girl?"

Both little otter girls looked thoughtful, girls were nicer than boys. A girl santa might give much more toys. That would definitely make up for having such big sharp teeth and scales like the bearded dragon sitting on the raised candy cane santa seat had.

Reese got nervous as they moved closer step by step. She rocked foot to foot as though she had to go to the bathroom. Then she tugged on Morris's arm saying she really did have to go. Since there were only two ahead of them, he didn't want to take her.

"Can you hold it another few minutes, Reese? You can see santa and then we can hurry you along. You don't want to wait in line again, do you?"

Ahead of them, the next went up. Two elves, also reptiles, prepared Utis to go up while another guided a colorful young snake up to santa. Utis looked nervous from excitement too.

Reese was still rocking and grabbing at her groin just above her hefty mound. "No, daddy... gotta go! EEP! Mom!"

Margaret wiggled her index finger around her daughter's ear. When Reese grabbed it, she did the same to the other ear with her free hand. She kept teasing and distracting the four year old through the whole wait while Utis went up.

The teasing stopped as suddenly as it started and she looked around confused. She didn't have to pee anymore and one of the short elf lizards stood next to her. After the teasing she was much calmer and just looked back at her parents when her hand was gently taken and guided up the steps to santa. Panic came back when she was at his chair, but it was too late to get away.

Two big gloved hands reached down to pick her up while Utis hurried down the other side. Santa didn't managed to lift her up on the first try. He had to lean further over and pull harder, then harder still as he found he had to lift her up much higher than usual to make room for her mound on his lap. The elf helped him, but with so much of her up, she had to stand. They set her back down, Margaret hurried up, and they changed tactics.

Santa pulled her up from the side so that her vulva bent upward and lay on his left thigh while she sat on his right. He had a very strange expression on his face at the experience. That made Reese laugh. Her laugh made him smile and get back into character.

"Have you... oops, wait, no, I remember." He cleared his throat. "Ho ho ho. Merry Xmas, Reese. Have you been a good girl this year?"

"Uh huh!" The familiar phrase brought the words automatically.

"Good, I don't recall seeing you on the naughty list but I haven't checked it a second time yet so had to make sure." He leaned in close until his snout was an inch from hers. "And what would you like for xmas?"

The four year old looked scared when he leaned in and panic made her think of something else to try and calm herself down. "Can you really be a girl?"

"Excuse me?"

"Daddy said you were magical and can be a girl if you wanted to."

"Well, er... yes. I can when I want, I suppose. It's, um, very useful for certain situations. Ah... Some children feel more comfortable around a girl. You seem very comfortable with me as I am, though." He didn't even notice where his hand swinging around to pat her was going before it landed on her mound for a good three pats. "And soft. Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to touch there."

Reese hadn't even noticed. "Ok... I guess that makes sense. I want a cooking set, I think. And a new ball for the pool!"

Santa nodded enthusiastically, anything to move the focus from where his hand was resting. The elf holding the camera had a smirk on her face as she took the obligatory photo. She took a couple more than needed before helping Reese up off the man and guiding her back down the stairs while Lyah was led up. Santa's eyes glazed over in a happy daze when he saw what was next.

Lyah was much less scared. She was easier to get up, but harder to keep in place. The elf had to adjust her position a few times, then went all out and seated her so Santa was stuck in her cleavage with one enormous breast behind him and the other in front. Both of them pressed against him.

It took a great deal of concentration for him to speak. "Ho Ho Ho, my what big gifts you have brought for Santa!"

"Hehe, I been a good girl!"

"Right! Have you... yeah, that. And what would YOU like for xmas somewhat little girl?"

"Boobies for mommy!"

"Boo... bees?" The bearded dragon couldn't help looking down while his mind processed what had just been said. "I see. I'll see what I can do about that." He did his best to try and pat somewhere other than her breasts, but it was hard to reach anywhere with his patting hand, and he really wanted to pat them. Thankfully she didn't mind either when he did. "So... is that all? I may need more to go on."

After looking up for several seconds, Lyah caught his hand. "And I wanna new toy car to ride around in since I got to big for the old one!"

"Well, I will certainly try! Smile for the picture..." Santa hesitated until the elf flashed him a name card, "Lyah!"

The camera flashed a few times and she was hurried down to join her mom at the bottom on the other side of the platform. Reese wasn't there. Neither was Margaret. Utis was, though, along with his father who was chatting with Morris.

Excitement made her miss what they were saying, but she heard her cousin's dad saying it was quite common the past few years. There was a piece of paper handed over before the two crocodiles left. The rest of the trip went by just as blankly for her. She didn't even remember the trip home. There were so many lights, so many seemingly happy people, and pretty displays everywhere, and she saw santa. It was a great day.

*Cub* Anja's Halloween - 2016

Anja's Halloween by tannim October 31, 2016 Fay Crivens opened the door with a smile on her face and a big bowl of candy in her arm. The children outside were still staring at the door with looks of horrified fascination on their faces. Her...

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