Eight Days at Renzyl's: Day Seven

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of Eight Days at Renzyl's

The first charity auction YCH story for IndyFurCon. Conri wins a trip of a lifetime, a week-long stay in the realm of a rubber demon of lust! Day seven is something rather special that Renzyl has planned that requires a very... personal touch.

Conri belongs to Conri_Whelan of FA

Conri woke up bleary-eyed, his muscles ached slightly but he still refreshed from the previous night. The first thing he looked for as soon as he opened his eyes was Renzyl and he saw the demon dragon in his usual spot at the table with his breakfast. "Well if it isn't the tease," Conri said with a grin as he walked over to him, wiggling his fingers. "Looks like I have the full use of my arms this time."

"Oh you're going to have a lot more than that," Renzyl replied as Conri sat down to eat. "Now you've been wearing that collar for a week now, correct?" Conri thought about it for a second before he nodded. "So my energies have suffused into your body all this time and it would be a shame if we didn't take advantage of that. Tell me, how much do you happen to know of what I actually do?"

For the next few minutes Conri guessed at what Renzyl did while the rubber creature waited for the panther to finish, and once he had they walked out of Conri's room and into a courtyard area complete with a large eastern dragon fountain in the middle of it. During the entire walk there he wondered what would possibly be the theme for today, with only the rubber creature's cryptic words to guide them. As they walked out to the middle of the grassy field Conri saw Zander, and along with him was an Arctic Wolf and a Siberian Tiger that seemed to look around rather excitedly. "Got that special delivery here for you Master Renzyl!" Zander shouted happily as they walked up.

"Thank you very much Zander," Renzyl replied before he looked at the two males before him. "Welcome to my realm, my name is Renzyl, and you are?"

"Um... Liam sir," the fox said nervously as he looked around.

"My name is Arturo," the tiger introduced with a big grin on his face. "You're the one that can get us special powers! Are you a demon?"

"How delightful," Renzyl chuckled before he turned back to Conri, who just stared at the two in question. "Why don't we have Zander make our two guests comfortable while you and I have a little chat? We need to set you up."

Once the two were out of earshot from the others Renzyl leaned in to Conri and whispered in his ear. "So have you guessed what we're going to do with our new friends then?" the demon asked, the feline shaking his head. "Those two are here because they want what I do best, which is use my power to draw out their desires and transform them into a fitting form that they will enjoy. Today however I'm going to be taking the day off, which means that I will need someone else to cater to these guests... someone, perhaps, that has been a conduit to my energies..."

Conri's eyes widened slightly as he realized what the demon was insinuating. The panther knew that he would be affected by Renzyl's energies throughout the week, but he never thought that he would actually wield them. He now knew why he had his General find those people, they were the ones that he was going to transform. But as Renzyl began to teach him what he did he found out that it wasn't just a matter of making a creature horny and then covering them in rubber, there was a lot of nuance that the rubber dragon did instinctively that he had to learn. With about an hour he managed to get down the fundamental basics of it and Renzyl reassured that he would be there to help out in any way that he can.

Once they finished with their last lesson the two made their way back to the center of the courtyard, where Zander stood with Arturo. "I figured you would want the eager want first," the lizard General said as the tiger next to him seemed to vibrate with excitement. "He's going to make for excellent practice."

"Wait, practice?" Arturo asked before both Zander and Renzyl waved off his concern and the demon put Conri in front of him.

Conri could feel his heart pound as he felt the strong rubber hands of the dragon behind him, Renzyl's powerful words ringing in his ears as he recapped for him what to do. After he took a deep breath he nodded and looked up at the Siberian Tiger, who just smiled and waved at him. He began to pull at the power that was imbued in his collar, feeling his entire body tingle as his vision became tinted with red. As he looked at the other male once again he began to feel things that he knew weren't his own, instead he had managed to tap into the emotions and thoughts of the Siberian Tiger across from him.

"So Arturo," Conri said, trying to mimic the seductive tone of the demon. "I can see already that you are very eager to be here already. Tell me, why is it that you wanted to see Lord Renzyl in the first place? Was it the seduction of power that is promised to all those that fall into line, or do you just really like seeing muscle-bound males completely covered in rubber?"

When the Siberian Tiger looked at him in confusion Conri could sense that Arturo wasn't quite picking up on his vibe, which caused him to frown slightly while Renzyl stepped forward. "Not bad for your first attempt," Renzyl stated as he walked over and patted Arturo on the head. "Remember that a creature's emotions are like a river, it's easy to know the direction its flowing but there are all these subtle eddies and current beneath. You manipulate those and you can change the whole course of the river itself. So tell me Arturo, and watch closely Conri, what would you plan to do if you actually got those powers you so adamantly want?"

Conri watched carefully as Arturo began to describe how he would use those powers, listing the usual stuff like flying and becoming invisible as he ran through the whole gambit of possible abilities that he could gain. When Renzyl asked why he lusted for so much power the panther noticed that at the word lust Arturo's thoughts on power shifted slightly, a strand of corruption linked the two ideas together as the Siberian Tiger shifted slightly in place from the arousal of it while he explained how much more awesome things are with power. He began to see pictures in his mind's eye, thoughts of superheroes saving the day as they flew around in their costumes. Another twitch, another psychic twinge and Conri had to stifle a chuckle as those heroes bulged out lewdly as their spandex outfits turned to rubber that would have been deemed indecent to wear in public.

"Why don't you take it over from here," Renzyl mused as he stepped back once more. "Now that you see what I mean I think you'll find it far easier, and don't be afraid to use the touch techniques that I had discussed." Conri nodded and walked over to the other male, this time drawing more on the demon's power. He could tell Arturo had become very aroused from the earlier sessions with the rubber dragon as he moved in and gently caressed the tiger's shoulder with one hand and the small of his back with the other.

The panther could feel the other feline quiver slightly at his touch as he once more got into the role of the corruptor. "I can certainly see why would want to be like them so badly," Conri whispered, still keyed in to Arturo's fantasy of being a superhero as he took a strand of Renzyl's power and made another connection. "Saving the day, having the males that you rescued fawn over your powerful body after you've rescued them."

Though he could sense a twinge of resistance at the thought of it being males it didn't take much for Arturo to begin to entertain the thought. Conri continued to push him down that path, watching as the fantasy turned to the Siberian Tiger clad in a rubber outfit with a crowd of people cheering him on. Just as the panther touched his butt he tweaked the mental image again so that he was surrounded by males who groped at his rubber costume while the tiger felt real pleasure come from it. "Good work, now bring that fantasy into reality and loop the origin of his arousal to me," Renzyl instructed as Arturo's pants began to strain at the crotch.

Conri thought about it for a second as he brought a paw to Arturo's crotch, thinking about how he was going to perform such a task. Then he realized that it was rather straightforward and with the help of the demonic essence waved the fantasy away from Arturo's mind's eye and whispered into his ear that he hadn't gotten his power yet. He told the enthralled tiger that it would be rather simple for him to get them though, all he would need is a source for his power, a power fueled by the adoration and lust of those that he protected. He turned the tiger's thoughts to Renzyl, a creature whose power he already had a taste of and that could bring the males he so desired to him. The tiger took to the thoughts easily, by the time Conri had finished the other feline had already taken off his pants and let his erection spring free.

"I do believe you've taken this as far as you can go in your current state," Renzyl interjected as he looped an arm around the tiger, who looked at the rubber dragon with pure longing in his eyes. "I would hate for you to not harvest the fruits of your labor though, so why don't we get you involved in our new friend's conversion. Arturo, as you know most superheroes work in teams while others happen to involve pairs, correct? Well while you draw your new powers from me you're going to give some to your partner Conri so he can be someone to help you sustain the level of arousal you need to operate at peak efficiency."

"I... I understand," Arturo slurred slightly as he looked over at Conri. "Thank you Renzyl."

"Come now," Renzyl chided as he placed a hand on Arturo's head. "I do believe that patron who so willingly gives you a measure of his power to you in exchange for your service to him is deserving of a far more regal title. Why don't you try that again?"

"Thank you... Master Renzyl..." the tiger corrected with a blush.

"Much better," Renzyl said before he turned to the panther. "Why don't you go ahead and give him his powers, I'll let you be the conduit for which he receives them and it will also double as the next phase of our training for how to use my abilities. We'll move it over to one of the garden cabanas for some privacy, we wouldn't want our new hero to be unmasked in front of all his future adoring fans."

The three walked over towards a small stone platform that had a large pile of pillows and a curtain that ran around the perimeter for privacy. As soon as the males were inside Renzyl closed the shades while Conri pushed Arturo to the pile of pillows. By the time they had reached there the tiger had shed the rest of his clothes and laid there in a lustful daze, one of his hands drifting towards his erect length as he looked up to both Conri and Renzyl with longing. The panther smiled down at him before he pounced on top of him and met their muzzles in a deep kiss, the horniness that had been building in Conri since he had started to impersonate the demon coming to bear inside him.

The Siberian Tiger gave easily to his demands, turning over and laying his stomach down in the pile of pillows with his rear in the air. Before he had a chance to move on the open invitation however he suddenly felt a hand stop him and turn him around. "Did you forget already?" Renzyl smirked as his hands massaged against Conri's groin. "If you're going to be the proper conduit to transform him then you'll need me to give you the 'tools' for your success."

Conri squirmed in the demon's grasp as he felt something coat slither and coat his groin, his entire maleness covered with shiny black leather. As it continued to spread the latex turned a light blue similar to his own fur as he felt the rubber corruption seep into his sack. Once the demon had finished transforming him the panther gave the new latex cock between his legs an experimental squeeze and his body jolted as he began to pant from pleasure from a mere brush against it. It brought his previous lust back to the forefront of his mind, and the second his gaze went back down to the sprawled out tiger he slid his body over his striped back.

"Now begins the next phase of your training," Renzyl instructed softly as Conri began to slide his new rubber shaft between the moaning tiger's cheeks. "As my rubber continues to seep into his body I can use what I gleaned from my initial conversation with him to see what form would suit him best, since if it's something he likes then he'll be less likely to reject the changes. Now I want you to think back and find anything he was particularly adamant about either mentally or during your conversation while you bring him to the height of pleasure, and then use that to your advantage when you fill him with your... enhanced fluids."

By the time the rubber dragon had finished his instruction both felines had let out a grunt as Conri pushed the head of his maleness underneath the tiger's tail. He could feel Arturo's own lust building, and when he looked in on his thoughts he could see that his superhero fantasy had been significantly altered. Now the rubber-suited heroes had taken their rescues back to their secret lair for a repayment of their services. The males had decided they would use their bodies to do so, and in the middle of their throes of passion asked to be covered in rubber also. At first Conri couldn't tell which form would best suit the male, but as he could still feel every inch of his cock slide against the warm walls of the feline's tailhole he saw a tiger like Arturo fawning over one hero in particular that caused him to smile.

Almost immediately after he made his revelation Conri could feel the pleasure in his entire body change, the demonic power shifting as it began to react with the rubber that had already leaked inside the tiger's hole. The panther was surprised at the intense nature of the lustful sensations he felt as the goo continued to assimilate the feline flesh beneath him, seeing it already begin to leak out and spread over Arturo's rear in a uniform black scale pattern until stripes of bright orange appeared.

"Keeping the pattern I see," Renzyl commented with a grin as the panther began to push his new cock inside the moaning male even deeper. "You certainly get points for style, now make sure that Arturo fully equates his new body with pure pleasure."

Conri didn't have to be told twice as his hands roamed over Arturo's back and slid up underneath to his chest. As the tiger's cock throbbed against the pillows the pre that dribbled onto the fabric began to turn dark, then black as it transferred itself to the maleness that slid back and forth. The rubber that cascaded from his tailhole and his cock covered his furry legs like someone had poured the liquid rubber over it, and Conri had to shift his position as the two appendages were drawn to one another until Arturo's latex legs pressed against each other. As soon as the inner thighs touched one another the synthetic material knit together and engulfed his feet and toes until there was nothing left but a long, serpentine body with more stripes running down each side.

As the panther increased his intensity Renzyl decided to speed the process along and positioned himself at the tiger's head, who panted so hard from the deep thrusts of the feline behind him he hardly noticed what was happening until his muzzle was filled to the brim with more rubber cock. Almost instantly the tiger shifted from surprise to pleasure as he bobbed his head up and down as best he could to the rhythm of Conri behind him, his face flattening and turning serpentine. His tongue grew long and forked as it wrapped itself around the demon's member, the grunts of the transforming feline turned to low hisses as the latex reached his eyes and they became red with shining black slits.

Conri was nearly floored when he felt his rubber cock twitch before he fired several jets of thick latex seed into the new rubber naga, whose clawed hands were against Renzyl's hips as he swallowed down several thick jets that came from the rubber dragon as well. By the time all three males were finished they laid there breathing heavily for a while before Conri finally pulled out of the twitching hole. His eyes widened when there was far more rubber cock that came out then what he put in, the spire of transformed flesh now longer then he had ever seen and adorned with ridges that caused him to shudder each time he popped one out.

"Well I did say it was my power after all, can't expect to not have a few changes to come with it," Renzyl explained before he poked out his head and instructed one of the servants to get them some lunch. Conri hadn't realized how much time they had spent already just training in the demonic abilites before he actually used it on someone. When the food finally came Conri asked Arturo if he wanted something too, but the still lust-stricken male just laid there on the pillows with the occasional gurgle. They decided he was fine and ate rather quickly, Renzyl giving him pointers on what he did well and what he could use more work on before he tried a conquest of his own while the panther soaked up as much of the knowledge as he could.

"Alright, I think you're ready to go solo for our fox friend," Renzyl said once they had finished their light lunch and walked out of the cabana, which left the dazed, tiger-striped naga sprawled out on the pillows. "This time I won't help you out, but I think you'll be fine. Just remember everything that I taught you today and if all else fails let the power help guide your actions, and now that you're going to transform him in your own body there'll likely be a shift in what form feels right to give him, so don't worry about following the reptile pattern. Now I see that Zander has already brought Liam out to meet us so let's get you two together and off to somewhere private in order to get things started."

Conri nodded and looked over at Zander and Liam, watching as the fox continued to look down at the ground nervously as they walked over to them. Once they informed Zander this his presence was no longer needed Renzyl took Liam and led the two males into a large sun room. The panther noted that it was rather hard to see in, but as soon as the three walked inside the surrounding courtyard was crystal clear looking out. Liam and Conri both sat down on a sun chair that was flanked by a table with two glasses of lemonade, which the panther eagerly drank from one as Renzyl told them to have fun before he left them both alone and closed the door behind him.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, both of them drinking from their glasses, Liam finally spoke up. "So... what happens to me now?" he asked, which caused the panther to almost stop mid-swallow and look at him. "You're obviously one of them, even if only one part of you is rubber." Conri followed the fox's gaze down to his groin, which had become hard once again despite the lack of stimulation. "Are you going to turn me into some sort of weird sex slave?"

"What? No!" Conri shot back before he felt a twinge of potential embarrassment, especially if this creature happened to be a huge sub and liked being dominated then he very well could turn into a sex slave. "I mean, Zander picked you up from your world for a reason. For Arturo it was... abundantly clear what he wanted, I'm just kind of curious on why he picked you too."

As Liam looked away again Conri felt the familiar tingle of power around his neck and he realized that he felt something strongly transmit from the fox. It wasn't anger, or sadness, or even fear, it was... regret? Loneliness? Something about the vulpine was pinging on his radar, and he knew he had to dig deeper in order to get at it. If was something he could use... the corners of the panther's mouth perked up into a grin as he slowly stood up.

"You know, I think you and I are a lot alike," Conri mused as he poured himself another glass of lemonade while he kept a sharp eye on Liam. "We both feel like we've been abandoned by the world." the panther shook his head slightly as he immediately felt that he was going down the wrong path and switched gears. "It's a lot easier to just do things yourself, not have to worry about someone else." This new concept was much warmer, but still not quite right as the panther licked his lips. "Of course such a thing isn't always ideal, especially when we push people away because it's hard to talk to them because of our shyness."

Bingo. Conri immediately felt the reaction to his words like a lightbulb going off, as well as he caught it in the face of the fox when he looked up at him. "You know what they say about still waters running deep though," The panther cooed as he sat down next to the fox, not even noticing that he had made his words become sweeter or that he had closed the distance between them. "I mean, I bet you would be the life of the party if you didn't have such anxiety about saying or doing something wrong."

Liam looked down once more, and even though Conri felt like he had been going down the right path he wondered if he had said something wrong to offend the fox as the other male bit his lip. "I can't help it if I feel so awkward," the arctic fox finally admitted, which caused the panther to grin even more as he reached up and touched the other male's shoulders. To his relief the vulpine didn't so much as twitch, but Conri did as he felt his member throb hard. The rubber that had stayed content just being around the feline's groin had started to spread outward as he continued to rub Liam's shoulders and began to peak into the fantasies that he had started to conjure with his words.

"There's no reason to be ashamed of feeling such a thing," Conri reassured as he saw Liam sitting at some house party, watching as some jocks were in the center of the room being rowdy and drawing the attention of the rest of the crowd. "You have it tough being a smart, witty fox that is aware of himself. Those jocks that you envy so much wouldn't be embarrassed if you pulled their pants down, in fact they would probably laugh it off and wiggle their naked hips around to the amusement of their captive audience."

To Conri's surprise he watched as one of the jocks in Liam's fantasy pulled down the pants of another, which only prompted the exposed male to flash the others before he punched the guy and pulled them back up. The panther made sure to connect the image to a positive lust, not only to ease the vulpine up more but to increase his arousal towards males. Though Conri appeared to be right about Liam's emotions there was still something that seemed off that caused his prey to resist against the warm sea of pleasure that he was dragging him down into. He let the power flow through him more freely, which caused the rubber between his legs to surge outwards unnoticed as he tried to find the key to unlock the fox's psyche. It was then that he saw it, a brief glance and a millisecond of emotion that allowed Conri to figure out what Liam truly wanted more than anything else.

"You don't want just to be in the spotlight," Conri corrected himself as his grin turned into a full-blown smirk, his eyes beginning to glow blue as his hands moved around to massage the fox's chest. "You want to be that spotlight, the one that can usher the attention of the room with a few words from your voice. It's not enough for you to be some jock on the team, you want to be the quarterback, the king of the jungle so to speak."

Those last words were like a light switch flicking on in Liam's head as he let out a loud moan, the fantasy shifting to show him in the middle of the room of party guests with a college varsity jacket on. "Yes... yes I want to be the center of attention," the fox groaned as all his previous insecurities evaporated under the panther's touch. "I want everyone within ear shot to pay attention to me, to respect me... I want to be a leader, but a leader that captivates people with my words and looks rather than violence or fear."

"Such pride you have," Conri quipped, his tongue turning a shiny blue as it licked up the enthralled male's ear. "I think I have just the trick to get you everything you desire, all you have to do is one little thing for me." The fox's ears perked up as his back was pressed against Conri's chest, which had begun to fill with muscle as he arched back to nuzzle the male behind him. "You just have to pledge yourself to me, to serve me with your new body and you can have anyone and everyone so entranced by you that you wouldn't know what to do with yourself."

It took less than a minute for the fox to agree and Conri had to squeeze his arms around Liam as a wave of pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt before washed over him. At first he thought he had just came, but when he looked down towards his crotch he found an even bigger surprise. The rubber had spread like wildfire over his body, coating his legs all the way down to his knees and up his stomach which was now a solid eight-pack of pure muscle. When he brought his hands up to his face he found more latex up there too and his blunt feline muzzle had begun to push out into a familiar shape as the fox turned and asked if anything was wrong.

As soon as Conri saw that open maw, even slightly, he reached his arm around and brought the fox in for a deep kiss. As their muzzles met the rubber that had covered his nose transferred to Liam, which quickly begun to spread outwards as their tongues twined around one another. Conri's grew longer and filled the vulpine's muzzle up even more, though as they continued to make out the long, angular vulpine nose seemed to shrink slightly and grow boxy until it looked a lot like the feline muzzle that Conri had just lost. Just as the transforming panther had begun to take off Liam's shirt he was surprised when the other male whipped around and pushed him back on the sun chair.

"Who says you get to run this show?" Liam asked, his deeper voice oozing with confidence as his new muzzle was turned up into a confident smile before he pulled off his shirt. The rubber continued to roll off his fur and coat each individual strand as the coloration turned from red to white, save for his hair which turned a bright blue as it began to lengthen. By the time Liam straddled Conri by the waist he had a full, lush latex mane that he smoothed back, showing off the chiseled physique that grew underneath the layer of rubber. As the former panther looked at himself though he realized he had the latex lion beat in terms of muscle mass, where Liam had gained muscles that most athletes would kill for Conri had swelled out past that into bodybuilder territory. They were a lot like Renzyl's muscles... and as he overpowered his lust haze enough to look at himself he realized his tail had grown thick and heavy with reptilian muscle and two curled horns continued to grow out of his skull.

Conri's investigation was short-lived though as the arctic lion pushed his new thicker butt down against the rubber dragon's dong, which caused him to dig his fingers into the wood of the sun chair as Liam let out a gasp of pleasure. As he continued to let gravity slide the other male down to impale his tailhole on him he couldn't help but stare at how good the lion looked now. The lanky fox had gained several inches of height in order to fill out his Adonis-like form, which he wasn't afraid to flex and show off for Conri's pleasure as his thick cock bounced between their hard abs. Any trace of shyness or insecurity was gone, the only thing left in Liam now was confidence and lust as the horny males began to go at it.

As Conri began to thrust upwards to match the other male's intensity he did take a second to look at a nearby mirror. There in the reflection he saw a white latex lion on top of a creature he could have easily mistaken for Renzyl, though as he felt the tail switch and mouth move he knew it was his own body that he saw. It appeared that the demon dragon hadn't merely given him his power, he mused as he grabbed Liam by the waist and spun him around while completely hilted and flipped him onto the chair, he had given him his body as well. Rubber wings flapped behind him as he couldn't help but watch himself in the mirror as he spread the synthetic feline open. Conri's smile grew wider as he knew if he looked like Renzyl, he may as well act like him too...


Two hours later Conri laid on top of the lion, both their bodies completely spent as they panted heavily against one another. Ever since their transformation they found themselves with boundless energy to exert their lusts on one another, but even their new vulcanized bodies seemed to have limits as they hardly had the energy to move, much less go another round. As they continued to lay there in the pool of their own fluids and a bit of lemonade they had spilled around their third coupling the door opened, their eyes looked up to see a smiling demon with a tiger-striped naga coiled around him.

"Looks like you two had a good time," Renzyl observed as he and Arturo went over and helped the other two males shakily to their feet. "I see that you have grasped my power quite well Conri, you have made a creature worthy of being in any piece of art."

"He means that literally," Conri grinned as he looked at Liam's confused face. "And what about me?"

"A fantastically sexy beast if I do say so myself," Renzyl mused as he ran a paw down the identical set of muscles that were on his own body. "I daresay if it wasn't time to get going I would have a run at you myself."

"Mmmm, a bit narcissistic don't you think?" Conri joked as the two demon dragons felt each other up. "I think I might like that."

"In any case," Renzyl said with a smirk. "I would like to take the three of you on a tour of the estate, followed by dinner in our dear guest's room followed by a bit of an after party to welcome our newest converts properly. Of course we don't want to keep up Conri too late, I would hate for him to be tired for his last day here..."

Eight Days at Renzyl's: Day Six

Conri awoke the next morning and attempted to get out his bed as usual, only to have himself nearly fall off it onto his face. As the last dregs of sleep quickly left his body and mind he figured out why; somehow during the night he had been fitted...

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Eight Days at Renzyl's: Day Five

Conri opened his eyes and tried to look around as he felt the warmth of the sun against his body, only to find his body still completely stiff and with the appearance of a displacer beast. The gemstone on his body looked different however, it was...

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Eight Days at Renzyl's: Day Four

Conri awoke and expected to find himself in the cool air and on the fresh grass of the garden that he had been rooted too for most of the night, but instead found himself on top of the latex sheets of the bed. A cursory glance over himself revealed...

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