Obligations - Cyan at the J-One Gentleman's Club

Story by Roke Tanuki on SoFurry

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((Welcome to my fourth story! Another request/commission, though this time the requester and star wishes to remain nameless. As such the main character's name has been changed. I was informed that if his mate knew he was into this kind of thing, well...anyway. Should there come a day that he tells his mate and everything becomes kosher, I'll be happy to edit the story and put the original names back. Much like Ryoushi Raptor Mating Trials, this story features a handful of firsts in writing for me. I've been a big fan of Exhibition and Humiliation, but I hadn't realized it till recently. Strange how things work huh? Anyway, I always love feed back. So go ahead and drop a comment, and perhaps even drop me a line on MSN, YIM, AIM, or ICQ. I look forward to hearing from you, and happy fapping!))

The rain was falling lightly when the taxi-cab finally rolled into the parking lot. J-One's was the name that shown in highly visible, if faded, neon letters. beneath it the white tubes of neon traced the vague image of a lapine with black bars across its thighs and waist. Cyan never wanted to work here. He always joked about the place when passing it with friends on the way to more respectable clubs. But hard times, and hard choices come upon everyone. "At least everyone else is out of town on summer vacation." Thought Cyan as he pulled his coat a bit tighter. He wasn't always certain of things, but he knew for sure he wanted to make absolutely sure no one saw what he was wearing until he was deep inside the club's back room.

As he approached the front door a Seagull with a mean disposition began to look him over. About to shoo away his less than trendy trench coat garb before he flipped his collar up, showing a first year's pin. "Oh, wear it on the outside next time, I don't feel like having a stand off with every new person here." Said the seagull, though by the end of his sentence he'd already been looking over someone else. Grading their attire for entry into J-One. Cyan had briefly been forced to flash the upper part of his garb for the door-man, even to someone who sees the uniform every day. Cyan was ashamed to be wearing it, to feel the leather and cotton pressed so tightly to his chest. The voids where breasts should be..

As he quickly hurried past the crowd in the club, he moved into the back-room. It was strange, living moment to moment as he was all he could think was. "What if someone yanked off this coat? God, I gotta get out of here." Said the rabbit as he tried to curve his ears down to hide his face, quickly rushing towards the employee's only exit of the room. Alas, it was a Frying pan and fire situation as he looked around. Seeing his uniform on several bodies with a similar build to his.

"I guess...its time...." He spoke to himself as he finally slid his paws from his coat, easing it off and letting everyone see him in uniform. It was a female's leather bondage garb. A number of leather straps running all along his form, two wide diamonds where the breasts would be exposed just showed his narrow chest. The lower half was the worst though. As it was an S&M outfit made for females, the crotch was meant to be quite snug. It left Cyan's neither regions quite scrunched even un-aroused. He shuddered to think what it would feel like if he was hard. As if to add insult to injury the outfit lacked a real covering for his rump, having only a pair of thick flaps that draped down and covered his cheeks, leaving his tail and the soft pucker beneath exposed.

Thankfully, the various scantly clad females that walked about in the room and his discomfort with their forms made it an easy task to stay soft. "Alright, group meeting." A voice suddenly called, causing the girls and a few of the boys with similar builds as Cyan to stand around an older Gazelle. Though up until this point no one had noticed Cyan, the Gazelle looked over. "Hey! Move your bouncy ass over here. We're starting the shift in ten minutes and we need to go over the game-plan."

As Cyan moved closer he noticed the Gazelle looked....normal. She looked as average as anyone might expect. Only the J-One badge around her neck and the gaudy gold on her antler gave her away. "Hey you, how old are you?" Cyan cleared his throat a bit. Trying his best to respond and not reach for something to cover his largely exposed chest and tracks of white fur all along his leather covered form.

"F-fifteen..." He blurted out. God! how stupid. All this work to get the job and he tells them he's not legal to work here. "Eighteen? Good" Said the Gazelle quietly as the rest of the waitresses and waiters stood at ease. "No...I'm" Cyan, for whatever reason, wanted to correct her. Perhaps there was a bit of his dignity. He wanted a reason to not be able to do this job, to quickly throw that coat back on, run home then burn this tight, binding outfit that was covered in rings along his back.

"Your Eight-teen, anyone asks your Eighteen, if the cops ask, eight-teen. If they ask for ID tell them that its at the Bar." Cyan simply nodded now. Reaching a paw back to gently brush beneath his tail. Gulping as the others seemed annoyingly calm. He had really wanted to ask them how they did it every night. But he was going to find out soon enough anyway.

"Alright girls, and girlie-boys. Bend over, its time to get ready." Said the Gazelle, prompting everyone in-the-know to turn around and lifted their tails. The young lapine had only been briefly told what he'd be doing, he didn't even know he'd be wearing such a skimpy, revealing outfit until earlier that day when someone from the club dropped it off.

But, he had to do this, he didn't have a choice in the matter. In an attempt to emulate the others he turned and spread his legs, placing his paws on a nearby brace bar rather delicately. "First time working hon?" Came the soft lisp of a rail-skinny anole. His arrow-head face and reptile features actually a bit soothing.

"Y-yeah..." Cyan said, hopeful that he'd get some encouragement from what looked to be a veteran. "My advice to jou, iz to suck up jour pride. and wear a diaper when zhey're finished. Oh, and don't clench. Only makes it worze." Said the reptile as his back arched. his accented was vaguely Latin, but it also sounded a bit forced. The Gazelle had stopped behind him as she reached down towards his tail base.

"Oooossiimmm. Not so rough Natalie, jour like a customer." He said with a wink while his tongue curled suggestively . Cyan felt his ears curl a bit, they only did that when he was absolutely sure whatever course he was on was ill-fated. He wanted so much to run, his rabbit nature clenching his thighs as he glanced to the door, even now he was sure he could make it to the door, quickly push through the crowd and make it to the street. Then it would just be one quick bus ride home. But what of the day after? The consequences he would face? As bad as staying was, tomorrow would be much worse if he didn't see this through.

His thighs, which had been fidgety for now, suddenly clenched rock hard . The feeling of two fingers covered in a chilly lube began to run up and down between his cheeks. coating his cleft quickly before a sudden, unceramonial penitration. A lanky, light caramel toned gazelle finger to lube his clenched spincnter. "Gyahha!" Cyan suddenly called out as he looked to the side. Turning red beneath his snowy fur as his obvious first-time reaction caused the rest of his coworkers to snicker.

It didn't take long for the Gazelle to "swipe and poke" everyone, as he heard one of his coworkers, a female skunk, call it.. By the time Natalie finished there stood twelve hosts wearing the advertised J-One outfit. The young rabbit tried to clear his mind and assure himself that it would be done soon, but no matter where he turned his gaze in the utilitarian backstage room, there was another reminder. If not unused outfits or bondage equipment, then a mirror that reflected his fluffed white fur. Stark, almost clashing with the heavy black belts that criss crossed his chest and thighs.

"Alright, New kid, you and Kae are working the west curtains. Eric and Sylvia your on the roof tonight. Kaji, Joseph, Abbanni and Aljaiah, your on the main floor so try to keep your breaks to a minimum. Everyone else just hang out back here until someone's full." Everyone seemed to know what she was talking about, everyone except Cyan. Meandering towards Kae, whom unfortunately (or fortunately, all things considered) happened to be a supple twenty something Doe, Cyan attempted his best as conversation.

"H-hey, so I guess we're working the....west curtains?" He stammered a bit. Trying to avert his eyes from her breasts, he really, really wished he'd been assigned to work with someone else. Perhaps that anole from earlier. His subtle distain for her anatomy was lost as she just smiled at him. "Yeah, its better than the floor at least."

Cyan briefly felt better at least he wasn't being given the worst part of the club on his first night. "But take my advice, wear a diaper. Its easier than just clenching the entire time." If you've ever tried not to think too deeply on something. Cyan was attempting that now at the mention of diapers. Perhaps the shifts were just long and there were no bathroom breaks? Yeah, that must be it. Long shifts on your feet. It was only natural one might have to pee. Considering the clientele , maybe that meant some people would get their kicks watching him wet a diaper in-front of them.

"There's no way, no way I'm going to piss myself in-front of everyone." He said quietly as the Doe stood up, brushing her long black hair behind her shoulders. "Just remember what I said." Was the last thing she spoke as she stood and started towards the door Cyan had passed through earlier.

"Cimon kid, your on the first shift out there. Now get moving." The Gazelle was intimidating if nothing else. Her voice got Cyan to his feet and, against his better judgment, to the door just behind the doe. Giving him an uncomfortably close view of her spade like tail and firm rump. The distance between them increased as she passed though and gave him a brief glimpse of the main areas.

Cyan held his breath, letting his ears curl just a bit more as he peered at the lime and lavender door. "Most of these people are regulars and...I'm not the only one wearing...this" Was the rational that calmed Cyan's nerves and kept them stable from moment to moment. Then, then the moment of truth as Cyan held his white paws on the diner-like door and swung it open to follow the doe. stepping into a lively crowd of around sixty in a decent sized two story club. It was noisy like a restraint, but still carried airs of civilization.

"One foot in-front of the other" Cyan said as he walked. Trying to keep pace with the doe as she wandered along the casino-carpeted path way and up a few short steps to a group of twelve booths that ran along the west wall. A heavy Kabuki-curtain of repeating blue, yellow and green bars sectioned off the area. At least he knew why it was called the west curtain now. But this outfit, even if everyone else was wearing one it still shook Cyan up and down with each step to know any number of strangers were looking at his bare bunny-ass. At his chest and sides. Looking at his face and thinking of any number of things they'd love to do to him, and for a price, could.

"Hey, bunny, refill this." Said a drunk panda as he held up a bottle of what smelled to be a cheap wine. Cyan reluctantly took the bottle. Pausing dead still as he realized he wasn't sure where the bar was. Luckily the doe seemed to realized that he'd need a hand. "North wall. The big neon J, the bar's next to that." She said as she passed him while carrying a pair of mixed drinks on a platter."

Cyan quickly began to move. He could feel the eyes of the Panda and the two hyena next to them, they were fixed on his young boy frame. As Cyan turned and started to step. He heard a sudden call. "Hurry back, I don't think I can hold it much longer." Called one of the hyena in a drunken, mocking holler. Cyan took long steps now to try and get away. To at least let his body know he was thinking of running away to quiet those instinctive urges. It was thus a fairly short trip across the club to the large Neon J which marked the bar.

Handing the bottle over the person behind the counter (whom was, interestingly enough, an entirely normal looking human male,) Cyan was handed in return a full bottle of the same vintage. "Table five?" Said the bartender casually, a tone completely lost on Cyan who was constantly glancing about, taking the bottle by reflex and almost dropping it before a stronger reflex caught the glass container by the neck.

"Y-yeah, I think so, a panda and two hyenas." Cyan replied as he tried his best to keep his ears relaxed while his toes curled against the carpet. "I don't care about the patrons, but I need to know the table for the bill. Are you sure it was five?" The human replied as he busied himself with a handful of other tasks. Cyan thought back, was there a five on the table? Or was it a six?

"It was definitely table five." Said Cyan, in truth just guessing. Quickly he hurried from the bar and back to the table. Why hurry? That would just mean more work tonight, it wouldn't make this horrid night be over any quicker as he approached the west curtain once again. Up the steps and round the edge as he looked for the big bell shape of the panda again and the two lanky hyenas. The ambient lighting of the club made it hard to define colors too clearly in the club. So shapes were best to navigate quickly by. During his small venture it seemed that the Doe had left. While he wasn't a fan of those large breasts of hers, he wished a familiar face, even remotely, was still there in this club of lecherous strangers.

"Hey, about time." Came a bellowed call from the Panda, who was rubbing his stomach and slumped with his pants unbuttoned. Cyan approached and did his best to casually set the bottle on the coffee-table that sat at the center point of the half circle booth. It was then that he noticed it wasn't just the Panda, everyone had their pants unbuttoned. Everyone looked at Cyan with a grin, then it happened. Slowly the Hyena slid his pants down to reveal a half erect scarlet member.

God, this is it Cyan thought. I'm going to lose my virginity, in a bar, in-front of a bunch of horny drunks. Cyan really would've ran in any other situation. He would've been out the door regardless of what he was wearing. But his better judgment was overshadowed by a false sense of duty, and he had to lay in the bed he'd made for himself. Slowly he walked forward. Staring down at the Hyena and his increasingly hard erection. What did he want? A blow-job? To just grind up into Cyan's narrow ass until he came or passed out. "Well? I've been holding it for ten god damn minutes. Now hurry up!"

The bunny-boy gulped as he stepped forward, awkwardly turning around and stepping over the Hyena's knees, trying to position himself just right so it wouldn't sting so bad when he was mounted. "Dammit, I have to go!" Said the hyena as two strong paws grabbed the rings on Cyan's hips. Yanking his small white and black frame down, spearing him on the slick seven inches of canid meat. There was a body wide clench that ran over Cyan as he felt the shrill pain of his first penitration by another run along the entirety of his powerful thighs and calves. hitting his shin on the table as he felt the Hyena's length grind against his rectum. Yet he wasn't thrusting. He was infract rather still and breathing heavily.

After a few seconds passed, it happened. There was a rush of hot liquid across Cyan's tender inner walls. Gushing up into his larger intestine and further past as more and more came in. What kind of sick....he was pissing in Cyan! He was using Cyan's rump as his personal bathroom. Cyan could only try his best to avoid digging his claws into the Hyena's hips, or to attempt pushing off in a panic, to avoid anything but just sitting there as the two other drunk patrons watched with their jeans undone. After a good minute the Hyena seemed to be finished, patting young Cyan's back with a wine-soaked whisper. "Y'can get off now kid, I'm dry."

Cyan had to clench to keep from leaking as he stood.. The other Hyena had dropped his pants now and revealed his own pride. Stroking it a bit and giving lustful stares at the bondage gear clad rabbit. Oh god, was that it? What the doe had said? Cyan finally had put the pieces together, his exposed rump, the diapers. He was meant to be a public bathroom for the patrons.

The second hyena just stared impatiently. "You too?" He said with a gulp, hoping for any other response than the one he expected to get. "No, I just have my dick out because of the delightful night air. Of course I have to piss you little twit." Spoke the patron as he wriggled his shaft side to side. Cyan waddled over. Any large step would probably open the flood gates and cover his thighs, legs, and the floor beneath him in hyena piss.

As he moved over he did his best to clench while squatting onto the pink shaft. Quite a difficult task at this point, yet somehow he managed to dock without spilling more than a few drops. Just as expected the well-drank hyena had a full bladder to empty as well. Though unlike the other this one seemed genuinely aroused, and drunk enough not to care who had been watching, Cyan could only wish for that kind of inhibition.

The hyena began to thrust upward quickly now. Not just using Cyan as a bathroom. But actively fucking him with quick drunken jabs upward. heavy arms wrapped around Cyan's waist as his erection began to swell in the overly snug crotch of his uniform. No, no, no He thought as it pushed against the leather. bending to its tight constraints and adding an element of pain to his already aching rump and cramped waist.

At this point, it could be safely said that Cyan was pushed past embaressed, past having his dignity lowered. This stripped it away completely. He wasn't just being paraded around like meat, he was being pissed in and fucked by total strangers in a club. Cyan took a tiny grain of comfort in the thought that it couldn't get any worse. That no matter what, it wasn't going to get any worse. But it was then that the Panda, in a drunken wobble. stood up. "G'damnit, I need to piss too, fuck him afterwards."

The large black and white creature said with an annoyed grunt. The hyena seemed a little to drunk to care though as he continued to thrust inside Cyan. "fine, guess I'll just have to use the other end..." Said the Panda while his paws shoved his pants down, flopping out a heavy shaft that had a girth that was around twice that of either of the Hyena.

"Hope you got big lungs kid." Was what the panda said as he took hold of Cyan's jaw. This had to be against the rules. Cyan wanted to scream for the manager and bring her to stop it. But his words were muffled by thick, moist panda flesh. Moments later a fire-hose like gush of urine hitting the back of his throat and traveled down his esophagus into his stomach. Cyan did his best to keep his pallet open and his eyes shut. Not wanting to look up and see the Drunken panda's eyes now, not wanting to look at or see anyone as he tried his hardest to pretend. Pretend the Hyena in his ass was really just a hyena shaped dildo. That what was gushing down his throat was really just his own urine that was being poured down his throat from a bottle he pissed in earlier. But no matter how much he tried to block it. The feeling of a paw on his jaw, two paws on his hips, and the heat of a panda and hyena penis in his throat and rump respectively, was too strong an image to ignore.

Unable to block the images, Cyan began to try and rationalize it all, to find the traces of luck in this situation. The panda's length was nearly as big as his forearm. If he were to use Cyan as the Hyena's were. The young rabbit wouldn't be sitting down for weeks. He'd probably even suffer permanent damage to his bowels. His jaw had begun to hurt from how wide it was forced by the panda's girth, but he dare not bite down. Remaining still as the slick, stiff member pushed along the interior of his cheeks and forced its tip against his pallet in a blunt, forceful fashion

As quickly as it started however. It was over. The panda had pulled his heavy red length out and sat back down, popping the cork from the wine as he covered himself, and sometime while he had been trying so hard to imagine himself somewhere else, the Hyena had came and was trying to push him off. Cyan stood up now, and felt truthfully as if he was trying to hold his thumb over the mouth of a hose.

The young rabbit had managed to stand up. But any parting of his thighs was going to send at the very least a squirt of urine across the floor. It was then however, that the Doe finally returned, she looked at Cyan rather concerned as she spoke. "Are you full?" She said as she held Cyan's shoulders. He tried to respond but at first could only let out urine-scented burps.

"I..god...I'm gonna spill it....I can't hold it.." He said as he clenched his entire body and used his white paws to push his cheeks together, feeling some of the lube squish to less pressured regions, faint yellow trickles running down his thighs. Quickly the cervid reached beneath the table and slipped out a small box, pulling up a diaper from it.

Without a second thought she quickly folded it open and slit it between Cyan's legs, pulling it up and pushing it snug to his rump, taping the sides quickly. "Just move slow, and get to the back room, you'll be OK." She said in a kind of parental way. Cyan tried a single step forward. An audible hiss came as he clenched and sent half a cup of urine gushing from his rump and into the thirsty padding. "small steps." The Doe said as she picked up a pair of wine glasses. Cyan tried to focus on the door. yes, that lavender and lime square that signaled privacy, relief, freedom. He'd no longer have that panda and the two hyena glaring at the back of him.

It felt like around an hour before hee reached the door, though in truth only a few minutes had passed. It was one thing to move with the same long stride as everyone else. But now he was taking baby steps while an obvious, ivory white diaper sat on his waist and crotch, crinkling loudly with each movement. Though silent Cyan was in tears now, no one could deny that some patrons weren't staring at him. Seeing his lithe lapine body take tiny steps while a diaper sagged from his hips.

By the time he moved into the changing room he'd already soaked through the diaper. His inner-thighs wet down to his skin as he finally caught site of the Gazelle. "f-full...I'm full.." he spoke out tersely, hoping she'd know what he meant.

"Go ahead and empty yourself out back. take fifteen, and come back." Cyan didn't believe it. After all that he couldn't even use a regular bathroom? Earlier Cyan would've been angry, or tried standing up for himself, but the desire for relief from the pressure was too great. Cyan simply nodded and made his way quickly to the door marked exit. He didn't know who or what he'd find out there, didn't care.

Luckily for Cyan, the alleyway was empty for now. And the street was a good fifty meters away. Far enough that no one would see him, just the shadow of a rabbit squatting in the dim forty-five watt bulb that was in the light socket above the door. Cyan quickly yanked the diaper off, dropping it as he dropped quickly to a squat. Vocalizing his relief rather loudly as a wedge spray of urine was forced out him. Then another. Clench after clench as he voided himself of two Hyena's worth of urine. His stomach still a bit uneasy from what the panda had forced into his maw.

"ju know ze first time is always ze worst." Said a voice.

Cyan whipped around to see the anole from before leaning against the wall with a lit cigarette in his skinny, scaled fingers. Looking over the young leather-clad rabbit the way a customer would. So focused on reliving the pressure put upon his digestive track, he hadn't noticed his coworker slip outside for a smoke. "but, you survived it seems, how about I give jou a little geeft before you go back in zere?"

The anole blinked his reptile eyes as a grin ran over his long, narrow snout. Slowly he sauntered to Cyan, whom had since finished and stood back up. He wasn't about to turn the reptile down, he needed all the friends he could get here. No matter how temporary he wanted his job at J-One to be. The anole slid down to a squat in-front of Cyan, having discarded his cigarette the anole used his slender claws to undo various buckles and rings of Cyan's outfit. It was clear that the older reptile was quite familiar with the uniform, as within a matter of moments he had exposed Cyan's still present erection and let it shimmer faintly in the dim light of the alley, the cool night air making it shiver.

No, this was wrong, wasn't it? a blow job in an alley? Cyan's perspectives on things had become skewed however due to the events of tonight. His standards lowered after having been made into a walking urinal. There was dissapointingly little difficulty in getting himself from half hard to rock solid as he stood before the anole, who's tongue had casually curled along the rabbit's shaft and begun to work with a skill that could only be described as professional. One hand on Cyan's thigh, the other hand resting idly on the wall too ensure balance.

Cyan's shoulder-blades pushed to the brick outside of the J-One as he looked to either side. The alley was empty, and while he could see cars and people passing at the end, he knew none of them would be looking over at him, or if they did, none would care. Cyan closed his eyes and began to fantasize. To imagine a certain spotted leopard was suckling him instead. Yes, that was a much more arousing image. A much better image to put on the long tongue and slick cheeks that worked along his shaft so well. His rump was still tingling, still a bit sore as he felt a finger suddenly push inside him, then a second. He began to pant as his ears curled down, his fingers and toes clenching as he approached orgasm. "Oh...oh gawd..." He called out in an entirely genuine, orgasmic fashion.

Opening his eyes wide, he blew his load of bunny-seed into the light green maw of his coworker, Whom had leaned back and allowed Cyan the luxury of smattering those green scales with ribbons of sticky rabbit cum. A long tongue has many advantages, and while the anole could've easily lapped his face clean, he chose to instead use that thick rabbit fur of Cyan's as a towel. Cleaning himself on the fluffed sheath and sac of his young partner.

Standing with a grin, the reptile re-fastened the various belts and crotch cover of Cyan's female uniform, leaving it a bit more loose in the groin than before.

"Jour break is about ten minutes, so just find jour way back in after then. And hey, keep jour spirits up? jou know? ze pay here is good, und zere are other benefeets."

With that the anole picked up Cyan's diaper, tossing it in an open trash bin for him as he slipped back into the club. The blow, the relief of pressure and the cool night air of the city had calmed Cyan's nerves. But still....going back? Cyan thought for the rest of his break. Then pushed off the wall quietly. "I'll just finished tonight..." He said to himself with a kind of reassuring sigh as he approached the door,

"Then....I'll figure out something tomorrow.....". With a paw on the knob he tried his best to put a smile on his white cheeks before returning to his duties. The last of his break's thoughts turned to the one whose burden he was to bear.

"At least....Lily won't have to go through this...."

Proof of Instinct: Ryoushi Raptor Mating Trials

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