Shifting Consequences--Chapter 5: Camp Ecstasy

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#6 of Shifting Consequences

Shifting Consequences--Chapter 5: Camp Ecstasy

By: Lucien Quinn (Zmeydros)<...

Shifting Consequences--Chapter 5: Camp Ecstasy

By: Zmeydros AKA Lucien Quinn

zmeydros (Twitter), Malfedrosti (Mal Twitter), )

Note: I use pronouns that reflect the gender the character believes (Him/her/hir)self to be. Furthermore, if another character is involved, he/shi/she will refer to the character using pronouns that reflect how they view the character.

Slowly Zack awakens to the sound of the wind as it blows against the fly of the tent. He feels well rested and at peace. Sitting up, he takes a moment to look at the yellow scales on his chest. Someday he wants to be in a place where he can stay in his dragon form all the time. Compared to this form his human body is quite boring. Glenn is still asleep and he must be having a particularly sexy dream because he's humping the side of his sleeping bag. Zack climbs out of his sleeping bag. and approaches Glenn. The smell of Glenn's arousal fills his nostrils.

Zack takes a deep sniff of Glenn's scent-he can't sit by and just watch Glenn anymore. The powerful scent of his own arousal is starting to fill the air. He unzips Glenn's sleeping bag partway. Then he snakes his tail into Glenn's pants and wraps it around his shaft. The sensation of Glenn's penis thrusting into his tail causes Zack's own penis to emerge. A lustful moan comes from Glenn as he thrusts harder into Zack's tail. Zack starts to stroke himself in time with Glenn's thrusts. Waves of heat travel through him. He wants to cum.

A few moments later Zack is moaning loud enough that he wakes Glenn up. He looks into Glenn's eyes and smiles when Glenn licks his lips.

Glenn sits up and grabs Zack's tail. Zack's scent is making him too horny to think straight. His penis is throbbing with need. "Breakfast can wait, I'm going to take you in the ass right now."

"I wass hoping you'd ssay that." Zack kisses Glenn deeply and is delighted when Glenn's tongue takes an interest in his mouth. After both of them are panting, they end the kiss.

"Lie on your stomach and get ready for a ride. I'm going to get the lube and a towel." Glenn pulls Zack's tail off of his penis and then gets on all fours. He crawls to a backpack that is in the tent and looks for the items he mentioned.

An excited smile forms on Zack's face as he lies face down on top of Glenn's sleeping bag. He doesn't mind taking orders. Suddenly he feels Glenn tying something around his head. When Zack opens his mouth to ask what is going on, Glenn gags him.

"Nod three times if you're okay with this." Glenn is holding a blindfold in his hands.

Being gagged is a new experience for Zack and he thinks that he likes it. He nods three times.

Glenn pats Zack on the back. "Good dragon. Now I'm going to blindfold you. If we had bed posts I would tie you to them, but I guess we'll save that for another day. Here, let me put this towel under your crotch. Don't want you cumming all over my sleeping bag."

After Zack moves and Glenn gets the towel under him, the world goes dark. Zack can't see anything through this blindfold. With his eyes blinded, Glenn's and his smells are even more potent. The sensation of lube being applied to his tail hole sends a shiver up his spine. He has no idea when Glenn is going to penetrate him and he doesn't know what it will feel like. Glenn's hands grab Zack's ass and Zack lifts his tail out of the way. The head of Glenn's penis is now pressing against his pucker. Suddenly Glenn starts to enter him. Zack yelps.

"Nod if you're still doing okay." The concern in Glenn's voice is reassuring.

Zack nods. The pain isn't that bad and he knows that Glenn is about to hit the spot that made him feel so good at the police station. Glenn's penis continues to enter Zack. An intense feeling of pleasure hits Zack when Glenn's penis finally hits that magic spot within him. He shivers and moans as he pulls at the sleeping bag.

The tightness of Zack's ass is causing Glenn to do some shivering of his own. "Damn you're tight." Glenn is almost all the way in and he is wishing that he took his clothes off. They feel really restricting in this position. "Here's the rest." Glenn shoves the last third of his penis into Zack and moans as pleasure surges through him.

A scream comes from Zack as pain and pleasure crest within him. Glenn's penis feels so warm inside of him. A few moments later Glenn starts to thrust. Each thrust pushes against that spot of pleasure and shoves Zack's penis against the towel. He wraps his tail around Glenn's waist. Being blinded and gagged is really fun. Everything Glenn does is a surprise and Zack can't do anything but moan in response.

When Glenn picks up the pace Zack can feel more pleasure than pain. Being dominated is very sexy. A few moments pass before Zack notices something changing. Glenn's penis feels different somehow. Is Glenn transforming? Excitement wells up in Zack. What will Glenn change into?

Is Zack's ass getting tighter? Glenn's clothes also feel tighter. A button on his shirt pops off as all of his muscles start to burn. When Glenn looks down at his chest he can see muscles forming. Grey fur is starting to sprout from his skin-he feels itchy all over. More buttons pop off of his shirt and he can hear his pants starting to rip. His bones are pushing out in every direction as he gets taller and wider-the feeling of his bones pressing against his skin is very odd.

The tension on Glenn's skin is released as his fur gets thicker. The sleeves of his shirt split when his biceps grow making a satisfying tearing sound. Then the seams on his shorts start to tear open as his legs become larger and more muscular. More muscle starts forming all over his body. His shorts, socks, boxers and shirt are ripping apart as the muscles grow. He now looks like a bodybuilder. Is he turning into a muscle fur? That thought is too much for Glenn. He starts to thrust into Zack harder. "I can feel my cock growing and you're going to take it all." A lustful moan from Zack eggs Glenn on.

Glenn can feel his face pushing out into a muzzle-his teeth are getting sharper. Whiskers push out on either side of his nose as it turns black and wet. The smell of their sex is almost overwhelming to his new more sensitive nose. A strange sensation from his hands causes him to look at them. Paw pads are forming and his nails are turning into blunt claws. He puts his hands on Zack's sides and enjoys the feeling of his pads against Zack's scales. Something about his black and grey fur pattern seems familiar. It looks like the patterning on a raccoon's fur. Tears of joy roll down his furred face-he's turning into his fursona. His shorts get demolished when a bushy tail pushes out from his backbone. Pleasure from his changes crests within him.

He humps Zack as his penis continues to get larger. Zack's ass adjusting to his shaft as it grows. Eventually it stops growing and a pleasure rushes through Glenn. He moans and clenches his fists-he can't let himself cum yet. His penis feels enormous. Glenn pulls out to look at his shaft. A sound of complaint comes from Zack when he does this, but Glenn is too fascinated to care. His manhood is now over a foot long-twice the size it was before. The girth has also doubled. He's surprised that this thing even fits in Zack. Something else is different about it. It looks more animalistic-like a raccoon penis... And his balls are huge! Enough inspection-time to cum inside of this handsome dragon.

The sudden removal of Glenn's penis causes Zack to feel empty. He wants to be penetrated again. Without warning Glenn's penis is shoved all the way into Zack's tailhole. Zack almost cums from the feeling of it entering him. It fills him in a way that causes him to feel warm all over. He growls in passion and clenches his muscles. Glenn starts thrusting savagely-it feels great to be taken in this way.

"Does... my little-aaahhh-dragon like... being my fuck toy?" Glenn's voice is deeper than it was before.

Zack moans in response. He couldn't form words even if he wasn't gagged. The warmth he feels throughout his body is building. Each time Glenn's balls slap against him as Glenn hilts himself, Zack feels like he is going to burst. The new shape of Glenn's penis is very stimulating. Zack starts to growl in time with Glenn's thrusts. The feeling of Glenn's fur is wonderful. What did Glenn turn into?

Glenn pulls at Zack's waist. "Get up. We're doing this doggy style."

Letting himself be pulled up by Glenn's new muscular form, Zack grins to himself. This is going to be fun. Once Zack is on all fours he moves a hand toward his own penis.

"Oh no you don't, I'm going to take care of that for you." Glenn sounds playful.

When Glenn wraps his paw around Zack's penis Zack growls. Glenn's paw pads feel really good against his erection. Glenn strokes Zack in time with his thrusts, causing a wave of pleasure to crash over Zack each time. Zack isn't sure how much longer he can last. How can he get Glenn closer to his release? Zack unwraps his tail from Glenn, snakes it over to his own penis and quickly gets some of the natural lubricant from it onto the tip of his tail. Glenn doesn't seem to notice. Then Zack moves his tail behind Glenn and searches for his tail hole. Zack finds it and plunges his tail into it.

The reaction Zack gets is worth his effort. Glen's entire body shakes, then he lets out a growl that shakes the tent.

"Ooooooh Zack, you naughty dragon." Glenn starts to stroke Zack's shaft faster as he thrusts madly into him. "I'm getting... close."

Something deep inside of Zack is starting to surface. A need to cum. He must find release. Each time Glenn thrusts into him he thrusts back and pushes his sensitive tail into Glenn. Now he is doing some fucking of his own and it feels amazing. Glenn's paw is stroking his penis expertly. Zack can't stop growling and moaning. Glenn's muscular body is pressing against his as he is being dominated. Being without sight is allowing him to focus on sensations he normally would miss. The feeling of each of Glenn's paw pads as he strokes Zack, the feeling of Glenn's hot breath as he pants, and the way Glenn's furry balls tickle his own ball sack each time they slap against him. The amount of pleasure within Zack is almost unbearable-he is about to cum.

"You better-AAH-not cum without me!" Glenn's voice commands obedience.

The tip of Zack's penis feels like it is on fire as he tries to hold back his orgasm. Cumming with Glenn is a very good idea-he must wait. Just when he thinks he can't hold on any longer he hears Glenn's powerful voice.

"Oh God!" Glenn lets out a growl as pleasure surges through him. He holds Zack tight as he fills him with his seed. He feels like someone hooked him up to a live wire. His furred body is quivering in ecstasy. One of his most cherished dreams has come true.

Zack lets himself cum when Glenn's orgasm hits. His body feels like it is completely at the mercy of his thundering orgasm. He clenches his entire body as he shrieks in passion and cums into Glenn's paw. This orgasm is different from all the others he has experienced in this form. And then there's the fact that he's blindfolded and gagged. This is the kinkiest orgasm he has ever had.

"Now tell me how much you liked being fucked in the ass." Glenn pulls out of Zack, undoes the blindfold and gag.

After moving his jaw for a few moments Zack feels like he can talk again. "I loved-" Zack is speechless when he sees Glenn's new form. Glenn is now part raccoon and he looks enormous. His penis is impossibly huge-over a foot long-and he looks like he could lift a car off the ground without breaking a sweat. "You look awessome and your clothes are trashed. It lookss like you tried to put on children's clothing." Zack chuckles-Glenn's clothes are now just brightly colored rags that are hanging off of his body.

"I've always wondered what it would feel like to transform into my fursona while I was wearing clothes. I love transformation sequences where the clothes get destroyed. There's something sexy about ending up naked after transforming... You did this to me, didn't you?" Glenn is smiling at Zack.

"I think sso. The other people I had ssex with transformed into animals they identified with. Your change is the most dramatic out of all of them." The happiness in Glenn's eyes warms Zack's heart.

Glenn hugs Zack. "Thank you. This is the form that I wish I was born in. The form that I have dreamed about for years. I never thought my dream would become a reality."

"I'm pretty sure that I bring people's ssexual dessires to life. It's really fun." Zack hugs Glenn back. Glenn's fur feels warm against his scales. "I could get losst in your armss."

"Let's just stay like this for a while." Glenn kisses Zack.

Zack lets Glenn take the lead. Glenn's tongue is thick and powerful. As Zack kisses back he puts his hands on Glenn's muscular chest. It feels as though he is kissing a star football player. Is he the cheerleader in this scenario? Zack doesn't care. Glenn can be the dominant one today. Something occurs to Zack that causes him to laugh and he has to break the kiss.

"What are you laughing about?" The amused look on Glenn's face is adorable.

"Your a cop and you transformed into a raccoon. In cartoons the raccoons are portrayed as thieves."

"Heh, I've always disliked that stereotype, but I can see where it came from. I guess I'm more of a thief right now though. I broke you our of jail and I stole your anal virginity." Glenn kisses Zack on the cheek.

"You didn't ssteal it, I gave it to you... Raccoons are your favorite animal, aren't they?" Zack touches Glenn's cheek.

Glenn nods. "Most definitely. They're great at survival, they have dexterous paws, and I like their markings."

"We should go wash up, but I'm not sure it'ss a good idea for uss to leave the tent while we're transs-." Zack sees some shifting under Glenn's skin. "Lookss like you're starting to change back. My body is hard to get into itss human form, but the bodies of the people I cause to transform sseem to revert to their human shape naturally."

"Oh crap, I was hoping it was permanent." Glenn's ears are moving back toward their human position and his whiskers are getting shorter. "Well, I guess this is for the best. I doubt we could get away from the feds if I was an eight-foot-tall raccoon."

Zack laughs. "It would be fun to try. I wonder if anyone would believe you were a football mascot."

Glenn bursts out laughing even though he looks like he's in pain.

"Let me see if I can convince my body to take on human form." Zack goes easy on his body. He just concentrates on slowly becoming human. As he transforms himself he watches Glenn change back into his original form. Loud popping noises are coming from Glenn as his body shrinks dramatically. Zack frown when Glenn's balls and sheath start to shrink-it would have been cool if Glenn retained his sheath in the same way that he has. Changing slowly isn't that hard on Zack, but he really doesn't want to be human again...

Maybe he can mix it up a bit. Zack starts directing himself toward a female human body. This feels good. His shape is becoming feminine and his hair is growing in length. The shifting of his bones is only slightly painful. He looks at his hips and smiles at his handiwork. Most of his draconic features are gone, but now he is growing a nice pair of breasts. He takes both of them into his hands as they grow in size.

The pleasure from his changes hits and he arches his back. A contented sigh escapes his lips as his sheath and balls disappear. His vagina is forming-a smirk runs across his face. A big clit would be a nice addition. Once his vagina is fully formed he concentrates on making the clit bigger. After it grows to a length of three inches he decides it will be too hard to hide and stops its growth. It looks like a pointy little penis. Zack reaches down and strokes it with one of his now feminine hands. He bucks his hips and moans loudly. Its entire length is very sensitive-he starts humping his hand. Glenn's voice disrupts his act of masturbation.

"Whoa, if I was into women I think we'd be going at it again right now..." Glenn stares at Zack's clit. "Two questions. Why are you a woman? And can I see that clit? It looks very naughty on you."

Glenn is completely human now, but he looks a bit different to Zack. He's more buff than Zack remembers him being. "Thiss is my disguise. You can touch my clit if you tell me how you retained so much musscle. The two other people I changed went right back to the way they were."

"Oh, I just concentrated on keeping some of the muscle when I changed back." Glenn reaches out and puts his hand around Zack's clit. Zack responds by hugging Glenn tightly and moaning lustily. "It feels like a little penis..." Glenn tugs on it roughly and Zack lets out a small yelp. "Beg me to get you off."

"Please." Zack feels his breasts pushing against Glenn's well muscled chest and gets even hornier.

"Good girl. I've never gotten to play with a girl that had a naughty little cock between her legs." Glenn grabs the bottle of lube and puts some on the hand he is using to stroke Zack. He kisses Zack deeply as he starts to stroke him faster. Zack moans into the kiss. Glenn finds the feeling of Zack's breasts against his chest to be something new and somewhat enticing. The fact that Zack has a phallus and feminine qualities is allowing Glenn to form a small bridge over the gap between him and the female sex. He decides to try something else he's never done before. He plunges two fingers into Zack's pussy.

Zack breaks the kiss to scream. "Oh, God that feels good!" He can feel his tail coming back-he doesn't fight it. Then he feels his face pushing out again and kisses Glenn. The feeling of his mouth changing while Glenn is kissing him is cool. Scales are forming all over his body. This form feels a bit different. He still has his hair, his tail and muzzle feel shorter and he can feel something pushing out of his back near his shoulder blades. He has to break the kiss to cry out when two small wings sprout from his back. They feel wonderful.

"I knew you wanted to be fucked." Glenn searches for a special spot in Zack's pussy and when he finds it Zack holds onto Glenn as if he was trying to keep from falling off of a cliff.

Something about Glenn's muscular body is very appealing to Zack. He feels safe. The waves of pleasure from his pussy are getting stronger. He feels an orgasm building in the back of his mind. So what if he cums soon. He had to wait a long time for the last one and the movements of Glenn's fingers are divine. Glenn is so dexterous. He releases Glenn and fondles his breasts. They feel so sexy. He lifts one of them up to his mouth and licks the nipple. A spark of pleasure causes him to feel warm all over. He grabs Glenn and starts humping against his hands.

A fire is building in Zack's vagina and he kisses Glenn deeply. He plays with Glenn's tongue for a while before he has to break the kiss and catch his breath. The pleasure he's feeling is building and warmth is spreading through his entire body. He sees a blinding flash of light when his vagina cums around Glenn's fingers. Soon his clit follows suit; he screams at the top of his lungs and flaps his wings. Zack's body starts to move erratically on its own as another peak of pleasure hits-he clings to Glenn for support.?

After the waves of pleasure subside he lets go of Glenn. "That wass great. I feel warm all over. Is thiss your first time with a woman?"

"Glad you enjoyed yourself. That was my first time and it was fun, but I just don't swing that way. I don't think I could penetrate you while you're like that. I do like your clit though. It's very sexy." Glenn pecks Zack on the cheek.

"I knew you'd like it." Zack smiles at Glenn.

A curious look forms on Glenn's face. "This form is different from your other dragon form. Those wings look very good on you." Glenn reaches out and carefully touches the membrane on one of Zack's wings. "This feels like the webbing between a dog's toes."

"Mmm, that feels good." Zack reaches behind himself and touches his other wing. He wishes he could look at himself in the mirror. His scales are blue in this form and the scales on his chest are red. He looks at his clit and smiles when he sees that it's black like his nipples. It looks so cool-even his inner pussy lips are black. He sticks out his long tongue and sees that it is also black. How did he end up in this form? Did his body just do as it pleased when it transformed this time?

"You probably should just change back to your normal form when we hit the road. I'm going to try to lose the muscle. I want the feds to know that we were in this truck so that they'll still be looking for it when we're in a different car." Glenn moves toward the door of the tent. "Let's go get cleaned up."

Zack follows Glenn. "I like that plan. Let's change back to our normal formss before we exit the tent." His body seems reluctant to assume its original form. Slowly he convinces it to become a human male again. His breasts are the last to go. He looks over at Glenn. "Whoa, you actually got rid of the muscles. I think you might eventually be able to transform yourself."

"I hope so. I want to be in that raccoon form again and be able to stay in it." Glenn smiles. "Breaking you out of jail has been quite an adventure already. I wonder what the next few days'll bring."