Summer Heat – Chapter 30: Bunny heat

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#30 of Summer Heat

A bit late because of the maintenance but here is the next chapter. I am not sure how much time I will find next weekend but I will try to be in time with the next chapter.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 30: Bunny heat

May started with a surprise. A bit earlier as expected Paula went into labor and at the evening of the first May she got a small girl that she named Sandra. Because everyone liked Paula and she was the one caring for their cubs the most, they all congratulated her warmheartedly before Bertha made sure that the mother and her daughter got some sleep. Bertha herself sported a big belly, just like Lena. Both of them were the next in line but expected to get their cubs at the end of May. Zen had quite some questions that came up in the last weeks but did not find the right time to ask Paula and when he was present at the labor of the beaver woman he remembered them. Right after giving birth he did not want to disturb the peace of his daughter and her mother and therefore only cuddled up with them and talked about their daughter and let Paula decide on the topic.

The week went by and life returned to the usual rhythm. Zen held most of the classes with Mara now and the two 16 years old girls Minna and Gilla helped Paula with the cubs. It was Sunday and all the girls slept a bit longer but Zen was awake early this morning. He went through a few of his files on all the girls and thought about the question he wanted to ask Paula again. Even though all the girls that went into heat had given birth already, they did not go into heat again. Zen had expected that they would go into heat again shortly after giving birth, but he could not find anything about the time until they were receptive again. For Zen it was not so much important personally, because if he was honest there were already more cubs than he planned in the school. As much as he loved all his cubs and the cubs that would still come, he also loved to just be with the girls, have intimate moments with them without the heat or the promise on making a new addition to the pool of different cubs. For this reason Paula also still worked on the medicine. She had been the one to give Gilla a fake medicine to ensure that she got pregnant but this had only been because her visits were too suspicious. On the other side, she agreed with Zen that it would be beneficial to have a medicine that would be usable for the girls. For Zen this would increase his times of mating girls in heat immensely because the heat would not stop after one circle. Zen looked at the files of the girls to check who would most likely be the next one who would go into heat. He knew that this months was not a good time and he hoped that the girl who would be next would take her time. If he got one of the pregnant now, they would show until the summer vacation and it would be hard to hide it from their parents. The oldest girl that did not have her heat yet was Olga, the 11 years old elephant girl. She would turn 12 at the end of the term and Zen was sure that it would still take a few months for her. With a sigh he turned off his laptop and rose. The sun outside was bright already and he decided to wake up the girls to have them prepare for breakfast.

The girls groaned when he got into their room and woke them up. On the corridor, he also met Mara who helped him with waking up the girls. Then Zen entered the room, that Olga slept in. The moment he entered the room the light sour smell caught his attention. He knew the scent of heat by now. All the risk and pondering this morning was directly pushed away by his horny desire. He approached Olga, the girl he thought was the most likely target, and pulled her cover up and took a deep sniff. He still felt the heat scent tickle in his nose but it did not get stronger. It was not the elephant girl and with a bit of disappointment he turned around to find out who the smell belonged to. The other girls just got up and pulled the covers away but there was no increase of scent. Only one bed was empty. Lily, the bunny friend of his sister, had already woken up and gone to the showers. Zen sniffed at her sheet to confirm that it was her scent that got his interest and after a few words to the other girls who giggled when they saw his member getting hard, he made his way to the showers. He found Lily under the shower and despite the hot water that was pouring down on her and the steam he still could smell her strong odor. He approached the girl without a second thought or getting her attention beforehand. When he stepped behind her she turned around and was met by his lips that pressed on hers before he pulled her up and sank his hard member with one strong push into her heated and drenched folds. Zen did not mind the hot water running over his head and soaking her the same way it did Lily before. Both of them directly started to moan from the strong stimulation, which was muffled by their kiss. More and more girls joined them in the shower and either just sat down to watch their intense mating or stole a glance while taking a shower themselves. Some of them started to masturbate while watching the wolf and the bunny mate at a fast pace. The warm water soaking the fur could not compete with the hot moist inside of Lily. She still was tight for Zen, even though from the countless mating sessions even outside her heat she was not as tight as at her last heat. She also still stretched as good as the last time and therefore Zen had no problem with pumping in and out of the bunny while his knot completely formed. The half-opened eyes of Lily showed that she was as much lost in her pleasure as Zen, who did disregard the water and the other girls. Grunting and moaning he held Lily against the wall and moved his hip. The bunny girl only weakly gripped around his neck with her paws and stretched her legs apart to allow him to hammer her hard. Both of them were lost in the pleasure and her tunnel started to twitch already while he still knocked at her tight snatch with his knot. Zen pulled her up a bit more so that only his tip was still in her gripping labia and then he pushed her down with a strong shove forward by his hip. Both cried out their moan in unison when his knot popped in and their climax exploded to the maximum at the same time. Zen pulled Lily into a tight embrace and felt his member pushing against his belly through her skin and fur. With both their fur soaked with the water, he could feel every spurt and he loved the feeling of his pulsing dick inside her convulsing vagina. Her womb filled fast and soon her belly bulged slightly and pressed against his body. Zen locked her in a deep kiss again and caressed her ass, her tail hole, the tail base and her tail.

After three more climaxes of each of the couple without Zen pulling out Lily had a strong bulge at ther belly and looked a bit pregnant already. Zen finally pulled out and the other girls, that finished their own shower by now, helped both to wash the fur and clean up. While they still dried their fur, Zen was already actively licking the pussy of Lily again and made her moan. Just when they were finished he jumped the girl again and pushed into the smaller girl until his knot slipped in. With her pierced on his manhood, he picked her up and carried her to the breakfast. It took both of them two more orgasms until they finally were satisfied enough to stop and eat something. While the older girls, that had cubs to care about, moved to the cottage together, the younger girls stayed and watch Zen take Lily again. They even joined in and soon Nelly and Christine licked the balls of Zen while Tammy and Roana licked each other and moaned nearly as loud as the pair. Sissy sat next to them and masturbated while Olga moaned from the tongue of Emily. When Zen came one more time and Lily finally was exhausted and sank down and started to sleep with his knot deep in her snatch, Zen thanked the two girls that licked him by caressing their clit and folds and licking them after they presented to him. He was very careful with the fingers and did only poke a bit into their snatches because both still had their virginity and Zen intended to take it with his member and not with his fingers. When his knot shrank down enough to pull out he put Lily on a couch after cleaning her so that she would not leak so much and had the girls clean him up. He took Sissy, Emily, Olga and Tammy once each and made a cream pie in their wombs. For the virgins, he only held his still spurting dick against their nether lips and spurted a few weeks loads of semen into the opening of their love tunnel. It was not the time to pop their cherry yet but Zen already looked forward to it and controlled himself hard to not push in. After the girls were satisfied and lay exhausted but moaning cuddled up together on the big sofa, Zen picked up Lily and pushed into the sleeping girl a last time until his knot popped in. Then he picked her up and carried her with him while his dick was still buried in her womb, all the way to the cottage. He came two times during the walk from the hot tight tunnel around his member.

Zen went to visit Paula and he was lucky. The Beaver mother was awake while her cub slept in a small bed next to her own. Zen made sure to be very silent while he sat down at the edge of the bed, still buried deep into Lily. "I knew this would happen." Paula just whispered with a grin. "It was about time that she got into heat." Zen looked to her surprised. "There was something I wanted to ask you for some time now." He started. "You know, all of the girls had their cubs yet. But Lily is the only one that got into heat since their birth. Paul grinned and waited until Zen stopped caressing the back of the bunny and paid her full attention. "Usually woman get into heat again about 2 or 3 years after they give birth. This depends form one woman to another. For the young girls, it might even take longer. " Zen was a bit disappointed by this news. "Why is Lily different then? You said you expected it?" "Yes!" the beaver woman replied silently. "Bunnies are different. This is the reason why they usually have a lot of children. Bunnies can get into heat again a few weeks after giving birth. For Lily this took a bit longer because she is still very young." This made sense for Zen. "So, the next time Lily gives birth it will be shorter until she gets into heat again?" Zen asked, taking mental notes to write everything into his sexual journal later. "Possibly, yes. But I think you should not let it get to that." She answered. "You know, the time is very bad to make her pregnant. You would send her home with a big belly." Zen looked silent into the eyes of Paula but there was real concern in her eyes. Deep inside Zen questioned himself if he would not like that idea but the consequences also had his member slowly shrink down and finally prepare to rest. His knot popped out of the bunny girl and he felt her leak his spunk over the edge of the bed and to the ground. He did not care in this moment though. "I think you are right." Zen suddenly answered and stood up while holding Lily in his arms. "I think we should try out your new medicine. You said it is ready to be tested, right? Are you sure there will be no negative effects on Lily?" Paula nodded and pointed to the other side of the room to her bag. "It is the vial with the pink label." She mentioned and Zen moved the few steps to the bag to fetch the vial. "This one?" he asked. "Yes, let her take it when she wakes up. There should not be any side effects. It is a milder version that I adjusted for younger girls. However, it was not yet tested so I am not sure if there might be side effects I have not considered yet." She pondered. "It is best to observe her reaction to it. If she behaves different, call me instantly." She requested. Zen nodded and walked to the small bed to look at his beaver cub. "I think I should let both of you rest now before we wake up the little Sandra." He whispered and crouched down to give the cub a soft kiss before he left the room with the sleeping Lily.

When Lily woke up he gave the vial to her and had her drink the content before they continued with their mating. Zen moved to his room to get a little bit more privacy but some of the girl visited to watch him take Lily. He did not mind or regard them but just pushed hard into the bunny girl totally under the influence of her heat that only got stronger over the day. He did not let her return to her room and any waking hour in this night they moaned together until both of them fell asleep with his knot deep in her well used snatch and her belly slightly swollen with his spunk. The next days were not any different. It took Zen back to the first time he mated with the bunny girl and right now, after the two years of constant action with one of the girls, he had even less control. He totally went into a rut and they mated like bunnies. If there were any side effects of the medicine he gave Lily, it was that she seemed to be even more horny than before. It was not only Zen who eagerly pumped into her. When she woke up first she did not wait for Zen to wake up and take her. She had his member become hard by licking it and then impaled her snatch on his rod and woke him up with a hard ride. Zen did not complain. Everywhere, where they went, they were together and most of the time connected. In the classes, Zen even took her and with being knotted to her he educated the others while the bunny girl was sleeping about the normal school material. If he was honest with himself he was even less concentrated on the topic than his students, that were masturbating while watching the thick semen drip from the knotted snatch of Lily. Sometimes they even presented to Zen and had him pull out and mount them while Lily slept. Sissy especially was eager to feel his rod inside her a couple of times each day. Zen did not complain but creamed deep inside her so that the girl went around dripping his spunk out of her snatch.

It was only a few weeks later that they found out, that the medicine of Paula did not work. Paula confirmed in a medical exam that the girl was pregnant, which brought a complete new problem on the table. Zen and Mara thought about excuses together with Lily to not send her home in the summer vacation, but they did not come up with any explanation yet.

Summer Heat – Chapter 31: End of the second year

# Summer Heat - Chapter 31: End of the second year The start of June was hogged by the exams. The girls worked hard to get ready for the final exams that has been sent by the ministry of education. There was more work for Dott and Minna now in helping...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 29: The awaited spring

# Summer Heat - Chapter 29: The awaited spring The march passed by and Zen calmed down a bit. Without the cheetah in heat his libido was more under control and they made a lot of progress with their normal school material. The weather was warm enough...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 28: Paula’s decision

# Summer Heat - Chapter 28: Paula's decision Another month passed and spring started. March went by rather uneventful and the tests for all topics went good. The girls worked good to learn all about the regular classes and Zen was pleased by their...

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