Serving A New Master (Commission)

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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Your quiet evening stroll is interrupted by a devious nighttime creature that will forever change your life.

A mid length commission for avatar?user=209520&character=0&clevel=2 Raak(FA: tanraak ) with his devious, shiny lil batty self. You chose the wrong night to wander into his hunting grounds, while he was out looking for his own prey. This is an adult work featuring mind control/hypnosis, Latexification and M/M sex. So it goes without saying that if you are under the age at which viewing this material is legal in your country of residence, or if these or the other tags on the side are not your cup of tea, coffee, cocoa or scotch I have plenty other works that you are welcome to peruse. Otherwise, enjoy.

The silvery light of the moon filtered through the trees, cool breeze sending them swaying from side to side as you took a deep breath of the cool air, enjoying the early spring air as it coursed around your body. The soft crunch of your boots on the dirt sent your ears twitching as your tongue wrapped around your muzzle, licking your lips as you enjoyed the quiet of the early evening as you strolled through the park. The quiet solitude of the park was a great place to think and contemplate your place in the world. To wonder what and why you do the things you do. To try and make sense of a world full of chaos.

But you weren't the only one going through the park that night. A silent shadow traced behind you, cruising just over the trees being certain to stay just out of your view. The shadow waited patiently as he glided silently along the treeline, his piercing eyes running over the canopy as his shadow followed in his wake, flitting across the leaves. His wings idly flapped as he followed the sound of your footfalls, the crunch against the soft ground, scattered leaves and sticks following you as you reached the deepest depths of the woods, high over the winding roads that led into the park. Panting softly, you rest against one of the many Pine trees, looking out over the city as you caught your breath.

Before your eyes, the light of the full moon died slowly as it slid behind the clouds, sending the ground into further darkness as you looked out over the lights of the distant city far below. With a soft thud, something lands behind you, sending you jumping before you slowly turn around. The shadow looming over you blotted out the stars as it seemed to grow larger before you as two brilliant amber orbs opened, locking on your eyes as your muzzle slid open, yelling out for help as your mind screamed at you to flee.

But nothing escaped. Your voice caught in your throat as your eyes locked onto those glowing orbs moving closer to you, your body refusing to respond to your commands to run.

"You look exhausted. Why don't you kneel down for a spell." His soft, smooth voice teased your ears, sending them flicking back as you gulped, before trying again to scream for help. You saw him move closer to you, those eyes looming over you even more as you the shadow moved closer, hues of purple starting to appear in the dim light as the lighter sky silhouetted the shadow. Your body tried to drop, but your mind fought back, standing on your feet.

"I promise I won't hurt you. I'm just a humble traveler like your self." His voice came again, echoing softly as the soft words bounced about your mind, as he moved closer to you. A flash of white broke the darkness as a fanged smile broke across the dark shadow, pearly fangs glinting in the moonlight. As the moon freed itself from the clouds, the silvery light glinted across the creature that had intruded on your nighttime sojourn, its light playing across his sleek, glossy body and shining into your eyes an otherworldly sheen.

"Just keep me company for a bit. Would that be so bad?" He asks you, moving closer as his hands landed on your shoulders, gentle on your skin as his eyes danced in your vision. Your will to resist slowly faded, those eyes simultaneously beautiful and terrifying as their gaze entangled you. Your knees trembled as his arms gripped your shoulders gently, easing you to the ground as your knees failed, your entire field of vision wrapped in his shiny black wings as he encircled you with them. Your body fell to your knees as those devious eyes locked on you, his fangs bared wide in a dark grin as he stared at you. The creature stalked closer to you, forcing your eyes to take in his form as your voice caught in your throat, speechless at the beast that had effortlessly captured you.

The sleek skin coating his body shone in the moonlight, its muscles chiseled in stark contrast against the shiny black skin. Dark, inky wings shone as they hung from his thick, muscular arms, wrapped around you, the ends of those wings ending in nasty claws that currently forced you to your knees as your eyes drank in the powerful form that was controlling you. Glistening fangs dripped saliva as his long, forked, purple tongue slid across his black lips, making the surface shine even more brilliantly in the moonlight as his gaze kept itself locked on yours as the scent of latex and...and...male permeated every breath you took.

You fought to raise yourself to your feet as his arm let you raise yourself up just a few inches before he smiles darkly down at you before pushing you down again, just proving how powerless you were. Heavy pectoral muscles flex as he pushes you down, thick biceps from years of flying following along, partly from the exertion, but mostly as a show of power as you felt his strength on you. Those eyes locked on you as he smiled darkly down on you, knowing that you were becoming his property.

"Such a beautiful view here." He smiled fangily, looking over the glittering city as one hand left your shoulder before it ran down his stomach, tracing down the powerful abs that demanded your eyes, bolts of purple lightning flanking his abs and drawing attention to the hefty testicles beneath the thick, bulging sheath above it. His clawed finger traced along the outside of his sheath, before moving to idly fondle the heavy, black sack beneath it. Two hefty balls rolled between his hands. You felt the need to just bury your face in them for just a moment.

'No!' Your mind screamed at you, sending a shudder as you tried to get off your knees, failing miserably and taking a gasp of the pungent air. But another part, the more primal part deep in the recesses of your grey matter just wanted to know more, to explore this...creature. Would curiosity kill this cat too?

You gulped as his masculinity filled your gaze and his scent, full of musk and the scent of pungent latex, filled your nose. Each slow breath sent more and more of the addictive scent into your lungs, each breath trying to get just a little more to send more endorphins through your body. His chest heaved up and down with each breath as he looked down at you, smiling deviously as he wrapped his tail around your back and over your shoulder, holding you completely in his embrace as he gently pet your head with his hand. As as he looked down at you, his latex body glistened as he pet you gently, whispering softly as he held you close. Building waves of lust ran through your body with each breath you took, growing stronger with time.

"I can tell you have a lot on your mind, boy. Let the weight of your world fall from your shoulders for just a little while. It is only the two of us here. Let me take over." His voice teased your ear as his tongue ran up and down your ear. His warm breath washed over you, sending your fur standing on end as his presence grew stronger and stronger in your mind as he teased you. "You wonder what it is like, don't you?You can feel this powerful body pressed against you. Well go on, feel it. I don't bite unless you want me to." He smiled as he pet your fur, pulling you closer to his side as he moved your head against his chest. Your senses were overpowered by him as he pulled you to his smooth chest, his thick scent filling your mind as the remains of your will to fight back and escape rapidly ebbed. If you took your time you could escape. Sometimes it was worth patience.

Your breathing slowed as fear backed away from the forefront of your mind, the adrenaline coursing through your veins being quickly replaced as endorphins poured from your mind into your blood. Each slow breath took more and more of the creature's potent scent into your sinuses as your heartbeat slowed, each beat matching the powerful thumps emanating from your captor's chest as your head lay against it..

"Good boy." The creature whispered softly as he gently rubbed your head. "My name is Raak. But you can call me Master." Each pet sent another jolt of pleasure through your mind as his claws teased through your headfur, massaging your scalp as he pulled you closer, arms wrapped tightly around you as his tongue teased your ear as he whispered softly into it. "Isn't it nice to let me take over for all that tough thinking? Sometimes you just need to step away from it all."

'No!' the word screamed through your mind, sending you jerking backwards before your back hit the wings trapping you in, that primal mind rebelling against the fear as your body reached back to his chest. The powerful limbs pulled you closer to the shining body of your captor, sending his potent scent into your nose as you grunted softly at the shock of the impact, both from his wings and his chest.

"Bad boy!" Your captor huffs softly as he wraps his claws around your head, pulling you closer. "You're so tense. You need to just relax. I won't hurt you. Just lay your head against me." His voice sent shivers down your spine as the pungent scent of his latex body coated your nose as he pressed you against the slick material, his clawed hand running up and down your back as he leans down, his long, forked tongue sliding from his mouth as he licks gently at your ears, biting softly at them as you find yourself nuzzling against his chest, accepting that you couldn't overpower him. But why would you want to?

Your struggles slowly subsided as he trapped you in his strong embrace, the potent scent dulling your mind in cottony wraps as you felt him petting and rubbing at you as he whispered softly in your ear. "You just need to service me, Boy."

'Do I' The question flashed through your mind as the bat's claws traced through your fur, but the words that escaped your maw were definitely definitive.

"Yes, Master."

"Good boy." Came the soft, soothing whisper of your Master as He held you close to His warm body as He caressed you. "Explore your Master's body."

Your aware mind fights the sensations of warmth and pleasure flooding your body as your paws slid across the slick latex skin of the beast whose wings wrapped around you, holding you close. Your paws slid up and down His back, the smooth skin rubbing under your paws as your fingers and claws rub up and down the powerful sides, a soft squeak escaping the smooth rubber as you ran up and down your Master.

"Such a powerful Master." You breathily whisper before you catch yourself, your paws wandering toward His chest, rubbing up and down the powerful chest of the creature taking you. Your hands wrapped around His hefty pectorals, feeling the power buried in His chest as you sheepishly looked up, locking on His glowing eyes as He bared His fangs in a sinister smile. A normal man would have feared the thoughts that burned behind those glowing eyes and that fangy grin but you felt none of that fear.

Only awe.

His chest flexed beneath your paws, the power apparent as the chest bounced as you squeezed gently, feeling your own organ growing thicker as you caressed the muscles, letting one paw slide through the tight, slick abs that graced His chest as your other traced the brilliant purple striping on your Master's shoulders, tracing them from the tops of His pectorals and up, across His deltoids and out onto the top of the latex wings wrapping around you.

You see Him smiling down on you, obviously enjoying Himself as further thoughts slithered into your ears and served to corrupt your mind. You place your head against His chest, the thumping of his powerful heart thudding into your ears, slowing your thoughts as His hands caressed your head. Your tongue snaked from your mouth, the powerful taste of the rubbery skin coating your taste buds and sending a spike of pleasure through your mind.

Your tongue ran across that plump pec, the slick skin sweet on your tongue as you slid your tongue around His nipple, the texture just different enough from the smooth skin to drive your interest as your tongue ravishes your Master's chest. Each lap sends another jolt of pleasure through your mind as the taste wraps around your tongue, driving each lick and lap to try get more and more of the powerful taste.

Your tongue laps eagerly, the smooth, warm skin soon dripping in your saliva as you lap at the potent latex. Your tongue slides down along His chest, diving into the crevasses between His powerful muscles as He merely smiles down at you as you worship his body. As your tongue slid across each ab, the idea that you would ever want to get away stepped just a hair further back into your mind, growing smaller and quieter.

"Good boy." He merely grins down again as you take a deep breath. Every sense is filled with the sensation of your Master as you run your tongue across your lips. His taste still covers both your lips and tongue as you breathe in the potent, latex musk pouring from the bat wrapping around you and holding you in His thrall. Your hands kneaded His sides as his voice echoed through your mind, your ears perked to hear his next orders.

His head dropped down towards you, jaws opening wide before He pressed it against you, His tongue sliding inside your maw effortlessly as He took your mouth as His property. His eyes locked on yours as your tongues slid against each other, yours following His like an obedient puppy.

You could feel your sheath growing thicker and more insistent as His tongue conquered your mouth, his saliva marking you properly. His hands roughly ran across your body as you reveled in the direct attention of your Master. He pulled back from your maw as His tongue slid across your muzzle, His saliva matting your fur. His scent now marked you as His property. His Bitch.

You shuddered at the thought, your mind racing as it tried to put its thoughts back into coherence as the taste of your Master and His scent wrapped its way through your mind and dominated your thoughts. That realization had just barely pulled you back from submission to your him.

"Looks like we have a strong one." The bat smiled as he cooed gently. "That's alright. They make the best toys for a Master like me. You'll love it. I guess I was stretching the truth earlier a bit." His grin darkens as his claws dig into you, rooting you into place as his maw slowly dropped toward the crook of your neck. "This will only hurt for a moment. And you will revel in this gift. A moment of pain, but a lifetime of unimaginable pleasure." With a quick lunge, a flash of pain and warmth floods through you as the bat buries his fangs in your neck. The warmth floods through you, spreading through your body with a rapidity that felt almost inhuman. Your vision faltered, quickly recovering, although it was different.

A tinge of yellow coated your sight as you desire and need flooded your body as the warmth coated you. Heat flooded your groin as you could feel your cock throbbing in your sheath as your Master released your neck, hit tongue tracing around the two punctures, licking up the black ooze flowing from them. Lust flooded your mind as the shrinking part of your mind that only seconds before had rallied, trying to put together an escape shuddered and fell further back into your mind.

With a heavy thud you fell to your knees, your paws spreading your Master's legs as your eyes drank in the intoxicating scent filling your breath and sight of two heavy balls, their slick, black skin glistening in the moonlight as your tongue slid around the sides of your mouth, wetting your lips. The small voice calling for your escape grew even smaller with each breath.

'I've gotta flee....but'

"Keep going, toy." Your Master hissed gently as He flexed His thighs, sending the balls jumping as His sheath grew plump, pulsing with each beat of His powerful heart.

Your tongue slid across those two orbs, the potent secretions of your latex Master sending endorphins flooding your body as they lit up your tongue. It was like licking an ice cream cone with every one of your favorite foods and flavors all at once. That tiny voice in your mind screamed at you, but you were getting more and more able to ignore that worrywart. Why should you run from your Master?

Why? When He was so good for you?

Your Master's hand landed on your head, rubbing gently as your tongue slavered across those heavy balls, searching out the powerful tastes as your tongue ran across the unnaturally smooth veins crisscrossing his skin. Pure pleasure shot through your body as you ran your tongue across His taint, running from one powerfully wrapped thigh to the other before taking one of the hefty orbs into your mouth.

Your Master pet your head gently as you stared at the tip of the brilliant purple cock peeking free from His sheath, sucking at the heavy sack in your mouth as it was a bottle full of formula. Your claws teased up and down His hips as you held him as close as you could to your maw, every breath full of him. Fingers thrummed on His toned ass as your eyes looked up pleadingly at your Master, nearly begging like a feral dog to get a chance at the growing cock pressing out from His chest.

The bat smiled a dark, knowing grin as His paws teased your head, His head dropping to lock on your eyes, the amber eyes no longer seeming full of malice but full of power and authority. Your own eyes begged at your king as the need to service His most precious and currently prominent part.

"Enjoy your Master's spire, toy." His voice hissed before you leapt almost instantly once He gave permission. Your tongue ran up and down the growing purple spire as you pulled yourself as close as you could. Your tongue slid around the chiseled tip of the slick cock, letting the flexible muscle dip into the lip of the sheath, searching out more and more of the sensual thrills of exploring your Master. The powerful taste of a real male filled your mind as you reached the most potent taste of your Master that was possible. Your mind spun as the final spurts of that worrying voice in the back of your mind screamed its last, falling into the void.

All that remained was the need to serve your Master. To feel him inside you. His scent and taste covering you deep in the powerful scent of a masculine beast of a bat. There was no need to use your own thoughts to take care of yourself. Your Master would take care of that. All that you needed to do was to serve him like a good toy.

The thoughts rapidly fled your mind as your Master could feel the increasing fervency of the licks and pokes of your tongue. He could smell the changing scent that your body gave off. No longer were you an individual. You were merely a toy for the male whose throbbing cock you were worshiping.

Without a warning, your Master's maw split in a darker grin as His paw wrapped around your head, pressing your maw insistently onto His thick cock. The unrelenting force didn't relent as you gagged as the rod filled your mouth. But His control over your own body was no less total than the control your Master had over His own body. But that was to be expected; you were naught but an extension of His body. Something as minor as a gag reflex would be no complication for him.

Your throat bulged gently as you swallowed that huge cock, both you and him willing your throat to allow the throbbing tool into your body. With insistent pressure He pressed that rod deeper and deeper into you as every breath you could take was full of His scent, sending your own cock throbbing between your legs, pre drooling freely into a puddle on the floor. His bulging knot teased your nose, the sensitive flesh rubbing gently across your nose, almost squeaking cutely as your Master ground your face into His crotch, growling softly as He held you in place before He pushed you off.

Emptiness filled you as you felt your Master pulling himself out of you. Your claws dug into His muscular ass, trying to pull him back into your mouth. You felt His claws dig back into you in return before His free hand slapped at your cheek, your head flailing back as your hands lost their grip on His ass.

"Toys don't get to control their Master." His voice snarled down at you as blood dripped from His claws, your cheeks matting slowly as it drooled from the clawmarks on your cheek.

"Yes, Master." Your chastened voice ekes out. "I don't know what I was thinking. I just need your-"

"I know exactly what you need, toy." He interrupted with a snarl before, with a mammoth thrust He bottomed himself out in your throat again.

Your mind leapt for joy as He worked himself into a hard and fast rhythm, obviously using you for His pleasure, not giving a shit if you got any pleasure or not. He growled as His hand tightened on your head, claws digging in as His cock tried to break new ground as He hammered into your face, fucking you with every fiber of His being as you reveled in the feeling of being used by such a beautiful, powerful creature. Hot fluids filled your mouth as His thrusts grew more and more erratic.

The black fluid coated your mouth, drooling out the corner of your mouth as you could feel His knot growing larger and wider in your maw. You could feel the knot growing wider in your maw, quickly locking your maw to His groin as your tongue slavered around the cock, running across the thick veins crisscrossing the thick meat throbbing and drooling in your mouth.

Precum pours from your own cock as you swallow around the thick cock deep in your throat, trying to get the cock to spew inside you, for your Master to not only mark the outside of your body but to fill you to the brim with His potent seed. To mark the inside of you as much as He had already marked and taken possession of the rest of your body.

His eyes lock on yours as your tongue wraps itself around that throbbing cock deep inside your maw as your eyes plead up at him to fill you like you deserve. The sight of His aloof, arrogant face grinning darkly down at you as His groin fills your view sends your own groin into overdrive, your own cock jumping as you could see that your Master knew just how much you were worth.

Just as much as He valued you. Nothing but His toy.

That thought sends you over the edge as your cock jumps, hot seed spewing from it as your body accepts its position. The feeling of your Master using you like the toy that you were cemented it. You were His.

Your Master's grin only spread as He saw the last eruptions of your body spewing forth, a pearlescent puddle growing with each splash of semen. Each shot sent pleasure through your body, His cock throbbing in time as He hammered your face before slamming himself as deep as He could, His claws digging into the back of your head as hot seed flooded your throat, a splash sent into your sinuses as He pumped himself into you.

His cry of pleasure filled your ears, sending your pleasure even higher as you saw that you had done your job. You had brought your Master to the pinnacle of pleasure as He filled your maw and throat, seed filling you with its black, corruptive influence as every breath you took was full of His musky, rubbery stench and driving you wild, your tail swinging wildly behind you as His wings held you in their embrace.

"Good toy." Your Master's voice hisses, obviously pleased as He breathes out slowly as He continues to slowly fill you with His seed. He pulls back slowly, removing His bulging cock from your throat. Your lips wrap tightly around His slick scepter, tasting every drop of your saliva mixed with His potent seed as each vein send shivers of pleasure as you felt it pulling across your lips. Thick seed drooled onto your tongue as you raced to swallow the thick liquid before He pulled himself fully out.

"Now to fully improve you." He smiled an evil grin as His paw grabbed the knotted base of His cock, pulling out just enough to slip His cock from your maw. Heady, black pre drooled from the tip, your tongue following it out before He slapped it across your face. Hot, black cum slings across your face, marking your fur with a spotted line of His most potent fluid.

You smiled as you felt the hot seed coating you face, feeling it slowly drooling down your fur before cooling.

And stopping.

And spreading.

Cool latex slowly spread from that small line, the thick, black fluid shining in the moonlight as you looked up adoringly at your Master, your cock still half hard even though you had already made a sizable puddle on the floor. You could feel the change as warm fur was coated by the slick, warm substance. It wrapped through your fur, each strand pulling back until it lay flat against your body, smooth and sleek. Thin tendrils of the liquid rubber pressed out from that first spurt as your Master looked down, arrogantly calm in the knowledge that you belonged completely to him.

Your body shudders as the pleasing feeling of the cool latex coats your face, cool air striking it and sending pleasure through your body as your Master's hand raises, running gently down the side of your face.

"Good pet. Enjoy your Master's gift". His voice caressed your ear as His clawed hand caressed your cheek, petting you gently as you enjoyed the feeling of His slick hand on your skin. The shining black latex slowly spread across your head, coating your ears in its cool embrace, sending the pleasure through your mind, only reinforcing the mind numbing wraps from your Master's soft caresses.

The cool, smooth latex oozes its way down your body, your soft fur replaced by the embrace of your Master's own latex skin, gifted to you from His own body. Your paws rub up and down His body, rough pawpads teasing across His smooth latex, rubbing up and down the mountains and valleys of His Master's chiseled physique, bulging muscles teasing under His smooth skin as the latex coating your body subsumes your muscles, a lithe form following in its wake as it coats you, running down your body in a wave.You could feel the thick rubber wrapping around your neck as it formed a thick band. A collar to show off who owned you.

Your chest is subsumed in the cool latex, thick, pinchable nipples prominent on the smooth, sleek skin as years of flab are removed, melting away under the touch of your Master. Touch by touch, inch by inch the years fell off as your Master gave you His gift. His claws ran gently across your body, tracing new lines of black across you, the corruption of His form spreading across your body.

Your tongue slid across your maw, tracing the slick rubber now coating it as you racked your mind, trying to find more ways to service your mouth. Lean muscle pressed across your arms as the flab withdrew, years and years of misuse falling away at the touch of your Master. Every breath you took was filled with your Master, heat welling inside you as your lungs filled with the musky smell of His powerful masculine form.

"Embrace my gift, boy." His voice rose in an audible smile as the rubber spread across your body, smooth latex flowing as just as the drive of your Master had flowed across your body. Smooth claws coated in black rubber ran against your Master's smooth hide, gently scratching him as the liquid mark flowed across you, marking you as nothing greater than property for all of your future.

His claws dug in, leaving streaks of bright purple marking their trail as He left His personal trail on you as the rubber coated your hips. Your body lay fully bared, never too ashamed to hide from your Master the full breadth of His property. Every increasingly glossy inch of your body belong to him, your mind begging for him to take even more possession of His property as the ooze coated you.

Your claws dug into the dirt as the latex flowed down your hips, sleek, glossy shininess replacing the thick fur coating them. You could smell the heady scent of rubber almost dripping out of the air, your nose already having locked down the potent scent of your Master, filing it away, the memories of your past life wiped away. Only He was worth saving the space.

The latex finished its slow spread, the thick gloss unbroken across your entire body. Thick, shiny black latex coated your body, your Master's black and violet body reflecting against your shining form. Strips of jagged purple ran across your body, marking the spots where your Master had dug His claws deep into your skin, rough sex nothing more than just another way your Master could use you.

Your maw broke into a fangy grin, saliva dripping down your fangs, easily capable of spreading your Master's gift whenever He commanded you, whenever it would serve to expand His dominion among the living world. Pleasure filled you as your violet gaze met His amber, the love and adoration of him pouring from you, no need for any other information to waste space in your brain.

Your arms wrapped around His body, feeling His wings wrapping around you as He pressed you against His chest, your muzzle between His pecs, your nose huffing deeply as the powerful scent of him and His latex body filled you with the warm sensation of pleasure as His claws and paws teased against your back, running up and down as He smiles down at you. His chest tastes different to your changed taste buds, the sensation of your latex tongue and damp saliva coating your Master's glossy form sending shivers down your spine.

You couldn't believe that such a perfect Master allowed you to worship him. Your hands ran up and down His corded sides, feeling the cool latex under your finger as He wrapped you in a tight embrace, every inch of your body alight in pleasurable fire as every inch of you was pressed tightly against him. Another rush of heat filled your body as His fangs sank deep into your shoulder, potent venom flowing into your veins as His bite was etched on your skin.

You had been permanently marked as His property.

And you loved it.

"Thank you sir." Even your voice had shifted, the formerly normal timbre moving higher, matching your newly lithe body.

"You'll make a good toy, boy." You could tell that your Master was proud of you and pleased with your new body, obviously looking forward to further being able to use you as one of His hands wandered beneath your tail, the claw slipping into your clenching asshole as His other clawed hand wrapped around your shoulder, helping you to your feet.

His powerful arm helped lift you without difficulty, pulling you to your feet and your muzzle out of the crevice of His pecs, His eyes locking on you as He wrapped His wing around your shoulder.

"Come with me, toy. Let's go somewhere more private to get more acquainted." His smile was a flash of white against His night black skin as you felt your cock jerk back up as you looked over your Master.

"Shhhhhh." Your Master hissed. "Patience, toy. I'll take you when I am good and ready."

His control over you was complete, your erection dying rapidly and slipping into your latex sheath as your body calmed down rapidly, the feelings dying as your Master clipped a lead you the collar permanently wrapped around your neck, the click of the metal snap echoing through the small woods before He turned toward the exit.

"Come, toy." He smiled as He gave the lead a quick jerk, sending a jerk through your neck as He headed back toward the city.

You couldn't understand why He had to leash you. He was the only thing you needed to consider from now on. Your one point of reference in life, the only thing you ever needed again.

Of course you would follow him anywhere, do anything.

He was your Master after all.

I hope you enjoyed. Comments, votes and faves are always welcome. I am open for commissions. Have a look at Commissions Commissions for more information or PM me.