The Zero Tolerance Policy Toward Bulling

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This is somthing that had been in the works a long time. I hope you all like it

The Zero Tolerance Policy Toward Bulling By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy

Warning the story contains consensual and non consensual sexual encounters between adult males and a male cubs as well as violence and threats of blackmail. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

It was always the same with a new school and worse when you join in the middle of a semester, or do they even call them semesters in fourth grade. The little horse just sighs and makes his way onto the playground to find a shady spot to eat his snack. He looks around the trauma of being the new kid washing over him as Cael settled in nibbling on his peanut butter crackers. It was hard in a new school but the little horse had done this so many times now it was getting rather easy.

"Hey Martin look what we have here. It's the new kid." The little paint looks up to see three larger kids looming over him. "Hey new kid didn't you hear there is a rule in this playground, it's sort of a tax if you're gonna sit under our shade tree you gotta pay for the right." Cael almost sighs in annoyance but stops just in time knowing that would just piss the bullies off more. He's used to this too. Being small for his age has always attracted more then his share of attention.

"Yeah ya runt, pay the fee or we'll have to beat it out of your ass." Again Cael is forced this time to suppress a snort of laughter wondering if the tough guy had heard that line in a movie. He glances around three bigger kids. The brains seems to be the one who started talking first a hyena named Jared Carnover, to his right was the tough Martin Lorton a bulky tiger striped house cat that swore up and down he was really a tiger, and to the left was the quiet one a scrawny looking raccoon named Marcus Wadaly. He'd already heard of these three and quietly surrendered the five dollars in pocket money he had on him.

Jared smiles and yanks the money from the horse's hand. "We got a smart boy here. "

Cael watches the bullies as they turn to go. Marcus looks pissed it was that easy the raccoon wanted to hurt something. Martin how ever yanks the opened package of crackers from the horses other hand. "Next time tell your mother to pack me a better snack faggot." Cael sighs and this long day was already getting longer. Every thing he'd heard about those three seemed right on the money.

Now he does let out a sigh, "damn it now what am I gonna eat at lunch."

A smaller kid a black feline, maybe a puma, sits down in the shade next to Cael. The cats about the same height as the horse so still short for this crowd. "Well if you want you can have half of my sandwich. It's just peanut butter but I have some celery sticks too."

Cael looks at the cat funny for a moment before noticing several other smaller students making there way to the shade tree. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

The little feline's ears twitch and he looks down at his feet blushing. "Least some one could do. They beat on some one here till they find enough money or get something they like then they just ignore the shade tree. No one told you hopping it would be you today. I just wanted to say sorry." The black cat looks up with a sheepish smile.

Cael gets the feeling that the boy is one of the trio's regular punching bags and it's probably rare for him to go a break unmolested. He can't really be mad about this. "Okay I love peanut butter."

The second day went smoother they always do. With the big stress ball of class introductions out of the way the school falls back into a somewhat normal schedule. At the break he met up with Diego the little black cat again. Before he made his way to the shade tree he looked for the bullying three some to buy them off with three bucks and a pudding cup. Cael sat under the tree and watched the three as the made there rounds shaking down younger students for snacks and cash. The cat being big worked as there muscle but was only bigger then the others he was more fat then strong, the raccoon was a vicious one, he'd be the one to twist an arm or to punch a kid where the bruises won't show. But it was the hyena that picked their targets. The horse snorted he'd seen worse bullies in his last school.

"Hey Cael," Said the little cat, "I heard that they have a hide out where they keep all there stuff. I think I know where it is." Diego looked so earnest too.

"Why do you know that?" Asked the little horse.

The little cat looks sheepishly about. "They took my gamecolt zx last month. I'm gonna find there hide out and get it back. My Nana gave me that zx for my birthday." He looks around again. "You're new here but I've seen the way you're watching them. Your smart I'm betting you could find it and help me get it back. Those guys are no good did you see what the did to Gary just cause he wouldn't do there home work?" He gestures to a rabbit under the tree his eye bruised and puffy and glasses held together with tape.

The horse hands the kitten a chocolate chip cookie. Packing extra snacks was all a part of bully preparedness. "Sorry bout you game buddy but you should leave their hide out alone. If they caught you in there what happened to Gary might be the least of your problems." He said earnestly trying to get across how dangerous it could be especially with that Marcus guy.

Diego just huffed. "Don't help me then if you're too scared I can do it myself I can be sneaky." The cat stomped off and for the rest of the day refused to even look in Cael's direction.

He seemed to have cooled off come next morning though when the little cat came bounding up to him before classes. "I found their hideout." He hissed excitedly, "This is your last chance, I bet you can even get your money back."

The little horse just frowns. "No Diego I don't and you should stay away to. You could get really hurt."

The cat just huffs again. "Fine be a coward but don't expect me to sit with you at break time."

Cael sighs and goes through his normal morning. But come the break Diego seems good as his word. Despite the horse paying protection to the bullies the cat never does show up. He's a little distracted by this honestly and it isn't until he's halfway back to class that he realizes Martin wasn't out on the playground for most of there break.

When none of the troublemakers or Diego showed up for class the horse new something was wrong. He started to squirm in his seat and one hand shot up waving frantically.

"Yes... We Cael" stumbles the old rabbit over the unfamiliar name. "What is it?"

"Mr. Simmons I need to go to the little boys room!" The horse's voice squeaks under the obvious pressure.

"You just came from your break young man." Says the teacher with a sigh, as he fumbles for something in his desk. "I will allow it this one time since your still a new student but use your break periods wisely in the future."

Cael snatches the thick wooden ruler with the word hall pass drawn on it in sharpie and bolts for the door. I case the teacher is watching this far he does duck into the boys bathroom but immediately slips out through the window leaving the pass sitting on the radiator.

The horse sighed to himself he knew right where to go of course. He'd known about this "hide out" all along but the situation with Diego had just forced his hand. It was an old shed behind the school. They stored the grounds keeping equipment there. It's also where the janitors stored their secret porn stash and weed so while it looked secure it wasn't really. The pad locks were for show so the janitors and their friends could slip in and sleep one off no matter how fucked up they already were. For the three Cubs the dirty mags alone must have made there stumbling on this place worth the risk.

Cael rounded the building at a trot looking up at the shed doors. No way to sneak in really, he'd checked and there was only one entrance. He'd never expected to have to do this as a full frontal assault. But that damn kid had to mess it all up. He pushes open the door with a load wooden scraping noise as he steps in and quickly shuts it begins him. It's so blatant it shocks the three bullies gathered round the kitten.

Cael takes in the whole scene. Diego is slumped against a box crying, his clothes are torn, one eye is puffy, his lip is split and he's bleeding from the nose. Looks like the little horse made it just in time since the little raccoon has a jackknife in his paw like he's ready to notch the kittens ear.

"What the fuck are you doing here you little faggot". Says the hyena as he snaps out of the shock of being interrupted. "Did you put this little shit heel up to this?" The bigger boy growls as he stomps over to the horse.

"No I didn't ". Says Cael calmly "In fact I tried to talk..." He's interrupted as the hyena socks him in the jaw. It's something he knew was coming but he had to take the blow as he falls back on his butt. All right looks like it's on.

The horse slowly gets back on his feet; he's not struggling just deliberately taking his time. He grins at the bigger furs with bloody teeth. The little bastard split his lip. "You call that a punch you little shit. Is that how your little sister beats on you when she needs to show her dicks still bigger then yours."

Jared screams and charges forward ready to beat that damn horse with in an inch of his life. But the little horse just ducks a bit under the swing, paws gripping the front of the hyena's shirt and twisting into a simple throw that sends the bigger boy flying into a dusty shelf with a crash.

"See here is where this get messy," The horse walks over to the hyena on the ground. "I usually wait a week or two before I move like this just to see if you deserve the beat downs I was hired to pass out to you." A hard booted hoof crashes into the hyena's belly knocking him breathless. "You little shits set me off in three days. That almost never happens." As he turns around the other boys almost piss themselves. This isn't a cub standing before them, he's dangerous.

It's Martin that makes the next move trying to use his bigger size to push past the little stallion but the horse just side steps and plants a fist in the fat boys gut before sweeping his legs out from under him. "It's always the same with you bully boys thinking your so big and tough but you've never actually been in a real fight"

The horse turns to the raccoon. "As for you brat you are lucky I got here when I did."

Marcus whimpers a bit taking a step back from the kitten his flick knife held loosely in his fingers. "What are you talking about?" Whines the boy.

"Because if I'd gotten here after you'd started to use that knife, then what I'm gonna do to your friends would be down right pleasant compared to what I'd do to you." The horse smiles and takes a step forward," As is I may have break a few fingers as an object lesson because you like hurting people and need to know the worst of it."

The raccoon whimpers again the knife falling from nerveless fingers. "I wasn't really gonna do it I swear. Please don't hurt me." The bully falls to his knees in front of the smaller horse crying and blubbering for mercy.

"Just like I thought." A horse backhands the raccoon knocking him to the dirt. "You all pussed out like little bitches."

Whistling while he works the horse pulls off his belt and uses it to bind the raccoon's paws behind his back. He then tugs off the boys shoes, socks and pants before whipping the belt from Marcus's trousers and using it to restrain the still gasping Martin. And so on down the line.

With the three pants less bullies lined up against a wall there little grapes freezing on the dirty cement floor Cael squats down going through the cloths he'd pulled off them. "So I'm guessing you all thought you boys were hard didn't you?" He looks over his shoulder as he casually finishes rolling up a pair of dirty socks. The hyena is just glaring bloody daggers at him but the other two have their heads hung sheepishly. Diego mean while is a little stunned by all this just sitting on a crate with a cold damp rag pressed to his swollen eye. "Thought because you were bigger then me you could take me down easy right. But that kinda thing is true for kids, it don't work in the real world. I've been pulling this scam for years now and you lot barely got me to work up a sweat. Well we can change that part later. "

He grabs the last pair of socks and starts to roll it into a tight little ball. "See some one hired me to come and do this to you boys. Some one here at your school that doesn't like bullies. They told me all about you three." He stands up and juggles the three balled socks as he walks towards them. "Course I don't know who hired me, a teacher, parent, hell maybe even the principal that's happened before." He grins evilly before shoving a sock into the hyena's muzzle finishing the gag with a strip from the boy's underwear. He slaps the boys muzzle once and chuckles. "Don't worry sunshine this isn't done by a long shot." He gags the other two before walking over to Diego. "See this is why I told you to forget about this place. You really threw my plans off."

The little cat looks up at the man in awe, and a little fear. "Sorry," he mumbles into his feet. "I just wanted my stuff back."

Cael smiles and pats the kitten's head. "Well there you go now. The money is long gone but do you know who owns all this other stuff?" He smiles again as the kitten nods. "Good now run along, and give back to them. But don't tell anyone what's happening here I have a little more work to do on these boys."

Diego walks shakily to the door, a small backpack of personal electronics in one paw, before turning to the horse. "What are you gonna do to them?" He asks as the horse drags the tubby tabby Martin into the center of the room.

"Teach them what it's like to be helpless." Says the little paint as he flops the cat belly first onto a step stool.

Diego glares at the other cat for a moment still not sure what's going on but he sets down the bag. "Can I watch?"

Cael pauses and looks over at the kitten. He looks the boy up and down before nodding. "Yes, but you'll have to stay the whole time. And lock the door." He glances down at the tiger as he hears the new pad lock click into place. "Now I bet these last three days you boys thought I was just little for my age. Boy were you right but I'm big enough where it counts." The horse's pants hit the floor showing off already semi erect 9-inch slab of horsemeat. "See boys unlike you I'll never get any taller, but I do get bigger." He strokes it softly and it firms up nicely. "And the perks of the job, my breaking bullies like you is something I really love. No time for lube fat boy so I hope you like it rough." He slaps the boy's ass before mounting the tiger striped cat. His wide flat horse glans just presses against the pucker till both paws grip the kitten's hips and he plows deep. Cael closes his eyes and sighs in delight at the feel of the boy's muscles pressing down on him. The only thing that could possibly make it better is if that gag were gone hearing this little butterball squealing like a stuck pig would be so sweet. He makes do with another hard thrust. "Mmmm first time is the worst time ehh Martin? After I bugger your sorry fat ass my cock will be all slick so when I rape say Marcus over there it'll slide in no problem, but you no such luck is there." He rolls his hips starting a nice tight rut rhythm. Pounding into the kitten one hoof pawing at the ground. He groans loudly grinding into Martin. "Ohhh fuck boy... For such a lard ass it sure is tight. I'm already close to cumming." He open s his slotted eyes as he hilts into the little tiger. His eyes fall on Diego, and an evil thought strikes. "Hey Diego would you like to do more then just watch them get punished? Come a little closer." The horse isn't done yet but he pulls free with in one smooth stroke. He wanted this to last a little longer and waiting with his dick in the cat would have just let him get used to the girth. This way the boy will start to recover from it before he stretches that sore little anus wide open.

Diego looks a little shocked as the horse turns to him, the mans rather large erect member slick and dripping pre. "Wha... What do you mean do more?" He takes a step back a little worried.

The horse just smiles at him. "Well for one you can do what I'm doing." He winks at the cat. "Just this once any way. It'll feel really good for you too. Plus it'll teach Martin there a lesson I know he picked on you a lot. Do you wanna know why? It's cause he's just a house cat but he wants to be a big mean jungle cat but you, meek little you is a real jungle cat, and that just eats him up inside. Do you know what feral jungle cats do to show they are better then other cats?"

Little Diego is mesmerized by the horses words, "What do they do Mr. Cael?"

The horse grins and looks down at the kitten. "They prove they are the strongest by fucking their brains out. You should do that to Martin. You'll like it a lot I bet." The bourse reaches down opening the boy's zipper, freeing the kitten that despite himself had started to tent up. "It'll work good too cause of how our dicks are different. See mine is only uncomfortable for the bastards cause it's so big, but mines smooth." He places the kitten's paw on the shaft running it up and down. "See nice and smooth. If I wanted I could make this feel really good for these assholes. But your dick..." He reaches down stroking the kitten's semi hard member, one finger resting on one of the barbs teasing it up. "Your dick has these barbs, it's part of how cats are, they are sharp little prickers that will catch and sting each time you pull out." He flicks letting the barb spring back eliciting a pleasured little gasp from the cat "It'll hurt them but you'll feel great. It's up to you though you don't have to if you don't want to."

The horse leans back turning around; he slaps his dick and smiles. "So Martin ready to finish up round one?" He doesn't wait for a reply, not that he'd really get one through the gag as he presses his wide flat cockhead up against the already puffy red ring of the kitten's anus and drives forward hilting hard into the kitten. "God damn fat boy I might keep you for my self pound that ass all day and sleep on it like a pillow all night." He groans rocking into the boy hard with each thrust. The wet slapping noise of meat on meat filling the room as he grinds deep into that virgin hole. Pulling out almost all the way before ramming in to the crying little cat hard. The little horse lets out a whinny as his pace starts to pick up. His aching balls set to burst and this time there is no denying them. He grunts as he hunched over gripping the boy's shoulders hard enough to leave bruises as he climaxes, as the damn bursts the little horse hilts once more, grinding that cock in deep as streams of sticky seed pour from the horses flaring glans filling every nook and cranny with hot burning love... Or at least lust.

Cael pauses for a moment savoring a job well done, not to mention an anus well fucked. As much as he might like too, and he doesn't really, he can't rest on his laurels, he has other bullies to punish. He pulls his still pumping cock from the kitten with a wet splorch and a muffled squeal. He steps back spurting seed all over the boys butt and back.

Cael walks over to the raccoon, cock still sputtering, he balls up the front of the boys t shirt and uses that to drag him into the center of the room making sure Martin and Jared can see him. The horse leans down strong fingers gripping the coon by the muzzle. "Now Marcus before I fuck your ass like your fat friend there I'm gonna stick my cock in your mouth." He's lucky the gag makes this next part easy; he jams tough rubber wedges into the back teeth along each side of the jaw line. "Normally sticking your dick in some ones pie hole when they are afraid and scared that's a bad idea. They might try and bite it off. Always be prepared, like my old scoutmaster would say when fishing for a rubber. That's why I packed bite guards, the same thing the dentist uses to keep you from biting fingers." He tears out the sock gag before bringing his cock to eye level. A lazy squirt, on the dieing edge of the last orgasm splatters across the boy's face, his eyes tearing up from the stinging assault. Before the boy can even take a deep breath let alone shout for help that would never come the little stallion has forced half his length of still slick horseflesh past the raccoon's lips. "Mmmmmm Ohhh yeah. Not as tight as your ass will be but still damn good. By the way how does your fat friend taste? Is his flavor still there on my meat stick? But don't try to answer that it's rude to talk with your mouth full. Hey think like this do a good job and I might be too tired to pound your ass into the ground like I did him." He grabs the back of the raccoon's head forcing him to take all his cock despite how the kid struggles and cries. The short little horse lets out a low moan and smiles. Despite what he told to the bitch boy gagging on his cock he's used to these marathon fuck sessions, God there were twice this number of bullies at his last school. This won't help the kid out if anything it'll be worse. First few orgasms come quicker after that the balls need to recover so that good hard fucking will take its sweet ass time. He whinnies again feeling his nuts clench and the pulse of pleasure run up through his cock herding a tidal wave of thick rich protein before it. His hand grips the boys headfur holding him tight to his crotch as his balls start to empty themselves down into the coons gullet. Cael sighs as he holds the struggling boy close eyes closed till the fighting slows to almost nothing. Then the little horse unwraps his fingers from that gray and black head fur, letting gravity aid the poor lad in ejecting that still firing cock.

The boy falls backwards hands still bound behind him, he seems to move quickly but it still takes awhile till that thick horse head slides from the young bully's esophagus. Almost as if on cue the horse blasts the lad with another torrent of cum, the raccoon falls onto the pavement coughing and gagging as spent seamen dribbles from his nostrils and Is hacked in gobs onto the concrete floor. The boy rolls over onto his side trying to clear the stallion's musky deposits from his system.

Cael bends forward and drags the little raccoon along by the back of his now soiled shirt. They leave twin trails of slick shining goo behind them as the lads still coughing up his liquid lunch and the horse is still spurting from his third leg. He drops the boy on the ground next to Martin. The horse smiles down at his friend, since Diego has been staring at the tabby cat's twitching anus for a while now. The little black kitten fingering his own erection as he wonders if he should join in. "It feels really good I promise." Says the older horse. "How bout you start out slow. Just press the tip of your pecker against that little hole and see how that feels. You know like this..." The horse grabs the base of the coons tail and hauls him into position pressing his wide flat cockhead against that still virgin anus. Hesitantly the little cat does just that pressing the tip of his little erection against Martin's abused anus. "That's the spirit boy." Says the horse rapist as he swats the kittens back side encouragingly. He doesn't notice how the boy flinched forward burying the head of his member into his tormentor. "Now jus grab on to his hips and push in like this." Cael plows into the raccoon's warren mercilessly barely registering the boys pained gurgle. The boy's feet scrabble at the cement as he tries to get away but it's no use. Unlike the fast pounding use that the kitten was put to the coon takes dick to a different rhythm. His anus is plundered slower, deep, and hard with the horse drawing it out slowly making the lad feel every line, bump and vein in the shaft before thrusting it back in hard. Instead of a fast burst of jackhammer thrusts it's one drawn out pile driver punch to his prostate. Again and again the little rodent doesn't know if he's coming or going.

In the shadow of the horse drawn fuck machine stands the little black kitten. He honestly couldn't tell you how he got to this point in his life where he's buried balls deep in the ass of the boy who bullied him most. He never meant for this to happen but the stallion was telling the truth it did feel good. But no this is wrong he shouldn't and he starts to pull back meaning to stop all together. But then the first barb catches and the kitten's knees go weak at the intensity of the pleasure that has gripped his dick. The bully shudders feeling the tug but Diego doesn't notice that all he feels it's the twitch of the next spine, and the next as he pulls out. It's amazing and with a little yowl the kitten thrusts back in.

Marcus's eyes have crossed, and the raccoon is rolled over onto his shoulders having been twisted around at some point. The raccoon is slack jawed and drooling as he stares dully at the ceiling. The bully had cum twice now under the punishing pace. And at this point he isn't sure if this will ever end. But finally the horse lets out a whinny and the boy feels the liquid heat filling him from the other end now.

Cael pulls himself from the bully with the now familiar wet splatter of jizz. He lets gravity claim the coon as the boy collapses like so much used meat. The horse sighs, "Gods this feels good." He stretches his arms over his head bending from side to side for a moment. "I'll be with you in a minute Jared I gotta get my second wind." He glances down to Diego slumped over Martin's ass shuddering. Just then a fist hits his side staggering him. Cael winces glaring at the hyena, he's just a kid, and clumsy but rage powered fists can still hurt. "Ohhh never mind I think I'm ready for another go round." He grins evilly staring at the kid expecting a direct attack. Instead the hyena, who had wriggled free of his restraints, did the smart thing and dove for the flick knife. Course the truly smart thing would have been to go for it before announcing himself with the sucker punch to the ribs. The boy gets to it but a hoof stomping on his paw is enough to drive all thoughts of the knife from his mind. He howls gripping his pained hand rearing back only to take a quick punch to the gut.

The horse just sighs, "This is really my fault expecting a real fight from kids." The hyena is on his paws and knees hacking and coughing trying to catch his breath. But the horse just pushes the wheezing boy down onto his chest gripping the boys spotted hips. "By the way bitch boy you never did tell me if your sister does this to prove her dick is bigger." He leans in pressing his cock into the boy. Despite the fight being rather disappointing it still got Cael worked up. He grins evilly as his thick pole of horseflesh stretches the boy's virgin hole mercilessly. "Ohhh look how easily it slipped in." Lied the little horse as he fights that burning ring of muscle. "I was right wasn't I?" He says it loudly making sure all the boys can hear. "Damn it's a good thing I'm so big as loose as your ass is you wouldn't notice a normal cock. So tell me how many times a day does your sister pound this ass into submission? Once or twice before school I bet ohh and I bet she even fucks you into bed at night." The horse has to keep from laughing the boys never gonna live this down. Granted his sister's clit is probably bigger then the little brats dick but he knows a virgin passage when he's demolishing it. He grunts loudly building to one last climax. He groans before driving deep and painting the kids bowels off white. He doesn't wait to stop he just pulls out splattering the Cubs ass with watery seed. He pushes the boy over onto his back dragging him over to the others by his shirt. Semi hard cock spraying jizz down his front

Meanwhile Diego seems to have moved over to the raccoon and the little kitten purrs as he humps away at that stripy coon ass.

Cael pulls the kitten off the coon and sits him down in the corner. He the. Lines the three bullies up along one wall. He slaps each boy's face just hard enough to make sure they are awake. "Now boys we need to talk about your future. See if your lucky you will never, ever see me again. But if you break my rules I will come back, and this time I'll bring friends. Think my cock was bad you should see this moose I know. Rule one... This ends here, if I hear about you returning to your old way well then hold on to your butts. Rule two... No revenge. This isn't one I usually have to mention but if I hear you did anything to Diego life will not go well for you not only will we be back but you will end up leaving with us we will chew you up and spit you out. They might find you 5 years down the road blowing truckers at a rests top for pancake money but by then you won't be you no more. And lastly rule three... No cops, you boys even think about going to the police look here." He pulls out his cell phone and shows them a video. It's a play back of the three of them wailing on Diego before Carl arrived. "I have other angles too. I ever see you near a station and the police see this. I'll end it before you kids get your asses handed to you but after they see that I doubt the cops will listen to a bunch a thugs like you". He stands up sliding into his pants, and helping Diego on with his. "Now we are leaving boys. Jared has his hands free so when he's up to it he can free the rest. Your pants are around here somewhere but I'd not let people see you in this condition the word might get out you were a bunch of fags or something. You could wait here amongst the smells of sex and the semen stains till it got dark enough to slip home with no one seeing you. But what if the grounds keepers come? And my buddies will be here later for our cameras if they find you here it might be time for a part two to the show. But that's all your problem bitches." The horse pats back his hair before pulling the kitten out into the sun with him.

They walk casually off the campus and into a gas station parking lot. They wait five minutes till a pumpkin orange station wagon pulls into the lot. Cael opens the back door and ushers the kitten in. "Diego meet my husband Bruno." He gestures to the driver's seat where a bull moose in a powder blue tank top and baggy shorts sits.

Bruno smiles up at the rear view mirror and waves. "Nice to meet you kid, Cael's told me loads about you and your even cuter then on camera."

The horse chuckles for a moment. "Now Diego I made come with me for a couple of reasons."

The little black kitten adjusts the crotch in his pants. "Is it cause you're gonna make me disappear so I can meet your friends?" The kittens voice is a bit breathy, excited and thinking it might not be a bad thing. Not if it made his wiener tingle like it did.

"What?! Oh no no no Diego no." The little stallion sounds shocked. "Your a good kid, and he'll we don't even really do love that to the bad kids... Well not often anyway. No we are taking you back to our place to get you washed up make sure your okay and to explain a few things okay?"

The boy looks a little shaken like the adrenaline of every thin is finally catching up to him. "Yeah okay."

"Good." Says the horse also nodding. "First let me tell you something, a lot of what I said back there is bullshit. It's meant to scare the brats. I don't want you growing up thinking you pretty little penis hurts people. Yes you have those spines but they aren't really sharp, I said that so the fat fuck would hear it, mind over matter he heard the were sharp so he'd jump and panic at every little tug. Next..." They spent the rest of the trip talking morals with Cael and occasionally Bruno talking morals, and how they were not to be looked up to, rules of consent, birds and the bees, rape is wrong, despite what they just did, and how Cael was a bad bad man. Overall just trying to get the kitten back into a normal headspace. It seemed to work and as they pulled into the motel the boy was least calmer.

They led the boy into the room showed him to the bathroom with orders to shower while Bruno heads off to wash up his clothes. Ten minutes pass as the horse putters around just waiting for his own chance in the shower. He passes close to the door and hears a moaned "Oh Mr. Cael."

Startled the horse skids to a halt staring at that slightly ajar door. "What the hell?" he mutters before peeking in. The curtain is open and under he water he can see the black kitten leaning against the wall ass towards the door one paw trying to finger his butt hole.

"He told me about how it could feel good having things up your butt, as good as when you stroke your wiener, but my fingers aren't big enough Mr. Cael's thingy is much bigger. I bet it would fee better too." His wet tail lashes back and forth as that one paw tries to finger at his hole. The boy stops suddenly starring at the horse in the doorway. The little wet kitten looking like a deer in the headlights. He looks the tiny adult over before clutching both paws to his chest. "Please sir." He looks away from the horse his tail twitching. "Please."

Cael takes a deep breath, honestly not sure what to do here. This was never part of the job but in a sadistic moment he got this kid involved in his mind games with those schoolyard brats. He was responsible for the kid's sexual awakening and he couldn't leave the boy in that brutal place. Should he show him it could be nice. The horse steps out of his cloths and into the shower. "Okay Diego if you're sure you want this."

The kitten nods. "Yes please." Mews the boy that wet tail lashing against the now close horse.

With a globe of motel lotion he starts to lube up his member. He guided his slick sex up to the Cubs little pink pucker. After this morning he would have sworn his cock would have been out for a week but some how this little kitten has breathed new life into it. "Last chance to back out." He presses in letting the boy feel the flat head of his cock against his rump.

Instead of answering Diego just pushes back with a low moan, impaling himself on the tiny horse.

Cael moans and just steps into the boy pushing him back against the wall. The horse moves in filling the boy with his member. He pauses as the kittens voice catches with a hiss of pain. "Are you okay do you want me to stop?"

The cub whimpers and bits his lip shuddering, as he shakes his head no. "It's good, it's good keep going." He's determined to take it all. While the pattering splashes of the shower head muffle the moaning of the man and cub the wetness seems to amplify the actual sound of there sex, wet fur on wet fur, skin meeting skin as there primal love lacking moves harder and faster. Diego is surprised at the sensation, oh gods was it uncomfortable at first but the little horse was right it started to feel good soon after. Being filled with the mans warmth it touched him in a way that no one else ever had. And when the mans gripped his kitten cock it was almost too much. He mewed softly as strong fingers danced over his dick flicking the spines expertly like he was practicing his finger work on the skin flute.

The light in the bathroom changes as some one big step between the shower and the light. "Well well now I'm gone to do the laundry and this is what I find at home. You two were supposed to be cleaning up not fooling around." Bruno steps into the shower himself, pants gone, but he still has the blue shirt on.

Cael pauses and looks back to the moose. "He said he needed this honey. Besides I opened his eyes to what sex is I thought it best to show him it could be sweet and nice too not just what napped in the shed." He meeps when he feels the moose's thick length pressed against his own unprotected ass.

"I under stand lover and agree." Says the moose with a groan as he wedges his thick cock head into the horse's anus. "I just think you should have waited for me."

Diego mean while is oblivious to what's happening behind him other then the fact that the horse has stopped. He whines softly pushing back when suddenly both he and his horsy friend are slammed forward pressed into the wall that horse cock driven deep into the kitten.

Both the boy and adult mingle there moans as Bruno lets loose. The poor moose is pent up; he watched the cameras all day watching his little hubby destroying those boys' backsides. He never touched himself he waited originally planning to screw that little pony butt all night long but walking in on this it's too much. He holds the little by his wrists keeping the boy still against the wall as he literally fucks Cael into him.

The horse moans loudly now he'd already been close but now it was maddening. He wanted to cum, needed too, and when his balls finally caught up to his lust he did. The moose cock drove him forward slamming him balls deep into the kitten as his cock erupts. He wraps both arms around the boy clinging to him as he fills Diego groaning as he tries to hold still for the kitten even as his husband pounds his ass.

Bruno hears his little stallion moan and he feels him tense up. He knows what that means and he lets the horse finish, he doesn't stop fucking, but he gives the smaller man time to come down. After a moment or two the bull moose pulls his throbbing cock free. His hands shift to Cael's hips and he pulls him free as well. He stares down as horse seed starts to spill from the purring kittens ass.

Diego doesn't know what to feel he's a little sore but the heat inside him that felt good. While his mind seems confused his body seems to be on point as he purrs out contentedly. But then a bigger stronger paw grips his shoulder and something even bigger then before fills up his back passage. The kitten squeals, it's not pained more surprised as he's stretched just a bit wider.

With the head in Bruno shifts his paws to the boy's hips working himself into the kitten with a slow steady beat. He groans knowing he won't last long not after everything today. He pushes as much as he can into the kitten and after only a few steady strokes he lets out a deep moan of relief and releases a high-pressure stream of moose juice all over Diego's rectum. "Oh gods kid that was wonderful." He pulls back letting his cock pop out with a wet slurp as copious amounts of mingled jizz splatters across the tub floor. Diego is slumped against the wall shuddering, breathing deeply. "OH no are you okay kid? I wasn't to rough was I?"

He steps closer, they both do to see if the Cubs all right when the black kitten turns tears in his eyes but smiling happily. He kisses the moose on the tip of his cock, and licking the taste of seed from his lips. The boy puts his arms around the both for a hug. "Thank you so much."

Bruno just blushes not really used to this kinda thing. "Aw shucks kid it was nothing. Now you get cleaned up for real this time we gotta get you home in a bit." He guides the horse out of the bathroom and closes the door behind them.

"So what should we..." Starts the horse when the bull just pushes him onto the bed. For the next half hour as the kitten cleans himself down the moose rocks that bed frame doing his best to destroy his husbands ass as he continues to work out his pent up lusts.