Making Waves

Story by Kiyoshi on SoFurry

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**Making Waves

By:** Kiyo - 03 June 2006

Notes: Toy, Digimon, Accidental popping

Disclaimer: I don't own Flamedramon.

Flamedramon returned home early from work one hot summer afternoon, and found himself with nothing to do. He was about to turn on the boob tube when he looked out of the back window at the pool, which seemed to be calling for him.

He went outside to the building where there were his and his mate's bicycles, random tools, a computer, and boxes of his mate's pool toys. Exveemon, said mate, was an inflatophile. Flamedramon didn't exactly see what he found attractive about the toys, besides the fact a few of them were a little on the cute side. He stripped naked and changed into his tight bathing suit, going outside to slide his paw along the surface of the water. It was pretty warm today.

He returned to the building to get a water to drink, and noticed a peice of pink plastic in one of the boxes. Curiosity getting the better of him, he pulled this toy out and unfolded the mass.

It was fairly large. Colors ranging from pink, to yellow, to green. Holding it in his arms, it was easily bigger than he was, and it was only deflated! The plastic seemed to glide against itself while he held it in his hands, examining it. He couldn't figure what it was supposed to be, so he decided to take it with him to the pool to give this fetish a try.

He sat on one of the lawnchairs, taking a gulp of his water, and then rested the toy atop him as if it were a blanket, then began looking for the nozzle. His search revealed only one, fairly large, nozzle. He pulled the cap out with his teeth, then began blowing into the toy.

He had been a horn player back in college, and so his lungs were incredibly strong, and began inflating the toy quickly. The plastic slid easily along his legs and exposed belly and chest as the air moved around inside of it. He began to murr slightly at this, then paused to plug the cap, then slightly press the belly of the toy in towards his groin. The plastic easily conformed to his enlarging penis as it slid about his inner legs.

He hugged the toy for a moment, letting the rest of his body feel how wonderful it was against his fur. He inflated it a little more, then the phone began to ring. He capped the toy, then went inside to answer the phone. His mate was calling him to let him know that he would be home shortly, and that he loved him. Flamedramon returned outside, and found the toy more inflated than when he left it. He started to pick it up around it's waist when the now hot plastic seemed to stretch under his paws.

He gently squeezed it, then realized that it was an oversized dinosaur! It was meant to be laying on it's back, and when the human (or dragon in this case) laid upon it, it appeared to be grasping them while floating on the water. He grinned slightly to himself, as thinking of the position aroused him more.

He rested the toy in the water, leaving it almost all the way inflated, and rested on it, bobbing up and down in the water with the toy. He had to clutch the dinosaur around the its chest as he gasped. The thin, heated plastic was almost orgasmic against him.

He rolled off of the toy into the warm water, and inflated it more and more, watching the creases on its now tight surface disappear. He sat on the huge belly of the toy, idly stroking his now fully erect member. He fully understood why his mate was so into these toys now.

He pulled his feet up to rest against the toy's hind legs and tail while he relaxed atop the rest of the toy, sliding around occasionally, playing with himself and the toy.

He began to bounce the toy up and down in the water, finding that this felt the best against him. He clutched the toy against him tightly, and then he felt a small thud and found himself beginning to sink into the toy. He held onto the toy tighter, mouth gaping open as he let ecstasy engulf his senses at this point, finding that holding it tighter opened the puncture in the soft shell more. He felt the air rushing against his left hind leg now, one of his toeclaws must have cut the toy.

He began to bounce against the toy, listening to the hiss of the air rise and fall in volume with his thrusts. He soon heard the water bubbling as the toy began to sink more, and then he pulled off his shorts, leaving him naked against the soft toy. He held the sinking toy tightly against him as he reached one of his paws around to finger at his tailhole from under the toy through the plastic. He almost yelled because of the immense pleasure this was causing him. He rubbed his member into the toy, sliding back and forth, feeling the layers of the toy begin to rub against eachother now. He shuddered and pulled himself and the toy out of the water. He flipped the toy to let the hole be visible, then he folded the toy to put more air in that area. He then sat on the toy, kneeling, knees on either side of it, and inserted his member into the hole. He grasped the toy tightly as he thrust in and out of the toy, his claws making yet another hole in the vinyl shell, releasing the air faster.

As he moved to readjust himself, a bubble of air that had been behind him in the toy had thrust ahead of him, pushing the toy's soft vinyl against his tailhole and sac, and he began to shoot his load onto the surface. He fell onto the toy, listening to the air slowly hiss out now and hear him panting heavily as he basked in the afterglow.

Soon enough he rolled into the water, cleaned himself and what he could find of his mess on the toy off, and returned it to a work table in the building. He knew it would take a little explaining to do, and he would even help his mate fix the toy.... but he knew that if this solo experience was this much fun, he couldn't wait to repeat it with Exveemon!

I Think I Love You

**I Think I Like You By:** Kiyo - 21 March 2006 Flamedramon x Exveemon **Notes:** _AU; Figured I'd give these two a good start. Somewhat. :)_ **Disclaimer:** _I don't own Digimon._ Exveemon grinned when he walked through the door to his sixth...


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