Midnight Rendezvous - The Tribe

Story by Tawny Pup on SoFurry

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A Note From The Author:

This is the first story I've written so I hope to improve the quality of my work with the help of any comments or criticisms you as a reader might have. I hope you enjoy this story about two wolves on the hunt for one cute little rabbit. Eventually I hope to write other stories with one or more of these characters included. - Tawny Pup

It was a dark night, darker than most if the hunt was to be a success. Earlier in the day the wind had been unforgiving, blowing over several huts in the village and extinguishing the eternal flame. But now the woods were quiet and carried the sounds of chirping insects and the hollow call of one lonely owl. Not a single leaf fell and although nocturnal bats searched for beetles and other winged insects, no other warm-blooded creature could be seen up and about. Birds slept in nests, coyotes in their dens, and bears in their caves. In this forest were many rabbits, but they too slept in smaller burrows beneath large oak trees. One rabbit in particular rested beneath the largest oak tree in the forest beside the meadow. His name was Ral'sath and beneath the ground in his cozy bed made of leaves, straw, and hay he slept and thought well of the day. It was Tuesday still and Ral'sath dreamed of carrots, carrots that could be found in patches near the stream that flowed on the other side of the meadow. On Tuesdays Ral'sath gathered basket after basket of the delicious orange vegetable and hid them all under his bed. It was a superstition that if he had carrots in his belly and under his bed, that when he went to sleep he would only dream of carrots.

Outside of his burrow, the moon had set and now a black night greeted the dark hole in which Ral'sath slept. At the edge of the forest where the long grass of the meadow and the thick trunks of the trees mixed together, the sounds of insects and other creatures of the night began to vanish. The absence of the moon had created a vacuum, but that wasn't the only reason. Twigs snapped and the paws of interlopers shook the brush. Between two trees came a shadow, and then another. Specters of forest were thrust in front of the giant oak tree, their shapes as vague as the night sky without stars. Soon it was apparent that whatever they might be, their interest centered on Ral'sath's small burrow. The bipedal outlines of the two stopped over the hole and stared down at it, muzzles now seen probing the loose soil around the lapine's home. Their outlines took shape, no longer black voids but ruthless savages. They were wolves from a local tribe, the markings which had been burned onto their bodies showed evidence of their membership. The predators showed signs that they were on the hunt, their ears were held up in the air and their tails were motionless as they followed. After minutes of standing at the entrance, smelling the prey inside, they opened their muzzles in a smile. The one which bent over, crouched in front of the Ral'sath residence was female and the other was male. They clicked to each other with their tongues, a secret language spoken only by skilled hunters and huntresses of their tribe. It was obvious that they were not about wait for the rabbit to come outside, and unlikely they would turn their attention away from the little critter still sleeping inside. They kissed one-another and began to dig, using their claws to close the distance between them and their prey inside.

Ral'sath happily fed on a plethora of carrots in his dream, until he was interrupted by the two ferocious predators outside. He wasn't immediately pulled from his sleep but instead found himself running from a shadow in his dream-turned-nightmare. The little rabbit thrashed in his sleep and the wolves outside were only a half-body length away. Grunts flooded down the hole and into the bunny's long ears, salivating tongues licking the air. The two outside didn't appear to be racing to get to their prize but instead seemed intent on sharing their meal. Outside an owl finally called out and cut through the hot summer night, waking the rabbit from his night terror and transporting him to real terror. The female wolf could see the rabbit by now and didn't wait to tell her mate before she stuck a paw through the opening and towards the small rabbit. Ral'sath face was as anyone might expect, filled with fear and a faint disbelief that any of this was real at all. He jumped over the paw and towards the back of the burrow, hoping to evade the clawed-appendage and postpone his death. But the female wolf was quick and her paw squeezed down on the rabbit's right back leg, pulling Ral'sath towards the entrance and closer to the mouths of the furred predators. He fought back of course, pulling at his rug and the wooden bed post nearest him, but his power was in his legs and not in his arms.

The male wolf had backed up out of the large hole they'd made at the base of the tree and stood behind his mate looking at the scared little rabbit held suspended in her right paw by a hind leg. His paws scratched gently and affectionately, licking her ear and looking with fiendish eyes to their new acquisition. To Ral'sath they seemed to glow, his body frozen stiff as he hung there at the mercy of the female wolf. He was perhaps half the size of the larger wolves, standing at about two and a half feet tall from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. She looked at him with a cold indifference as she was licked on her ear, studying him and sizing him up for perhaps a stew they would make later.

"Look at how big his tail is! Don't you think it would look nice in my braids?" The male wolf said, licking his lips and exposing sharp fangs.

"Sweet Polu, you look right past his feet. See this one? They cut these off and wear them around the neck." The female wolf tapped the bottom of the rabbit's free leg, letting it kick in the air a moment before she grabbed it and pushed it between her large breasts.

"Like this, see?" She held the rabbit's foot there for Polu to look at, giving him an excuse to look at her breasts. Ral'sath took a great deal of interest in where his foot was, but arguably because she seemed so candid in talking about what they were going to do with him when he was dead. His upside-down face tilted up to look at the female wolf, hoping his pathetic visage would suddenly be met by sympathy from the couple. His naked body seemed a bit plump and the female took notice of this, petting down his belly with a gentle touch and brushing in the opposite direction in which his hair grew in. She didn't appear to take notice of his face, making his hair stand up on end as she moved her hand down his chest. The rabbit hadn't moved much since they'd dragged him out of his burrow and into the humid night air, but now he flinched as she touched his nipples. The sensitive pieces of skin were hidden underneath rough patches of fur that grew in different directions radiating out from a single point.

"You're upsetting him Naysa, look at his face." He seemed to laugh at the lapine, still standing over Naysa's shoulder and looking down at their catch. His paws now drifted down her arms and at least one moved up from her waist and underneath her skimpy bra. The leaves there left little to ponder and one would wonder why they were even there at all. But she secretly enjoyed hiding that small bit, just her nipple so that the men of the village would be forced to complete the picture of her in their minds. Polu continued to brush the fur of his mate by groping her breast, then moving his other paw to greet Ral'sath. He traced down the rabbit's body, starting from just above his leg and ending under his jaw. The wolf scratched the tiny jaw with a sharp claw, teasing his prey as Naysa's fingers approached the rabbit's hidden sheath. The tiny bunny's heart pumped like mad, trying to keep up with the brazen wolves holding him captive and suspended upside-down. The two began to make a few pleasant noises to each other, vibrating their noses as their muzzles met. Ral'sath was too scared to notice- and Naysa's rounded rear was blocking his view anyway- but Polu had already become fully aroused. His member was hidden by only a small mesh of varying-sized leaves, and which could barely be called a loincloth at all. The wolves grinded together as the female still held the rabbit by a leg, her voice becoming lustful and sharp as she spoke to the rabbit.

"Which part of you should I eat first, rabbit?" She grinned like before, teeth exposed but now her glare seemed distantly playful, her tail swiping at Polu's crotch and not by accident. Ral'sath's pure white body now trembled in her paw as if suddenly he had been struck with a small electrical jolt. The little nose at the end of his short muzzle wiggled in the air, smells of them grinding up on each other had finally reached his nose and he couldn't help but feel the slightest bit aroused by it himself. Their musk began to envelope him, inviting him to join them and causing his crotch to burn and itch. Naysa's fingers had found the little furred critter's sheath and with Polu's hands now rubbing her breast and working towards her crotch, she bent forward and let a large and flat tongue lay against the small mound. The wet and powerful muscle molded around Ral'sath's sheath and gently brushed against it before returning to Naysa's muzzle and then returning to the rabbit's crotch to do it all over again. Ears which had laid flat on his head and drawn back against the pull of gravity now fell toward the ground.

"He likes it... or maybe he's dying. I don't know if you're supposed to hold rabbits upside-down for that long." Polu chuckled into Naysa's ear and then pressed his muzzle against the side of her head affectionately, still rubbing her breast and now her crotch as well. His paw had rubbed along her loincloth with just the hard pad on his palm, but now his digits began to go below and spread her lips.

"Better put him on the ground then," She responded in that same tone, her eyes turning feral and looking over the rabbit like the piece of meat he was. Naysa lowered the rabbit gently to the ground but still held onto his hind leg. She bent down over him and pushed her face up to his, the long muzzle making her appear that much larger to him.

"Don't run, bunny. I wouldn't want to have to cut playtime in half.... or anything else in half as a matter of fact." She pushed her muzzle under the rabbit's chin and forced him to nod because she knew he was still too scared to respond.

"That's a good pet, now make sure you do as we say." She glanced to Polu and they both laughed at the same time, facing each other and pushing their muzzles together into a kiss. Ral'sath probably should have tried to escape in that instant, but in this case he really was scared stiff. Her saliva had matted the fur of his crotch, and his cock now stood erect between his legs. He got to his knees and thought about begging, but he wasn't certain what he would ask for. Thankfully Polu knew what the rabbit desired, but he'd make sure the cute male earned it first.

Both of the wolves turned to stare at Ral'sath, Naysa's paws seemed to caress Polu's shoulders and chest, an arm under his and groping the male wolf's hardened muscles; She managed to find the outlines of the man's pectoral and abdominal muscles under the thick coat of fur he wore. Her chin rested on his shoulder and their lustful stares penetrated Ral'sath, foreplay for other penetration that was assuredly in Ral'sath's future.

"Go on bunny, put your lips around it. Put that tongue of yours to good use!" Naysa said, scratching Polu's chest and pushing her own up against his back. The male wolf's loincloth had fallen to the ground at the rabbit's knees, exposing the twitching length between Polu's two massive thighs. It smelled heavily of musk, a small pre-cum droplet hung from the very tip of its large head. A patch of dark navy fur seemed to be the base of the wolf's member, from which the mast seemed to twitch slowly upwards as if attempting to point out its next victim. At first Ral'sath looked hesitant, looking between their faces which now were only inches apart from each other, cheeks brushing affectionately and lips touching. He lifted his small arms from the sides of his slightly plump body, shaking but managing to reach out to touch Polu's cock. He opened his mouth before moving it closer to the wolf's crotch, trying to gauge whether or not it would fit. His whiskers branched out from his tiny nose, ticking the shaft of the beast's member as Ral'sath got closer.

"Before I decide to make you into a sock!" She yelled at him suddenly, her sinister laugh muffled as she pressed her lips to Polu's chest, inching her way underneath his arm. They began to peck at each other playfully, each one nipping at the other's lips. Her paw traced circles around the man's nipple, her other paw still clinging to Poju's shoulder. The white bunny below had jerked forward at the loud sound, ears flattening as he forced the tip of the large shaft into his mouth. It looked at first like he might manage to fit the whole head into his mouth, and then he was met with some resistance as his mouth went as wide as it could go, the soft skin of Poju's cock squeezed by the smaller male's tight lips. A little whimper came from him before he managed to open his mouth even wider, taking a good portion of the cock into his mouth. His little cottontail fluttered behind him, his paws riding along the shaft as tears formed in his eyes. He forced them shut and began to lick around the man's cock while it was in his mouth. Moans could be heard coming from above, gasps fitting in between their kisses. Poju's left hand went across his body and groped Naysa's breast, a loud gasp coming from her. Slowly the female wolf removed her paw from the male's chest and searched for the rabbit's small head. She pet the creature and then rested her palm behind his head, digits slowly gripping below the base of his ears. Ral'sath could feel his head in her paw but couldn't take his mind off of the cock filling his mouth and edging towards his throat. Pre-cum was draining into him, his throat convulsing as he was forced to swallow it. He could have let it drip down into his stomach but the back of his throat was far too ticklish and as he kept forcing more of the wolf's shaft down his throat, he kept on choking on it.

At this point they were all drowning in each other's musk, the smell wafting up from between their legs and into their nostrils. Ral'sath had forced a paw down to his cock and was rubbing it at the same pace at which he pushed Polu's cock in and out of his mouth. The wolf moaned with his cock in back of the rabbit's mouth, each thrust opening the bunny's jaws that much more. He arched his back and felt as though he were riding on the edge, ready to shoot his load into the cute lapine's mouth. Naysa saw this and was prepared, the paw she had placed behind Ral'sath's head now pushed with a slowly-increasing intensity against him, forcing her mate's cock as deep as it could go down the rabbit hole. The sensation of the small paws rubbing against his shaft and the tip of his cock being squeezed by the gagging white creature sent him over the edge. He tipped his head back and howled into the night, hips thrusting a few more times as hot cum dripped down the male's throat before his pelvis shuddered and relaxed. The bunny's eyes had gone wide the minute he had felt pressure on the back of his head and suddenly felt as though he were being squeezed between Naysa's paw and the massive cock thrust down his throat. He gagged and his paws rubbed the length of Polu's shaft, making love to the manhood held deep within his mouth. His tongue licked over the tip again and again, letting the sticky cum coat his insides and taking his time before he swallowed it. A few moments after his climax, Ral'sath's body went limp, his chest rising and falling as if he were in overdrive. The cock was slowly removed from his mouth, but his jaws didn't shut until a few seconds later after he'd thoroughly licked his lips and swallowed a few times to ensure he'd gotten it all down. He could feel the wet patch surrounding his own crotch now, pre-cum leaking down his own much smaller cock.

"Don't pass out now, you've got more work to do!" She squealed, pulling at the bunny like some adolescent critter reaching for her birthday gift. Polu looked out of commission, his sated eyes looking up at the starless sky and supporting his weight with paws planted firmly on the ground behind him. His cock twitched between his legs with rabbit slobber and cum dripping down and mixing with his pelvic hair. Ral'sath was dragged towards Naysa, now lying down on the ground with her knees up and legs spread for him. She spent no time before she grabbed one of his long ears and pulled him down to her wet crotch, now naked of the thong which had been guarding it before. The bunny stumbled towards her, barely touching the ground until his head landed sideways against her crotch, cheek pressed against a small mound there. His lips dragged along her thighs as he turned, still in her grasp by the ear. His cheeks were turning a slightly-rosy hue as he took in the scents that came from between her legs. Her feet shifted along the ground, eagerly awaiting the attentions of the little one's pink tongue. Her free hand reached up and rubbed over her left breast, pushing what little of her bra that remained out of the way. She knew just how to rub her nipple in the right way in order to feel lightning shooting directly between her clit and the tip of her breast. As she did that her thighs squeezed together, gently surrounding the rabbit as if giving him a hug with her chiseled legs. Her breathing had become erratic and each time her chest rose and fell her breasts seemed to catch what little light there was, giving her shape the curves of a goddess. Once she had released him from between her legs, the bunny moved his paws to the lips an inch in front of his snout. He spread them carefully and bent down, licking between them on the edges. His little tongue seemed to flicker out like a whip, giving her a jolt of pleasure a few times a second. His body was extended between her legs and his ears tickled the insides of her thighs as they wavered on top of his head.

The intensity of her moans grew and it seemed like the whole forest would hear her, the rabbit's paws resting atop the mound just above her pussy, rubbing it gently as his tongue dove deeper inside of her. Ral'sath's eyes kept glancing up at her between her large breasts. It wasn't any secret that he was aroused by the sight of her, his whole cock twitched every time he licked inside of her with his soft tongue. His rear danced just like her breasts, lifting and falling as he dove deeper into Naysa with his affections. It wasn't long before Polu saw this and became extremely turned on by both the sounds his mate was making and by the sight of the little white rabbit between her legs. Polu grunted deeply as he knelt just behind the rabbit, his left paw rubbing at his wet cock, trying to work it up again.

"Don't worry pet, just getting you ready for more fun." He showed his teeth with a deviant grin and felt his cock twitching as it had before. He sucked on a digit on his free paw a moment and then pushed it up against the rabbit's tailhole. Ral'sath was lost inside of his own head, his senses overloaded and his body just following along. Pre-cum still dripped from his cock between his legs, wanting badly to be filled by the same cock he'd put into his mouth only minutes before. The teasing digit seemed to work him up, tail flickering like mad and his rear twitching in anticipation. His tongue moved in uncontrollable spasms inside of Naysa, her one paw moving to grip the back of his head again and force his muzzle into her pussy. At first Ral'sath couldn't breathe but she let up and he began to exhale hot, pleasurable sighs into her open and wet cunt, his nose tickling her clit both with the wet tip of his snout and the whiskers just behind it. Her moans made it sound like she was being killed, her right paw kneading her own breast as her nipple turned red and sore. Her hips grinded towards him and wet his whole face with her dripping juices, brushing her clit against his cold snout. Polu watched from above, licking his lips as his cock neared the rabbit's rear and pushing his finger into him as if to sample the tightness of said tailhole. The tip of his large cock pressed itself against the rim of Ral'sath's butt, pulsing and greeting the rabbit with his own saliva mixed with Polu's cum. Naysa's moans filled their ears and Polu gripped the bunny's ass cheek as he forced his way inside of the smaller male. He let out a grunt just as Ral'sath let out a sharp cry, muffled by the female wolf's cunt which was pressed tightly up against his muzzle.

The white rabbit opened up to the dark wolf's thick member, saliva and cum lubricating its passage deep into Ral'sath's body. The rabbit shuddered and his paws squeezed onto Naysa's thighs, tiny claws cutting into her. She squealed and thrust towards him, her paw moving down to again force his head towards her pussy. He tried to gasp as his rear was suddenly filled with wolf cock, but he struggled to with his muzzle buried inside of Naysa. Polu's paws gripped the rabbit's body, paws tightening around his thighs. He pulled the bunny back and forth across his cock, moaning sharply and howling into the air as the little rabbit's body squeezed around him tightly. The bunny's butt felt as though it were going to catch on fire, trying to imagine the canine's cock hitting the bottom of his stomach as it passed in and out of his gut. His little tailhole relaxed and tightened repeatedly, moans escaping his lips as it did. Ral'sath's own hips drove against Polu's thrusts, ready to feel the hot juices of the large predator flowing into him. Naysa pulled the rabbit into her one last time and rubbed his little head up and down over her clit and lips, then suddenly climaxing. Juices sprayed the little critter's face and he began licking them off as Polu continued to dive into him as if attempting to penetrate the white rabbit's stomach with the tip of his cock. Ral'sath moved a paw to his stomach where he could feel the thick shaft pummeling him, definitely enjoying it. Polu howled as he buried himself inside of the rabbit, his moans mixing with his mate's. He came into Ral'sath with deep little thrusts, his teeth grinding together and trying to squeeze every last drop out of his shaft. It felt great, the little rabbit squeezing him and the rim of his tailhole molesting the lip where the head of his cock met the shaft. It was less cum than before, but it was still enough to fill the rabbit and still leave some left over to drip out of his asshole throughout the night. With his cock still lodged deep within the rabbit's tailhole, Polu reached around his prey and rubbed gently over the little one's cock, gripping it and trying to rub quickly over the tip. The rabbit squeaked at first and then closed his eyes as he pulled his head up, moaning loudly and finally squirting cum all over Naysa's crotch and thighs. His own smaller paw gripped Polu's and they both finished him off.

Naysa was breathing heavily as she was sprayed with cum, her paws moving down to spread it down between her pussy lips, then bringing it back up to her lips to taste it. Polu let his cock twitch inside the bunny a bit longer, then he gently slid out of the little white creature, watching him stumble forward a moment before gripping his shoulders with his large paws and pulling him back towards him. The facade slipped away as the wolf pulled the rabbit to his chest, falling backwards and then lying on the grass with his arms moving to hold onto the male's waist. Ral'sath looked ready to collapse and he would have had Polu not pulled him back to lay with him. A smile spread across the little white muzzle and he turned slowly to cling onto the large wolf, arms attempting to wrap around him to return the hug but they weren't long enough to reach.

"Looks like we lost one." The large wolf chuckled as he bent down and nipped affectionately at the rabbit's ear. Naysa immediately kicked playfully at Polu's leg, catching a bit of his ass with her claws.

"Hey! Hey! You'll hurt the little one." He joked, looking down at Ral'sath and itching under the rabbit's chin. Their smiles seemed to match as if construed at a different place, long ago. Naysa could be heard shifting in the dirt and nearly fell when she tripped over a large root.

"She'll hurt herself." The rabbit said, in a deeper voice than one might expect from a creature so small and looking so innocent. His smile had become devious as well and both he and Polu stared as Naysa wiggled her rear at them. Her thighs and crotch were still moist, as was both of theirs. She pushed her hands down her thighs, trying to force down any hair that was now sticking up. She slowly sat down at Polu's side and bent over to kiss him on the lips, licking each other's muzzles. Ral'sath wiggled in Polu's grip, looking comfortable as he pushed his head into the man's chest. Cum still leaked from the bunny's rear, his ass twitching from it being so sore.

"We have to do this more often." Naysa said, now speaking in a very rich and kind voice to the both of them. She lay down beside Polu and hugged him with Ral'sath caught in the middle. He seemed not to mind and even kissed Naysa's belly as he was squished between them.

"Next time we pick a different day. I lost track and you two gave me a scare." The white rabbit said in a slightly muffled voice between their two bodies. His legs wrapped themselves around Naysa's left leg and his paws gently rubbed at the fur on her belly. Polu brushed over the bunny's ears and then slowly pet him in the area on his head in between.

"Good." Naysa said and chuckled lightly before becoming locked in another kiss from Polu. Her hands spread across his chest and each of them felt the warmth of the other two. The two dark specters and single white one tussled for a while in each other's arms beneath the giant oak tree. The wind began to pick up and the night became more agreeable for sleeping in. The birds chirped, announcing to the world that a new day was just beginning. Almost immediately the insects of the forest quieted, knowing that out there could be a predator, hunting for its prey.