Part 1: Saereth Makes a Fun Discovery

Story by Saereth on SoFurry

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#3 of Adventures of a Hermaphroditic Dragoness

Saereth knew she was a shapeshifter. A rare one, capable of shifting form and shifting attributes. From a young age, she sought to learn all of her abilities as a shapeshifter. She learned to shift every aspect of herself, from her cup size to her wing size to her features. The one thing she never tried to shift, at least not until that day, was her gender. This is the story of how Saereth grew a penis.

Saereth groaned as she woke up, stretched her body out, and slowly stirred from her bed. As she sat up, she licked her lips, a disgusted look on her face.

"What have I been drinking, toilet water?"

She sighed and stood up, and started towards the bathroom, yawning and twitching her muscles. She washed her face, washing her mouth out as well, then sat down on the toilet, as normal, to do her morning business. Then, she looked down, for the first time. She screamed, and jumped up. She stared at her groin for a moment, then hesitantly reached a finger down. Touched it.

Where the lips of her sex had been, now there nestled a rather large flaccid penis. Really large, she noted in a second glance.

She didn't freak out. She vaguely recalled the night before, a night of heavy drinking and she thought? heavy petting between her and a long time friend. She didn't recall very well, she'd really been rather drunk. She remembered an incredibly pleasant dildo...she thought.

She continued to stare down at it.

"I guess it wasn't a dildo..." she thought with a slow smile on her face. She knew she could shapeshift her body, she just hadn't realized that gender was that fluid...and she did still have her breasts afterall.

She laughed.

"I guess I"m a herm now. Lessee if this thing works..."

She turned the shower on first, knowing that this would probably get messy, and she knew she needed a shower anyways.

Stepping under the fast, hot needlesharp drops of water, she gently gripped the flaccid length, examining it.

"Hrmm...roughly a foot's so soft...even a set of balls beneath it...wonder if that makes me fertile as a male? I'll have to find out sometime."

She held the soft length, probing it with her nimble fingers, gently cupping her new set of balls, feeling the soft flesh and the hard little spheres within. She could feel the heat of it, even with the hot water pounding her body. A tiny dribble of fluid ran from the tip of it and she quickly collected it, lifting her fingers to her mouth, she flicked her tongue over her fingers, tasting it.

"Salty...and sweet..."

It was starting to harden, gradually starting to stand up. She watched in fascination, feeling it in her body, as arousal flowed through her, desire making her heart pound, her blood racing at all her pulse pounts. She could even feel it pulsing in her growing erection. She stood there for a moment...looking at it. It looked a lot more intimidating now that it was hard. It stood stiff and hard, pointing straight out, the hot water making her shiver with each drop that fell on that sensitive length.

She groaned and pressed her side to the showerstall, her hand reaching down once more to wrap around her erection, her mind wondering at the size and heft and beauty of this thing. She purred with pleasure as her fingers touched it, each caress an electric jolt to her system, a gasp and a groan. This thing was exquisitely sensitive, pulsing, hot and hard and soft.

She shivered, her legs shuddering, and she knew she had to sit down. She fell to her knees in the showerstall, the hot water pounding the sensitive flesh between her wings. She sent a trickle of magick to her wings, making them dissapear, since they were starting to get in the way, and she didn't want any distractions.

As the water pounded down on her, she just knelt there, stroking it, not daring to do much else. With each touch, it quivered, a hot jolt coursing through her groin, into her body. She felt her nipples growing hard, her arousal building as she gently played with it. She felt her balls quiver with each little pleasurable pulse, and soon she felt a slick slippery fluid trickle down her penis. She groaned as her fingers slid in the fluid, her entire body shaking with each stroke.

She chuckled softly to herself as another wicked idea entered her head. She shifted her breasts and belly smaller, then lowered her head. Without her breasts and with her small belly, she could reach the hard tip of it with her tongue. Slowly, she flicked her tongue down the length of it, which made her arch her back and keen as such divine pleasure filled her. A small jet of viscous seed sprayed the wall in front of her with some force. She did it again, this time a little faster. Another jerk of seed and pleasure wracking her body.

She purred, then started earnestly licking her hard length, suckling on it, tasting her seed as her balls twitched and spasmed, her tongue curling around the little barbs, rasping against her mouth. She started to pant, her breathing ragged as the pleasure began building. She stopped licking herself, trying to stave off her impending climax, trying to breath and slow down, but her member wasn't having any of that.

She knew that she wasn't going to get her arousal to slow down, so she wrapped her hand around it, squeezing tightly, pumping it in her fist, panting hard and fast as the hot water sluiced down her body, caressing her entire scaled skin. She shuddered violently, her teeth clenching, as for the first time, she experienced a powerful orgasm like a male would, her member pulsing hard, each jet of seed fast and furious, each one a pulse of mind-bending pleasure. She fell forward against the tile of her shower, panting hard, her entire body shaking with the orgasms that came one after another, each one making her feel as if she was going to die, the pleasure was so intense.

She lay there for some time, until the water grew cold and her member was flaccid once more.

"Ye gods, I'm going to have to do that again," she said with a shiver as she wrapped a towel around herself and left the shower. She decided to leave it alone for awhile...perhaps she would find out what it was like to have sex with a female before she shifted back. Preferably not drunk this time. Idly, she wondered about her friend from teh night before, and what her friend had thought. She shook her head and decided to head out, after putting a loincloth on to conceal her new status as a herm.

AU: Saereth and the Stallion

It's a little known fact, but Saereth used to work on a farm. It was a summer job one year, and it had some pretty interesting results on Saereth, and on the animals of the farm. The farm itself belonged to a relative of Saereths, a rather old aunt and...

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Part Two: Saereth Leaves Home and Finds a Master

Saereth's Decision The peace that came from having been bred for the first time wore off swiftly within Saereth. Her father began making demands of her, telling her that as the one who had taken her virginity, as the only remaining blood relative,...

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Part 4: Draconic Relations

Aerie looked down at her little prize as he laid there beside her, his body still quivering. She reached down and stroked him gently, petting him like he was an animal. She curled her hand around his cock, hefting it, then letting him relax once more....

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