Summer Heat – Chapter 32: Summer plans

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#32 of Summer Heat

I am late again today but I barely managed to finish the chapter. I hope you like it.

In the next weeks I am not sure if I can release the next chapters, because I am moving (about 10-15km). There is a lot to take care of and I am not sure when I am going to have internet again in my new apartment. If you live in the area of Plaisir (France), maybe you want to give me a poke here and help?


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 32: Summer plans

The end of the school year came faster than Zen would have wanted it to. They began the preparations a few days before the parents would get their children. The clothes of the girls were recovered from their 10 months' rest in the storage room and they made sure to wash them so they would smell fresh. In addition, all girls above 12 got the special underwear. Olga just turned 12 but did not have her heat yet, but Zen had Mara explain her how to put it on and gave her a pair for the case her heat would start during the vacation. Ida, Minna and Dott, the three girls that were high in their pregnancy and showed big bellies, went to the cottage to care for the cubs while the other girls waited in the big dining room for the parents. Zen and Mara reminded all of them to not talk to anyone about their actions here and a few tears were shed from girls who did not want to leave Zen and their cubs. He calmed them down by telling them that it would only be for the summer vacation and that they would return soon. He would take good care of the cubs in the meanwhile.

The first cars pulled up through the open gates and stopped in front of the mansion. Zen was there with all the other teachers, Mara, Paula, Lena and Bertha, to welcome the parents. Mara went inside with the first parents after they exited the cars to organize the meeting inside and with the help of the three older women, Zen welcomed them at the school. It took one hour until all parents arrived and even the chief of education himself, Mr. McGrail, came with his wife and a few other officials of the ministry, including his body guards. Zen felt a bit strange shaking his hand and he looked Gilla into the eyes nervous when he placed a greeting kiss on her paw. "Congratulation to you Madame!" he said to Mrs. McGrail. "I hope that it will be healthy and strong." Gilla smiled and winked with one eye to him. "To you as well Sir." He hastily continued to Mr. McGrail and he thanked Zen oblivious of the awkward situation for Zen. "This is Margot Marchs!" Gilla introduced a stunning beautiful panther woman that stood next to her. "She is a good childhood friend of mine and she asked me to bring her so she could check out the school. She is thinking about putting her daughter Zina here." Zen took the paw of the panther woman and kissed it the same way he did for Gilla. He winked with one eye to the shy young panther, that was two heads smaller than him. The girl hid behind her mother and Zen chuckled. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Marchs." He greeted the mother. "I am Zennith Moons, the leader of this school. We would be happy to welcome your daughter at the start of the new year." The panther woman was charmed by his nice greeting and smiled. "That would be a big help." She answered and together with Mr. and Mrs. McGrail, she followed him into the mansion.

The event went by fast. The girls had prepared a theater piece for the parents and the parents applauded loud for all the girls. After the dinner, there was the final speech of Zen and Mr. McGrail, who praised the afford of Zen and his team. He honored him for organizing the dorm system in over ten schools that would start with the next school year. Also, the girls at his school got the best average score at the final exam, even though it would not appear in the official rankings, because the size of the school was too small. The ranking only involved schools of over 100 students. Zen received a document of honor from the chief of education and then there was a last speech by him. He thanked the girls for working hard in all their classes and hoped that they would have a happy holiday until they would see each other again in the next school year. A lot of parents came to Zen personally to thank him for taking good care of their daughters and Zen felt a bit strange shaking their paws and getting all the thanks. He was not sure if the parents would be as pleased and thankful if they knew that Zen was mating all their precious daughters numerous times. The father of Nelly was also very thankful. He explained Zen that there had been a lot of stress and problems between him and his daughter and that she looked so happy as if Zen had used magic to erase all that happened in the past away. Zen smiled at him, but did not utter a word about him knowing exactly what happened. He also cut off Mr. Shields to avoid him bubbling anything about the events while others could overhear the conversation. The mansion slowly emptied out more and more and the cars were pulling away through the gate. In the end, only the minister and his wife, who was in a deep discussion with Paula, Lena and Mr. Marchs as well as Mrs. Flourenne were left. Sierah, Nina, Tammy, Sandy, Lily and two of her younger sisters played with Zina, who started to get over her first shyness and ran around in the sun with her new friends.

"Lily, Diane, Ilia, it is time for us to go!" Mrs. Flourenne called for her cubs and walked over to the car. Zen was suddenly reminded of the problem they still had with Lily. He totally forgot over all the many conversations he had this day. The bunnies hopped to her mother and Zen walked over to approach Mrs. Flourenne when he heard Lily's voice. "Mama? Can I stay here over the summer?" her mother looked surprised to her daughter. "Why do you want to stay here Lily? The school is over." - "But Sierah, Nina, Sammy and Tammy are also staying over the summer. We wanted to do a summer camp." Mrs. Flourenne looked at the otter, the beaver and the lynx that still played with the panther cub. "I understand your reasons but it is not possible Lilly. Your father is ill and you must help to look after your sisters. Sam is looking after your brothers but I expect you to help me a bit." - "But Mom!" Lily cried. Zen reached them when her mother was about to scold her daughter. He had no time to think or to prepare what he wanted to say before he already took the saving life line that could solve his problem with Lily's pregnancy. "If I may make a proposal Mrs. Flourenne. Your two other daughters can also stay here, if this helps you to care for your ill husband." He directly was panicking. He made his situation worse. How would he keep all the secrets secret when two girls were just staying over for the summer. "We could not ask that of you, Mr. Moons. I do not want to burden you with our family's problems." The bunny mother replied and the happy glimmering in the eyes of the young bunnies vanished and they looked disappointed. Zen could see how much the little girls would have loved to stay a summer with her sister in the school she told them so much about. "It is not a problem Mrs. Flourenne. Like Lily said we have a few girls here over summer, including my sister. A few more would not be a problem." Zen had to pull through with this proposal. In the last minute, he had thought about other ways but the idea of the bunny girl had been the best shot at hiding her state towards her mother. The three bunnies looked up to their mother with big eyes. "Please!" said all in unison and showed their white teeth. Mrs. Flourenne sighed and caressed over the head of the youngest one, a bunny of 9 years. "If this is okay with Mr. Moons, who would I be to decline such a generous offer. But we do not have any changing clothes and so with us." She looked a bit troubled. "You do not need to worry about that." Zen explained. "We do have facilities to wash the clothes here and if worst comes to worst, there are other girls here who can surely borrow them some clothes for a day." The older bunny sighed again and looked up to Zen. "To be honest, your offer helps me a lot Mr. Moons. One worry less for the summer. I do not know how to thank you. You did so much for Lily already, and for our family." Zen took her paw and patted it with his other paw. "Don't worry about it Mrs. Fourenne. My sister has been friends with your daughter for a long time already. I could not leave her alone." In his thoughts he continued the sentence, that he would also not leave a girl hanging that was the mother of his cub and would soon have another one.

"May I interrupt for a moment?" the voice of Mrs. March cut into the conversation and Zen turned to the panther lady. "I overheard that you are having a summer camp here? Is there any chance that my daughter could join it? This would be the best opportunity for her to get used to the school and make friends before the school starts already." Zen looked at her surprised and he saw Mr. and Mrs. McGrail coming over as well. "Well ..." he started but then he saw Gilla behind the woman nodding as if she wanted to tell him to agree. "... you got a point there and I said a few more would not hurt so ... I think we could manage." "Excellent!" said Mrs. March. "Her clothes need to be washed but she has everything here that she needs. I just picked her up from a sleepover with her friends this morning so everything is in the car." Zen was a bit overwhelmed by the speed that this mother was deciding on leaving her daughter with him. "I will sign the enrollment after I got her stuff." She said and turned around to walk to her car. Zen looked after her with an open muzzle. "I am sorry for that." Said Gilla. "I should have warned you Mr. Moons. They are currently having a difficult time. She got divorced from husband a year ago, and just recently got a new boyfriend. You have seen that Zina is very shy and Margot decided to enroll her the minute I told her about this school." - "So she wants her daughter out of the way, so she has time with her new boyfriend?" Zen asked a bit cutting. "That is one of the reasons, sure. But she is not as low as you think. On the one hand, she wants to avoid having Zina get between them and be hurt by anything before she knows if she would stay with the new man. On the other hand, she thinks that Zina should grow up and learn a bit of courage. The girl always hides herself in a corner or behind books and rarely plays with someone else than her best friend. She thinks that it would be best for her daughter if there was some distance between them for a while, also because they fought a lot after the divorce." Zen nodded. It seemed that Mrs. March was not as bad as he thought. She was not like his own parents. She cared about her daughter and he had to agree that it was probably the best for the girl as well. He looked at the still playing panther girl and smiled. Gilla followed his gaze and smiled as well. She looked into the eyes of Zen as if to say that she knew what he was thinking about. Zen quickly ripped his eyes off the playing girls and turned to the returning Mrs. March. "This is all." She said and she had a big sports bag in her paws. Zen nodded to Mara and the lioness came over. "Please help Mrs. March to bring the bag inside. You can put it on the side for now and we will later decide where Zina will sleep. Can you do the paperwork with her?" - "No problem Zen. Mrs. March, please follow me." Zen gave a thankful smile to Mara before the lioness turned around. "Looks like my summer will be more eventful than I thought." He joked and the other adults around him laughed. He had Lily call the other cubs to him and then he explained that Lily, Diane, Ilia and Zina would stay for the summer camp. All girls cheered except for Zina who just smiled shy and looked to the ground. By her not protesting he sensed that the girl was partly happy to not go back to the love nest of her mother. The older panther came out a few minutes later and hugged her daughter. "Be nice to the others and call me every day, okay?" Zen interrupted the question. "Madame, mobile phones do not work here. The philosophy behind the school is also to have the girls be independent and not contact the parents during the school year. I am sure we can arrange a call before school starts, but she will not be able to call you every day. This would not help to make them independent." Mrs. March turned to him and first looked a bit surprised but then smiled. "You are right, how stupid of me. Then you call me before school starts to tell me how good you got used to the school here, okay?" The girl only nodded and Mrs. March turned to her car. "Be sure to ask Mrs. Moons for a massage." Said Gilla. "I heard he is very skilled at that and I am sure this will help you to relax." Zen shot a stern look to the woman but then smiled to the girl. "Sure, no problem. To welcome you here I will give you a massage this evening if you want, okay?" The girl nodded shy and then bounded off with the other girls to play.

The cars left through the gate one after another and when the gates closed behind the last car, Zen collapsed on the ground and laughed while he sat in the middle of the street in front of the mansion. Mara, Paula, Lena and Bertha sat next to him and all sighed together. "I am exhausted." Said Zen and looked at the girls that were playing on the meadow. "Quite a stressing event, I have to agree." Answered Mara and all of them laughed. "But we have to give our props to Lily for her idea. I am sure this saved us a lot of trouble." Zen said and let himself fall back. He just kept lying there in the sun and from the calm breath of the women around him they did the same. Zen did not know how long he had slept, but when Lily woke him up the sun was much lower already. "Zen? Where will my sisters sleep?" she asked and Zen rose to a sitting position and looked at the kids that now stood all around him. "With everyone gone, why do you not chose a room yourself. Just think about the other girls as well, okay? Share the rooms fairly." His sister lead the girls who ran towards the house to check out the rooms and select the best for them. "And this room order is only for the summer vacation, hear me?" but the girls were already inside. Zen shrugged with his shoulders and grinned. "This will be a lively summer vacation for sure. Well at least there are fewer girls for once." All of the adults laughed and slowly got up. Paula went towards the cottage with Bertha while Lena and Mara accompanied Zen into the mansion to look after the cubs. On the entrance Sierah and Lily already came back. "Zen?" asked Lily. "Can we now take our clothes off?" Zen grinned. "Feels more natural, right?" he asked and Lily nodded. Zen caressed over her head. "I think we will need to explain it to your sisters and Zina first." He explained but his sister cut him off. "Zina is in heat. I felt her anti-scent underwear." She reported. Zen licked his lips. "I think I understand why Gilla purposed that I give her a massage." He said amused and turned to Mara and Lena. "I think it is best if I introduce Zina to my massage and the rules here. Why don't you help Lily to explain the rules to her sisters? Make sure that they will not go off and tell their mother." He asked of them and all nodded. "Don't overdo it." Warned Mara but he waved her off. "Don't worry. I will be gentile." He replied.

"Come in." Zen said loudly when it knocked at the door of the health room. The shy panther girl entered. He had asked Mara to send the girl in for the massage before they would explain everything to the smaller bunnies and then got rid of their clothes. "You can go behind the curtain there and undress. Then lay on the plank bed. Did you get a massage already before?" - "No!" was the very faint and shy answer. It was the first time he heard Zina speak and her voice was very high and soft. "Okay, the head goes into the hole in the extension on the one side. Just lay on the towel after you stripped your cloth and relax." Zen gave her time to undress. He prepared the oil that he was maybe using later and when he heard the shuffling stop he opened the curtain and walked into the hidden area. A strong scent waved towards him and he felt his pants getting tight. The girl had taken his words literally and stripped naked. He saw that she was very embarrassed and looked to the ground through the head opening in the extension while her tail was pressed into the crack of her cute butt the protect her snatch from his vision. Zen licked his lips and smiled while he approached the plank bed. "Is it your first heat?" he asked and she winced by the question and emitted a mumbling that he interpreted as a no. "Don't worry. It is okay. You can relax." He said and softly caressed over her shoulders that were tensed up strongly. "I think I will start with relaxing your muscles before we start the massage." He whispered. "Don't worry about a thing. Just try to relax and concentrate on the good feeling." Zen started with low pressure by running his palms over her shoulders, arms and back. When he touched her tail base he felt her butt tensing up. He kneaded the tail base a bit and roamed over her butt and legs to let her get used to his touch. He smelled her scent picking up and heard a very faint muffled moan from the girl. He continued like that for ten minutes and her body slowly relaxed under his palms. Her tail began to twitch lightly from a small climax that she achieved and her moans were now stronger and not muffled anymore. The mind of the girl seemed to relax as well and let her voice go. When Zen checked her face by lowering his head he noticed that the girl had her eyes closed and breathed heavily from the stimulations. He smirked and started to pull the shirt over his head between a few caresses over her butt and tail. He then also loosened his pants and let them sink down as well as his underpants. His member sprung free and the painful pressure released in his loins. His knot was already big and ready but Zen just stepped out of his pants and grabbed her tail. Slowly he massaged the tail from the base to the tip. The underside of her tail was drenched in her fluids and he saw that her thighs were soaked in her fluid as well as the fur between her legs. He took in the heavenly smell of a fresh first heat and could not resist to move his paws to his muzzle, after he was done with the tail. He massaged her legs and butt and then the back again and the girl moaned all the time while she relaxed under him and he loosened the knots in her back while his own only got harder. While working her legs again he carefully pulled her legs a bit apart without the girl reacting. She was on the edge to falling asleep from the relaxation and did not fight it. He looked at her private place that glistered pink in the middle of the pitch-black fur. Zen caught a drop of her liquid and tasted it and he had a hard time not to moan. Pre started to build at the tip of his member. He was not able to resist the taunting girl much longer. With his paws he slowly massaged the cut line of the special underwear until the fur was in one direction and the line did not show and then moved around her hip. He pulled her hip up a bit and the girl, lost in the good feelings, followed his urging pull and raised her hind. Zen made sure to guide her into a bit more spread out position with her legs until she was resting on her knees. Without a warning, Zen climbed on the plank bed behind the girl and then he leaned over her. She did not have the time to react to his sudden weight because his teeth directly pierced into her neck and made her moan from pheromones traveling through her body. She achieved another small climax at the same moment Zen touched her virgin pussy with his pre-coated dick. He slipped into her soft and well lubricated folds easily. He heard the moans of the girl turn into a groan when he pushed through her hymen and let his big member slide all the way to her cervix. Even though she was still very young, she stretched great in her heat. She was tight, but not as tight as other girls Zen had. She compared to Mara at her first time, maybe she was even a bit tighter. Zen did not talk but moaned together with the groans of the girl while he pushed in and out slowly but with power. His knot clashed against her folds and he felt her hot wetness on the bulbous flesh. He had a hard time to not come from all his previous arousal but he wanted to knot her before he would let go of his stream and ensure that the girl would be a mother soon. Zina moaned with him for over five minutes that he hung on a thread but then she shrieked when he pushed extra strong and drove his knot through her labia with the first time he tried to push further than the start of it. Even though her snatch was small the sudden force and the lubricant made her stretch around his knot and then pull it in until it sat just behind her now twitching folds. The same moment he could not control himself anymore and gushed spurt after spurt of semen into the womb of the girl, while his balls smacked against her wet clit and pumped strong, she also came down with a third climax, but this time it was a big one that shook her whole body and made her roar in pleasure. Zen caressed her dugs and belly and felt how every spurt was starting to bulge out her belly a bit more.

The girl did not know what hit her. Zen took her again and again and she seemed to have quite some stamina, holding out until the fifth orgasm of Zen. When he finally pulled out of her well used pussy, it dripped his thick semen on the plank bed below. The white liquid ran though her black fur and then soaked the towel on the plank bed. He licked over her pussy and she moaned silently. She fell asleep right after their united orgasm and did only react a little bit to him pulling out. Zen picked her up and let the clothes lay in the room. He was constantly dripping cum out of her snatch and the bulge in her belly slowly shrank. Zen looked at the mess he made out of her private region and smiled while he carried her to his room. The house was silent and he suspected that the women took the girls outside or even to the cottage. Before Zen put Zina into his bed he cleaned the girl up with his tongue until her snatch was only a bit slimy and wet from the last rests of his spunk but it was not dripping anymore. He tugged her into the bed and covered her. Looking at his limb member that was still coated with his spunk he sighed. 'This was a great way to start the vacation.' He thought and went to his private shower to clean himself.