2: Die Faggot

Story by Goodson on SoFurry

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#2 of All Nightmares Must End

(The Second Chapter of All Nightmares must end, this story contains scenes of violence, rape, and death, in the ongoing twisted saga of the life of Keysha Astrella, And yes the title may offend some people but if you read the story you will understand why it is named such, as a person I have nothing agaisnt homosexuals being one myself, Disclaimer crap aside - Enjoy the story)

Keysha's violet eyes turned upwards welling up with tears, his body quivering from head to toe in fear as all he could do was whimper. Too afraid to speak eyes darted from left to right two of the rats moved over by the hole in the wall he had crawled into the building from blocking his closest escape, but what was this a door only a few feet away. The rats chuckled and snickered amongst each other as they closed in the center rat obviously the leader of this little gang reached out to Keysha as a voice snapped though his head 'run'. Bolting off at the last second he ran as hard as his quivering tired body could for the door. The leader turned cursing as the others closed in. Luck had it he found his way to maneuver around their grasping paws the street light in the alley like a sign from the heavens to run for as he bolted out the door their footsteps heavy behind him. *CRACK* a sharp pain overtook him in the back of his head as he entered the alley. The world around him swirling vision going blurry as he yelped out in pain and with a cold thud fell upon the cold wet asphalt of the alley the last thing he would remember was their laugh.

A large brute of a rat with arms that showed a little too much time in the gym stepped in though the doorway "Got'er Darvel" he said dropping the heavy rubber instrument he had struck Keysha with as he picked him up throwing him effortlessly over one shoulder carrying him back to the gang of rats.

The hours passed and finally eyes finally opened a dark room a single dim flickering light bulb swung from a chain above him. Maw parting to speak only able to get out the weakest of mews as he tried to move his arms they wouldn't move, and his legs in the same state. Scared now he began to shake and try to jump free before his vision and senses all came back together to a grabbing paw upon his muzzle ropes bound his arms and legs to an old metal chair with dark reddish brown stains... was it rust or was it blood, there was no time to find out. Frightened eyes turned upward to see the hands of the leader Darvel gripping his muzzle his pants down around his ankles as he stood on a table beside of the feline. The rodents phallus standing at full attention a few drops of pre building up on the head a sick twisted grin upon his lips as he moved his muzzle but only mere inches from Keysha's, his gruff voice cracking to life as he spoke

"Your going to suck my cock you little bitch and if I feel any teeth I will slit you're throat." he commanded a switchblade knife shot out from the handle in his hand the blade pressing to the leopard's throat with dangerous pressure as he pushed his cock against the boy's lips. Keysha's eyes shut tight his muzzle clenched shut.

"Resistant little bitch aren't you." he muttered as he took the knife down from his throat and poked the tip at his shoulder causing the male to let out a yelp as a drop of blood came forth and that cock pushed into the boy's maw

"No teeth or you're dead!" he reminded the boy "Now Suck!"

Tears rolled down Keysha's cheeks as his eyes clenched shut letting this rodent molest him, he didn't want to die. Beginning to suckle upon it like he did his bottle when he was but a kit the rat groaned out releasing his muzzle bringing a hand to the back of his head to guide him "Mmm such a good little slut." The taste of salty pre fell to the leopard's rough tongue as he did what he was told, it tasted so awful like drinking a glass of sat water and eating old raw meat, everything in him wanted to spit it out but he couldn't. The hand on his head gripped tightly to his hair getting the muzzle bobbing along the awful cock of the rat. "Suck harder slut." he commanded.

Whimpering now wanting nothing more than to go home and back to the way life was before his life came crashing down, only to know he couldn't this was his life now an object of cruel treatment to these damned rats. The male now thrusting his hips into Keysha's maw only would last but a few moments longer before he pushed his cock into the base spraying his seed into the maw of Keysha, it tasted so awful so damned awful "Swallow it!" He only twitched a little as he swallowed down every last drop the hot seed flowing to his belly finally the awful salty fluid out of his maw, and soon the cock, but the awful taste lasted still as Darvel pulled back finally and walked away to a chair in the corner as two more rats came in when he beat his fist on the rotting door by the chair "Joey, Rocko your turn."

Two more came into the room undressed ready to rape their catch, the first one Joey a large rat the one who had knocked Keysha out in the alley was first to come up his foot hooked under the chair and tipped it over as he looked to Rocko a younger male couldn't of been but a year older than Keysha.

"Alright newbie let ol' Joey show you how we handle our girls." he said smirking wildly as he looked down between the legs of the crying leopard his face going blank... "Bloody Hell Darvel you've caught a faggot." he said his voice angry at first until he noticed the saliva covered cock of the rat having to sit down as he started laughing.

"You just had your junk sucked off by a bloody male you fag."

Darvel's eyes went wild with anger as he bolted up from his chair towards Joey a swift kick came up to the larger rats jaw sending him head over heels tumbling back into the wall with a crash "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!" he screamed out, an anger in his voice as Rocko stepped back eyes wide at the sight fearing he would be next to feel Darvel's wrath, though eyes would show relief as the leader turned to their catch. Darvel's eyes turned down between the legs of Keysha seeing the balls and sheathe sticking out from under the fabric of pink lace panties snarling with an anger as he reached into his pocket.

"FAGGOT YOUR GOING TO DIE!" he yelled out as the switch blade came out and he dropped in to stab Keysha in the chest, only at the last second a loud hollow clang shot out as the leopards eyes clenched shut. The knife dropped from Darvel's hands as he slumped over with a thud to the floor, blood pouring from his ears, mouth, nose, and eyes to pool around his head. Violet eyes of the leopard opened up to see Rocko a bloody bent hallow pipe in his hand as he stood there shaking catching his breath and moved to grab the dropped knife cutting Keysha's bonds and pulling the boy up from the chair, no time to grab his clothes he looked around the room seeing Darvel's pants grabbing them and slipping them on he kneeled down beside of Keysha his voice scared and shaky.

"I-its ok... we have to run now." he muttered as he took the boys hand and darted off for the window giving a rough tug to his arm swinging Keysha around into his arms as he leaped though the old window, the glass knocked out years ago. They landed upon the old rickety fire escape rushing down the stairs towards the alleyway below. The world swirled for Keysha as he was pulled into the rats arms no clue what was happening and too confused and dazed to resist. It was all so fast. A crack was heard and then a creek the entire fire escape shifted and buckled the last word he would hear before it all came crashing down "SHIT!"

He awoke laying underneath a bloody and broken body and a heap of twisted metal. Eyes looked about as his vision came back into focus a seemingly lifeless hand beside his head a ring upon its finger with rainbow colored stripes along its underside. His eyes turned back up seeing the face of Rocko. Too shocked to speak or even whimper he didn't even know if the male was dead, or if he had been injured or not himself. Rocko's eyes finally opened up blood pouring into his mouth "I'm so sorry..." he muttered coughing up a splatter of blood staining Keysha's shirt.

"... R-Rocko.... you.. you saved me." he said his arms moved they worked and wrapped around him hugging him tightly only to loosen up as he yelped in pain

"I-..." he coughed up another splatter of blood... "I'm gay too.."

Keysha's eyes widened at those words he didn't know what 'gay' meant, but somehow it all seemed to make sense to him. His hands then discovered the source of Rocko's injury a beam had stabbed through his chest landing just beside of Keysha's and then the eyes rolled back into his head as it collapsed onto Keysha's chest and the worst smell hit his nose as the dead rats bowels emptied upon his death. His throat choking up followed by a hurl of the last meal he had eaten onto the body above him and the twisted metal and pavement at his side it was so horrible... Finally after tossing his last meal he squirmed finding his legs worked, and he made his way out from under the dead rat crawling from the heap of twisted bloody metal mostly unscathed, save for a few good scratches and cuts on his arms and legs. Limping lightly from the pain of the cuts his head still throbbing, his body finding just enough strength to make it to the the wall and lean against it struggling to stand, more shaken from everything that had happened than anything else. Catching his breath as he looked back over his shoulder to Rocko's corpse bringing the tears to his eyes once more as he reached up an arm to dry his eyes.

He stayed in that alley regaining his strength for what seemed like eternity until the silence of everything was broken by the sound of sirens and flashing lights coming down the road. Oh how he remembered that noise and those lights. The lights of the people who wanted to take him away. Taking in a deep breath he would run, run far away though the alleys climbing and hopping the fences until he could no longer hear their sound. Tired and exhausted he found an old box damp from a recent rain, he crawled into it curling up into the tightest ball he could closing his eyes and trying to sleep.

3: Sweet Dreams

(This story contains scenes of male on male sex, and of course my normal scenes of violence, and that oh so lovley sense of mental insecurity that Im known for, Dislciamer Crap Aside - Enjoy) His nerves finally calmed after several hours, the need...

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1: Death Brings Life Brings Love Brings Pain

(This is the beginning of the story of my character Keysha Astrella that I play on Furcadia, I do not condone the actions of Keysha's father as something real people should do, this is a very sick and twisted act, disclaimer crap aside enjoy and Ill...

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