Wild Ch. 3: Mutual Prices

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#3 of Love in the Wild

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before.

Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Stormtalon sat on the nest of furs and fabrics, naked as he'd become more comfortable doing in front of his brother, sewing up a small rip in his pants. A gathering of fruits and such that he'd been munching on, courtesy of Nivalis, lay next to him. Physically he looked no different, though his nipples had been feeling sensitive lately and he'd been a bit hormonally charged - more energetic and sexually aroused than usual.

Nivalis, meanwhile, sat up to his neck in the shallow part of the cave's lagoon. He was contemplating how much longer it was going to take him to finish a certain project of his and whether he'd get it done on time. At the rate he was going, he'd have to speed things up, though that would mean it would take a greater toll on his spirit.

The older griffon finished his work, holding up his pants to admire them. He showed them to Nivalis. "What do you think, hon?"

Niv turned around to look over his shoulder and nodded. "Nice. You're getting pretty good at it...though maybe it'd help if you'd stop tearing them off," he remarked with a smirk.

"Meh, it's not my fault!" Storm chuckled, getting up and flinging the pants aside. His sheath was full and the tip of his shaft peeked out the end as he walked towards the lagoon. "I think I'm going to join you there hon, if you don't mind."

He raised an eyebrow at the sight of his love's arousal. Storm had been having hormonal fluctuations lately, but instead of going from horny to anti-horny, he just went from normal to horny. Niv certainly wasn't complaining. He raised a hand to beckon Storm to him.

He grinned and slowly stepped into the lagoon, his heavy sack hanging between his legs just ahead of his swollen nethers. "Mmmm, this is nice," he said as he settled in next to his brother, putting an arm around the smaller male and lovingly kissing him, the water only coming up to his pecs.

He returned the kiss with a purr. With his face level with Storm's chest, he could see that Storm's nipples were a bit swollen, a sign that they were in a sensitive stage. "How are you feeling, love?"

"Mmmm, in love, pregnant, horny...heehee. They all go together don't they?" He smirked and noticed Niv's eyes on his nipples and looked down at them himself, patting one with a finger. "Oh, yeah...those feel...interesting."

He let out a chuckle at that. "They certainly do, my big, strong, pregnant griffon." He took notice of Storm's sensitivity and gently felt around one nipple. "You know, eventually you're going to get breasts. What do you think of that?"

Storm murred at his words, arching his back a little and inviting Niv's fingers to touch him as much as he pleased. "Mmmm, I think that's...going to be interesting, and kind of kinky actually, heehee...." He palmed one of his pecs, seeing if it was any bigger yet. "I'm going to need to make something to support them."

Niv nuzzled his cheek against Storm's chest. "Mmm, yesss...and they're going to get all full of milk," he growled with a purr. "Well, it can't really be helped." *Yet,* he thought.

He held his griffon close and shivered at the nuzzle, his cock slowly hardening under the water. "Mmmm, I might need some help with draining them...."

"Well, we shall see. Most animals can't really lactate until they actually give birth...though this is not a very usual case. I'd like that, though." A thought then occurred to him. "Say...I'm not exactly an expert on pregnancy and birth and such despite all of the observations I've made, but do you remember any of when mom was pregnant with me?"

Storm tilted his head, thinking for a long moment and smiling slightly as he looked to his brother with thoughtful eyes. "I do, a little. I mean, I was only four, but I remember her body changing. I asked her, 'Why is your tummy getting bigger?' and she told me I was going to have a little brother or sister soon."

Niv smiled, feeling a great warmth in his heart. Now he was adding his own turn in the cycle of new life, and with his brother...he still thanked his good fortune. "And you certainly did, didn't you?"

He giggled softly. "I've never been as blessed as I was the day you were born, honey."

He wrapped his arms around Storm as best he could, leaning up to lick his throat. "Not until two months ago, certainly...do you remember any of the day I was born?"

Storm pulled Niv into his lap, chirping at the licks and lifting his head gently to give his brother better access. "Mmmm, well, it was really early in the morning and I remember waking up to her grunting and screeching...dad took her outside and she made a lot of noise. I was mostly annoyed that I couldn't sleep," he said with a smirk.

The white griffon giggled. "And sure enough, she made good on her word. You know, we're going to be doing the same thing. Can you believe that?"

"Sometimes, no, I can't...." He felt his shaft bumping up against Niv's ballsack, and he smiled. "And then I remember the night we became mates."

He hugged his love again, resting his face next to his brother's. "You know...as far as I can tell, that was the night we started the path to parenthood. What a glorious night that was...first siblings, then mates, then future parents...it makes me love you so much it hurts...."

He put his hand on Niv's tummy, gently petting it. "How do you think things would be if you were carrying, and I were male...?"

"Well, then we certainly wouldn't be thinking of what to do about food in the later months, now would we?" Niv remarked with a chuckle, "but that's not how it is, so we'll deal with it as best we can. And I'm honored that you will be the mother of my child." He rubbed Storm's still-six pack abdomen under the water.

He smiled and nodded at Niv's analysis of the situation, murring at the rubs to his tummy and sitting up in pleasure, shivering and fanning his wings. "Oooh, that feels soo good...."

Niv purred, "Yes, I know you like that...and in time there'll be more tummy for me to rub, so that is definitely going to be a good side." *I hope you can forgive me for not being entirely truthful, Storm...*

"Heehee, yes, in time...I best enjoy my figure while it lasts." He stretched out and nuzzled Niv's shoulder, kisslicking his white fur. "How soon do you think before I start showing, hon?"

"Oh, don't worry, you'll still enjoy your figure, I'll make sure of that. And you're going to enjoy me fawning over you even more." He licked the side of Storm's neck as his brother kisslicked him. "Hmm...I don't know about your breasts, but you'll probably start getting a belly sometime during your fourth month."

Storm moaned and held Niv closer, firmly stroking his brother's back and rump. "Four? That means I have a couple of months before my tummy starts getting bigger...."

Niv pulled back from the licking and looked at Storm with concern. "Does that scare you? Because if it does, you just come to me and I'll make you feel better about it...."

"How will you make me feel better?" He smiled, touching his beak to Niv's and giving it a lick. "And it doesn't scare me...well, not much, in fact it sounds really nice...I'm eager to experience what this is going to be like. I just hope it's more fun than puking my guts out every morning."

Niv licked Storm's beak back. "I'll do whatever it takes. Tummy rubs, massages, sex, food, any and all of the previous...just say the word and it shall be done. And your morning sickness shouldn't last much longer. It has been getting better, yes? Your body's just getting used to changing so suddenly."

He nodded softly, smiling at his brother's words. "Heehee...I love all those things...you're so sweet, Niv; you're going to be such a good father. I love you so much." He wrapped Niv in his wings and arms and gently rocked him in the water.

He enjoyed the feeling of being so close to his love, and during such a special time. "Well, of course. You've taken such good care of me so it's only fair that I shower you with affection when you deserve it," he said quietly as he snuggled closer.

"You always deserve my affection, sweetie." Storm smiled, licking over Niv's wet furred neck and petting his back and chest at the same time. "You're such an adorable boy, you know that?"

Niv giggled. "Aww, you know I always melt when you say things like that...but actually, I was wondering...I'm glad that getting bigger doesn't really scare you, but what about the thought of giving birth? Is there anything you want to ask me about it?"

Storm looked up slowly, shivering a bit and sitting upright again. He groaned slightly, seeming to be a tad uncomfortable. "Uhh...how much do you know about it, Niv?"

Niv's expression went back to concern. "That's what I thought." He rose out of the water and pulled Storm to his feet, both of them shaking themselves dry; he then led Storm to the nest. He sat them down so they were sitting and facing each other. "I've watched a lot of animals give birth, and helped with a few when I thought it was necessary, so ask me anything you want and I'll do my best to answer it."

Storm crossed his legs and looked at Niv attentively. "Well...umm...how hard is it...?"

He held Storm's hands. "Most of them go through it with very little apparent discomfort, though I will admit, they aren't anthros. In your case, we really won't know until we get there. What's important is that you stay calm and let your body do what it's supposed to do and the grifflet will come when it's ready. I'll be right by your side."

He nodded slowly and flicked an ear. "When it's ready," he echoed, "I don't have control over it?"

Niv spread his arms, inviting Storm into a hug. "Storm, there are things we can do to help it along, but if you just listen to your body, and if you work with what it tells you instead of fight it...."

The silver, white, and blue griffon hugged Niv closely, nuzzling his neck and purring gently. "But it'll come whenever, and not when I want it to?"

He rubbed Storm's back, massaging the bases of Storm's wings. "Yes. And that's what's important. It will come. It's okay to be scared because knowing that you are afraid that's the first step to conquering fear. But I'll do everything in my power to make sure both you and the grifflet will be all right. And then we'll have the greatest day of our lives."

He purred softly and leaned forward, lightly feeling his own blue belly and navel. "Mmmf, Niv...I am a little scared of this, of what's going to happen when I give birth. The pregnancy is one thing, but..." He shuddered and ducked his head, thinking about it, his hand straying down past his slightly stiff shaft and under his balls to feel his sex. "A baby...is going to come out of here?"

Niv sighed. "I think you already know the answer to that, as difficult to believe as it may seem. But right now, there's no reason to think that you can't handle it. You're not only strong in body," he patted Storm's powerful chest, "you have strength where it really counts. You just need to remember that when the time comes, and I'll show you if you forget."

"I think I'll be okay as long as you're here with me, Niv," he said with a murr at the patting of his chest, pushing it out proudly and grinning, fanning his wings and stroking his brother's thigh.

Niv nodded and beamed a smile at Storm. "There ya go, that's the spirit."

"I wonder how big I'll get...if it will make hunting difficult, or if I can keep foraging," he said in a nervous tone of voice.

He gently rested his hand on Storm's tummy. "Well, we'll find out and react appropriately, won't we? We'll figure something out, don't worry. You just concentrate on making a strong and healthy baby, okay?"

Storm murred happily as Niv touched his belly, softly pushing Niv onto his back before lying next to his brother and curl against him, pressing his belly to Niv's side. "Mmm, no problem, hon, I don't think I could stop if I wanted to."

He patted Storm's tummy. "Wow, you really love it when I do this, don't you?" he asked, giving him a quick scritch with his nails. "Well, just imagine how good it'll feel once there's more belly to rub. You know, if you're still feeling apprehensive, we can practice a bit right now."

Storm moaned softly, his eyes fluttering as he smiled peacefully and blushed faintly, nuzzling Niv's side. "Mmmmm, I know...heehee." He looked down at Niv's face. "Practice...what, love?"

"Well, we can pretend you're having birth spasms and I can try help you through them." He whispered in Storm's ear, "And who knows, maybe if you do well, I'll give you a nice reward," finishing with a lick to the eartuft.

"That sounds...mmmm, interesting," he said breathily with a gasp at the lick, his cock throbbing and leaking pre down its length. "So how do...I act?"

"Well, first, let's give you a little primer on how you can help labor along. The basic idea is, as I said, to listen to your body. I know that may not make much sense right now, but if your instinct tells you, say, to get in a certain position, do so." He stood up and stepped out of the nest and invited Storm to do likewise.

Storm stood up, putting a hand over Niv's shoulders and watching his brother's lead. "Position...?"

He nodded looking up at the taller griffon. "Yes. And don't worry that it may seem weird or wrong, because I certainly won't tell you to not do it. Also, it's a good idea to keep moving as much as you feel you're able. If you need to stop, either because you're tired or because of a spasm, then go ahead until you feel ready to walk again. If you can stay standing, or at least not lying flat on your back, all the better."

Storm cocked his head and felt under his sack, his sex was already dripping for other reasons despite his anxiety. "Standing, while I give birth... won't that be messy as hell, Niv?"

"Well, the best position would probably be squatting, actually, but again, if instinct says to act otherwise, go for it. And to be honest, birth, much like life, appropriately enough, is not for the faint of heart. It is bloody and messy, and it can be painful, but for all the pains it may cause, on the whole," he looked deep into Storm's eyes, "it, is, glorious."

The other griffon's blue eyes opened wide in surprise and more than a little awe at hearing his younger brother speak in such a way. He took a few seconds to process what Niv had told him. "Squatting?" He grunted and lowered into a squat, a little higher than normal. "Like this?"

Niv nodded. "It helps open your birth canal and lets gravity help. Hmm...considering you'll have a lot more weight in the front, you'll probably need to lean on something, but then again, you're a strong guy." He gave one of Storm's biceps a playful squeeze before kneeling in front of Storm and placing his hands under Storm's nethers. "And then, we'll both catch the baby." He blushed a bit as he realized that this happened to be a very sexual position. It seemed that Storm was thinking the same thing as some of his secretions dripped onto Niv's hands.

The big griffon smiled as Niv reached beneath him, feeling his hand brush against his ballsack, his cock bobbing with his heartbeat and both male and female fluids dripping on his lower arm. "Mmmf, I could lean against you...or a tree if you're going to be down there."

He smiled back at Storm. "Indeed, you could lean against me. That's what I'm here for, to help you. And I'll stay by your side as long as I can when you're almost done with the pregnancy; I'm not missing it for anything. Actually, come to think of it, it might do you a lot of good to pray with me. It really helps calm me down, and during birth, staying calm is the name of the game."

"Pray with you...while I'm in labor? Heh heh...I think I could do that..." Storm murmured, his mind much more focused on what Niv was doing to him.

He traced Storm's lower lips with his fingers. "Oh, I wasn't just talking about doing during labor, I mean whenever you want. But right now, I'm thinking you're in the mood for something else..."

He shuddered and gasped, squirming and shivering as Niv's fingers caressed him. "You read my mind, bro..." He panted and looked between his legs.

A lustful grin crossed Niv's face. He loved that he could turn his brother on as much as Storm did him. "Well, we'll leave that for later. Right now, I think it's time for those pregnancy urges to be...." He dug his right index and middle fingers into Storm's very ready sex, pressing the ring and little fingers into the spot between his femness and anus and his thumb right underneath Storm's ballsack, keeping his other hand ready to steady his mate if this was too much. "Satisfied," he finished with a growl.

"Ooooh!" he cried with a squawk, arching his back and steadying himself, gripping Niv's shoulders and panting as he spurted pre onto the grass, making him shudder. "Ohhh that feels good...naughty daddy-to-be..." he said with a smile, kissing his brother's cheek.

Niv laughed evilly. "I'm the naughty one? You're the one who," he pressed harder, "always wants to mate even though he's already knocked up." He hoped that he wouldn't make Storm cum already; he wanted that to be accomplished by his shaft, which had long since gone erect, unnoticed by both of them as he reassured and touched his brother.

"Rrrrgh!" Stormtalon growled, pushing Niv's hand further inside him by squatting lower as he gasped and thrashed his tail, his hand reaching out to firmly grasp his brother's cock. "Mmmmf, just because my female parts are pregnant doesn't mean my male parts don't need satisfaction...but my fem bits do anyway...heh..."

He kept applying pressure for a few seconds before quickly pulling his fingers out. Keeping his eyes fixed on Storm's, he licked them clean before turning around and starting to walk back to the nest. He calmly lay on his back, his arousal signaling his own eagerness to mate. "Well? When your body tells you to do something...listen," he said, licking his beak.

Wearing a wide smile, the pregnant griffon walked over to his brother, crouching over him and just teasing the tip of Niv's shaft with his wet folds, rubbing his hands over the other griffon's white chest while pre dribbled onto Niv's belly. "Yeah, like when yours told you to get me pregnant...you didn't hesitate, did you?"

Licking his lips, Niv reached up and patted Storm's belly with both hands. "For a little bit, I did, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. And now the love of my life is expecting our child. But we'll have time to reminisce later. Right now, we're being told the same thing, so let's go for it!" He suddenly thrust his hips up, slipping his cock into Storm.

He yelped loudly and happily, feeling that stiff organ sliding into his cunny, pushing down against Niv and pressing his rock-solid belly out into Niv's hands, his own hands gripping his brother's hips as he rocked back and forth against him. "Oooh yes, rub my tummy, with our baby growing inside of it..."

They quickly found their rhythm, having had so much practice, and Niv leaned up to lick Storm's flagging maleness. Happily obeying Storm's command, and being even more aroused by the reminder of Storm's passenger, he couldn't really lick it, so he just held his tongue out and got as many tastes as he could. From the feeling of the juices Storm was releasing from his sex and how much pre he was leaking, Storm was indeed incredibly aroused, even for a horny pregnant mate.

Stormtalon squawked and grunted at the licks, dousing Niv's beak with pre and closing his eyes tightly, holding back as long as he could while the warm and wet tunnel of his sex caressed his brother's cock and coated their crotches crotch in his secretions. "Mmmmm, I need you so much, Niv..."

Niv didn't want to risk speaking and accidentally biting Storm's cock, so he just grunted and panted as he kept thrusting. *Rrrgh...damn, this is incredible! And he still has seven months!* he thought as his mind clouded over with feelings instead of words.

The big griffon squawked and moaned loudly as ropes of cum began shooting from his cock, filling Niv's beak and splattering his face before coating his chest and belly, Storm's cunt tightening and squeezing around the meat buried inside of it. "Oooh Niv!"

Niv moved his head aside, not wanting to open his eyes lest he be blinded by male cum. He managed to grunt, "Here...here it comes...!" before he came, shooting his seed at Storm's already occupied womb. He came enough that his cum started to leak back down around his tightly-hugged shaft and leak out from between Storm's nether lips.

He pressed firmly into Niv's climax, feeling the warm fluid coating his insides, panting and grunting happily in pleasure. His fingers teased his brother's nipples while he panted as his climax subsided. "Mmmm, you feel so good inside me, dear brother..."

Sensing that Storm was done coming from his maleness, Niv's hands fell from Storm's tummy and he lay fully on his back in spread-eagle position. He opened his eyes and found that much of his vision was obscured by his brother's male cum. He came down from his climax...and kept coming down. He shook his head as his ears started ringing and before long, his breath was coming in gasps as he started to feel more exhausted than he had ever been from mating.

Storm leaned over his brother, gently licking his own seed off of the griffon's face, and smiling to him gently, his belly laid against his love's. "You okay, honey?"

Niv opened his mouth to answer but found he couldn't; he just kept gasping for air, feeling as if the cave had been on fire. *Oh dammit...not now of all times, I'm already tired.* He managed to speak in a weak and strained voice, "Storm...water...put me in..."

His brother easily obliged, standing up slowly and mindful of his own weakened state, but not nearly as drained as Niv was, picking up the younger boy easily and carrying him to the lagoon, easing them both in and setting Niv facing him on his lap. "Aww, I wore you out, bro..."

It took a few minutes for Niv regain enough strength to form a sentence. His feathers and fur had been covered in his sweat and he'd never looked so exhausted. Finally, he opened his eyes, but they were bloodshot and the pupils were dilated, showing that he wasn't just physically tired and sore, but his whole body was burnt out. "Yes, you did wear me out...but that's not all. This, dear brother, was a case of very bad timing. It seems that when my prayers were answered, they didn't come without a price. I've periodically felt bouts of fatigue, as I'm sure you noticed, but this was a lot worse than any I've felt so far, and it hit at just the wrong time."

Whimpering in fear for his brother's safety, Stormtalon held Nivalis as close to him as he could while nuzzling him lovingly. "A price...? But if we conceived two months ago, how can you still be feeling the effects of your prayer?"

Niv returned the nuzzle. "I don't know, but I guess I agreed to more than I thought. I have been a bit neglectful in my prayers as of late, so maybe that's the cause of this. In any case, I can't go back, and even if I could," he rubbed Storm's belly, "I wouldn't." He licked Storm's face to show his sincerity.

He purred, kisslicking and nuzzling Niv gently and holding him in his arms, smiling as he stroked his tummy. "Mmm, you're so sweet, my dear brother..."

Niv fully relaxed into Storm's embrace. "You can't start a life out of love in exchange for your own, so don't worry, I'm not going to die. We'll just have to take it a little easier until I get my strength back." He started to drift off as he murmured, "And you're so good to me, my loving pregnant griffon...."

"Of course...." He leaned back in the lagoon, breathing softly and contemplating the little life growing within his belly and the mate he held in his arms.

Wild Ch. 4: Group Hug!

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon and Asahi (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. ...

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Tides Ch. 4: Rainy Day Activities

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain (c) me, Si...

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Tides Ch. 3: Let Me Show You

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain and Kera (c)...

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