TDM ~ Chapter Three

Story by Thecursednoodle on SoFurry

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#3 of The Daycare Man

Part three of The Daycare Man

*The Daycare Man ~~3~~ *

I'm back. Yep, it's me again, your friendly neighborhood Pokemon pervert. You, reader, must think I'm very weird by now. Who wouldn't? I mean, I've had sex with Pokemon; that's completely taboo! I imagine that saying I've only done it twice won't do anything to defend me. Actually, I seem to be living in the past a bit, because it's not twice anymore, more like... I'm not gonna put that number here right now. Let's just say I'm falling behind on writing these. All you need to know for now is that it's three, not two anymore...

Yes, I did it again. How could I not have? The certainty that my infatuation with Pokemon is becoming an addiction grows stronger every day. I have to let it, because there is absolutely no way to stop it. (And believe me, I have tried plenty.) Occasionally, I get the feeling that I am beginning to accept this predicament. There have certainly been days spent in a haze of sexual daydreams where my mind examines a singular thought; "As long as I don't get caught."

That should give you an idea of how bad this is getting to be. Here I am, focusing on how to not get caught instead of how to stop?! Albeit, I'm not in what I could describe as a coherent state of mind when I start to have these thoughts. Without a doubt, the idea of screwing Pokemon continues to grow on me. How do I put this... once I tried a Pokemon, I couldn't go back to humans. They're just better in some way. Another thing I've learned at this point is that all Pokemon are different. When it comes to sex, I mean; I already know that they are physically different, I'm not stupid. Some are tighter than others, some warmer, some more open to the idea of mating. The one trait they all share is how incredible it feels to be buried in them.

"How many Pokemon has this guy fucked?!" is an appropriate thought for this situation. And again, I won't state that number for the time being. I'm behind on writing these as it is, and I need to catch up, so let's begin another one. This took place less than two days after the Furret was kind enough to grace me with her company. As for this story's content, you know what you're going to be reading if you saw my previous writings. If you happen to not have seen them, save yourself the trouble and don't even bother reading this. Let's begin...

So it's two days after my run-in with the Furret, right? It had been yet another typical sunny day in Servin Town, and the sun was just beginning to set. The entirety of my day composed of me sitting behind my desk, doing nothing much more than making the occasional check on the Pokemon out back. Nothing unusual had happened; all in all, it had really been quite boring, but that was pretty normal. Of course, my mind was hard at work even when my body wasn't; even after a space of several weeks since the Growlithe, I was still obsessed with both mulling over as well as justifying my actions. It seemed that throwing the Furret into the mix had just stirred things more.

Possibly matching the amount of guilty thoughts I had during the course of the day were the pleasurable ones. (And even those contained their fair share of guilt) As I mentioned previously, I had become obsessed with the females I took care of. I'm very glad I never made a move on most of them; that could have been even more detrimental to my mindset at that point in time.

You see what I just wrote? Detrimental to my mindset?! Even copying this down, I fail to realize how selfish that sounds, thinking not about the problems that could potentially bring upon the Pokemon I decide to fuck, but just about mine? I know that somewhere, I harbored the knowledge that continuing to exploit Pokemon in this way would only serve to strengthen the selfishness which had already been growing steadily.

Obviously, it couldn't be stopped; I suppose it would make sense to say I had sealed my fate the second I decided to go all the way with the Growlithe. That fact also couldn't be fully accepted or denied. My sexual desire would either die out, given time, or persist forever. As much as I enjoyed the simple intimacy of a Pokemon riding me, I could not formulate a clear idea of which way I wanted things to go.

And then, of course, there was my inexplicable fur fetish. Now that it had reared its head once, it decided to stay for good. Looking at those Pokemon so much every day, I would imagine rubbing their soft coats (the ones that had coats, at least) while whispering sweet nothings that couldn't understand. These visions set upon me whenever I took a look at a Pokemon with any type of fur, and they didn't inherently involve sex; actually, they hardly ever did. Never before had I heard of anything in the realm of a fur fetish; I'm sure it exists, but living in Servin Town hadn't exactly given me the best outside-world experience available.

I'm getting carried off now, so I'll try and focus back on the important parts. Nothing of much interest had happened all day, and the setting sun was just beginning to paint the front window a deep crimson. I quickly averted my gaze when a beam of light flashed against the glass and nearly blinded me. Still shielding my eyes from the spot behind my desk, I heard the door open. Lowering my hand, I immediately saw the first trainer that had entered all day.

Utilizing my normal routine, I greeted her, and asked whether she would be leaving a Pokemon, or if she had one to pick up. She wanted to leave one for an unspecified amount of time, which she phrased as "a few days or more." It not being a problem that she didn't have any exact date in mind, I told her that would be fine. I accepted the single Pokeball she handed over, and then watched as she walked out the door. Oh, and don't expect a description of the trainer because like I've said before, it's not important.

Do note, however, that the Pokemon she left with me was a Delcatty. You may or may not know that Delcatty is the evolved form of Skitty, although that information isn't very pertinent to this story. I had previously cared for several Skittys over a period of time, so I knew the gist of how it worked with those specific Pokemon; never a Delcatty, although it was safe to assume their treatment would be nearly identical to their counterparts. That's how things usually tend to be with evolved Pokemon; treat them much the same way as before their evolving and things would work out fine.

Now I should also note that, of course, this Delcatty was female. And yes, you can predict exactly what the rest of these pages contain, so don't bother continuing if you don't feel like it. I guess I've become very predictable around female Pokemon.

Skittys are well-known as "lovey" creatures, if that word is acceptable. Especially when you combine their sweet, gentle nature with the fact that they have a natural appeal to many other Pokemon. Several of their available moves also allow them to charm opponents. As for Delcatty, I imagined it would be the same. To be honest, just conjuring up those facts gave me a strong idea of which way the next few days might go; this type of Pokemon is all about love, so it wasn't hard to make connections.

And another, possibly even larger, issue; Delcattys have sublime fur that is often prized among trainers. I knew that already, and just that thought was enough to prevent me from opening her Pokeball. My frame of mind during the remaining time in that day was; "If you don't see it, you won't want it." Obviously, that didn't work... but that's skipping ahead.

By that time the sun was well on its way to passing out of sight completely. Everything in the street outside as well as the front office of the Daycare was spattered with deep red, creating quite a nice image. Sunsets are always like that around here, especially with no clouds.

Another factor that kept me from opening the Delcatty's Pokeball; she was nocturnal. If I had released her before dark, she would probably have been fast asleep and waiting for night. So I didn't let her out just then. I waited in the office for the sun to set fully. I waited for night, with its quiet atmosphere permeated only by the hum of the crickets. I waited to release the Delcatty before retiring to bed. I waited.

I snapped awake faster than a soldier moving to stand at attention. Employing the usual reaction of someone who has just been woken unexpectedly, I rapidly looked around, trying to recall where I was; everything around me was pitch black, but I assumed I was still sitting in the office. Typical of me to fall asleep; I'm probably the only person who could after a day of doing absolutely no work.

The room itself was so dark due to the sun having set completely; there also aren't any streetlamps in the town, so no artificial light existed to reach the front window. I instinctually looked up to check the wall clock before realizing I couldn't even see it. I got up and placed my hands on the desk. I used them to feel my way around to the corner and out into the center of the room and then shuffled blindly towards the spot where the light switch was. It took a few seconds of fumbling around, but I finally managed to flick it on; my eyes were assaulted with the harsh yellowish glare of the ceiling lamp, and I squinted, waiting until they could adjust to the contrast.

I could tell that the hair on the back of my head was plastered upwards due to me having slid down into the chair after I fell asleep; didn't matter, I was going to go to bed for real, after all. The clock informed me it was 9:07. I had been asleep for several hours. I still had no idea how I could have been out like a light even after doing nothing during the day, but that hardly mattered as well. Still squinting slightly, I moved to the desk and pulled open the drawer, removing my keys for the building. Forget trying to get anything accomplished; I was going to lock the place up for the night and be asleep within the next hour.

I walked over to the door with the keys, and placed a finger on the light switch. At that point, I had a sudden feeling that I had forgotten something. Feelings like that aren't what I would consider uncommon, but in my experience, they usually never amount to anything of significance. I knew it was just another member of the entourage of random feelings the brain likes to throw around, so I turned out the lights and stepped out through the door.

The night was mild, and maybe leaning a bit towards the cold side of the weather. It was very dark out here; I mean, seemingly darker than the office had been. This light was unfiltered darkness, the kind that seems like it has actual substance to it, and if that substance had a texture, it would probably be like velvet. People don't ever see this kind of darkness in cities because the lights never really go out fully. Not like it spooked me or anything. I had lived here long enough that I had gotten to know it pretty well.

I started down the relatively short path that led to my father's house, not far from the Daycare. I knew the way well enough to not require a source of light. The packed dirt of the trail, grass-free for many years now, muffled my footfalls. It was peaceful. I think, if you live somewhere in the rural country, or have even ever visited somewhere like that, you can understand what I mean. What, with the stars, and the soft darkness... but not as soft as the coat of a perfect Pokemon.

Then the thought hit me like a Pidgeot going mach-2; "Soft coat, like a Pokemon? I did forget something!" It took me a few more seconds until; "Shit! Delcatty!" Of COURSE, that's how I am; forgetful as ever. I had left the Delcatty in the Pokeball, which was still sitting on my desk! Anyone who has experience with caring for Pokemon when their trainers are gone will know that leaving one in its ball for a long stretch of time is one of the worst things to do; not because it has a very large impact on the Pokemon itself, but because that caretaker is usually viewed very ignominiously if word gets out. Although, the Pokemon do still need to eat, so it's obviously not recommended. I clearly had to go back and release the Delcatty.

I swiveled on my heel and set off right back towards the Daycare. The sounds of the night seemingly had less purpose now that I was intently focused on something. It took less than a minute to reach the head of the path. I reached the Daycare in a few long strides and fumbled my keys from the pocket of my jeans, and immediately dropped them. It took me a fair bit of time to find them without any light; I had to skim my hands over the ground all around me. I eventually felt the metal and snatched them up; I unlocked the door and walked back in.

I turned on the lamp as quickly as possible. An irrational thought had reached me unexpectedly; what if the Pokeball was no longer where I had left it? Completely implausible, but the dark has its own way of making those sorts of things seem very possible. Of course, the ball was still stationary on the desk, as the more rational part of me had expected. All I had to do now was release her out back, and then I would finally be done for the night.

As you can guess from the continuing length of this story, getting Delcatty situated wasn't the end of that night. It might be prudent to call it the very beginning (of the good part, at least).

I scooped up the Pokeball and examined it; it looked fine, but then again, Pokeballs don't display the condition of their occupant. I didn't understand why I was worrying over this so much. It had only been several hours since the trainer left her, and she must have been out sometime before that, right? I was able to pin most of the irrationality on it being night, and the well-known fact that nighttime is more proficient at creating fear. I opened the back door and checked on the outside area; the little hanging light next to the door hardly did anything in the way of pushing back the darkness. I vaguely remember thinking I should go buy a better light before the current one died.

With the Pokeball in my fist, I stayed on the porch as I pushed the release and held it out in front of me. Red light flashed momentarily, all the more jarring with it being the middle of the night. Delcatty materialized a few feet in front of me; unlike earlier, she was at least awake now. The Pokemon looked of average height, being about a meter tall. She had the distinctive purple-haired ear formations, and the 'scarf', as many trainers like to call it. This Pokemon wasn't the first of its species I had seen before, no nothing for me to get worked up about.

Except the fur. It seemed that in my worried rush to get her outside, I had fully forgotten my earlier resignation to not look at her fur. Now I could understand why I had tried to stay myself from it; that coat was positively sublime; probably even more pleasing to me than the trainers who use Delcattys because of their eye appeal. Her coat looked so soft, even from the distance between us. My hands itched to go right ahead and do it, but I knew I couldn't, not again; I held back that urge as best as possible. And the fur was purple... purple; I don't even like the color purple, but in that moment I liked it... hell, I loved it.

"I won't put my hands on her."

That was spoken out loud, something I had become more inclined to do recently. There could be a million causes for it, but I knew which one it was. The Pokemon's fur beckoned me. To me in that uninhibited time, it was a like a lighthouse to a ship lost at sea. I wanted it so badly, and yet I was able to suppress it. You may be asking; "He thinks about this kind of thing all day, and yet now he actually manages to keep his hands off her? All I can say to that claim is that the mind works in mysterious ways.

The haze of my desire cleared up without warning, and that was it; I was fine. Delcatty was looking at me, I noticed. Probably sizing me up to determine how much of a threat I could be. A few seconds passed as I stared right back at her, no longer feeling that intense need for her fur, and glad of it. Then, she did something I definitely hadn't expected.

She broke eye contact, and instead of turning around and walking off as I expected her to do, she got up and padded right past my legs, up the single step behind me, and into the front office. I stood dazedly for a second, still looking to where she had been sitting before, then turned around to face the open doorway. The only visible part of the Pokemon was her tail, which was curled around the doorjamb; it twitched and disappeared from my view. I was admittedly a little stunned; never before had a Pokemon walked past me and back into the building of its own accord. That Delcatty must have had some nerve, alright.

I entered the office, expecting her to be there, but she was nowhere to be found. A minute or two later, I was still in the process of resigning myself to a long search of the room for the feisty creature, when she popped back into sight. Apparently she had simply been crouched under the desk, because that's where she pulled herself from in order to cross to the opposite side of the room from me. Once there, she sat back down. I watched this procedure with extreme confusion. Delcatty's muscles tensed and she pushed up on her haunches, springing directly up onto the room's only couch. That couch was there for trainers to wait on while I got their Pokemon, and now this Delcatty was sitting on it. The catlike Pokemon looked right at me with what I could swear was smugness, then settled down onto the center cushion.

Even standing in the open doorway, I could see the situation I was in. To you, what the Delcatty just did may not seem like much of a problem; after all, I could just pick her up and cart her back outside, right? Well, what was certain was that the Pokemon needed to be outside. I certainly wasn't going to leave her to her own devices in here for the rest of the night. The issue here was the simple fact that I couldn't do that. She certainly didn't seem willing to leave the room of her own accord, and the only way I could physically get her outside would be to pick her up and carry her. Maybe now the problem presents itself; I knew that as soon as I tried to get her up, and I felt the fur which was so incredibly appealing, there would be no way to stop myself from taking things farther. So, simply put, I had no way to get her out without risking possible 'consequences'.

I ran through my options as I stood there and watched the Delcatty. By then, she had closed her eyes and fully settled into the cushion, ready for several hours of inactivity. There really was no clear way to persuade her to leave (and I certainly wasn't going to do anything in the realm of scaring her out). A minute passed with me still loitering there stupidly, and then I noticed the cold draft pressing against my back; the door was still open, so I promptly shut it. I could see why the Pokemon wanted to be in here; it was certainly warmer, and probably more comfortable as well. Knowing I had to do something other than stand there in silence, I summarized the only ideas I could procure and set into motion.

By that, I mean I walked over to my desk and sat down. I really only had two ways out of this, and neither seemed very advantageous to me. I could either wait the rest of the night here to keep an eye on the Pokemon and not even risk putting my hands near her, or I could go full-ham and physically bring her back outside. The flaws in both of those were obvious, but what else was there to do?

I definitely wasn't up to the task of keeping myself awake for the entire night, so I discarded that idea without qualm. So the only thing left to do was actually pick her up; a very bad idea to begin with, considering my general obsession with female Pokemon, and made even worse by the fact that this Delcatty had some damn fine fur that I might not be able to stay away from. So, as terrible as it sounded, it was decided.

Rising from the chair, I moved out from behind the desk and crossed the room to the couch where she was sleeping. When I approached, her ears perked up, accompanied by the raising of her head; she gave me a half-lidded look of something like irritation. I stood in front of her, looking down and still debating on whether this was the best way. Maybe I actually could stay up the next several hours until dawn?

My mind had done this sort of thing before, and I knew immediately that was just the part of me that didn't want anything drastic to happen. Normally, I most likely would have listened to it, but now... eyeing the Pokemon's beautiful coat and imagining the feel of it... a small sensation that I actually did want something to happen had begun to grow within me.

"Don't hesitate, do it." I obeyed myself (that sounds weird, doesn't it?) and reached for the Delcatty. It was almost like time slowed as my arms lowered and straightened in order to grasp her firmly. I saw my fingers open in anticipation of the act of grasping something; what was an act performed hundreds of times every day had now become some sort of defining moment for me, or at least it felt like that at the time. Seeing my arms reach towards her this way immediately reminded me of how I had reached for the Furret and given way to my desires when I did it, and in that moment I knew this was definitely the wrong choice. But too late!

Surprise! As soon as my fingers began to pull back with me realizing it would be better not to pick her up, I felt a coarse surface skim the tip of one digit; the Pokemon had barely swiped me with her tongue. Had my hand been closer, it would have been an actual lick. I suppose that was a natural response for the Delcatty, considering she was domesticated and anticipating being grabbed. It was not, however, a natural response for me. How should I have expected it? Just as the glimmer of salvation had appeared and made me turn back, the damn Pokemon had seemingly taken things into her own hands... paws.

You know what that lick did? It made me do what any Pokemon owner will do when their charges display affection for them; it made me pet her. It was a justified response for me, having worked with Pokemon for so long, that I would return such a symbol of care from one of them. In other words, me placing my hand on her raised forehead and rubbing it was an unconscious action. And that's all it took. I could have gotten away, but then the Delcatty had gone and made feel her fur (clearly not knowing that was what I'd do).

I realize that I just blamed Delcatty for pulling me into what happened next. Let's be clear that I understand this was entirely my fault, chiefly for taking the risk associated with putting my hand on her. But what is done cannot be undone; I forget who said that, but it applies pretty well with the spot I had landed myself in.

I didn't take my hand off her head. I had realized what it was I was feeling, and with that realization came immediate and intense enjoyment. I paused for a moment and felt the incredibly soft fur sliding gently between my fingers. That feeling by itself gave me more pleasure than it rightfully should have. My hand now felt glued to the top of her head as I lightly petted the Pokemon. I started losing myself in the pure bliss under my fingers. The Delcatty was purring; she was enjoying this too, by the looks of it. When I moved my hand back towards myself in order to move it through her fur again, she nuzzled it affectionately, pressing the tip of her nose into my open palm.

My knees had begun to visibly tremble from the perverse excitement I was feeling. I dropped myself onto the cushion next to her before my knees could find a chance to give out. While my first hand stroked the fur of her head, I added my other to the mix; placing it upon her exposed back, I started the same motions. She stopped rubbing her face against my arm, and dropped her head to the couch, enjoying the 'friendly' petting. What I was doing was more than petting, however; I was stroking her in a way I can only describe as erotic, trailing my fingers down her neck and back and sifting them through the amazing softness as my breath grew heavier with a lack of any physical strain.

She rolled onto her side to better expose her soft chest to me, which I took immediate advantage of. One hand moved off her head and onto her stomach, while the other simply slid its way down into the same area. It was even better down there; the fur that covered the rest of her body grew thickly layered and, if possible, even softer.

A curious tingling sensation had begun all over my exposed skin, and I was breathing heavily, practically panting. I assume that could be attributed to powerful lust, which I was definitely feeling at the time. In fact, I had reached the point where my cock had begun to harden just from the pleasure elicited from her coat. My hands worked their way through the fur on her chest, smoothly wrapping themselves in spirals and other shapes.

On top of everything else, my face had become flushed, evident by the growing war sensation there. My entire body, like the Delcatty's, had been growing warmer during the past few minutes. My movements were now more harried than their previous state, attesting to the feelings of sexual bliss that had started to overcome me; both hands kneaded her soft underbelly as she lay on the couch in enjoyment derived from affection (not the kind I was feeling).

I was leaning further and further over her on a whim to get closer to the amazing creature, and before I knew it I was pushing one elbow into the cushion to keep from falling over on her. We were closer now than I had thought possible when I had released her from the Pokeball. For me it was a more intimate closeness, and I can't speak for the Pokemon, so take that out of context. I was moving my upper body gradually towards her while my legs stayed rooted to the couch; all in all quite an awkward position for me. I just had such a deep need to get closer to the Delcatty, to somehow feel more of that satisfying fur, if possible.

My head was hanging directly over her lower body, and now I can only imagine what I must have looked like; probably a humorous imitation of a contortionist, what, with my body bent at such and angle to reach her? On the surface of my mind I didn't know what I had planned, but it was there somewhere deeper, just barely hidden from view. I lowered my upper body towards her, and she rolled fully onto her back to meet me. The Pokemon's purring cut off and then began again on a louder level as my head met her chest. I buried my face into her coat and simply lay there with my hands still enjoying themselves, though now on her side closest to me. At least I still had the mental stability to barely support myself with my lower arms so I wouldn't crush her under me.

I wouldn't call what followed perverted, but I can't attest to what you will consider it to be. I rubbed my face through the flowing softness of her fur, feeling every hair tickle me in a different spot. I was completely consumed with my desires; nothing of the man from an hour ago was left within me. She met this action with a friendly rub from her own face placed against mine. The cold surface of her nose lightly touched my lower lip, and in that short time... it sounds corny, I know, but go with it... I felt love. Real love. This wasn't like the other Pokemon I had been with; I had enjoyed them, of course, and had feelings for them as well, but... this time it was somehow different.

What's the word to describe it? Passionate, there you go. Our activities were passionate. I had both arms under her, face hovering right above hers. No longer putting my weight on an arm, I was mostly stretched out, with my chest facing downwards. I had her in my arms. Damnit, I just know you can't understand, but I have to write about it. Never had I felt like I did then. I was actually holding this beautiful, beautiful creature that I so unexpectedly cared about. I could tell my face was a deep red by then, mostly from the exertion of constant movement, but I didn't mind; no one was around to see it anyways.

We spent a long time together like that; how long, I don't know and won't guess. I held her close, and through her warmth I could sense the true fragility of her body, one so much smaller than mine, and that made me all the hotter. I had a complete hard-on. Hell, I couldn't have resisted getting one if I had actually tried. I lay with the Pokemon and thought my own private thoughts; mostly about how what I was doing was wrong on a larger scale, but was just so right to the both of us then. Delcatty's purring had softened to a low rumble, and I felt her chest rise and fall with each utterance of the sound.

During that silent time, in which minutes turned into hours, I knew I could take it all the way with her. The thought didn't originate from anything even remotely reminiscent of taking advantage of the situation. I knew I had to take it all the way with her. It was only a fitting end to what had occurred so far. Also there was the knowledge that however I wanted to take her, she would accept completely; that I could sense just in her body language towards me. A random thought reached me; "She hasn't uttered her name this entire time, like Pokemon normally do." That would come soon, though. My lower region was telling me to hurry up and show her what love could really be like, but for then I was content to simply lay there with the Pokemon, breathing deeply alongside her... because after all, we had all night...

I woke up what must have been hours later. This time, my return to consciousness wasn't sudden like earlier in the night, but more of a steady rise out of sleep. My eyes were heavily lidded, and I blinked a few times to clear them. The first thing I noted was that she was still next to me, curled up loosely against the heat of my body; she also seemed to be asleep. I couldn't recall if I had drifted off before her, but that didn't bother me. All that mattered right now was that she was here with me, and I could enjoy this time together to its fullest extent.

Checking the hour held no importance; it was still dark outside, meaning we had plenty of time until morning. I could also tell that sleep had dispelled any traces of an erection from before, and it was quite relieving to not have to feel it. One of my arms had left the Pokemon during sleep, and so I wrapped it back around her midsection; the movement roused her, and she elevated her head to look at me. Taking the opportunity, I moved my face closer, and she mirrored my action. We exchanged a mutual face-rub, which set her to purring again. I relaxed back onto my side.

I really did want to begin some sexual advances towards the Delcatty, but I just didn't seem to have the motivation in me. And so both human and Pokemon spent some more time without even moving. We were quiet (except for the rumbling in her chest), and I thought about whether she would like me in a sexual way. Did I say I was sure she would accept earlier? That idea was bred more in the heat of lust than anything. Now that our antics had calmed down, I found my mind a little less muddled. Sure, she had been displaying outright enjoyment so far, but did that really mean sex was the right way to go? Her reactions could very well have been the response of any faithful Pokemon eager to share time with its trainer.

To make that question easier, think of it this way; how often does a person make love on their first date with someone else? Wait, no... that's not a very good question, is it? All I'm trying to say is that's what it had been like with these Pokemon. I just met them and somehow... ended up fucking them, to blatantly state it.

I knew I was overanalyzing things, so I commanded my mind to shut up; I would follow my intuition, and nothing else. If she wanted it when I started making a move, then yes, of course I would comply, and if she turned out not to... well, I've been let down before. And at least I would have spent this quality time with her, even if it didn't lead up to sex. That seemed a reasonable workaround at the time.

That problem seemed resolved for the time being, so I set to thinking about more important things, like how to start it off. Both my body and mind were more prepared now than they had been before, and so I knew that now was the time to forego simply laying together and really get down to the 'good stuff'.

Starting with foreplay would be the best way to proceed; if I had learned anything from my previous encounters with Pokemon, that was it. I pushed myself farther up on my elbow, breaking the tender moment we were sharing. The Delcatty gave me a curious expression before lowering her head back to the cushion. I, however, intended to stay up; I was ready for what would be coming soon.

I pulled one arm out from under her, which elicited no response. I moved the thus-freed appendage down to where her body ended, around the area of my pelvis. With one finger, I started tracing the curve of her leg lightly in an effort to introduce some new feelings there. I felt her shudder lightly at my touch, but paid it no attention. Moving the finger farther up, I dawdled around the area where I knew her vagina was, even though I had yet to actually see it. The fur there was as soft as anywhere else, so I could tell I was getting close as it began to thin out around her organ. The edge of my digit made contact with the fleshy outer of her sex; the movement was so light, she didn't even seem to feel it. What she did feel was me pushing my finger across it just a moment later. I felt her muscles tense under the arm still encompassing her, and there was a definite rise to her purring.

I was glad that the first big step had been taken and she hadn't immediately pulled away or resisted. All that was left to do was take it farther, so I rubbed her tiny vagina for the second time; no response. I took that as a signal that I was allowed to continue, and continue I did. I began regular motions with my finger, trying to mirror each to the one before it, but placing a tiny bit more pressure on her than before. My efforts were rewarded with clear acknowledgement; she raised her head with some effort, and fixed me with a rather intense stare. The rumbling in her chest remained as loud as ever, which got me to wondering if it could get any louder. I made it my goal to find out; not that it seemed too hard to do.

Another few moments were spent like that, with me giving the Pokemon's vagina a slow introduction to the upcoming pleasures I had in store. She broke the tension that had begun to form by rolling over to completely expose her chest to me. On top of that, she spread her legs, allowing me open access to her small sex. The mild surprise of her actions was interrupted by my first sight of her pussy; it was as pleasing to see as it was to feel. Small and situated directly between her legs, I could tell without a doubt that it would be very tight on the inside, and that made things all the better.

Her lewd display by no means stopped me. All it took was a relocation of my arm, and I was back to work. I pushed and prodded my way around the hot entrance to her insides, trying to elicit as much pleasure as I could from her. Every few strokes across her vagina's surface, I would stop and lightly touch or bump her incredibly small clitoris; it generated a tensing of her muscles every single time I made contact with it. As these acts progressed, I felt her getting wetter, releasing plenty of natural lubrication, that we would most likely need soon. In a way, the Delcatty vaguely reminded me of the Furret; it was almost like she was trying not to show her pleasure; no noises other than the purring were present, and that seemed to have reached its fever pitch. As with the Furret, I knew I could make her give in with some more coaxing.

What I didn't pay any mind to then, now that I think about it, is how much better I had gotten at it. By that, I mean stimulating a Pokemon. When I had the encounter with the Growlithe, I had knonw I was nervous and unsure of what to do; with the Delcatty, however, I had known directly where to go and how to start. I won't say that exactly worries me at this point in time... it's good to have a wide range of skills, right? Heh, heh... Ok, I'll stop...

The lust that I had fought down earlier was running rampant now. It seemed almost a physical thing between us, just as real as my one hand stroking her pussy, or the other one holding its place around her. I could tell by looking that I was giving her some serious finger action; she had her eyes closed tightly, and was shivering in my half-embrace as I kept rubbing the most sensitive spot on her body. She was probably at breaking point, so I decided to change things up.

Instead of once more sliding my finger across her sex, I pressed it firmly down on the center and let it slide itself into her. The Pokemon's stoical expression couldn't stop her from releasing a tiny mewling sound; that by itself was possibly one of the cutest and sexiest things I had ever heard... honest. The erection I was already sporting throbbed upon me hearing that noise, just asking to be buried in her as soon as possible. I'm not one for instant gratification, so I pressed onwards with my finger.

I had sunk the digit fully into her before even realizing it; the sight of nothing but the third knuckle protruding from her insides was pretty hot, to tell the truth. It felt very warm and slick inside of her, and upon giving it a little wiggle, I could feel the walls of her vagina gripping down tightly around it. I pulled it out without waiting, and then slid it back, skin disappearing until reaching its previous loacation. And just like that, I was finger-fucking the Pokemon. I slowly maneuvered it deep into her, held it for a few seconds, and then pulled it out completely. The phrase 'rinse and repeat' works well here, except I didn't do any rinsing. Within twenty seconds, my finger was thoroughly soaked, which served only to increase the rate at which I could enter her, meeting less resistance every time.

These activities lasted for a few more minutes, of which I won't bother describing; I'll skip right to the important part. The first warning signs of the Delcatty's approaching orgasm occurred less than ten seconds before it actually happened. She was so calm, I wouldn't have known it was coming if not for a bout of intense twitching and shuddering that preceded it. As I pushed my finger into her for what I was about to learn was the final time, her stony silence broke; all at once she was uttering little mewling noises as her body convulsed slightly. I realized with a start that the Pokemon was rapidly approaching orgasm, so I toned down my rapid movements in her insides.

I ceased moving completely when her shuddering reached a new height. Still inside of her, I moved my finger into a hook shape and began sliding the tip up and down her walls. She came with a startling shriek of; "DEL! DELCATTY!" She screamed her name for the first time in a bout of pure ecstasy, breaking the heated silence that had grown between us. Accompanying this, a liberal flow of her clear ejaculate trickled its way out of her vagina into the fur below it; she would need to be cleaned up just as much as I would after we finished up here; but hey, at least none of it ended up on the couch. As her convulsions tapered off, I pulled my finger out of her, but didn't bother wiping it off, at least not for the moment.

I was, again, in the vicelike grip of complete and utter lust right then. I wasn't going to let up on the beautiful creature for a single second if I could help it. The arm encircling her, I removed from her body to get better access to her in full. We were both fully stretched out and using all the room available on the couch, so conservation of space became a necessity. Without needing to look, I reached behind me and gripped the one couch pillow that was always sitting there. Stretching my arms out in front of me, I slid the cushion into the space between her head and the arm of the sofa. She didn't pay that any attention, as she was seemingly riding out the remnants of her pleasure with closed eyes. She did open them when I put both hands on her hindquarters and started gently pushing her away from me. The Pokemon offered no sign of protest as I pushed her to the point where her back was reclining against the throw pillow; she was in a sort of half-sitting position, offering me the best possible access to her pussy, as her legs were still spread.

Easy access was exactly what I wanted. I pulled myself towards her on my elbows, stomach still mostly flat against the cushion. From my point of view, her sex was a deep pinkish crevice, constantly growing larger as my face neared it inch by inch. I didn't stop when I reached my goal; before Delcatty even knew what was happening, my face was buried between her soft legs, and my tongue planted deep inside of her. She uttered a high-pitched "Del!" of surprise, and gave a brief squirm, not having expected this new feeling.

I could feel the fur between her legs tickling my face as I held it in place; absolutely amazing! Waiting just to savor that sensation would do the both of us no good, however. I swirled my tongue around her interior, causing her to shudder with renewed excitement, before diving right into the act. I ate the Pokemon's small pussy out with vigor, stretching her every time my tongue entered it, and releasing the tension as it made its way out. I'm not sure is this is something you want to know, reader, but the taste was the first thing that hit me upon my uninvited entrance; I can't describe it accurately, but it was... good? I mean, better than I thought it would be. But what do I know? I don't go around eating Pokemon out all day... usually. I could feel more than just saliva coating my tongue; she had contributed her essence to the mix, it seemed, and the muscle (yes, tongues are muscles) inside her was quickly becoming coated in it.

With nothing else to do with my arms, I reached up and once again wrapped her in them as I continued sloppily eating her out. The fur pressing against both my face buried in her crotch and my arms around her was blissful; my erection throbbed painfully, positively begging that I allow its work to be done. Soon, though... that part, the very best part, would come soon. I pushed my face as far into there as her pelvis would allow, yearning to plumb every possible depth of her insides. To summarize another factor, it was noisy; who ever said such a thing wouldn't be noisy. I'm really just not going to talk about the sounds our fellatio was making, but they were... uhm... wet, to say the least.

Not long had passed before Delcatty did something else I hadn't imagined happening. I'm still unsure of whether it was intentional, or just for lack of anything else to do with her paws, but she placed them on my head, and then they were suddenly _behind_my head. Conjure a vision of 'face-fucking' if you will, or if you even know what that is; it's pretty self-explanatory. That's what the scene would have looked like at that point. The key difference was that the Pokemon wasn't putting any force on her paws, instead just gently holding them there. Kind of hard to imagine a Pokemon doing, but trust me, she did.

I, for the most part, ignored this new development, and kept on keeping on. My lips were slick from being pressed up against the area around her pussy, and try as I might, I couldn't prevent some of her escaped juices from dribbling down my chin. Sounds disgusting to me while writing this, but it definitely wasn't then. She had begun to pant heavily again, and her purring was slowly rising in strength; she was evidently recovering quickly from her orgasm less than three minutes before. Good, I liked that. But I wasn't intending to let her reach another so quickly.

Another few minutes passed before I could tell she was peaking again. My mouth was very, very soaked with mixed saliva and the ejaculate that continued to spill out of her. She started the innocent little mewling sounds as her eyelids fluttered closed and she started quaking even more. As much as she wanted it right then, she wasn't going to get it without some more work. I pulled my tongue completely out of her vagina and refrained from inserting it again; instead, I raised myself on my elbows up to her eye height, where we looked at each other contemplatively. I moved my face forward, and she met me halfway, like I knew she would. Whatever minor grudge the creature might have harbored over me not letting her finish, it surely didn't hold her back. Our faces met and... well. It was a... like a real... ugh. It was like a real kiss... it was a real kiss, and I know it. I knew it then and I know it now. With our faces pressed warmly against each other, our mouths met passionately. I held my lips firmly to hers for a few seconds, until I felt her tongue pressing against them, and so then I didn't; I parted them the slightest bit and her tongue was in my mouth, and mine was meeting hers...

You, reader, are surely asking two questions right now; "Can Pokemon feel this kind of affection for their trainers?", and "Does a Pokemon even know what a kiss is?" I'll answer them both, to be nice; yes, and yes. A Pokemon can certainly feel sexual attraction to their trainer, although it is extremely rare, and hardly ever shows itself through more than friendly time spent together. In other words, it never results in anything, at least never anything major that I've heard about; so yes, I guess I'm considered the anomaly here, not even being these creatures' trainer, and yet taking things so far with them. As for a Pokemon recognizing and understanding a kiss, I'm next to sure they can. Pokemon are not dumb creatures (most of the time), and I would assume they can recognize it as a great sign of affection just as much as the next person. Whether or not this particular Delcatty saw it as such doesn't perturb me; all that matters is that it happened. So back we go...

We were locked together at our mouths. She seemed to give in, and stopped putting force behind the kiss; this allowed my tongue entrance to her mouth, and then we were back at it. We had already held it to the point where saliva was trailing out of our paired mouths. Without breaking the moment, I pulled one knee under myself and rose a little, relieving the strain on my elbows. Her head followed my movement upwards as we stayed passionately locked together. I wrapped my now-freed arms around her, and lifted her off the couch and to my eye level; holding her close to my chest, I allowed the Pokemon to cling to my thighs using her legs to give her body better support. We simply stayed like that for a short time, before I finally had to take a breath.

As I broke the kiss, panting loudly, I could hear Delcatty doing the same. I pulled in air, breathed deeply a few times, and then went right back to it. Again our faces met and, tongues in each other's mouth, we silently displayed the affection that man truly can have with Pokemon. She was the one to end that second kiss, eventually pulling her head away to fill her lungs with air. When her breathing had relaxed, she turned her head back to me, still held in my embrace. I didn't lean back in for another kiss, but instead gazed back at her a little awkwardly. That first kiss had been the best of my life so far, I was sure. I was feeling deep love for the Pokemon in those few moments we spent looking at each other. It was very, very quiet; still dark outside, too. My internal clock estimated we had been here for just under an hour now. We had plenty of time to ourselves. The only thing audible was the sounds of our harsh breathing. I became aware that my skin was lightly sheened with sweat; it was hot in here, all right. Our bodies had warmed up the air around us out of sheer exertion. I started thinking of taking a little break from all this to calm down.

And then, seconds later, the Delcatty was flat on her back in her original position, and I was straddling her, a knee pressing into the cushions on either side of her. The Pokemon's wide, innocent eyes were watching me as I fumbled with my belt, before finally catching it right and pulling it off. I must have moved her to that position, though I can't even remember doing it. Everything after we ended the kissing seemed a complete blur, actually. I only managed to get my pants halfway down before complete and utter lust took over, and I gave in fully for the first time that night. All of the night's activities had been leading up to this moment, the time when I would finally be able to fully enjoy the beautiful creature, and her me. Another few seconds, and my penis was out, harder than I would have thought possible. With both hands, I pushed Delcatty up a little so that my knees were on either side of her haunches. Taking hold of my dick, I bent a little lower, held it at a slight downwards angle, and was instantaneously pressing it against her tight cunt.

As I entered her slowly, I kept a wary eye on her face just in case she might let slip any looks of discomfort; nothing. She had again closed her eyes, feeling the sensation of my first inch slipping into her. That first was followed by several more at the same slow pace. With every bit of me that made its way inside, I got a better feeling of just how tight she was; and warm, too. I continued pushing my hips forward until my entire cock was nicely situated in the Pokemon's insides. Holding that position, I debated my options from this point; stay like that for a bit, or start moving right away? As I thought, her mildly warm vagina massaged my length in time with her breathing, which had become noticeably heavier. She was handling these first few moments well for a creature her size. Then again, I hadn't reached her cervix on my initial thrust, meaning she went deeper. Seizing an idea from that thought, I held her sides a little firmer to prevent her whole body from moving, and then pushed forward a little more, testing how much farther I could get even though I was already pressed against her hips.

A little mewl escaped her as the pressure on her pelvis increased and my cock moved a tiny bit further into her; that bit was all I needed, for I could now feel my tip barely pressing up against her inner limits. So she really didn't go much deeper than I could reach. Having gained that information, I started my movements.

She held up well for the first few seconds, enduring me pulling out and then sliding back into the heat of her pussy. A few more of the same movements was all it took for her to start giving in to the stimulation; she started panting loudly as her eyes stayed tightly shut. I pushed my dick into her a few more times, then accepted that our current position wasn't going to work well. Refraining from pulling out, I pushed her farther away from me, then moved myself up to stay above her hindquarters. I paused again, and then decided some support might help. The cushion I had propped her against earlier, I now used for the same purpose. I pushed it under her back, so she was propped up at a slight angle, with her stomach facing me. This would definitely work better.

From there, I started fucking her in our crude semblance of the missionary position. With both hands once again between her and the cushion, I slid into her constricting deaths, pulling as much enjoyment from the motion as I could, and then moved most of the way back out. I maintained the same pace to give her time to adjust to it. Her walls pressed down around my girth on every new thrust, squeezing me like a closed fist. Delcatty may have been more or less calm at the time, but her pussy was nicely lubricated, betraying her true feelings toward the pounding I was giving her. I thrusted back into, and then out of, her again. The firm, warm insides of her vagina made me lose track of time just as quickly as I lost myself indulging in her; and what an indulgence that was...

Not a single outside thought crossed my mind as I kept going at it with the Delcatty; lust gripped me too powerfully for any to get into my head. I focused my energy on truly giving her the experience she deserved, having been so loving and kind to me. As I forced my way into her again, a particularly powerful jolt of pleasure shot through the length of my cock, forcing my vocal cords to form a slow moan; "Ahhh...". I took that to mean I was already partway towards my climax. I had gotten so far so fast! It seemed only a minute before when I had first started on the Pokemon. Determined to hold out as much as possible, I tried to distract myself from the blissful sensations of the sex with her silky fur, so well presented and ready for the taking.

Both hands found their way to the purple ruff that formed the feline Pokemon's 'collar'. There, they buried themselves deep, before starting their own movements; it was like they had a mind of their own as they started pushing their way through that soft, beautiful ruff, twining fingers around loose strands. I put focus into the feeling of the fur under all my fingers at once, not the love we were making together. With my senses put on edge from all the stimulation, her coat seemed like the thing I had always dreamt of having for myself.

Delcatty herself was having a difficult time fully holding back. Mixed noises emanated from her; heavy breathing combined with the occasional mewl and a constant undertone of sultry purring to form the ultimate cacophony of erotic sounds. I could have gotten hard just listening to those noises without even banging her. Her body temperature felt similar to mine; heat was radiating off of her in waves, which I could sense pressing against my exposed arms. Remember, I was still fully clothed; was I supposed to waste time taking them off when I could have had her so much sooner? And the Pokemon's little sex, god damn was it nice! It was quite literally pulsing around me as I filled her up regularly, massaging every little spot on my penis in a perfect way, like no human woman's ever could. She was extremely wet down there, too. On every movement of my hips away from her, my near-exit was accompanied with a trickle of natural lubricant from within her. While the mess it was making couldn't be prevented, I won't deny that it didn't make things all the easier. As wet as she was inside, I could be reaching new speeds if I so desired; I just wasn't quite sure I wanted to right then.

I can only flesh this part out so much before having to conclude it, reader. I really don't know what else to say. I had almost brought her to orgasm earlier, before letting her down; now, I could plainly see that what she hadn't achieved earlier was coming back, and maybe on an even higher note. This time, her oncoming orgasm was much easier to predict. As I slowly pumped my hips against her, I detected a change in her now-constant heavy exhalations of "Del...Delcatty...". Her tone started to grow a little higher as she quivered under me. It took my stupefied mind a moment to realize she was going to orgasm soon. That thought didn't stop me at all; in fact, I increased my speed a little, wanting to give her the best climax I could.

A short time later, the Pokemon finally reached her long-awaited peak. She squealed her name loudly as her entire frame convulsed, muscles twitching and jumping rapidly in her ecstasy. In my eyes, it was a beautiful thing, being able to watch this moment brought upon her by none other than myself. When I first realized I was becoming obsessed with Pokemon sexually, which really wasn't that long ago, the idea had worried me, if nothing else. Now... well, it might have just been the heat of the moment, but I could truly see that this wasn't just an 'obsession', this was actual love for the creatures. I'd always liked Pokemon, but liking isn't loving, after all. And now, this was who I was. Why try and change what you can't...?

And all this raced through my mind during the few seconds she spent twitching under me, with my dick still moving within her tight interior.

As her climax tapered off, she let out one last pleasured sigh, and a small flood of her ejaculate poured out of her well-used pussy. She may have gone limp under me, but I wasn't quite done, though I was getting there quickly. I continued to breathe deeply as my hips met her pelvis time and time again. I was focused fully on the sex, and nothing outside of it. For those few moments of her orgasm, her walls had tightened spasmodically around my penis, making me sure I would lose it right then. That having not happened, I was able to continue at my own pace.

Delcatty had loosened up considerably, abating the constricting feel of her insides; I tried not to let that bother me, and mostly succeeded in that respect. I looked down carefully at her while pushing ever-forwards towards my climax; she looked utterly exhausted, laying there limply against the cushion I had propped her against. All other noises but her purring had ceased, and even that was slowing. The look of her implied that she was hardly even noticing my constant advances into her pussy. At least I knew that I had brought her what I intended; an amazing orgasm.

Looking at the tired creature invoked one of my base reactions, considering that I ran a Daycare; she was just another tired Pokemon that needed a place to rest. Of course, to me she was something more than that, something I could actually, physically love for the time being. I could see the content expression on her face as her eyelids hung heavy over her little eyes. My instinct kicked in, and, having already brought both arms around her earlier, I lifted her from the couch. She was quite limp, and didn't resist in the slightest. Supporting her in my hold, I brought her body close to mine as I momentarily ceased thrusting. I just held her to me for a short time, savoring the moment, before starting to move again, but slower this time.

I gently pushed into her again as she lay against my chest like a ragdoll. I felt her raise her head and place it on my shoulder for support. We continued in that manner for a little while, until an unmistakable feeling started growing in my hips. And then both of her front legs had been lifted and placed on my shoulders, almost like a sort of embrace. I clutched her tightly to me as my breathing reached a new pitch, my skin slick with a light perspiration, muscles tensing themselves for the grand finale. Everything was perfectly quiet around us. My hands moved slightly through her purple ruff, feeling the sensation of silky Pokemon fur that I knew would never grow uninteresting to me, and that sent me gently over the edge, like a little push. I moaned out softly as I came into her, holding her against me, with her paws placed firmly on my shoulders. "Oh God... Delcatty..."

She answered with a cute little whimper as she felt my semen shoot into her well-used sex. As my orgasm tapered off, the same exhaustion befell me as did her. I slipped down onto the couch and lay there on my side, facing the rest of the room. Delcatty, still in my embrace, exhaled lightly as I pulled out of her. Her eyes were closed before mine, and she was probably asleep before me as well. I was much too tired to do anything else right then. I watched the first bit of my cum reach her entrance and begin trickling out. The last thing I remember before losing myself to sleep was the sound of her gentle purring in my ear.

I realize how long I've made this; probably a little too much. Taking that into consideration, I'll go ahead and end this as quickly as possible. Nothing of much interest happened after that night anyways. I woke up late the next morning, still curled into the same position on the couch and sore as hell. The first thing I noted was that Delcatty was no longer in my arms. I blinked the sleep away as best as possible, and then raised my head a little to look for her. She was stretched out next to the door, which was still closed. I think I mentioned that her species was mostly nocturnal, and so, accordingly, she was fast asleep.

With a little effort, I was able to raise myself from the couch, which bore a deep imprint where I had lain. I walked over to the door, a little unsteadily, and bent down next to her. That didn't rouse the Pokemon, so I proceeded to lightly grasp her tail and lift it partially; the area around her vagina was perfectly clean, as if nothing had happened. She must have cleaned herself off after I blacked out. It didn't take a genius to tell she had come over to the door because she wanted to be back outside. Granting that implied request, I gathered her limp form into my arms; she stirred, but didn't open her eyes. I used an elbow to push the handle down and open the door, and stepped outside into the cool morning air.

The sky was still a little gray, lacking the full shine of the sun. The dewy grass cushioned my steps as I walked slowly over to the center of the enclosure. There, I laid her down. She opened her eyes upon being placed on the wet grass. More awake now than before, she raised herself into a sitting position. Her mouth gaped wide in an agonizingly slow yawn which exposed her sharp little teeth. Without so much as a look up at me, she rose and padded slowly towards the bushes which lined the fence. I myself turned around and plodded back to the door. I heard branches rustle, and turned around in time to catch the tip of her tail disappearing into the bushes; she was likely going to go find a spot to sleep for the rest of the day. I stepped back inside and shut the door behind me.

The Delcatty's trainer kept her promise, arriving unannounced two days later. During those specific two days, absolutely nothing happened between me and the Pokemon. In fact, the only times I saw her were when she left her hideout to eat; then, if she happened upon me, she would give me a blank stare for a few seconds, before padding off. I understood that while what we did together was special to me, it was just another unimportant event for her. There really was no way to share truly intimate love with a Pokemon that didn't have higher intelligence, like some do. Now that's a disheartening idea... but, I try not to let it get me down...

I returned Delcatty to the trainer, and she paid for the care and left. I won't say I wasn't the _tiniest_bit emotional, because that would be lying. However, I had experienced the feeling before... and I certainly would experience it again. If nothing else, that I knew for certain. Every little loss like this one only assists in building one's tolerance to them...

And that, folks, is all this story consists of. I hope you weren't expecting a detailed account of every day I took care of her. Not that I would write something like that. I notice that in what I have written previously, I took some time to copy down thoughts on my changing sexuality; not this time, however. I'm tired, and my hand is killing me. But, don't despair; as twice before, I certainly have more to tell.

A lot more...

Well then, hope you enjoyed, Also, I really didn't intend to make this so long; I just get carried away sometimes, Sadly, you will have to expect shorter chapters in the future, (For now, at least) Thank you for reading,


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TDM ~ Chapter Two

--- Chapter two, as promised, Again, this story is intended only for those 18+ --- **The Daycare Man ~~~2~~~ ** It happened again. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should backtrack a bit and read my earlier segment... actually, no,...

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TDM ~ Chapter One

* * * Welcome to my first attempt at writing a halfway-decent story, It's fine whether you like it or not, so feel free to leave a review, Just as a warning: **This story is intended for adult audiences only** So if Pokemon porn ain't your cup of...

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