Those Forgotten VI: Bite Me

Story by The Copilot on SoFurry

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#6 of Those Forgotten

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Those Forgotten - Bite Me


Notes: This is the 6th installment of 'Those Forgotten,' it finally has more yiff scenes in it, yes! There's only 2 more chapters you guys! You will not expect how this story is going to end! Ugh! I mustn't ruin it for you, but there are some good clues in here as well, but don't ruin it for everyone. Oh, there's a bit of humor in here too, just because I was feeling kinda silly, enjoy.

ps. I got to see the band, "Train," Live back on Sep. 21st at La Zona Rosa, it was awesome and it got me to finish this up. And yes, they played Shaun's song... it was epic.

I have two characters on lone from Warrior Scribe, one being the newly named dead hunter, John. The other is Pual (Jean-Paul)

All else is Copyright of "The Copilot"

Edited by Warrior Scribe

All Feedback will be appreciated.

*Note to those looking for pawing material, it's all at the end... just wanted to save you the trouble of finding it... you're welcome.


(Chapter Six)

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The night had come and gone and now the group stood outside the hanger, eyes shielded as the polished skin of the plane gleamed in the early morning dawn. They were waiting for Luke, the owner of the beautiful craft, as he was closing his hanger and locking everything down. When he finally came back to the group, he was wearing a weathered brown flight jacket, wool lining spilling out the collar. In one hand, he carried a matching flight cap, complete with goggles and slots to accommodate his ears for the private flights where he was able to enjoy his true form. In the other, he had a suit case.

"Ready to go?" Luke asked.

"Aye Captain," Shaun said with a mock salute.

"Alright-y then, lets head out."


The Flight to Trinity Valley was short and uneventful, as promised, and Luke's old plane took the punishing landing with grace. Luke taxied and stopped his plane in a little area next to a covered vehicle. When they disembarked the plane, they found a plastic bag containing a letter and car keys inside. Apparently, John had arranged for them to have transportation but when they didn't show, the group that was waiting for them just left the vehicle behind with a note and directions.

They were instructed to drive through the nearest town, take a right at the only stoplight, and head into the mountains. Half an hour down the winding road they made a left, as directed by the little piece of paper, that led them down an even more convoluted dirt road that, at times, became so narrow that the pine trees to either side of their path started to scrape their way across the car. Thankfully, they didn't have to travel too much further as the road ended in a small deforested area. It was there that both Oren and Luke elected to take up the promise of safety in that area and change into their 'were' forms, Oren of course having to put some shorts and a shirt on.

When Shaun climbed out of the car, he felt the hair on the back of his neck start to rise, it felt like there were eyes looking at him but he couldn't see where. Luke agreed with him and suggested that both Oren and Christine step back into the car. Christine agreed with Luke and stepped back into the car with him but Oren, however, refused to leave Shaun's side and walked up behind him.

Oren stood behind his boyfriend, his ears erect and alert atop his head as he too scanned the clearing with Shaun, not with his eyes, but his keen sense of hearing. There was a small rustle a few meters to the right and Oren's body tensed, ready to grab Shaun and run him to the car should anything happen. Oren's head darted in the direction of the rustle along with Shaun's as an enormous black wolf took two steps into the clearing.

The wolf's eyes met with Oren's and instinctively the dogs eyes moved to the ground. Oren felt fear well up in his chest as he froze there behind Shaun, panic starting to set in as his breathing grew shallow. This wolf was an Alpha and with one gaze, he had paralyzed Oren into submission. When the wolf's eyes met Shaun's however, he found resistance. This made the wolf growl menacingly, more out of annoyance than anger.

Shaun's chest went cold as he locked eyes with that wolf. Everything inside of the human was screaming for him to run away, his flight instincts kicking into overdrive. When Shaun's thoughts wondered over Oren though, his mindset shifted as his brow wiggled in worry, then a scowl as he stared down the threatening wolf.

'I have to be strong, I have to protect Oren.'

The Alpha watched the change in the human as his eyes shifted from fear to an icy cold defiance. This made the Alpha's blood boil, he had not met someone with such a will in many a year. The Alpha took a long stride forward to try and break this humans resolve, snarling at the man, but he refused to move. All the Alpha succeeded in doing was making the dog that stood behind the man shiver and cringe. The Alpha took another step forward and growled out to the man.

"Know your place human!"

"My place is here, protecting my mate!" Shaun answered back, his voice flat and icy cold.

Oren stopped tugging on Shaun's coat hearing this. He had been whimpering the whole time but what Shaun said stopped him cold and filled him with joy. Shaun had openly referred to him as his mate for the first time and Oren couldn't have been happier.

The Alpha's gaze softened just a little in shock of this comment. The man in front of him carried no signs of the mark yet he carried himself like a true Alpha. In the face of danger, the man had put himself between what he deemed to be a threat and his loved ones.

"We were promised protection here but I see now that we are not welcome, we will go."

"Their protection here is guaranteed , but yours is not. Tell me, how does you gaze burns like a true Alpha , young human, when you carry not the mark?"

"What? I... an Alpha, me?"

"And why do you choose to have a human as a mate little dog?"

"He... he saved me."

"Interesting... very interesting. Human, is this true?" The black wolf asked, his head tilting but still maintaining his stare.

"Yes, I saved him... and he saved me."

"If you have truly saved a mark one, you have earned your place amongst us but you must break your stare as I cannot let a challenge go unanswered," The Alpha wolf said in a much friendlier tone.

Shaun blinked and diverted his gaze, relaxing as the wolf too calmed down. He turned around and hugged Oren to him as the wolf walked over, waving the rest of the group from the car. The Alpha introduced himself as Cane, the leader of the Black Claw Pack. The land they now stood on had passed from Alpha to Alpha throughout the centuries and it was a safe haven for all marked. Cane then explained that when they did not arrive on time the day before, he believed something bad to have occurred.

"That's why I was so curt, my apologies. I must say, I have not met someone who challenged my gaze like yourself in a long time," Cane said.

"I apologize, I was just trying to protect Oren," Shaun said.

"Ah, very noble of you, though very foolish. As I said, he's protected here and if what you said is true, you've earned my protection too. Knowingly saving a marked one is a tremendous undertaking and a story that I hope you will share with me and my pack."

"I will if you ask."

"Well, I ask but, save the story for the pack, they will be thrilled to have visitors. Now, please, I believe introductions are in order."

Cane gave a nod as everyone introduced themselves.

"It's nice to meet you all. Come now, grab you bags, we have a while yet to walk," Cane said.

The Alpha turned to look over the trees where a small cloud of smoke was rising. He pulled aside some bushes and revealed a long path through the trees in the direction of the camp and ushered them along.


Shaun walked with Oren, holding his hand and smiling as the Alpha led them down the path to his camp. Shaun could see Oren was watching him out of the corner of his eye and was smiling like a fool, but he couldn't understand why Oren was so happy. Shaun had never seen the large dog smile so much and was happy to see his eyes bright with joy, but he wanted to know why.

"Well your awfully giddy," Shaun said, squeezing Oren's hand. He was trying to subtly root out why Oren was so happy. What he got was a vigorous nod and a tight hug before Oren licked at Shaun's ear, whispering, "back there, you called me your mate."

Shaun had to smile too, he had called Oren his mate. It had been so instinctual, so natural, and yet it again humbled Shaun to again see something so small make the dog so happy. Oren and Shaun were so preoccupied with each other that they failed to notice that back in the rear of the group, Luke and Christine were conversing quietly about them.

"Did you see what he did in the clearing? I've never seen that before!" Christine whispered.

"I know, that was pretty brave," Luke said in a distracted tone.

"Yeah, I think so. He must really love Oren to be willing to do that, that dog is really changing him, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I do."

"I almost think he doesn't need you."

"Don't!" Luke whispered loudly as he stopped, "Don't say that."

"Look at those two, Luke. They're happy for once and they'll both be moving on soon and you haven't said but a few words to the guy. It's all that dog!"

"I know, that's what worries me."


The path through the forest grew wider and wider as Shaun, Oren, Christine, Luke, and the Alpha wolf walked up hill until they came to where the path crested. Before them lay what looked like a Native American Camp, two lines of teepee like tents stretching from a large and oddly out of place log cabin. From there, the tents were arranged in a circle around a large bonfire that was was being poked and prodded by several wolfs. Wolf's of several different colors, as well as several different breeds of dogs, were all milling about the camp, preparing for their day. Not a single one of them was wearing anything more than a loin cloth, even the women, and no one was roaming as a human.

The group paused in amazement as the sun gently laid a beam of light down over the mountains and trees onto the camp, lighting the tents and causing them to shine a bright white. The Alpha smirked at his four guests as they stared on in awe before he too turned to look at his encampment. No matter how many times he stared down from this hilltop, it still took his breath away. A brown wolf down below spotted the group and whistled loudly as he waved to them. The Alpha waved back as several heads turned towards them before walking down the hill.

By the time they reached the entrance to the camp, more wolves had clambered out of their tents and crowded in to see their new guests. Cane stopped everyone in front of the group as the brown wolf pushed himself to the front of the pack.

"Black Claw Pack, as Alpha I welcome these 4 amongst us as guests. They have my word that they will be protected and my word is your word. I now ask that you help them feel... welcome," Cane said, smiling as he stepped aside.

The whole pack rushed towards Shaun's little group like water from a dam, eager to celebrate the arrival of their new guests. Shaun, Oren, Christine, and Luke suddenly found themselves hoisted into the air and paraded around the camp as everyone laughed and giggled with joy.

"Where's my Beta, Whistler?" Cane said, calling the brown wolf from earlier forward. "Show them to their tent's after the pack has set them down, let them have a little fun first."

"Right-o Cane, will do!" Whistler said as he gave a mock salute.

"Now, where's Natalia?" Cane asked, looking around.

"Right behind you stud muffin," whispered a sultry voice as a silver wolf wrapped her arms around her wolf. "I love it when you get all theatrical."

Cane murred and nuzzled back into the embrace, enjoying his mate's embrace. "Oh really? But, don't you want to welcome our new guests?" Cane asked, as he swayed their embrace home side to side.

"I'd rather welcome you back, up in our room maybe?"

Cane murred again before breaking the embrace and taking his female companion by the hand and dragging her towards the cabin and the stairs to the second story. Whistler just shook his head and walked back to where the new guests were being held. Whistler let out a loud whistle, grabbing everyone's attention as they silenced themselves midway through tossing Luke into the air. Resting his hands on his hips, Whistler just shook his head.

"Come one guys, I think they've had enough air time, we wouldn't want to make our guests sick," Whistler said, motioning for the pack to set everyone down.

"Awe, Whistler!" The pack shouted, too overjoyed to have guests.

"Down," Whistler said, pointing at the ground. The pack grumbled an embarrassed sorry as everyone's feet returned rather unsteadily to the ground.

"Tell you what, today everyone gets to skip their duties and help prepare a welcome meal for our guests. During dinner you can talk to them all you want."

The pack yelled and jumped for joy again as they all broke off in several teams to go prepare a large meal for their guests. Shaun, suddenly finding himself standing around an empty spot of the camp walked up to Whistler, the others following.

"So, Whistler, is it?" Shaun asked.

"That it is," Whistler answered, nodding.

"Mind if I asked you how you got that name?" Luke asked.

"Every try whistling with a muzzle?"

"No," Luke answered.

"Didn't think so. Come on, I'll lead you to your tents."


The tents were placed near the cabin and had to have been brand new as the hides had yet to be bleached white by the sun. Inside they were surprisingly spacious, being large enough to afford a small dividing wall made out of rough wood to split off a small section for changing, grooming, and the storage of spare clothes. The main room, if it could be called that, was furnished only by a large, den style bed made up of several plush furs. Overall, very simple but very comfortable.

Shaun set his bag on the ground and looked around his tent before turning to Oren.

"Cozy, huh?" Shaun asked.

"I kinda like it, it's nice and intimate," Oren answered.

"You're right, it is," Shaun said, stepping up to Oren and wrapping his arms around the Akita's waist. Shaun leaned in slowly, breathing along Oren's whiskers before meeting his muzzle in a gentle and warm kiss. Oren melted into the kiss while Shaun hooked a foot behind Oren and tipped them onto the bed. Oren broke the kiss and gasped as he and Shaun fell, his breath leaving him as he landed on the bed, Shaun on top of him. Shaun couldn't help but giggle at Oren's shock.

"Ha! Now I got you where I want you!" Shaun giggled, tapping Oren's nose.

"I can see that," Oren answered back, coyly tucking his chin to his chest. "The question is, now that you have me, what are you going to do with me?"

"I," Shaun said, pausing. "I am going to let you know how much I love you."

Oren's eyes lit up as Shaun gave him a big passionate kiss. "You are my mate, you are my lover, my boyfriend, the love of my life, and I'm so lucky to have you. I'm sorry I never told you that before, but I will from now on. I'll love you forever and always, remember that, " Shaun said, punctuating each sentence with a kiss.

"What did I do right in my life for me to end up with someone like you?" Oren whispered, his eyes tearing up.

"I've been asking myself the same question from day one," Shaun said, kissing Oren's nose. "Now come on, I think Whistler's waiting for us."

Shaun stood up and put a hand to out to help Oren up, which he gracefully accepted. When Shaun looked back to the bed, he noticed some clothing on it. Bending down and picking up one of several items, he discovered them to be loincloths fashioned from supple deers hide.

"Hey, look at this. Think we're supposed to wear them?"

"Well, everyone else is wearing one so, yeah, I guess."

"So, they expect me to let my hunky boyfriend walk around in just this... I like this place! Come on, try it on!" Shaun shouted as she started unbuttoning Oren's clothes. Off came his shirt and then his shorts followed as Shaun whipped them off and tied the loincloth at Oren's back. Standing back, Oren stood there with one hand on his arm, tail between his legs, and blushing red from wearing such a revealing garment.

"Well, how does it look?" Oren asked, slightly embarrassed.

"You look cute, you'll blend right in!" Shaun said, taking Oren's hand a dragging him outside.

"Wait! What about you?" Oren asked, stopping Shaun.

"Hun, it's like 40 degrees out. I can't walk around in one of those, I don't have fur!" Shaun said.

"But, that's not f-" Oren started before Shaun yanked him out of the tent and into the public.

Outside, Whistler was standing buy Shaun's tent watching Christine and Luke argue.

"You're not bunking with me, that's final!" Christine said through clenched teeth.

"But, why not?" Luke said, practically begging.

"Because John's driving in tonight and I'm not going to put up with two guys!"


"No!" Christine said, disappearing into her tent.

Luke just stood there, shocked that he had been so utterly rejected. For just asking to stay in the tent for a night, no-less. Luke just kicked some dirt and picked up his suitcase as he stood there, shoulders slouched in defeat. He honest didn't want to stay with Shaun and Oren, he didn't want to intrude, but most importantly, he didn't want to have to watch his Shaun with that dog. As a result, he figured staying with Christine and John would be best.

"Guess we'll have to find another place to have some fun time while we're here, huh?" Shaun said, looking at Oren.

"What?" Oren asked, shocked.

"Hey, Luke! Come one, you can stay with me and Oren. Put you're bag away." Shaun said, pushing aside the flap to his tent. Luke forced a smile and mumbled a meager thanks as he walked by and placed his bag inside, quickly returning to stand with Whistler, Oren and Shaun. Christine too left her tent and walked over, creating an awkward silence.

"So, let me show you the facilities," Whistler said, stepping around the tent and walking along the tree line back towards the cabin. Everyone assumed that was where Whistler was taking them but they nearly bowled him over as he stopped next to a hanging sign and a shovel that had a toilet paper roll around the middle.

"This is your bathroom, flip this sign over to 'in use' and walk out for about two minutes. Dig a hole, clean up, then fill it in. Just have to pee, walk out two minutes any direction and pick a tree, no one will mind."

"You're kidding, right?" Christine asked.

"No, I'm not. We're not exactly a five star hotel," Whistler replied, shaking his head.

"What if we want to shower?"

"Better ask yourself how bad you want to clean up first, but you'll find the river by taking the trail behind the cabin," Whistler answered, smiling.

"You seriously don't have hot showers?"

"Well, not anymore,"

"What do you mean, ' not any more'?" Luke asked.

"Well, the bottom half of the cabin was divided in two and made into a communal shower and kitchen, but there's a serious short somewhere and without power, there's no well pump, so no water, no water heater, and no fridge."

"So, let me get this straight. No hot water, not toilet, and no kitchen? What do you have?"

"Well, each other, that's about it."

"Well, I can deal with the toilet thing," Luke said.

"Speak for yourself!" Christine said.

"I did," Luke mumbled.

"Quit that!" Shaun shouted.

"She started--" Luke began.

"Don't!" Shaun said, putting up his hand. "Whistler, can you show us the cabin."

"Well, yeah... most of it anyways. Upstairs is Cane's quarters."

The door to the bottom of the cabin hadn't been opened in so long, Whistler had to hit it with his shoulder. Everything inside the cabin was coated in a layer of dust and it smelled rather musty, making Christine wrinkle her nose. Shaun reached for a switch and flicked it, nothing, Whistler was right.

The cabin was literally divided right down the middle by a long hallway that led to a great room off the back of the house, a massive deck stretched beyond that. Along the left side of the hallway were two doors that were marked men and woman. Opening the door to one of them, Shaun walked in to see a completely tiled room with three sinks, and three shower heads, two toilets, as well as bench running the length of the room. It looked vaguely like a locker room. Luckily, everything was spotless, minus the coating of dust that covered the whole house. The kitchen was the same way, several large, restaurant style cook tops, a large walk in fridge, and huge pots and pans. There was even an even larger sink to wash everything in.

"Well, everything looks likes it's in good condition and could easily be cleaned up. You want to show me where the breaker box is?" Shaun asked Whistler. The brown wolf nodded and led Shaun outside to the back of the house. When Shaun got there, he examined all the breakers and deciding that nothing looked the matter, he pulled the lever and sent power to the house. Lights lit up briefly before flashing out as the electrical box started throwing sparks. Shaun quickly cut the power and sighed before something came thundering down the stairs above.


Upstairs, Cane had been making love to his mate, Natalia, when all of a sudden the lights in his room came on, dim at first but quickly they grew bright white before flicking off. He stopped his thrusting as his wife pushed him up.

"What was that?" Natalia asked.

"I don't know," Cane answered back, trying to thrust again.

"Well, go check it out," Natalia said, pushing Cane off of her.

"But--" Cane said in protest.

"No buts, go. You can have me when you get back."

Cane started to mumble as he got up and strapped his loin cloth back of his raging hard on before walking to the door and contemptuously flinging it open and thundering down the stairs, ready to wring the neck of whoever who had cut his time short with his wife. By the time he reached the stairs and walked around to the back of the cabin, his length had slipped back into his sheath, but he still stunk like horny wolf. Rounding the corner, he saw his new guests, along with his Beta, staring at a smoking electrical box and waving at the smoke.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Cane called, trying his hardest not to growl.

"Alpha! I'm sorry, they asked me to show them the cabin, then they tried to turn the power back on," Whistler said, trying not to cower in front of his Alpha.

"I'm sorry Cane, Sir. I was just trying to see how bad the short was," Shaun said, stepping in front of Whistler to make a sincere apology.

"Are you an electrician?"

"Well, more like a jack of all trades."

"Do you think you could actually fix it?"

"Well, it might take me a while, but yeah. Everything short of the short is in perfect order, once we sort it out and clean out the inside, you should be able to go back to how it used to be, hot showers, running water, the works!"

"I can't afford to pay you, the pack has no money."

"Oh, you won't have to! Consider it a thank you for your protection."

"Well, if you insist--"

"I do, it's the least I can do while I'm here."

"Okay, just try to avoid doing that again."

"Yes Sir!" Shaun answered.

Cane turned and walked away and when he rounded the corner, everyone let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"Wow, you're lucky!" Whistler said.

"Why?" Shaun asked.

"No one who ever interrupts the Alpha's alone time ever gets off that easy."

"Note to self," Shaun said as he flicked off the breaker marked 'upstairs.' "Leave this one till last."

"So, how are you going to find the short?" Christine asked.

"One breaker at a time," Shaun said, staring at what had to be about 20 breakers. "Best get started, eh?"


About an hour of so of flicking breakers on and off, Shaun had narrowed the problem down to one particular switch and after switching it out with one of the other good breakers, he discovered it was the breaker itself causing the problem. After deciding that that should fix it, Shaun was able to power everything up but the central heating, which had the bad breaker. Inside the house, things hummed to life and Shaun turned the taps to purge the water lines now that the well pump had power. Sure enough, brown water poured out for a moment before the water cleared. The cabin had running water, toilets, and power all in the course of an hour.

Opening all the windows and grabbing cleaning supplies, they all set about scrubbing the house when all of a sudden, Luke yelled out from the basement.

"Hey guys, I found something!"

Shaun and Whistler rushed down stairs to see what kind of mess Luke had gotten himself into. When they found him, they could barely see him in the dust that he had stirred up.

"What, what is it?" Shaun called as both he and Whistler coughed in the dust. When Luke turned around, he was brown with dust, not an inch of his fur visible through his thorough coating.

"I found and old Jukebox! And hey look, Christmas lights... oh, paper lantern lights too!"

"What, no way, let me see!" Whistler said, moving in.

"He's right! Hey, lets get all this upstairs!"

When the three of them came up the stairs with the Jukebox, Cane was standing in the middle of the great room, turning in a circle and staring at the lights in amazement.

"Wow, you guys work quick."

"Well, we got everything but the heater, but yeah, we got lucky.

"Heater, well we don't need that, got fur."

"Yeah, lucky you," Shaun said.

Hey, what's that?" Cane asked.

"Jukebox, found it down stairs," grunted Luke as they moved the Jukebox across the room.

"Really?" asked Cane.

"Yeah, found some Christmas and lantern lights too," Luke said as he wiped the Jukebox glass clean.

"I didn't know all that was down there," Cane said.

"Well, did you ever step foot down there?" Christine asked from the kitchen, of which, she and Oren were cleaning.

"Uh, no. Good point."

"Hey, Cane. Can I ask you something. The three of us had and idea downstairs," Shaun said.

"Yeah, go ahead," Cane answered.

And so Shaun walked up and whispered it to Cane and the black wolf smiled.

"I like it, sure."

"I'll pay for everything, of course, since it's my idea," Shaun said. "Keep it on the down low though, tight lips. It will be my present to the pack."

"Whistler can go into town with you and help you get what you need."

"Go in to town, for what?" Oren asked.

"It's a surprise, I can't tell you."

"Oh, I love surprises!" Oren said, walking towards Shaun. "Especially when their from you."


Luke was having fun being near Shaun, it was like old times, he couldn't help but smile. When Cane agreed to their little idea, he couldn't stop beaming at Shaun. But then that dog walked up and kissed Shaun. His smile faded quickly and a sick feeling enveloped his stomach. Luke quickly walked to the back patio, both for fresh air and to avoid that scene. He clutched his hand over his heart and chocked back the tears as he sat there by himself, trying to not weep. Watching his Shaun and that dog had made him physically ill.

Cane followed shortly, slapping Luke on the shoulder. "Something wrong?"

"Everything is wrong! It hurts so bad to watch them, that was supposed to be me! We we're supposed to go home together," Luke whimpered. "I waited six years for him to come, then I was kept away for three by Jodi, and now that I have him near, I find that he's taken by that dog!"

"Well, not everything goes to plan. Maybe it's time to move on, he obviously has."

"I just wish I could make him remember!" Luke growled, slamming his hand down on the railing of patio.

"Think about it, he's happy, Luke. Isn't that enough?" Cane said walking away, leaving Luke to his thoughts.

'He's right, I do want him to be happy, but I want him to be happy with me, not him.' Luke pulled himself together and buried all his turmoil under a facade, forcing a smile though his tail just kinda drooped behind him.


An hour or so later everyone was sitting around the back of the cabin, erecting a temporary barrier to keep out prying eyes as they pulled more and more supplies from the basement. Finally, after several hours it was decided that it was time to take a break. Now, Christine, Shaun, Oren, Luke, and Whistler sat around a table, chatting and snacking. Suddenly, there was a loud crack that echoed through the trees, making Luke's ears perk at the sound, his head swiveling quickly in the direction it had come from. Both he and Shaun stood up, Shaun's head also swiveling in the direction that Luke was looking before he looked at Luke.

"Did you hear that?" They both asked each other in unison before both nodding.

"Oh that's just the hunting party, they went to find dinner," Whistler assured them, but Luke still stood tensed, his ear twitching just a bit.

"No, it's something else. It almost sounded like someone yelping."

"I can't hear it," Whistler said, shaking his head.

"Neither can I," Shaun admitted.

"It's probably just what ever they're hunting, it's no big deal," Whistler said, growing unsure by the moment.

"No, something's wrong. I can just feel it in my stomach," Luke said, turning to meet Shaun's gaze.

Shaun felt a sick feeling well up in his stomach as the hairs on the back of his neck rose once again, Luke was right. Shaun could visibly see Luke tense up as he once again looked in the direction of the gunshot before bolting in that direction, sprinting towards that sound, Shaun was hot on his heals.

"Wait! Where are you going! You can't just run out there you guys! Guys!" Whistler yelled as they ran off.

Luke and Shaun both dove into the forest at an all out sprint, but Shaun was not a werewolf like Luke and he quickly lost his breath, falling gradually behind as the forest grew thicker. They both leaped over fallen logs and thundered through the underbrush. The whole time, they were traveling so fast that the tree's around them tried to claw at them, almost as punishment for moving past them so fast. Luke was safe behind his thick fur but Shaun, on the other hand, had nothing to protect him from the ferocious trees and they constantly stung his skin, whipping, dragging, and pulling red furrows across both his face and the arms he threw out in front of him in an attempt to save his face.

Suddenly, Luke stopped and Shaun ran out into a small clearing where a man was standing over a small red fox. The Fox was unconscious and looked to have hit his head as he lay sprawled out on his back, rope around his feet. When Shaun looked at the other occupant of the clearing, he saw the mirror image of the very man that tried to kill him in the hospital, the hunter. In that split second realization, Shaun charged the man, running so fast that he was kicking up tufts of soil as he hurtled towards him. The man looked up at him in surprise, reaching for the riffle slung over his back, but Shaun's shoulder connected with his chest before be could complete the movement, knocking the man on the ground and the rifle into the air before it too hit the ground, just like it's master. The man struggled below Shaun who was pinning him down, Luke quickly running to pick up the riffle and pointing it at the man.

"You, you're the hunter that tried to kill me! But I killed you!" Shaun seethed through clenched teeth.

"You what!" the man gasped out.

"I killed you after you tried to shoot us all in the hospital, how did you survive!" Shaun demanded.

At that moment, Whistler and several other wolfs burst into the clearing, huffing and puffing.

"Shaun, what are you doing on top of our tracker?" Whistler asked.

"He's a hunter!" Shaun shouted, keeping the man pinned as he renewed his struggle.

"Yes, we know he's a hunter... he's out here to fetch us a deer."

"No, I mean he hunts marked ones! He shot me and Christine last week, he's the whole reason we're here! Look, he shot that fox too!"

"Valentine!" Whistler shouted before running over to the fallen fox. Gently turning over the fox, Whistler looked him over.

"Is he dead?" Shaun asked.

"No, but he hit his head pretty good. Paul, what happened?"

"I had a buck in my sights and when I fired, I heard Val yelp. He got spooked and tripped his own trap and when it pulled him up, he hit his head!"

"You're a hunter, you're lying!" Shaun shouted.

Just then Cane, Oren, Christine and Natalia rushed from the trees.

"Shaun! What are you doing to that man? Luke, put the gun down!" Christine shouted as she ran up and over to Shaun. "Oh my god, is he all right?" Christine said, running over to the fallen fox.

"Yeah, just a bump on the head. Why? You a doctor?" Whistler asked.

"Well, I'm a vet but it's close," Christine said as she prodded the fallen fox for reactions. Meanwhile, Shaun was raving on.

"It's him Christine, the hunter that shot us. He's alive, it's him!" Shaun shouted.

"Shaun, it's not him, it can't be. You killed the hunter already," Christine said while looking over the fox.

"It's him Christine! I know it is, he even has the same scar!" Shaun shouted. As he did, Paul stopped struggling underneath Shaun.

"Did you say scar?" Paul whispered viciously.

"Yeah, I did."

"Did he have scar over his left eye?" Paul asked, fingering the scar over his right eye.

"Shaun, look at him. He has hair, you can't grow a head of hear in a week," Christine said, trying to get Shaun up and off of the man.

Shaun looked back down at the man he had pinned underneath him and studied his face. Christine was right, this man wasn't the hunter. He was similar in every way that he was different, the little things gave him away. Why Shaun didn't see it before, he had no clue but, looking now, he noticed that it was literally a mirror image, the same but opposite as the scar was on the wrong side. This man had a full head of grey hair as well so Shaun released him and stood up quickly, backing away and next to Luke, who still had the riffle.

"He's not your man, Shaun," Christine said.

"No, he's not. Paul, tell them," Cane said calmly.

"My brother, John, is... was a hunter. He's the one that attacked you, he's the one that you killed, not me. He gave me this scar, I returned the favor. Forever marked by the marked one he betrayed, his own brother!"

"Luke, I don't like you pointing that gun at one of my pack," Cane warned.

Luke slung the riffle over his shoulder, hoping not to anger Cane.

"Shaun, Paul, come with me. It's time we talk," Cane said as Paul picked himself up. "Whistler, can you carry Valentine back to his tent?"

"I'll do it," Luke volunteered.

"Excuse me?" Cane asked.

"I'll take him back to his tent, that way Whistler can get Paul's deer," Luke said, looking at the brown wolf who was now scowling at him.

"Good plan, Whistler?" Cane asked with a raised brow.

Whistler's shoulders slumped as he trudged off to find the deer, mumbling under his breath about having to 'do all the dirty work.' Cane smirked at the sound. A wolf snickered at Whistler as he walked but and the brown wolf stopped, grabbing the other wolfs chest fur and pulling him along.

"You're gonna laugh, you get to help!" Whistler growled as he hauled the other wolf down the hill.

"Natalia, could you show Luke where Valentine's tent is," Cane asked his wife, she nodded yes and went over to help Luke and Christine take the fox back to the camp site.

"Come, let's take a walk," Cane said.


Shaun, Cane, and Paul walked a good ten minutes before Cane spoke up, asking Paul how he felt.

"He just told me my brother is dead, how do you think I would feel," Paul retorted.

"Look, I'm sorry. I--" Shaun began as they walked along, but Paul stopped walking and gave Shaun a side long glance as he looked up at the trees.

"Had every reason to kill him, and I understand that. But you have to know, that's not who he was. He was a brother first, and a hunter second. Even though he may have betrayed me, I still loved him and somewhere under all that shit that those hunters crammed into his head, he loved me too. He gave me a day's head start when I told him what I was, the first time he found me, he still couldn't do it. I understand though, you had to do what you had to do."

When Paul finished talking, he started walking again, leaving Shaun and Cane staring at him as he walked off.

"Nice talk," Cane said, wrapping his arm around Shaun and leading him silent back to camp.


Luke watched Shaun leave with Cane and Paul before he walked over to help Christine with Valentine. Luke paused briefly to look over the fox, finally being up close, and was stunned. Though the fox was obviously male, Luke could only describe him as being... pretty. Val was everything a fox was in comparison to the wolves and dogs around him, small, red, and thin. From his paws to about midway up his calf, his fur was black, as well was his arms, up to his elbows, and his ears. From the bottom of his muzzle to his groin, his fur was white and his tail was rather bushy, probably as a result of being startled by Paul and then setting off his own hunting trap.

Even though he was unconscious, the fox managed to look cunning, as if he was always planning something and scowling, ever so slightly, in concentration. Valentine was wearing the typical garment of the Black Claw Pack, a loin cloth, and it left very few things to the imagination and being that Valentine was so bare, his name sake became immediately apparent to Luke. Resting over the fox's heart was a patch of fur that differed from his normal chest fur as it was a pink heart that was the start of many of such hearts that traveled all the way up the side of his white neck before terminating behind his left ear. In Luke's eyes, it made the fox look a little feminine, but in a stylish way.

Reaching down, Luke gently took the fox's lithe little frame into his arms, rolling that limp head to rest on his chest so the fox would not look dead, but rather cutely asleep. Christine had to grab Val's arms and move them so they didn't hang limply at his sides. Sitting in his arms, lips now tugged in a small vulpine smile that hadn't been there moments before Luke picked Valentine up, the scowl seemed to lessen as the fox's arm's wrapped themselves gingerly against Luke and he sighed contently. The young fox looked so content to be in Luke's arms, so happy, innocent and pure, Luke didn't want to look away. This fox had captured him and his tail gave a wag.

Tearing his eyes away from the fox, Luke looked up to see Christine smiling at him knowingly like a Cheshire cat before she and Natalia both led the way though the forest back to the camp. Luke took brief notice of Oren, the Akita that he both loathed and envied, looking around like he was lost as to what he was supposed to do.

'Oh well, he gets what he deserves.' Luke thought as he left the dog standing there all by himself, looking unsure of what to do. Just then, Luke's memory played Cane's voice in his mind, 'Don't you want Shaun to be happy?' Luke looked at Valentine, taking in the fox's innocence and contentedness and allowed his conscience got the better of him.

_'Don't you want to make Shaun happy?' Luke said to himself.

'Yes, yes I do,' he replied.

'Do you think he'd be happy that Oren was left all alone because you ignored what was right in your want of him?'

'Why do you have to butt in like this?'

'Because I say what you know to be right but you don't want to hear.'_ Luke stopped walking and let out a sigh.

_'Alright, you win.'

'I always do.'_

"Oren, are you coming?" Luke yelled.

Oren whirled around, glad to be given some direction as he trotted up to the Luke, who was taking care not to jostle Valentine.

"Thanks," Oren said.

"You're welcome," Luke replied aloud, as much as it pained him.

'See, doesn't that feel better?'

'I hate you.'

'I know.'

Luke could barely look away from the fox, he couldn't stop staring at him, it was like a spell and it progressed to the point that he was more or less following Christine and Natalia with only his ears so he could watch the fox sigh quietly in content. Just then, Luke momentarily forgot his resentment for the Akita next to him and his tail started to wag as he walked along, staring at the dog. Realizing what was happening, Luke slammed down on that emotion with an iron fist, steeling his will and reminding himself of why he hated that dog.

Luke forced himself to look anywhere but the fox. Finally able to break the spell over him and walk five more steps without looking down as its hold diminished. Stealing one more glance at the fox, Luke could see the smile had disappeared as the fox frowned, almost as if he could sense the change and turmoil that was raging around Luke's head at the moment. It looked like he was sad that Luke felt that way.


When they got back to the camp, a wolf came running up to them with a bright orange bag with a big red cross on it, it was a first aid kit and he handed it to Christine. When they arrived at Valentine's tent, Luke gently laid the fox down, brushing a stray stand of his head fur out of his eyes before Christine swooped down on the fox. She took a flashlight and shined it into the Valentine's eyes, much to the fox's displeasure as he groaned.

"Pupil dilation's a bit sluggish, but he doesn't seem to have hit his head too hard. I want to stay with him just in case though," Christine said. Digging out an ice pack, she cracked the capsule inside and applied it to where Valentine hit his head before wrapping it in gauze to keep it in place. Valentine groaned again but still didn't wake up.

"I'll stay too, if I can that is," Luke said, crossing his fingers.

"I guess so," Christine said.

"How long until he's awake?"

"I don't know," Christine sighed. "In this realm, people heal as fast as they think they should."


Oren left with Natalia, having been assured that the fox would be okay, and started to wander about the camp aimlessly, waiting for Shaun to come back. There was no telling how long that would be. Oren was looking up at the clouds, as they seemed to be building along with the wind, when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. He turned quickly, hoping it was Shaun but was surprised to see a teenage wolf standing behind him with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Hi!" The cub said excitedly as he raised himself up on his toes for a moment.

"Oh," Oren said, disappointment written across his face.

"Did... did, I do something wrong?" the young wolf said, worry tugging at his eyebrow as his ears fell back.

"No, I was just hoping you were Shaun," Oren said as he looked back up at the sky.

"Oh, your boyfriend?"

"How did--" Oren said, wide eyes as he looked at the young cub in shock.

"I know? I've always been really in tune with things, lets me know when trouble is on it's way. That and you've been giving each other these big 'goo-goo' eyes since you walked in here. Even if you weren't, everyone would have thought you were. You two make a good couple."

"Well, thank you," Oren said as he smiled, astounded by this kid's maturity.

"You're welcome," the pup said with a warm smile and a wag of his tail. "I'm Nate, by the way. I already know your name, you know, from earlier," Nate said, smiling as he held out a hand.

Oren chuckled as he shook Nate's hand, "Nice you meet you. So what brings you here?"

"Oh, you know. The trees, the air, the cool weather... a safe heaven amongst a pack of werewolves, the usual. What about you?" Nate asked as he started to causally sway where he stood.

"The same," Oren said chucking. "But that's not what I meant, I meant here to me."

"Oh, right. Well, you were walking along, you looked lost and you were staring off into space like that was where you belong. Just the general things that made you look crazy enough to have an interesting conversation."

Oren chuckled again as Nate let the shenanigans keep on rolling.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Oren said as he looked back up at the sky.

"You should, crazy people know how to have fun, it balances you out. It's the boring ones that go mental, too much bore and you snap," Nate said as he twirled a finger about his temple. "So tell me Mr. crazy person, what were you staring at?"

"Oh, the clouds. They look like they're building up."

"They are, it's gonna snow tonight."


"Yeah, you know, the powder white stuff that falls from the sky and clings to your fur."

"I know what snow is, but how do you know it's gonna snow?"

"I just do, call it intuition. I've always been real in tune with things." When Oren looked at him incredulously, Nate continued. "Fine, don't believe me but come find me in the morning so I can say, 'I told you so.'"

"Oh, I believe you."

"Sure you do, but you wait and see."

"Oren!" a voice called. Turning around Oren could see it was Shaun and he was waiving him over.

"I guess I better let you get on back to your boyfriend, huh?"

"I guess so. Thanks for the laughs, it was fun talking with you."

"No problem, anytime," Nate said as he walked away.


"So, what happened when we left, is that Fox going to be alright?" Shaun asked as they wandered back to his and Oren's tent.

"Yeah, Valentine is going to be just fine, Luke and Christine are watching him," Oren answered back.

"The both of them? Do you think Luke will be occupied for a while?" Shaun asked, a brow raised.

"Yeah, why?" Oren asked, curious.

"You feel like taking a nap?"

"Uh, I'm not really all that tired."

"No, a nap," Shaun said, winking. Oren just looked at Shaun curiously before he caught on and nodded vigorously. Shaun grabbed Oren by the hand and led him the rest of the way to their tent, pulling aside the flap to let his mate in first. As soon as Oren was past the flap that served as a door, Shaun tackled Oren to the bed.

"Someone sure missed me when they were unconscious," Oren said as Shaun stripped off his shirt, gingerly avoiding his bandages, before he flung it across the room, revealing his chest to his mate.

"You're damn right I did," Shaun said in a husky tone as he fumbled with his belt.

Shaun stood and quickly removed his pants and underwear in one quick swoop before diving back down on Oren. Shaun slithered his way up Oren's body, the Akita's soft, plush fur gently tickling him. When Shaun's face found itself level with Oren's, he gently laid down on top of his larger mate, and kissed him tenderly. Breaking the kiss, Shaun kissed his way down Oren's muzzle and down to his throat, causing the large Akita in front of him to moan loudly as his body went limp. His arousal, however, did anything but that as Shaun could feel it rising up along his thigh under Oren's loincloth and Shaun pulled back.

"Seems I'm not the only one who's felt lonely," Shaun said as he teasingly brushed a hand against Oren's arousal, making the big Akita gasp.

"No, your weren't. And you don't know how glad I am to have you back," Oren said as he rolled the two of them over. "So, let me show you."

"You don't have to, I know," Shaun said as he used both of his elbows to push himself up. He cringed a bit on the inside as he stretched his stitches, but he smiled the whole way to Oren's muzzle. The kiss that ensued was gentle and tender, laden with more love than lust. Oren's muzzle titled and he licked at Shaun's lips, asking for entrance and Shaun opened upon instinct. The battle of tongues that began was also different from before. No longer were their tongues exploring and declaring their lust, but softly and tenderly reminding each other of a love both vast and shared. They even shared each others breath in their tender kiss, an exchange of life between soul mates.

Breaking the kiss, Shaun finished his sentence, "But I wouldn't mind one bit if you did."

Oren smirked at Shaun was he kissed him softly on his lips again. From there, Oren gently kissed and snuffled his way down Shaun's neck, licking him on instinct and sampling the smell of his mate. When Oren reached Shaun's chest, he giggled as Oren's whiskers tickled him. The big Akita smiled as he nuzzled Shaun's chest innocently, rubbing his face all along Shaun and scent marking him as well as gathering his wonderful smell on his face. They were each others and Oren wanted the world to know.

Oren slowly work his way down Shaun, carefully avoiding the bandages as he worked down to his prize, Shaun's shaft. Oren paused to look Shaun in the eye before he knelt down and buried his nose under Shaun's balls, breathing his mates scent as he sampled from this private area, an area for Oren only. Shaun gasped as the cold nose touched his balls and Oren's whiskers tickled his thighs. Oren then let his tongue dart along the area, tasting Shaun's musky scent as his senses of smell was overwhelmed.

Shaun felt the nose under his balls move lower and lower as the Akita's big hot tongue led the way lower to his pucker. There, Oren dug his tongue into Shaun with great fervor, opening his entrance and slathering as much saliva as he could into Shaun's back door. Shaun was greatly surprised that Oren was going straight for the main attraction, but was ever so grateful as he had missed Oren dearly when he was unconscious.

Suddenly, Oren withdrew and sat back on his feet as he calmly reached behind him to untie his loincloth, not that it did much good to hide his momentous arousal. Shaun looked down his body from where he was as he watched this display, Oren confidently stripping for him with a purpose. The Akita was bare before him, excluding the huge manhood barely concealed behind the skimpy loincloth. Shaun perched himself back up to watch the spectacle as the Akita before him slowly removed the small cloth, revealing a towering arousal with a growing knot, and low hanging testicles that looked like a white silk sock stuffed with two golf balls. Oren's shaft bobbed and weaved in the air as he tossed his loincloth to the side, a small streamer of pre firing out and hitting Shaun's leg.

Then, to Shaun's amazement, and much amusement, Oren started to lean his head down and down, where he sat, until his nose was at his own shaft. Oren coyly looked at Shaun as he let his tongue flicker at the tip of his shaft before sinking all the way down, coating himself in saliva as he moaned. Shaun couldn't help bit moan at the sight before him, Oren burying his nose into his own balls. Shaun couldn't resist reaching for his shaft as Oren closed his eyes and started to bob up and down his own shaft, moaning still as he put on a show. The moment Shaun started stroking himself, Oren reached out and slapped his hand away, wagging a finger at him as he slowly pulled off his own shaft with a slurp, leaving it shiny and slick with spit.

Oren grinned and moved back over Shaun, grinning down at his mate, the man who he viewed as a soul mate, the perfect man for such an imperfect being. Oren was so grateful to have such a mate, one who rescued him, comforted him, and stood by him at all costs even though he had no reason to. Shaun was everything Oren had been looking for and he could not believe that he literally fell into his lap.

As Oren approached, Shaun smiled knowingly, spreading his legs and letting the dog approach him slowly. Oren's shaft just poked his entrance while the fluffy Akita settled his weight down upon Shaun as they kissed again. Shaun wrapped his arms and legs around Oren as they deepened the kiss. Then, slowly but surely, Oren started to push his shaft at Shaun's entrance, gradually building pressure until, quite suddenly, the speared shaped head of his canine shaft swiftly slipped into Shaun, making them both gasp in rapture before moaning.

Oren slowly sank his shaft into Shaun, allowing Shaun to gradually stretch over his monumental shaft. Shaun gasped and jerked as Oren's shaft found and mashed his prostate, forcing his shaft to start drooling pre as lightning bolts of pleasure clouded his mind. Shaun tensed, his breath getting shorter as Oren went deeper and deeper into his tunnel before finally sighing as Oren bottomed out, the Akita's huge knot kissing Shaun's rosy, stretched pucker. Shaun and Oren shared a long moan between the two of them.

Oren waited, panting in Shaun's ear as he waited for a sign to continue on. Shaun panted for two minutes before he started to rhythmically squeeze down on Oren, signaling that he was ready to begin. Oren withdrew until only his head remained before slowly plunging back into Shaun, making them both moan in ecstasy. Oren gradually built up a slow, steady rhythm as he made love to his mate. This session was not like their previous sessions, nothing was fast, nothing was urgent or rough, it wasn't even sex. No, this was pure love, pure passion, the connection of souls that belonged with one another.

Oren kept this slow pace, trying to build up Shaun's pleasure rather than seeking pleasure himself. Making love to Shaun did feel fantastic, that was a given, but at this pace, he'd never get any release. That was fine for Oren though, this was all about showing Shaun how much he meant. After several minutes of this relentless and slow pace, Shaun began to grab at Oren's flank, urging him on faster, and faster, but the Akita wouldn't speed up. No, Oren kept his slow and relentless pace, but he did do something that Shaun did vastly approve of.

Using his innate canine flexibility, Oren bent from where he was and breathed on Shaun's shaft before giving the head a lick. Shaun gasped in shock, his back arching up off of the bed furs as he announced to Oren his approval. Oren smirked at that and have Shaun's shaft another lick, from the base of his shaft, all the way to the head. From there, Oren sucked Shaun's head into his muzzle, twirling his tongue along the shaft as he sunk down upon Shaun.

Shaun couldn't handle the extra pleasure, and being that he had been without Oren in a week, he quickly tumbled over the edge, much to Oren's surprise and delight. Shaun arched up and moaned loudly as he came, shooting stream after stream of his seed into Oren's warm muzzle. When Oren had milked Shaun for all of his seed, he let his shaft from his muzzle and started to quicken his pace, stroking over Shaun's prostate quite vigorously. This drove Shaun to new plains of pleasure, having such continuous stimulus non-stop that shortly after orgasmic. Oren's thrusts increased in speed as he sought his own release when Shaun shouted something that took him by surprise.

"Bite me!"

"What? No," Oren said, stopping his thrusts.

"Please! Bite me! I want to be like you," Shaun begged

"No," Oren whispered, his brow creased.

"Why not?"

"Because, I don't want this for you. Shaun, this is a curse."

"A curse?"


"Oren, how could you possibly think that? This 'curse' brought us together, it has brought me nothing but a world of joy that I thought I'd never find. Oren, it brought me you... the big, fluffy, soft, gentle, beautiful love of my life."

"Shaun--" Oren started, a tear forming at the corner of his eye.

"And I want to be like you, with you, forever and ever, not matter what the cost. I love you Oren."

"I love you too but, I--"

"Please Oren, do it for me. I want you to bite me, please. Please!" Shaun begged.

"Al... Alright, I will. For you, I will."

"Thank you."

"I... it might hurt you, I don't want it to hurt you."

"Oren, it would hurt me more for you not to bite me."

"O... okay," Oren said, nodding as he began thrusting again.

Oren's thrust became faster and faster, his swollen knot slamming into Shaun's rear and demanding entrance. Shaun started to push back into Oren's thrusts, encouraging him to go faster and harder. Oren's hackles rose as a growl started to form in his throat, his knot stretching Shaun more and more with each hard push. Shaun came again as Oren's thrusts became short and frantic, his knot starting to force its way into Shaun's rear just as he orgasmed. Oren whined and thrust as hard as he could into Shaun, forcing his knot into Shaun's rear causing them both to orgasm. Shaun yowled in pain and pleasure as Oren's knot, swollen to the size of a small orange, forced its way into his rear before crashing against his super sensitive prostate.

Oren tried to restrain himself but he was instantly blinded by the pleasure of knotting Shaun that he came instantly, firing shot after shot of his sticky seed into his mate. Amidst the blinding pleasure, Oren was overcome with instincts that his conscience mind had kept long repressed and he clamped down on Shaun's shoulder in a mating bite, just breaking the skin. Shaun and Oren slowly fell from their orgasmic highs, huffing and puffing in exhaustion. Oren slowly drew his teeth from Shaun's shoulder, tenderly licking the area that his teeth had punctured.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Oren whispered, dejected after biting Shaun.

"Oren, it's okay. I asked for it. I... did you knot me?" Shaun asked, squeezing down on Oren. The dog winced as his shaft throbbed, shooting another rope of cum into Shaun.

"Yeah, I did. It felt amazing!" Oren said in a hoarse whisper.

"That's an understatement. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to walk out for a week!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"

"Quit apologizing, I loved it. Hell, I asked for it. You don't know how long I've wanted you to do that. Besides, you can always carry me. Parade me around in your arms and make sure the world knows I'm yours, hmm? How does that sound?"

"That sounds like a plan," Oren said, smiling at and kissing Shaun.

"You know what?"

"No, what?"

"I'm hungry," Shaun said, tilting his head and making a goofy smile at Oren.

"I can fix that as soon as my knot goes down, how does that sound?"

"I wouldn't mind, but I want some real food too."

"How could you possibly be hungry after such a large protein injection?"

Shaun gave Oren a curious look before he smirked and laughed. "I'd tell you to bite me, but you already did!"


So, humor, sex, and mystery's... interesting huh. I hope you like it and think hard about what's going on because you will KNOW what's happening in chapter 7. Peace out, love you all!