Lossly High: The First Day

Story by Primalspores on SoFurry

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This was a fun little idea I had, I hope you all enjoy

Sun rays glare through my window and into my eyes, Slowly sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes I yawn and toss my legs over the side of my bed. Just as I do my alarm clock goes off making me fall out of my bed onto my face, pushing myself up with my left arm I turn my alarm off with the right. Walking to my closet I pull out my school uniform, A blue short sleeve shirt with a dark purple button up shirt and black slacks. I walk into my bathroom thinking to myself as I undress. Today was going to be my first day at a new school I was a sophomore in high school and after my father died my mother just needed to get away from our old house... six states away. I'd be starting halfway through the year but that was fine I was a pretty smart guy I was at a senior level but whatever. Turning the water on I step inside my shower and continue to think. My mom thought it would be a good idea for me to go to an all male school because i never really spent a lot of time with other guys, I spent most of my time reading or talking to one of my various female friends... that I had to leave behind once we moved... man I miss April. She was a badger that i had been friends with almost all my life. running my fingers through my mop of hair I spread more soap throughout my fur then moving onto the flesh between my winged arms, If it wasn't apparent Im a bat. washing off the soap I step from the shower and get dressed. Brushing my teeth and fangs I walk from the bathroom.

back in my room I slide my phone into my pants and grab my bag up. Opening my door I can smell the fresh bacon down the hall, walking to the kitchen doorway I see my mother cooking. "Oh good morning honey, go on and take a seat I'm almost done cooking. your lunch is on the island." Looking I see a brown paper bag. Taking a seat I thank her for breakfast, moments later she sets my plate in front of me and then sits down with her own. While I was never religious my mother was so every morning I was made to say grace before we ate. "Dear lord thank you for this meal and our good health and may you bless this day with good fortune." I never really knew what to say but it seems to please her so that's all that mattered. "So Devin, You like the uniform? I don't much care for the color but I'm color blind so what do i know ya know?" She laughs to herself and I smile and shake my head. "Yeah mom the uniforms fine, so I was thinking, maybe you could start teaching me how to drive, that way my junior year i can drive myself to school, and i can get a job, help with the bills and such." She takes a bite of egg and thinks to herself. She nods and speaks. "Yeah I'm off this weekend I could take you driving." I do a fist pump and finish my breakfast up and so does she. "Let me grab my keys and we'll be off." I stand from the table and walk out the door, opening the passenger side door I put my bag in the floorboard and climb in. she joins me a few moments later with her keys.

Once at the school she gives me a goodbye hug and kiss and then i'm out back in the cool morning air. "Have a good day sweetie." I nod to her and she drives off. I notice a few kids walking up the steps and I rush up to not be late... wait a second what classes did I have? Once inside the school I look at the front office spotting a lady behind a desk I speak up. "Uh ma'am I'm a new student I don't have my schedule." She looks up from her computer and jumps when she spots me, I was used to it the fangs freak people out. "Ya shoulda printed it off the school site... what's ya name?" I shrug and speak. "We don't have a printer a computer for that matter, and my name is Devin Payne." She taps at her computer and then clicks something, I hear the printer roar to life and moments later I knew where I was going. or well the names of people I was supposed to go to. she points me in the right way and im off down the halls, the bells ring and I can hear students start rushing up from the lunchroom.

as they passed me I looked at room numbers until I found my math class, Ms Stillman. Walking inside I look and see a nearly full room. I can see a round twenty kids my age. Ms Stillman was your stereotypical hot teacher, big hips huge tits nice ass the whole shebang. She notices me and smiles, her mouth full of sharp teeth, the shark tail swishing behind her and her smooth skin lets me know she's a shark. "Mr Payne! How nice it is to meet you... Class calm down and sit down we have a new student!" She yells out and the kids look to me and her and still whispering to one another take their seats. "Thank you... Now Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" I shrug and then nod. Looking out to the class I speak and wave my hand a bit. "Uh hi my names Devin Payne. I just moved here..." Ms Stillman Smiles and speaks again. "Does anyone have any questions for Mr Payne?" As soon as she asks almost everyone's hands shoots up. "Yes Jim What's your question." He lowers his hand and his friend giggles next to him. "Do you drink blood?" Before I could answer Ms Stillman Tore into him. "That is a very inappropriate question Jim, I will be calling your mother! I'm sorry Devin." I shake my head and tell her it's fine. "Yes I do it's apart of my diet that I require, any not blood related question?"

Most hands fell down only a few remained. " Uh you. in the back." I point to a fox in the back. "Thank you, Uhm if you don't mind me asking why did you move?" His voice matched his figure, Feminine. "Well uhm... My father was killed by a burglar while me and my mother were out shopping and my mother couldn't handle being in the same house uh so here we are..." I hold back tears as my lip quivers a bit thinking about that night. I look to the left and down and I feel the warm tears start to fall. But when Ms Stillman put a hand on me I look up at her and she has a tissue for me. "I'm sorry that happened to you... Here." The fox apologizes as well. I tell them it's fine and I wipe my tears away. "Well take any seat you want. We need to start class." I nod and walk to the back after tossing the tissue out. Sitting next to the fox I smile at him and wave and set my bag down. "Now today class we are going to be starting..."

She seemed to drift away as she taught something I knew everything about. Grabbing a piece of paper out I start to doodle. On it I have a wizard standing on top of a mountain. In my peripherals I can see the fox steal glances at me and my drawing every so often. So slowly I work little details of him into the drawing until he is the wizard and his wand is the same pen he uses. Looking over at him I can see the red on his cheeks as his eyes meet mine. Whispering he speaks. "Your really good at drawing, is.. is that me?" I giggle quietly and nod and he blushes deeper. "What's your name?" I ask and he replies. " Jasper Maloy, Nice to meet you." I nod and He pulls a paper out as well and starts doodling, Looking at him work I can see him sketch my face almost exact. My jaw drops as he adds little details. "I think I'll stick to writing" I giggle to myself. but quickly jerk to attention as Ms Stillman asks me a questions, quickly i scan the whiteboard to see where we were in the subject. "X is five to the seventh power." I look back down as almost the whole class turns to me. "Uh.. Yeah it is, did you already do this at your old school?" I shake my head a shrug. "I'm just kinda good at math and stuff." She nods and looks to the class and starts to explain how I got my answer.

When class was over I heard Ms Stillman call me over. "Yeah teach?" I say keeping my eyes on her face and not her other features. "I like to get to now my new students so meet me after school, don't worry i've already called our mom she knows what is up... I'd like to act as a counselor, i know what happened can be hard on such a young man like yourself." I nod to her and she the same. Walking from her class I look over my schedule, I was upstairs if I was reading this right, When I saw Jasper following me I fall behind and meet with him. He speaks first. "What class you got next?" Looking I see its sophomore english with Ms Taylor and he snaps. "Dang I have Mr Kleiner for science, what do you have after lunch?" Looking I see I have. "Coach Borowski. Uh where is the school gym?" When I say this his eyes light up as we ascend the stairs. "I have P.E too! Sweet i'll finally have someone to talk to during." Walking down the hall He waves goodbye and splits off from me and into his own class, I see Ms Taylor's class and walk inside, She was a thin feline, darkish grey fur that had a tinge of purple to it she had a pair of rounded glasses perched on her nose. She instantly spotted me and pointed to my seat near the front. I just nod and take my seat. I notice the seats are spread in such a way that having a conversation with anyone would be quite hard so I guess she hates talkers. I was given a book and while the rest of the class was made to take a test on the same book I was told to read as much as I could that by the end of the week I would need at least half of it read. It was a good book nice characters and it was on a subject I liked, murder mysteries. Her class seemed to fly by as I read the book.

The bell rang and the entire school piled into the lunchroom. Looking around I spotted Jasper sitting in the back at one of the round table. Walking over to him with my bag lunch I take a seat next to him and he looks up from his phone and pulls an earbud out I can hear loud music playing through it. "Oh hey Devin, what'cha got?" I open my bag and pull out some diced dragon fruit and a pouch of blood I left the rest inside. "I got some dragon fruit and some blood, You?" When he doesn't respond I can see him staring at the pouch. I turn it so the sticker is facing him and read it aloud. "As donated by The Chiro Program" ripping the top funnel off I take a sip and swish it around my mouth a moment. "Oh nice my favorite Mouse, Always so sweet." I can see he is still entranced by the bag and so I place an arm on him and shake him slightly. He shakes his head and apologizes. "Oh my gosh i'm sorry that was very rude I uh... So that's a person's blood that they just give you to drink?" I nod as i take another sip and pop and cube into my mouth. "Well they don't just give it away, stuff super expensive but ye..."

Mid sentence I spot a group of boys approach our table, seniors from what i could tell. "Well Hey there Jasper, already all over the new guys dick... wait a second... is that blood?" I watched as Jasper blushed and shrunk into himself as the boy started talking, I instantly hated the guy, when he brought up the blood I had just got done taking a sip so it was still in my mouth, Without thinking I look him dead in the eyes and smile blood dripping down my fangs and teeth. "Holy shit We got a real blood sucker!" One of the boys said while the main one looked like he might faint. "Y-Yeah *Cough* What else you suck Bat boy?" The boys laugh and the leader smirks at me awaiting my response. With a still bloody smile I tilt my head and smile wider. "You dry if you don't leave me and my friend alone... *Hiss*" This sent them scattering.

Looking back to Jasper he is in awe at me running them off. "You didn't have to do that... I'm used to it... I uh... I guess I should just go ahead and confess... I uhm... I'm gay, and since you're new I was hoping you wouldn't find out... thats why nobody likes me... I. I understand if you don't want to be fr..." I place a finger to his snout and silence him. "That doesn't bother me, I'm pretty sure most people thought I was gay back home, I didn't have any guy friends, all of them female, s'why my mom put me here thought it might help me "Bloom" or something like that, But I mean I can't deny liking guys but tits are pretty awesome..." When I finish he faces is about ten shades redder as my finger was still placed against his mouth. Pulling away I quickly grab a few of my fruit cubes and start chewing them. He goes to speak and then stops himself and goes back to his food. I finish my fruit and then pull out some steak we had for dinner the night before, Looking at him I tap his shoulder. "I haven't had school pizza in over three years... want my steak? No blood promise." His eyes go about the size of saucers and nods his head vigorously. "Yes please!" I laugh at him and he slides me his pizza and I push my tupperware with steak inside to him along with my fork. We eat our food making idle commentary about our favorite things and pastimes.

The bell rings and I put my stuff back in my bag and then I grab Jasper's plate for him and throw it way, he thanks me and I see a blush creep onto his face. Instead of heading out the main door we take a side door near the back he speaks up as he sees me about to question. "The gym is outside behind the school... this school loves their stairs, Just follow me." I nod and we start jogging down, I can spot more people going down the steps and the boy from from before just disappeared into the gym door. When we got down the steps and inside we took a hallway that lead to the locker rooms, inside we could see everyone else was changing into their gym clothes. Coach Borowski walked in the room and instantly started yelling. "Good afternoon boys! Get cher asses dressed out there!... Hey New guy, your lockers over next to Jasper, chop chop!" The german shepherd barked his commands and then walked back out of the room. "Oh sweet, we share a locker." He walks over to his locker I notice they are a shared space. I open my bag out and get my gym clothes out he pulls his from his locker and starts undressing. I pull my shirt over my head and that's when I spot the bulge in his underwear and this makes blood run to my crotch... You just met the guy come on Devin... Wrapping a thumb around the band of my slacks I pull them down and I keep an eye on him... and his large bulge. I quickly grab my my shorts and pull them up, and then my T-shirt. We finish about the same time and walk into the actual gym.

Coach Borowski Does a head count and then just like before barks commands at us. "Ok ladies, Let's drop and do some stretches" We all get down into the floor facing him, Jasper sits in front of me. Looking to my left I can see a few of the boys from lunch talking to one another and looking back at me. I ignore them and Listing for our instructions. "Put cha legs out like this and reach for them toes!" I do as i'm told and stretch. I feel the pull in my lower back as I do. We did a few more and he calls out the last one. "Get up and then bend over, I wanna see you touch them toes!" Standing I bend down and reach for my toes, I was a bit shaky as it was but when I heard giggling behind me I got worried... and rightfully so as a second later I felt something touch my leg and push, that was all it took and forwards I fell... Face first into Jasper's ass. He doesn't fall thankfully but he does jolt up and yelp, all the while i'm getting attacked by different smells all of which that bring blood to cock making it start to poke from its slit. Jasper jerks around trying to figure out what was going on what had attacked his ass. I had my face buried in my knees blushing like mad embarrassed beyond belief. I could hear the other boys rolling around laughing at me and Jasper. I feel him kneel down and put a hand on my back, His voice somehow pieces Coach Borowski Screaming his lungs off at the other boys "Hey dude, It's ok... they're just assho... They're just jerks... Ignore them ok?" I look up at him and he smiles that beautiful smile. "Thank you." Is all I say, his scent still permeates my every breath. Standing with the help of him I turn back to the boy who pushed me... still laughing I lean down and jerk him up to his feet and he is instantly silent. "Im about to let you go so I can lay out against this floor... You make me run and ill make it ten times worse..." I flash my fangs and then let him go He doesn't move and I pull my arm back and Sock him hard in the gut. "Atta boy... Don't let me walk over you." I Hear Coach Borowski say. The boy coughs and sputters but then stands back up and walks over to his friends. "Ok ladies Line up against the wall... New kid and uh... Jack are team captains Get ready for dodgeball.

By the time class was over I was soaked in sweat and smelled awful. "Hit the showers boys ya all smell like a bunch a onions!" We walk back into the locker room and into the showers, all of the boys go into the nicer one But Jasper takes a left and I follow him. He leads me to a smaller shower. "School converted an old office into the new shower, I like to use this one so I don't have to be around the other guys that is its shower heads really good for... uh never mind just uh..." I smiles and shake my head at him. I pull my gym clothes off, including my boxers. I blushed at the thought of being naked with him just across the way but I try not to think about it too much I was already sticking about half way out of my slit. He does the same and before I can even get a glimpse He's inside and under running water. I join him inside, I go to the other side and shower. When I hear him turn his water off I quickly do the same turning around I see him walk out... Damn it dude stop being so fast!

When exit the showers I see him wrapping a towel around his waist. I grab one and do the same, I also grab my dirty clothes and we make our way back to the lockers. We open our lockers and I pull my clothes out and set them down. I hear the sound of running feet and if i could have moved faster I could have stopped this but I wasn't... I feel my towel jerked from my body and then i'm shoved into the blue metal locker. Hearing the boys laugh and quickly run away I look to my right and see Jasper looking absolutely pissed. "Those mother ... no you know what... it's fine they next class will come and let us out... wait... no they wont today's monday coach goes home after this class... dude... I think we're stuck in here until tomorrow..." I look at him wide eyed. "My mom s going to freak out oh crap... my phone like right there but ugh..." I close my eyes put my back to the wall of the locker and slump down, thankfully it was a pretty big locker, I mean it makes sense they are meant to be shared but still. I open my eyes and realize i'm eye level with Jaspers sheath, which he has both hands clasped over. "Sorry i just... Needed to rest my legs, He nods and looks away. "I-It's fine just uh... took me by surprise. Shit" I hear him whisper under his breath and he holds his hands a bit further away from himself. I watch him look down at me then quickly look away. Confused I look down and I can see why now, my cock was almost fully hard. "Fuck it... if were gonna be down here naked for a full night, might as well have some fun, no?" I see his face burn red as he slowly looks back at me. "W-what are you suggesting?" Grabbing his hand I pull it away from his sheath. he turns away blushing. "You can stop me any time you want." I tell him and he nods. when he doesn't say anything I just do what come natural, I had never done something like this. I push my nose into his sack and rub my face across it, eliciting a gasp from him. I immerse myself in his musk and take one of the fuzzy orbs into my short maw and this makes him grab my shoulders as he holds back a moan. I run my tongue around the orb and lightly pull on it making him moan. "Wo-woah Devin, have you done this before?" I let him go and shake my head wiping some saliva from my mouth. "Nope just uh going with what feels right... god you smell good down there." this makes him blush deeper. His knotted cock is poking proudly from his sheath now.

I blush deeply as my brain is driving me to continue to bask in his various smells. I open my mouth to speak but I stop. He must have noticed. "What? did... did I do something wrong?" I quickly shake my head no. "No your fine this is amazing I just uh... I liked the way you smelled back there whenever I fell I got a nose full of your scent... sorry that's weird I..." I didn't know what to say and I saw Jasper shake his head. "I-it's fine heh, Everybody's got something weird they like." I nod and silently thank what ever is looking down on me right now. but what he does next makes me almost believe in god. He turns around and with one hand he grabs his ass cheek and spreads it. "Th-there if you... uh if you want to do whatever... i'm fine with it" I turn about ten shades deeper red as he does this, I don't even have to be next to him to smell it and It sends a pulse through my cock. "Are you sure?" I ask shakily and he does a sexy wiggle of his hips. "Ye-yeah im sure." With his blessing I slowly move my face closer to his rear end. my nose makes contact with his dark ring and I take a deep breath in and his smell consumes my senses. He shivers but other then that he stays still. I pull back blushing my eyes closed I whisper a thank you. "You're wel-welcome I uh... that was enjoyable"

He was still so shy and cute. "Ca-... Can you uhm I mean if you want to uhm..." He kept tripping over his words and he hung his head and spoke softly, I couldn't understand him "What? I'll do anything you want me to." He speaks once more and I can hear him better. "Can... can you uhm maybe use your mouth... i've seen it on uh a website before and I uh... thought it would be fun..." I blush and place both hands on his ass cheeks and I slowly move my hands around making him gasp as I massaged his ass. "I'm fine with that.I actually like the idea." I pucker my lips and push my face between his cheeks and give his hole a kiss making him squirm. Pulling back I lick my lips and the taste is strange but it isn't unpleasant. Putting my short snout back to his pucker I start slowly licking it making him moan and push his ass back into my face sending a wave of his musk into my nostrils. Pushing my tongue inside and he stops his foot giving a breathy moan. "A-ah Devin! That feels amazing!" He moans out and I push further my long tongue reaching deep inside him. "Ooh ahh De-devin!" Reaching around him I wrap my fingers around his shaft and start to quickly jerk him off. He Moans out and I can feel his dick twitch in my hand. "I'm- aah I'm about to cum!" I roll my tongue inside of him finding his prostate and I jerk my hand faster and harder. His body starts to jerk and I can hear his load hitting the side of the locker. "Devin!" He screams my name out as his body bucks and humps into my mouth and hand. Pulling my face free from his clenching cheeks I slurp my tongue back inside myself and speak every few breaths. "That... was... so much fun!" He nods as he turns around and slumps down with me. "Nap time." I nod and clamber onto his chest suddenly sleepy. His eye were already droopy and I watched his cock recede into his sheath. Wrapping my arms around him and snuggled close to his chest. Closing my eyes my world was filled with all things jasper. The sound of his beating heart, his breath gently brushing through my hair, and the smell of our sweat.I drifted peacefully to sleep.