Bear and Bunny

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A young bunny in high school gets pawned off on his older step-brother, a polar bear living down in Florida. Can this arrangement make this summer break a nightmare or a blessing?

Posted on 12/31/2016 at 9:51 PM. Made in collaboration through RP with a really good friend of mine.

Nick typed away furiously at his laptop keyboard, executing combos and moving his mouse around to preform counters and the like on the game he was playing online with a few of his buddies. Game noise and music blared out of his headphones and he was grinning as he and his party were taking down the area's boss. Idly he plucked at his shirt, a bit warm and hot in his brother's place. The tropic beaches around his brother's place were defiantly different that the more northern climes of his parent's.

Boss defeated, he glanced upwards around the room, taking off his headphones. His one ear folding over, he stretched his back and called out, "Bro? You here?"


"Where else am I gonna be?" The bear calls from his end of the admittedly small house. Unlike his brother he'd gotten used to the heat and relaxed on the futon in nothing but ill fitting boxers and a tank top, sipping at a beer. Why he'd agreed to do this he wasn't sure. Probably had something to do with that night Dad took him out drinking... "What do you need, Cottonbutt?"


"Just checking..." he says, pausing as the group divided up the loot, before raising his eyes to his brother again, "Whats gonna be for lunch? I'm getting hungry." He pulled around the neck of his shirt, letting some of the heat out before finally stripping the offending garment off.


"I've got a beef stew I made before you got here. Maybe if you weren't glued to that screen you would have found it and managed to eat already! You know how to cook, right? Or are you still not old enough to use the stove?" He teased lightly.


The rabbit paused. "S-Sorry.." he says, getting up from the table and shutting his computer. He got the beef stew out of his brother's fridge which was straight out the early 90's, put some into a bowl and then put the main pot back. He put it in the microwave and put it on, leaning on the counter and inadvertently showing off his rear in his rather short-boy shorts He was always one for the more showy clothing

"Geez, you are one-hundred percent rabbit." Caine chuckles under his breath before getting to his feet and going into the kitchen. He stares for a moment and grumbles. How much better it would be to have a lady over then his brother. Though Nick did have a nice ass... "You need in the bathroom, Cottonbutt? I'm grabbing a shower."

He'd caught some odd behavior last time he'd visited Nick and their parents, and if he was right, he'd have more to tease his brother with. Little perv knew by now they bathroom door didn't shut all the way or it jammed, and after one drunken night Caine had done away with the shower curtains.

"Go ahead," he says, not even turning his head so his brother wouldn't see his slightly reddened cheeks as he took his warmed stew out of the oven and went to the table to eat. It wouldn't do his case any good if his brother saw his blush

The bear shrugged and went to the bathroom to strip, put his clothes in the new hamper(the old one smelled like something other than clothes) and made sure his boxers were on top before stepping into the small stall of a shower and turning the hot water on. For a polar bear he'd never really cared if the weather was hot or cold. His body simply adapted.

The rabbit waited and ate, put his bowl in the sink and rinsed it a bit before tiptoeing over to the door. He felt dirty doing this.. but he couldn't help it. There had always been something so.. attractive in his brother. He loved looking at him. Nick gently poked his head around the doorway and looked in stealthily at his brother,

Caine pretended not to notice, glad for the steam that billowed in the small room. Now he just needed to figure out why Nick was doing this. Hopefully it wasn't some tramp of a girl wanting to see a real male and simply stringing the bunny along. With Nick here he'd never get a chance to enjoy her!

The bunny slipped a paw down to rub against his front. He pressed the fabric down against his sensitive nethers, enjoying the warmth and steam flowing out of the shower. It made this all the better, watching his brother. Oh how he wished mum and dad let him have a phone. He'd record this each time, or take ton of pictures. Either would work.. he just loved his brother's body and so greatly wished he could be big and thick like Caine, not the skinny twig he was now

Caine couldn't believe it and almost lost it and broke the facade. Well, it wasn't a girl at least. Maybe these next few months wouldn't be so bad after all. He made a show of lathering his chest and stomach before letting the water rinse his fur out, knowing how his fur, even trimmed short, would outline his muscles. If only he'd had a camera to take a picture of the little perv in the act!

Poor Nick was so taken aback by this that he slipped away from the door. In all the times he'd watched, he'd never seen Caine do something so.. showy. The bear hadn't seen him.. had he? He'd always been careful. The rabbit began to worry he slipped up and quickly left back to his computer.

Caine finished up quickly after that, grinning and shaking his head. He'd never though his little brother was gay! He dried off off and dressed in his room before going to find Nick. "I'm going to the drug store. Need anything?" He wanted to add to his statement, but bit his tongue. He'd left the bait in the hamper, not he just had to see if his trap worked.

The rabbit replied. "No.. I don't need anything." His hands were behind his back and he was standing with his back to the counter. He tried to look and sound casual, but he wasn't really good at acting.

"You gonna be okay here? It'll be about twenty minutes before I'm back. No reason to waste gas on cold packs and muscle ointments."

"No.. I'll be good, thanks," he says, wishing he would just go. The musky garment in his paws behind him was like a fiery blaze to the Rabbit. Nick gave a nervous smile

"Don't burn the place down." He jokes, heading for the door. He opens it, waits a second, then closes it and waits again. He had to give Nick time to get to the room their shared, after all. Or the bathroom. He'd likely be in one of them.

The bunny retreated to the bedroom, the evidence in his paws. He flopped on his bed, the mattress squeaking in protest as he laid on his belly before putting his brother's boxers in front of his face and took a deep, deep breath and sighed, giggling a bit. His little tail flicked about in enjoyment as he took part in his perverse pleasure of drinking in his brother's musk.

Caine counted slowly to fifteen and then quietly walked about the house. Avoiding the creaky floorboards he checked the bathroom first and, sure enough, his boxers were gone. Little wonder where they went. He stopped in the doorway of the bedroom and simply watched. A show like this wasn't something he got everyday, even if it was just going to be his little brother pawing his rabbit hood off.

Nick was too wrapped up in his boxer sniffing to notice his audience. He pressed that thick scented garment to his nose and breathed in deeply, even letting out a low moan. He slipped his free hand down to rub against his groin area which was, oddly enough, missing any noticeable bulge at all. "Ha-Aha..." he breathed outwards, smiling cheerily to himself. Oh how he wished he could be his brother.. or one of his friends. Or even just feel those nicely grown muscles and that round heavy gut against him. Oh if Caine knew how much Nick enjoyed the rare.. rare moments they hugged..

Now Caine might not have been a straight-A student, but if there was one thing he'd known since middle school it's what being bulge-less meant was in your shorts. Watching Nick sniff and masturbate simply made it all click into place. "So I leave for a few minutes and you steal my old boxers to finger yourself, you sick little perv?" He growls, pretending to be angry. "That's not what the ducking bed is for!"

The rabbit froze and his head snapped to face his brother, his face in full horror and terror. "C-C-Caine! What.. What.. don't hurt me, please! I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he cries out in fear, quickly dropping the pair of undergarments onto the floor and backing away. His worse fears were being realized and he felt like dying.

The bear said nothing as he sat on the bed and yanked Nick over his legs. He yanked the rabbit's shorts off and brought his wide hand down on the bare butt with a sharp, stinging slap! "Sorry, huh? Not yet you're not."

"Oof,"he wheezed when he was tossed over his brothers knees. His face went red as he shorts were pulled down and he began struggling, saying, "What are you doing?! Let me g-OW" He yelped out loudly as his sensitive butt was spanked. He whimpered a bit

"Teaching you a lesson. And your place in my home." He adds as he proceeds to spank harder and faster, pausing only to grab his boxers off the floor and put them on Nick's muzzle like a musky, sweaty mask.

The rabbit didn't whether he should moan or cry, but pleased by the musky scent of his brother yet somewhat freaked out by Caine's actions. He struggled a bit, unwittingly taking in more of his brothers musk from the boxers on his face, his poor rear already very sore. "Stop it," he called out. "I'm sorry! Please! I'm sorry, stop it.."

Caine didn't stop until he could see the red through Nick's butt fur though, and even then it was only to push him off on to the floor. "On your knees, Cottonbutt, and take my boxers off your face. You look stupid getting wet from them."

"I'm not getting wet or anything like that from your stupid shorts, the bunny growled, biting back a whine from his so very tender bottom. It was gonna sting for a while. "What the hell Caine?! Why did you just attack me like that? That really hurt!"

"Why did I punish you for being a boxer stealing perv? Because that's what happens." With that he grabbed the back of Nick's head and pulled him, face first, into his crotch. "This what you want? Well you're gonna get it."

While this was a wet dream in his mind, Nick furiously pushed away and got up. "Back off Caine," he said, fairly angrily. There was even tears in his eyes. "You're always such a jerk. But this is too much. You asshole," he says, grabbing his shorts as he bolts from the room

For someone of his size Caine moved pretty fast, and Nick was no athlete He caught the rabbit and pushed him against the wall. "I might be an asshole, but I'm an asshole you finger yourself too, aren't I? Now the problem is as long as you're here I can't bring people back and bang them. Luckily I now know just what my baby brother wants lodged deep inside of him~"

The rabbit looked up into his brother's eyes, his big brown ones quaking with mixed emotions. "You don't know me at all! You want to bang someone, just go ahead. I'll leave, I'll go to the beach and movies!

"You don't have to go anywhere. I'm going to bang you." He growls simply, grinding his erection against Nick's bare bottom. "Better behave for me, little bunny, or I'll get a paddle for that cute ass."

"Caine.." His voice was now begging in tone and his eyes were filling with tears. "Stop this please! This is wrong, so very wrong! Yes I get off thinking about you and your buds but I don't want you to do this."

"Some part of you does. Just pretend I'm fucking that part." He chuckles as he pulls Nick back into the bedroom and shuts the door. "Now the real question is do you want to swallow my cum before I do or do we just jump to popping your cherry?"

"I refuse both of those options. Let me go Caine!" He started struggling hard in his brother's grasp.

"Cherry it is." He replies as he tosses the rabbit on the bed effortless and get's a condom from his dresser drawer before stripping down. "Do I look better dry then I did in the shower?" He teases.

The rabbit scurried over to the corner of the bed. "Enough is enough Caine. I don't care whether you look hot as hell, but I'm pretty sure after this I won't be able to look at let alone think about you."

"Well that's too bad, isn't it?" He replies as he rolls the condom over his thick, erect cock. "Not that I need you watching when I bang you, of course, but to each their own."

"You're a sick person Caine. You know this is rape," he says, putting his back to the wall

"Yeah. Tell you what though, I'll make sure you get off too. Only seems fair." He replies as he gets on the bed and yanks Nick over by his foot. "Or I could get really mean. Is that what you want, my little rabbit?"

The rabbit turned away his gaze. In all his years he knew his brother was an ass, but now.. he truly didn't know him any more. His cheeks were hot and red from shame and to Nick's own misery, his own arousal

"Didn't think so." The bear laughed, smiling lovingly at his little brother as he wasted no time pressing a finger into Nick's slit. "Nice and wet too. Told you a part of you liked this, didn't I?"

He bit his tongue and, in a rather feeble attempt to stop this from going further, he snapped his arm out to deliver a hard slap right to the bears cheek. "Fuck you Caine! Fuck you!"

The bear paused for a moment then backhanded his little brother. "What did I say about behaving?" He asked as he twisted his finger into Nick and used his thumb to grind the clit roughly.

Letting out a sharp cry at the slap, Nick groaned out in a mix of pained pleasure, desperately kicking out his legs in an attempt to kick his brother away. "S-Stop this Caine," he protested, giving his brother another slap, though that one was weaker. Ironically, despite it all, he didn't want to really harm his brother

"Fine, no more fingering." He grumbles, pinning Nick down and laying on top of him. "Should have known the bunny slut in you would want the main course fast."

That round heavy gut pressing down on him made Nick blush heavily and shiver. Oh how he dreamed of this, but what a nightmare it was now. "Fuck you Caine. I hate you.. I hate you.. so much," he stammer out before breaking down into tears

"But you want me." He whispers as he lines his cock up and starts pushing it inside without any hesitance.

He cried out sharply, covering his eyes with his hands as he starts to cry. His virginity was gone now.. taken by his own brother. "No.. not any more," he says through the tears.

"God, bunnies are always so tight~" He growls as he bottoms out with a couple inches still outside of Nick's body. "Gonna have to make sure it stays that way as long as it can."

With that he slowly dragged his length back out and worked it back in, already looking to make good on his promise to get Nick off by looking for his g-spot. If this didn't work... well, there was always Nick's prostate.

Nick was too much a blubbering, emotionally ruined wreck to really understand what was going on. It was all his fault, his mind told him. All his fault for this. The way he was born. The way he acted. The clothes he wore. His actions. He did nothing to prevent this, rather, he had actually encouraged this

And with that thought now cemented in his mind, he began to sob even more

"Spoiling the mood won't spoil my erection." He growled softly as he forced a kiss on his brother to quiet him. "Just relax and enjoy it. First time always hurts, but after that you'll beg for more~"

"Take it out, take it out," he cried out. He spat at his brother and wiped his mouth on his arm to wipe away the kiss. "You take my first kiss.. you take my virginity.. are you satisfied Caine? Are you satisfied now... you fucking bastard.. congrats on breaking your brother into pieces you cunt...." Then he began to cry again.

"If I wanted to break you I'd just pump my cum in your holes and tell Mom and Dad you ran away." He explains as he speeds up his thrusts. "I don't want that. I just want you, and now I've got you, don't I? Wrapped around my cock as it brings you pleasure under all your pain~"

Nick had to bite his tongue for a moment before continuing. "So then why don't you do that then!? Just do it! Be the mean person you really are Caine! Show your true colors and so whatever you want with me... just know I'll never love you again.. I despise you now.."

"Because there's mean and then there is me. You aren't a brave kid, Nick. You never would've told me what you wanted. What you dreamed about. Better me then some sadist looking to get a litter out of you to sell off to the highest bidder. Better than being beaten and killed for what you are."

"Why would have told you anything? You always seemed to despise having me around. And now there's this.. you raping me.. and you expect me to be open about my feelings? You're an idiot..." He closed his eyes tight, resting an arm across his face as tears streamed down his cheeks

"Maybe, but if you'd told me none of this would've happened, would it? We would've had a lovely time, you and me and the team~" He found it then, Nick's g-spot, and hit it repeatedly to force pleasure on to the bunny. "But now all you gotta do for me is one.. little... itty-bitty thing. Think you can do that?"

The rabbit's resolve didn't waver, and he refused to allow himself to enjoy this. He bit down on his tongue so hard he was sure he would bite it off. Nick shook his head. "If I told you you'd have thrown me out.. called me freak or something..." The rabbit took a deep breath. "What do you want Caine.. tell me so I can say no.."

The bear doesn't slow down or let up, but he does whisper one thing in Nick's soft, long ears. "Wake... up..."

Nick looked up from his spot to face his brother, his dark brown eyes looking into his brothers..

"Dude, wake up. You're blubbering." Caine said, suddenly fully dressed and shaking Nick a little roughly. "I told you not to play those horror games before bed!"

"Wha?!" He yelped out loudly, bolting upright in his bed. He quickly glanced around, noticing his bed was normal, he was clothed.. mostly. If briefs and a muscle shirt really counted. and.. Caine was.. very much not fucking him..

"W-What time is it," he mumbles sleepily, rubbing his eyes to clear them of sleep. Nick then slipped his legs around and over the side of his futon and let them dangle for a second.

"About a quarter past nine." He chuckles, giving the rabbit a shove. "You should stop playing those games, Cottonbutt. You're not a brave kid."

"Y-Yeah... you're right..," he chuckles weakly, standing up and stretching some before quickly sitting down and pulling on some shorts. "Not brave at all," he mumbled barely above a whisper.

"Oh, and another thing." He says as he looks at his brother with a grin. "Scary as your nightmare was, you should probably pad your briefs before bed next time. Your tighty-whities are wet." With that the bear went to the kitchen to make oatmeal for breakfast.

The poor rabbit's face was red as a tomato. Had he really.. His eyes darted down and he gasped in horror. The crashing and ruckus that followed were obviously Nick working on fixing that situation

"Don't break anything over a wet dream!" Caine called out at he worked. "Or slip in it!"

"You know I get embarrassed about those things Caine," he calls through the door. "No matter what its still embarrassing!"

"Oh come on, I've known you've had girl bits for years. Didn't Mom and Dad ever tell you?"

"I know I know. Still embarrassing," he says, opening the door and now wearing newer fresher clothing. Quickly dumping his dirty laundry into the washer, he headed for the kitchen. "And before you even ask, no, I will not tell you what I was dreaming about."

"I don't have to. You said my name enough times and were scared enough I put things together." The bear replies as he puts a bowl of oatmeal on the table for Nick. "So why don't you tell me why you'd have a dream like that?"

"Oh, I dunno really.. my brain concocts the strangest of things," he says, sitting down at the table and biting into his oatmeal

"Like rape...?"

"......" he poked at his food, his demeanor saddening. Then he dropped his spoon with a clatter and began weeping softly. "I don't know.. I don't know I don't know!" He hung his head in his hands. "I don't know why I'd ever think that of you Caine. I love you and I know you love me, so there's no way you'd do something so horrid.. I just, can't understand.."

"Well, I'm no psych goon. All I can think of is that you're scared of sex." He replies as he sits down to eat. "You scared of sex?"

"Probably.. .. highly probable," he says, shaking his head

"What for? I'd make sure you're okay when I bang you." He jokes.

Nick shivered. "Could you.. not use the word bang please? It just.. sounds wrong"

"Too rough for you, Cottonbutt?" He laughs, reaching over the table and ruffling Nick's headfur. "Didn't here you say you didn't want to have sex with me~"

Poor rabbit went red. "C-Caine! Don't say stuff like that," he says, looking rather startled

"Well you didn't. Besides, why would I be the one in your dream otherwise? If you were just scared of sex it could've been anyway. Instead it sounds like you're scared of us ba- having sex."

"Ugh.. the way you put it it seems even worse," he admitted

"It sounds like my baby step-brother wants to have sex with me and I'm not against that." He replies bluntly. "Or did you never wonder why I always wrestled with you?"

The rabbit's ears perked. "What.. I.. uh..."

"What? You're cute and have a great ass."

"You mean.. you really would..." His face was redder than a fire truck now. "N-No! We're brothers. Okay we're half brothers but still!"

"Not even that, really. Tell you what. I'll go into the bedroom and strip. If you're not in there after an hour I won't bring it up again." He gets up and walks around the table to give Nick a bear hug. "But if you do come in, we'll have sex."

"B-But," he protested feebly. Dang it. His computer was in the room. He'd have to go in if he was going to grab it. That's when he got an idea. He bolted away from the table to their room to grab the thing. Loophole!

He smiled as he bended over to grab the stuff, pleased at his thinking.

Caine followed and stayed in the doorway as he stripped. "I didn't think you'd be in the room before me, but if you're soooo eager...." He laughs.

Nick's ears drooped. "Back off Caine. "

"Oh for fuck's sake." He mutters as he grabs Nick by his shirt, gives him his computer, and pushes him outside. "I said what I said and if you don't want to have sex don't come back into the room."

"Fine then," he says as the door slams in his face. "And don't grab me like that," he grumbles as he heads for the loving room couch

"Don't think I'm gonna fucking rape you." He replies tersely as he lies down on his bed.

"Shut up," he shouts as he plunks his headphones on and goes on a rather peeved monster hunting spree

Caine simply waited, watching the little TV he had in his room and timing his brother.

The brother in question stayed rooted to his spot, his brain still furious with his brother.

When the hour was up Caine dressed and left the room, going outside to sun bathe.

The rabbit has cooled by then and he put his computer away to go outside and hang with his brother. "Hey..." He said quietly. "Sorry for shouting at you Caine.."

"Forget about it. No biggie." He replies as he enjoys the sun.

The rabbit laid down as well, enjoying the heat of he sun on his legs and chest fur.

The rest of the day Caine acted like nothing had happened. He made lunch, worked on cleaning up the house, and even showered before heading to bed that night.

"Night," he brother called from his mattress, wearing only his briefs and he thin blanket he used.

"No bad dreams. You're too old to be crawling into my bed because of them."

"No promises man"

"Don't blame me if you wake up stuck under me. You know I roll around."

"Fine.. not that I mind anyways," he says with a chuckle

"Oh yeah?" Caine replies with a sly tone of voice.

"Nope. You're a warmer blanket than this little thing anyways.

"Alright then, easy fix right there." He replies as he rolls off is bed and on to Nick, laying there face up. "Huh. This is pretty comfy after all."

Nick's eyes went wide and he started blushing again. "H-Hey! I was just being hypothetical."

"Hypothesis are made to be tested!"

"Oh," he huffs, putting his arms around his brother and rolling over so they were on their sides. "You're intolerable."

"And yet here you are, getting what you wanted. Kinda."

"I never said I wanted this.." He says, snuggling in, tucking his head atop the bear's shoulder. "But I'm happy regardless.."

"Should I turn over and hold on to you or would that worry you too much?"

"No, it wouldn't," he says

Caine does just that then, now more or less on his side and holding Nick tightly like a child would their stuffed animal. "Gonna do this more often."

"I don't mind," he says, snuggling in happily

"I think I might have to get a bunny pillow when you go home. Can't miss this. Plus," he whispers into one of Nick's ears softly, "that pillow will always be in the room, hour or not!"

"You weirdo," he says with a grin

"I bet you love every second of it too."

"Being with you? Heck yeah. It's so boring back North. Plus mom and dad are complete tools sometimes.."

"Yeah, but for now you're here." He replies. "So you can do all the stuff you normal don't at home. For instance, I tend to sleep naked because there's no Mom around that might walk in without knocking."

"Are you telling me you want me naked," the rabbit asks, raising a brow at that.

"Nope. Just saying that I usually sleep naked. It feels great in this climate. But... I'm not going to. Don't wanna freak you out."

"Hey," the rabbit says. "There's no need man. Look. I'm a bit skittish I know, bit I'm not going to stop you from doing something you normally do. And hey.." He grins and nuzzles his brothers cheek. "If it makes it less awkward, I'll do it too."

"Oh, no, I think it would only make things more awkward." Caine laughs as he rolls on to his back and takes Nick with him. "Besides, I remember how teenage boys think around naked bodies~"

"Then no worries right?"

"Oh, plenty of worries considering I still think like that and you are one."

"Hey. I'm only 3 years younger than you."

"You're my baby brother. Stop lying about your age." He teases as he ruffles Nick's fur again. "But if you're serious about the naked thing I know something we can do tomorrow."

"And what's that," the rabbit asks curiously, smiling due to the fur ruffling.

"Nope. It's a surprise now." The bear replies as he snuggles up with his brother.

"Fine," he says, curling up against his brow and drifting asleep

"You are going to be so red tomorrow." The bear chuckles as he falls asleep.


The bear held on to his brother through the night, but come morning he was poking under Nick's tail in a rather drippy fashion.

The rabbit woke up, unaware of this and yawned.. "morning Caine.." He mumbled sleepily

"Morning." He mutters back as he holds on and nuzzled his brother.

"Sleep alright," he asks, nuzzling back

"I did. No bad dreams?" Why did he feel so good? Hmpf, must have been really good dream he'd had if he still felt it.

"None. You definitely chased them all away," he said with a laugh.

Caine sat up and remained holding his brother even as the bunny's weight pressed him down on his enormous erection. "Hehe, guess I know how I did it now."

The rabbit began to finally feel something under his rear. "Uh.. Caine.. what's going on?"

"I told you I still thought like a teenager. Boys with boy parts get something called 'morning wood' because, when we wake up, our blood rate increases and causes and erection."

"Yeah.. B-But," he started, blushing a bit and shifting his plush rear atop that shaft. "C-Could you move it now.."

"Hnn, you're moving it all on your own." He growls as he looks away. With a bit of restraint he managed to move the bunny off and revealed just how.. messy.. his tent was. "Anyway, think you can go pack something for a picnic?"

"Huh? Oh sure. Sandwiches and all that, right," he asks as he gets to his feet, stretching a bit in his small shorts

"Tease." Caine mutters to himself as he stands up and stretches. "You do that and I'll take a much needed cold shower."

The rabbit grinned and bounced off to busy himself with the making of sandwiches and things.

"Gonna get himself in trouble like that." Caine mutters, hoping he didn't have to kill anyone later today as he got into the shower and let the icy water do it's job.

Nick knew what his brother wanted, and proceeded to make a few sandwiches for the two of them. Then he tossed in some fruits, a couple energy bars, a bag of chips and some muffins he'd made before Nick went down to see his brother. Then he stirred up a large pitcher of iced tea for them to use.

Then poured it into a thermos with some ice.

Caine came out of the shower, stopped in his room to dress, and joined Nick in the kitchen. "So what did you make us, huh?"

"Just some chicken breast sandwiches, a couple ham and roast beef..." He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. "You'll see the rest later."

"More than you think." He chuckles mysteriously. "Alright, that'll be lunch. Think you'll be okay without your precious computer for a few hours?"

"Pfft, I'm not an addict. Are you forgetting I'm in the badminton club at my high school?"The Rabbit pretended to swing a racket. "I'm pretty active

"Yes, yes, you play the girlie sport and are very good at it." He teases. "I'm sure you'd do great at competitive quilting too."

"Hey," he said, glaring at the bear. "Badminton is too a man's sport as well as a woman's. Its in the Olympics after all."

Caine rolled his eyes and shook his head. "So is chess. What's your point?"

"You're such an ass," Nick growled, heading towards their room to get changed.

Caine laughed and got a few beach blankets for them out of the closet as well as the umbrella he had there. Today was going to be pretty interesting.

So are you finally going to tell me where we're going?"

"Noooope. If I did you'd chicken out." He replies as he took everything out to the old junky car of his. "Want to go now or do you need to go to the bathroom first? It's an hour trip there."

No, I'm alright," the rabbit says, helping put the stuff away. He brought a small bag with him, a change of clothes in case it was needed

"Alright, but if we have to stop because you gotta go I'm just pulling over." He jokes, locking up the house and thinking something over. "The last mile is pretty straight. Wanna learn a little driving, Cottonbutt?"

"Uh," he paused. Now this was a surprise. "Sure... I guess so. I'm not familiar with your car though.. Dad uses the family car when he teaches me"

"You should learn how to drive a stick anyway. Don't worry about it and everything will be fine." He says as he gets in and starts the car up.

"Alright then," the rabbit says, depositing his bag in the back

"Did you forget anything? The kitchen sink, perhaps?" Caine asks, giving Nick a little shove as he starts driving out of the city and towards the coast.

"Its just a change of clothes," he says, watching the road pass by along with other homes. "Why haven't you gotten this rattle-trap fixed up yet.. you've had it for years

"Because that's expensive and I have certain obligations this summer." He replies.

"Obligations," came the question

"Well, for one, I have a sudden and unexpected expense that takes priority over the car that works fine."

"I did offer to pay for the food I eat, if that's what you mean.."

"Nah, it's okay. I gotta take care of my baby brother, don't I? You do the dishes and we'll call it even."

"Deal," he says, smiling. "So like, is it a beach, or a campground, where we're going?"

"It's a beach. Just thought we'd hang out and enjoy some surf and sun."

"Sounds good. Glad I put ice packs in the cooler back"

"Smart, smart." He chuckles. "So how's school? I can't imagine the gym showers are a comfortable place for you."

"No.. they're not. I wait till everyone has left before I go in." he sighs. "At least I've managed to keep people away."

"Does anyone at the school know?"

"No.. at least I don't think so. Only the PE teacher, Ms. Haria. That skunk would jump off a bridge before breaking a student's trust."

"She still works there? Geez, she's immortal!"

"Naw. She's in awesome shape, that's all. She.. also helps sneak me supplies.. for.. yeah..." he starts blushing a bit, shifting in his seat

"Lady bits? Seriously, Nick, I'm not gonna tease you about that. Much. Not enough you feel bad, anyway."

"Its still embarrassing is all Caine," he says, propping his head on his chin. "I.. I just wish I was born normal.."

"You are normal. For you. No one is born different. I had almost no fur, for instance."

"I.. I know.. yes Caine.." he says, giving in.

"Hey, it's true. You're born how you are meant to be born, just like your children will be."

"Oh, please don't talk about kids.. I'm too young for that.."

"You might be infertile." He says helpfully.

"I'd rather not test that out this early in my life if that's okay to you," Nick replies with a grin

"Who said anything about making bunny creampies? I can take you to a doctor to get that test."

"... You're such a dick,' the rabbit laughed, playfully shoving his brother back, but not hard of course

"No wonder you want me so bad then, huh?" He replies without missing a beat as he tickles Nick's ears.


"Might I remind you who wanted who first?" He asks as he keeps driving. "Plus I know you took my jock strap three years ago and did not need it for the typical reason."

"I wanted to know what it felt like to wear more manly things.."

"On your nose. Funny way to wear them, I'll admit. Should I try that out with your briefs? I think it would just look silly, personally."

The rabbit bit his lip and stayed silent, glaring out the side window. He was no longer in the mood to talk

"You have got to loosen up." Caine mutters. "Bad moods stick out like a sore thumb at the beach. You know what'll happen if you don't cheer up before we get there?"

"Oh, I'll put up one of my famous smiles. The ones that I use all the time, don't worry," he says,

"Oh, sweet, little Nicky. Fake smiles? If bad moods are sore thumbs then fake moods are the twin erections of a dragon hopped up on Viagra."

"You always this lewd?"

"Let's just say this is a special case. As a side note, that dragon? Blue balled by everyone at the party." He chuckles.

"Really? Wow.. you hang out with odd peoples.."

"Well college was an odd place. Plus he lost drink roulette."

"Two cocks.. I can only about dream of just having one. Lucky guy.."

"I have one. He's not so lucky."


"You wanna know what it's like? Alright." He says tersely. "It's a crippling weakness in an unfair fight. Get hit in the balls and chances are two-to-one that you're going to lose. When I first started getting erections at the drop of a pin I had to worry constantly about getting them at times I shouldn't. Gym shower? Cold water. Hugging grandma? Pray there is a deity somewhere that doesn't want to have you poke her. Funeral. Dentist. Chalkboard in Math class. Climbing the rope in gym. Sliding down the rope in gym. Don't think just because we have dicks and balls we don't have just as much to worry about as you have, okay?"

"Geez," the rabbit said, looking startled. "Whats up with you?"

"I'm seriously tired of boys like you wanting to be normal because you think have a dick is so much better then a pussy. Both have problems. Both have benefits. No one is perfect."

"I'm not discussing this with you anymore," the rabbit snapped, before shrinking back in fear of his brother's wrath

"And why not? Because I'm showing you how you've held a flawed opinion for years?"

"My opinion isn't flawed. God.." He suddenly slammed his hand on the door. "Pull over, now!"

Caine looks up the road, pulls over after a minute, turns the car off, and then tosses the keys to Nick. "Good timing."

"....." He fumbled with the keys for a moment before glaring at his brother. Goddammit why did he have to press all his buttons that way

"Cheer up. Stick shifts are easy." Caine says as he gets out of the car like nothing had happened and walked around to the passenger side of the car.

The rabbit got out and went over to the driver's side, slipped in and put on his seat belt. He was still ticked but knew it wouldn't do him any good to be an angry driver, so he took a breath, calmed, put the car in drive and tool off

"Huh. Well guess it turns our you're a natural." Caine actually sounded impressed. "Took me months to figure this out."

"You're forgetting. You're old friend, Mikey, that tubby cougar, he promised to teach me about cars, remember? He's been helping me. Turns out your car isn't as difficult as I first thought.."

"Oh, it was Mikey? He has a huge crush on you."

"Bull," the rabbit said bluntly

"Brutus does not have a crush on you, no. So far Mike is the only friend of mine that does."

Nick glared at his brother out from the corner of his eye. "Do you ever take anything seriously? Anything at all? Goddammit Caine, you piss me off."

"I'm serious about you, and it's a dangerous thing to be serious about." Caine sighs, looking morose for a moment before his smile returns. "Anyway, about two minutes now and we'll have our picnic."

"......" The rabbit grumbled something but said nothing, following his brother's directions but saying no more

"Tell you what. I will tell the one time I've never been more serious if you promise to have an open mind and have fun today."

"I do have a open mind thanks," the rabbit replies, pulling into a beach parking lot. He picked a spot that would be under some shade for most of the day

"See, you think that now..." Caine laughs. "Come on, deal?"

Nick turned off the car and got out, brushing off his brother's question. He didn't want to hear anything, so he busied himself with counting how many sandwiches they had

"So I can't be immature without pissing you off but it's okay for you to be childish and ignore me?" The bear asks bluntly. "I thought you hated hypocrites. Guess that explains the self loathing." Caine mutters as he opens his door then shuts it again. "If you're going to be like this we might as well go home. You'll get your precious video games and I'll get to enjoy the parts of my life I was going to share alone from now on."

"Why are you doing this to me!?" The rabbit snapped. "You poke holes in my thoughts, my ways of thinking! You smash my ideals and crush my dreams. You've been like this since we were kids! Its like you're trying to turn me into a clone of yourself! Just shut up, stop it! I want to enjoy our day out together. And for fucks sake shut up about my computer. Moms on my case. Dads on my case. I don't even spend that much time on it! Two hours a day! That's not much is it? Last thing I need is for you to be harassing me about my own opinions!" He shouldered the lunch bag, grabbed the beach blanket and other needed things, and make his way to the beach, somewhere between smashing something and bursting into tears

Caine rolled his eyes and got out of the car to catch up with Nick and simply pick him up from behind in a tight bear hug. "Cottonbutt, you're the one that needs to shut up. All I asked was if we had a deal -one I was going to keep immediately- and now you're like this."

He sat down on the sand with a loud huff and kept right on hugging his brother. "I might not be as smart as you are but I'm not exactly the dullest blade in the kitchen either. So how about you go ahead and let it all out, okay? Your big bro Canny is here." He murmurs softly, using the nickname Nick had given him when the rabbit had been trying to learn how to say his name.

"...." The rabbit began to quiver. "I'm scared Caine..."

"I know. I'm gonna keep you safe."

The rabbit didn't say much, just looked down at the ground as he sat in his brother's lap. "Its.. Its mom and dad... they're getting a divorce.. that's why they sent me down to see you while they worked it out.." He wipes his eyes. "I'm sorry I'm so fucking emotional and up and down! I hate it. I hate this part of me that makes me that way."

"The part that makes you act like a regular teenage boy? Nah, it's a good thing. You'll be a really good man one day because of it. Don't worry, I'm on your side." He adds as he starts petting Nick's ears.

"Remember when we were little and you wanted a tree house really bad, but we didn't have a tree? I got milk crates and stacked them high up so we needed a step stool to get in. I worked harder on that house than I'd ever worked at anything." He explains as he smiles. "Then the rail I made gave out when you tried sitting out it and you broke your leg. I think I was... ten years old? I was devastated. There you were , at home unable to walk around because you had a cast on that was too heavy and it was all my fault."

"I gave up summer camp that year. Hell, I gave up my whole summer. I did all the odd jobs I could get and paid off your hospital bill all on my own while making sure you'd never get hurt playing in the tree house again." He pauses to laugh at the memory. "I threw myself at the railing just to make sure. Sprained my shoulder doing it. That's my "Never Been More Serious" story, Nick. I made Mom and Dad swear on that old, dusty Bible they'd never tell you so you wouldn't blame me."

"B-But.. I'd never blame you Caine.. really. I.. I could never blame you for anything... I blame myself. I blame my stupidity, my carelessness, my own selfishness. I took away your summer.. that is one of my biggest regrets in my entire life.."

He chuckled weakly. "And now, it seems, I've taken your summer away again.."

Caine let out a bellow of a laugh. "Dude, your were barely out of diapers! It was all my fault. As for you taking away my summer again? That's just a load of crap. What was I doing anyway? Nothing. You might be a pain in the neck, but you make things fun."

"hah.." he says weakly. "I doubt you really want to be sharing your bed with your brother man, no matter what you say."

"Well, you're right about that. You snore. You feeling better? The deal isn't something you gotta say yes to or anything. You're too dramatic for it. It's kinda cute though. You'd be pretty good in the Drama Club."

"You know me.. I can't act worth a hoot Caine.. and sorry about the snoring.."

"Meh, it's kinda cute too in an annoying kind of way. Come on, I might as well upset or freak you out at least one more time today." He says as he lets go and stands up, taking all the stuff himself before walking down the beach towards a cliff side that towered over the waves.

"So what is this beach," the rabbit asked

"Right around the bend there, under the cliff."

"Not where, what. Like is it a sandy one. Rocky one. Shell one?"

"Sandy, well kept. Private property, but I'm a member and allowed a guest."

"A member? A member of what," he asks, adjusting the bag on his shoulder.

"Club NCN. It's pretty nice. Snacks and drinks come out of my dues, but it's nice to have a picnic lunch sometimes, you know?"

"Ah.. should I have made more sandwiches then?"

"You made plenty." He says, stopping a gate and giving the guard there his ID. Once he gets it back the gate opens and Caine leads Nick inside.

The rabbit looked timid like.. a rabbit. "Are you sure its alright for me to be here?"

"Wanna hold my hand?" He asks as they go into an area with lockers and public showers. He finds the one that's apparently his and strips, putting his clothes into the locker. "You have anything you wanna put in here?"

The rabbit averted his gaze. "Yes.. and yes.." he says, glancing around nervously. "Should I change too? I'll leave my wallet and cell here.."

A few other furs, male and female, were stripping and leaving. "You only change if you want to change here at the NCN Beach."

Nick pondered this for a moment.. then started to undo his belt. He took off his bag and took out a rather comfy set of banana yellow swim shorts, spandex in style, and glanced at his brother. "Could you um.. hold a towel up or something.. just till I switch?"

"Nick, I want you to look around veeeery carefully at all the naked furs and scales not paying attention to the very nude bear and the bunny changing next to him."

"Right..." the bunny said, trying not to let his gaze wander. Especially on his brother. God he'd never hear the end of that. He quickly took his shorts off.. then his briefs, leaving himself naked for all to see. Quickly though, he turned around and grabbed his swim shorts and pulled them up, happily admiring how they clung nice and firm on his body. He then took off his shirt and folded his clothes, before putting them away

"Now was that so hard?" Caine asks as he shuts the locker without putting anything on himself. He shifts the basket to one hand and takes Nick's hand, leading once more and smiling as the round the bend to a lovely beach lagoon... and very, very few people with any sort of swimwear on.

Now the rabbit was feeling very self-conscious. Leaning over he hissed. "You didn't tell me it was a nudist beach."

"Like I said, if I told you you'd have backed out. NCN stands for No Clothing Necessary. And in case you were worried, I've seen more intersex males, intersex females, and hermaphrodites here then anywhere else, so no one is going to care about you." He replies as he finds a nice spot and spreads out the towels.

"S-Should I take off my shorts? To make it less awkward," he asks

"Clothing isn't necessary, but neither is being nude. Wear it, don't wear it, no one will mind one way or the other." Caine stabs the umbrella into the sand and opens it smoothly.

Oh.. okay," he says, sitting down on one of the towels, his fluffy tail poking out of his shorts.

The big bear sighs as he takes in a deep breath of ocean air. "You're taking all this a lot better than I expected." Caine tells Nick. "You keep surprising me, brother."

"I'm here now.. I've made a bunch of stuff for us to eat.. not about to let all the effort that went into this outing be wasted."

"Well I'd eat the food here or at home. Still, I figured you'd freak about being around all these stranger. Naked strangers."

"You're here.. and you're naked. Must be helping me cope.." He gives a nervous smile. "But tell me, know many people here?"

"I don't know, really. Couple dozen, maybe. Why?"

"ah.. so its not one of those smaller 'know everyone' groups.."

"Nope. This is the the NCN section in the area. They've got stuff all over the country."

"I see.. just trying to get the feel of the place..." He says, digging out some stuff from the cooler

"You do get to recognize people, of course. Let's see...." He looks around and starts pointing people out. "There's William, the Pegasus over there reading? He's polite and there's something strange about how he talks, but no one's been able to figure it out. Down at the water is the Morris family, they're a nice couple and their pups are just adorable. I don't know that orca's name but he's won every strength competition here apparently."

"Wow.. a family. Surprising.... I guess this place really does draw others from all walks of life."

"Further down the beach is another section where adult activity is allowed to anyone consenting and at least fourteen. Not that anyone tells the kids that." He adds.

The rabbit blinked for a moment and looked at his brother with a perplexed look. "Uh.. okay.."

"I only told you so you didn't wander somewhere you weren't ready for, Cottonbutt, nothing more."

"Fine.." he laid on his belly, idly digging his toes into the sand, eyes wandering the beach to see the passing peoples

Caine blindly grabbed a sandwich from the basket and ate it as watched the clouds that resembled his fur drift by. "Hey, Nick? There anyone back home you like?"

"Not really. I'm too busy with my classes and my badminton to look into that stuff.." he admits, resting his head on his hands

"Neither of which is happening here. Maybe you'll get lucky and have a summer fling I can embarrass you in front of." He jokes.

Nick shook his head. "You never stop, do you.."

"Why should I?"

"Never mind," he says, shifting a bit on his towel before dozing

"How am I ever supposed to get better if you won't tell me what I do wrong?" He asks as he pulls Nick close enough to boop his nose gently.

"Cause you don't change, regardless. You make your own way. Always have," he says, giggling a bit when their noses touched

"Is that a bad thing or something good?" He asks as he smiles.

"Depends on your point of view I guess. I'd say its one of your few

endearing qualities."


"Don't worry about he big words. It means good or attractive qualities," Nick says with a smile, nuzzling his brothers cheek before pulling away and getting back onto his position of his towel

"I know what endearing means, fluffbutt." He chuckles. "You make a good sandwich by the way."

"Thanks. I've got to have at least some culinary skills after all."

"Well when have nothing else to do you pick something up to do. That's how I ended up doing little wood carvings."

The rabbit nodded, dozing happily on the beach towel. The warmth of the sun on his back. It was so comfy

"This was a good idea." Caine thinks as he closes his eyes.

After a while, Nick began tossing and turning a bit atop his towel, feeling a bit restless as his mind refused to relax. There was so much to see here after all! So many different things. Meet so many people.... okay, well, that thought both terrified and aroused the poor bunny. This beach was nudity allowing. What to do... Plus he'd be too nervous to go alone..

Eventually the bear got up and stretched lightly with a groan. "Well, I'm going for a swim. You staying here or walking about?"

"I'll come with," he says, getting to his knees and stretching his back. "If that's alright. I kinda want to explore around a bit."

"That's fine. Just don't swim out too far. Some of the sharks lick places before bringing stragglers back to shore."

The mention of sharks made the bunny blush. "U-uh.. okay."

"Don't worry, Cottonbutt, they won't eat you or do more than take a lick."

"Yeah.. but what if I wanted that," he thought to himself while he fought to keep his blush down.

Jare Antair: Luckily the bear wasn't a mind reader. Or he kept it to himself. Either way he walked for the waters and went right on in.

Nick hesitated for a minute, then followed his brother in. So fast in fact that he would up bumping into his back. "Ack! Sorry Caine," he says hurriedly.

Caine looked back and grinned. "Eager for a dip? I can help you there."

"What do you mean," he asks

"Oh, nothing. Just GOTCHA!" He yells suddenly, grabbing Nick and throwing him out into the water!

The rabbit flailed about when he hit the water. He really should have expected this, really. "C-Caine," he sputters. "You dick!"

"I do this EVERY time we go swimming!" He calls back, diving into the water to go after his brother.

"Ack," he squeals, quickly paddling away. Thankfully swimming was something he was good at.

"What's wrong, Nicky? It's just a little flight and another splash!"

"You know I don't like that," he calls back before going under the water for a brief moment to change directions. Underwater so Caine wouldn't be able to see him.

Caine, however, was a polar bear and underwater swimming was something he was pretty good at. He dove under after his brother, enjoying the fun they were having.

Nick was having quite a bit of fun, but unfortunately, he was a rabbit, not a bear, so his lung capacity wasn't the same. He wound up kicking up fast to the surface

Caine wasn't having that though, and he pulled Nick to him, kissing the rabbit deeply and sharing a lungful of air.

The rabbit froze in this moment, most likely from shock, and looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Indeed his heart was pounding in his chest so hard right then. He really hoped no one saw this.

When he was sure his brother wasn't going to drown Caine backed off, gave Nick an EXTREMELY smug wink and swimming off quickly.

"Ass," he swore to himself, and he began dashing off after him, a mix of fury and playfulness on his face.

Caine surfaced for a breath and dived again, smirking at his little brother before making a 'come and get me' gesture.

The rabbit quickened his pace, heading up for the surface and his brother before he became painfully apparent that his breath was already running short. He broke off from his course to his brother and began making a beeline for the surface

Caine let him make It this time and surfaced with him. "You're a good swimmer, bunny, but underwater needs a bit more power~" He strikes a pose with that, flexing his arms.

"Yeah, well with these noodle arms what you see is what you get," he replies, trying to not look like he was ogling his brother's thick, muscled arms. He was rather glad really that water made the bangs he had flop down over his eyes.

"You never did like push ups." Caine chuckles as he pulls Nick close again, squeezing him gently.

"People are going to think we're a couple of you keep doing stuff like that," he teases, hugging his big bro as well.

"Well in that case wouldn't coming to this beach be one heck of a first date? And before you say anything, no I didn't trick you into a date. You gotta ask someone out on a date before it's a date. This is just me showing my little brother a good time somewhere he doesn't have to hide who he is."

"Definitely not a date," he laughs, though a part of him deep down felt a bit disappointed. "I expect a dinner out before I call it a date."

"Ever hear of a lunch date?"

"Yes.. " He says.

"Should I be the one that asks or is this just a brothers day out?"

"Brothers day out," he says, pushing away and swimming off with a grin

"Good enough for me. It's too bad though. My boyfriends always get to feel my muscles!" He replies as he lies on his back to just float and relax.

The rabbit swam around happily, enjoying the water. This was seriously a good idea, and Nick was happy Caine had brought him. Slowly he slipped under the water and relished the warm water around him

Caine was doing much the same and loving it like he did every time he came here. Too bad the trip back was going to be a bit annoying. He usually stopped by the adult section of the beach before going home to let off some steam but he didn't want to take Nick in there and he didn't want to leave his brother alone either.

Later, the rabbit came back to the shore and brushed the water from his eyes. He then walked for there spot and flopped on his blanket. His waterlogged shorts were very uncomfortable though.. With a blushing face, he stripped off the shorts and laid on his belly on the towel

Caine followed his brother to keep an eye on him, not caring how his belly or junk swayed as water dripped off both. "So was me sharing air with you your first kiss? You looked angry."

"You caught me off guard is all. I wasn't expecting it, and anyone could've seen it." He eyed his brother, trying to stare not so hard at him. Gods, he was somewhat glad he wasn't a boy. He'd have a bunny boner over his brother almost all the time

The bear shrugged. "If they asked about it we'd have told them the truth. You needed air and I had plenty." He sits down and his muscle gut shifts for a moment. "But you liked it."

Nick's eyes watched the movement for a moment before he looked away, cheeks blushing again. He should have been born with reddish fur. At least then he needn't worry about being caught blushing. "Yeah.. I did.. and it wasn't my first kiss, just so you know. You gave me one years back, just before you left and when you first moved out here away from home."

"That peck on the lips? That wasn't a kiss." The bear chuckles. "If you want a kiss come sit in my lap and you'll get one. But... you gotta be my boyfriend to get it."

Nick chuckled as well, smiling happily as he did so. "Always with the details. That's my big brother alright," he says, slowly getting to his knees. "Well, is there anything else you wanna do? Walk around or eat something? I wouldn't mind exploring a bit."

"There really isn't anything else to explore except the 'other' area."

Nick was quiet for a moment, looking thoughtful even, before he replied. "Well.. we could go.. if you were okay with that. If not I don't mind staying here and you go off. I'll be alright by myself, promise! You go and have fun," he says. He wasn't trying to come off as though he was wanting to be alone or guilt his brother into staying. Nick just really wanted Caine to have fun, and for him not to be a burden or block for the bear

Caine laughed and fell back on the towel to let the sun dry him off. "Nick, I don't think you'd be comfortable alone out here getting hit on or over there getting ogled."

"I'd be okay. I Promise! I don't.. I don't want you to not have as much fun as you want just cause of me."

"Nick, this has been one of the most fun days I've had in a long time." He reaches over an d effortlessly pulls the bunny into his lap for a tight, nude hug before whispering naughtily in his ear. "Wanna know how you can make it even better?"

Blushing again due to their position, Nick asked softly, "W-What would?"

"If you make dinner and wash the dishes after~" He murmurs.

The rabbit stayed still for a moment, before punching his brother playfully in the arm. "Alright. What does my big bro want in his belly," he says, teasingly rubbing that round gut of the bears

"I could probably go for a nice stew Or rabbit if we're eating out." He adds, teasing again as he sat Nick down.

Nick smiled. "We can go out. I mean, I did bring my wallet after all. I should really treat my brother after he gave me such a nice day out."

"Oh, I wasn't talking about dinner~" The large bear laughs as he gets up and looks around. "Well, we should probably get headed home soon anyway."

The rabbit got up as well, gathering his things. "I.. I did have a fun day Caine.. Thank you.."

"You needed it after all that's been going on back home and that dream. Gotta show my little brother he still has family that isn't mean.

Nick grinned brightly. "As far as I'm concerned, you're my only family Caine. And I love you regardless," he says cheerfully, heading for the changing building with his arms loaded with their stuff.

"Wanna live with me?" The bear asks bluntly as he follows, taking the heavier stuff. "You get used to the heat."

The rabbit looked over his shoulder, his brown eyes wide. "You.. You mean it?.. This isn't one of your jokes is it?"

"Nope, one of my rare serious moments."

"Let.. let me think about it, alright," he says, turning away and continuing on his way to the change house

Caine already knew his brother's most likely answer and smiled as he unlocked their locker. "You wanna use the showers first or should I? Salt in your fur can be hell."

"I don't mind using them together. Uses up less time that way," he says, grabbing a bottle of fur softener from his bag of fresh clothes.

"Someone has to watch our things though." He points out.

Nick's ears drooped. "Ah.. right.."

"Let me guess. You wanted to help me wash."

Nick shook his head vigorously. "No! I just.. well.. .. maybe..." he admits, cheeks red

"Alright... let's go shower at home then instead."

"A-Are you sure? You just said salted fur is annoying. I don't want you to be uncomfortable as we drive.."

"I'll be fine. I can wait a bit before it matters and besides... never mind. I said I wouldn't bring that stuff up." He chuckles as he starts getting dressed.

"Bring what up," he asks as he puts on some fresh clothes as well, packing his wet and old stuff into his bag.

"That hour?"

"...?" A blank look was on the rabbit's face as he pulled his shirt on, slipping on his sandals

"Don't worry about it Caine.." he says, heading for the exit, bag slung over his shoulder and cooler bag in his hands. "We can shower together at home if you want."

"Works for me." He replies as he checks them both out and heads for his car. "I'm glad you like it here, Nick."

"I do Caine. I really do," he replies cheerfully as they walk to their car. "Maybe we can come back here sometime? Or do you have more surprise trips for me planned?"

"Not at the moment, no." The bear says as they pack everything into the car. "This is pretty much the only place I go that's just a nice place to relax and unwind.

"I bet," he says knowingly, grinning cheerfully at his brother

"Of course now I have a cook and maid living at my house, so maybe I won't have to worry so much and just relax by teasing him."

"I'm not your maid," he says with a small laugh, getting into the car and buckling up

"yet." The bear replies as he backs out of the parking lot and starts driving home.

"Oi, what do you mean by that," he asks, looking at his brother

"I mean I might need you to clean up, duh."

"Well of course I'll pitch in! its not fair to let you do it all."

"See? Maid."


"Would it help if I got you an outfit?"


"Not even a little one...?"

"Caine, so help me...." he starts, before immediately covering his mouth, taking a deep breath and calming down

"I'm trying but you're so stubborn." He laughs, shoving his brother a bit.

"Hey," he laughed. "Watch the road please."

"I don't have to watch the road to give you a push." He laughs.

"I just rather not die in an accident thank you," he says

"Oh, dying a virgin probably isn't the worse thing that could happen."

"Uh.. okay then.."


"That just seemed kinda random is all.

"How is making a joke random for me? Unless you aren't a virgin, of course."

"I am a virgin. Just the way you made.. oh never mind."

"Silly rabbit, jokes are for bears."

Nick rolled his eyes and stayed silent for the rest of the drive back to town

When they got home Caine took the basket and just left everything back in the car for now.

"Shouldn't I bring the other stuff in? Like the laundry," he asks, getting out of the car

"Your shorts are the only thing that need washed, really."

Nick went and got them regardless. "I'll just hang them over the shower curtain rod so that way they can dry."

"And be full of dried salt?"

"Well.. yeah. I mean. It's not like I go swimming a lot. And if we go swimming again it'll probably be the ocean again so I don't see the big deal in that."

"That's a good point." He says as they go inside and he puts the food away before going to the bathroom.

The rabbit was close behind him when Caine entered the bathroom. Coming up he hugged his bear bro from behind and gave a squeeze. "Thanks for taking me out today Caine.. I had a good time.."

"I had a good time too. You've really grown in the last couple of years, huh?" He asks as he pulls his brother around for a full frontal hug.

The rabbit smiled happily and hugged back with as much strength as he could muster. "I suppose so."

"Yeah. I remember when you weren't even above my belt buckle." He says nostalgically.

"I know. I was honestly surprised by my growth spurt," he admits, resting his head on his brothers chest

"I like it. Means I can turn without knocking you out with my belly." Caine then strips again and steps into the shower. "Sorry it's gonna be cramp. I didn't need a big place when I bought it."

"It's alright," he says, smiling and stripping out of his own clothes, folding them nicely off to the side before following the bear

Caine backed up to make more room for his brother and grinned. "It'll be nice to not have to use the back brush for once."

"Remember when we did this when we were little?"

"I always had to wait until the bubble bath was covering 'stuff' down there for you."

"Well. It's good that I've grown up since then no?" Nick chuckled and reached around to hold his big brother, pressing their two bodies together. "We can enjoy ourselves much better

"If I didn't know any better, Nick, I'd say you were coming on to me." Caine replies as he leans forward, pressing his body against his brother while doing so, and turned the water on.

The rabbit let out a soft happy purring something happily as he nuzzles in. "I don't care.. I just want you to hold me like this."

"I can do that." Caine mutters, holding back a joke for once as his arms wrap around the rabbit and slowly pull him firmly against the muscle gut

Nick smiled and gently nuzzled in against his brother. He was totally enjoying this, this moment, this tender moment in his brother's arms

"Love you." He murmurs as he holds his brother close. "Smart brother like you makes a dumb jock like me proud."

"I love you too," he says softly, reaching up to kiss his brothers cheek. "A strong brother like you makes a weak one like me feel safe and protected.."

"I'm glad I can be useful." Caine replies as he grabs the soap and starts working on his chest and stomach. "Makes me feel like I've done something around here."

"You do a lot You live in your own. You work. You take care of things on your own. You take care of me." He smiled. "You do a lot."

Caine picked Nick is and held him against the wall using only his size and soft yet firm stomach. "I'd do almost anything to keep you safe and happy."

"Including letting me live here," he says, smiling bashfully as he rubbed that gut pinning him. "I'd love that more than anything.. mom and dad just don't bother trying to understand me. Unlike you.."

"I've been with you nearly your whole life. There is something I want you to do while you live with me though. Come out of that shell. You're no tortoise, my little hate, and I know you can be brave~"

"You know I can't do that Caine... I'm just a rabbit..."

"I have seen rabbits fighting before. The ferocity matches bears at times." Caine presses more firmly and kisses his brother between the ears. "Or need I remind that, as big and strong as bears are, I still find spiders terrifying? Species have stereotypes, not requirements."

"No just.. you know I'm super timid and all right.. it's hard, overcoming that."

"It wasn't so hard today at the beach." Caine counters. The closeness and similarity to having someone under him had something else growing hard unnoticed.... for now.

"I don't want to go around meeting new people to try and get a date or something.. not... never mind. ." He says quietly

"I didn't say anything about finding someone and asking them out, did I?"

"But.. it sounded like that's what you were implying.. dammit.. stupid brain"

"It's a good brain. Mine is rather one tracked most of the time. It's... hard to concentrate."

"You do alright still," he says encouragingly, nuzzling him a bit as he rubs against Caine's gut

" I want more than alright." He replies, kissing Nick deeply as his cock grows erect enough to to touch the bunny's ass hole. "I want the best. That's you!"

The bunny kissed, letting himself get dominated a bit back till he felt something hot and big pressing at his back. "U-Um Caine.. you're poking me back there.." He says in his cite nervous voice.

"If I let you down what will you do about it?"

Nick was blushing again. "What would you like me to do about it..?"

"Nothing. You know why?" He asks, smiling. "I'm sure you can think of at least one reason I shouldn't make you mine."

"We're brothers," he says in a questioning voice

"By marriage. One which is ending, so try again."

".. We.. um.." It was clear he was trying to think and come up with reasons, but was failing in that regard.

"Heh. There's two. I'm not wearing a condom and you haven't said its okay."

"... I.. I don't mind.. there not being a condom.." he whispers, cheeks red as his rear wiggled just a bit against that fat bear cockhead.

"I do. No way you cleaned up enough back here," he thrusts a little to poke the bunny bum again, "to get ready."

"Oh.. right.. well.." gently he shifted his body till he had that tip perched at his other hole, pressing softly against his nether lips. "We... can always use this one.."

"Even out of season you might get pregnant, and you said you didn't even want to think about kids." He points out. Caine's restraint was quite strong when it came to not pounding hard and fast into his brother.

The rabbit, seeing this, slowly back off. "I.. sorry.. I didn't think this well through.."

"I told you I'd keep you safe. Even from yourself." With that Caine let Nick down from the wall and began washing him quickly and thoroughly before doing the same to himself.

The rabbit helped where he could, scrubbing down his brother's back before he got out of the shower, feeling a bit down over the whole episode.

When they got out and dried off though, Caine took Nick right to their bedroom and pulled a condom from his underwear drawer.

"Eh.." he squeaked as he was pulled to the bedroom

"Did you think I wouldn't have condoms here?"

"N-No.. just that after the shower.. never mind." The rabbit just shook his head

"Did you think I was disappointed in you for it?"

"Well.. " he shrugged, chuckling weakly

"I'm not. Do you want this though? I'm not going to make you do anything."

"No no, Caine.." he says, gently reaching around his brother. "I want this.. I want you.. if anyone, it'd be you.. big brother.."

Caine pushed his brother down on to the bed and laid on top oh him after that, kissing his brother deeply. "I have days of cum, so we'll be here a while if we start now."

Nick shivered slightly under that kiss, the power and strength of his brother. "I can take it.. I promise.."

"We'll see." He murmurs as he moves up and straddles the rabbit's face, cock curving over it and balls hanging tantalizingly close.

Nick blushed slightly, taking in a long deep breath and inhaling his brother's musk. He shivered again and leaned upwards to nuzzle those round heavy orbs with his muzzle.

"Didn't even have to tell him." Caine thinks as he let's his brother enjoy the simply pleasure just this could bring.

The rabbit gently let them rub against his cheeks, before giving both a little kiss and, focusing on one of them, began giving it licks and such

"Do you like it?" He asks softly.

"Yes.. they're so big.. and warm..." he giggles boyishly, nuzzling them again and taking deep breaths

"All of my is big and warm." He chuckles before leaning forward and practically pinning the boy down with his heavy nuts.

"Mmf~" the rabbit murred under his brothers weight. Trapped in that hot, musky air he went to town enjoying those fat orbs of his brother

The large bear groaned and stroked his length a few times, nice and slowly as his brother gave into his desires. This was going to be a great summer.

Nick's tongue bathed those fat orbs till they were slick, nuzzling and rubbing them against his face. This was like a dream coming true for him..

Eventually Caine pulls back and sighed as his cock throbbed. "Ever put a condom on before? I know Health class used to give students bananas to practice on in class."

Nick nodded, a silly smile on his face. "I know how.. never done it, but know how," he states, before pausing. "But do you have to put it on now? I can think of one hole that doesn't need one.." The rabbit smiled devilishly, licking his lips.

"All in good time. I'm not sure I can handle that until I've tired myself out." He replies as he takes the condom out and hands it over. "Hurry, Nick."

Nick, sensing the urgency, quickly took the condom into his hands and stretched it out over his brother's shaft, snapping it snugly under the bear's shaft's base

"Not bad." He murmurs as he moves again and gently spreads Nick's legs. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle~"

Nick nodded, taking deep breaths and tried to relax himself for what would come. "God.. he looks so much bigger up close.."

Caine smiled as he lined up and briefly weighed the pros and cons of a quick, deep entry before settling on a slow one and carefully piercing his brother's depths.

Nick bit his lip, letting out a slight mewling noise as he was penetrated.

"Remember to take deep breaths, baby." Caine groans as he takes short, shallow thrusts.

"Y-Yes.. Caine.." he says quietly, trying his best not to clench down

"You feeling okay? I can slower. I'm not very deep yet."

"N-no! I'm okay. Keep going Caine.. please.. Its alright.."

"Should I jut get it over with?"

"Yeah.. probably would be better that way.. I can take it.."

Caine leans forward, pressing his brother into the bed, then thrust hard and fast as deeply as he could, straining the condom and popping his brother's cherry.

Nick cried out and flung his arms around his brother, holding him tightly. His brother's shaft spearing into him spread him wide, far wider than he could've been used to, and filled him fairly far past his normal capacity. He was permanently stretched out now, and he loved it. "Gooood~ Fuck Caine~!"

Caine flinched as his brother cried out but didn't relent until he was sure he was as deep as he could go. "God, you're so fucking tight!" The bear growls as he pulls back only to drive his cock home again.

Nick cried out again, only this time more lustfully, burying his muzzle in against his brothers chest. "Fuck.. yes! Oh gods Caine, your so fucking big.."

"And I'm going to bring every.. solid.. inch to bear in your tight boy pussy!" He growls, picking up the pace as he bend and lustfully bites(carefully) Nick's neck.

"Caine~," he groans loudly, his already battered nethers milking that fat bear cock best they could. ".. you feel so good when do that. . Bite me again... harder this time... please.. oh fuck I feel so full..."

"Just wait until I get in your ass~" Caine replies just before he bites again. His teeth clamp down harder this time, but in the throes of lust he didn't break skin. His thrusts were quickly becoming wild and erratic and his balls slopped lewdly against Nick's body as the condom strained to contain the ravaging cock!

Nick threw his head back and moaned out lustfully. "D-Damn.. Caine.. I think.. I think I'm gonna.." He groans out between heavy pants. All he could think about is how he wished Caine didn't have that condom..

Caine was lost in the pleasure he was sharing with his little brother. He wasn't taking Nick as hard as he could, afraid of crushing the rabbit, but damn it all if he wasn't going fast and deep! "Do it, Nicky, show me how much you love my cock in you!"

Nick flexed his body, which shoved him towards his brother as the bear was trusting, forcing that thick shaft as far as it would go until their hips met in a lewd snack. The moment that happened Nick cried out in bliss and began blubbering in pleasure and joy as he came, a rather large torrent of bunny juices flooding out around his brothers shaft and onto the bed. "O-Oh~" he moaned, going limp a little. "C-Caine... I love you... fuck me harder..." He whimpered out

Somehow Caine managed to keep his own climax back and, since he'd been asked/begged so very nicely, he stopped holding back and started ramming his cock into his brother like he'd never felt a tight hole before!

The bear grunted, growled, and got up on his knees. He gripped Nick's hips and yanked him into each thrusts harshly until, finally, he roared and began filling the condom with blasts of bear cum!

Nick cried out in a second wave of bliss as his stretched and pounded pussy let out another orgasm, this one much weaker than the first. His ruined hole quivered around the fat bear cock lodged inside it and Nick let out a whimper as he felt something hot and wet start filling his insides. "C-Caine.." He said weakly, still a bit out of due to his orgasm like high, "I. . Think the common broke.."

"Hmm, damn." He groans, keeping the length fully sheathed in his brother anyway. He wasn't ready to give up this feeling, and instincts drove him to grind in harder. "Sorry, little bunny... That was amazing though. Did you like it?"

Nick nodded slowly, gently reaching up to hold his brother in his arms and tugged him down atop of him. "I loved it.. thank you Caine.." He said in a soft voice before kissing his brother again. He felt his little belly full of cum press against his brothers gut and his battered tunnel squeezed down slightly

"I hope I wasn't too rough." He murmurs as he wraps his arm around Nick and squeezes gently as he kissed his brother. "I just got a little out of control."

"No.." He whispers between kisses, "It was perfect.. getting broken in by a real man.." He gave his brother a squeeze, nuzzling the bears cheek

"Breaking a real man was fun for a change too." He chuckles.

"Can.. can we do this again," he asks.. somewhat hopefully. His big brown eyes looking up at his brother.

"Oh yeah, you bet. I'm going to enjoy every part of you I want to." He says seriously. "Your butt is next~"

"Just.. be like you were before please.. I'll get over the pain faster that way... I think," he says, blushing a bit

"Hmm... No, I want to draw it out. Show you how those so-called 'normal' boys feel with me."

Nick nodded. "Probably better.." He admits, looking away for a moment. "How many boys have you rammed..?"

"Not enough to make me want anything or anyone except you."

The rabbit hugged his brother again, letting his love tunnel tease the bears fat cock a little. " I love you Caine.."

"I love you too, Nicky." He replies, pulling out long enough to discard the broken condom before turning his brother over to cuddle him as he slips back into his used hole.

Nick moaned out softly as his hole was filled again, burying his snout into his brother's chest and putting his arms around the bear. "Have I ever told you how long I thought you were hot," he asks.

"Nope. How long?" He asks as he pets his brother.

"Since I was in junior high, and you were in high school. Watching as you bulked up and filled out.. you.. you were like a super hero the way you looked," he giggled. "And this belly you have," he says, putting his hands on the bears gut, "I think it makes you even sexier.."

"Well the belly is pretty new." He laughs, grinning, as he runs his hands over Nick's body. "Got to admit, you're a cute boy. Anyone ask you out before?"

The rabbit seemed to shiver a bit under his brother's touch. "Yeah.. I mean.. some have. But I think they thought I was a girl at first. You know how I look like one when a person looks at me from behind

"Oh, I do now." He chuckles.

Nick shuffled a bit closer to his brother. "So.. what do want to do now..?"

"I could carry you around for the rest of the day as you take a

nap, my cock still wedge within you, but it's gonna go limp soon so that's not going to be viable."

"Hmm.. is there anyway to fix that," the rabbit teased, trying to use his muscles in his love tunnel to stimulate his brother

"The fabled sex drives of rabbits." He sighs. "I might be a man's man, Nick, but years of working out taught me the virtues of pacing myself."

"Right.. sorry," he apologizes, looking sheepish. "So then what do you want to do now? I can handle anything."

"I don't doubt that one bit. I'm honestly surprised a virgin like you aren't a whimpering mess right not."

"I would be a mess, just, I got my big brother keeping me safe."

"Not what I meant. You should be feeling some serious discomfort by now, even after the afterglow."

Nick simply yawned. "Should I be? I just.... kinda feel tired right now...." He mumbled

"Heh, just like any other young boy that just came." He murmurs as he pulls out and tucks Nick into bed. "You get some rest, okay?"

"Nu.. I have dishes to do.. and chores. And I promised.. mum.. I'd.. Zzzzzzzzz...."

"Just like a boy alright." Caine says softly as he kisses Nick's ears and goes to get the dishes and stuff cleaned up. Today had been a good day.