Lee and Mina (Episode 4)
#4 of Lee and Mina Series
The fourth part of the series.
In this episode, Lee learns about the consequences of her actions in Episode 3, which will lead to decisions that will need to be made. Meanwhile, as Lee and her mom go to talk to Kyle, Mina is left alone with her dad as they have a talk with each other and then follow it up with some special father/daughter bonding.
Lee and Mina (Episode 4): Father/Daughter Moment
WARNING: This story contains incest between a father and his daughter, if this bothers you, please bail out now. Then again, if you've been reading this series of stories, you'd already know what you're getting into.
Several days had passed since Lee and Mina had Kyle over to their house while their parents were out and the aftermath of that night is just beginning to set in. Today was supposed to be the day where the girls were supposed to see the doctor to have yiffberry prescriptions given to them so that they could satisfy their deeper sexual urges without their parents worrying about becoming grandparents too early. Upon arriving back home from the doctor's office, Mina was the first to come in. Because she had waited, her doctor gave her the prescription for yiffberries and she was more than eager to try them out, already having a bottle full of them ready to be used. Mina was thrilled that she'd finally be able to feel the warmth of Kyle's cream inside her womb without worrying about becoming a mom until she was ready. However, the news wasn't all happy for the family.
Lee, along with her mother and father came in behind Mina as the young female plusle had her ears hanging low while her mother (also a plusle) seemed to be disappointed in her daughter. However, this was nothing compared to how their raichu father felt about it as his yellow cheeks were sparking with intense bolts of lightning as he was clearly in a bad mood.
"Pregnant?!! How could this be Lee...haven't I told you time and time again that you two needed to have him wear a condom if you were to have sex with him?!!", the father scolded Lee as the young female plusle began to cry a little as she knew her father was very upset over this.
"I'm s-s-sorry daddy...I d-d-didn't know those candies were fake", Lee responded while sobbing, knowing quite well her father was angry at her. When Mina looked at her twin sister and saw how their father was reacting, she tried to help Lee.
"It's not all her fault daddy...she couldn't help it. Besides, it wasn't her fault that she trusted Athena with those candies, she probably wasn't thinking straight", Mina added as she tried to defuse her father's temper as the male raichu looked to his minun daughter and then back down to Lee. His cheeks stopped sparking and he let out a sigh.
"I know it's not entirely your fault this happened Lee...but you also need to be smarter about these kinds of things. This is a very good reason why they're only prescribed by doctors", their father told Lee as he started to calm down and touched her face lightly. Even though he was still irritated at Lee, he still loved her the same. "More importantly, when your mother or I tell you to do something, you're supposed to be a good girl and listen to us. We're your parents, we know what's best for you and the last thing we wanted to see was one of our little girls become a teenage mom", he added before giving Lee a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Daddy will always love you and your sister very much, even moments like this won't change how I feel about the two of you", he calmly told Lee as the female plusle calmed down somewhat and held onto her father. He couldn't help caressing the back of her head a little as he was being hugged, feeling his daughter holding him tightly.
"Daddy, what am I going to do about this?", Lee asked her father curiously while looking up at him. He gently caressed her cheek with his hand and sighed.
"Well, since your boyfriend doesn't know about this yet, we'll have to wait and see what he has to say when I talk to him", he told Lee as her eyes lit up with fear, knowing damn well what her father's mood was generally like when it came to something affecting his daughters.
"No daddy...please don't hurt Kyle...I love him", she begged as her eyes began to tear up again, thinking about what her father might do to Kyle once he got a hold of the pikachu male.
The male raichu kissed his daughter again and let out another sigh. "That all depends on what his reaction is when I tell him", he responded before having Lee release him. "In the meantime, I want you to go into your bedroom and think about what YOU want to do about this", he explained to Lee before she went into the bedroom and closed the door. Mina was about to follow behind her sister before their father stopped her. "Mina...leave your sister be for a while, give her time to think about what she's done", he instructed the young minun as Mina stopped in her tracks and obeyed her father, even though she didn't want to secretly.
"Mina honey, why don't you head to the grocery store for us and pick up some milk. Your father and I need to have a little time alone to talk about all of this", her mom suggested to Mina as she handed her a $10 bill and sent Mina on her way, knowing that it would take Mina about a half-hour or so before she came back. Then, with Mina out of the house for the time-being and Lee in the bedroom, their parents went into their bedroom to think about everything that has happened today.
Once they were back in their bedroom, their father tried to think about the situation as his cheeks sparked once more and he slammed his fist down on one of the tables over by their bed. "I can't believe this is happening again", he exclaimed as he thought back to the time when he was a pikachu and dating their mom.
"Take it easy, Raymond...we don't know if that's true or not", their mother responded calmly to him as he looked over at his wife, sat down beside her on the bed and sighed.
"I know...it's just that, I remember when you and I were that age and what happened to us when you became pregnant with the girls", Raymond answered his wife softly as Paula sat beside him as she rested her cheek on his. "You and Maggie were so happy together when I first met you and I loved both of you very much...I never meant to drive a wedge between you and your sister when you became pregnant with the girls", he added with a sigh, seeing that he had a relationship with Paula and her minun sister Maggie much like how Lee and Mina shared Kyle. However, when Paula wanted to have sex without protection, she became pregnant with Lee and Mina and the jealousy that Maggie felt ruined the relationship that the three of them shared.
"I know you never wanted us to be separated from each other...Maggie and I loved you and we loved each other. However, despite what Maggie and her friends did to me when she found out that I got pregnant from you, I never regretted becoming a mom", Paula responded softly. "We've had two lovely girls together and I think they need their father's love more than ever at this time in their lives", Paula added as he sighed again.
"If only Lee had waited like Mina, I could've given her what she wanted safely. I want to believe that Kyle is a good and responsible male and will take responsibility for his actions, but I thought it would've been better if Lee had gotten that first cream filling from me so that I could show her that I do love her", Raymond replied as Paula kissed his cheek.
"I think Lee knows you love her honey...you may have a stronger connection with Mina than you do with Lee, but I'm sure she knows she's loved by her father. Also, you can still have a chance to show how much you love her in a more intimate way later on if you'd like...I'm sure Lee would still let you", Paula answered her husband as she knew Raymond was looking forward to spending some special father/daughter time with his two girls.
"You're right Paula...but it's not going to be the same. I wanted the girls to be together for life and not have anything come between them. It made me mad to see them fighting until they made up and now I'm worried that the same thing will happen to them as what happened to you and Maggie", Raymond responded as Paula sighed and placed her hand on his.
"Maybe you should ask them how they feel, starting with Mina. I think that they still love each other and I doubt that this will tear them apart, especially after what they've been through", Paula explained to Raymond as she came up with another thought. "Why don't I spend a little alone time with Lee. I think she could use my comforting now since I know exactly what she's going through", Paula added as Raymond looked to his wife and nodded as they kissed each other softly before Paula got up from the bed. She walked from the master bedroom to the room Lee and Mina shared, finding her plusle daughter lying on the bed with her face buried in the pillow.
"C'mon honey, it's time to get up...we're going to go pay Kyle a visit. I think it's important to find out how he feels about all of this before your father does", Paula calmly told Lee as the young female immediately stood up as a wave of terror rushed across her. She knew how angry her father could get and feared for Kyle's safety.
"No...don't let Daddy hurt Kyle...I love him", Lee exclaimed nervously as Paula kissed her daughter's cheek and held her tight.
"Take it easy sweetheart, it's just going to be the two of us going...daddy is staying here", Paula told her daughter softly. "Besides, I don't think daddy would hurt Kyle unless he did something to hurt you", Paula added as Lee calmed down a little and got up off the bed, heading off to Kyle's house with her mother.
Meanwhile, Raymond stayed behind in his bedroom alone, thinking about what could've been with him, Paula, and Maggie and wondering what would happen with his two girls and Kyle. He also thought about the bond he had with his daughters and how he hoped that this would be the day where he could reconnect with Lee emotionally while also assisting the two of them with their intense sexual desires. "I don't think I'll ever be able to bond with Lee the way I've bonded with Mina now", he thought to himself as he heard the backdoor open a few moments later.
"Hello...Mom...Dad...Lee?", Mina called out as she had come back from the store and placed the milk in the fridge. "Is anyone home?", she added as Raymond sat up from the bed and sighed.
"Well, at least Mina was patient enough to wait for this", he thought to himself as he figured that he could at least give Mina what she had wanted and strengthen the bond he had with her. However, he didn't want to rush into it, so he decided to play it casually until he knew that she wanted it.
He walked out of the bedroom, looking for Mina as he found her sitting on the couch. "Hello sweetheart", Raymond calmly called out to his minun daughter as Mina looked at her father with her blue eyes curiously.
"Daddy, where's Lee? She's not in her bedroom and mom doesn't appear to be around either", Mina asked her father as Raymond sat down next to her and placed an arm around her from behind.
"Your sister went out to have a private moment with your mom. This is a difficult time for both of them and they needed some alone time to talk about things...just like I need to do with you", Raymond explained to his daughter as he placed his free hand on one of Mina's cheeks.
"Mina honey...how do you feel about this whole thing? How do you feel about your sister getting pregnant from Kyle?", Raymond asked as Mina sighed softly.
"To be honest, I'm a little jealous of her...I was hoping that we'd both be pregnant with his kids at the same time...but not until we were both older", Mina answered as those comments brought a few tears to the male raichu's eyes.
"DAMMIT, IT'S HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN!!!", he shouted as Mina looked at her father curiously.
"What's happening daddy...why are you so upset?!!", Mina asked curiously as Raymond calmed down and let out a sigh.
"Well, you see...back before you and your sister were born, your mom, aunt Maggie, and I had a relationship similar to that of the one you and Lee have with Kyle. We were all very happy together and we all thought we'd be together forever. But then, mom became pregnant with you two and it caused Maggie to resent your mother for becoming pregnant without her. That is why you haven't seen aunt Maggie around very much since you were born, she's still mad at your mom", Raymond explained to Mina as it seemed that Mina understood right away.
"I see...and your afraid that I'm going to be like that to Lee", Mina responded as Raymond nodded while Mina sighed. "It's true that I feel a bit upset about not getting pregnant at the same time as Lee...but that doesn't mean I don't love my sister. Besides, I don't want to have any kids right now...I want to wait until after college to have a family, even if Lee is already pregnant", Mina added as Raymond listened to his daughter's words and saw some hope.
Raymond then kissed his daughter's cheek as it sparked with her charge, making his own cheeks begin to spark at the same time. "Good girl, Mina...don't ever stop loving your sister. Always be there for her to let Lee know how you feel about her", Raymond mentioned to Mina as she looked into her father's eyes while climbing onto his lap.
"I don't want us to drift apart again, after all we've been through Daddy. My love for my sister is very strong and I won't let anything come between us this time", Mina mentioned as she started to hug her father tightly. "Besides, I know my time will come in a few years when I'll be ready for a family of my own. I can be patient and wait until then", Mina added as she let out a bit of a sigh. "Although, there is something I've been wanting to do as long as Lee has that I haven't been able to do yet", Mina continued as Raymond looked into his daughter's eyes and caressed her soft cheek fur.
"What's that sweetheart?", Raymond asked his daughter as her cheeks sparked a bit while blushing.
"Well...I've wanted to know what it felt like to get filled up like Lee did. I've been tempted to let Kyle cum inside my womb a few times, but I've always remembered what you told me about waiting until I was ready", Mina explained as Raymond heard Mina's comments and started to feel a bit aroused sexually without Mina finding out. "Now that I've gotten my yiffberries, I was wondering if I could let Kyle give it to me like I want him to", Mina added as Raymond caressed Mina's cheeks and felt his erection growing in his pants.
"Yes Mina...as long as you remember to take your berries before you have sex with him, you can have Kyle fill you now. However, before you let him do this, I was wondering if you could do something for your father", Raymond calmly explained as he felt a little nervous and a lot horny with his erection poking upward into his pants, but still not being noticed by Mina as of yet.
"What is it, Daddy?", Mina asked curiously as her blue eyes were looking into her father's as the male raichu felt his cheeks sparking constantly while his maleness was starting to throb for his daughter's vaginal canal.
"Well, Mina...Kyle isn't the only boy in your life who loves you that way. To tell you the truth, I've always had a strong bond with you and I had secretly hoped that I could be the one to give you your first taste of sexual intimacy. However, Kyle took your virginity before I could, so I guess that isn't possible", Raymond explained to Mina shyly as the young minun fem looked at her father and leaned in closer to him, finally feeling the bulge in his pants. Mina didn't seem to mind her father's erection, and it actually seemed that she liked the idea of having her father admit that he thought she was sexually attractive to him.
"It's not too late Daddy...I may not be a virgin anymore, but I do love you. Besides, I've heard from Mom what you are like in bed when I first learned about sex and to be honest, I'm curious to try it", Mina answered softly as Raymond continued to blush while his erection kept throbbing in his pants.
"Your mother told you about what I'm like sexually?", he asked Mina curiously as the female minun looked up to her father and nodded.
"She told Lee and I everything you do to her and how much she enjoys feeling your long cock inside her whenever you two have sex", Mina added playfully as she reached down to his bulge and touched it lightly, making Raymond's cheeks spark even more. "I'll have sex with you Daddy...if you still want to", Mina told her father as Raymond looked at her with his eyes lit up and his hands moving down to her cute butt, giving it a soft squeeze.
"Yes Mina...Daddy wants to show you how much I love you", Raymond commented sweetly to his daughter as Mina's cheeks sparked with excitement as she started to feel a bit damp downstairs. "Before we start though, be a good girl and take your yiffberries...Daddy wants to fill you up, but Daddy doesn't want to knock you up just like Kyle did to your sister", he added softly as Mina nodded and went back to the bedroom for a moment to take her yiffberries. In the meantime, Raymond slipped off his pants and boxers to reveal his throbbing pink raichu cock. It was nearly a foot long with a narrow pointed tip that thickened as it went down towards his sheath and kept spitting precum upward as he thought about his daughter. "I can't believe that I'm going to have sex with my little girl", he thought to himself happily, feeling years of love for Mina warming his heart and driving his sexual desires.
After a few moments, Mina came back into the living room, now completely naked as she looked at her father as her eyes immediately focused on his raichu cock. She saw it pulse and twitch, as well as seeing how long and thick it was which made her feel excited inside as her walls began to dampen and her electric charge began to buzz within her. "Mmm...Daddy looks sexy with no clothes on", Mina thought to herself as she came over towards her father while Raymond got up from his seat and walked over to meet Mina.
When they met, the two of them hugged each other while the length of Raymond's cock brushed up against his daughter's vaginal lips, not penetrating her but rather rubbing against them. This further stimulated Mina as her juices began to leak out of her opening and onto her dad's shaft. "Let's go to the bedroom sweetheart, it'll be more comfortable for us there", he suggested to Mina as the minun fem nodded and followed her father towards the master bedroom. Along the way, father and daughter held hands while both of their bodies felt sexually aroused as his long raichu tail touched against the tip of Mina's short minun tail.
Soon, the two of them were in the master bedroom as Raymond looked at his daughter as they reached the bed. "Go ahead and climb up onto the mattress for me", Raymond softly told his daughter as Mina did as she was told, climbing onto the bed as she was on her hands and knees.
"Like this, Daddy?", she asked curiously, being in "doggy-style" position as her vagina was fully aroused and ready to accept her father's length.
"Maybe another time sweetheart...Daddy wants to do you while I can see your pretty face", Raymond mentioned sweetly to his daughter, preferring to see how she'd react to having him inside. Naturally, Mina did what her father wanted and was soon lying on her back as she looked back at her father.
"Mmm...Daddy...you're making me feel excited inside", Mina commented playfully to her father, letting him know that her body was ready to receive him as Raymond wasted little time in climbing onto the bed and climbing over his daughter. As he did so, the length of his shaft rubbed against the outside of her lips again as the tip of his throbbing raichu cock spurted a little precum onto her lower belly.
"Daddy's going to make you feel even better, sweetheart", he commented softly to his daughter as his tip began to move lower on her, until it touched against her clitoris first, making Mina gasp for a second right before his tip found the entrance to the teenage minun's vagina. From there, he pushed forward slowly, sending his shaft deep into Mina's canal, easily sliding through her tight folds due to their wetness until his tip reached and moved into her cervix. As she was being penetrated, Mina gripped her father tightly and gasped again once she felt his cock enter her cervical passage, spitting precum directly into her uterus.
The feeling was unlike anything Mina felt before in her life as her father's thick and active raichu shaft pushed up against her wet and tight interior as it buzzed with his own electric charge. To Mina, her father's charge was stronger than her own, but it wasn't that much different. Besides, it made him feel more ticklish to her as she felt him begin to move back and forth through her tightness.
Mina reached out for her father, placing her hands on his chest while Raymond began to moan passionately over the feeling around his shaft. His cheeks sparked with yellow bolts of electricity while he moved through his daughter's passage at a modest pace. At the same time, more of his precum kept spurting into Mina's uterus, hitting against her walls as his charge was passed along through it. She felt the warmth and the buzz of his precum inside her as Mina relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of having her father inside her vagina.
"Now I know how Mom feels", she thought to herself as she was feeling her father's shaft massaging her insides, feeling him reach deep into her tract as he moved in closer to Mina. In addition, Mina's hands made their way to the sides of his body, grabbing onto her father and pulling him in closer as her cheeks were sparking about as much as her father's. He looked down into Mina's eyes as they were nuzzle-to-nuzzle with their electrical charges now connected, creating white bolts of lightning between them as the charge within Mina strengthened.
"I take it you like how Daddy is making you feel inside, don't you sweetheart?", he asked Mina softly as the young female minun moaned softly with pleasure and spasmed her walls around her father's shaft, causing him to moan in response. "Mmm...yes...you're a good girl Mina, and I love you very much", he commented sweetly to her as he kept thrusting, starting to move a little faster as the tightness of her canal was beginning to make his balls churn. "Yes...Daddy is going to show you how much I love you", he added as he moved eagerly through Mina's passage while the two of them were close to each other.
Mina hugged her father as they remained nuzzle-to-nuzzle, moaning constantly as her vagina kept spasming around his length, growing more stimulated as she felt the buzzing sensation from his shaft increasing along with the same sensation now working throughout her body. "Ahh...yes Daddy...show me how much you love me", she called out to her father as they remained very close with Raymond acting on his breeding desires a little more. His raichu balls were churning very strongly now as lots of active sperm were waiting to be released into Mina to give her a taste of what she wanted. At the same time, Mina's own instincts were kicking in as her walls started to pull on his shaft a little bit, trying to increase the massage between them while also serving to milk him once he began to climax.
Raymond continued to thrust excitedly, feeling the rubbing sensation against his shaft growing more intense as it became more sensitive. It twitched strongly within Mina, spitting precum deep into her reproductive tract as she held onto him tight. "I sure hope she took those yiffberries like I asked her, because I want to fill her whether she did or not", he thought to himself as the pressure in his balls was approaching its peak while the buzzing around his shaft became very strong with Mina clamping and tugging on his length with her walls.
Then, after a few more moments, he pushed his tip as deep into Mina as he possibly could and clutched her tight in his arms. With a loud and satisfied moan, his raichu shaft erupted inside Mina, sending his seed into his teenage daughter.
Mina felt her father's sperm gushing into her as the very thick and active load clinged to her uterine walls and quickly formed a pool inside her. Mina felt the combination of the tingle of his sperm and charge in his cream, tickling her reproductive tract in ways she never felt before. This made Mina feel very happy as she placed her lips on his and kissed him deeply, pushing her tongue into his mouth while she felt him filling her.
Raymond was caught by surprise by Mina's actions. However, with his load happily shooting into her and their combined charge uniting them, Raymond soon responded in kind by tongue-kissing Mina. They both seemed to enjoy it as Mina moaned softly into the kiss as her uterus was filling with her dad's seed. Raymond was indeed a fertile male and he gave her a large amount of high-density and very sticky raichu cum that would cling to her insides just like any other rodent male would produce. However, it was the added electric charge that made Mina feel even better within her body as she felt her dad's charge all over, making her skin and fur tingle gently while her uterus was alive with movement. In fact, this felt so good to Mina that thoughts started to enter her head. "If I had the chance, I'd let Daddy get me pregnant", she thought blissfully...even though it seemed unlikely that he'd ever want to do it.
The two of them continued kissing for a few moments as the explosive climax within Mina slowly diminished while their combined charge started to separate and weaken. When they finished kissing, Mina looked into her dad's eyes as she felt him beginning to relax inside her. "I love you, daddy", Mina told him softly before kissing him on the nose.
Raymond smiled, returned the kiss and rubbed his nuzzle against Mina's. "I love you too, sweetheart", he responded softly as they both exchanged sparks through their cheeks before he pulled his cock out of Mina's vagina. Upon leaving Mina, a small creampie dripped out of her opening as most of his load remained buried deep in Mina's tract, tickling her all over as it was pooled inside. It would remain there for quite a while, so Mina would be able to feel it within her for several more hours before it began to diminish.
When they were done, Raymond sat up on the edge of the bed while Mina soon got up as well, sitting next to her father as her hand went down to his crotch. "Do you think we can do this again, Daddy?", she asked him softly as Raymond looked into his daughter's eyes and nodded.
"Of course we can...but, you'll have to share with your sister because Daddy still wants to fill her up too", he mentioned to Mina as she looked at him curiously. "However, it'll be a while before Lee gets her chance, so you can have Daddy to yourself for now", he added as Mina smiled and leaned up against his shoulder.
A few minutes later, while Raymond and Mina remained in the bedroom, Paula and Lee had returned from their trip. This was the cue for both of them to get dressed and go see them as there were still things that needed to be discussed in terms of Lee and the kids she was carrying in her womb.
End of Part 4