Second Chances - Chapter 11

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#11 of Second Chances

Jude looks for something familiar in a stranger.

Warning: This chapter also has violence and non-consensual sexual acts in it (I write such happy stories), so if that still isn't quite your thing, skip this one too.

"What the hell do you mean I didn't take your virginity?" she said, glaring at me, clutching the sheets over her bare breasts.

"Well, I mean, technically, no." Any trace of my boner had shrunken away as the angry bobcat stared daggers at me.

"Who the hell have you been sleeping with, Jude? I want names!"

"Names?" I asked before nervously chuckling. I didn't think a casual comment was going to start such a big fight. I pulled the condom off and dropped it off the side of my bed.

"Yes. I want names of the girls you've been fucking behind my back!"

"Well, you see, the thing is-"

"NAMES!" I could see her claws sinking into the sheets around her chest.

"Shhhh!" I said. "My parents are home, remember?"

Her glare didn't change. "NAMES. NOW." I could see the fury in her eyes. If I wanted to keep my fur, I had to think quick.

"Darrick." Well, so much for the thinking part.

"Darrick? What kind of hick-ass name is that for a girl?" She reached over for her phone. "Who is she?" She started thumbing through social pages. "Does she go to school? She better not be another fucking bobcat, or I'm gonna bite off your...." She looked up from her phone and then looked at me. Her eyes squinted. "Darrick isn't a girl.... Is she."

I shook my head.

Her eyes got wide as saucers. "WHAT."

"Well.... we-"

"THE. FUCK." She put down her phone and stared straight ahead.

"Are you ok?"

She turned to me again. "Why the fuck would I be ok? I'm your fucking beard! Sasha was totally right about you! I can't believe I've been dating you this entire time, and you're gay."

"I'm not g-"

"What the hell am I going to tell my mom? She already bought my prom dress! Oh my god, what are people going to think? I'm going to be labeled a fag hag for the rest of my life! Why would you do this to me!?" She jumped out of bed, taking the sheets with her, leaving me naked. She paced around, wrapping herself in the sheet, yammering on to herself.

I sighed, and rested my head back.

"Are you even listening to me?" she asked, glaring at me from her sheet cocoon as I tilted my head back down.


"I'm going to tell the entire school you fucked a guy." A malicious grin spread across her face.

"Go ahead." I closed my eyes and nestled into my pillows. "There is only a month left of the semester, and then we all graduate."

She huffed, and wriggled her way into her clothes, cursing me under her breath.

"And!" she said, hiking her bag over shoulder. "Just so you know," she opened the door. "We're through!" She slammed it, and I heard her stomp down the stairs.

I rubbed my face. "Why does everyone always leave after I have sex with them?" I asked myself. I hadn't thought of Darrick in over a year, so why did he pop into my head all of a sudden? I slid my paws down my face and looked at my desk. I hopped up and walked over. I started digging through the cluttered drawer. I pulled out a glossy picture of a younger me and Darrick smiling in front of a birthday cake. My stomach clenched. All the feelings rushed back when I looked at his face; all the love and all of the pain. I sat down at my chair. My phone was sitting next to me and I picked it up.

I typed in "Heatr" and the search results scrolled down. My thumb hovered over the 'download' button, and I watched it tap the screen.

After a few seconds, a welcome screen popped up asking if I was 18. I clicked 'yes'. What's a few months, right? I typed in my email, made a password, and a grid of pictures appeared. My heart jumped a little. There were some really good looking guys in there. A notification blinked in the corner, and it told me to make a profile. I clicked, and it asked for a photo.

I sighed. Was I really going to do this? I thought of what my now-ex had said about telling everyone. If I was going to be known as the guy who fucks guys, I might as well actually do it. I clicked on the camera, and my naked self appeared on the screen. I jumped, tilting it up. I didn't need that all over the place either. I stared at my face in the screen. I lowered the angle just a little, so that my chin was just visible in the frame. You could make out that I was naked, but nothing too revealing. A sharp click, and my picture was up.

"Just... looking.... For.... Fun!" I said, as I typed in my profile.

I scrolled through the sea of guys. There were a lot of other guys without heads. I wondered if they were all like me.

It didn't take long before a message notification popped up. I clicked on it. A blank profile asking how I was. I ignored it. Then another asking what I was up to. I sighed and thought about deleting the app if this was all I was going to get. Then another one from a lizard that was just a picture of him in better lighting. I returned back to the grid and flicked my thumb down the wall of pictures. I got another message notification, and I clicked on it. This time it was the profile of an older deer with a handsome face. My heart raced as I opened it.

"Hey," it said, rather anticlimactically.

"Hey," I sent back. Was that how people normally respond?

"Ur cute."

"Thanks." My stomach fluttered.

"Ever been with a buck before?"

I looked over at the picture of Darrick on the desk.


A picture of a thick cock popped up.

I blushed and set my phone down, wondering what I was getting myself into. I found myself looking again.

"Nice," I sent back, not knowing what the proper dick pic etiquette was.

"Wanna see it in person?"

My heart beat jumped. My cock was getting hard.


"I'm 33. That cool?"


"Want to come over? 9885 Magnolia Ave. Apartment D. Just buzz up."

"Ok. I'll be over soon."

What the hell was I doing?

I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of teal boxer briefs my mom had gotten me on sale. They were my best pair. I shimmied into them and put on pants and a shirt, and headed towards the door, just barely remembering to go back and dispose of the condom by my bed, just in case my parents decided to snoop.

"Darrick?" I heard my mom say as I walked down the stairs. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked, trying to avoid the inevitable conversation.

"Well, Cheri just stormed out like you had a fight."

"Oh... yeah. We did." I hadn't thought of an alibi. "It was just something stupid. I'm going to try and meet up with her and see if I can make things better."

"That's my boy," my dad said from his recliner in the Livingroom. "Just apologize and admit it was your fault, even if it wasn't. Happy wife, happy life."

My mom pursed her lips. "Just give me a call if you need anything. Are you taking the car?"

I nodded and jingled the keys in my pocket.

"Be safe," she said as I walked past her to the door.

"I will!" I lied.

The buck's place wasn't far; only about a 10 minute drive. I had managed to get hard on the way over thinking about being with him. I wanted to feel a man's body against mine again. I wanted to feel Darrick against me again. But, he was gone, so this guy would have to do. A year and a half of frustration boiled inside of me as I pulled up to the apartment building.

I sat in my car waiting for my excitement to die down to a presentable level. I checked back on the app. I had a whole list of messages from guys. Why was it so easy to find guys when I had only gotten one girl in the last year and a half? I flicked through some of them. Lots of old guys. Someone offering to blow me at a truck stop. Maybe what Darrick and I had shared wasn't so special after all, if all these guys were just giving it away. My stomach hurt as I looked through more potential Darricks, so I closed the app and walked up to the apartment.

"D - F. Goodhue" I read before pressing the button.

A buzz came from the door, and I pulled it open. I walked up the stairs and found the apartment with a large metal D on it. The click of the door unlocking echoed down the hall, but it didn't open.

I stood there, trying to decide if I really wanted to do this. My mom would kill me if she ever found out I went over to a stranger's apartment, much less hooked up with them. All those years of warnings bounced in my head as I stared at the golden letter on the door. It wasn't too late. I could still leave.

My knuckles knocked on the door. It opened, and the deer greeted me with a smile. He was a lot taller than I pictured.

"Please come in," he said, looking over me. I passed by him. He must have been a good foot taller than me; I can't imagine what he'd look like once his antlers were all grown in. I wondered what Darrick's would look like now.

His apartment was nice. It smelled like cologne and was very clean and well decorated. There was a large abstract painting on the wall above his couch and a lot of books on shelves.

"Have a seat," he said, motioning to the couch. I sat down on the overstuffed cushions and felt very small. He sat across from me in a large chair. His eyes looked me over, and I nervously played with my paw. "First time?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.


"Well, can I get you a drink?"

My mouth did feel a little dry, so I nodded. I watched him get up and move to his kitchen. I stared down at the pattern on the couch fabric. I looked up to see him holding out a bottle. I grabbed it and glanced at the label.

"Beer?" I asked.

"Is that alright? I have other things if you'd like."

"No, that's fine." I held the bottle up to my muzzle. It smelled like moldy cereal. I took a quick sip and tried to hide my disgust at the taste. He chuckled and sat down at the other end of the couch, leaning back against the plush armrest. A large hand motioned for me to join him.

I scooted over, and I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, pulling me against his chest. The cold beer in my paw dripped on my knee, so I put it on the coffee table in front of us. He smelled really good, and his chest was wide and firm under his shirt. I felt his chin rest against my head. I looked down at his crotch, which was straining against his pants.

"Nervous?" I heard whispered in my ear, making it twitch. I nodded. "Here."

His large hand moved over and gently wrapped around my wrist. He placed my paw on top of his bulge, and I felt it pulse. He let go of my wrist.

I let my fingers try and wrap around the hot lump, and I heard him softly grunt in my ear.

My own cock was crammed tightly in my teal underwear at this point. He was so big. I squeezed and he gave another soft grunt. His hand moved back and popped the button at his waist band. I pulled down the zipper, slowly. I could see the pink flesh of his cock peeking out at me.

"Go ahead," he whispered. "Pull it out."

My paw slid down into the hot pile of flesh. I couldn't wrap completely around his still soft shaft as I lifted up. The picture he sent really didn't do it justice. I admired his shaft as I laid it back down over his pants.

His arm slid down my side, and his paw moved into my lap. I jumped as he squeezed down on my crotch.

"There's an excited foxy," he said, rubbing a finger along my hard cock. My dick twitched at the attention. "Why don't you put those paws to use?"

I grabbed the thickening shaft again and pulled up. The deer's heavy breath jostled my head fur as I reached the tip. I though Darrick was big, but he was average compared to this guy. I stared at it in amazement as my paw slid back down its girth.

I jumped again as his hand roughly slid down the front of my pants. I felt fingers wrap around my cock, and slowly shift along my length.

I squeezed on the base of his cock, and a little squirt of pre rolled down the side.

"You're good," he huffed. "I want to see what else you can do."

I felt the front of my pants pop open, and my shorts slide down my thighs. I gasped at the suddenness, and then felt the couch shift as the deer pushed me back and moved on top of me. I looked down at the dick swinging between us, and then at the muscular arm placed next to my head propping him up. He was looking down too. I felt my shorts get tugged around my knees and my thighs press against my stomach as he pushed me around. His wide hand cupped my ass, and I felt a finger slide down my crack. I yelped, and he looked up at me again.

"Sorry," I said automatically out of fear.

He continued to slide his large finger and I felt it press against my hole. "Wow, you're tight. We're going to need a lot of lube."

"Lube?" I said, watching him get up and walk over to set of drawers, pulling off his pants and shirt. I looked at his muscles. He could crush me if he wanted to; he sure didn't have trouble moving me around. My cock had gone soft as I watched the massive cock bob in front of him. He was too big to fit anywhere inside of me.

He walked back over, rubbing a thick layer of slick lube over his cock. He globed some in his hands, and went for my ass again, but I pulled myself away.

He looked at me, his palm full of lube.

"I'm not..." I said, clearing my throat. "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this."

His eyebrows furled, but then went calm again as he smiled. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." He reached for my ass again, and I pulled myself up against the arm of the couch. "Now, come on," he said, with a tinge of anger to his voice.

"I really don't think this-"

"Don't think, just lay back and relax."

"No, no. I really don-"

"You come all the way over here," he voice got louder, and I froze. "You get me all riled up, and now you're going to cock block me?" He huffed, climbing over to me, reaching for my ass again.

I jumped off the couch, and pulled my shorts up. I fumbled to get them closed and realized he had popped off the button.

"Get back over here!" he said, lunging for me. I stood back. He landed on his knees, his cock bouncing from his hips. He was huffing loudly as he reached for my legs. I tried to jump back, but he caught my ankle, and I hit the ground hard. I grabbed the back of my head in pain, and felt him pull me forward. He lifted up my ankle, and I felt his cock hit my ass. He started pulling my shorts off again, and I saw my beer bottle sitting on the coffee table. I pulled myself up, grabbed it, and slammed it over the deer's head.

"FUCK!" he yelled as the beer and glass poured over his face. I felt him let go of my ankle and I scrambled back. He looked at me, rage in his eyes, and a trickle of blood running down his forehead. I held out the broken bottle in my paw. It was shaking. I scooted back towards the door.

He stood up, and moved towards me, his towering body dwarfing mine on the floor.

"Don't come any closer!" I said, my shaking paw pointing the bottle to his face.

His arm swung out and knocked the bottle from me. It landed across the room with a smash. I jumped up and ran to the door. As I touched the doorknob, I felt his arms wrap around me. I kicked and screamed as he walked me back to the couch and threw me down. I bounced on the cushions, and looked in horror as he climbed on top of me, his hands roughly trying to pull off my shirt. I heard a rip and I scratched at his face, but my dull claws had little effect. I looked around the room. There was a bronze statue of a paw on the end table. I pulled up my knee, hitting him hard in the stomach, which bought me just enough time to grab the sculpture and slam it across his face. He rolled off of me and onto the floor, howling in pain. I dropped the paw and ran to the door.

"I'm calling the fucking COPS you phycho!" he said, spitting out blood across his coffee table.

"I wouldn't! I'm only seventeen!" I said, grabbing the door knob, and running out. I caught a glimpse of his bewildered face as the door slammed behind me.

I ran do my car, and revved off, my paws shaking against the wheel. After I was far enough away to feel safe, I turned off my car and broke down. My entire body shook was my face dripped in tears. It was dark out and I was in a part of town I didn't know. My arms ached from where he grabbed me, I'm sure there would be bruises.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE ME, DARRICK?" I yelled. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE ME HERE. You fucking bastard." My thoughts were dark. All of that pain bubbled to the surface again. I was so angry at him for just disappearing. We were supposed to be together forever. This was all his fault. If he had just stayed and been mine... "You stupid shit." I rested my head on the edge of the steering wheel. "...Why did you leave me?"

The night was quiet outside of my car as my tears slowly subsided. My sore eyes stared into the darkness.
