To Gain A Pokemon...To Lose Your Heart: Part 16

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#16 of to gain a lose your heart

To Gain A Pokemon...To Lose Your Heart: Part 16

Nevyda yawned faintly and rolled over, blinking a few times down at herself. Why were her clothes wet...?

She blinked a few times, and a rosy blush appeared on her cheeks as memories of the previous night rushed back to her, her gaze falling upon the back of the sleeping blue and black pokemon, her eyes going slightly wide.

The Lucario rolled over then, and peered at her, red eyes glowing faintly in the near-darkness. "I see you are awake." he said with a slow nod.

Flushing a little more, she nodded. "Y-yeah. I do that a lot..." She blinked just the once, and berated herself for acting so stupid.

"...did you like it?" the pokemon asked with an arched brow, resting his head on his hands, his tail swishing back and forth slowly.

She nodded guiltily, her cheeks flushing even further, making her curse herself silently. "I did." she replied. "...T-tell me about yourself."

An ear perked at her, and he tilted his head curiously, "What exactly do you want to know?"

"Well...about you." she said with a firm nod, adjusting her clothes self-consciously, so they weren't wrinkled.

"My story is...uninteresting." he started, shifting into a sitting position and peering at her with his head on a paw, tail slowly swishing. "I am...from an age that you wouldn't understand. Already, what I know of the world has changed. This tame, quiet. I come from an age when the world was raw, and humans were new upon it, from a time when the towers were first built.

"Back...well back, before I was even born, there were 13 great pokemon, and 9 towers. Each tower was erected with its protector, a pokemon of great power, to guard it, with the exception of the Tower of Knowledge. It was guarded by three pokemon of equal power, but elemental antithesis's. There was the Lighthouse, far to the southeast, guarded by Lugia. The Tower of Knowledge, guarded by Suicune, Entei, and Raikou. The tower of Enlightenment, guarded by Celibi. The Tower of Strength, guarded by Ho-oh. The tower of Fire, guarded by Moltres. The tower of Electricity, guarded by zapdos. The Tower of Ice, guarded by Articuno. The tower of the Beyond, guarded by mew. The Tower of Upbringing, guarded by Ninetales. And then there were two more towers...I never found out what they were. They were in a land far distant, but they were guarded by pokemon who could control land and sea themselves.

"How each pokemon came to be a protector, is of vital importance. My ancestors designed and created a kind of device which could capture pokemon, a power that I doubt you will ever witness. Using special nuts from trees, they created these balls, and imprisoned the pokemon within them, forcing them to fight to protect the land from a danger. You see, back then, the land was still divided, and there was a dark pokemon that wished is ill. He sought out Rayquaza, a pokemon as old as time itself. It is said that Rayquaza was so powerful that it could grant wishes to those pokemon that he chose. But he was imprisoned, before the dark pokemon could attain his abilities. Imprisoned using the combined power of the 13 pokeballs. It is said that if you can find all 13 pokeballs, and activate them, somehow, atop Rayquaza's tower, you could summon him again...Therefore, each pokemon was given a tower, and their pokeballs were hidden within those orbs. And then the pokemon were set to protect the orbs, for the good of the world."

Nevyda drank the story down, her head tilted slightly, hair forming a curtain over her shoulder. "But...that doesn't tell me who you are."

"I am a historian, kept in a ball that was far, far too small and cramped for me, for thousands of years, awaiting someone like you to find me and release me so that I can tell you all this." he said calmly, smiling at her just faintly.

"Oh...and now you've told me?" she asked curiously.

"Now I am free to live my remaining days doing whatever I want." he replied with a careless little shrug.

"All of the pokemon you mentioned...they're all legendary." she murmured, pondering to herself. "Well, except for Ninetales. I've seen plenty of them around."

The Lucario gave a soft snort of derision, "Well, were it not for the circumstances, then I am quite sure that the other legendaries would have flourished as well. Is it not that a pokemon is legendary only by being the last of its kind?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

"I..guess." she replied, blinking the once. "Did he or she have a name?"

"Oh yes, it was Blayze."

* * *

Greg gave a faint groan and tried to roll over as something hot, moist and soft repeatedly washed over his face, interrupting a wonderful dream he had been having.

An unintelligible onslaught of sounds escaped from him as the object kept up its assault, forcing him to wake up a little bit, and he felt around with his fingertips a moment before he found Cindyr's muzzle and pushed it away from his face gently and then rolled back over the other way, muttering something about ‘sleep' and ‘too early'.

"Now, now, Greg, if you don't get up I'll have to start licking somewhere that will wake you up." She said sternly, one of her firm, powerful paws resting on his chest, holding him down as she started to lap at his face once more.

He made a faint noise and tried to push her away once more, but she nipped at his fingertips and giggled, laving her tongue against his nose and murring faintly.

"I swear I will..." she threatened, lapping over his forehead amorously.

"Is that a promise?" he asked, blinking his eyes open and staring up at her innocently.

"No, no. It's a threat." she corrected, smiling down at him sweetly. "We have a gym battle today; I want to beat up Morty's ghost Pokémon. And then we can celebrate."

"But what if I want to celebrate right now?" he asked, raising a brow and tilting his head at her just slightly, wrapping an arm about her and pulling her down besides him, kissing her nose lovingly.

"Aren't you supposed to celebrate after you win?" Cindyr asked with a raised brow, her tailtips swishing back and forth across the bed gently.

"You can celebrate beforehand." Greg replied with a wise nod, swirling a fingertip over her muzzle a moment, under her chin, and then starting to trace a path through her fur, backwards, towards her stomach.

"You're just saying that because you want to get lucky." Cindyr accused, nipping at his nose for punctuation.

Greg just smiled, and rubbed his palm over her smooth, soft-furred stomach, smiling at her innocently. "Are you complaining?" he asked innocently.

"Don't change the subject!" she said, rolling over atop him and pinning him with a growl. "Or I'll immobilize you and lick you until you scream."

"Cindyr," Greg said, peering up at her and tilting his head slightly, stroking along her stomach still, "Don't make promises you don't intend to keep."

"Who said I wasn't serious?" she asked with a tilted head, a single ear perking at him.

"Well I'm not seeing any action towards that goal...and you keep hinting at putting your wonderful hot muzzle to use...and then not going through with it." he gave her a mock-hurt look. "I don't know what to think..."

The Ninetales harrumphed and nipped at his nose gently, her tails gently swaying back and forth, her cold nose pressed against his throat a moment, before beginning to snake its slow way down his body, sneaking in under his shirt and giving his belly a warm, moist lick, while her paws deftly slid down his pants, the vulpine Pokémon crouched at his crotch, butt in the air, tails swaying above her, snuffling nose almost touching the rapidly growing length.

That hot, moist tongue drew up his length slowly, in a gently caressing lick, flicking off the tip, making it throb and swell further, quickly working to stand at attention as the Ninetales opened her mouth, breathing a stream of hot air over his cock before diving down and engulfing it with a single movement.

Greg gasped and arched his back, his hands automatically going to her muzzle, wrapping around it gently as he humped into her muzzle in a reflexive motion.

Cindyr murred faintly, and drew her muzzle back, worming out of his lustful grasp with a single over his tip, before sitting on her haunches before him, licking her lips once and smirking at him innocently.

"How about this: I'll let you hump my muzzle, but afterwards, you have to fuck me up the tailhole." She offered with a mischievous grin.

"Hump your muzzle?" Greg asked with a quizzical tilt of his head.

"Oh it's simple, really. I just hold nice and still for you, you put your cock in my muzzle, and while I continue to keep nice and still, you hump into my muzzle until you make a nice, tasty mess on my tongue." she explained with her most innocent smile.

"And you want me to fuck you in the ass afterwards?" he asked, his cheeks flushing just faintly.

"Yes, Greg. That is what I said." she replied sweetly.

"How come you like being taken in the ass so much anyways?" he asked curiously, pulling her close and ruffling the fur of her neck, the Ninetales taking a moment to steal another hot lick to the head of his cock.

"Oh I dunno..." she murmured thoughtfully, peering up at him. "I guess I just like the feel of having something so deep in there...and it's so naughty...don't you agree?" she asked, fastening her muzzle over the tip of his cock and giving it a gentle, teasing suckle.

Greg nodded dumbly, his hands lightly at her muzzle once more.

Pulling back again, she grinned at him, her tailtips swishing once more. "Well? Are you going to agree to my terms? Or should we just go fight the gym leader?" she asked, smiling at him sweetly and taking a step backwards, turning around.

"But I warn you...if we go fight the gym leader, I'm going to walk in front of this..." she murmured, lifting her tails high into the air, sauntering a few steps forwards and bending over, as if she were stretching, revealing her inflamed, needy sex, glistening with moisture.

"Okay, you win! You win!" he said, crawling a step closer and sliding a hand up between her legs, gently caressing at her sex, rubbing his fingertips over her outer lips, and then spreading her open slightly.

Cindyr whimpered faintly and then gave a pleasured gasp as Greg leaned in and gave her exposed flesh a gentle lick, drawing his short human tongue over her eager sex, her tails quivering with delight.

"So how do we do this?" he asked, smiling at her faintly as he sat back, holding one of her tails and gently twining the fluffy length around his hands.

"Just get on your knees..." she murred, turning back to face him, sitting on her haunches in front of him as he shifted onto his knees, peering down at her uncertainly.

Smiling up at him, she moved a little closer, giving his cock a long, lustful lick, gently laving her soft, hot tongue against his tip, before just holding her muzzle over it, her tongue hanging out a little, pressed gently against the underside of his tip.

"Now take my muzzle in your hands...and put your cock in my muzzle..." she murmured lustfully. "I'm sure you can figure out what to do after that..."

He nodded down at her, gently laying his hands on her muzzle, and shifting upwards a little, so that his tip prodded against her muzzle...but the Ninetales kept her muzzle tightly closed, grinning up at him innocently, his tip encountering only interlocking ivory defences, and he stared down at her a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Greg's fingertips slid gently around her muzzle, and parted her vulpine lips a little, hooking between her teeth very gently, to pry her muzzle open, but she resisted firmly, giggling at him sweetly, mischievously, sneaking a quick lick to his tip to entice him to further action.

His fingertips gently pried at her jaws, slowing putting more pressure on it, forcing her jaws to open, before he thrust his cock eagerly between her parted jaws and into her muzzle without any warning, the Ninetales making a faint sound of surprise and squirming faintly, eyes wide up at him, ears laid back, but looking like she was thoroughly enjoying this treatment.

He waited then, stroking at her muzzle gently, enjoying the tight, hot, moist confines of her muzzle around him, his tip buried in her muzzle almost all the way, a few short inches remaining outside of it, waiting for her to begin suckling...but she never did. Cindyr just stood there, smiling up at him with three quarters of his eager, thick cock wedged in her muzzle.

Giving a faint sound of impatience, he adjusted his grip, pulling her further down his cock, sinking his thick length into her muzzle even further, feeling it press against her tongue on the way, the delightfully moist, smooth muscle undulating against his underside, whether by design or reflexive motion. Either way, it felt great!

His hips started to shift gently back and forth, sliding just an inch back and forth, groaning softly at the constricting sensation of her muzzle about him, and he was momentarily afraid that he might be hurting her or causing her discomfort, but she wasn't struggling, and the swish of her tail, and the soft, lustful murrs about his cock were enough of a clue for him as to the fact that she was enjoying this odd act.

Giving a faint groan, he leaned forwards slightly, adjusting the angle of his body in relation to her muzzle, so that the natural upwards angle of his cock was pointed towards the back of her muzzle, his hands shifting from her muzzle to her sides, to hold her steady as he drew back and then pressed forwards gently, panting and huffing against her fur as he started to muzzlefuck her.

Greg could feel Cindyr's tongue against his underside, could feel his tip resting against the back of her tongue, and the hot tightness of it all around him, so different from the usual way she pleasured him like this...this way, he could control the motions, the depths, the speed, and it gave him an odd, lustful sense of empowerment over his Ninetales.

He wanted it all inside, and as he sank another little bit of thick, eager cock into his Ninetales muzzle, she reflexively swallowed, causing her entire muzzle to constrict around him, her tongue worming against his underside, a milking, suckling motion started up from the reflexive swallowing, her murrs growing even louder, just reinforcing the desire to sink his entire cock into her muzzle.

There was no way he could tell that the gentle struggling that Cindyr started to do as he tried to sink more of his cock into her muzzle was actually her trying to shift her muzzle more into alignment with the rest of her body, to allow his eager length deeper into her muzzle, into her very throat.

He paused, and stroked at her neck gently, before resuming the gentle thrusting back and forth within her actual mouth, not trying to go any deeper, having thought that she didn't want it.

Cindyr had other ideas.

The Ninetales gently parted her jaws around the thrusting cock, and as he drew back, she kept with him, arching her rear up and lowering her front, so that her body and muzzle formed a continual line, and the next of Greg's thrusts pressed his eager tip past her muzzle and into her throat, forcing its way past her tightness with the lustful, accidental motion.

Cindyr spluttered just had been so very long since she had done that, and it took her a moment to remember how to control her gag reflex, her eyes wide, nose pressed into his pubic hair, tongue squirming against him before she got herself under control, unable to control, as always, her reflexive swallowing, which caused her muscles to ripple and suckle deeply at his cock every time she swallowed convulsively.

Greg gave a loud groan and held her muzzle tight, around the back of her ears, where he could maintain an eager, lustful grip, holding her muzzle tight to his crotch as he pressed forwards on reflex, trying to sink his cock just a single millimetre deeper, straining against her as the hot, convulsing muscles of her throat and muzzle tensed and rippled around his cock, massaging him.

Murring loudly, Cindyr began to suckle gently in between her reflexive swallows, increasing the pressure, her tailtips swishing back and forth rapidly as she turned her head gently back and forth, so that her mouth and throat gave him a deep, rolling suction, a gentle, innocent whimper of submissive lust escaping her muzzle, muffled by the cock buried in it.

Panting hard, he leaned over her further, wrapping his arms around her lower body, just forwards of her back legs, helping to hold her in place as he shifted back and then started to hump forwards with lustful intensity, reflexively shifting his cock in and out of her muzzle.

Cindyr bent over more submissively, keeping her mouth open for him, suckling eagerly, feeling him thrust that long, thick cock back out of her mouth, to just the tip, before humping forwards and burying it in her throat once more, the Ninetales eagerly deepthroating the thrusting cock, her eyes closed and contented, submissive murrs escaping her.

She was almost disappointed as she felt him hump deep into her muzzle and then start thrusting just a few inches back and forth, keeping it buried in her throat, fucking her muzzle lustfully, knowing what that action meant. He wasn't going to last much longer.

Her raised tails gently swished back and forth, and she began to suckle and swallow harder at the thrusting length, feeling her hot liquids start to dribble from her sex with her arousal, her forepaws squaring to help her keep her position as her humans thrusts grew more erratic, more lustful, hearing him pant and groan, unable to help but smile to herself, pleased.

The Ninetales dropped her rear when he drew back for his final thrust, and arched her head, so that his cock met only the back of her throat, bumping against the unyielding barrier and then pausing, as if unsure where to go, while Cindyr tilted her head and began to suckle as hard and as lustfully as she could against it, rolling her tongue all around the thick length, grinning and bobbing her head gently as she heard a cry of pleasure from above her.

Cindyr parted her muzzle just a little and began to suck and lap at the cock rapidly, even as the first thick hot spurt blasted into her mouth, filling it in an instant with its forceful spurting, her previous preparations meaning that the thick liquid began to seep from her lips rather than choke her, grinning even more as she felt Greg's hands fasten about her head, pushing her down onto his cock, holding her firmly against it, forcing her to take every spurt.

The next few spurts weren't as forceful, but her muzzle was already filled to the brim, the new splashes of tasty, creamy seed just forcing more and more from the edges of her muzzle, overflowing from her, beginning to back up over the thick length, pouring from her muzzle in sticky, gooey streams.

Even as she started to swallow, she was overcome, gulping and swallowing hard to keep up with the flow, making even more of a mess as she grinned and murred about the spasming cock.

Pausing then, she waited until he was done, smiling up at him innocently, with his cock buried in her muzzle.

Her muzzle was parted about it, her lips open along the sides of her muzzle as a side-effect of the open maw, tongue hanging out, almost brushing against his balls, her mouth coated in thick, oozing amounts of cum.

It had built up around the corners of her mouth, causing a wide, circular coating of the sticky liquid to build up around the corner, following the line of her lips, thickest at the corners and at the end of her muzzle, a long stream of it dribbling down from the edges of her maw, tracing through her fur, meeting in the middle, at her throat, and beginning to drip gently from there, onto the bed.

Her entire lower lips was covered in a coating of the sticky cum, visible as a shiny whiteness among her soft white fur, the downwards angle of her muzzle causing it to flow towards the point of her chin, gathering there in a thick creamy mess of fur and cum, dribbling and flowing from there to the bed, joined by the amounts of it that were even now pouring from inside her muzzle, down over her tongue, dribbling from the hanging tip of it.

Cindyr gently pulled her muzzle backwards as Greg's grip relaxed, and as the cum-slicked length escaped, connected to her muzzle by several gooey strings of cum, she opened and closer her mouth a few times, trying to lick clean her nose, which had a ‘milk beard' on it from the first lustful spurts that had overcome her defenses, before the Ninetales gave up and just laid on the bed, staring at him innocently, her muzzle slightly parted, strings of seed connecting her upper and lower jaws, shining on her teeth and tongue, her entire mouth a veritable mess of creamy white liquids.

"I take it you approve..." Cindyr murmured with a soft, mischievous giggle.

Greg could only nod, sitting back on his ass, looking dazed, still not quite all there.

Cindyr just giggled once more and set about trying to swallow the delightful mess coating her mouth.

* * *

Greg was awoken by a soft, gently caress across his thigh by a fuzzy tailtip, and the heavy weight of Cindyr shifting into his lap, the ninetales sitting across his legs, beginning to lick slowly at his face. "Wake up, sleepyhead." she said with a faint giggle, her free tails wrapping around his ankles and legs slowly.

"What? Where?" he asked, rubbing at his eyes, blinking at her for a moment, bewildered, still half-asleep.

"You looked tired..." she murmured, licking his nose gently. "So I let you sleep for a few minutes...figured you'd need the energy." she said with a mischievous grin, ears perking at him, teeth revealed in her smile as she rubbed herself pointedly against him, soft fur against bare flesh.

He gave a faint groan and wrapped his arms about her body, kissing her neck lovingly, rubbing his face into her soft fur. "You are insatiable." he accused.

The ninetales grinned at him, and lightly lapped at his forehead. "You know you love it..." she whispered, breathing a stream of warm air over his face.

Greg laughed softly, and drew her into a kiss, stroking his hands down her back gently, pulling her in close, toying with her fur a moment with his fingertips, murmuring an affirmative into the kiss.

Cindyr purred softly against his mouth, and pressed her hot tongue into his maw, gently pressing it against his own smaller, blunter tongue, her nine tails gently swirling back and forth against his legs and ankles.

Smiling into the kiss, Greg gently ran his hands lower on her body, lightly stroking his hand over her rear, and through her tails, his free hand shifting to her side and pressing insistently, to make her roll over onto her side.

The ninetales gave a harrumph, and did so, spreading out luxuriously across the bed, having to break the kiss to do so.

Greg smiled, and kissed her neck, sliding his fingertips down to the base of her tails, letting his thumb just lightly brush over her hot, eager sex.

A faint gasp escaped the pokemon, and her back arched, ears folding back and eyes closing slowly. "Yesss...." she murmured faintly. "Put something in me..."

Complying eagerly, he shifted his hands angle, and pressed his index finger to her heated sex, and began to lightly worm it between her moist folds, exploring the heated interior of her body. Continuing to lightly kiss at her neck and chest, he gradually worked his way lower, until he was kneeling at her lower body, rolling her onto her back slowly to reveal her eager, needy sex to his gaze, spread around his single finger, buried in her to the second knuckle, engulfed in her heat.

The hot, musky scent of needy ninetales reached his weak human nose, and he made a faint sound, grinning up at her mischievously. "Is someone horny?" he asked innocently, thrusting once with his finger, teasing her.

A soft growl emanated from deep in her chest, and one of her hind legs kicked impotently. "You know not to tease me, Greg." Cindyr said with narrowed eyes, tailtips swishing gently back and forth. "I will hold you down and suck on your cock while heating my mouth." she warned.

"Okay, okay! Jeeze!" Greg said with a pout up at her. "Be a killjoy."

His fingertip pressed a little deeper into her hot body, and she gave a faint yip of delight, her sex tightening on his finger, a hot dribble of her inner liquids escaping her needy body.

Greg laughed up at her innocently, and pressed his face into the oh-so-soft fur of her stomach, reveling in the feel of the smooth fur against his skin, before he adjusted his angle, and pressed his tongue to the upper half of her eager cunt, lapping at her slowly, causing her back to arch off the bed and her hind legs to kick at the air again, her hot, gripping sex convulsing around his finger reflexively as her musky taste exploded onto his tongue.

Spirals of heat distortion began to appear at her muzzle as her body grew hotter, her eager cunt tightening on his finger, her immense moistness seeping out of her slowly, dribbling down to the base of her tail.

With a mischievous grin up at her, Greg lightly lapped at her clit, pressing his tongue firmly to that sensitive nub, even as his fingertip drew slowly from her depths, coated in her liquids, making her give a whine of frustration and writhe, growling at him.

Cindyr's eyes widened slowly, and she swallowed audibly as she felt the moist fingertip trail her wetness down to the base of her tail, gently starting to smooth the liquids into the fur there, and the entrance of her tight, hot tailhole.

Greg grinned at her innocently as he pressed his fingertip to her tailhole, and then starting to sink it into her, the lubrication helping spread it open slowly as he bent his head back to his task, lapping at her sex eagerly, pressing his tongue to it lovingly, teasing her.

The ninetales shuddered hard, tailtips swirling back and forth gently beneath her human as he lapped at her, slowly sinking his finger into her eager tailhole, right up to the second knuckle, and then deeper, until it was buried inside her as far as it could get. He smiled at her over her stomach for a moment, and drew her clit between his lips, sucking at it gently, even as he began to hump his fingertip into her tight, eager ass.

Her eyes closed slowly, and her brows furrowed, hind legs tensing up as her forepaws pawed at the air gently, tail coiling around themselves as she let out a quivering moan, spilling more moisture against his tongue, dribbling down over the thrusting finger in her ass, allowing him to press it in and out a little faster.

Teeth baring, she started to press back at him, her eyes snapping open wide and a convulsive gasp dying in her throat as a second finger was pressed deep into her eager tailhole, both of them starting to move back and forth as he lapped at her clit lovingly, driving her wild, stretching her needy entrance almost as far as his cock did when they fucked, making her positively drip with need, her cunt starting to convulse and throb with heat in time with her heart beat.

Greg suckled her clit into his mouth, and held it between his teeth, careful of hurting her as he gently rolled his jaw back and forth, rubbing the smooth, unyeilding edge of his teeth against the sensitive flesh, making his ninetales arch and begin to convulse, his fingers pressing deep into her, eagerly, again and again, stretching her tight ass as her cunt convulsed against his mouth.

The ninetales back arched, and her ears laid back, her howl muffled as best she could get it as her entire body tensed, hot liquids spilling from her repeatedly, only for Greg to lap them up, exulting in their hot, primeval scent and taste, fucking her with his fingers to prolong her finish, grinning up at her.

Cindyr gradually began to relax, twitching faintly in the afterglow as Greg crawled back up to her face and kissed her neck and chin lovingly. "Oh my, you look tired. I should let you sleep." he said teasingly, even as he laid himself lightly over her, letting her feel the eager length of his cock against her haunch.

"Don't you dare!" she hissed, laying a paw on his chest threateningly. "You still have your end of the deal to hold up to!"

"Oh...I guess I do." Greg said, looking crestfallen. "Though, how I'll manage to have any fun at all if I have to stick it in your tailhole..." he gave a theatrical sigh. "I shall suffer through it, I guess."

"Shut up, fool." Cindyr said with a deep murr, leaning up and locking her lips against his own in a hot, passionate kiss, not even caring that she could taste the faint tang of her own liquids on his tongue, her soft tailtips rubbing at his lower body, trying to entice him into action.

Greg grinned at her, and hugged her tight around the middle as he kissed her in return, shifting, so that his eager, wanton cock pressed up against her cunt, lightly spreading it, smearing a little of her liquids along the tip.

The ninetales arched and gave a loud cry as he thrust suddenly, burying several eager inches of hard human cock into her tight, hot body, her gripping depths closing on him, rippling lustfully around him, loathe to let him go once he had entered.

He moaned faintly into her muzzle, and then broke the kiss, burying his face in her neck and huffing hard, shuddering all over at the heat encompassing his eager cock, at once almost painful, and insanely pleasurable, sinking himself a little deeper, before starting to move back and forth slowly, taking her with slow, steady motions.

Cindyr panted against his neck in return, ears laid back and tailtips swirling eagerly in time with the motions of his cock inside her eager hot cunt, her teeth baring as he hit a particularly good spot, making her shudder and writhe, hot liquids spilling around his cock.

Her forepaws wrapped about him as best they could in this odd position, with her on her back, and she leaned in until her muzzle was besides his ear, "You know what I want, Greg..." she murmured lustfully, lapping at his ear with her hot tongue a moment. "Stick it in my tailhole...please...Fuck me in the ass!" she whispered heatedly.

Greg swallowed audibly at her lustful tone, and kissed her cheek a moment, drawing backwards slowly, out of her body, his eager cock slightly shiny with her inner lubrication, staring down at her a moment, and smiling. She was just so sexy like that, waiting for him, her tails spread out, legs spread and kicking lightly at the air in anticipation, half-lidded eyes staring into his own, ears perked at him lustfully.

He grinned, and buried his face in her neck again, his hips moving slightly, the tip of his cock finding the intended target, the tight pucker of her tailhole, at the base of her tail, a light press of his hips spreading it around his tip, allowing access to her hot ass.

With a faint huff against her neck, he pressed forwards firmly, sinking inch after inch of eager cock into her ass, pausing at the halfway point to kiss at her neck, and give her time to get used to it, stroking her sides with his hands, and then began to thrust gently, peering down at her lovingly, watching her writhe and moan as he started to fuck her tight tailhole.

The ninetales tails spread and quivered, beating against the bed lightly, swirling against eachother, caressing his legs as he humped into her eager tailhole, Cindyr leaning up to whisper hotly in his ear, "Deeper, Greg..."

Greg paused a moment, and kissed her nose, before he grinned and gripped her tight, thrusting hard, sinking his entire eager cock into her wanton ass, spreading her tight around the thick length, making her moan and shudder hard, sex convulsing hard on a non-existent object and spilling more hot liquids from it, even as he started to fuck her eagerly, sinking himself in and out of her tight, gripping body.

"Oh fuck, yes!" she whispered heatedly into his ear as he took her, spreading her hot tailhole around his thick cock, fucking her eagerly, "Harder, Greg! I want to feel it!" she murmured against his ear lustfully, "Fuck my tight ass! Fill it with your hot cum! Make me scream your name!"

He gave a faint laugh, and drew backwards slowly, kissing her nose. "Roll over, love..." he murmured softly, pressing a finger back into her tight tailhole teasingly, making her arch and groan faintly, immediately rolling over onto all fours, bending over submissively and arching her tails out of the way, exposing her needy cunt and equally eager tailhole to his gaze.

"Fuck me, Greg...Fuck me hard!" she demanded, bending over further, sticking her butt in the air, back legs tense and forepaws stretched out in front of her, her chin resting on them.

Greg didn't need to be asked twice, clambering up behind her and drawing her hips into her hands, lining himself up, and sinking himself deep into her hot, gripping ass once more, starting to hump hilt-deep into her eager body with firm, jabbing motions.

Cindyr gave a faint, lustful howl, head arching back a little as she pressed back against the motions, hot dribbles of liquid spilling from her sex, to the bed, as above it, his cock drove deep into her tight ass again and again.

"Fuck me...fuck me...fuck me!" She repeated over and over again, lustfully, pressing back against him as much as she could, body starting to quiver, "G-god fuck me harder!" she demanded, almost begging. "I want to feel your warmth in me! Fuck my ass! Cum in my tailhole!" she whispered over her shoulder to him, her tone pointed, demanding, her tails starting to quiver and straighten as she neared her finish.

Greg huffed down at her, and nodded at her words, redoubling his efforts, fucking her hard up the ass, sinking his thick cock in and out rapidly, spreading her around the intrusion as his cock started to throb faintly.

Cindyr arched her back and pressed back, hard, against him, her entire body tensing up, heat spiraling off her body as she shuddered all over, her sex convulsing, tensing, quivering, a hot gush of her feminine liquids spilling down her inner thighs as she came, her hot, tight tailhole tightening on the cock inside it, squeezing it, rippling around it as she shuddered and begged him for his seed.

"G-give it to me! P-please! Cum in me! Fill me with your heat!" she begged breathlessly, shuddering hard all over.

With a cry of delight, Greg drove deep into her tightened ass, holding himself deep inside, hugging her tight around the middle, face buried in her fur as his cock throbbed, gooey, sticky spurts of his seed splashing deep into her tailhole.

The ninetales arched at the sensation, eyes going wide, teeth baring and a delighted howl leaving her as the sensation of hot, gooey spurts filling her tailhole set her off again, spilling more liquids down her inner thighs and onto the bed as she cried out repeatedly.

Greg gave a loud grown and humped against her a few more times, the warm, gooey liquid filling the ninetales, overflowing slowly, seeping from around the embedded cock, evidence of their dual orgasms as he sagged over her and dropped to the side, taking her with him, gently moving his length inside her to prolong the afterglow for them both, panting hard and kissing the back of her neck. "I love you..." he whispered against her fur.

A faint sound was his only response, and it was a moment later than he realised she had fallen asleep.

He gave a soft laugh and kissed her neck again, laying an arm over her and snuggling into her form, content in the knowledge that she knew he loved her, and he knew that she loved him.