Kindled Spirit Ch3: S'more please

Story by Ceris on SoFurry

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#4 of Kindled Spirit

I've got a couple more chapters of character and relationship exploration/development then action gets more prominent. This is probably my slowest chapter of the 8 I've written so far.

As always this is a story based on the setting from Spirit Bound by Plainwalk here on SF.

Previously Keith met Erik and left Alex in a curious situation.

When Keith arrived at the parking lot he could feel the unease of his "friends" staring him down from the front seats of Ben's Explorer.

'Am I really that late?' he wondered.

There was no use trying to explain why, Ben wouldn't want to hear it and Erik didn't need to be scared away yet. Alex couldn't be so bad off, a rough romp can't be fatal that quickly right? Keith got in the rear passenger seat behind Erik and tossed a lightly filled backpack beside him into a pile of supplies, a surprisingly big pile. Just how much stuff does it take to spend one night out?

"That's all you brought?" Ben asked. "We've been waiting here over a half hour so you could pack."

"Yeah I have a change of clothes, toothbrush, some energy bars, and a blanket. You said you have a tent, what else was I supposed to bring?" Keith defended.

"I'd try for a fire extinguisher given the circumstances but I've got you covered. Actually you're somewhat better off than I expected," the lion relented while starting the SUV.

Beyond campus and the small surrounding town, hills and woods settled in giving rise to the green and grey splendors of the outer Adirondack range. It didn't take long to start spotting wildlife, roadside deer and a turkey made their presence nearly unavoidable though Ben didn't seem to be concerned. The abundance of living obstacles along the mountainside roads brought Keith's mind back to Alex for a moment, wondering how the ocelot could careen around the bends so often without casualties. He would want to bring it up later but for now adorable spots and stripes have been replaced with a slick brown coat of magical intrigue.

Keith had hoped that having Erik riding with them would make things livelier. Ben drove the spirit home and back for holidays but didn't care to hold a conversation for long. He was disappointed to see the mage mimicking Ben's silence. Erik had been quiet for the whole 20 minutes so far. Judging by his face when Keith first got in those two had already exhausted their will to chat.

I might have to start with a heavy hitting topic to get things pumped up, Keith considered.

"So Erik what do mages do in their spare time? I bet you could just summon a succubus whenever you're feeling lonely huh," The spirit chided.

"Contact with demons is forbidden and dangerous. It should not be done alone and unarmed. Besides I have enough proficiency with less cruel charms that I wouldn't need their help."

"Oh, that's not exactly what I was getting at but yeah good points I guess," Keith shyly mumbled. He had hoped to ask for Erik's opinion on succubus vs incubus but the mood didn't feel right.

Ben could clearly see the blushing expression on Erik's face. The mage knew what Keith was getting at and kept a good poker voice. He decided not to get involved.

"So, I think I manifested last night," the spirit blurted out.

Ben's eyes darted to the rear view mirror, staring intensely at Keith. The lion's brow furrowed a few times, then as though choosing his words commented "You went full inferno and decided to wait until now to tell me!? What did you do? Who saw? How did it happen? Something we can recreate I hope or else all this prep would be a waste." Ben was so not amused.

Erik had turned around in his seat, wide eyed and as excited as an otter can look.

Keith grinned, sat upright and announced matter of factly "What did it was fervent rutting".

Erik's round little ears instantly turned red then disappeared from sight when the mage returned to face forward. Keith couldn't see but the mage was bent over unsure if he was going to burst out in laughter or despair.

"So just Alex then? What did you tell him? We shouldn't' leave him alone he could tell everyone," Ben scowled. "Why didn't you call me? Sure it's awkward but what if someone got hurt. Did anything get burnt?"

"Alex didn't see much, he passed out right before I did almost as soon as it happened. He said that he didn't feel well this morning but looked like he would be alright if he slept it off. Some sheets got singed but no full on fires. I think I mostly burned myself, the bed was full of ash in the morning."

"We should have inspected the scene as soon as you came to. Erik do you think you could trace the origins of the ash with your spells?" Ben asked, looking as though he desperately needed a sense of control.

Erik was still dumbstruck for a second "uh, spells yeah sure".

"What's wrong Erik?" Keith asked, trying to sound sincere.

"Don't worry, I won't volunteer you as bait unless you want to," Ben chided trying to reel in his anger.

The mage slunk down in his seat a bit. Ben's tone was on the edge of playful and harsh, like something a long time friend might goad you with. "If he's manifesting more easily now maybe we can try finding the extent of his abilities. I was hoping to try a few spells while we have seclusion if we get ahead of schedule."

Keith perked up a bit at that. "What kind of spells? Your magic didn't seem too flashy before, is it important to be isolated for them?"

"Best case scenario, summoning. With Ben's permission of course."

Ben's eyebrow raised, he didn't want to let on just how terrifying it was that somebody he knew would dare to consider such risky spells. "That sounds like a bit much. I'm supposed to keep the peace and quiet not tempt otherworldly forces. Isn't Mr. Heat Miser back there enough to take in for a day?"

"What do you want to summon Erik?" Keith asked.

"Whatever small fiery entity I can get to slip through, with you around it might be fairly easy to get something to fit that description. "

Ben looked pessimistic "How do you know it'll be small?"

"If I probe gently only less powerful creatures would notice the magical bait".

"So you're poking a hole under the radar? Wouldn't bigger things be more sensitive to their territories?" The lion argued, feeling overwhelmed by the audacity of these two to throw magic around like it was nothing.

"It is possible that something like a lava beast could force its way through but that's nearly unheard of. Pretty much, I set up a bait that emits a tiny emanation that small beings would mistake for prey. Bigger things wouldn't consider it a meal worth chasing. As for territories I should be able to scry for an area of minimal interest, or at least low aura."

"And how does this fit into helping Keith?" The knight pondered.

"He could build confidence, explore his skills, gain a bit of combat experience..."

"I came prepared to prevent forest fires, not wage a battle on demons. And even if he gets the triggering process down I don't need him getting into life or death situations. How the hell do you even know how to do any of this?"

Keith took a minute to process the request before replying "So you want us to be bait and bodyguard? "

"Yes." Erik answered, ignoring Ben "The society might not be screening for spells around here. Why waste the resources? And it's not demons, its planar beings. Typically furs would call them elementals but I know that means something different to you."

Ben's thoughts on the matter were given with a strict tone. "No. We may be away from society but there will likely be passersby until dark, and no place is secluded enough where magical invasion is concerned. I think you're out of line. Why do you want one of these beasties anyways?"

"Reagents, foci, general enchantment needs. Your purchases are expensive for a reason. The salve I can do with combining spells and thematic enchants. But the rest is too specific to do without some higher grade materials".

"Just how much do you spend on me?" Keith inquired.

"We don't give many scholarships because there's more to it than covering tuition." Was all the answer Ben had to give. "And still NO! If you try anything I'll report you to the society, if I'm feeling generous."

Ben pulled over into a dirt and gravel parking spot about three cars wide along the roadside. Trees surrounded them in every direction, even the road was only visible for a short while before curving into the wooded hills. Ben seemed to relax for a moment after shutting the engine off then exclaimed the obvious. "we're here!"

"Is the campground down that path? It doesn't look like there's any level ground over there," Keith asked squinting through the trees.

"Observant to a fault. We'll be staying about three miles from here on the other side of this lil mountain."

"Oh, alright. You think that'll be private enough?" The skink asked in an attempt at banter.

"I do. Think you'll manage to get it up for all my efforts?" Ben replied dripping with overenthusiastic sarcasm. If he pushed back hard enough maybe the spirit would take things in quietly instead of pushing for an explanation all the time. He didn't mean to be so hard on the kid, but Keith had gone through periodic phases of bombarding Ben with questions from dating advice to studying habits. Things that aren't abnormal for someone to experience for themselves, after all there aren't sparknotes for everything in life.

The whole time Erik sat quietly, unbuckling himself and waiting to get out of the SUV. Ben had briefed him about the trip while they waited for Keith. Actually he was surprised that Keith didn't get the same run-down of events. Maybe it's punishment for not being on time? Ben had been grumpy this morning.

They all jumped out with similar vigor, two hours on the road was enough. Not as painful as driving home from school for any of them but the trip felt stuffy. Erik hoped without believing that fresh air would lighten the mood.

The woods were scenic, the air was crisp, and the journey was long. 3 Miles took the trio about 2 hours of trekking uphill on uneven rocky terrain. Keith began to show discomfort nearly immediately but held his tongue. It made matters worse that Ben assigned a 'light load' to each of the unseasoned hikers. After the better part of an hour he and Erik caught their second wind and livened up but either of them were too busy panting to chat much. Ben would remark on their progress in backhanded complements from his high horse of fitness.

They arrived in the early afternoon to what didn't look at all like a camp site in Keith's opinion.

"Honey we're home!" Ben announced gesturing to a mostly horizontal, bald flat rock that broadly stuck out from the mountain proper. There was no green save for some patchy wet moss, just sheer rock and a good ways directly down before hitting the canopy below.

"Well, I guess there's nothing to singe. Doesn't look very comfortable though," Protested the skink.

Erik's pack was already off, from which he retrieved a blanket and lay spread eagle on the moss.

Ben chuckled "I gave us plenty of time to set up, so yeah take a load off. I'll have the tent up and safeguards in place in no time. You've got the rations Keith."

It dawned on the lizard that he didn't check his bag beyond sucking from a water tube...thing, and a protein bar Ben fished out from the front pocket. He had 3 gallons of water, two more liters of water sacks, and a butt load of dehydrated or bar shaped food stuffs all insolated with a few small blankets.

"What, no smores?" Keith pouted.

Erik popped up, "That's a breach of contract! I was promised smores, when the union finds out..."

"I've got the smore stuff," Ben groaned "couldn't trust you treacherous lot with em. And no mages are going to find out. Which reminds me, I've got to report in. Please make yourself scarce for a few minutes Erik"

"uh, right. I was just joking around." The otter slunk downhill the way they came, bringing some of his personal belongings.

Ben made a video call, Keith gave enough distance to not know to whom or what about exactly. Apparently they got good internet reception out here but no cellular service.

Downhill Erik tied a few tripwire traps. They didn't connect to anything, not in a physical sense, instead they were bound to little vials he left at camp. If a wire breaks quietly, the vial breaks loudly. So if anybody were to follow the path up to camp he would be alerted. There were much more thorough ways to set a sentry but those methods would be much more expensive and require planar cohort cooperation, something he lacked in the absence of his mentor. The spells to make this enchantment were easy, and unlike typical spells wouldn't be taxing on his mind while in effect.

The mage did wonder what the rest of the day would be like, they didn't leave all that early and didn't expect to start the tests til evening but there was still time to kill. He didn't really want to develop too close of a relationship with Ben, the lion was almost as self assured as his magically talented peers and therefore uninteresting. Besides he didn't want to feel bad for charging so much at every turn, Ben was a client first and the trip alone would provide a good wage even before service fees.

Erik did consider the moments of sensitivity Ben showed towards Keith, and knew that Ben could be very likable as his popularity suggested. But the otter didn't want more rude teasing from Ben anyhow, which seemed to be how the lion displayed respect.

Keith however was a subject of much more interest. He was a spirit, and possibly capable of being used as a planar focus. The ethics behind such a thing were questionable but if it had been tried before any information about the experiments were not publicly available. Which meant the results were not fruitful or dangerous enough to publish, or too good to share.

Erik played around with scenarios in his head, considering how he might go about getting the spirit to comply. Certainly work up some trust, keep doing routine check-ups, work in a few of his own experiments under the radar, but how to make it all look casual? All this plotting was making him feel uneasy. The thought of using somebody like this didn't sit well with him. He recalled that Ben had warned about Keith being manipulative, something about the skink needing to feel in control of the situation. A hypocritical statement if ever there were one. Still, that didn't justify using the spirit as a test subject but did pose a bit of fun if they were to spar wits. That meant getting friendly with Ben, not taking Keith's words at face value or letting on that he isn't falling for the skinks traps. The otter smiled to himself, the game was afoot.

Alex had woken up a few times that day, each excursion into consciousness lasting only a few minutes. His roommate began to worry about alcohol poisoning, tipping off the RA to clear his conscious. The RA had checked in on him to get a firsthand look but saw more than he bargained for and called for a paramedic without trying too hard to wake the ill ocelot. At dusk Alex managed to get enough of a grip on reality to determine that he wasn't in his dorm any more. He was alone.

"Where am I?" He asked wearily craning his neck to look around. In a stiff bed, alone, with tubes sticking out of him. Bizarre thoughts sloshed around in his head, a suspicion that he was being harvested for blood by vampires came to mind. He panicked as best as his sluggish body could. There was a beep.

Tears started dripping down the felines eyes, falling along the black patterns of his fur. He stopped resisting, everything ached too much to run.

A Siamese cat wearing a doctor's coat and stylish glasses entered the room. "Hello, I am Dr. Jensen. You're in the hospital and now that you're awake I have some items to discuss. Please, take your time and introduce yourself when you feel ready." He said in an approachable voice.

"I..m...Alex uh Hein. Why, am I here?"

"You've had an allergic reaction, and are experiencing somewhat atypical symptoms. Initial blood tests suggest that most of your organs are in a stressed state due to the allergen. Judging from necrosis at the site of exposure you've had a prolonged contact. Our nurses were very thorough about getting you cleaned, but with your hormone levels in their current state we will need to keep you here overnight. You are at risk of liver failure and may need surgery to replace damaged tissue. Campus security provided contact numbers for your parents who have been informed of your admittance and medical state. We did not disclose specifics to protect your privacy. Can you please confirm your parent's names for me?"

"Yeah uh Clyde and Patricia Hein. What was I allergic to?"

"You had an allergic reaction in and around your colon. We found semen which may be the culprit, or possibly a lubricant you used."

Alex's heart jumped as he worried 'Did my parents find out about last night? And how could I be allergic to semen!? Somebody cleaned it out of me!? Oh lord do you really hate people like me after all?' "uuuh, no we, we only used what I usually do."

"Neither allergy is unheard of. Allergies can develop seemingly at random but don't lose severity on their own, so even if you had no noticeable reaction in the past you're at strong risk for a greater reaction in the future. Please take exceptional care with your partner going forward and don't feel shy to ask him to consult me about it. The affected area and potential causes were not disclosed to your family." The doctor reassured him.

"So, nobody knows about what I did, right?" Alex asked softly.

"Your roommate and residential advisor found you so they may have an idea of your recent activities. The school and your parents only know that you had an undisclosed allergic reaction. I wouldn't be surprised if at least your roommate put it together though. You may call your parents from the phone beside your bed, and this button will call for a nurse. They will be in periodically to check in on you and change your fluids. I can ask someone to bring you food if you're hungry."

"I'd like that, thank you. What are all these for exactly? Am I on a sedative?"

"You were nutrient deficient when we got to you so these will keep you hydrated and 'fed'. You are not on a sedative although a numbing ointment has been applied to the site of exposure. Your condition has no doubt left you fatigued. We will need to monitor your progress with another blood panel in the morning if that's alright with you. Is there anything else I can help with now?"

"Um, I don't know anybody's phone numbers by heart. I'm having a hard time thinking much at all." Alex nervously scratched at his arm, feeling a foreign discomfort from the IVs tugging back.

"I'll have somebody retrieve your parents and residential advisors numbers at the least. Now be sure to get your rest, and don't be afraid to call for help," The doctor said as his way of parting. Alex faintly smiled and nodded.

About a half hour and some strange dreams later a nurse came in with tv dinner quality food and the promised phone numbers. Alex dreaded calling them but felt that he had to or he would be a bad person.

When Erik returned to camp Ben had the tent nearly erect and Keith was hauling dirt and stone into a circle.

"Order captain?" Erik barked, shuffling into a rigid stance.

"Don't call me that 'til I earn it. Please gather fire wood. I took the liberty of setting aside some examples of what to look for over there." The lion pointed to a variety of twigs in progressively bigger sizes, all of which were well dried.

"Aye Aye." The otter chirped, eliciting an eye roll from Ben. 'So much for getting on Ben's good side,' he thought, 'not that I care.'

Sometime later Erik returned with his final batch of wood. For comedic measure he hid a big wet rotting log beneath the rest. Keith had finished his project and fetched a few twigs as well hoping to keep busy and out of the knight's way. Ben walked over to inspect the goods.

Erik didn't know the full extent of Ben's persona and had started to worry that they'd be greeted with something along the lines of 'that's a good faggot'. He almost felt deserving of the double entendre for all the sass he gave earlier. He was just trying to lighten up like Keith would and thought Ben would like it. There was still more to learn about these two.

"Thanks guys," was Ben's actual greeting. The mage found it to be both a relief and anticlimactic. "let's get these set up, It'll be dark soon enough." Keith was attentive, asking Ben to explain every step of his fire building system. Erik was attentive in trying to decipher the pair.

When they got to the wet log Ben rolled his eyes again. "Is this the extent of your shenanigans?" He asked, bobbing his head towards the otter.

"I've got a good feeling about this one!" Keith chimed in.

"You're kidding me. It's half rotten and falling apart from dampness. I'm surprised Erik even bothered to touch it," Ben shot back.

"Yeah, I guess that was pretty petty of me. Sorry Ben, it seemed amusing at the time," Erik muttered, embarrassed to have been called out on it.

"Well let's get back to business then. Keith, eat up. You'll need your energy...I think," The lion tossed an energy bar at Erik too. They obeyed.

Ben took some string out of his pack and tied it around a curved stick. "Ooh are we gunna go bow hunting or something?" Keith asked. Ben couldn't tell if he was being genuinely excited or a dick and decided to take the high road.

"No, this is to light the fire. You wanted stick on stick action right?"

Keith jumped on the opportunity. He bit into his energy bar, grabbed two sticks and made an impromptu badum'tis on the rotten log. Erik felt slow to have missed it, wondering just how much history these two had.

"We take a...linear...stick and wind it with the string. Then we put it into a dry log. Hold the top with a likewise dimpled rock to keep it sturdy like an axel and then bring the bow back and forth to rotate the axel." Explaining things when Keith was being playful was difficult. Somehow the guy got a mind for innuendo despite the general lack of media in the reservation. "Hopefully you learned something in physics and can appreciate the simple efficiency at making controlled friction without damaging the machine."

But Keith had zoned out. He felt anxious and focused like a kid looking through tree tops trying to find the first hint of roller coaster on a trip the an amusement park. Though Keith had never experienced that particular example for himself.

Ben stopped. "Feeling ok? Erik do you have your stuff set up? Looks like we might be starting already." The knight went back to the packs and took out a box of blue tick tacks, a fire extinguisher, and a gallon of water.

Erik went through his calibrations in the same way as he did before except with only the candle. "Ok I'm set," he said enthusiastically, donning the diagnostic glasses and writing in a notebook.

"Do you want me to strip again?" Keith asked to anybody. Ben looked to Erik, Erik shrugged.

"If you're looking for an excuse, then sure. Saves our budget a few bucks," Ben offered, glad that his ward was of the junk-not-in-your-face variety. He would have been more annoyed with an exhibitionist wolf partner, which nearly happened.

The mage kept a few feet of distance, taking a seat in a folding chair from Ben's pack and hiding his smile with the notebook. 'If manifesting got Keith off last time, I might be in for a show,' he thought.

"Stand in the circle and tell me to stop if the feeling gets strong. I'll have you drink a bunch of water and see if that changes your readings," Ben instructed then resumed spinning the fire starting sticks.

After a few dozen rotations Keith spoke up "This is about as good as I seem to be getting. Anything Erik?"

"Not really, you're spiking up to a tenth of the candle but not super consistently."

"Alright, next step then," Ben said, stuffing birch fibers under the axel. "this could take a while."

"But I'm cold," Whined Keith in an exaggerated tone.

"Ask Erik to make you an asbestos suit for Christmas, he's already got your measurements," Ben snarked.

Erik was impressed with the wit in that one. These two were really wearing on his guard, but he couldn't shake the thought that Keith might just be saying what he's expected to.

"You're rising," The mage called out.

"I feel it, like it's tugging at my attention," Keith responded, acknowledging that time for jokes was over.

"The woods heating up, it'll ignite any moment now," Ben reported. About a minute later it did.

"Ooh I felt that! I might have missed it if I weren't paying attention though," The spirit remarked with enthusiasm. He'd never been invited to be himself in this way before, and it was beyond cool to find out what it's like.

Ben blew onto the tiny flame nestled in the fibers then put it in its place within the stone circle and sprinkled it with the smallest twigs and leaves, careful not to snuff it out.

"You're above lit candle. Crawling up to ten times; impressive since the flames not much bigger yet." Erik noted.

"I can sort of sense it, it's enticing."

"Drink up, chug the whole gallon." Ben told him.

Keith barely heard the lion, but complied hesitantly. Erik noted a decline as soon as the spirits gaze was diverted. It would take more study to be sure that the water isn't a placebo. "He's going down, but started before drinking. He might just be distracted by it."

"Alright, focus back on the fire. Then when Erik tells you to, focus completely on something else."

"Go!" Erik called when his monitor returned to its previous peak.

Keith tried looking away, but didn't know where to look. He kept shifting his eyes back at the growing flame. Ben sighed "Right here bud" and pulled up his shirt, flexing his abs as hard as he could. That held the lizard's gaze for a few moments.

"Not as effective as the water," Erik shouted, taking care not to offer any undue remarks.

The fire was crackling and smoking now, a handful of twigs had fallen victim.

Keith was quiet and dropped to his knees, getting as close as he could. Ben watched carefully, extinguisher in hand. Then he saw it. A little line of red glow from one of the five white lines that ran from Keith's forehead to tail tip.

"You're doing it. Just a little, but I see it," Ben said in awe.

"What do you see?" The other two asked. Erik's monitor had been getting steadily higher, there was no indication of a change besides the fire and Keith growing in intensity together.

"Red, not just the fire's glow. Your glowing with it. It's growing, from your lines and forming little cracks down your face. You don't feel any different?"

"I feel sorta mesmerized. Isn't it normal to be tranquil by a fire? I feel warm. And not just where I'm close to it. I feel alive, more than usual, the fire feels alive with me if that makes any sense."

"I'm going to stop it now, ok. It'll be sudden so be ready."

"I don't want you to. But ok."

Ben used the extinguisher in a brief burst, careful not to get his partner in the process. Keith wailed a remorseful sounding cry and dove towards where the flame had been a moment ago. His back instantly blazed five lines of intense red glow, and the fire was back to its previous strength below him. Keith's whole body had turned black and cracked a moment later.

Ben jumped back and grabbed the tick-tacks in response to the outburst. Erik screamed in pain and fell out of the chair then threw the glasses away to hold his face.

The knight emptied the candies into his hand and asked very gently "Are you with us Keith? Are you ok?"

"Yes, sorry. That was...instinctual. I feel cold now, and tired, stiff. Just give me a few minutes right here."

"Erik, are you alright?"

"Ergh, I hope so," The mage said. "That blast, I wasn't ready for it. It's like, switching on the lights while wearing night vision goggles. I need a few minutes too."

Keith's glow was returning. "Maybe if I..."

"Keith! Don't do anything! Are you still feeling cold? We can get you a blanket," Ben tried.

"Just let me, I need to know. I don't want to go through this again and again with you guys. Do you know what it's like not knowing what you are? You can do what you have to if I leave the circle. I need to see."

Keith took a big breath in, his glow waxing with his lungs, and bellowed the fire a few times. Then he sat up on his knees and stoked the fire with his hands, in turn he seemed to be stoking himself.

"Keith, do your hands burn like before? May I see them?" Ben pleaded

The spirit held an arm out to Ben without taking away his gaze. The arm was charred like a log, but not seared like his previous injuries, his palms were no worse for having held the flaming sticks directly.

Keith withdrew his arm and insisted he "Stand back." Ben complied.

The spirit took a deep breath and rose with his hands jutting into the air. The fire rose with him just as suddenly and again his glow became absent. "Wait Ben," he said weakly. "That was good. Now I know. I need to wait here and recover again. Then I'll step out, away from the tent, and we can let this one run its course. Ben, you were right. I'm really hungry and thirsty."

"Just keep yourself together and we can do it just like you said. No more tricks ok, I need to check on Erik."

The lion didn't let go of his candies, but walked over to the prone mage and propped him up in the chair. "He's something else alright. Are your eyes doing any better?"

"Yeah, I can see generally what's going on. That was impressive for starters but peanuts for magic. I underestimated him, and didn't calibrate high enough. But there's no telling how high he goes. If he witnessed the wrong kind of combustion he might go nova without noticing." The otter blinked a few more times.

"That bad?" Ben whispered. "Does he stand a chance of getting a handle of it?"

"It looks like he doesn't lose it completely, and I didn't see him toggle this form on like I would have expected based on what I've read about spirits. Though, come to think of it everything I've read is from mages, biased mages. He has his wits about him now, well enough. He might be able to get numbed to it with repetition."

"What have we gotten ourselves into?"

Keith did as he said he would and stepped away from the fire calmly after reclaiming a mild steady glow.

Ben approached him, hoping to lighten the mood. "Sorry I didn't think to bring moisturizer. Bad scale day? You're looking a little ashy."

"Huh? Oh... I didn't notice. Heh. Reminds me of Jackie, my cousin. She's an ash spirit. Maybe I should talk to her if she comes home this summer. Get some beauty tips."

Ben knew who she was. She had been chosen to be taken into the knights proper. There were stories that weren't to be shared with the reserve population about her. Ben had met her handler, they didn't get along. This reminded Ben of his own motives, the ones he didn't want to admit to himself. He had wanted to be Keith's handler in that capacity, but now he was sure that it could happen and that the thought scared him more than it excited him.

"So, about that food. How much do you two need to set aside for yourselves? I'm famished."

Ben set aside a few bars, and to his credit Keith devoured the rest along with most of the water without fading entirely back to normal. When he was finished, and the fire was little more than embers, Erik approached the spirit.

"That's a very interesting talent, uh may I be so bold as to ask something of you?"

Keith gave a stare of 'now's not the time'.

"May I please have the uh," He made a shoulder brushing gesture. "When you're done?" The otter looked as uneasy as he sounded.

Keith smiled wickedly. "You can pry it from my... hot body, literally. But only if you get it all. And let's hope I still have skin underneath". The lizard genuinely didn't know for sure but this morning he did so chances were good. Plus that meant getting a rub down from Erik.

The mage needed to get something out of all this. He thought losing a round to the spirit was painful, but at least it was private and Keith wouldn't know just how much it could benefit him. "I'll get a tarp," he said feigning arousal. Though, as they began he didn't need to pretend to be interested.

Keith's body was interesting of its own right. His body fat was completely non-existent whereas last week it was merely scarce. His new scales were smooth almost like they were polished by the process and the sheer thought of being completely furless was exotic for most. Not to mention the genital slit, what treasure that held was plenty to consider.

Erik started with Keith's forehead, requiring the spirit to squat, and worked his way down his back. The white lines which had glowed red had no ash, but the scales were pliable, and the ash itself come off in sheets here or fine dust there. The mage got all the way through his tail, which retained a blue hue in the lines, and began to circle around when Keith gave him another stern look. The spirit raised his tail and shifted his weight forward.

"Oh my I have fallen into a trap," Announced the otter in a damsel voice. He continued along the underside of the slender tail then gave Keith's rump a good squeeze to loosen the debris. Ben tried not to pay attention. Keith didn't remark so the molting continued until his backside was finished. Erik then went for the face.

"I can do that myself."

"You said all of it."

"Hand sanitizer?"


Ben tossed a bottle of sanitizer over.

"You sure are a dirty boy." Erik began again.

"What's that make you."

'Shit, he's good. Or am I just that bad at this?' Erik wondered. He finished the arms and sides, Keith's front was mostly white and so uncovered by ash. But Erik would have to kneel again for the legs. Oh hells why not he thought, I've already made a fool of myself.

"That makes me curious."

Keith rolled his eyes "Not now, at this rate you'll get an opportunity to see me in all my glory before long anyways."

'Damnit, I can't do anything with before long that wouldn't be too much of a stretch. And it makes me look desperate.' He thought

"Don't get used to the pampering, I won't need to do this every time."

Keith wanted to say 'but you will' but that would be too much. He knew Erik was playing at something, and that the ash wasn't all going to diagnostics. He was forging an alliance with the mage this way, and establishing dominance. He grinned to himself.

"If you two are finished can we get to bed? I suppose you'll want to share?" Ben asked unenthusiastically.

"Actually..." Keith said slyly. "I could use the warmth."

"Dibs on big spoon!" Erik shouted, glad to have won a battle of sorts.

Keith groaned, he had never been little spoon for fear of feeling subjugated. But he couldn't admit defeat, even if he was getting the heater he wanted. "Just stay out of my divot."

Ben coughed to get some attention and shook a bottle of antiseptic. Keith got the message and brushed up on his hygene. Erik followed suit but being one step behind found Keith had combined their sleeping bags and backed himself into a wall, presumably still nude. The awkwardness was getting to the mage.

Regardless; Erik stripped to his briefs and followed suit. He didn't really want to embrace Keith but it meant showing determination and more importantly not being heckled by a lesser being. Everything about Keith was off as far as Erik was concerned; no fur, ears, proper control over magic, or regard for the otter's power. This looked like it was going to be a long night.

Erik snuggled into the sleeping bag, trying to feign confidence but that was Keith's specialty and the skink would take advantage of it. They weren't face to face long before Keith turned to offer his rump to Erik's crotch.

"Not going to brave these sheets bare?" Keith asked, insinuating cowardice for remaining clothed.

"You were too modest to share, I'm giving you the courtesy of not imposing."

Ben entered with pajamas on. "You'll both not impose or face my wrath."

"Understood," Replied the mage, putting an arm around Keith and drawing him close. The spirit grunted a confirmation.

They lay like that for awhile, unwilling to pull away. Keith wanted to see how far he could push Erik but was not by any means emotionally prepared to get a dick up the ass. He was careful to hedge his bets and use Ben as an excuse should anything come up. Meanwhile Erik was trying to win gay chicken but the lizard felt so freaky and cold. He knew Keith wasn't actually cold blooded but damn did he come close. He wouldn't admit it but Erik considered that Keith might actually need him like this and it was a little endearing. The otter nuzzled a smidge closer, letting his hand drop a few inches from Keith's plexus towards his navel. Keith smiled, both for the extra coverage and the assumption that his charm was working.

The trio awoke to the sound of shattering glass. It was hardly dawn judging by the pale light penetrating the tent walls. Ben sat upright abruptly with a stern and cautious look, listening.

"Oh, that's my wards," Yawned the mage "Somebody's coming up the path. Chill, we're incognito I put my equipment away. There's three more."

"Why didn't you mention them sooner?" The knight asked dryly.

"Didn't I? Sorry," Erik replied, feeling comfortable in drowsiness. Keith had warmed up within the sleeping bad and hug, his smoothness feeling less foreign .

"Guess that means no morning practice. O well I've got homework anyways. Still, *yawn* no need to rush," Keith chimed in, wrapping his tail around one of Erik's legs.

"Do what you want short of magic. I'm going for a morning hike." Ben announced. The lion stripped and fumbled into new clothes, not wanting to change outside knowing hikers were around. Erik kept facing away stiffly, Keith wanted to look but with Erik restricting his movements it wasn't worth the struggle.

When Ben left Keith squeezed with his tail. "How'd you sleep?"

"Not bad for being between a rock and a hard place."

"Well if you still insist," Keith took the otter's hand and moved it lower.

Erik couldn't control his heartbeat, curiosity and contempt were at war within him. He began to feel a wide base, hints of the slit, and moving up...

"hwaaaaaaah?!??!!!!?" The otter squealed in shock trying to flail away but restrained by the lizards long tail. 'What the fuck!? TWO!? How in the hells?' He wondered.

"Hehehe" Keith laughed quietly. "Which one's the rock and which is the hard place? Or maybe there's a boulder over here?" He wondered aloud, turning around and putting a descending hand on Erik's chest.

"I give. You won. This isn't fun any more," Erik admitted trying to stand.

"What do I win?" Keith asked, not relenting.

"Stop it Keith, you know what I mean. You were playing me at least as long as I was playing along. That's too much."

'Victory tastes great, but a full brunch buffet would really hit the spot right now. Actually, is it winning if he knew all along? If he was bluffing the whole time was I not convincing?' The spirit wondered. He decided not to admit anything and play another card instead. Guilt.

"You mean, you were just putting up with me?" He asked trying to sound sincere. "Here I am throwing myself at you and it's all just a game for you? I thought you were trying to be friendly, sorry if I like to play a little rough in bed but you don't have to freak me out like that. I wasn't trying to hurt you."

"Oh come now, I know what you're doing and it's not going to work."

"What do you mean?"

"Fine, if you're going to be like that Suck my dick" The mage commanded while whipping out his half-mast member. It bounced once or twice on ample, tight balls but was otherwise borderline small.

The spirit was compelled to comply and leaned forward without a will to do so. His forked tongue extended, aiming to delve under Erik's foreskin to taste the otter.

Erik turned away and pulled up his briefs. "That's called power and restraint. Talk to me again when you have both. And some class while you're at it."

Keith was bewildered. He still wanted to do as instructed, but could hear himself think again. He couldn't tell if the charm persisted or not and 'where did Erik get the nerve to do that? Well, from his big balls of course.'

They got dressed quietly and started taking down the tent. Ben would be happy with that at least.

Keith finally had to break the silence. He was too interested now. "So, in the car when you said you didn't need a succubus. You really weren't kidding. Have you ever uh...done that before?"

"No, I'm not that much of a dick. And I'll not hear a retort from you about that. I've got lots of practice with that spell, all under consent, and it can apply to many different circumstances."

"I think we both lost."

"Yeah. Yeah we did."

That afternoon Andrea visited Alex in the hospital. She knocked and entered.

"Hey Alex, I found out from your RA where you were. Hope you don't mind some company," She began

"No, I appreciate it. Cookies?"

"Yeah, and your phone. Figured you would feel naked enough in an assless gown. They still do that right?" She asked peering around his backside but only seeing a pile of pillows.

"It's a full 360. Thanks though, I could use some food that doesn't taste like cardboard. And I've been meaning to call Keith."

"Right *sigh* well if he isn't around to lean on you've got my shoulder. Or these," She said smooshing her breasts together. "They make a nice shelf or pillow".

Alex laughed as best he could, there was no sense in being rude to someone being kind. "I've been meaning to ask, have your sisters been saying anything about me or Keith or us, or...US?"

"Lauren is upset that Dave is pretty mad at me, he thinks I got Keith stoned and drunk to make a fool of him. I didn't know he would act up so much. And it's not like I pushed anything on him in particular. A few others share the sentiment and the rest have made it clear that Keith isn't going to be getting additional invites. Next time, I won't be on bail out duty so we can take it slower together. I feel bad for ditching ya know, but between saving Jess from herself and Keith jumping the shark I had a good time."

"I don't know what to say."

"Say it wasn't all bad."

"It wasn't all bad. But I'm not eager to go back."

"Maybe we can do something else together? A joy ride, or a day at the derby?"

"Yeah sure, I was going to anyways".

"Great! Can I get you some pom poms? I'll need a cheering section..." She was bouncing at this point.

"You're competing?" 'shit this woman is crazier than I thought' "I'll skip on the pom poms but maybe a foam finger?"

"I'll take it. Get well and enjoy the cookies, is there anything else I can do for ya? Otherwise I'll be helping out in the garage. Oh they all miss you too. More or less. And Clair gives her best wishes, she's out in the car."

"Um, I don't want to impose but if you could bring my car around some time I'd really appreciate it. Don't want to be making calls for people to come get me when I'm let out."

"It'd be an honor. I can do that now actually. I'll txt you when it's here." She said nearing the door.

"Andrea, come 'ere a sec."

She walked over, curious. Alex signaled her closer, and to her surprise gave as big of a hug as he could manage from bed. She took no reservations reciprocating with interest. Then left, waving on the way out.

The bedridden ocelot checked his phone. There were 4 voicemails from his parents and one unknown number. He had had enough of his parents last night.

"please enter your four digit password then press pound" "****#" "Hi, this is Stripper, we haven't been properly introduced and I'm sorry for being rude but I was hoping you could forward my number to your friend from the party. Thanks in advance." "To save this message press 9 to erase press 7" "*" REPLY > BY TXT "Back off bitch he's taken".

** UNKNOWN SENDER: Sorry I didn't mean it like that. He is ok though, right?