The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 14: Meeting the In-Laws

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#14 of The Blakes and The Greys

Kody and RJ had cleaned up, the tod slipping into a green flannel shirt and a pair of jeans while his fiancée slipped into a plaid shirt that was tied in a knot between her breasts and a pair of jean shorts. The two smiled at one another as they held hands, the happy couple sharing a warm kiss before heading out of their hotel room, down the stairs leading to the first story, and out the door towards Kody's Jeeves.

The fox and raccoon probably could have walked to Jo's house, but it would be faster to drive. It was Sunday after all, so the streets were vacant. Most people were either at church or sleeping in or sleeping in to go to the later sermon. As the two turned down 10th Street and onto Carrot Road, the two noticed a yellow painted taxi pulling out of the driveway in front of Jo's house.

Kody and RJ looked at one another for a second, both of them wearing an expression of curiosity and concern.

"We'll be right there," Jo cried out as she quickly slipped into one of her sundresses. Hubert, however, was struggling to get into his plaid shirt and overalls, making the vixen giggle softly as she made her way out of their bedroom. The fox closed the door, making sure her husband had some privacy while he changed, only to make her way to the front door, slowly opening it.

Jo was a bit surprised at who she saw. There were two wolves standing there. One dressed almost exactly like Hubert, though a red plaid shirt instead of the blue one her husband was struggling to put on. It was easy to tell that he was Hubert's sire. Overall, he was gray, though his muzzle was streaked almost to the eyes with white. The other wolf was a female in a blue sundress with white polka dots. She was standing right next to her husband, her ears flicking around as her dark grey fur seemed to stand on end.

"H... Hello," the vixen said sweetly, though her own reddish-yellow fur was starting to stand on end from nervousness. Foxes and wolves had a long history of not getting along, and part of her, deep down, was frightened, if not intimidated, even though she was married to a wolf.

"Where's my Hubert," the alpha bitch growled, making the fox lean back, her ears flattening against her head. "He's... just inside," Jo replied as her tail started to fold under her, slipping between her legs. The other wolf reached out to grab his wife and pull her away.

"Iz sorry, bout dat. M'wife jist gits all pertecktive a her boys," he said calmly before putting out his hand, "Iz George Hemmin'n dis 'ere's m'wife, Evie. Wez Hubert's momma'n'daddy."

The vixen was still quivering a little as she put her hand out to take his, "N... nice... nice t'finly meetcha, M... Mister'n'Missus Hemmin'."

Jo was happy that neither of them had noticed the ring on her finger, though, she probably guessed that the two would assume it would be from a previous marriage. She slowly started to retreat back into the house, making room for her in-laws when she noticed her son's car pulling up into the driveway. There was a small sigh of relief, that was more audible than she'd hoped.

"Watterya lookin' at," Evie growled before turning her own gaze towards the car. Her husband followed her gaze as she saw a gigantic fox and a raccoon slide out of the car. The wolves blinked a few times at the inter-species couple heading towards them.

Evie had never seen a fox that big before. He was tall and muscular, though with a bit of pudge on his belly. He was easily taller than Josephine, maybe an inch or so shorter than Hubert, and Hubert had been short for a wolf.

"Is everything all right, mom," the little wolf said, his eyes moving between Evie, George, and his mother.

"Everything's," the vixen started to say, only to be interrupted by her husband, Hubert, who moved in behind Jo, a big smile on his face, "Mama! Daddy! Iz didn't thinks ya'd b'here s'early! And Kody! Arr-Jay! Looks likes wez gots th'ole famly here!"

George and Evie appraised the fox and raccoon. Evie had expected the fox to be younger than he really was, then again, she'd stopped listening to her son right after he told her that his new sweetheart already had a kit. George, who hadn't been privy to the conversation, smiled before shoving out his hand, "George Hemmin'."

The little wolf smiled as he took the other male's hand, giving it a firm handshake, "Kody Grey." The elder wolf grinned, "Strong grip ya gots there. Tall too. Ya half wolf?"

Kody shook his head, "No, sir."

"Sir," the wolf grinned, "yer ma taughtcha right. Don't meet many who say that. Ya sures y'ain't gots any wolf in ya?"

"I don't think so," the younger fox said as he slowly broke the handshake while his fiancée stepped forwards, "This is my fiancée, RJ."

The raccoon held out her hand to the wolf, feeling him give her a firm handshake, "It's nice t'meetcha."

George smiled as he looked down at her, "Well ain't you jist da cutest lil thang."

RJ giggled softly, "Why thanks you."

The old wolf smiled, "Y'makes won cute cupple."

"Thank you, sir," Kody replied as the tension seemed to melt a little, only for it to return anew as Evie growled, "Iz we gonna jist stand out here?"

Jo backed away from the door, pressing into Hubert, "C... come in. Please. Come in. I'll make some coffee."

The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 15: Jo versus Evie

The three wolves, two foxes, and one raccoon sat around the living room, all of them slowly sipping on coffee. Evie was eyeing Jo, who was holding onto Hubert's hand tightly, while Kody and RJ and George looked between the others. Hubert was the only...

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The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 13: Guess Who's Coming to Brunch

Jo was the first to wake up the next morning, her wolf husband curled tightly up behind her as he held her close to him like she was some kind of giant plush toy. The closeness made the vixen giggle softly as she began to wiggle out of his grip. RJ and...

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The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 12: Mama Wolf

Evie Hemming sat in the living room of her small farm house, the one she'd raised three male pups; Wilber, Bart, and Hubert. Her first two sons had been a bit of a disappointment to her. The lie about country folk was that they were all simpletons,...

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