
Story by Aggressive Filth on SoFurry

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Nestled deep within the heart of the Umbran forest laid a crystal clear expanse of water. One could lose days of their lives staring into its glittering depths, which was exactly why the pool had been formed.

Twas created by the very creature that lay sprawled out upon a tree branch positioned over the pool. A soft warm breeze blew rivers of silverish black tresses around the voluptuous form of a female anthropomorphic tiger. Thin black stripes wound their way over a stretch of deep orange fur. Her stomach, tail-tip, muzzle and most of her breasts were of the purest white. Eyes of an endless sulfur yellow stared out from a well formed face. An image of perfection she believed herself to be. Beautiful, intelligent, powerful. Even her name screamed perfection. Sicun, which meant 'intellect' in a long forgotten language was the label given to this exceptional beast.

No one had come to the pool in months. The last creature to lose themselves in the hypnotic water was a young doe, still a fawn. She definitely couldn't be used. The creature before that was an old warrior bison that had come to Sicun's pool to die. He couldn't be used either. Altogether, it had been two seasons since her urges had last been fulfilled. She believed herself to be losing her mind. Every noise that met her ears made her giddy with anticipation. Was someone coming? Who would they be? What species? Would they look into the pool? The noises usually turned out to be squirrels and birds, in which case, Sicun would emit a loud, bloodcurdling roar that would echo for ages as well as scare away the pesky birds and squirrels.

When would a worthy soul find her?

Days had passed since the last time she'd fed. Dropping from the tree, Sicun made her way into the forest. An hour or so later, her stomach was full of those squirrels she detested. Lazily, she made her was back to the pool, stretching and sharpening her claws along the way. Growling and thinking of another lonely night, Sicun burst into the clearing, claws slicing easily through a mass of young branches, sending leaves flying about like snow. Stopping in mid-step, Sicun gasped. Kneeling beside the pool was a massive black form. Scales? The tigress flashed a toothy grin at the dragons back, for that was exactly what the creature was. Ice took over Sicun's happiness as the dragon turned to look for the source of the flying leaves. A wave of her paw and the words, "You do not see." Kept her hidden.

The gorgeous dragon stared right through her, though his blood red oculars rested where her form would be. He directed his gaze back towards the water, and Sicun sighed and moved towards him. The spell would stay for a while longer so she moved around him, eyeing his muscular form. Beneath those shimmering black scales rippled masses of clearly visible muscles. A broadsword was strapped to his back and the only other thing upon his frame was a soft, doeskin loin cloth.

Not being able to help it, one finger found its way to the dragons back, that soft pink paw pad drifting over his shining ebony scales. The large beast spun around and roared in Sicun's face, though he still couldn't see her. A look of pure confusion covered his strong features. Standing his full height of at least twelve feet (Sicun stood six), the dragon spoke softly to himself. "You must be losing your mind, Shads, old boy."

Sicun moved back to the branch overhanging the pool, ears still ringing from the dragons roar. Already he was looking into the pool again and all the tigress had to do was wait.

He could have swore that something stroked his back. When he turned, completely prepared to kill whatever the hand was attached to, there was no one there. "Paranoid much, Shads?" he thought to himself. He really had no reason to be, but there was always that chance of something bad happening. Surely he was safe, but then the leaves had broken from a tree and moved towards him earlier, warning of an intruder. Were he in the right frame of mind, he would be gone, but this damn pool held his attention. It reached out to him, called to him, begged him not to go. He listened. Kneeling down beside the pool once more, he stared deeply into it, losing himself in its clear depths.

Sicun knew that the dragon was under the pools spell. He hadn't blinked in more than ten minutes. The tigress was incredibly excited as she made her way down the tree and back to the large dragon's side. The words were spoken, "For the span of just an hour, your dragon form is in my power." The red eyes of the black scaled beast drifted close and his head sank. Sicun laughed softly to herself. "You will behave as yourself, but you are still mine to command. Wake." Twould be boring taking him without a fight.

Dragon eyes opened, blinked several times, then widened. Shads shook his head and stared at the woman tiger standing before him. He knew not what to say so he simple sat in silence. Sicun laughed and dropped one hip, placing her paws upon them. "Cat got your tongue, Dragon?"

Shads scoffed, "Of course not, Tiger."

"Call me Sicun, my pet." She proceeded to reach out and stroke his cheek with one paw. Of course he pulled away, clearly angry at being addressed as 'pet.' "And you will call me Shads, lady. I'm far from being a pet, by the way." Red eyes narrowed at the tri colored form standing in front of him. "Oh you are indeed my pet. Remove your sword and that mean little cloth hanging on your hips." Sicun's pupiless yellow orbs glinted as she smiled.

Shads was about to give the tigress a piece of his mind but his hands did her bidding. "What in the hell did you do to me, witch!?" The dragon roared his words into Sicun's face, sending shimmering black locks floating about her lithe body. "You are under my power for at least forty or fifty more minutes, I guarantee you'll enjoy yourself." Shads shivered in anger and stretched his arms out to choke the big cat, but instead, they encircled her, drawing her close to him. She did have control over him! One of his paws moved up to scratch her behind one ear. Shads was outraged. "Listen you bitch, let me go!"

He went unanswered. Glaring down at her, he was surprised to hear a deep purr coming from the feline. "You're such a good boy." Sicun purred louder and her paws drifted to his stomach, claws running gently over his blood red belly scales. Shads swallowed hard and furrowed his brow. "Sicun, what do you want with me?" His claws stopped scratching behind her ears and she looked up to him. This question was worth answering. "I wish for you to lay with me, and then I shall release you. You wont remember any of this when I am finished. Though your body has no choice but to do my bidding, I've let your mind free in the hopes that you'll enjoy yourself."

He didn't answer right away. Thoughts flew through his head. She was a gorgeous creature, this tigress, and it had been some time since he'd bedded a feline. Sicun looked like a good ride. She was strong, he could see, graceful, feminine, curvy. The power she held over him made Shads want to give himself to her completely. On the other paw...he hated the fact that he would be taken either way. He would decline her offer to remain conscious and demand to be released. But then his body began to move. Rising, he slid his large frame into the pool. The water wasn't cold, nor was it warm, though it shrouded his mind in comfort, he would have to share his decision. Still he didn't get the chance for he was surprised by her next action.

Sicun's pink, sandpaper-like tongue began to clean the red scales of his stomach. She held a cloth in one paw, washing the built up dust from the rest of his body. Shads was seated in the water, his back rested against a rocky ledge, arms rested upon that ledge in a position of pure comfort. The tigress stopped the tongue motion momentarily. "I'm sorry for taking advantage of you, but I don't get many willing participants in these parts. Just as you are a prisoner, so I am one, unable to venture beyond my boundaries."

Again she began to wash him, her chin hitting the water as she lapped at his lower stomach. The depth of the water was but two feet and Sicun could have washed him with her tongue beneath the water, but didn't wish to wet her muzzle. Instead, the cloth moved beneath the water, washing his thighs and his scaly sheath in a slow, meticulous rhythm. Shads couldn't fight it. As her bare paw touched his concealed dragonhood, he tilted his head back emitting a deep, pleasure filled sigh. Body responding in a similar expression of pleasure, His shaft, the color of which was a darker red than his belly scales, protruded from its safe-place to greet Sicun.

Her pupiless yellows widened at his three foot slab of dragon flesh. Purring, she leaned forward and ran her tongue along the bulbous head of his cock. Shads gasped, his eyes clenching shut. Her sand paper tongue brought a quick bought of pre cum. "I believe you're ready." The tigress purred. Shads rose from the water and picked her up. Stepping easily from the pool, he dropped her upon the soft grass and was quickly upon her.

His massive body pinned her to the ground and his curved, snake-like fangs found her throat, piercing the flesh. That rigid length of cock stroked Sicun's velvety folds in agonizingly slow movements. Shads couldn't stand it. Sicun groaned and raised her hips up to meet his shaft best as she could manage. The dragon chewed on her throat, teeth sinking deeper with each movement. Not able to take it any longer, she bid the dragon to take her. Pulling his hips back, he pushed off with his tail, burying his immensely thick shaft into her tight, soaking wet pussy. Sicun screamed loudly at this action, her hole stretching to accommodate his size.

She waited a moment, accepting the pain before she forced his hips to roll down against hers in long, slow movements. Gradually, his cock made it in as deep as her body would allow. Shads growled. He wanted to take this pussy hard and rough, but was forced to go through this torturous procedure. "Harder now, my pet." Her words were music to his ears. He moved faster upon her, knocking her body upwards with each thrust. This wouldn't do. Settling his paws on her shoulders, he made him begin again, thrusting hard as he could into her. Each thrust produced a scream or a moan pouring from the pleasure filled tigress.

His cock filled her, caressing every possible area within that could be touched. Still he thrusted, growls mixing with moans as he still had his muzzle clamped around her throat. Drive after drive, thrust after thrust, it was all too much for her. Perhaps in choosing this black beast, she'd bitten off more than she could chew. She vaulted into an intense orgasm, screams turning into a mighty roar as her body convulsed with pleasure beneath him. Shads was far from being finished with this little pussy cat. Though he was under her control, damn if he didn't feel the pleasure. Releasing her throat, he spoke. "Release me from your power. I am not yet done with you." Sicun laughed through her heavy panting. "You haven't been under my power for at least ten minutes." And indeed he wasn't. Pulling himself roughly from her, he picked the tigress up easily and threw her onto her hands and knees where he pounced her, barely letting her brace herself before his cock was slammed back into her pussy. She screamed again, clenching her eyes shut and arching her back beneath him. Gods this was wonderful! A well endowed willing male was taking her for his own pleasure.

As his hips hack hammered forward, Sicun's body was being skittered forward though she gripped her claws into the earth, trying to stay still. Curling his body over hers, Shads placed his front legs in contact with Sicun's shoulders, his own claws digging into the earth to still his toys movements. He was building, but she had climaxed more times than she thought possible. She simply had to make him cum. Tightening her inner muscles, she made it harder for him to thrust, causing him to roar at this new, tight grip.

Shads was acting like a feral dragon. Teeth gripped the scruff of the tiger's neck in a mating bond. Wings splayed out, beating fiercely as his cock locked within her. Balls clenched up and he came, filling the tigress with jet after jet of steaming hot dragon seed. Still he moved within her, though twas only a convulsive jerk now and then.

Sicun had tears upon her cheeks, her tortured body still trapped beneath his heavy form. Her insides ached; her outsides ached. She felt as if she'd been skewered straight through, but she wouldn't change it for the world. This dragon hit places that had never been felt before. Their time together was drawing to a close. Shads finally began to breathe again, his nostrils flaring as he fought to air. Withdrawing his cum-covered shaft from Sicun's body, he fell onto his side in obvious exhaustion.

Cum poured from Sicun's nether regions when he withdrew. She moaned in partial relief, crawling to him where she wrapped her arms about his long black and red throat, holding him close. He did the same, wrapping his wings around her and nuzzling her orange cheek. "Thank you." She whispered. Shads was about to answer, but hadn't the chance. "Here is where I cease to be, leave nothing in your memory."

She was gone.

Shads woke with a start, glancing about him, trying to remember where he was. He nodded, yawning and stretching. He'd been taking a shortcut through this forest in order to get home to his mate faster. Shads had planned on a long night of steamy dragon sex, but for some reason felt completely drained. Rising, he donned his loin cloth and sword. "I probably wanted a bath." He nodded. It was the only explanation as to why he lay there naked. Leaning down to lap at the cool blue water, he grinned, seeing his footprints in the sand. The smile died as he noticed a set of mammal prints positioned between where his legs would have been. Standing quickly, he glanced around, searching for this other being. All he found was a large puddle of his own cum.

His scales began to prickle with nervousness. Listening intently, he heard no sound which didn't ease the paranoia. Shivering, he vowed out loud never enter this forest again. Fastening his sword to his back, he looked over his shoulder at the puddle once more before running off through the forest.

Rested on a branch hanging over the pool, was the voluptuous form of a female anthro tiger. A soft breeze blew rivers of silverish black hair around her orange form and she chortled low, watching the dragon run away, sighing with pleasure. "Perfection..."

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