Good Girls Don't

Story by Tyler David Coltraine on SoFurry

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Two girls. One office drone. A delayed train. What could possibly happen?

Blame this one on fa:wolfkidd and the local Catholic school girls, who do "tart up" on the trains into the city, but not quite to...this level.

And if you enjoy, you can support more work through my Patreon ( or a direct tip (, or just liking and such!

Fappy Holidays!

Modern life. What a delight. Instant lunches, heated seats, and all the wonders of a modern computer in the palm of your hand so you could work anywhere your bosses want. Fantastic. And it was upon one of those world-shattering devices Michael found himself, the middle-aged tiger sitting half-asleep at a quarter-to-seven on a gloomy Thursday morning on the train heading downtown to his office. No glamour, no glitz, though at least today was a quiet ride. Some days were like riding in a cargo car, flesh pressed together into a weird kind of sweaty cake. No, today he had a seat to himself and the bench in front was wide open. He could indulge in a quick read through the sports section and see if the local team choked last night, or maybe nap to the sound of the train banging along the tracks in the crisp September air. Simple pleasures are so hard to come by--

"Is someone sitting here?" And just like that, the moment of Zen evaporated, leaving Michael grumbling softly under his breath. The voice was feminine, acutely so. Michael didn't bother looking up; it was probably for the best. All needed to do was get angry at whoever had blown smoke into his happy-bubble. Instead he made a dismissive grunt and shook his head, rustling his paper a little bit to try and say 'and I like it that way'.

A movement past his knees told him that the message had probably been lost in translation. Perfume and hair product filled his nose. It was all he could do to not growl, instead sighing in mild displeasure. Hell truly was other people. And then_another_ body went past him and the same scent, only doubled, became impossible to ignore. Teenagers. Of course it had to be teenagers. He could hear them giggling to one another and tapping fingernails against their phones, babbling about whatever it was girls babbled about when they were left to their own devices. Michael held firm and did his very best to ignore it.

"Hello there," the voice said again, from his left.

"How's your morning?" This time, it came from the right. For a few moments, the situation didn't register to Michael. He let go of another grunt and made no further conversation. But whoever they were, his fellow passengers weren't willing to let things lie. "Come on, mister," Right said in a sing-song voice.

"We just wanna talk. This ride is soooo boring," Left chimed in. Michael felt a hand against his thigh, pushing a little, cajoling him into answering. The tiger gave up and started folding his paper, keeping his eyes down, trying to keep his expression neutral. They weren't wrong--the hour long ride into the city wasn't anything exciting. Even the scenery was bland. A little socializing might do him good. They seemed friendly enough. And he'd finished his paper ten minutes ago.

"Alright, we can talk. What would--" He paused in mid-sentence, blinking once or twice at the pair across the way, perhaps a yard from him at the furthest point. They were teenagers as he had suspected and rabbits to boot, but more remarkably they were twins. And not just ordinary ones, but absolutely perfectly identical twins in nigh upon every way that he could think of. They were both pale-furred, the color of latte with too much milk in, a pale creamy brown offset only by a spot of darker tan about their eyes. The eye spot was the only break in their absolute symmetry as well--Left Bunny had hers over her right eye, while Right's was over her left. Each wore shoulder-length burgundy hair, styled straight and simple, with the bangs curled around their facial spot coquettishly. They were classical beauties, with high cheekbones and soft hazel eyes resting thick eyelashes and bow-shaped lips, slightly curved bodies clad in the trappings of a traditional private school uniform, combining a modest pleated skirt, blouse, blazer and tie draped over modest busts. The school insignia was one that Michael could only guess at--the city was full of girl's schools of all sizes and shapes, and none of them had ever registered more than a blip on his consciousness. But the blue and white combination fit them well, and framed the pair as breathtaking examples of girls just on the cusp of womanhood.

Left Bunny smiled broadly and rested back against her seat. "I think we might have broken him, Hortence."

Right Bunny--or, apparently, Hortence--nodded with a look of concern. "Yeah, Esther. He needs a reboot." She poked him with the toe of her perfectly polished leather shoe, giggling a little. He rumbled a bit in annoyance and shook his head. "Or maybe he's just grumpy." They went back to talking to each other, though neither pair of eyes left Michael for very long. He had the strangest sensation that much of the conversation was about him...

The train rattled and thumped as it did most every day, slowly dragging its entire entourage forward towards the city. But the bangings grew further and further apart and softer, until they were virtually non-existent. The voice of the line came on overhead through the crackling PA system--an obstruction on the track would require them to crawl through a few miles of track if not stop altogether. They were sorry, whoever they were, and passengers should make alternative plans if they had somewhere to be urgently. The tiger ground his teeth together. Not again. Fifth time this month...

"Guh. We're so gonna be late." Hortence fiddled with the collar of her jacket, the annoyance obvious on her face. "And I hate this thing. I wish Mom didn't make us wear it." Esther was in a world all her own, busily tapping away at her cell phone, thumbs a blur. "Are you on Lumbr again?" Eyes rolled, lips pursed. "You are totally addicted to big dicks, E." Michael coughed at the sudden candor and complete nonchalance.

"At least I can keep my mouth empty for more than a half-hour, H." The sudden nicknames only registered in the back of his mind; sisters do odder things than that. "You're always sucking on something.

"It's just candy, sis. I don't see what the big deal is." As if suddenly cued to action, the rabbit fetched a lollipop from her bag, stuffing her jacket in its place. The plastic wrapper crumpled to the floor and Hortence set in on her treat. At first, it was a chaste gesture, just a young lady enjoying a sweet. But it soon strayed, the rabbit curling her tongue around bulbous treat and passing it through her lips in carefully measured strokes. Michael again cleared his throat politely and shifted in his seat, deliberately keeping his focus on something uninteresting above and behind the teenager and her breakfast of sorts.

"You've gotta forgive H here. She's shameless." The tiger focused on Esther instead of the aisle, forming a response and a carefully built retort, a chastisement for_exceptionally_ inappropriate behavior. He was the adult here, after all. His train of thought stalled harder than the train they were sitting on before he could. In the brief seconds he had focused on her sister, Esther had shucked her jacket as well, but hadn't stopped there--half the buttons of her cotton blouse lay wide open, exposing more of the creamy fluff spreading from her collarbone down down along the soft lines of her cleavage. The doe had adjusted the simple shirt into something far appropriate--at least in Michael's eyes anyways, and even as he gawked her fingers rolled the hem upwards until it tucked at the base of her ribcage with pins spaced with expert precision to keep it there.

Michael could count the number of heartbeats that passed as he watched the two prepare themselves for the day. The more he saw, the more it seemed like a ritual and a well-practiced one at that. Each step was performed in perfect synchronicity. The rabbits bore with them an ever-growing list of items to compliment or replace the school-provided uniform, so many Michael wondered how they even carried books or supplies with them. Earrings and bracelets came out of carefully packed cases; skirts were adjusted much like the blouses until the blue-and-white plaid expanses barely brushed the tops of their knees. The plain white socks were slid off and replaced with sheer white stockings carefully rolled up to mid-thigh, high enough that he found it necessary to divert his eyes back to his paper.

Oh how his ears burned. Michael could hear them giggling, quiet but still present over the slow churn of the train wheels against the tracks. Why did have to be teenagers, he again asked himself, with their complete lack of respect. He grimaced slightly--he wasn't_that_old, damn it. Certainly not old enough to be the curmudgeonly old ass sitting waggling his finger at every youngling who dared disagree with his sensibilities. Just sit back and enjoy your die, he convinced himself. Reread the financials for the fifth time--

A push at his thigh again. "Hey. Hey mister." Michael ignored the voice, but whichever rabbit it was, she was insistent. "It's okay, you can look now." There was a tiny giggle, stifled by the other twin and a hushed 'stop it!'.

"If I say no, will you leave me alone?" There was a long pause, then another smack against his leg. "That answers that question." With deliberate expedience and the blankest expression he could manage, the paper was folded up and stashed next to him on the seat. "Hortence and Esther, is it?" He allowed himself one blink and a slow swallow of breath,willing himself to stay calm in their presence. If before they had been classical beauties, they were now the stereotypical schoolgirls who made their appearances on the covers of filthy magazines and Halloween costumes on a regular basis--blouses revealed slim bellies and modest breasts, skirts left a tantalizing span of exposed fur between the top of their stockings and their skirts, and the jewelry about their arms and ears drew attention. Esther smiled at Michael for the barest second before turning back to her mobile phone; Hortence, who had been bent over to prod at the tiger, slowly straightened up, perhaps not noticing how the loose cotton failed to hide anything from his view--in fact, it revealed far more that way. By his reckoning the only thing neither one hadn't bothered to adjust were their school ties, hanging straight and crisp from their necks to rest at their bare navels. Had it become much warmer in here, he wondered, adjusting his suit jacket slightly. Mmm. The air circulation in the car must not be working properly while it was crawling along.

Hortence giggled softly around her lollipop, bouncing one foot with her knees crossed, adjusting her skirt back into an at least slightly decent position. "Sorry, mister. You just looked really annoyed and I wanted to say we're sorry." She paused then elbowed her sister softly in the ribcage. "Aren't we, Esther?" The right rabbit said something unintelligible and swiped through another fifty things on her phone before clipping it to her skirt and giving Michael an overly friendly smile.

Michael took it as much in stride as he could. "It's alright. Though..." He held his hand out, gesturing at the 'uniforms' the two had changed into. "What's with the costume changes?"

"It's just something--" "--we like doing." Michael blinked and looked left to right as the pair spoke, swapping back and forth as if switching the speakers on a stereo system. Hortence would begin, then Esther would pick up in perfect cadence. It was rather disconcerting, but if they noticed his confusion, they didn't say anything. "The uniforms are heavy--" "-and hot, and really--" "--not very flattering." "Wouldn't you agree--" "--that this is a lot nicer--" "--to look at?" They both paused for a beat, then adjusted their ties in unison. "Except for the tie." "We like the tie."

"Damn," Michael muttered. "You're like something out of a movie or something." He shook his head to try and clear his mind a bit. "I understand wanting to look good but they allow it at...what school do you go to?"

Hortence shifted her weight a bit, tossing the soggy and candy-free stick into the aisle without a single glance. "Oh, we go to Bella Haven's. It's not fancy--"

Esther chimed in. "--but we like it. And Miss Haven--"

"--is a very nice person." The pair looked at each other and giggled at some kind of shared joke. Michael could only quirk an eyebrow and move on. Some things he just wasn't meant to know.

"Can't say I've ever heard of it." There was a burst of silence as the conversation tapered off without a direction to go in. "I guess your parents don't mind? Or more likely they don't know."

A wicked little smile bloomed on both their faces. "What Mother doesn't know--" "--doesn't hurt us. And Father--" "--certainly doesn't mind." Another secretive glance and a giggle was shared, and again Michael was left in the dark, though the image his mind created was certainly...interesting. It couldn't be that, though.

"Alright then," he said, somewhat exasperated. "I hope you have a good day in classes, or whatever you're doing today." The tiger leaned back against his seat and looked out the window at the slowly moving terrain, wondering when the damned train would be back up to normal speed. He was already late and just getting later.

"Hey. Hey, mister." One of the rabbits was trying to get his attention_again_, though at least she'd spared him the palm against his leg.

He turned and glared at Hortence, probably a little more angrily than he wanted to. It was frustrating that they wouldn't let him be. "What is it now?" They were pleasant on the eyes but they had little in common, not enough for a substantial conversation. The crawling voice in the back of his head kept warning him to not creep on a pair of girls easily half his age.

Esther didn't flinch, still smiling softly, eyes welcoming--almost bedroom eyes. "I need to ask a favor. Actually we both do."

Michael flatted his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes. "What could I possibly do for you? I'm not giving you any money, so don't bother--"

Esther put her hand to her chin and looked shocked. "No no no, nothing like that! We don't need anything like that. Trust me, our dad's loaded--"

"--and he's very generous," Hortence chimed in.

"Anyway," Esther interjected. "We just need you to do something for us."

Michael fought not to roll his eyes. "Alright. What do you need?"

The doe stood up and moved across the gap past her sister, sitting down next to Michael and nudging him a bit with her hand. "Slide over a little and let me sit between you and the window." The tiger started to protest, stifled by a finger to his lips. "Just trust me. It's worth it." Defeated, he slid a bit further from the window, making enough room for her to sit down. Esther leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, wiggling her way down into the cushions before dropping her bag on the floor between her laps. "Oh, it's warm! Thanks!"

The tiger watched in mild confusion as Esther pulled something out of her bag, something too small for him to make out clearly. "Um, sure, I guess, but I don't--" The next words sputtered to the floor in a gasp of breath and spit as Esther lifted her backside from the seat and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties shamelessly. His gaze flicked up to her eyes for a moment; the rabbit puckered her lips into an air-kiss as she slipped the ordinary cotton underthings down her legs, making sure to stay mostly tucked behind Michael. Suddenly it dawned on him what she'd needed--he was her changing screen!

Esther leaned in and whispered in to Michael as she stashed away her acceptable panties. "Don't look away," she said, "or someone might think something's wrong." Her smile had taken on a completely different shade now; her perfume sank into his senses, and suddenly it was very hard to stay calm in the stale air of the train car. She leaned back again, the arm closest to him stroking under the chin, just out of sight of the rest of the passengers. "And don't move too much. They'll see me, and I'll get in trouble." Esther tapped his nose with a finger tip. "And if I get in trouble,you'll get in trouble. We're just talking, like friendly people do. Mmkay?"

It was a rhetorical question. Esther didn't wait a single moment for an answer, unfolding the bit of fabric she'd tucked away. Michael swallowed. It was a thong. And not a particularly substantial one, either, but a tiny bit of red fabric that stood out against the cream of her fur like a stop light and drew all eyes to it. The rabbit lifted her legs onto the seat bottom and slid the bit of lingerie over her shoes and stockings, bringing it up carefully, stretching the elastic waistband over her thighs, curvaceous hips that stood as the trademark of her species. She may have been young, but nature had already given her a blessing. He was so firmly focused on that expanse of leg Esther exposed, so rapt was his attention on following the skimpy bit of satiny fabric as it traveled, that it took several seconds for his brain to register that he was staring directly into Esther's crotch. Blood rushed to his cheeks, thankfully hidden by the orange and white fur spread across it, and he flicked his eyes upwards to the rabbit's, doing his very best to play it 'cool', whatever that happened to mean.

Her reaction spoke volumes. She giggled and fluttered her eyelashes playfully as she adjusted the panties around her thighs. "You're cute when you blush," she whispered, pressing her feet against the floor and lifting up to get it into place. Michael squirmed in his seat. There was no better word for it. The unpleasant warmth had gotten even worse; now accompanied by a growing tension in his pants, something he tried desperately to put out of his mind. But he couldn't bring himself to look away. The rational voice in his mind rationalized that it was perfectly fine--she'd asked him to, hadn't she? Nothing would come of it. It would be a silly memory he would chuckle privately about later.

"Hey, hey." Fingers snapped next to his cheek and brought him back down a little bit. "Can you make sure everything's in place? The headmistress gets her nipples twisted if I show too much fur." Esther turned and sat her knees on the bench, looking out the window with her hands on the armrest. Being sat with her backside planted near her heels and her torso leaned forward made the enhanced brevity of her skirt_quite_ obvious--the pleated plaid would have barely covered half of the teen's surprisingly bubbly backside under the best of conditions and here, now, right in front of him it had gone to war and lost to the enemy, revealing the entirety of her pale tan ass to him shamelessly. The tiger knitted his hands together tightly in his lap and held on to an invisible handle for all it was worth. He would have never considered himself an ass man, but the generous curvature of the rabbit's rump, blessed at the start by genetics, was enough to make his heart stop. The spade of her tail refused to let him look away, constantly drawing his gaze back.

Esther huffed. "Come on already. Sitting like this gives me cramps, and if the conductor sees..." She let him fill in the rest and lifted up just a bit more, hips tightly folded and knees a bit apart. The red splash of snug fabric made itself apparent to him, pulled against her most intimate of curves with edges that barely reached far enough to provide decency. The rear band, if that's what you called the thing, was non-existent, stowed security between her buttocks. The only sign it was even there was a small section that travelled along the base of her tail to meet the waistband.

Michael adjusted his tie and willed his breathing to stay even. "I think it's on just fine," he whispered in a hiss, and as soon as the last word passed his lips, Esther turned and beamed at him, flattening out her skirt uselessly against her broad thighs. He wouldn't need coffee today, he thought to himself...

"My turn!" His ears flicked upwards as Esther bounced back to her feet, quickly replaced in the seat by Hortence, who gave him a kiss exactly as her sister had before settling in. Esther took up the other side of the bench, sandwiching him into place before flipping her phone out yet again to mess about with something or other. With that, the ritual was quite the same as Esther's; he watched in both fascination and a bit of dread, willing the turgidity in his trousers to be_gone_and find someone else to constantly badger for attention. Sitting, watching, and preparing for the final presentation of the rabbit's work. The tiger's face broke in a thin smile. Was he actually enjoying himself? He had to admit, it was probably the best commute he'd had in memory...

Something pricked in the back of his mind, though, as Hortence started to turn and face the window for her 'background check' of sorts. It hadn't even registered to him at first; now he couldn't ignore it.

"Ah, Hortence, is it?"

"Yeah?" Her hips wiggled into position, shoes near his thigh, thin fingers wrapped around the armrest.

"You forgot to anything on."

She didn't cackle. But he could feel a wicked laugh on the inside of his skull and the reflection of her wicked smile in the scuffed glass of the window. Michael sucked in his breath and held it. She couldn't have--she wouldn't--

"I didn't forget anything, mister." The punctuation mark was a soft, fluffy comma-shaped tail that swayed gently over her largely unclothed rump--no, he told himself, it was an ass. One did not call a woman's presented hindquarters anything but that. Any other term implied at least the modicum of chaste behavior and decorum, and neither of those was present here. Hortence swayed at him fully on display under the hiked hem of her school skirt, revealing her femininity to him shamelessly. The sight of it, the scent, it gave his poor system palpitations.

Esther pressed her slim body against Michael's side, hip to hip, thigh to thigh, stroking her palm along the arm of his suit jacket. "H doesn't like wearing panties when she doesn't have to." The feline found himself purring gently despite himself, hoping no one would feel the vibrations that didn't need to. "Do you, sis?"

"Ugh, no way. They just ride up my ass and pinch." Hortence hiked herself into a full presentation of the 'goods', the lightly furred expanse of her mound nestled between her thighs. It was nestled like a peach in a basket, and Michael found himself suddenly hungering for a bit of forbidden fruit. "And they get in the way."

Teeth met his ear, dull things that nipped harmlessly at the thin skin and made him "mewp!" in the hot air of the still slowly moving train car. "She's so shameless," Esther whispered. Her breath was hot and her body was warm, smelling faintly of berries. "You could touch her, right now. She wouldn't stop you." Michael kept his eyes locked forward, fighting a losing battle, only feeling Hortence move to copy her sister and sit near him too, bringing with her the smell of peaches. Despite being larger, despite being older, despite being the_predator_ in this pairing the tiger was utterly cowed by the twins. They stroked over his chest and belly, and he could do little more than sit and rumble like a kitten.

"I'm not the only one, E. You started all this."

Esther rolled her eyes. "Oh come on. We don't even compare." She turned her mobile phone to Michael, showing him a picture--a picture of one of the twins, naked, coated in semen from her hairline to her breasts with a phallus hanging from her lips with only the crown still inside, balls resting on her chin as she made a v-sign to the camera. "She's always doing that."

Hortence reached across and grabbed the phone, swiping at it until her eyes lit up. "Yeah? What about this one?" Michael guessed this was a photo of Esther, though there was no way to tell. There were no faces visible. Instead the focus was on what was going_into_ her, a massive equine member hanging from an open button-fly, the kind that you only usually saw in dirty videos on the Internet. It spread her open wide as she stood split-legged, panties around her knees, signs of a crowd all around her. "She doesn't even know his name. But they do that every Saturday. You can buy tickets."

Michael's eyes went from to the other and back again. "What are you--you can't--come on, girls--"

Esther put her finger to his lips. "Nuh-uh. You don't get to tell us what to do."

Hortence nodded and rolled her fingertips up Michael's thigh. "Yeah. We don't like being bossed around." The heel of her palm coming to rest on his belt buckle, fingers turned downwards with a slight squeeze. "Oh, not bad, tiger..."


"--Daddy says it's alright."

Michael raised both eyebrows over his wide eyes. The video Esther had opened was beyond telling, even if it was shadowy and the picture was unsteady, one of the twins completely naked and bouncing rhythmically in an older buck's lap, their counterpart on hands and knees, lavishing their joined genitalia with saliva...

"Is that--" He took one last shot at resistance. "Listen, this just isn't right. Good girls don't--"

"Good girls don't--" one said.

"--but we do," the other added, and his cock was squeezed in a warm grip, stroked, shown appreciation.

"Follow us. Or don't," they sang to him in perfect unison, and like a breeze they were away, swaying down the aisle, gossiping to each other as they went.

Three minutes. It had taken three minutes to end up in this position, to reach the end of a very stressful morning commute. Less than 30 seconds of that had been spent making up his mind whether or not to follow the twins as they weaved through the crowded trains. He had done his very best to look subtle, to not appear as if he were following the girls--a tiger stalking a pair of rabbits would be rather frowned up in a polite society--before slipping into the lavatory after a moment's assurance that no one was watching. From there, the situation had escalated with a terminal velocity, reaching orbit as it passed the first stage.

And now he found himself in flagrante delicto with two teenaged rabbits he had known less than hour, crammed into a washroom meant only for one passenger, perhaps two if one were a child, half-naked in the weak fluorescence. The stink of sex permeated the walls and overwhelmed the wee circulation fan mounted in the ceiling. Hot sweat formed on his brow and stained his shirt at the sides and under his arms. His hair was a mess. He would be sore afterwards, and likely the comments from his co-workers would not all be polite.

And he didn't care. Not for right now, anyways, not as two identical twin rabbits worshipped his body in their own ways. Hortence had gone directly for his cock just as her sister had warned, yanking it free from his trousers and shoving both them and his boxers to the floor. Her tongue was small but nimble, working over fold and vein with agility, pricking nerves that rarely saw more than a passing attention. Oh how she cooed in delight as her soft palms traveled along his length and cupped his scrotum. She sang the praises of that endowment, how beautiful the head was and how delicious his precome tasted against her lips. Michael had never thought much of his member, but the liberal application of adulation had made his ego and his cock swell. Hortence giggled, intoxicated, pressing her face under his sac and licking along the flesh between his thighs. The rest of his suit had met much the same fate as his pants, his jacked hanging from a coat hook while his shirt hung open over a modest chest painted with stripes from every direction, tie tossed over his shoulder just to get the damn thing out of his way.

Esther would not be upstaged by her sister. This was something of a sibling rivalry, he had come to realize, sometimes competing to pleasure their males and sometimes working in tandem to ensure the most brain damage was applied to the hapless cock-bearers they had laid their hooks into. Unable to join Hortence on the floor--there simply wasn't enough room to do so--Esther had climbed upon the sink and station, planting her knees against the steel surface and spreading her legs until Michael wondered if she would simply snap in two. A quick flick of her fingers undid the strap of her skirt, letting it flutter to the floor, grinding her barely covered snatch against the thick fur of Michael's chest. He quickly took the hint and knelt forward, pressing the rough texture of his nose against her tail, applying the broad surface of his tongue to her dampening knickers. It had been so long since he had tasted pussy, more than he could recall, and Esther's was among the most delicious he could imagine. Quickly working her panties to the side, the tiger dove in with confidence and enthusiasm, lashing against her mound with long strokes. She squirmed, she keened, she moaned his name in a voice loud enough that even the walls of the washroom and the sound of the train moving may not have stifled the noise. Fuck them, he thought to himself, pressing a fingerpad against Esther's pussy and rolling it down the slit.

Hortence pressed one palm into the thick ruff of fur that rose up from Michael's cock and trailed over his abdominals. Soft lips parted wide as she eased the turgid head between them, filling her mouth with his maleness until the tip pushed against her throat, pouring salty droplets along her tongue. For now she was content to nurse at him, cheeks puffing and drawing in, bathing his sensitive tissue in hot moisture. Her other hand had found her bare cunt and rubbed at it, twiddling the nub of her clitoris between two fingers with her knees parted like a gateway, skirt hiked up to her waist. Michael slipped free of her mouth with a loud pop of broken suction. Hortence grabbed for breath with long, ragged pants, drawing her lips down the side of the shaft then back up again, pumping her fist from base to tip with furious sloppy sounds. There would be no quarter given, and none asked for...

A finger pumped its way through Esther's pussy, twisting, turning, bent slightly at the knuckle to properly churn her insides. Michael bathed her groin in love like a housecat would bathe a kitten, drawing from the very tip of her sex around, over, down, travelling over the rim and dipping in--just a little, a tease, a coaxing pleasure that drove the rabbit to utter madness--before moving along the line of her hips as they met her thighs. Even further he traveled as his lapping left rows of softly matted fur along plush legs, tilting his head and pressing the tip of his tongue against the base of the doe's tail, pulling her thick rump with his hand, exposing the rosebud tucked deep inside enough to graze against it. It became a dance of sorts, one digit then two scissoring into Esther, dripping with her honey while he ate her backdoor in the figurative sense, squeezing the padded curve of her rump in utter appreciation of her beauty.

The moment for simply appreciating Michael's cock had passed for Hortence. No longer content with licks and kisses, the doe strained to fit him inside her mouth, both hands wrapped around the base as she squeezed more past her drying lips, chin matted with precome and spit. Michael could not claim to be anything like her equine conquests, but he was quite enough for the rabbit as her head rocked to the clacking of the train's wheels against the tracks. With a sharp intake of breath and nostrils wide, she pushed forward once more and lodged the tiger's cock into her throat, eyes cinching shut as she willed herself to relax. He was forced to do much the same to avoid simply blowing his entire load into the snug new confines, belly pulled tight, wishing he could see how the rabbit came to rest her nose in his pubes, his entirety inside her, his scent filling her nose and the orange-and-black of his pelt the only thing she could see.

For most any other girl her age, being pressed against a cold, unyielding sink would have become uncomfortable long ago. Esther was not any ordinary girl her age. Rather than admit defeat, she changed the situation to her benefit, turning herself to rest her shoulders against the sink. Now with feet hooked over Michael's shoulders, the tiger was free to use both hands while still holding her up, diving back into her pussy with renewed vigor, the entire expanse of his tongue diving into her, touching deep inside and sucking up all the delicious juice the bunny could offer. Thumbs teased her from both front and back, the coarse pad rolling over her clit and then her pucker, the fingers underneath her pressing up and in to the snug ring and sending Esther arching with a sharp cry.

The kneeling rabbit had lost herself in pleasure a half-dozen times and was finding coming down from the latest climax difficult. The musk from Michael's heaving body was intoxicating, his taste made her delirious. Even the ache in her throat as it strained against him was exciting and drove her libido even higher, making her twat drip down her thighs in lewd rivulets. The tiger had joined her in what could only be called a facefucking, drawing his length away from her until her maw lay empty, the doe whining as she was deprived of her salty treat even if only for a handful of seconds before it returned to spear her, to grind his heavy testes against her chin. It may not be a pussy but Michael was content to fuck it all the same. Loud, slapping strokes, with the prickling of her dull teeth against throbbing flesh added a touch of extra flavor, the twist of lemon in a perfect martini. She knew in her animal mind that his stamina would never outlast hers. This was a race she always won, hands squeezing his dangling balls, clawing at his belly as she worked herself towards another climax...

Michael's ears flatted against his head as he fingerfucked Esther, bouncing her hips between one buried to the knuckle in her ass and two scissoring through her cunt, sloppy and loud. She had started to wail and was only growing louder as her legs shook around his head, threatening to clamp down on his skull. Still he continued to eat her alive as only a cat could, the texture of his tongue dragging over tortured skin and flesh, feeling the strong muscles of Esther's passage clench and flex against his fingers with every grazing touch. She was_tight_, and the very thought of how fantastic it would be to fuck her blazed across his brain like a laser. With a sudden arch of her spine and intense rush of juices against his face, Esther climaxed and hard, squeezing his fingers like a fist and holding them inside as if they couldn't bring themselves to let him go. As if on cue, the synchronized dance came to its pounding coda, Michael's cockhead pulsing once then again before flooding Hortence's throat with come, pouring into her belly, her lips pressed tightly around the base of his member as she suckled every last drop free of him like a man dying of thirst. The sudden rush made his head spin, and with sticky palms he leaned back against the wall for support, eyes unfocused for a moment as the fog set in.

Hortence gagged and coughed as she tried to catch her breath, Michael's spent cock slapping wetly against his thigh. "Next time," she wheezed, "warn a girl!" He shrugged helplessly and reached for a paper towel, offering it to her, surprised that nothing dripped from her mouth. "Thank you," she said and stood up, kissing him square on the lips with a sudden burst of motion.

But just as suddenly as the carnality had began it ended, and both twins pushed forward to the lone mirror in the room, practically ignoring the freshly fucked tiger standing near the toilet. Make-up was applied, teeth were rinsed, and hair was adjusted back into place. Michael shrugged a bit and set to cleaning himself in a less experience fashion, wiping the spit and come from his cock with paper towels and setting his suit back to some semblance of professionalism.

"Here." One of the rabbits pressed a few packets into his palm, smiling a bit. Within just a moment's turn the twins had become presentable again--in fact, both had even added make up and lipstick, now looking even more brazen than before and just as positively sultry. His eyes flicked downwards to the little bundle. "Mouthwash, a couple of wet wipes, some cologne. Just the thing to keep a freshly fucked male from being_too_ obvious."

Hortence carefully applied mascara to her eyelashes, fluttering them in the poor light. "If you get fired for smelling like teenage pussy, you won't be around anymore. And we like to keep our toys." Again that wicked grin was felt more than seen; it made him shiver and grow flushed again. She giggled and turned to give him yet one more kiss, eliciting a "mew" that did not seem very tiger-like at all. The idea of being a sex toy for a pair of libidinous rabbits...well. It was something to contemplate.

Michael paused as the doe moved away from him, head tilted. Around her neck was a choker, a thin black leather band that stood out starkly from her creamy pelt, and settled into the divot of her collarbone was a small silver pendant perhaps the size of a quarter, shaped like a cartoonish chili pepper. "What's this?" He asked, gesturing with his palm.

She laughed, and pulled her sister close to her side, pointing at the nearly identical choker Esther wore. "They're our nametags." Esther's pendant was simply three letters--'ABC'--but the same size and much the same style.


"No one calls us by our real names. Not anybody who knows us well anyway. They're awful and terrible and stupid."

"I still don't follow."

Esther tapped her choker with a fingertip. "Our...close friends call me Easy, as in 'easy as 1-2-3'."

"And I'm Hot. As in 'hot pepper'. And together--"

"--we're Pop's Tarts."

Michael couldn't help but laugh. All things considered, it wasn't the oddest thing he'd heard today. "Aren't they a little hard to see behind your ties?"

"Oh all the girls at Bella Haven's know who we are--"

"--and the ones who don't, they learn."

The PA system kicked in suddenly and made the trio jump. "Now arriving at Seventeenth Avenue. Next stop, Haven Court. Thank you for your understanding on the delay. Again, next stop, Haven Court, five minutes."

Both does grabbed for their bags and made sure to have everything stashed away. "Sorry, Michael, that's our stop!" They both dashed out the door of the lavatory before could so much as slow them down, leaving him standing there in the slowly dissipating scent of hot rabbit pussy and peach perfume.

"Wait," he asked himself. "I never told her my name."

His phone buzzed suddenly in his pocket, and a flick of his thumb showed a new text message--from Esther. I took the liberty of getting your phone number while you weren't looking. Hope you don't mind. _Attached was a carefully taken picture of Hortence embedded to the hit hilt on his cock from just a few minutes before, followed by one of himself working his tongue into Esther's cunt. The girl was quite the photographer, he had to admit. _Oh, and check your pants pocket.

In said pocket, he found a small card and a pair of panties--the cotton ones Hortence had taken off earlier, smelling strongly of peach perfume and aroused rabbit drippings. Welcome to our toybox. We'll see you next Tuesday, same washroom.

Michael composed himself, cleaned up with the gifts from Esther, and left the train at the next stop after the twins'. "What have I gotten myself into," he muttered to himself, hoping no one would wonder where that fruity smell was coming from...

* END *

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

The party. Or they called it, anyways. Tesni sucked in her breath and swallowed the eightieth canapé of the night. Weak, bland, a lump of unidentifiable something or other. And the hors d'oeuvres weren't very good either. The mouse engaged in trite,...

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Pounded in the Ass by my 3D-Printed Rubberskunk Duplicate

"Listen, Bernie. I just don't think this is what I ordered." The mephit ran his fingertip over the box lid for the fiftieth time, squinting at what he thought was intended to pass for English but missed the mark by several time zones and maybe a...

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When The Rhythm Hits You

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