The Quest for the Holy Dildo #4

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#6 of Holy Dildo

To Fuck an Angel

In which Muz-Ra announces her choice for her Maid of Honor, and what happens when a band of Bandits meet a Hero. Hint: there will be no Angel fucking.

| "So, have you thought about who will be your maid-of-honor?" Cheetah asked.

"I have. But honestly I'm scared I will offend you guys. That's why I really wanted to come here. I want all of you there to be my bridesmaids of course."

Kitty spoke up then, "Red, there's no way some of us won't feel a little pissed. But this is your day. We'll get over it." | image |

| "Well, Cheetah, you know I've known you the least, so I don't think you'll be offended if I don't choose you. But Udaran and Ubergard, I've known you both for so long you're like sisters to me. And Kitty, you've been the best friend, not to mention the most generous, I could ever have too! It has to be one of you three. I've thought about this for a long time, and even though it might be awkward... Ubergard, I'd like you to be my maid-of-honor."

"Me?" Ubergard said as the others cheered for her. "ME?" she repeated. "Why me?"

"Ubergard, you've been like a rock for all of us. Always there when we needed you, never complaining. It was knowing what K'rris could offer you in happiness that really made me want to help, even if I did screw that up a bit."

"Muz-Ra," the Argonian stammered. "I... don't know what to say. Thank you!" | image |

| "Oh, about that... what do you have in mind for us to wear? We've not got much time if you're really going to get married on Saturday!" Kitty asked.

"I've got it all worked out with the Jarl's seamstress. The Jarl and I talked about this and... um... what do you think about wearing something see-through?"

"Sexy bridesmaids? For a wedding?!" Kitty asked.

"Well... yeah! What can I say? It turns out the Jarl is almost as much of a pervert as I am!"

"HOW see-through?" asked Udaran warily.

"Well... very... yeah..."

"Oh, what the hell," Udaran conceded, "If it's what you want. What will you be wearing?" | image |

| "Nothing."


"Nothing. After my horse-ride through town, it's practically expected."

K'rris looked worried. "I almost hate to ask but... the groom and I?" | image |

| "Oh, we have something special in mind. Don't worry, you'll be covered. Sort of."

K'rris leaned back against Ubergard and sighed, "I guess I'd better wear some snug underwear anyway or I'll be standing out like a tent pole!"

Muz-Ra smiled evilly - "Now you get the idea! Jarlyhorse gets to look at all us girls' boobs, I get to see all the erections. A Win-Win!"

Udaran laughed and turned to Cheetah, "Win, Win, WIN!" | image |

| Meanwhile, far away to the southeast...

"Well, what have we here?" came a voice from behind Faniel and Sampson unexpectedly.

Sampson leapt to his feet, his sword flashing out as two large men and an Orc stepped into view on three sides, obviously bandits.

"Oh, put that away," threatened one of the men, obviously the leader. "You might hurt yourself. You're clearly no warrior, you've not even any armor! Why don't you just lend us your wench for a little bit?"

"Wench?" Sampson looked at Faniel, who could only shrug. | image |

| "Sure. We'll just break her in for you. Well, her and any gold you might have, of course. That sword looks nice too." the leader continued.

"Wings? Croaker, she has


!" said third bandit, having gained a clearer view of Faniel.

"An Angel!" the Osimer laughed crudely. "I've never fucked an Angel before! Let me fuck her first boss!" | image |

| "No way!" laughed the third man. "She'll be loose as an Imperial whore!"

Sampson stepped in front of his friend. "No one's fucking anyone here today."

"Oh! And who's going to stop me? You, little man?" the Orc scowled, drawing his battleaxe.

Sampson swung around to face the Orc. | image |

| "Wait! Sampson,STOP!" Faniel cried as Sampson and the Orc sized each other up.

"You stay out of this," Sampson said over his shoulder.

"NO! You don't have to fight him Sampson! He can't touch me."

But before she could say anything more, the two were in battle. | image |

| The orc came charging at Sampson in a rage, his axe cutting a vicious arc that only the stoutest of shields could have withstood. Sampson was clad only in the rags he had pilfered from their cabin the night before and had no hope of stopping it. Instead, he crouched low. The orc smiled and angled his blade downward, too low to duck. | image |

| Faniel screamed as the blade completed it's arc, but Sampson had leaped well over the blade. The orc was surprised to feel no body to stop his weapon. A few seconds later, he was more surprised to see his body continuing in it's rush without him. As the realization dawned that he no longer was attached to the body he was watching as he fell rolling into the ground, he rather wished he hadn't seen the Angel in the first place, and hoped that maybe he'd see a lot more very, very soon. | image |

| Faniel screamed for Sampson to stop, looking in horror at the lifeless body in front of her, but he was beyond the Orc and upon the leader of the small group of bandits before the Orc's head stopped rolling. | image |