Summer Heat – Chapter 22: Nelly’s story

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#22 of Summer Heat

Another chapter. At the moment I do not have so much time to write but I already have a few more chapters ready so hopefully until they are released I have new chapters as well. I will try to keep it up with the weekly releases.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 22: Nelly's story

Nelly sat on the chair in front of his desk in Zen's room. All the others were outside playing but Nelly did not want to go with the others. Zen planned to finally get behind all this and ask her why she was keeping her distance to everyone.

"It seems that you still have problems to adjust to the life here." He started and the girl looked at her paws silently. "Paula even said that you refused to do the health check. Can't you tell me what is wrong?" The cub stayed silent. "Did something happen here?" the cub slowly shook her head. "At home?" he asked and the cub stayed motionless which he interpreted as a yes. "Don't you want to tell me about it?" he asked but she shook her head. "Did someone tell you to not talk about it?" Zen seemed to have hit the nail on its head. "See Nelly, you do not have to be afraid. I told you before that all that we do here will stay here okay? I will not tell anyone if you do not want me to. But as your teacher and the leader of this school I need to know what is wrong with you. You can't stay like this or I will have to call your father because not only does your behavior influence all the others but your grades will also suffer if you do not participate in class." The bear cub winced when he talked about her father. He was sure that something happened with his father. "Do you want to go home? Is that the reason?" she shook her head but still did not look at him. He got a bit angry because she just looked down but he noticed that screaming at the girl or threatening her to look at him would not help. "So something happened at home... with your father?" she did not react again and he knew that this was a yes.

"See, Nelly, I also have a very irresponsible father and a mother of the same kind as well. I am also happy if I do not see him. Won't you tell me what happened? Maybe I can help you?" He gave the bear cub the time she needed as he noticed that she was fighting with herself if she should tell him or not. After ten minutes he decided to speak to her again. "Are you afraid that something bad might happen when you tell it to me?" for the first time she showed a shy nod. "What do you think will happen?" "My... my father said that... they would take him away and... I would not have any parents anymore and live in the streets." He saw that she was very frightened by this thought. He got around the desk and put his hand on her shoulder while crouching down and caressing her cheeks with his other hand. Tears ran down her face. "Don't worry dear. You know me and Mara would never let this happen, right? If something like this happens you can always live here if you want. But don't worry. I will not tell anyone okay? You can tell me everything. It is better to talk about it." Nelly looked at him for the first time. Her eyes showed her desperate need to get the story off her chest and her relieve for his words. He was sure that she trusted every word of him and this was why she opened up a bit. His offer to let her live with them was the ice breaker to take away her fear of being left alone if she told anyone. Silently and with wavering voice she started to tell him.

"You know, my mother died a few years ago. It was a hard time without her but my dad tried to be there for me every time I got sad. He cared for me. Even though I knew he was sad as well he did not show it. That was until half a year ago when he lost his job."

Nelly looked up and her tears began to dry up while Zen kneeled in front of her and caressed her hand while listening.

"He had to pay for the house and food and went from one job to another but they never kept him for long. And then he started drinking every evening when he had a rare job or the full day if he was without a job. At the start it was still okay. I cared for him when he came home drunk and made dinner for him. When he was not drunk, we went to the park and he played catch or other games with me or we went to the lake to swim. In these days, he was the caring father he had been all along but with all the jobs he lost he drank more and more and started to talk about how much he missed my mother. I heard him cry at night sometimes.

A few months later he began to get very angry when he was drunk. Before he just had been sleepy and felt awful but now he started to scream at me until I cried and even hit me a few times when I was not fast enough with his dinner. I think he was frustrated about his jobs and the alcohol made him let out this frustration at me because there was no one else there. At one of his later short time jobs he met a woman named 'Betty'. She was a black bear and he started to get more cheerful. But at the same time he had less time for me. Betty was kind of scary. She did not want to play with me and always told me to do the cooking or bring out the trash but because my father was so happy I ignored it for him. They even talked about her moving in with us and even though I did not like her much I told my father that I would not mind. But then they got into a fight. I don't know what started it but as far as I heard it was because of me. Betty requested from my father to send me away because she did not want to have a kid in the house all the time but my father refused. At this time, I noticed that Betty really hated me and maybe wanted my father for herself. I ran into my room and put my pillow over my head because they were screaming so loud that I was afraid. Then I heard a smack and a cry of Betty. My father must have hit her and she stormed out of the house saying that he should never appear before her again.

They both had been drunk that day and this was maybe the reason why they fought but deep inside I was a bit happy that Betty was gone. I knew that my father liked her and so I went to comfort him. He was laying on the couch and stank of alcohol. He looked at me with half open eyes and told me in the face that it was my fault that every woman ran away from him. I started to cry because it hurts that my dad blamed me for everything and because I felt guilty for causing him this trouble. I was confused.

Then... He... he suddenly said that if no woman wanted to be with him because of me I would have to take the place of my mother. I did not know what that meant and so I told him that I would try my best. He stripped and had me take his thing into my muzzle and suckle on it. At this point I was too afraid to say no because he still looked very angry and I knew that when he was drunk, he did not know any limits. But after a while he told me to put off my night dress and he started to lick over my ass and then he... he..."

Zen knew what her father did. "He pushed his penis into your ass, right?" he said softly and Nelly nodded slowly.

"It hurt so much. I begged him to stop but he did not listen. The alcohol made him forget who I was or he was and he just used me. I cried until I had no voice anymore and when he was finished he pulled out and started to sleep on the couch. I crawled back into my bed and cried for hours until I fell asleep.

The next morning when he was sober he came to check on me. He had forgotten what he did but when he saw my sticky ass he was in shock and apologized to me a lot of times. He told me that I should not tell anyone and never show my ass to others because they would else know. He promised me to not do this again and that he would stop drinking. I believed in him. But he drank again. And he did this again to me. Three times after this until he confessed that he needed help and would go to a hospital to learn not to drink anymore. He told me about this school that he heard off. It would not matter that we did not have money because it was free and I would be able to live here with a lot of other girls while he was getting healed. He told me that he did not want to let me go but that he did not trust himself from not drinking again and doing horrible things to me. He also said that he was happy that he only used my ass. But he also told me to never let anyone in the school know about this because they would call the police and have him locked away. I don't want my father to be locked away and I do not want him to worry about me when he is in the hospital. Please don't tell the police!"

Zen looked at the pleating girl and smiled. "Don't worry dear. I will not tell the police or anyone. Now I understand why you were so reserved. You were afraid that someone might notice if they saw your hind, right?" she nodded. "Now that I know about it. Would you mind showing it to me?" she was hesitant but then she stood up and crouched on the ground to show him her ass. Her small tail pushed upwards and he pulled her cheeks a bit to the side to see her pucker. It was red and clearly had marks of being penetrated in the past. They already were healed but for him, who knew what happened, it was still clear that her story was true. "You know there is a solution to this. You saw me with Katherine, did you?" - "Yes." - "No one would ask or suspect anything about your father when they would know that I took you into the ass. This school is, secretly, showing you girls about mating which is also called sex. And this is called anal sex." "So you want to stick your thing into me as well?" her voice sounded scared. "Don't worry. It will not hurt like with your father or at least not the whole time. I am not drunk and I know how to make you feel good. You can always call it quits whenever you want, okay? You are in control. Do you want to allow me to show you that this can feel nice too?" Nelly pondered for a while but then nodded shyly. She still seemed to be scared and Zen was very caring when he started to caress her nipples and pussy as well as her ass and made her moan softly. The shivering of her body slowly stopped and was replaced by the soft moans. Zen started to lick over her dugs and moved to her pussy and her ass. She tightened up a bit but when she felt the stimulations she started to relax again. Zen continued with it until he felt her climax in a weak orgasm and moan a bit louder. Her pussy squirted a bit of liquid into his muzzle and he savored it and felt his member being hard and the knot form. He pulled Nelly up and ran her wet slit over his member. She gasped and started to shiver again. "What is wrong my dear?" he asked because he noticed that she was afraid for the first time in the last minutes. "You... you are much bigger than my father. Will it hurt?" - "I will go slow, okay? It might be very tight at the start but when it hurts too much, you just tell me to stop, okay?" The bear cub nodded and with that he pulled her up a bit more and positioned his tip at the entrance of her backdoor.

"Are you ready?" he asked and the frightened cub just nodded slowly again but he felt from her shivering that she was afraid it would hurt. He let her slide down on his dick very slowly. He felt her tight pucker press together hard to prevent his entry. "Relax Nelly. It is okay." It took half a minute before the cub finally relaxed a bit and he felt his member push into her tight hind. She groaned from the stretching of his tip inside her but she did not cry yet. He controlled her descent. She was purely pushed down by gravity and her own weight but he made sure that she would not push down too fast. He moaned while the cub still groaned accustoming to the thick member inside her. Zen started to caress her dugs and clit with one hand while the other held the girl up and made sure the descent was slow. She mixed moans into the groans and slowly relaxed which made her slip over his member a bit faster. After several minutes of slow descent he felt his knot hit her bottom and he knew that he was all the way inside her ass. "How is it feeling? Are you okay?" he asked the bear cub and kissed her cheeks. "I... you are so big." She groaned but Zen felt her inside massage his rod and moaning from the pleasure he caused her with his paws. Now that he did not have to hold her up he roamed over her body with both paws. "You are a wonderful tight fit. You are doing great." He praised her. The girl seemed to relax a bit more now that the insertion came to a stop and the groan vanished to give way to her moans. After a few minutes letting her get used to his thick member inside her he started to slowly pull her up again until only his tip was inside her and then sink down on his meat again. At the first few pulls and pushes she still groaned but soon she got used to the movement and her inside stretched to fit his size and she moaned again from this new pleasure. "Feeling good?" he asked and the girl emitted an agreeing sound but was unable to form a word in her moans. "That how it should feel. I will increase the pace now." And with that he went a bit faster but still at a reasoned pace. He stood up from the chair and moved to the ground, pushing the girl on all fours and slamming into her hind with powerful thrusts. She moaned mostly but a loud protesting groan was slipped in when he pushed too hard and his knot advanced on her tight pucker and pushed in up to one third into the girl. Zen did not regard the groans but just continued to hammer the girl. The tight fit around him felt nice and she had around the same body length than Nina even though she was a bit thicker. Her young age was equaled by her species that was one of the bigger ones. If she would have been a smaller species Zen would most likely not have been able to fit into her but he now already pushed nearly half of his knot into her back entrance. He suddenly had her scruff between his teeth and bit down making her moan and sending ripples through her body that made her relax. At this moment he speared forward pushing his knot in past the thickest point and then he felt how her ass started to suck him in already while his tip pressed hard into her flesh. He pulled her up with him and sat down on the chair again having her impaled completely on his knot and sit on his lap. She had a few tears in her eyes from the latest assault.

"That really hurt." She complained and Zen caressed her and kissed her cheek before licking away her tears. "I am sorry Nelly. But look, you even took the knot in completely." He felt his fluid spray out of his member when his balls contracted and the girl moaned in the strange feeling of it being pushed all through her digestion system. After a minute of spurting and moaning Zen noticed that at the position of her stomach her belly started to bulge out a bit which told him that his seed pushed all the way up to her stomach. He softly caressed her body and made her moan and soon the pain was forgotten by the girl. He got her into a new small climax before his knot completely shrank down. He went to his personal shower with her to clean up and one hour later they left his room and the girl smiled. After this counseling Nelly behaved like all the other kids and she even went to Zen a few times at night to have him take her ass because she started to love the affectionate touch of Zen and the feeling of him sliding into her backdoor. Pushing in the knot still felt uncomfortable for her but she slowly got used to it and her ass got used to being stretched to this degree. He was careful and caring enough that she lost the fear and bad memories of when her father took her by force in the past.