That Friday

Story by Visilan Kryel on SoFurry

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After a bit of drama at home, Aaron's new friend helps him take his mind off of a few of his problems.

A sigh of relief escaped Aaron's throat as the bell rang, liberating the students from class. It took him little more than three seconds to have everything back in his backpack and slung over his shoulder. His first week was over, and now he had the weekend to recover.

The blue dragon barely heard the teacher call out their assignment before he was out the door and into the overflowing halls. Inspirational quotes lined the walls above the brightly painted lockers. Everyone here was a lot more peppy than he was used to, it was all somewhat unnerving.

"Hey new guy, hold up!" A voice called from behind, breaking Aaron's train of thought.

He turned around to see a dolphin and a crocodile walking behind him.

The dolphin flashed him a smile. "Hi, I'm Sarvin, and this is Thomas," he said cheerfully straightforward, "We sit behind you in math."

It took Aaron a moment to remember, but he did recollect seeing a few cetaceans in his math class. Though he wasn't quite sure any of them had been this talkative.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Aaron," Aaron said as friendlily as he could manage, "Is there something I can help you with?"

Sarvin was about to respond but Thomas spoke first. "We and a few others are having a party tonight," the crocodile said, "we were wondering if you wanted to come."

"I wanted to ask him," Sarvin complained as he playfully punched Thomas in the arm.

"You can punish me later."

Aaron chuckled as Sarvin conceded to his friend and handed Aaron a piece of paper with a phone number and an address on it.

"Just come on over at any time if you want, or give me a call if you need a ride," Sarvin said as he and Thomas walked off, "see you later!"

He read the address on the paper and shoved it into his pocket, at least he had options of where to spend his Friday night now, yet for someone with nothing better to do, he wasn't too sure about going to the party, he had always found overly friendly people to be a bit creepy.

The walk home from school wasn't too long so long as Aaron made no detours. Fifteen minutes of walking past large two-story houses before he arrived at a collection of dilapidated, old houses, some only held together by duct tape and the will of some unseen force. Five more minutes and he was on his front porch, fumbling to get the key into the lock, all while pretending he didn't hear the fighting going on on the other side.

It wasn't much to look at, but as he was so often told: "it was better than nothing."

The front façade was a worn beige, the windows so filthy that nothing inside was visible and more than one abandoned bird's nest was visible on the cheap tiled roof. His home ever since he and his brother had had to move in with their mother. He could hear the shouting before he got inside.

"Don't you give me that same fucking excuse!" he heard his mother yelling at someone, probably Garrett. "You will have your chores done before you fucking go anywhere!"

He heard his younger brother pout a little before storming off somewhere, a door slamming in the distance. Moments later his mother came into the front room, hands on her hips.

"And just where have you been?" She demanded, "I still need help around the house!"

"I was at school, mother. Where I was supposed to be."

"Not when you're needed at home.

"Your logic is seriously flawed."

His mother through her hands into the air and her wings flared out behind her. "Then who the hell is supposed to help me, my oh so brilliant son?"

Aaron stamped his foot in annoyance. "I don't know, how about that good for nothing drunk down at the bar?" He fumed as he shoved past her, heading towards his room.

"Don't talk about your step-father like that," she called after him but Aaron wasn't listening.

His room, perhaps the cleanest room in the house, was barely large enough to fit his bed and a dresser. Hating his life, he threw his backpack on the floor and crashed onto the bed. Why was she angry at him for going to school? Any normal parent probably would have been happy to see their child going to get an education. Not his mother, and especially not his step-father, Hargon. The bastard smelled awful, was always drunk, had just gotten out of prison and was just an all-around asshole.

There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Aaron called.

"Garrett, who else?" His little brother replied and opened the door.

Aaron smiled at the smaller blue drake. The two shared their fathers sky blue scales and their mothers forest green eyes, honestly Aaron thought it was their resemblance to their father that had earned them their mothers enmity.

"Did you get it for me?" Garrett asked, excitedly eyeing Aaron's backpack.

With a snort Aaron rolled off his bed and opened his backpack to remove the book Garrett had requested.

The younger drake could barely hold back his excitement as he took the book and sprinted back to his room without another word, giving Aaron at least something to smile about.

For a while Aaron worked no his homework, then he decided to take a short nap, drifting into a light sleep. Only to be awoken half an hour later by Hargon's return.

The front door slammed, causing him to stir. Then his mothers scream caused him to get out of bed.

He looked at the clock, it was a quarter passed four. Hargon must've gotten thrown out early, the jackass wasn't usually home until late.

Cautiously he exited his room and was passed by one disgusted and teary-eyed Garrett retreating back to his room and nursing his cheek. If that bastard had hit Garrett for no reason....Aaron didn't know what he'd do.

Aaron poked his head around the corner and immediately wished he hadn't. The drunk, red dragon had his pants around his ankles and was mating Aaron's mother against the wall. Aaron growled and was about to confront the drunkard when he felt Garrett's hand on his shoulder.

"Just leave them," the smaller drake said, "he isn't worth your time."

Aaron silently raged but did as Garrett said, watching as his step-father drunkenly thrust into any orifice he could find. "I'm going out tonight," Aaron said as he trembled in fury, "think you'll be fine?"

"I fixed the lock on my door and I got ahold of a hunting knife from a kid at school before we moved. I'll be fine."

For a small drake, Garrett had always had a way of getting through. Aaron gave his brother a pat on the head and left via the back door. He clenched his fists as he slammed the door behind him, letting his rage out by kicking a garbage can and a few random pieces of garbage strewn about the driveway.

"Why the hell am I still here?" He fumed and kicked an empty can of paint, sending it skidding into the garbage can. "If I had half of a fucking brain I would have left as soon as I had arrived!"

He punched the siding of the house. He couldn't leave Garrett here alone, not with them, what was he thinking? Angry with everything he rested his head against the side of the house, letting a few secret tears fall to the cement.

Aaron wad shocked to hear a somewhat familiar voice call out to him. "Hey, is everything alright?"

Aaron looked up to see the dolphin from school, Sarvin he believed, walking towards him. Aaron slumped to the ground, wrapping his wings around himself in shame. He hated when people saw him cry.

"Hey, what's going on?" Sarvin sat down next to Aaron.

The dragon only sobbed harder and Sarvin put his arm around him, trying to comfort the sorrowful drake. After a few minutes of rubbing Aaron's back, the dolphin asked again in his soft and caring voice, "So what's going on?"

"Family issues," Aaron muttered, "my step-father's a raging drunk and my mother does nothing to stop him."

Sarvin nodded and rose to his feet, pulling the dragon up with him and then embracing him.

"It'll be fine," the dolphin whispered. "C'mon, I'd realized I had given you the wrong address so I'd come over to tell you the correct one. Who knew the school directory could be useful?" The dolphin chuckled nervously. "If you need to get away for a little bit you're welcome to crash at my place."

The blue dragon dried his eyes and smiled, perhaps he'd misjudged Sarvin at first. The dolphin really was just a happy and caring person.

"You're parents won't mind?" Aaron asked suspiciously.

"Nope. They're out of the country at this moment so I have the whole place to myself until the end of the school year."

Aaron's eyes went wide, but he chose not to question it.

They chatted nervously as they walked back towards the school and the large houses Aaron had admired earlier. His mother often jealously talked about those houses and how she should be living in a manor twice their size. He frowned when they turned down a street filled with such houses. He'd never been this way before, never had any reason to.

"You live down here?" He asked Sarvin, the dolphin nodded shyly.

"Yeah, my dad's an architect," he admitted sheepishly, "he designed most of the houses here, including our own. C'mon it's not much farther."

Sarvin picked up his pace and led to a large house surrounded by a black iron fence.

Aaron's mouth hung open as Sarvin opened the front gate. A cobblestone path led up to a porch decorated with Greek columns. Gilded French doors awaited dead ahead.

"Are you coming?" Sarvin asked, looking a little embarrassed. "The party doesn't start for another few hours, but you're welcome to stay."

Feeling a little out of place, Aaron followed the dolphin inside, trying to imagine what a house like this looked on the inside. The answer took his breath away. The giant front room alone was elaborately furnished with two soft couches with silk cushions, a grand piano was pushed into the corner and a crystal chandelier hung just above the door.

"Done looking?" Sarvin asked, playfully poking Aaron in the ribs.

"Sorry, I've never been in a house quite like this before," Aaron stammered as he looked around the room once more.

The fact that anyone could afford to live like this shocked the blue dragon, he'd heard of people who had enough money to live extravagant lives, but he'd never thought he'd be in one of their houses.

Sarvin had to grab Aaron's arm and drag the dragon out of the front room.

Soon the dragon found himself sitting on a large couch in a room bigger than the front room, probably larger than most of his own home. Sarvin had wandered off, the dolphin saying he needed to go and get something, giving Aaron time to admire this room as well. A tinge of jealously stabbed his heart, but he did his best to ignore it, Sarvin had been nothing but caring to the blue dragon.

A moment later, Sarvin was back and he sat down on the couch. Practically on Aaron's lap.

Aaron blushed as Sarvin snuggled against him. Alarm rocketed through his mind, not by the dolphins actions, but by the growing tension in his pants. He began to sweat as the dolphins hands rested on his thigh, gradually inching towards his groin. The dragon shifted nervously in his seat, unnerved but not finding himself disliking what was happening.

"What are you doing?" he managed to say as Sarvin nuzzled his chest.

"Too much?" The dolphin asked and quickly pulled away.

"No! Not at all!" Aaron exclaimed and found himself blushing. He opened his mouth to try and apologize, but Sarvin jumped up and kissed him, their tongues briefly intertwining before the dolphin pulled away.

Aaron was stunned, he hadn't expected that.

"I'm sorry," Sarvin said, "I shouldn't have-"

This time Aaron crashed into the dolphin and returned the cetacean's affection, pressing their lips together and letting his tongue venture into Sarvin's mouth. He straddled his friend beneath him, their crotches grinding together and their hands exploring each other as their tongues embraced once more.

After a moment Aaron pulled away, the dolphin still pinned beneath him.

"So should we have some fun or are you going to sit on me all day?"

Usually Aaron would be embarrassed to be in this position with anyone, but he found himself laughing as he climbed off of Sarvin. The dolphin pushed Aaron back into his original seat and pulled a lever to let the footrest to fly out and the chair recline.

Nimble hands undid Aarons shoe laces and belt, throwing them to the floor. Sarvin smiled as his hand slipped down Aaron's pants, tickling the head of the dragons cock. Aaron moaned as the hands slid down his shaft, pressed into his slit, than slid back up to gently squeeze his tapered head. Beads of precum smeared into the dolphins palm as he pressed it against Aaron's tip.

"Well someone's excited," Sarvin snickered as he pulled his hand out and licked the strands off his fingers.

The dolphin climbed off and began to undress, throwing his clothes in a pile with Aaron's belt and shoes. Gingerly he undid the dragon's pants, pulling them off and casting them to the side then climbing back on to help Aaron out of his shirt. Sarvin's cock dragged against Aaron's shaft through the dragon's underwear.

Aaron moaned again as the dolphin pulled down his underwear to reveal his prize: Aaron's hard pink flesh. The dolphin's tongue rolled up his shaft and lapped at his tapered head before plunging the entire member into the warm, wet prison of his mouth. Aaron grabbed at Sarvin's head as the dolphin bobbed up and down, tongue massaging every inch of the virgin dragon's cock; his hands massaging his own pink flesh as he swished saliva and precum around his mouth, bathing Aaron's member in a plethora of new sensations.

Pleasure filled the dragons loins and his muscles tightened as his climax approached. Aaron roared and thrust as far as he could into the dolphins mouth to unleash his load. Thin, hot spurts of fertile cum shot deep into the dolphins throat, making Sarvin cough as he tried in vain to take all of it. He swallowed the dragons cum as he reached his own orgasm, spraying his own essence onto the couch and Aaron's legs.

Groaning in post-orgasmic bliss, Aaron released the dolphins head and fell back into his seat. But Sarvin wasn't quite done yet. His soft tongue dashed across his friends cock to lap up Aaron's remaining seed, then he moved to clean his own cum off from where it had sprayed.

Once satisfied with his cleaning job he crawled onto Aaron's chest and rested his head on his new friend.

"Feeling any better?" He asked with a wicked smile, and Aaron couldn't help but smile.

"Much better," he assured Sarvin and nuzzled the dolphins cheek.

"How about we take this upstairs to my bedroom?"

"I'd like that."

Even after there love-making was over and the rest of the partiers arrived, Aaron had to admit, that Friday was the best one he'd had in a long time.

Nocturne, Part One

"Something tells me you don't know what you're doing." Daumon sighed as his mate casually watched him from his seat on the counter, playfully kicking his legs and humming to himself as the red dragon mixed herbs in a bowl. "I know what I'm doing,...

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Sweet Silver

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