Spoiled Brat

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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If you ask enough times, you might get what you want. But be careful about what it is you're asking for.

I just started a Patreon and would love to bring you all on board! Help influence my writing to get more of what you'd like; sequels to stories, new themes, etc. Get your own stories orcommissions!


Rory growled down at the text he'd just received and turned the screen off, shoving his phone back in his pocket. "I am not looking forward to this weekend," he muttered sullenly, slumping forward over his desk and resting bodily on the keyboard.

Gary peeked over the edge of his book, lapine ears perking straight up. "What? Aren't you going back to your family's house in the Hamptons?" the rabbit asked.

Rory rolled his head in the rabbit's direction, but didn't pull his gaze away from the desk. "Yeah. Flying out tomorrow after class, won't be back until Sunday night,"

The rabbit's eyebrows raised, impressed, and he whistled, shaking his head. "Damn. I haven't ever actually flown before. Def couldn't afford to live in a place like that,"

Rory sighed and closed his eyes before slumping back into his chair, frowning. "It's not all that exciting, really," he insisted, rubbing at one of his forearms absently. "My family likes to solve things with money, and I just... don't wanna go,"

"Why not? Seems like it would be worth it if you don't have to pay for anything,"

The doberman sighed and spun his chair side to side, trying to think of the best way to express himself. "It's just empty. It's my brother's birthday and it's bound to be awkward, you know?"

Gary frowned, trying to see things from his roommate's view. They hadn't known each other except for the last few months in college, but things had been good so far. "Not really. We were all kind of close, I guess. Is it the whole gay thing or something? Dad's an alcoholic? Mom's a cliche?"

That made Rory smile a bit and he shook his head. "No. Well, yes. The cliche thing. My parents are both really really good at playing politics. When I came out, they were overly supportive, you know? It felt forced, fake... impersonal. They're always trying to make sure I'm happy,"

"And that's bad?" Gary asked, still not following.

"No, but," the doberman sighed and rubbed his face with both paws, grumbling. "It's just annoying. We weren't exactly a super close, show-up-to-school-events kind of family. They were both busy with work a lot, and we all just kind of learned to get along without that real close personal stuff. So when they started being overly-interested it's just weird,"

The rabbit's book was resting on his chest and he lay his head back on both paws. "Uh huh, I see. I think," he lied.

Rory shrugged. "It's not a huge deal, yeah, but really, that's not why things are gonna be awkward this weekend."

Gary rolled to one side and put the book aside. "Oh? What is it?"

"There's this guy," the dog started saying, ears splayed to either side. "He's going to be there and, well. Ugh, he found out that I was... well, gay, and now he's been hitting me, wanting to get in my pants when I go back there. I'm not interested, and he keeps asking."

"So block him," the rabbit said, shrugging. "Not like it'd be that hard." The rabbit moved his book to the side table so he could sprawl and stretch out along the mattress. "What's the big deal, anyway? Isn't it good for someone to be wanting in your pants?"

Rory grit his teeth together and glanced down at the phone in his paws. "It's... okay, you have to promise not to judge or make fun,"

"Mkay, lay it on me."

The doberman sighed. "It's my brother," he said under his breath, regretting the words immediately.

That got Gary's attention and the rabbit sat upright, turning around to look over towards Rory's desk. "Your brother?!"

Rory groaned and banged his head on his desk a few times, muttering to himself. "Yeah,"

"Oh. Oh my god," the rabbit's lips curled into a smile and he choked on a fit of giggles. "The birthday boy? Zach?" he asked, a paw now covering his mouth.

"Yes," the dog hissed, rolling his forehead back and forth on the desk and growling. "He found out that I was gay before I left for college, and had been bugging me about how I knew, and all that kind of shit. Then he started asking... other things, and getting more personal. I didn't think anything of it until he suddenly sent me pics of his junk."

Gary looked as if he were having trouble now. The rabbit had both paws over his muzzle and his face was beet-red beneath his white fur. He couldn't even respond since that'd mean letting out the pent up laughter.

Rory sat up in his chair and spun to face the rabbit's bed. "You okay over there?" he asked dryly, paws drumming on the arms of his chair.

Gary took a deep, shuddering breath and pulled his paws from his mouth. The calm lasted for only a few seconds before Gary rolled over and buried his face into his pillows, laughing wildly.

Rory pushed himself from his chair and stalked over to Gary's bed, putting both paws on the back of the rabbit's head and holding him down against the pillows. "You fucking brat, you said you wouldn't laugh!"

Gary continued laughing into the pillow as the doberman smacked him around. When Rory finally pulled back the fur on Gary's face was matted from tears. "Oh ho ho my god," he breathed, taking a few shallow breaths. "You gonna do it?"

"What? No! Of course I'm not going to do that." Rory flopped onto his own bed, hurling one of his pillows at the rabbit.

Gary recoiled as the pillow hit him square in the face and he just chuckled. "Why not, though? Not like you can get him pregnant."

Rory shuddered and made a gagging noise. "What, are you from the boonies? He's my brother!"

"And you haven't gotten any in how long?" Gary tossed the pillow back onto the dog's bed. "And I don't count," he added.

Rory had been about to reply but then his brow furrowed in annoyance. "What?! Why don't you count!" he asked.

"Cause I'm always here! We're sharing a room together! It's not like you have to go try hooking up with anyone."

Rory sighed and looked up at the ceiling, arms crossed over his chest. "I don't know, been a while." The dog leaned up to look across to Gary. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to fuck my little brother,"

"Happy Birthday!" everyone cheered, a few party favors making noise as everyone clapped and whooped. The DJ had softened his music for everyone to sing, but as soon as they'd finished he'd cranked it back up to rattle everyone's glasses.

No expenses had been spared, it seemed. A local DJ had set up pool-side and there were fire pits near the deck-chairs for extra warmth. Gold and silver confetti littered the marble and even the pool's surface glistened in the DJ's light display.

Mister and misses birthday-boy were sitting in the pool's adjoining hot tub with champagne flutes and both too far gone to care or notice what was going on at this point. Friends and family were milling about with plates of catered food, drinks from the bar, and if it weren't for the fact the nearest neighbor was practically another county away, the cops surely would have been called for disturbing the peace.

Rory felt more out of place than ever. Half of the party was family, but the other half were his brothers friends. "I hate high schoolers," he mumbled, getting another glass of beer.

He hadn't even seen Zach since they'd gathered around his enormous pyramid-themed cake and sang. It must have been nearing midnight because even the adults at the event were starting to wobble back and forth drunkenly.

"So, did you get me anything?"

Rory nearly jumped out of his skin; the voice had come from practically inside his ear and he could feel the person's breath on the fur inside. "Christ, Zach, what are you doing?" he asked, spinning to look at his brother.

Rory and Zach were complete opposites of one another. Rory took after their dad; athletic, toned, broad shoulders, and short, black hair. Zach took over their mother.

Ears standing up he barely came up to Rory's chin. "I was looking for you! Found you!" he locked his paws behind his back and swayed side to side.

The large dog grunted and looked back across the stone floor where the DJ's set was now on autoplay. A few people were dancing near the side and more were in the pool knocking a few balls around and laughing. "Enjoying your party?"

Zach grinned wide and followed his brother's gaze around. "Yeah, it's pretty dope. Can't believe they got a DJ!"

"Mmm, yeah. Sorry I didn't get you anything, dunno what you'd even want," Rory said, sipping at his beer and trying to look interested.

"It's cool. See what mom and dad got me?"

Rory had been doing his best to avoid his brother most of the night, so he hadn't even realized the younger dog was wearing a bright pink speedo. It left nothing to the imagination and had a paw print right over his bulge. There wasn't an ounce of fat on Zach's body, though, judging by how they'd both eaten growing up, that was something that would change as he got older.

Zach motioned down at his side where several black stars had been tattooed. The small dog had to tug the edge of his speedo down to show it off in its entirety. "Cool, huh?"

"They got you a freaking tattoo? Are you even old enough for a tattoo?" Rory asked incredulously, trying to hide the tone of disapproval in his voice.

"Pfft, who cares. What'cha think?" he asked, tugging at the speed a little more, threatening to reveal his sheath right there in the middle of the waning party.

Rory's hand smacked Zach's away and he growled irritably. "Cut it out," he warned. Even still, he couldn't help but steal a few covert glances. "God dammit, Gary," he thought.

"Aww, come on. You didn't get me a gift. This can be my gift!" Zach's paw moved towards Rory's swim trunks but the older dog caught it and twisted it away.

"Holy shit, Zach, are you kidding me? Mom and dad are like, fifty feet away," he said, pointing down along the pool to where they were laughing and spilling champagne into the pool while trying to pour more into flutes.

"So? Everyone is drunk," the younger dog said, puffing his chest out and taking a step forward.

It must have looked like a tango to an outside observer the way both brothers moved together, Zach leading with a few steps forward while Rory retreated. "No. Come on, we're... that's so wrong on so many levels," Rory growled.

"What's the big deal? Come on. It'd be fun! I wanna give it a shot," Zach whined, sticking out his bottom lip and making puppy faces from behind his bangs.

"No. Stop asking me that," Rory said sternly, pulling away from the birthday dog. "God, it's just weird." It almost felt as if he were trying to reassure himself of his own reluctance, though. It was one thing to deny someone over text, but now that he was here, it was getting harder and harder to say no. It didn't help that the twinky, emo boys on campus had always caught his eye.

Zach huffed dramatically and brushed his bleached blond bangs to the side, though it still covered one eye. "Come on, let's swim down and bug mom and dad."

Neither had been in the pool yet and that suited Rory fine, but Zach had taken off into a sprint and cannonball into the deep end and Rory figured that if he complied they could get off the topic.

He was a much better swimmer than Zach, and despite the short dog's head start, Rory caught up. They swam down to the shallow end and then waded over to the attached hot pool where the water was noticeably warmer and bubbling.

Misses birthday boy noticed them first and she raised her glass to greet them. "Boys! Oh, are you having a good time?"

"Peachy," Rory muttered.

"Yeah, totes! Thanks for the party," Zach said, grinning wide.

Their father waded forward and clapped both of them on the shoulder before hugging them both tight. "Good! I love you guys, you know that, right?" he said, though he was looking more towards Rory.

Rory just set his jaw in a strained smile and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I know. I love you both, too,"

Zach might have been young, but he didn't miss a beat of what had gone on over the years. "Love you guys, too!" he said to make himself known again.

Their parents said a few more to them, knocking over a champagne flute when talking and dropping an open bottle of the bubbly into the hot tub's bubbles.

"I think it's about time we get inside," their mom said, hiccuping and leaning hard against the eldest dog.

The brothers hadn't had as much to drink as the other guests, and both nodded in response. Family obligations were something they had always shared in common and could understand each other's pain there.

"Oh! Wait, before I forget. Let me take a pic of you two," their mom said, grabbing her camera from where she'd dropped it next to the hot tub.

Rory and Zach put their arms around each other's waists and held close while their mom snapped a picture. "Wait, mom, Rory is too tall. Here,"

The older brother was just trying to get through the rest of the party and he let Zach guide him for another photo. His brother stepped in front and guided both of Rory's arms over Zach's shoulders.

It was an odd pose for brothers, but Rory's mind was nowhere near the party until he felt Zach's body press up close to his chest. His throat tightened and his back stiffened, eyes focused on his mom trying to take a picture of them.

Beneath the bubbling water and confetti film, Zach's paws reached behind and hooked onto Rory's trunks, tugging them down in the front. Zach's own speedo was lowered and he pressed his hips back until he felt his brother's thick sheath under his stub of a tail.

Rory's entire body tensed and his arms squeezed his brother out of instinct, face blanching at what just happened. He couldn't even think straight; their parents were a couple feet in front, oblivious to what his little brother was doing.

"There! Got it. Thanks boys," their mom said, dropping her camera on the side of the pool nearly missing the ledge.

Their dad's brow furrowed and he tilted his head. "You okay, Rory?" he asked.

Rory could feel his sheath thickening beneath Zach's short tail and he wrenched himself free, taking a few step and turning away. "I-I'm fine! I'm going back inside,"

Zach surreptitiously tugged his own speedo back in place, turning to follow. "Me too!"

Rory swam to the far end of the pool and hauled himself out, grabbing tails from a drying rack on the way into the house. Teenagers were passed out on the couches and floor around a tv and only a couple seemed to still be conscious to watch what the cartoons playing.

The dog stalked past them all, bounding up the stairs to the main area of the house where their bedrooms were. "What the fuck is he thinking? Spoiled brat thinks he can get whatever he wants," he thought angrily, face still flushed in embarrassment.

Rory closed his bedroom door and locked it, stepping over to the bathroom to start the shower. He had to wash the confetti and water from his fur and calm his nerves.

He was still in his trunks, water pouring overhead, when he heard a knock on the doorframe of the bathroom. His eyes shot open to see Zach through the fogging glass. "Zach? What did I tell you!" he barked, voice echoing off the tile.

Zach huffed and folded his arms, hugging the towel around his shoulders like a shawl. "Oh come on. I could feel you getting hard. Come on, what would it hurt? Just once."

The older brother's face was turning red from a mix of embarrassment and anger and he pointed a finger at the cocky little teenager. "You're a spoiled little punk that thinks he can get whatever he wants. I'm not doing this,"

"Come on!" Zach pouted. "I practiced all week for you, see?"

The color drained from Rory's face as he watched the young, twinkish dobie turn around and push his speedo down and off. Zach bent over against the counter, his nub of a tail doing nothing to hide his pink entrance. Two fingers slipped from Zach's lips and the paw reappeared between his legs, both fingers at his passage. There was a stifled whimper as both shoved inside, spreading his hole for the older brother to see.

Rory meant to look away, he really did. His body felt cold in the steamy shower and his throat was like a desert. He watched the younger dog spread himself open, a third finger teasing at his passage before joining the others. Zach was letting out a couple exaggerated moans for erotic effect.

"See? I just want this to be you," Zach whispered, trying to sound desperate and out of breath.

Rory's cock throbbed in his swim trunks to get his attention, but the dog ignored it. His face was starting to heat up from anger and his paws balled into fists. "Zach. Get. Out."

In answer the dog thrust his fingers back inside and he let out a porn-flick moan. "Rory!"

That was the last straw. Rory pushed open the shower door so hard that it bounced off the wall and spider-webbed. Zach had been watching through the cloudy mirror and his face froze in terror, finally realizing there was a crossed line.

The younger dog's fingers pulled free and he spun around to face Rory, cock retreating into his sheath. "W-wait, Rory, I'll go, shit man, sorry." He was mumbling quickly as Rory loomed over him.

"No, you know what? I gave you a chance to leave. I kept telling you to drop it. You want this?" he asked, shoving his trunks down to the ground and kicking them across the floor. His cock bounced up against his stomach and he took a step towards his younger brother.

Zach's eyes flicked down to his brother's cock and his nostrils flared, eyes dilating. "I-I uh, I mean,"

"No! Come on! No clamming up now, you wanted this, right?" Rory snarled, grabbing Zach by one of his pierced ears, shoving him down.

Zach yelped as his knees hit the tile, eyes watering from the pain. There was only a scant second of warning before a finger pried his muzzle open and several inches of thick dog cock was pressing between his lips. Despite all his talk and show, he'd never gotten together with anyone before, and all his experience came from toys. The young dog sputtered helplessly as Rory's cock sank into his black and brown muzzle.

"You've been harassing me for this all fucking week! Don't chicken out now!" Rory said, body quivering from the adrenaline high. He'd been so angry and aroused that all formality was gone; as far as he was concerned, his brother had asked for all of this.

Zach gagged a few times, paws clawing uselessly at Rory's thighs and legs. His throat burned from the rough treatment and all he could taste or smell was his older brother. He could hardly breathe as those muscled legs hunched forward, choking him on the rigid length.

Zach was loving every moment of it.

His knees hurt, his head swam from the lack of oxygen, and his throat felt stretched, but his cock pulsed between his legs, dripping steadily onto the wet tile. He was still terrified he might get beat up by his furious brother, but he'd enjoy it while he could.

It was obvious to Rory how inexperienced his brother was at giving head, so he worked his hips back and forth to shove his cock as deep into that struggling maw. His knot had swollen to a thick fist and was likely to leave the younger dog with a bruised nose with how he bumped it repeatedly.

Gary had been right about how long it had been since he'd been with anyone knew and the thrill of a new conquest made the dobie's blood boil. He was surprised at just how quickly he came, but didn't slow his thrusts at all. A low, guttural groan reverberated off the tiled walls and his cock began shooting down his brother's throat.

Zach gagged and choked hard, cum drooling from his nose and the corner of his lips as he fought to pull away. His senses were literally flooded with his brother's scent and he managed to push himself free to get air. Zach coughed up a bit of his brother's seed as the rest spattered over his face and chest.

Rory paused for a moment to let Zach catch his breath, his own ragged and uneven. Even as he shot the last of his seed over his younger brother he wanted more. "Come on," he growled, grabbing Zach's shoulder.

The younger doberman barely scrambled to his feet as he was bodily hauled from the bathroom and thrown at the bed. He stumbled across the carpet and fell forward onto the mattress, bent over and nub flicking in a scared excitement. The bed frame knocked against the end table, sending it and the lamp to the ground.

Rory was on him in an instant, a paw pushing down on Zach's lower back while the other guided his cock up under the black nub. Cum drooled from the tip of his shaft onto his younger brother's pucker and that was the only lube given before Rory pushed in.

Zach had ordered several toys with his parents card and been using them since he'd found himself a few months prior, but nothing could have prepared him for what another person felt like. Instead of the cool silicone, it was hot, burning flesh. It spread him open and caused him to cry out in sudden agony, paws tangling in the sheets.

Rory pressed further in until his knot ground against the abused ring and leaned down to press his muzzle against one of Zach's ears. "You said you-"

The door to room suddenly opened and light poured over them accompanied by an embarrassed cry and then a slamming door. "Sorry! So sorry! Your father and I heard something fall and we were making sure you were okay!"

The brothers froze where they were, looking at the now-closed door. Neither knew what to say.

"You two boys, uh, continue on!" she said nervously, laughing from the other side of the door. "Your father and I love and support you completely! And your brother does too, I'm sure!" she added.

Relief washed over them and Rory collapsed atop Zach's back, taking a deep breath as he heard footsteps shuffle away down the hall. "She didn't know it was you," he laughed, shaking his head.

Zach chuckled nervously and nodded, pushing his hips back to Rory's. "I haven't even told them I am," he said.

The fire had been taken from their act and with Rory's anger drained he just lay atop the smaller canine, cock still lodged up to the knot. Regret and doubt began to creep up on him and he was seconds from pulling himself out when he felt the younger canine squeeze down on his member.


Rory shivered and took Zach's hips in both paws, pulling back to the tip of his shaft before shoving back in. A genuine moan came from Zach's muzzle and it was a much more encouraging and arousing sound than the fake show-moans from earlier.

The older dog began working up a steady rhythm, heavy sac slapping into Zach's smaller pair while the mattress scootched across the box springs with each thrust.

It was better this way, and without the rage clouding his judgement Rory felt himself enjoying things. He picked up speed and his knot spread the younger dog wider and wider, threatening a tie any moment.

Zach humped against the bed sheets, a patch of pre-slicked silk beneath his knotted cock. Breathless whimpers escaped his lips as he began to tip over the edge.

Rory's ears perked up when his brother jerked hard on the bed, a forceful gasp sounding from him. That was all the encouragement the older dog needed and his hips shoved forward one last time as his climax hit him.

Zach's cock throbbed between his stomach and the bed, cum soaking into the sheets and mattress as his balls emptied themselves. Halfway through the pleasure Rory's knot speared him open wider and he had to bite into the sheets to keep from crying out.

The pair rode their orgasms to the end, Rory laying atop the smaller canine while trying not to crush him. His mind was racing with everything they'd done and he tried to fight off the nagging doubt in his mind. "Sorry for... attacking you,"

Zach just laughed and knocked his head backwards against Rory's chest. "That was great, you kidding me? I really thought you were going to beat me up, though,"

Rory's ears flattened and he frowned inwardly, hugging Zach against his chest. "Sorry. I was just so angry at you,"

"Yeah..." It was Zach's turn to sigh and he closed his eyes, shrugging. "Sorry. I just wanted to do things. I thought you didn't actually mean no,"

Rory's chest rumbled and he brought a paw up to pat the younger dog's head. "You're such a spoiled brat. But I love you; Happy Birthday."

Zach beamed brightly and squeezed one of Rory's arms to his sticky chest. "Love ya, too."

"Not doing this again, though," Rory said firmly.

"No. Definitely not," Zach replied, giggling to himself as he squeezed on Rory's knot.

The older brother growled and nipped one of Zach's ears. "I mean it."


Rory treated himself to a heavy, dramatic sigh and closed his eyes. "Fine," he mumbled. "But no kissing."

"Eww." Zach scrunched his face in mock disgust. "We can't kiss; we're brothers."

Retaking the Lead

I just started a [**Patreon**](https://www.patreon.com/Tayu) and would love to bring you all on board! Help influence my writing to get more of what you'd like; sequels to stories, new themes, etc. Get your own stories or...

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