Wild Ch. 4: Group Hug!

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#4 of Love in the Wild

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before.

Stormtalon and Asahi (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Nivalis sat aside Storm in the grassy part of the cave. His eyes were closed and he looked to be very much at peace. He was showing Storm how he prayed, which wasn't difficult. "You just find some place of natural beauty, concentrate on something of similar beauty, and...well, let your mind relax and wander," he had said.

Storm had his eyes closed and his legs crossed, wearing his pants and shirt open as he'd been liking to leave his tummy exposed for petting, even if he wasn't showing at all yet. His pecs were a little softer, not noticeable to most, but Niv was familiar enough with his body that he could tell the difference, as could Storm. "And this will help me with labor?"

His brother nodded. "Yes it will, and it will very much help you with your everyday life. I find it does me a world of good. For example, right now I'm thinking of our baby inside you, and I'm just filled with love."

He purred at that. "Mmm, I thought you were always filled with love, dear brother."

Niv smiled, keeping his eyes closed. "Yes, but now I let it flood me and take control."

Storm chirped but said no more, imagining the baby growing inside of him, starting to press up against the inside of his belly. He could feel it when he lay down, the very slight and gentle pressure of his growing womb inside his body.

Niv had noticed that lately Storm had been absolutely radiant. His morning sickness was almost gone, his chest was a bit sore at times but often quite sensitive, and his sexual appetite remained as it had been. He speculated that Storm was starting to feel the first hints of the baby's presence. He was a bit jealous but he knew that in time he would see them as much as Storm was feeling them.

After several minutes, the older griffon opened his eyes, sighed softly and let out a deep breath. He looked down at his abdomen, gently caressing it, the outline of his trim six-pack and firm abs belying the fact that he was well into the third month of his pregnancy. "Gonna start showing soon...."

The white griffon looked at his pregnant mate and smiled softly at his belly. "Yep, and then you'll have to endure me constantly fawning over you." He turned his smile to Storm's face.

"I'd hardly say I'd 'endure it'...more like 'cherish it and enjoy it,' sweetheart." He leaned over to kiss Niv's cheek, putting a wing around his brother and holding him closer.

He leaned into the hug. "Well, then you're going to enjoy being pregnant even more than you thought, won't you, my pregnant griffon?" He gave Storm's tummy a few scratches with his nails.

Arching his back to push his tummy against Niv's nails, Storm purred happily and squawked in delight. "Mmmm, I think so! Right up until I can't get around by myself."

He chuckled and kept scratching. "You? Oh c'mon, a big guy like you could get up by himself! Heh, besides, when you do get big, you're never gonna be out of my sight."

"That sounds like a good idea, hon...mmmm," he moaned as he lay down, pawing up at Niv playfully while the smaller griffon rubbed his tummy.

Niv continued to smile down on his mate, giggling. "And then I'll even be able to hug your-." He stopped as he heard the clicking of nails on stone near the cave entrance. "Storm...."

Storm sat up quickly, getting to his feet as the figure of a canid blocked the setting sun, its shadow cast long across the cave floor. "Storm, Nivalis?" a husky but feminine voice called out.

"Asahi, is that you?" Storm asked, stepping closer until the shadow of the cave allowed him to see the hyena clearly. "It's been too long!"

Niv immediately relaxed and stood to greet their hyena friend. He smiled warmly at hir and nodded. "It's good to see you again, Asahi."

The spotted hyena stood proudly, hir spear in one hand, A-cup breasts plainly adorning hir chest, and hir normally trim, toned stomach rounded and bulging with a pregnancy almost half over; the loincloth covering hir male parts fit snug and tight over hir belly, which flickered with movement now and then. Shi wore a necklace of teeth and hir body was decorated with various paints. "The same to you, my friends...I trust you're doing well?" Shi gave Stormtalon a careful scan up and down his exposed torso and flicked hir tail playfully.

Niv's gave hir a playful smirk at seeing hir expectant status. "Yes, and I see you're more than all right yourself. How far along are you?" He gave a casual glance over to Storm, who he'd know would probably be even more interested.

Storm was indeed inspecting his friend's belly, slowly reaching out to feel it. "May I...?" he asked shyly.

Asahi smiled and softly nodded to him as she set hir spear aside. "Only if I may as well," shi said jokingly, and they both touched each other's bellies. "And to answer your question, young one, I'm in my fifth month today. That's actually why I came here to see you this evening."

Niv offered hir a seat on the grass. "Really? Well, how can we help you?"

Shi hesitated a bit in sitting before Storm offered hir his hand and helped hir to sit down. He sat with hir, forming a triangle with them facing each other. "Well, as you can tell, I'm expecting my first in some four months." Shi stroked hir belly, smiling thoughtfully. "I'd like you both to be present for my birthing. As my tribe does not take permanent mates, you would be my attendants...." Shi smiled, a noticeable bulge under hir tight loincloth. "You're my closest friends. I don't have many."

Niv scooted a little closer and held hir free hand. "I would be honored to be a part of your birthing." He looked over to Storm, smiling and asking with his eyes for Storm's answer, though he was sure he already knew.

"As would I, my dear Asahi," he said, squeezing hir hand. "Four months, you said...." He subconsciously put a hand on his own trim belly. "I might be as big as you by then...." He looked up with a smile, positively glowing and with bright eyes.

Nivalis moved so they were in a tight little triangle, their knees touching, wrapped his arm around Storm's waist, and leaned on his shoulder. He nodded, radiating his own joy and waiting for Asahi's reaction.

Hir rounded ears perked, and shi looked at Storm with surprise. "You...are pregnant? I thought your scent was a little odd, but I never...who's the father?" shi asked, looking at both brothers.

Storm locked eyes with Niv, and gape-grinned quietly, as if to say "You should tell hir." His brother said nothing, just moved so his chin was resting on Storm's lap, and nuzzled Storm's tummy with his cheek, keeping his eyes locked with Asahi's. Storm sighed in amusement. "Nivalis is the father."

Asahi sat upright, giggled in amusement, and leaned in to hug them both. "I'm so happy for you two! You're going to have a beautiful child, I know...."

The griffon brothers returned the hug, Niv blushing a bit from the affection. "As will you, Asahi, and I eagerly anticipate when we can see for ourselves. Heh, you know, our children could grow up as pretty good friends. Can you believe that?" he remarked.

"They'll only be two months apart!" Storm happily exclaimed as Asahi leaned closer to inspect his belly.

"So you are three months pregnant? Your figure hides it well. I didn't start showing until my fourth month." Shi gently pressed hir fingers against his abdomen as the griffon leaned back and moaned happily.

Niv chuckled. "Well, they probably develop at different rates. He might have a bit of a growth spurt." He leaned over to join Asahi in the task he so coveted: rubbing his love's belly.

Stormtalon moaned on his back in the grass, shuddering as his sheath grew under his pants, his shirt falling open and his tummy quivering with the attention to his belly. "Oooh gods I love that...mmmf, naughty..." As Asahi leaned in closer, nuzzling and slowly licking at his lower belly, just above the waist of his pants.

Niv started to get a bit upset at Asahi showing his mate so much affection, but shook it off. After all, shi was their friend, and anything or anyone that made Storm happy made him happy, so he joined in the love by moving his face up to Storm's and licking his cheek.

Asahi sensed Niv's discomfort and backed off a bit, resuming hir nuzzling to his tummy and rubbing gently with hir hands as a spot of pre dampened Storm's pants. He kissed his brother and put his arm around the younger griffon. "Mmmm, you sweeties, I'm really glad I have you in my life...."

"And we are glad to have you in ours, Asahi. Just think, in time we'll have children who'll be friends and play with each other." He noticed that Asahi started to take it easy with hir ministrations to Storm's abdomen and smiled at hir. "It's okay, I don't mind. You're our friend and we're going to be sharing a rather intimate experience ourselves in four months."

The hyena sat up, smiling softly, and noticing hir loincloth was becoming tented with hir erection, damp from pre at the tip. "Oh, my, I'm sorry about that," shi chuckled and reclined back on hir knees, petting up the sides of hir belly as hir baby kicked within. "Quiet, dear," shi said soothingly.

Storm sat up on his elbows, watching hir. "When could you feel the baby moving?" he asked. Niv watched Storm stare at Asahi's belly with great interest, as he expected. He sat by and allowed the two to connect in their own simple yet powerful way.

"Just a couple of weeks ago. It's made sleeping difficult, but I think I can get used to it." Shi slowly stood up, hir loincloth damp in other places as the dark spots showed between hir legs. "I should be getting back to my tribe, the sun is low and it's harder to navigate at night. I'll see you both very soon, I hope." Shi embraced both of the griffons in a hug after they stood as well, hir round belly pressing against each griffon's stomach.

Niv noted hir arousal and arched an eyebrow as shi pulled away from him. "Are you sure you won't stay for the night?" He darted his eyes back and forth from between hir eyes and hir groin to get the idea across.

"I wasn't sure I'd be welcome in this condition," shi said with a blush, idly brushing a hand across hir crotch. "It's the pregnancy, you know."

Storm chuckled, nodding gently. "I know exactly what you mean...and I too would like you to spend the night. It would be safer here for you and the child."

Niv snickered. "You're always welcome, even more so in your condition. I certainly do know what you mean, though I'm betting Storm knows best," he turned his head to look at Storm, "yes?"

"Well...." he started to say, shifting his weight as his cock bobbed in front of his pants, notably wet. "Maybe we should take care of it so we can sleep better," he said with a knowing grin, slipping his shirt off and feeling his pecs, touching his sensitive nipples.

"I see you're starting to develop," Asahi said, grinning.

Niv smiled at what was likely to come, but a pang of conscience suddenly struck him. "Um...Storm, may I speak to you outside for just a moment?"

Storm looked over at his brother curiously, and got to his feet. "Sure, hon." He took Niv's hand in his and padded outside with him. Their hyena friend slowly stalked to the end of the cave, thinking that they were going to discuss how they wanted this presumed threesome was going to play out and naturally being quite interested.

When the brothers were outside, the setting sun covering them its darkening red radiance, Niv turned to Storm and held his hands, still smiling, but this one a more loving smile. "I just want you to know that I think it's all right if you want to mate with Asahi, in fact I don't blame you, for shi is quite lovely, and when I said I'd love you no matter what, I meant it. But although I'm quite willing to pleasure hir...I want to remain yours and yours alone."

Storm cocked his head as he digested what Niv was saying before he smiled warmly, holding Niv's hands and kissing him, looking into his eyes tenderly and admiring how Niv's white body became a very light peach in the orange glow of the setting sun. "Oh Niv, I would not mate with anyone but you. I was planning on helping Asahi with hir arousal, using my hands...but I would love for you to mate me as I do that."

The hyena's ears had been perked at hearing hir name mentioned, but shi relaxed after the exchange of love and affection. Hir heart melted and shi let out a soft "Awwww" before covering hir muzzle, ducking into the corner of the cave and blushing fiercely.

Niv faintly heard hir sigh, and after giving Storm a lick on his beak, reentered the cave and went over to Asahi. He knelt next to hir and turned hir to face him, looking into hir eyes and smiling warmly, then gesturing with his head to follow him over to the grassy part of the cave.

The griffon followed his brother, walking into the middle of the cave with the two. "So how do you want to do this, boys...?" the hyena asked, smiling.

"Well...first, how about Storm gets started and you two find a position that's most comfortable, and...well, I'll take the lead from there." He looked back at Storm and winked before moving aside.

Asahi nodded softly and undid hir loincloth, letting it fall to the ground to expose hir erect shaft, dripping sex and heavy balls as shi slowly lay down on hir back. Storm removed his pants, getting on all fours over Asahi and exposing his firm rump and swollen cunny to his brother. "Mmm, such a sexy 'yena," he growled to Asahi, gently nuzzling hir belly as his hand caressed hir thigh.

Niv stood by for a moment, rubbing his hardening shaft as the thought of not one, but two, sexy and pregnant herms cuddling aroused him. He was still a bit hesitant to mate Storm with his cock after what happened last month, but he had made up for it with practicing giving Storm pleasure by other means. He spoke through his panting, "Yesss, whoever put a cub in your belly was one lucky canine."

Storm grunted as his hand firmly worked Asahi's thick shaft, stroking it and watching the hot pre dribble out over hir swollen tummy, leaning down to lick and nuzzle hir as his own juices dripped down his thighs and onto the grass.

"He was a well-built jackal," Asahi grunted, arching hir back and moaning as Storm pawed hir off. "But not as well-built as you, Storm...."

Niv moved over to Storm's rear and sat down on his knees. He ever so slowly ran the tips of his nails around Storm's lips, knowing just the right places to linger. His other hand caressed Storm's throbbing penis, slicking him up with his own pre.

The griffon let out a squawk of pleasure as Niv caressed his sex and cock, bucking his hips back against his brother's ministrations as he licked Asahi's belly button, getting a squirt of pre on his beak and giggling softly as he continued pawing hir off, his other paw sliding into hir cunny. "Good hyena...mmmf, so this is how you loosen up before birth...." Asahi didn't respond in words; shi pushed hir hips down to slide his hand even further into hir.

Niv decided that his brother shouldn't have had to wait, so he thrusted his index, middle and ring fingers into and out of Storm's sex and grasped his slimy cock, starting to jack him off. He moved his head so he could watch Storm pleasure Asahi while he did likewise to Storm.

Storm screeched and beat his wings in pleasure, gasping and shuddering while pre sprayed out over Asahi's legs, the hyena shooting a long stream of pre over hir tummy as the baby kicked again and hir claws firmly gripped the grass while shi moaned and panted on the ground. "Ooooh godssss I'm gonna cum," shi whimpered as Storm lifted his tail and humped Niv's paw.

Niv was starting to wonder if just watching would make him cum, but in any case, seeing his brother and his friend in pleasure were rewards enough for him. He slowly stood up on his shins and spoke to both of them in a lustful growl, "Can you imagine it? You're both going to be so big with babies...and then you'll start lactating...mmm, yes, you're going to be even more gorgeous than you are now...."

Asahi grunted louder and tensed hir body, gripping Storm's arm with hir strong paw and yelping "Ooohhh STORM!" as shi came hard, hyena cum soaking hir belly and splattering Storm's chest and face as he sat up suddenly and squawked, his own climax hitting and showering the hyena's thighs and crotch with his seed, his cunny tightly clenching as honey spurted out behind him.

He felt his brother's walls clench around his fingers and knew that Storm's cum could get a little distance if his own cock wasn't there to hold it in, so he used his fingers to open Storm's lips, moved his face to Storm's folds, and let it flood over his beak and face, licking as much off as he could. Girlcum coated Niv's beak as Storm climaxed quickly but powerfully, slowly opening his eyes as he looked over the cum-soaked hyena, Asahi hirself giggling and rolling on the ground in pleasure and pawing up at the big griffon. "Oooh, thank you, you guys...mmmm, I'm a mess," shi panted, overcome by exhaustion for the moment.

Niv pulled his fingers out of Storm, and by now his entire left hand was covered in Storm's girlcum while his right had quite a few spots of Storm's spunk. He calmly scooted in front of the herms and held up his cum-covered hands, smiling happily. "Anyone want either of them?"

Storm grinned, nuzzling Niv's right paw while the hyena leapt up to suck on his left fingers. "I've always wanted to taste that big griffon," shi said with a smirk, holding Niv's arm as shi licked his paw clean, hir upper torso covered in hir own and Storm's cum.

Niv quietly chuckled. "You know, as much as I try, sometimes he's just insatiable...maybe the next time you come by, you'll luck out and get it super fresh, know what I mean?" He took note of Asahi's cum-covered front. "Right now, though, I think we should get cleaned up. It's not good to go to bed with cum in your fur or feathers, trust us, we know." He gave Storm a quick grin.

"What, me insatiable?" Storm gasped as he stood up, shaking his feathers and smirking at the hyena. "How do you propose we clean hir, bro?" he said with a playful grin.

Niv's lustful attitude faded to his usual polite and helpful demeanor as he gently helped the sweaty hyena to hir feet. "How about we all take a nice soak in the lagoon before bed?"

Asahi leaned tiredly against Niv and smiled. "I think I would love that, dears."

The griffons walked with hir into the lagoon, sitting down with hir in the shallow end as Niv started to use his nails and fingertips to rub the cum from hir front, of course getting to feel hir breasts and belly in the process before he reached hir groin. As he did so, he licked the side of hir face to clean some of hir cum off as well as to show affection. Storm sat on hir other side, caressing hir body along with his brother and licking hir face, stroking hir breast and gently fingering hir nipple, growing hard again. "Mmmm, you are so sexy, Asahi," he purred to hir, "it almost makes me wish I could knock up my brother...."

Niv purred back. "You know, we're going to become one big family of sorts...what would you think if you had either of us at your command when you get close to term? We'd pleasure you constantly, we'd give you massages...we'd do whatever you asked." He licked one of hir rounded ears as he started to very gently grasp at hir pubic fur to pull the cum out.

"I...would love that, my dear," shi said as he licked hir ear, flicking it lightly in reaction and giggling slightly, leaning back and spreading hir legs as Niv cleaned hir groin.

Storm's paw gently caressed hir belly, seemingly endlessly interested in it. "Yes, dear Asahi. We'll do anything for you to make it easier."

Niv's hands rubbed the base of hir belly as he finished cleaning hir sexes. He felt hir baby's movement and smiled. "I see that your little one approves as well," he said before licking hir cheek.

Shi closed hir eyes and sighed softly, leaning hir head against Niv's shoulder. "Mmmm, he's pretty active..." Shi moaned a bit at the rubbing, reaching over with a paw to caress Storm's belly as well. "You sexy griffons," she remarked.

Niv was going to ask hir how shi knew that the baby was a male, but decided that it wasn't worth making hir think when shi was so calm. He looked to Storm and smiled. "This is nice, but it's time for bed. You two must be burnt out by now."

Asahi slowly got up, the water streaming off the short fur on hir body as shi stood, thigh-deep in the water. Stormtalon followed, gently stroking hir back and rump with a wing and helping hir out of the lagoon, one paw fondly rubbing hir belly. "Mmmm, how would you like to sleep?" He asked hir, giving Niv a playful pat on the rump.

"How about cuddled up against you two lovebirds?" shi tiredly mumbled.

Niv brushed some of the water off of hir fur, though it was short enough that it would dry pretty quickly on its own. He led them over to the nest and lay down on one side of the nest, leaving room for the other two.

Storm helped Asahi to the ground as shi lay down on hir back. Storm then lay against hir and draped his arm across hir body, petting hir belly and holding Niv with the hyena between them, smiling peacefully. Niv may not have been pleasured during their sex session, but he found himself quite calmed by the scene as he nuzzled the pregnant hyena and drifted off into dreams of a little grifflet playing with a hyena cub.

The other griffon slowly drifted off with his brother, while Asahi was deep asleep, as was hir child.

The three slept in, too at peace to want to wake up. Finally, Nivalis reluctantly pulled away from the hyena and stretched out, still unwilling to get out of bed.

Stormtalon slowly rolled onto his back as Asahi stirred, opening hir eyes to the sunlight streaming into the cave, looking over at Nivalis and then the sleeping herm. "He's still asleep...." shi said with a smile.

Niv returned hir smile and gave hir a quick lick on hir nose, eliciting a murr from hir. "Y'know, sometimes if I nuzzle his tummy in his sleep, I can make him dream. Wanna see?"

She sat up and looking at Niv tenderly, hir sheath a bit plump. "Mm hmm," shi said, nodding mischievously.

"Okay, move a bit." He carefully crept over and placed his hands and head on Storm's tummy and started to nuzzle it. Suddenly, he froze as his eyes flew open. He moved his hands and head a bit before he quickly shook Storm's leg and chest. "Storm! Wake up!" he said in an urgent tone.

"What! What!" Storm squawked as he was startled awake, sitting up quickly and looking around, expecting to find the cave falling in on them.

Asahi looked perplexed, looking from one griffon to the other and blinking. "What's going on, Nivalis?" she asked, a bit panicked hirself.

Niv quickly grasped one of Storm's hands and moved it to Storm's belly, slowly moving it around before stopping. "Is that...Storm, can you feel that?" He looked as if he were about to start crying.

Storm blinked, feeling his belly lightly, and then more firmly, a telltale lump under his skin between his belly button and sheath. He definitely felt it, his eyes growing wide as he gazed at Nivalis lovingly. "Oooh, is that...you know...?" he stammered, as Asahi quietly looked on, touched once again by their love for each other.

Niv sniffled a bit and nodded. "It is.... " He carefully felt around the tiny lump and whispered, "Hello in there...we're your mom and dad...we hope you're getting strong in there...."

Stormtalon smiled, putting his wing around his dear brother and hugging him close, kissing his cheek and licking tenderly as he felt his growing womb with his mate. "Mmm, yes sweetie, that's our baby...but don't poke at it too much...." He giggled softly, his tummy quivering as he did.

Niv obeyed Storm's command before he fully embraced his mate, kisslicking his face with all the love he felt for him. "Thank you, Storm...thank you for giving me this moment."

He purred softly and held Nivalis close, closing his eyes and rocking Nivalis slowly in his arms. "I love you so much my dear brother."

Wild Ch. 5: Intruders

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. This chapter also contains non-explicit violence. Stormtalon and Asahi (c) him, Nauta...

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Wild Ch. 3: Mutual Prices

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. Stormtalon...

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Tides Ch. 4: Rainy Day Activities

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain (c) me, Si...

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