Fun with Bolt and Penny 8: Coming for Christmas

Story by tempo321 on SoFurry

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#8 of Fun with Bolt and Penny

Time for a little Yiffmas magic with everyone's favorite Yule Dog. Have fun!

Fun with Bolt & Penny 8: Coming for Christmas

By Tempo

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Bolt stretched his legs out, wiggling himself to wakefulness after a nap. Man, this carpet is great stuff. You can take a nap anywhere! Suitcases and wrapped boxes lined the wall next to the front door; the people had something planned. He found Penny, a book in front of her at the table, surrounded by homework she was pretending to finish. She stared out the frost-tinged window, so he did too. A car rolled by, mud and snow kicking up under its tires. The girl sighed and leaned back in her chair, brushing her hair from her freckled cheek. "Mom?"

Mom answered from the sofa. "Yes, dear?"

His person walked over and leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "Can you teach me to drive on the way to Grandma's?"

Her mother smiled mildly. "Not in the snow, young lady."

"Half my friends already have their permits. In a few months, Liz and Terrie could have their licenses."

"It wouldn't be safe, sweetie. They're from the area and know how to drive on snow."

"I did a scooter chase on the Arctic hover-base set. And I've ridden a satellite dish down the side of a mountain!" Penny was getting good at the dog face.

Mom turned a page in her romance novel. "I promise we'll start first thing in the Spring."

"Fine..." She sighed, stroking one hand down Bolt's body as she passed. "Stupid November birthday."

Bolt remembered her birthday party, how the house had been overtaken by a gaggle of giggling teenagers. He shook his head. They were loud, but they had given him some cake. Penny had prevented them from doing anything weird to him, aside from painting each of his claws a different color. She had let them paint her fingernails too, though hers all turned out the same color, just with little hearts and other symbols on them. I guess the paint was there to hold the glitter on. They seem to wear that a lot. They must not go on covert missions like Penny; the reflection could attract guards' attention.

For her birthday, Penny had gotten giant sheets of sticker paper; he realized what it was after she printed a bunch of fish, water plants, and submarines. She stuck them on that glass box Rhino always called his 'fortress of solitude,' that Penny called a 'terrarium,' and that Mittens called 'the un-think tank.'

The hamster was taking a break from channel surfing, instead tapping madly on the buttons of his person's cell phone, which he had smuggled into his ball.

Rhino? I'm not trying to accuse you or anything, but are you the one who keeps moving that phone? Penny is always sending me to find it and--

Shh! Bolt, I need absolute concentration. He breathed and made meditative hand motions. Suddenly, the small rodent flailed wildly at the keyboard again; a new level had started. The alien fleet is advancing and my laser cannon is Earth's only defense!

I guess that answers my question. Oh, well. I'm sure I can find it when he's done. Satisfied the phone mystery was solved, he continued his patrol of the house. The cat wasn't sitting on her favorite heater vent or at her favorite window sill or watching Rhino play Space Invaders. He found her watching the humans, who were now packing the Mom Transport. Another mission already! He wagged. He could tell he was going to be on this mission because they had packed a partial bag of his food into the Transport.

Bolt trotted up. I'm sorry you aren't coming with us on the mission--

Mittens glanced at him grumpily.

--err trip. But you know we'll be back in a day or two.

She stretched and tried to look casual. Don't worry about it. If things get tough, I'll just eat Rhino.

The hamster's voice voice crept to their ears from the other side of the couch, low and mysterious. If you eat me, I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Groaning, the cat called back: Rhino, you're a dork.

The canine considered her for a moment. Her whole body seemed tense. Mittens, are you okay?

The cat looked at him askew. Last I checked, wags, yeah. Why'd ya ask?

He thought hard, unable to put his paw on it. You seem... edgy. Even for a cat.

Well, thanks for the concern, but it's nothing.

He stared at her. Lately, he'd been glad he could stare at things without making them melt.

No, really, Bolt, it's nothing.

He cocked an ear. Really?

Really. Now lay off me, would ya?

The dog wasn't sure he believed this, but cats were cats after all; they followed rules he didn't quite understand. Penny had told him plenty of times that he was a smart dog, so he forced the gears in his brain to start cranking. How long had Mittens been acting like this? It seemed like it had been while, weeks at least. And it had been getting worse. What could have been happening in the last few weeks that-- Snow.


I'm not sure, but you've been acting like this since it started to snow. He glanced out the window. At least, I think so. But you never got this way about snow on our trip to find Penny, so I'm not so sure.

She scoffed, smiling a little. He looked back at her, concerned. Look, pooch. Cats are complicated. Sometimes we've got issues with things. Me, I don't... Well, let's just say I've had some bad experiences with people packing up around this time of year.

Oh. He ducked his head and spoke softly. You mean your previous people.

Mittens didn't reply, tail still, expression dark.

We're coming back. We won't be gone long--

Sure, no problem. Why would I mind? Her tail lashed, voice catching a little in her throat. I was abandoned before, so why would I mind? If everyone left me on Christmas all over again, what would it even matter?

The dog drooped his ears. Mittens hadn't sounded this mad since she'd tried to convince him Penny wasn't real, that she was just part of the TV show. It was understandable. Mittens had her people leave her. On purpose. He couldn't even imagine that. Your people were supposed to love you and stay with you and scratch your tummy, not just leave you.

He said nothing, blinked, and gave a little nod of resolve. Standing, the canine padded off toward the kitchen. He nosed open the pantry. Very carefully, he pulled the half-empty bag of cat food out, stacked her bowl on top, and carried both back into the living room.

Bolt set the bowl and bag down in front of the sulking cat. She looked up and gestured with one white paw. What the heck is this?

He sat down, jaw set and brow furrowed. The antidote.

Ha. Ha. I'm sure in your crazy little canine mind this makes sense, but I'm not even hungry. Why would you need to-- Oh no. No, you don't. Bolt, you don't have to...

His expression remained serious, though now with the hint of a smile. You're comin' with us.

But how do you-- I mean-- You can't even talk to the humans! How are they gonna know you want to bring me?

I tie good knots, remember? And I know right where my leash is.

Really, wags, I'll be fine. I was just overreacting!

The canine sat, calm and quiet next to the catfood. His eyes found Mittens, and he smiled just a little.

You're a lunatic. She laughed, but it was thin and uncertain. Th-this will never work!

We'll see about that. He yipped to Penny as she passed by.

"Hey, buddy." She crouched down, a roll of packing tape in her hand. "What's up?"

He stood, one paw on the food bag. He didn't even have to use the dog face.

* * * * *

So remind me why I have to be in a pet carrier and you don't?

The car rumbled under her. Bolt smiled down from where he sat beside his person. Trees and hills rolled past through the window behind him. Calm down, cat. Once you're a veteran of these missions like I am, they'll promote you out of the containment unit. He gave a little growly chuckle.

Penny stroked his ears. "Alright, tough guy. You owe me for talking Mom into bringing your pal. You're lucky she's a cat person."

The girl chuckled softly. Bolt grinned up at her.

You're such a dog, you know that? Mittens draped a paw out the bars at the front. The gray plastic box was dusty and smelled like the garage. She sighed, then caught a hint of movement on the edge of her vision. Taped to one of the wrapped gifts, a metallic pinwheel spun slowly, stirred by her breath. The cat's ears perked up a little. Her skinny paws fit through the front of the carrier, the pinwheel in easy reach. The little whispery noises it made when she spun it made her feel a little better, a little more at home.

Bolt had no business interfering like he did, getting her crammed in this car, but... These people, their insane dog, even Rhino: they really weren't all that bad. Not that she'd tell him. One dopey pet in this car was enough. Still, these weirdos were beginning to feel more and more like a family, like her weirdos. Fan-tastic.

* * * * *

Bolt studied the spruce tree in the middle of the living room. He knew that humans sometimes liked to drag plants inside, even if the reasons why were a little fuzzy to him. This plant was covered in small lights, so it probably controlled something. The thick scent of pine sap hung in his nostrils. It was clearly real, yet part machine as well. Maybe they grew this cyborg tree into the lights to hide something inside. Hanging on the tree were little statues. People put lights and bits of metal on things to show they were technology, but he was less sure what plastic figurines meant. There was even one that looked like him on there. And one that looked like Penny; she was on a scooter. That one near the top could be the white-haired man in the easy chair, but he must have had more of a beard back then. There wasn't one of Mittens or of anybody else in the house. They probaby just haven't had time to make them yet.

The mission site smelled delicious, the air thick with the scent of turkey, pie, gravy, and even some kind of exotic fruit called 'canberries.' It must be a weird plant too, since it grew all its berries together in the shape of a can. This meeting could be some sort of botanical conference. I wonder if they have any of those plants that try to eat you? Wait. He thought for a moment, then nodded to himself. Those attack plants tasted a lot like foam rubber, so they probably weren't real.

A contingent of people milled about this house, his own included. Penny wore the 'Peep' dress, though a little happier about it this time. They'd put him in the reindeer suit again too, which he hadn't seen since Candy Gathering Day. It's not so bad, except for this red nose thing, but clearly I needed to be disguised. So he did his best to act like a reindeer, whatever those were.

A squad of the smaller people had targeted Rhino as soon as he got in the door, declaring him to be their 'fearless leader,' and had been chasing him around ever since. He was now somewhere in the vicinity of the kitchen.

Bolt walked around, having people pet him, which was awesome, and having one of the smaller people pull on his ears, which was less awesome. Mitten always seemed to be snickering when he passed by. At first he thought she was just happy to be there, but eventually started to worry she would blow his cover. What is so funny?

She smirked, looking at his antlers. Nothing, Santa's Little Helper. You just keep playing your reindeer games.

Bolt was still wondering exactly what that meant when one of the older humans scooped her up.

The black cat flattened her ears in protest. What the?!

The woman who picked her up smelled a bit like Penny and a lot like her Mom. Bolt thought he might have smelled at least some of these people on his previous mission. The entire contingent of humans occupied the living room of the mission site.

She pulled a few fabric things from a small box. "I was just gonna send this with you, but since you went and brought your pretty lil' kitty along with ya..." The lady started putting the garments on an increasingly indignant Mittens.

You are so lucky I don't have any claws under these mitts, granny.

When she was fully outfitted and set back down, the people all made those 'aww' sounds they seemed to think made any sort of sense to animals. Mittens sat scowling, adorned with a feathered green cap and pointy little boots. She glared up at the woman who had so proudly dressed her. You're getting a hairball in your stocking for this, old lady.

The cat started pawing at the boots, but he shook his head, increasingly concerned. Mittens, they obviously want you to wear that.

Penny leaned in and snapped a picture of the two of them.

Bolt nodded. See? It must be important. You should leave that mission gear alone.

No. She shook her head vigorously, trying to dislodge the hat, but it was stuck on with some kind of elastic band. It's bad enough when they get obsessed with clothes. They don't need to cram me into them. She pulled at a fabric boot with her teeth, but it stuck fast.

Looking at the feline flailing, Bolt felt something odd. A funny tickle twinged in his throat. It started as a chuckle, rose to a rumble, and suddenly he was laughing harder than he could ever remember. Mirth shone in his eyes, weakened his knees, and he laid down before he could fall down. Mittens, we do-- Heeheeheehee! Oh, wow. We do look pretty stupid, don't we?

The feline's glower deepened, now directed at him.

Sorry, sorry. It's just... His grin went lopsided, ears quivering, and he shook under the strain of trying to bottle up the laughter, blushing and looking apologetically up at the sour cat, but it was useless. Laughter exploded out in a giant giggly burst. Bah-haha-heeheehee... Sorry. Hee! The little bells on his outfit jingled as he was overcome by an unstoppable wave of laughter.

Mittens stared at him, conflicting emotions battling it out across her face. Another peel of laughter came from Bolt's direction; he rolled across the floor. She looked to him. One whisker twitched.

Laughter, canine and feline, echoed under the hubbub of the living room.

* * * * *

Bolt followed his person downstairs. The last he'd seen Mittens, she was curled up under the loveseat upstairs, her paw clutching that pinwheel thing from one of the presents. He wasn't sure what that device did, but she seemed pretty attached to it since she'd carried around for half the night.

His person shut the door to the den and laid down some blankets on the sofa. She had good night vision for a person. The downstairs was dark, cool, and soothing. Bolt sniffed. Old metal, varnished wood, aging paper, but mostly he smelled the funny red reindeer nose. Outside, little gusts of wind tossed curls of snow against the windows.

"Hey, buddy." Penny's fingers brushed along his headfur, her fingernails scratched the back of his neck. She was seated on the sofa. "Been a while since you've been here. You were practically a puppy last time you got to come to Christmas." She hugged him, burying her face against shoulder. "Ya have a good time, boy?"

He yapped softly.

"Good. You're part of the family. You and your friends." Rolling to her back, she looked at him from the couch. "I'm not sure how you found them, but they're good guys. Oreo even tolerated that elf costume Grandma made." She petted him. "You were a good boy to put up with this reindeer suit all night."

Huh? Oreo?

The girl got to her knees and petted his ears and muzzle, eyes shining. "Yeah. You're my good boy."

Bolt wagged and closed his eyes in puppy joy.

She untied the cords that held the costume on, letting it fall to the floor with a jingle. The plush antlers were next, then that puffy red nose. His actual nose felt cold, exposed to the air. Penny smiled and lightly kissed his nosepad. His cheeks felt hot.

"You know..." Her whisper made his heart skip a beat. "We've got the basement to ourselves, and I have one more present. Just for you."

Bolt perked his ears. But I already got a new bowl *and* a new collar. He'd thought the gift awarding ceremony was over. It didn't seem possible they could produce any more wrapping paper.

She made the gesture for 'turn around.' He followed her order. His ears swiveled back to listen: the rustling of fabric, a giggle, and finally the soft shuffle of his person moving closer. "Okay, boy, you can turn around."

Bolt did.

His jaw dropped.

Penny was on all fours. She was no longer wearing the Peep dress, instead wearing only a t-shirt. The soft fabric clung to the curves of her lithe body, leading his eyes down to her bare legs. And sticking out from the bottom of her shirt was the biggest surprise of all: a tail. Her tail. The one she had after getting hit with the DNA Ray! It was white, a little longer than his, and very fluffy.

A quiet laugh. He managed to pull his eyes off the tail and looked to his person for answers. She smiled at him, the dim light making her pretty white ears seem to glow. Pointy, shapely dog ears. Bolt's breath caught; he sniffed very carefully at her new ears, to make sure they were real, then gave them each the gentlest brush of his muzzle. Smiling, she moved her hips a bit, causing the tail to sway in a slow wag. He felt himself getting hypnotized by the pretty, swaying wonder.

"Like what you see, Bolty? ...Bolt?" She laughed softly, then... pounced at him!

Out of instinct, the canine tried to jump away, but she caught him playfully. "Gotcha!" Her quiet giggles made his fur hot.

Uh... I-I... He squeezed his eyes shut so he could think without seeing her. Your tail makes it hard for me to be vigilant! He whimpered.

"Shh, buddy. We've gotta be quiet. This is strictly a stealth mission." She smiled, then pounced again. The carpet muffled the sound of her movements. She ducked and growled, smiling, inviting him to play, her red hair spilling forward, draping across her shoulders. He bounced around with her, playing like a dog. His heart beat fast. Wow. I never thought her being like this would make me feel so... He looked down between his legs, seeing just how excited this was making him. Penny pressed the advantage. In one swift movement, she tackled him and gave a naughty, wet kiss to the peeking tip of his penis.

Bolt gasped. His ears felt warm. They lay there for a moment, her smiling down at him, the dim light tracing through her long, loose red hair, spilling around her soft white ears. Love danced in her eyes, making him tuck his own ears back and wiggle, a smile growing on his muzzle. Her fingers traced up his tummy fur, stirring the white smooth texture of it, reaching his chest and finally his chin, which she scratched tenderly. Slowly, shyly, he brushed his muzzle along the side of her face. She closed her eyes, murmuring little noises of contentment and closeness.

Every minute spent under her, more of her scent teased him, her hair now just long enough to tickle the pink of his ears. Eventually, he could stand no more and rolled out from under Penny. She watched him, wagging that fancy new tail. He remembered it being so soft...

Looking to her for permission first, Bolt padded quietly back toward her tail. She smiled, still on hands and knees. After a moment's thought, he gave it an experimental sniff. The fur caressed his nose, making him giddy. First her playfulness, now this; getting to touch her tail brought him back to that first time they had played their little games. It felt so long ago; he had learned so much and traveled so far between now and that first curious sniff. He sniffed down the furry length of it, tracing back to where it attached to a sort of harness under her shirt. It didn't matter that it wasn't real. It mattered that she wore it just for him. He nuzzled along it, then across her smooth back, a delicate white in the moonlight.

Her scent drew him in, tangy, almost sweet, and completely Penny. He sniffed, down to the base of her tail, then down lower. She giggled. Sniffing back here always tickled her. He licked, and her sweet flavor flooded over his tongue as it trailed down her most tender spots. She squeaked. His tongue slid over her slit, shaping to all the contours, leaving the thinnest trail of saliva, hot but instantly cooling. His person shuddered, spreading her legs and lowering her body to give him better access. He worked deeper, feeling her shake and quiver as he explored that little groove between her inner and outer lips. The teenage girl yipped at this maneuver, almost sounding canine herself. Her vagina was getting wetter, juicier, tastier. He lapped up inside her, seeking more of her flavor and was rewarded with squeaks and shudders. His person grabbed a reindeer pillow from the sofa and clutched it to her chest, biting it to muffle her moans. Her tail wagged over his ears. He angled up, going at her from below. Those little hairs on the top of her passage tickled his chin. Every lick now swept along the top of her vagina, where she seemed to like it best. She certainly whimpered and hitched her hips enough whenever his tongue brushed that little bump.

A muffled yelp. Without warning, she started wiggling her legs, her vagina clenched down the length of his tongue. She squealed with delight into the pillow. He pulled out, licking at the surface again. Her lips felt very hot for a human. And she was still shivering too, giving little yelping gasps of joy. She dripped a little more of her juices, but he lapped them up. No sense letting it go to waste on the carpet. Her entire body wiggled at the stimulation. Her orgasm tapered off to quiet little shudders. Mission accomplished. He wagged, proud. And in record time too.

Her breaths came deep and ragged. His muzzle felt nice as he rubbed it over her thighs and cheeks, waiting for her to catch her breath. Her skin was so smooth. He wondered how he felt to her, being all furry. I bet I'm warm, but I might be a little prickly. She doesn't seem to mind, though. Instinct nipped at the corners of his mind; he thought about how good it would feel to mount her. They'd never done it while she had a tail and ears on. Being careful of his claws, he edged a little way up onto her body, front legs pressing against her bare cheeks; his penis tingled in its sheath. He panted, carefully edging the tail to the side, hips starting to hitch forward a little...

"Bolt?" Her voice came gentle as a cloud across the moon.

He stopped, looking to her. Penny?

She smiled back at him, shrugging in regret. "Sorry, boy..." Penny moved to the side and scooped him against her in a cuddle. "Not tonight. It's too risky."

Bolt whined and shivered at the thought of completing one of their little missions. That tail, those ears, that smell... He really wanted to... But she was right. If he got to the final part of their secret mission, he'd want to get himself stuck all the way inside her too, and then their mobility would be seriously reduced. One of the grown-ups could find them and expose the entire op before they could hide that they were playing. They could be compromised.

The dog gave her one final nuzzle, then rolled from her arms, sitting on his haunches. His penis bobbed under his tummy.

Penny glanced at his peeking erection and gave him a sympathetic smirk. She climbed back onto the couch, sitting sideways and patting in front of her. Bolt hopped up to join her. Glancing once to the door, she ran a hand down his side, delivering a kiss to his forehead. The teen girl met his eyes. "Lay back, buddy."

He licked her slowly on the throat, then let her guide him onto his back. His person braced a pillow behind his head, scooting forward until his rear was on her lap. His back was curved up a bit, but the pillow kept the position comfortable. She slipped his tail to the side, then reached back. She brought the new tail, her tail forward, wrapping it around him from one side. Her fingers spread over his tummy, beginning one of her wonderful belly rubs.

Her fingers found his sheath, stoking up and down it a few times, teasing, before pulling it carefully back, tucking it back behind where his knot would form. Her fingers were just slightly chilled, enough to tantalize him as her other hand closed around his penis. He started humping into her hand, gradually stiffening against her smooth palm. He could smell his own precum as it coated her hand. He whimpered.

"Aww, poor boy wants it so bad." She whispered breathily in the dark, sounding excited too. "Ever since Aunt Julie's wedding, I've wanted to see you do your little trick up close. Think you're up to it?"

She leaned in and licked the pink of his ear. He gasped as his penis swelled faster in her hand. She sat back and watched, simpering at his quick little humps. Her white canine ears shone against her red hair, the light from the window playing along both. Breath came in gasps between his teeth.

"You've had this coming. I haven't been able to get that picture of you out of my mind. Of you... sucking yourself. I even got myself so flustered during a math quiz last week that the teacher asked if I needed to leave!" She squeezed his erection. "Ever since then I have been plotting some serious payback."

Heh. Umm, I... I never thought it would be such a big deal-- He was interrupted by her taking his fully erect shaft and carefully rubbing the dribbling tip against his lips. Oh boy. He took a lick, then shuddered at the wave of pleasure it sent through his body.

She lifted his hips just a bit to give him a better angle. His body between the pillow and her stomach, his penis hung in easy licking distance. He licked a few more times, lapping up the musky fluid that collected on his tip, then slowly opened his mouth around his own erection and began to suck, looking up shyly.

The flexible dog licked a little further up his shaft, further still, then as far as his tongue could reach. Sporadic, wild humps sent it deeper into his muzzle. His tip bumped along the rubbery ridges on the roof of his mouth. Unstoppable lust coursed through him. He panted around his thick erection, so heavy on his tongue. He was lost to the sensations, trying to lick in time with his humps, then he noticed Penny watching with unabashed fascination. His fur felt instantly hot. Riding the wake of each pleasured lick, he thought: It feels funny to have you watch me do this.

One hand steadied his shaft while the other moved up to hold his furry white balls. She chuckled, massaging his soft-furred sac. "Here, let me help power up that DNA Ray..." Then, brushing her hair out of the way, she bent over, her breath tracing cooly along his hot shaft.

She began to lick his knot.

Her tongue traced around both sides of his bulge. Then down that little groove between the bumps. Finally, it slipped to his bunched up sheath, the cool tip of her tongue edging in around the very base of his penis *under* his sheath! Their eyes met. She smiled, wiggled her tongue.

He came.

He came with his paws sticking straight out, pressed against her pretty canine ears. Gasping. Shuddering. Toes splaying out as he shot the first spurt of hot canine cum into his own mouth. She brushed a hand along his muzzle, and gently pulled his still spurting penis out from his mouth. His second shot sprayed wetly into his face; the canine blinked. Before he could so much as whimper in protest, she curled her tongue around the tip. A third spray of white jetted hotly against her tongue, then she closed her lips over his quivering, pulsing erection.

Suck. Spurt.

Lick. Spurt.

Squeeze. Spurt!

Bolt lay, a gasping heap of dog. Never in his life had anything felt like that. He slumped back against the pillow, his entire body feeling drained. The night swept in around him. His body hummed in a drippy, drooly serenity. His only perception outside this nirvana was of his person leisurely licking the cum off his muzzle. When done, she kissed him on the forehead. The dog lay under her, mind overwhelmed with blissful sensation.

As he drifted off to sleep, Bolt felt her wiggle around. A click, a flash, a whir. Deep in the recesses of his mind, the sleepy canine recognized that sound, but was distracted by his shrinking cock brushing against the soft fabric of Penny's t-shirt as she settled back in. He whimpered and licked her.

Back under the covers, she cuddled in around him. "Merry Christmas, Bolty. You're my very best present."

~ ~ ~

Editing by: Vendetta, SillyNeko, & Mittens

There you are, folks. My little gift to you. ^_^

Let me know if you like it. Honestly, we can return it if it doesn't fit.


Fun with Bolt and Penny 9: Discovery

**Fun with Bolt & Penny 9: Discovery** By Tempo ~ ~ ~ Bolt sat, tail wagging. The small radio Penny had clipped to his collar hissed softly, giving off a faint plastic smell. "Okay, Bolty." His person's voice rang through the...

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Fun with Bolt and Penny 7: Tying the Knot

**Fun with Bolt & Penny 7: Tying the Knot** By Tempo ~ ~ ~ Bolt's ears perked up, even as the rest of him still slept. The grind of gravel in the driveway and the soft rumble of a motor. _The Mom Transport!_ The white canine...

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Fun with Bolt and Penny 6: Sticky Situation

**Fun with Bolt & Penny 6: Sticky Situation** By Tempo ~ ~ ~ Bolt breathed deeply in the cool Autumn air, eyes closed. Thinner scents than the richness of spring or summer, earthier too. Dry leaves, wet soil:...

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