Good Boy: (6) Gaining A New Friend

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#6 of Good Boy

Looks like Skylar finally made a friend.

Request: The next part will be Mike punishing Skylar for running away. The problem is that I've nearly run out of punishments. So suggestions are highly encouraged as to how you think Mike should punish Skylar.

When the cop car finally reached the police station Skylar had calmed down a bit, mostly due to exhaustion after having grinded against the back seat for what felt like thirty minutes. So tired that he didn't even bother to put up a fight as they shoved him into a cage, onlookers giving him weird stares, probably due to the fluids that he was leaking onto the floor as he walked. When the officer, his tormentor, was asked about the captured canine's state he simply replied, "Found him like that." Although he didn't want to be here, his mind screaming for him to escape, he had other problems to worry about. He was hungry, not having had much to eat over the past few days and incredibly dehydrated. And of course there was the ever present lust gnawing at the corner of his mind, although he was quickly becoming used to ignoring it at least when nothing was stroking his arousal.

Eventually Skylar was allowed to get out of the cage so that he could stretch his legs, or at least that is what they said when they took him out. Although he had a sneaking suspicion that he was just meant to entertain the kids in the waiting room whenever it got busy. However that only happened a few times before he just refused to leave the cage, barely able to stand and tired of being called a puppy, girl or any other inaccurate description that left him somewhere between anger and embarrassment. Later in the day Skylar finally overheard what was going to happen to him, they planned to take him back to Kyle's house at the end of the day as that is where his 'owner' Mike was currently staying since "his parents were away and he had no babysitter."

Babysitter. That word struck a chord in Skylar, causing him to reflect on these past few days now that he had nothing else to preoccupy his mind with. It was hard to believe that this started with some innocent game concocted by the mind a 9-year-old, although he figured that it was probably something invented by the cub's parents. Yet it spiraled out of control so quickly, from the gradual removal of his agency to being sexually abused all in the span of seventy-two hours. And to make it worse, no one even seemed to regard him as a person, he was merely a dog whose lot in life was to listen and do as commanded. But at least he had learned a one thing in his brief freedom that might be of use. He learned that with enough pain he could regain control of his body, recalling when he smashed through the clinic's front door. But at the same time he had also learned that his existence had been completely removed, assuming it wasn't just some cruel prank by his own parents. When he thought about his empty room he could feel his blood begin to boil in anger, enraged once again at the thought of being erased, all his dreams and aspirations gone. He would have lashed out too provided he had the energy, so he settled for growling at whoever passed by, earning him a couple shocks whenever he got too loud.

After an hour of nearly constant growling he finally gave up, hunger now being on the forefront of his mind. However, with no way to communicate with others verbally, asking for food directly was out of the question, so he decided to swallow his pride and began to beg, whining as loudly as he could. At first the people working in the station just yelled at him to shut up obviously annoyed at the high-pitch whines, but after he continued to be a nuisance they threw him out back into a fenced off area that looked like a training course for dogs. And almost as if the world was mocking him it soon began to rain, forcing him to hide under a small tower in the center of the field, water dripping onto him as it fell through the loose floorboards.

Eventually someone walked outside probably wondering where Skylar had gone, as they seemed to panic when they didn't see Skylar. It was another German Shepherd although he was a couple inches taller than Skylar, his fur a bit lighter than Skylar's original color, and significantly more muscular, not that it meant much considering Skylar hadn't touched a piece of work-out equipment in years. After a minute the person finally managed to spot Skylar's sad form huddled underneath the tower, fur dripping from the water that had leaked through the floorboards. Skylar finally stood up, expecting to be called inside, but instead the stranger began to walk towards him. This caused Skylar's ear's to flatten; already expecting the worst as he carefully watched the canine cross the waterlogged field. As the person walked closer Skylar started to run through the scenarios in his head. Would this stranger hurt him? Laugh at him? Or perhaps he was just looking for a quick fuck. Yet as the person entered the small enclosure, he did none of those things; instead he placed two bowls down, one filled with dog food and the other water, in front of Skylar.

This act confused Skylar; he hadn't considered the possibility of anything good happening as the stranger, whose nametag read "Ren" took a few steps back. He wearily watched the stranger for a few moments seeing if he would do anything else, but he just returned the stare, smiling back friendly. Skylar still didn't trust the other canine but that didn't matter at the moment as he lunged willfully toward the bowl of food. He knew it was dog food but he didn't care, it tasted fine, his hunger probably making it taste better than it really did as he scarfed down the contents of the bowl and quickly shifted to the bowl of water. Now lost in the moment of eating, Skylar didn't notice the stranger get closer until he placed a hand on his head and began to scratch behind his ears, "You must've been pretty hungry," he said. Skylar flinched, panic setting in and his body frozen in anticipation, as he cursed at himself for letting his guard down, but the stranger just continued to rub his head. This petting continued for another minute until Skylar finally managed to pull himself away and went to lie on the damp ground, fighting the desire to let the stranger continue to pet him.

Skylar had expected the Ren to leave, but instead he just sat down next to Skylar and began to talk; "Now why were you growling at everyone before, huh boy?" Skylar desperately wanted to tell him, to tell anyone of his plight, but he knew he wouldn't be able to, not with the collar on, so instead he just settled for the small victories, like the fact that Ren at least recognized him as male. "You've a lovely coat," Ren said as he began to pet Skylar again, causing him to blush at the strange compliment. Skylar was confused, "I deserve to be treated better than this, I'm no one's pet," he reassured himself as his tail began to wag from the gentle stroking of his fur. Yet he found himself unable to pull away from the stranger, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to.

This continued for a while until Ren finally broke the silence, "I'm sorry boy, you won't be able to see your owner today," he said delicately as if he was saying something that could possibly upset Skylar. "We called the house where he is staying and it turns out that they went to a concert and won't be back until tomorrow evening. But... on the bright side you'll get to stay at my place until he gets back," he finished, pausing as if to let it sink it for Skylar, who now had a smile plastered on his face. This was monumental news to Skylar who had been dreading seeing Mike again knowing that he would be punished for running away or some other trivial slight, and now instead he'll at least get to stay somewhere where the owner doesn't seem hell-bent on receiving sexual gratification from him. And who knows, he might even get Ren to take off the bark collar, which would be a huge step towards him getting out of this situation.

At this point Skylar was more than happy to let Ren continue to stroke him, things starting to look up again, his tail wagging violently. However, the mood was suddenly killed as the officer, Kraven, who had brought him in stepped outside and began to walk over. Skylar quickly stood up and began to snarl at the abusive cop, the last thing he wanted right now was another session alone with the Pitbull, although his body seemed to disagree as he felt his cock begin to strain against his chastity cage.

When Kraven finally got close he greeted Ren, "Hey, Ren, they need you inside, I'll watch after the little troublemaker for you," he said, lust visible in his eyes as he stared at Skylar. To Skylar's dismay Ren began to walk away after giving him one final pet, clearly unaware of his co-worker's intentions. After the door closed behind Ren the Pitbull turned to Skylar, "Hey pup, ready for your treat?" he asked as he began to pull his pants down, "I've got a nice big bone just for you." Skylar tried to run away but Kraven grabbed him by the leg and then dragged Skylar into his lap. He then whispered into Skylar's ear, "It's a shame, I tried to convince them to let you stay at my place, but Ren had already been given the job," as he put two of his fat fingers into Skylar's loose tail hole, causing him to groan. "But hey, maybe if he sees what a little slut you are he'll share," he taunted as he stuck another finger in drawing out a moan from Skylar whose arousal was quickly growing.

However, before the Pitbull got to go any further the station door opened again, Ren walking back over. The cop holding Skylar quickly let go, causing Skylar to moan as his hole was suddenly left empty, clenching down on nothing as the cop started to pull his pants back up in a panic. When Ren finally got close Kraven was acting as if nothing was wrong as he began to roughly pet Skylar's head, who in turn bit down on the hand. The officer yelled and then kicked Skylar straight in the face, sending him flying a few feet, his head colliding against one of the support beams, knocking him unconscious, as the officer barked, "You stupid mutt!" Kraven was about to kick Skylar again, but suddenly his body seized and he fell, two taser prongs embedded in his back.

An hour later Skylar finally woke up, his head pounding, finding himself in the passenger seat of a car. When he looked over to see who the driver was, he was relieved to find that it was Ren at the wheel. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened, but he guessed that he must've been saved. A couple of seconds later Ren noticed that Skylar had awaken, "You took a pretty nasty hit to the head, Sky," he said with concern, "But don't worry, I dealt with that mean ol' cop."

The car ride had only lasted a few minutes when Ren stopped the car in his driveway and stepped out. As Skylar tried to follow he fell, the world spinning around him, the effects of being knocked unconscious still disorienting him. However Ren soon took notice as he picked Skylar up and brought him inside his house, laying him on the couch. The house wasn't very large, and the interior wasn't that clean. There were bones and chew toys scattered around on the floor and dog hair all over the furniture. "Hope you don't mind the mess," he said as he sat down next to Skylar, turning on the TV, "I tend to take care of a lot of lost dogs for the force when the owners aren't around."

A few minutes later Skylar finally felt his head begin to clear, the world settling back into place. His attention quickly focused on Ren, who had already fallen asleep. Skylar couldn't help but feel somewhat indebted to Ren for he had potentially saved his life. Ren, Skylar realized, was also the first person in the past few days to actually be nice to him, so he wanted to do something nice for his new friend. But he quickly began to despair, unable to think of anything he could do. Normally in this situation he would cook up a nice breakfast or dinner, but with his hands bound there was no way he was going to try to use a stove. And then suddenly it hit him, it was an embarrassing idea and he couldn't believe he was even considering it, but it was just about the only thing he could do in his state.

Skylar hopped off the couch, placing himself in front of Ren and went to work. First with his teeth he began to pull down the sleeping canine's pants, which finally came down after a few good tugs. Next he carefully pulled down the obstructing underwear, exposing Ren's sheath. Skylar stared at it for a few seconds mulling over any better options but none seemed to arise, so he pressed against Ren's sheath and began to lick. After a few seconds Skylar was completely engrossed in his task, Ren moaning in his sleep as he became erect. Once Skylar was convinced that the shaft wasn't going to grow any further he took the tip into his mouth, grateful that it wasn't as large as the Kraven's. As Skylar began to take in more of the shaft Ren finally awoke, "Sky?" he asked still a bit groggy from waking up before he finally noticed Skylar's muzzle moving down his length. "S-sky stop!" the canine shouted as he tried to push Skylar away, but he only managed to push Skylar's head down further, eliciting a moan from Ren.

The fact that Ren had woken up made the situation a bit more humiliating for Skylar, who was now blushing, but he decided that he would finish what he started as he wrapped his tongue around the cock and began to bob his head. Eventually Ren's protests melted into soft moans as Skylar went at a slow leisurely pace, now a bit more practiced since his first time with Mike. However the inevitable eventually came as Ren tensed up and began to cum, which Skylar tried to swallow not wanting to leave his new friend dirty.

After a couple minutes Ren finally seemed to regain his composure, "Damn... where did you learn to do that?" he asked as he pulled his pants back up. "Now I am not going to complain about it this time, but that isn't acceptable behavior in this house," he continued, scowling at Skylar who looked embarrassed yet pleased with himself as he avoided eye contact. And before Ren could get up, Skylar jumped on top of him, where he quickly fell asleep satisfied that he had properly repaid his friend, although he would have preferred to have just made him breakfast instead.

Good Boy: (7) Scratching an Itch

Skylar watched through the window as the houses flew by. He was in the passenger seat of Ren's car, who was driving him to Kyle's house. An impending sense of dread had washed over Skylar like a tidal wave when he was finally given word that it was...

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Padded Possessions: (1) Dressing Up

Alex, a young, cream colored, 16-year-old fox, closed the door behind him, locking it as he threw a package onto his bed. He had been waiting for this moment all week after having finally gotten the courage to purchase a pack of diapers online. What...

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Good Boy: (5) Hard Time

Skylar jolted awake slamming his head against the roof of his cage. The loud noise seemed to wake a few of the other dogs in the room as it suddenly became of cacophony of barking and growling. Skylar cursed to himself rubbing the back of his head and...

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