Just My Life Part 4

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#4 of Just My Life

*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to

[email protected] don't hold back now I'm in to that lol*

**And I think. I said I think. I have all the gramme patch up on this one...Think**

Just my life part 4 (At the dry cleaners still)

M/F, Rabbit-Cat, Hybrid, Skunk,

Since last we spoke its bin about 6 month's and yes I'm still at this dry cleaners. (You expected me to leave? HELLO, earth to you, this place has a lot going for it over well outside. One there's food, two there's a roof, three and most fun, there's Sasha you'd have drag me out kicking and screaming.) The store has not changed much since last time, ok not at all. It's still a large rectangular room that's separated by a wood counter about 1/3ed the way in. On the left wall just behind the counter is the dry-cleaning equipment and racks to the right a sewing machine that looks older then the place, is set in to a table (meaning it's so large the table is part of it). Tape rulers hang from varies hooks and fabrics are set in a few stands. Just behind all this stuff is a large curtain that cuts the rest of the room off from view, and that's were me and Sasha live, granted it hers I'm just helping out around here well as long as she will let me.

To some it may seam odd that any one would just open there door to someone they find sleeping on there stores doorway, but Sasha is about as normal as a hammer that plays the star-spangled banner when you hit a nail. Sasha is a recode and like most recodes makes her livening helping other recodes seeing how most of the *normal* world has yet to get comfy with the whole thing. Sasha stands about 6'2" dwarfing me at my tiny 5'9" (not including the ears, side note, any one else think it's really kinky when your girlfriend can pick you up). She has a full body that is soft as velvet and a gorgeous tail with its twin whit strips. (And now you can make the whip sound. "whhipcraaaaak" Hay I didn't mean it) Her favorite outfit would be the overalls she wears constantly and nothing else (I mean she wears just the overalls nothing underneath, I don't complain. she has like a dozen pairs of them in varying colors, thanks to her mastery of patching) Sorry to say my cloths are starting to fit in here my track pants are now five colors none of which were the original (blue, red, yellow, brown and I guess a dark violet I think.)

The store is actually a tad cleaner then it's normally, (what is normal) a friend of Sasha's is coming for a visit from some place up northwest ways. I think she said its name was Harmony Ridge North Dakota. Not that I was paying much attention at the time she was picking up a sawing pin and well I was behind(... what, no, get out of my head no side thoughts for you right now). We had spent most of the day cleaning but still had some energy left as we closed the curtain that separated the store from her apartment.

It was cold that night the wind could be heard out side as it blow down the ally. Inside we could hardly tell as she lay atop me on are soft bed of mismatched cloth and pillow stuffing. How we ended up there, her suckling away, I can't say, as she tends to surprise me often this way I stopped trying to remember what triggered it. My modest size made it easy for her to take me into her deeply, her tongue wrapping itself around one way then the other. As I felt the feeling build deep inside me I wished the moment would go on uninterrupted yet I know I would soon be unable to hold myself in this state of ecstasy. As I squeaked with pleasure Sasha pulled in deeper until I could hold back no more. With a mown and a small thrust I unleashed all that I could deep in to my lover's muzzle. She pulled away only after the last of my seed had pumped itself free of my tiny frame. She licked the last traces of it from her maw and joined me on the pile. I wasted no time switching places lowering my self between her lovely thigh's I inhaled her lushes sent as I slowly and gently slid my feline tongue along her outer walls.

Her breathing increased in depth and speed as I worked over her zones I had discovered over many attempts now, it was just a matter of time switching from the ruff surface and soft bottomed of my tongue I went over every inch of her avoiding only one. She liked it beater to build up to it and now she was ready as I took a slow pass over her clit she peeked and melted back into the pile of fluff, but I was not finished yet I artfully slid my self deeper until I could just slip her clit between my front teeth and I slowly dragged them across its soft surface. I knew id hit the sweet spot when her legs raped around me forcing my muzzle into her soft velvety interior. She panted and drew a number of deep breaths try to reclaimed some composer. I regaled free of her strong legs mostly from need of air.

We lay together for a few minuets as we both recovered from the waves of pleasure are bodies had just given one another. She let her hands roam across by back teasing my tail and squeezing my ass gently then hard. I knew what I wanted and yet new I could never have it here but this was worth it. Her voice surprised me it was muffled with longing and dizzier.

"There's some thing I've always wanted to try, but I was never able to fined some one to try with."

I looked in too her eyes and tried to speak, as her paw wound its way under my tail. I remembered that feeling something I'd not felt in a long wile as the moan escaped me before I realized it was there.

"We talked a lot before about your past (kiss) but I never really asked, do you miss it Kerstin, do you miss the feeling of being underneath (kiss) do you miss this?"

Her finger pressed harder lubricated by her own juices it slid slowly in to me. She was telling the truth she had never done this before I could tell but it still felt so good I wanted more.

"Kerstin will you let me try"

her other had slid slowly under the fluff and returned with a shiny leather belt with two bright green shafts extending from it one inside witch I quickly figured gave stimulation to her and the other was meant for me.

Not wanting to spoil this amazing mood I leaned forward kissed her deeply, and then slowly with drew her finger. I rolled over on my stomach and probed my ass up in the air with my knee's. Her new shaft slid gently in-between my cheeks not trying to enter but simply teasing. I reached back carefully and rubbed my paw gently over the sleek green shaft coating it with juices from are earlier play. Then I slid two of my finger in me loosening my self up for her I wanted this to be magic and not full of pain. Sasha lowered her self over my back gently so her larger frame would not cause me discomfort and whispered softly,

"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen you do and you're still super cute"

The green shaft touched my ring as she started to press with the first beginnings of her thrust. It was slow and steady as she was uncertain of what to do and did not want to hurt me. Yet deep down I wished she ravage me with force her larger frame could. As it slid deeper inside I slowly let myself slid back speeding the insert slightly. I looked over my shoulder to see Sasha. "Go on please" I begged laying it on a tad thick to help her get over this some what relaxing start. She slowly built the tempo and speed and soon we both were enjoying it with out needing to pretend or play. She grew closer and closer as her thrust increased in speed and power she was off slightly of my mark but it was the first time I'd let it slide. With one deep thrust she raped her arms around me as she came with force. Kissed my neck and whispered

"You're a fantastic fuck"

I lay there and rolled my eyes. "So iv been told"

Just my life p3

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (Ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Don't go hold back...

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Just My Life Part 2

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) don't hold back...

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Just My Life Part 1

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) don't hold back...

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